Immigration Myths Debunked - What are the facts?

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Prof. Ben Powell debunks the common myths that immigration has negative effects on the economy, jobs, and income. Learn More: Learn more:
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@koolhanddavey 9 жыл бұрын
How is it that so many believe in little or no gov't, yet those same people want to expand their power and authority to secure the border?
@darthvader7888 8 жыл бұрын
+koolhanddavey Because they don't actually believe in little or no govt.
@william41017 6 жыл бұрын
Van Doren no, because they're inconsistent
@Matthew-Anthony 6 жыл бұрын
koolhanddavey Limited or small government does not mean chaos. Having open borders is chaotic and destructive to society as a whole. People still need to conform to the law of the land. They are create drag on the U.S. welfare system.
@brucenadeau1280 4 жыл бұрын
@Midnight Mist You are a phony because I do not have job deal with people at the welfare office in my small town about a quarter of the people there are foreigners that have trouble understanding English
@michaelfiori6700 Жыл бұрын
How true this is my due
@BigMathis 11 жыл бұрын
Obviously immigration has depressed low income wages in the US. There the minimum wage is 7,25$. In my country, Denmark, where we have never had the same level of immigration, the minimum wage is around 15-18$. When you have an increase in labor supply, wages will go down. I don't understand why they say that is not true.
@csapienza001 10 жыл бұрын
Learn Liberty Could you please link to the graphs used in this video? PS It would be great if you could do this for all of your videos!!
@arianaportugal2915 8 жыл бұрын
where can i find the graphs used on the video? They are pretty great for showing the points
@flipteezy 10 жыл бұрын
now is this guy referring to immigrants or illegal immigrants?
@theskeletonboi 9 жыл бұрын
+Rusharn Mal Actuall what you just pasted there is false.
@theskeletonboi 9 жыл бұрын
+Rusharn Mal "Dey took our jerbss!"
@TooSickClothingBrand 8 жыл бұрын
What about the states that actually have Mexicans? Nevada utah Texas Colorado Idaho and California?
@adamgriffith6750 3 ай бұрын
it says you put your comment here 9 years ago and it is 2024 when i'm doing this reply to you. Your question was very important and relevant and of course this academic hack of an economist did not mention ILLEGAL immigration.... ILLEGAL immigration was the main reason we had the glorious election of donald trump in 2016..... trump finally actively worked to end illegal immigration..... the co r r u p t democrats along with rhino's did everything they could to stop trump the sitting president from heavily cracking down on ILLEGAL immigration.... he was still able to make good gains in the fight against illegal immigration and secure the border + get illegal immigration numbers way down.... then 2020 came and the v i r u s s h # t happend and all the lock downs and hysteria that came with it..... thru mass r i g g i n g and outright f r a u d biden and the democrats stole the presidency..... Then immediately after biden took office in jan 2021 while we good citizens still had mask mandates and lock downs going on 10's of thousands of illegal immigrants began illegally streaming into the country and nearly none of the illegals were wearing masksssss go figure that one huh.... so now into 2024 the biden/democrat admins ILLEGAL immigrant invasion of the usa has roared on non stop ever since... 10-12+ million of bidens illegal immigrants illegally entered and are illegally in the country. By the end of 2024 biden will have allowed, enabled and facilitated 15+ million more illegal immigrants into the usa than were already in the usa before biden.... it is utterly pathetic..... the gov/taxpayers have been spending untold $billions$ on and for bidens illegal aliens, hospitals and schools have been being overwhelmed by bidens illegal aliens some of which have been pushed towards bankruptcy directly due to bidens illegal immigrants. Crime rates have risen directly due to bidens illegals, bidens illegals have been overwhelming public spaces and shelterssss etcccc And tooo to counter this pahetic academic hack economist is this vid well bidens illegals have indeed been stealing the jobs of many hard working good usa citizens.... another thing this hack economist along with many others wont talk bout is the massive underground economy that is tied directly to illegal immigrants blah blahhhhh This guy was full of it 9 years ago and if still after and with biden/democrats illegal immigrant invasion of the usa continuing... if this supposed economist still wont say illegals and denounce illegal immigration.... well then he is dramatically more full of s h # t than he was 9 years ago.... T r u m p 2 0 2 4
@wisepersonsay3142 6 жыл бұрын
It's true, though. Look at the most vigorous migrant nations such as the USA, Australia, Canada, the UK, Europe in general. Germany's economy went down depressively when the West absorbed the ex-communistic side, the East Germany. It was not the immigration that deteriorated the German economy. Now, the most least migrant taking nation Japan is considering bringing the foreign workers for domestic cleaning, old age care, as the ageing population surpasses tremendously than actively workable number of the population. One thing I notice is those migrating or living and working in Japan from different parts of the world have no choice but to assimilate the Japanese culture and way of doing things. Otherwise the Japanese people don't show kindness, but ignore them. In the infamous night entertainment area in Tokyo, the African men are accosting the Japanese passerby to take drinks at a hefty price. They are hired by the Yakuza syndicate, as they speak both Japanese and English. If they every overstay in Japan without a proper permit, the Japanese Immigration Officers are quick to arrest them. They will have to wait for some years before they can re-enter Japan to work again. They also buy false passports and disguise their identity. The same old story we hear always. The thing is, people can survive staying in their own native countries. However, their deception and illusion of ''lawn is greener over the fence'' motivates them to go overseas. Some succeed and fail, all up to an individual determination. When the world was still unknown and no internet, people walked from a continent to the other. There was no immigration office or checkpoints. Those are the days people didn't really care where you came from. They were curious, but never bothered to be interfering. In our time, there are too much leisure time due to modernization and automatisation. These motiveless people don't know how to make the best of the time richness, but indulge and interfere others business. Improve oneself, is the best solution for everything. Life is only once to live, why worry about the other stupid animalistic men in disguise???
@sweetness535 12 жыл бұрын
what is the graphical editor for this video
@erth2man 5 жыл бұрын
I would tend to agree with some of what is said IF he is referring only to LEGAL immigrants. Illegal immigrants that overpowers our control systems at the border, courts, schools, prisons, etc. is absolutely detrimental to our nation. We must make the distinction between what is legal and illegal before any discussion begins.
@LamLawIndy 8 жыл бұрын
I agree that immigration is a net benefit to the US. Heck, w/o it we'd have a DECLINING labor pool as does Japan. However -- & the Professor admits this in his video -- it does depress wages in certain categories, namely unskilled and low-skilled labor; IMHO, proponents of immigration often fail to give credence to this fact. Perhaps more compassion on the part of immigration supporters toward native-born workers whose wages ARE affected by immigration would buy some much-needed goodwill.
@Jesharps3 8 жыл бұрын
+Carlos Lam I think that many of the native-born Americans represent a society that basically built itself on the ruins of the original native population (then proceeded to never fully stop the incorrect use of the term Indian for said group). It is morally bankrupt to complain about immigration at this point in our current society. The compassion for said native-born workers would hopefully come with the humility to understand why immigration has created the U.S. (even though I cannot ignore the horrors undertaken to do it)
@TooSickClothingBrand 8 жыл бұрын
Jordan... The difference is legal and illegal immigrants. They need to be documented so we can track them and their activity
@Jesharps3 8 жыл бұрын
DAVID GURULE How do you propose we deal with illegal immigrants?
@Jesharps3 8 жыл бұрын
DAVID GURULE Documenting illegal immigrants usually means they get deported. I was wondering if you were interested in improving the process for illegal to become legal.
@TooSickClothingBrand 8 жыл бұрын
+Jordan Sharps No I don't care how we deal with them deport them first all I care there will always be more ready to come the legal way
@MrGran90 8 жыл бұрын
But Trump said they took our jobs! 😂
@craigtheis6890 8 жыл бұрын
so Trump is racist and xenophobic
@MrGran90 8 жыл бұрын
sarcasm bro
@TooSickClothingBrand 8 жыл бұрын
When did he say that? He said we don't want illegal immigrants in our country which we don't if you want to work get papers it's that easy
@deeplorable8988 6 жыл бұрын
illegal immigrants destroyed the construction industry; with the help of unscrupulous contractors looking for slave labor...
@adamgriffith6750 3 ай бұрын
T r u m p 2 0 2 4
@ritewing00 11 жыл бұрын
If the worker is illegal, he has a built in pay advantage due to the taxes and worker's comp insurance. It cost the employer more money to pay the American citizen the same pay. This needs addressed.
@S955US84 12 жыл бұрын
@Doeboy555 - Actually illegals can and do work in legitimate businesses using a variety of means. Millions more work in businesses where they get paid - as you said in cash "under the table". BTW, American teenagers come in all colors - nobody said otherwise. All employers should be required to use E-Verify to determine if employees are legally eligible to work in their business.
@conchitasofia 4 жыл бұрын
The video gives new "facts" but it needs the "why?" part of the equation to make it believable. He just says: these were the "facts" and these are the new "facts" exactly opposite of your old facts. However, with no backup, there's no way of believing him.
@magleve6743 3 жыл бұрын
He just educated you on why you're wrong but you still don't believe the facts presented. Facts don't care bout your feelings 😂😂
@frankunderwood8357 2 жыл бұрын
@@magleve6743 He did not educate anyone on the why because he did not back up his facts with evidence. The first myth about immigrants being a drag on the economy is especially bad since he only makes a appeal to authority in the form of the consensus amongst main stream economists. The flip side of facts don't care about your feelings is that your feelings don't care about your facts. That being said CS A did not make a emotional argument in this case.
@magleve6743 2 жыл бұрын
@@frankunderwood8357 are you a Conspiracy theorist these points are unchallenged in the academic field.
@frankunderwood8357 2 жыл бұрын
@@magleve6743 You do realize that you are also just making a appeal to authority right? BTW where does a conspiracy come in to this? The presenter can be wrong for a myriad of reasons besides some conspiracy.
@davidgunneson5789 5 жыл бұрын
I have an honest question. If we had not aborted 60 million babies since 1973, would we even need foreign workers?
@MrDanielfff777 3 жыл бұрын
Good question
@frankunderwood8357 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, if that is not enough marriage and making more babies can be incentivized in stead of the current culture with feminism and "free love".
@pianoforte611 10 жыл бұрын
The issue isn't immigration, its illegal immigration, moreover illegal immigration of unskilled workers. However, I agree that these points needed to be addressed.
@hagbard72 10 жыл бұрын
How can there be an "illegal" immigrant? Maybe they should pass more gun laws and make people apply for a gun licence the way they make immigrants have to an impossible process to become "legal"? The US has the worst immigration process on the planet and they wonder why there are so many "illegals". People who separate other people into "legal" people and "illegal" people are not freedom lovers, they're fascists.
@pianoforte611 10 жыл бұрын
Robert Drake Currently 13% of the US population are foreign born (this is only counting legal immigrants). That is higher than almost any other point in history. I don't think the immigration process is too restrictive.
@xxmetioqurexx 10 жыл бұрын
ignorance again...
@yacroon 11 жыл бұрын
All of this seems perfectly reasonable. However, won't more open borders also result in increased influx of criminals? Could someone please enlighten me as to how this could be avoided while still having more open borders and greater levels of economic integration.
@DinoCon 8 жыл бұрын
We should focus on other things, like social cohesion and cultural displacement.
@Mrvictorvm 9 жыл бұрын
Dey took our jerbs!
@mbeezy6947 7 жыл бұрын
Stealing Jobs? You can't steal something that cannot be owned.
@PerryCox818 5 жыл бұрын
Good propaganda comrade.
@Flizbap 11 жыл бұрын
People who are gainfully employed and not living off the state is ALWAYS a good thing. No matter what the tyrants of that geographical location say.
@w12ath040211 6 жыл бұрын
NOT illegal immigration. When people talk about immigrants stealing jobs they're more often talking about illegals.
@Amateur_Pianist_472 6 жыл бұрын
Depends on the type of immigrants. A legal one who starts a business is good, a low skilled illegal immigrant who can only do jobs that kids are meant to do, not good.
@Hiraghm 11 жыл бұрын
We haven't seen a net increase in unemployment because of the way unemployment is calculated. Again, he conflates "immigrate" with "illegal alien invader". Please explain the "job created" when 5 illegals come into the country, get hired by a crooked contractor, only one illegal gets the job *with* a false ID and doles out from that pay whatever he wants to the other 4 illegals working with him?
@thegtafanboy 12 жыл бұрын
People can't seem to understand that as more people come in to the country, they bring more demand for different services and products, this in turn produces more employment positions and both the native born and immigrants can get to work. Our real problem is corporations that take the jobs overseas to countries where they can still exploit workers for very little wages in order for them to make a higher profit.
@mjcamck 11 жыл бұрын
Bruce #3 - I've been a global anti-poverty volunteer for 30+ years. Every time we found a way to feed the current population, the numbers shot up. So, despite much progress over the last few decades,40,000 people die of starvation every day. Do you realize that, if immigration levels continue, US farms will no longer be able to export ANY food in only 25 years? Rather than mass human migration, there should be mass knowledge sharing so ALL people can live well in their HOMELANDS. Peace.
@PartimeHobby 12 жыл бұрын
What kind of camera do you guys use! It looks great.
@ThePeterDislikeShow 12 жыл бұрын
What's the difference economically?
@BadboyAnarchy 11 жыл бұрын
That's an indictment upon how the health care, school & taxation systems work, not upon the immigrants themselves.
@nunofurbiz4409 10 жыл бұрын
My grandfather asked me, "Who do you think did all of that work? We did it. A bad job was better than no job." He picked fruit as a kid during the summer. I worked at a fast-food place in high school. Consider this, I have immigrant friends who American-born adult children have had to leave the state in search of employment. Look around, talk to the old timers, and draw you own conclusion. The number crunchers are wrong!
@Valladaresvidz 9 жыл бұрын
I'd love to see the sources for the claims made by Professor Powell. I'm a little surprised the sources weren't added into the description in the first place.
@jdagilliland 12 жыл бұрын
Losing concessions in negotiations is generally a valid reflection of the supply side of a given labor market. As more people become willing to do the work at a given level of compensation, the less compensation each firm demanding that kind of labor must provide to incentivize laborers enough to meet their needs.
@tartredarrow 11 жыл бұрын
This economic calculation makes no distinction between a legal and illegal worker. In fact what you describe is a positive. 5 become employed, 1 temporarily unemployed, and then re-employed in a higher skilled position. I've worked some big construction site and seen it all from top to bottom. The more skilled the work, the less likely it is to be worked by an immigrant. So my experience matched up with the picture painted here.
@gelotoxin 10 жыл бұрын
Yay more money, who cares about the crime rates
@Radeta1979 7 жыл бұрын
As an immigrant / refugee from war-thorn former Yugoslavia, I did tough shipping & receiving jobs that paid minimum wage. These positions could not be filled by "regular" American labor force at those wages. But do you think they would not be occupied at wages, say $20, $30, or $50 per hour? Or would it make sense for employers to substitute my low-skilled labor with capital (automatization) that would employ higher skilled / educated American work-force? Like it or not, my fellow "legal" Cubans, Rwandans, Bosnians, Croats, Serbs, etc. were driving down prices of labor with our increased supply, just like many other groups of illegal aliens were driving also down wages with black labor markets. When money is loose (credit is easy) and economy experiences inflated boom, workers with higher wages don't feel the consequences of the downward pressure in wages and the statistics expressed in inflated currency does not show it either. Similarly, in many places people already have wages above the mandated minimum wage... However, the law of supply will always hold, whether you see it at first sight or not. Whenever a leftist/liberal argues that a minimum wage price ceiling does not cause adverse effects for those who are not worth this minimum wage to their employers - that is precisely the same kind of economic illiteracy like claiming that (ceteris paribus) higher supply of labor does not cause downward pressure on wages - regardless of other factors that may boost the demand for labor and drive up those wages (the opposite force). But then, you would have to explain to American workers that an increase human capital - that includes them - is better for those who employ this capital... and that in the long run Americans will benefit from this growth, even if the inequality is increasing. In my humble opinion, the failure to explain this process and the apparent logical fallacy of liberals arguing for higher minimum wage and loose immigration led to rise of Donald Trump. I don't think it is a good idea for libertarians to board this sinking ship on any issue.
@ingenparks 11 жыл бұрын
I don't say that we should keep people out. I say we should know who comes in and when.
@brettlarch8050 10 жыл бұрын
I actually love to meet people from other countries. I also love it when I am learning another language and they are from a country that speaks that. It helps me practice it and in return they can learn english.
@garoad2 11 жыл бұрын
What about the "entitlements" and similar views such as "immigrants get free health care, school, don't pay taxes" and so on?
@cerickNY 12 жыл бұрын
Problem with the first rebuttal. It's presented as purely an argument from authority. I feel the need for some explanation of why economists come to that conclusion.
@edkennen9672 7 жыл бұрын
wait... isn't the debate about ILLEGAL immigrants, not just immigrants in general?
@badluckwitcarpet 8 жыл бұрын
I don't think this should be confused with wage suppression. How would an economist answer that question? What is the insane stratification of wealth in this country due to?
@SomeGuy-lq4fd 7 жыл бұрын
you forgot to mention all the money that is sent back to there home country.
@Kefka2010 7 жыл бұрын
tab beene I mean this is obviously not true but either way it doesn't matter. The employer and employee have both benefited.
@DrGregHeaslip 10 жыл бұрын
Here is the Polish embassy staff in Ireland thanking the Irish for welcoming them in over the past 10 years. The voice over is in Irish (Gealic Language). Thank you Ireland!
@albert109 11 жыл бұрын
And you may want to consider not using the phrase "open borders", as that is often used as a synonym for porous borders and not a lax legal immigration policy.
@holdendp 12 жыл бұрын
You're missing one important point, land per capita, which is where the real wealth is, that's going down, undeniably. Wages go down as supply of workers goes up, while resources and jobs become more scarce, ergo our net wealth decreases as immigrants come in. What am i missing?
@thegreatapologist 11 жыл бұрын
The law of supply: All else being equal, as the price rises, so does the supply. What you seemed to have missed is the "all else equal" bit, and the fact that labor is not one big homogeneous product. There are different types of labor, so increases in certain areas can benefit us all via the income effect, and complementary products. Just ask yourself, is it more likely that you're correct about fundamental economic principles than someone who's studied the subject their whole life?
@DumbItDowno8 11 жыл бұрын
Exactly. People are not racist because we don't want "open borders". We want, and respect those who go through the process of immigration to better themselves and our nation as whole.
@WATAFACKenlacalle 12 жыл бұрын
@Karmitsu072 hi:) First of all. I don't get healthcare for free nor i can't pay for it base on the fact that i don't have a SSC. I was brought to the US when i was eight, now i'm 19 and i'm trap behind four walls. I graduated high school two years ago but i can't go to college. I dream of becoming an astronomer but also my situation doesn't allow me to accomplish my goal. Is not that i'm not good enough but that i see this as my home and my life is full of but's as an illegal. so what i do?
@13lackLight 12 жыл бұрын
But he said he was not convinced that the high rates of unemployment were caused by structural factors, including the shift of jobs from people to technology and US skill shortages. Ben Bernanke - today
@nonononononononononono 11 жыл бұрын
there are some instances where corrupt employers hire illegal workers at a much lower wage than they would have to pay a legal resident, and what makes this possible is the fact that becoming a legal resident is such a bureaucratic mess that can take years. Making it far easier to get a green card would render the above almost impossible, and the people that would come here to "steal jobs" as it were would find themselves unemployed and would leave, finding no work where none was needed.
@gregkahuna1 11 жыл бұрын
They still pay property taxes indirectly via rent and their income through sales tax. Any income saved due to welfare programs will either be spent on taxable goods or invested. Also, you did not mention the ROI from those children's education.
@rubbersole79 13 жыл бұрын
I always wondered what happened to Scud Farkus.....
@libalchris 12 жыл бұрын
With the Black Death, you have a sudden decrease in all kinds of workers. But, as the video stated, with immigrants, they tend to be either highly skilled or low skilled, this complements the US work force of average skilled workers.
@ephilbin 11 жыл бұрын
If a legal immigrant commits a crime, they're easier to apprehend, like any other citizen. Illegals have no documentation. It is harder to solve crimes if the suspect has no legal registration. Thus, the deterrent is gone.
@wwood14 13 жыл бұрын
So, where are all these new jobs?? Unemployment is WAY up.. Importing unemployed people and/or exporting jobs(like to China) is a nightmare. Where are tarriffs when you need them!!
@racevws 13 жыл бұрын
It appears you have never competed against illegal labor in the construction trades. Why pay a citizen a livable wage, when you can pay someone less than half that to do the same job, live with 10 other people in one apartment, pay no taxes and send most of the money south of the border?
@jdagilliland 12 жыл бұрын
Their interests, as everyone's, are best protected by a firm commitment to the rights to property and to engage in voluntary contracts.
@Mattedhairy 12 жыл бұрын
Used to work for a concrete company. Lost my job to "Day LAborers" people who don't pay taxes, don't pay medical or SS. We need to stop importing unemployment and poverty. Population of Mexico 107 million. About 70million Hispanics live in the US now. I think they filled their quota. 44% of new births in US were Hispanic while they represent only 14% of the population. THIS IS NOT IMMIGRATION, IT"S INCURSION. They came here for jobs, well now there aren't any so they can go home.
@mnhsty 12 жыл бұрын
There are few unskilled or highly skilled US citizens in the labor force? Could this be because immigration has already pushed the unskilled into the ranks of a permanently unemployed underclass, and discouraged Americans from pursuing high-skill educations by depressing salaries in science, engineering, medicine, etc.? I suspect yes in both cases.
@RobbsHomemadeLife 13 жыл бұрын
Nearly all labor economists concur, that immigration is at the very best case, a net wash economically. The immigrants make a little, those that hire them make a little, and the rest of us lose and pay for our own dispossession to please those that pocket the profits and pass all the social,economic and environmemtal costs onto the communities.
@RobbsHomemadeLife 13 жыл бұрын
Saying something is a myth does not make it so. You can find study after study supporting the position that immigration is a net wash for the economy as a whole, those that hire them and the immigrants themselves benefit, at the expenxse of the rest of us. Look at the study done by the National academy of sciences in 1998 or read labor economist Borjas's work on immigration.
@gregkahuna1 11 жыл бұрын
The Congressional Budget Office indicates that between 50% and 75% of unauthorized immigrants pay federal, state, and local taxes.
@dekuie 12 жыл бұрын
If we are only looking at available employment, then what is the significant difference between the two groups; legal and illegal? The signing of documents doesn't really come into play here does it? A legal identity held by our government doesn't effect the number of jobs available. That argument (if i'm interpreting it correctly) assumes that the number of jobs available some how correlates to the number of identities in the system.
@powerist209 13 жыл бұрын
The main point of immigration should be it should be moderate. Too much worker can depress wage but too little worker creater create labor shortage.
@HHHHBK9990000 11 жыл бұрын
All valid points. Here In California they actually have teachers that speak English first and don't teach students in any other language. Do the children still speak their native language. Well that it self depends. I believe people should learn to speak English while attending school, but at the same time learn another language as it will make them better suited for future jobs.
@AlbortRoss 11 жыл бұрын
You realise, that would imply that if someone breaks in to your home, it then becomes theirs by 'right of possession'. You wanna think that through again?
@BigMathis 11 жыл бұрын
Deal with what? I didn't say that the employer doesn't have the right to hire immigrants. I'm saying that I think mass immigration has depressed low income wages.
@damillionmalania 10 жыл бұрын
Hmm, I am wondering about something. I studied the swedish city in which I live, where SAAB produces its airplanes. It seems to me that since we imported skilled workers from Italy and Sudetenland-Germany in the 50s the increase in wages actually slowed down. Jobs weren't lost, but rather the problem for SAAB was a need to expand while there were hardly any workers with the right skills available in Sweden at the time. It is acknowledged that the successful expanding of SAAB led to more jobs and a positive economic development for the entire city in the decades to follow. The import of labour created more demand for new products and thus new jobs were created. However the wages at SAAB did not develop at nearly the same pace as before the immigrants joined the workforce, which of course disappointed the union. So I stand a little confused regarding the last myth that was debunked here. Is it really a myth? Maybe someone with a better economic mind has a tangible explaination to share.
@frankunderwood8357 2 жыл бұрын
No it's not a myth. It comes down to simple supply and demand. Since you increase the supply of workers trough immigration the price of their labor will decrease. This is very basic stuff. The presenter minimizes the negative effects by pointing out that people with only an high school education have been found to have had their wage depressed. He also claims that immigrants bring a skill set that are on either end of the spectrum where there are relatively few workers amongst the host population. Still that only means that the native workers who are affected by immigration are even more swarmed with competition in their field, increasing the supply of labour and thus necessarily decreasing their wage by the law of supply and demand. When it comes to SAAB: as far as I know both Italy and Germany developed their car industries without relying on immigrant workers. While it may have taken a little longer and initially have cost a bit more in training I don't see a reason why SAAB could not have done the same.
@j8r8v8 10 жыл бұрын
There is long term unemployment . It looks like jobs will never be retained. So social programs need to be created and expanded to protect the unemployed. Insurance for the next guy is insurance for you. Let's all get behind this concept.
@jdagilliland 12 жыл бұрын
It shouldn't have to be balance, because it shouldn't have to be legislated. Neither unions nor employers should be able to influence legislation in their favor. That starts with voting for non-interventionist leaders. The 'teeth' of unions bite hardest on the non-union workers. Who will stand up for them?
@kevinzettel 11 жыл бұрын
wow no not legal immigration... if we were talking about just immigration then yes immigration... what we are talking about is illegal immigration
@John83118 5 ай бұрын
This is out of this world. I stumbled upon something with a similar message, and it was absolutely astonishing. "Rising From Within: Unlocking Your Innate Power to Conquer Adversity" by Vincent Starling
@AhKeelU 11 жыл бұрын
Not all crops are easily harvested with machines. Corn, wheat etc, those are, Most tree fruits aren't. Pineapples as well, and almost all other berries. I think cotton is, but I am not sure. I am all for more advanced farming techniques. The faster we can farm with lower effort, the more specialized workers we can have. And yes janitors count as specialized. Any non-food gathering labor counts.
@Plasmon19 13 жыл бұрын
So are people here for or against immigration? I mean legal immigration. I'm a foreign student in the US so I have some trouble understanding the standpoints of the local population on this issue. I was thinking of moving to the US permanently to work as an engineer. You see I study Physics and Electrical Engineering, taking advantage of the demand for scientists and engineers seems to me like a good option.
@nktank84 12 жыл бұрын
Then how come I worked with a dozen of them in MN, and they were all making $10-18 an hour? They were doing Pipefitter work Boilermaker work, Carpentry work, Millwright work etc, all for about half of what a Union craftsman makes. But they're not dragging down wages?.How come I've worked with Union Insulators who have been taking massive cuts trying to compete with cheaper Mexican labor? I know it's true because on another job none of the insulators could speak english.
@AlbortRoss 11 жыл бұрын
I meant that, if they have indeed agreed to immigration to the US, why are you now trying to get involved and decide who can emigrate there? Either its OK to move there, or its not.
@MoneyIsSilver 12 жыл бұрын
good post. In Colorado the government actually pays to import immigrants to do agricultural with some sort of temporary visa to avoid minimum wage laws.
@nonononononononononono 11 жыл бұрын
there is a dwindling jobs needed to people willing to do those jobs ratio is a matter of increased industrialization and technological ease of work. A hundred years ago it took several dozen men and weeks upon weeks to harvest a relatively large amount of crops, now it takes a few guys and their machinery in a quarter (if not less) of that time, however the people who maintain those machines, sell them, etc. have jobs that didn't exist then. The only real reason reform is needed is because
@bigbluefungus 13 жыл бұрын
@bigbluefungus i think i worded a part wrong: what i meant to say was that paying taxes contributes to the economy, and not paying taxes does NOT contribute to the economy. Please read this before you jump on that mistake, thanks.
@sniperontheroof123 12 жыл бұрын
@Xylos144 1) This is a reason to reduce government benefits, or limit them for new immigrants, not a reason to prohibit immigration 2) This is mostly because it's illegal. If immigration quotas didn't exist, there would be little incentive to pay the cartel to get you across the border.
@nonononononononononono 11 жыл бұрын
people who hire others aren't even always corrupt employers, oftentimes they are people that take pity on those who can't find a job. The drugs and guns are unrelated side-effects of the failing war on drugs. I'm not saying I (or anyone) has all of the answers, but further laws certainly won't help considering the ones already present are ignored.
@BrandonCRC 12 жыл бұрын
Yes, I'm not worried about these things that much. My problem is that I don't want to be packed to hell like NYC, LA, San Fran, etc.
@ytsolarus 13 жыл бұрын
Actually the illeagals do depress the wages in the construction industry. They do take the low wage jobs our young people could fill especially in the resturant industry. They take the entry level jobs that Americans would fill if they were available to be filled by Americans.
@MrWolffighters 11 жыл бұрын
Illegal immigrants pay social security taxes on their labor, but cannot collect on those funds later in retirement. Immigrants also pay sales taxes and similar duties.
@superstangs123 12 жыл бұрын
is talking about legal,illegal or just immigration in general?
@mjcamck 11 жыл бұрын
ECONOMIC PROSPERITY is relative; the supply of land & water to the number of land & water consumers. Did you know the farmland is being paved over at the rate of 2 acres of minute? Or, that housing costs shoot ever higher because the cost of land goes up as supply dwindles? We fled our former home state because jobs were disappearing along w/ land supplies after decades of immigration driven population growth caused BUILDERS to run out of land to build on. Please think about it.
@tigerarmyrule 5 жыл бұрын
If you listen carefully you will find there is an admission that immigration ( largely low skilled people ) dies in fact negatively impact low skilled wages.
@PijusONLINE 11 жыл бұрын
Libertarianism as a whole is opposed to most governmental involvement and special privileges it may grant to some, thus making your view compatible with it.
@WATAFACKenlacalle 12 жыл бұрын
@S955US84 Also if it was possible to make it in the country i was born, you think i would be still here not able to drive, work, or even be part of society?
@S955US84 12 жыл бұрын
ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS according to the US, Dept of Homeland Security in 2009: 62% Mexico, 5% El Salvador, 4% Guatemala, 3% Honduras, 2% Philippines, 2 % India, 2% Korea, 2% Ecuador, 1% Brazil, 1% China, 15% OTHER
@Garegin 11 жыл бұрын
to add. historically immigration and population growth was seen as a good thing. this is because people's creative energies are what creates wealth in the first place. less people, doesn't create more jobs.
@marcsv0174 3 жыл бұрын
For his second point, What about the nonemployed stats?
@Magicwillnz 12 жыл бұрын
One of the few Learn Liberty videos that isn't total bullshit, although he neglects to mention how disproportionately beneficial it is to employers.
@paintsniper01 11 жыл бұрын
Since we cannot shake hands, allow me to tip my hat in your direction kind sir. Good day to you.
@nimajneb2005 12 жыл бұрын
@SpinCage you are right that just because something is empirical and/or referenced, that doesnt mean it is correct, however you still have not provided any evidence beyond 'this is what i think'. it is possible that your thoughts and feelings on the matter are wrong. at least you can argue over evidence; its meaning, reliablity etc. so in that line of thought, do you have any evidence for your original posts claims or the claim that the CEA 'is told what to report'?
@abaddon5 12 жыл бұрын
@Dariush0911 I guess I just have to point something out: You've said that "Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White". So does that mean that "White" means "racist"?
@nonononononononononono 11 жыл бұрын
I'm saying that seeing it as "someone's job is being stolen" doesn't make sense, it's a narrow sliver of time where that's true. And even then, let's say that that's the only thing needs to be fixed, new laws and harsher restrictions won't really do anything on a broad scale. The fact to the matter is immigration doesn't have the man power, and the issue isn't that the laws aren't strict enough, it's that they're ignore altogether.
@planefanatic23 13 жыл бұрын
I wonder if he knows about the thousands of people that died in the drug war, in this year alone...
@libalchris 12 жыл бұрын
False analogy. A sudden influx of gold causes an increase in supply, but no change in demand. As a result, the price of gold falls. With an increase in worker supply however, something else happens. Workers have wants in needs, meaning they increase the demand for other products like food, clothing, transportation, etc. This demand increases the demand for workers in those areas. So with an influx of workers, the supply of workers increase, and the overall demand for workers also increase.
@DMAN123223 12 жыл бұрын
We have mass immigration? The last time, I recall, was when the country was founded. Jobs are going offshore have nothing to do with immigration, it's because other countries now have more labor freedoms than the US does, US freedom is in decline. A job that a worker doesn't want is a job that doesn't exist, even though you may not find burger flipping appealing someone else probably does.
@checktheplaylist101 2 жыл бұрын
Why is it that the powers that be are forcing immigration multiculturalism(pretty term for⚪️genocide) only on 🧒🏼⚪️👱🏻‍♀️ Countries like Europe and the West….
@adamgriffith6750 3 ай бұрын
some recommended books: state of emergency and death of the west both by pat buchanan the dying citizen by victor d. hanson open borders inc by michelle malkin overran: how joe biden created the greatest border crisis in us history by todd bensman and T r u m p 2 0 2 4
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