What is the best poolish %? I use 70% hydration and 40% poolish
@JonCausithONS Жыл бұрын
The longest time I’ve been following the 30% poolish recipe, though I have experimented with less and even more poolish. Thank you so much for sharing not only the differences in timing when using the pre-fermented yeast for the dough, but also giving a clear ratio of water and flour! (100ml to 145g)
@alexboulay Жыл бұрын
70 every friday 😎
@Henriklarner Жыл бұрын
70% only
@railasvuo Жыл бұрын
@@Henriklarner He don't mean hydration %, but poolish % of the dough
@wanderingperk5510 Жыл бұрын
I've been making about 6-9 pizzas per week for my family, largely because of you. Thanks for all you do, Vito! You are much appreciated.
@skylennard Жыл бұрын
I’m famous at home because of you Vito! Thank you!
@craigbeech1902 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Vito, you enrich our lives, based on our mutual passion for pizza and “getting it right and always improving.” We really appreciate you, as do so many others! ❤️👏👍🏻👏👏
@TheReverb111 ай бұрын
...bellies are growing
@Hombre_Astuto10 ай бұрын
@israelrivera937310 ай бұрын
I'm with you I start making pizza at home and vito help a lot with he's videos thank you Vito you the best 💪💪💪💪💪💪
@markdsatterfield4712 Жыл бұрын
Your video lessons have taught a random person in America to make top notch pizzas any day of the week. No fear...My family and friends are never hungry...Thank you Vito so much.
@lizbuckland4163 Жыл бұрын
My pizzas have really improved since I started using your recipes, especially the poolish one for the household that makes up to 10 pizzas. We even had a pizza party for my daughter's birthday and her friends loved it! I made the dough over 3 days and the children stretched them out and added their own toppings. They were amazing! 🍕😀
@rsingh20839 ай бұрын
Hi liz, I'll be making my first pizza for my son tomorrow noon. But my poolish is past 24 hours in the fridge now. Will the poolish be good after 24 + 12 more hours in the fridge ?
@lizbuckland41639 ай бұрын
@@rsingh2083 You could certainly give it a go, but check the bottom if it's in clear tub or bowl. If there are little creamy strands either visible underneath or at the bottom of it then it will sadly need throwing away. That I think is some kind of mould. That's what happened when I tried a 48hr stiffer style of pre-ferment, I can't remember the name of it unfortunately (memory problems since I had a stroke). I have used the made up dough on the second day after mit being ready though and that was fine. Both times I had it in the fridge. On the second day after it being ready it was less poofy as the dough had run out of food in the flour etc and it was a little more sour but not too much considering... The best person to ask is Vito himself, he is the maestro! 🙂 🍕
@bugaboo-bricks Жыл бұрын
I've been able to make the nicest pizzas ive had because of your videos Vito. The joy that brings to my family and children when they help is priceless, so thank you vito, sincerely.
@PatrickAndrewCameron4 ай бұрын
Me too!
@waffles1ca Жыл бұрын
Thank you for yet another great lesson. I have been making pizza dough for the last 7 years about every 6 weeks, we have been satisfied and enjoying the results. Watching you reminds me that I simply don’t have enough experience handling the dough, if it’s sticky it causes me stress but makes a good pizza, if it’s less sticky I’m less stressed and it makes a good pizza. I have a lot of work to do. caio
@fojler Жыл бұрын
I was insipred to make pizza through a friend. Then I started to follow you and bought the gear for making pizzas. After only making pizzas for a couple of months I'm getting so much compliments on my pizzas and the dough. And that is because of your recipe with poolish Vito! Thank you!
@ceaialegeoficial Жыл бұрын
Vito!! I just made 18 pizza doughs thanks to your recipes and advices! I fell in love s-o hard with doing this that I'm listening to your videos everytime I make pizza!
@strikef16falcon58 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Vito for teaching me how to make Neapolitan style pizza properly. My pizzas look and taste great because of you. Bari style pizza too! This is another excellent lesson to understand the math to obtain "Poolish %" and why it matters. Puglia (TY)
@railasvuo Жыл бұрын
Vito is the best pizza chef in the world. I learned everything I know about pizzas from Vito! Thank you
@objectbeing Жыл бұрын
Poolish is one of those things I felt like I didn't know anything about so I didn't even know what questions to ask first. This was so helpful and taught me a lot. Thanks!
@xmas4203 Жыл бұрын
I generally use 20% to 30% poolish. Then I cold ferment the balls a minimum of 24 hours. I often use one dough ball the same day and it's good. But I think the cold fermented dough tastes better and easier to manage. Any dough that doesn't get used by 72 hours is frozen and used later for rolls or baguettes. It's "my" workflow and I've gotten it down pretty good.
@alistairdimmick2886 Жыл бұрын
The super fermented pizza balls work so well for a little bread loaf, love it with some hommus and dips
@xmas4203 Жыл бұрын
@@alistairdimmick2886 Some of my best Ciabatta rolls came from over fermented dough that I re-ball in loafs, froze and forgot about. Then a month or 2 later thaw it, proof it and bake it. The best Italian beef or meatball sandwich ever!
@Chicoerock1 Жыл бұрын
Does the flavor change much with time? Say at 24, 48, 72hrs fermentation for example?
@xmas4203 Жыл бұрын
@@Chicoerock1 Yes, 24 to 48 about the same. 72 seems to be the peak. It tastes like a great loaf of fresh baked bread, but with pizza toppings. 🤤
@valeenoi2284 Жыл бұрын
So you do 24 hours for Poolish. Then 24 hours mix Poolish with flour/dough (assuming 1 hour out, then 22 hours cold fermentation, and 1 hour to bring it up to room temp)?
@thomasatkinson5997 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Vito, I started making my pizza dough last year through your channel for family pizza parties. I learned something different, every time I make the pizza dough. Keep it going.
@donscott6431 Жыл бұрын
Been watching Vito for years. Gleaned a LOT of knowledge. THIS SINGLE video gave me AS much, or more, of pertinent pizza dough information, than all other pizza videos , I’ve ever seen! Take heed!
@diogendiogen837711 ай бұрын
Hi, My name is Sasho, im originally from Macedonia, but I've been living in uk. Your videos helped me to make perfect pizza for the first time in my life. THANK YOU SO MUCH. GOD BLESS YOU
@kierantaylor5852 Жыл бұрын
This is such a great video with so much information. I would recommend that people watch this at least twice as there is a lot going. Thank you Vito.
@bigshott91176 ай бұрын
Love Vito, but his words don’t match his Though.
@CortezLu846 ай бұрын
Tonight I made the best home made pizza of my life!! I used the poolish recipe and used 50% for my dough. It was beautiful! I've learned so much from your channel. THANK YOU!
@mehmetozhabes6996 Жыл бұрын
The poolish percentages are a bit inconsistent. The 100% refers to the percent of water in the total dough coming from the poolish (300ml/300ml), but the 20% refers to the percent of water coming from poolish relative to the water added to the poolish (50ml/250ml). Vito, I learned a lot from you and I admire your enthusiasm. Thanks so much.
@frederickschenk6854 Жыл бұрын
I just asked this question above. I looked and looked and couldn't figure out what was 20%. Thank you.
@mactiin Жыл бұрын
But 50ml is not 20 % of total 300 of water in the dough, it's 16.(6)
@JustPhil Жыл бұрын
yes, .....in reality that must be around 16.65% poolish :)
@utube2008utube9 ай бұрын
and why make all the poolish if you're only going to use 20%?
@Angelo-fz6sv9 ай бұрын
Thanks for the explainer. I was racking my brains trying to work out what all these percentages were that Vito was referring to.
@michaelhodges45033 ай бұрын
Salve, signor Iacopelli, I want to say thank you so much for the videos you post. I love pizza, but learning from you takes things to a whole new level for me when I’m cooking at home. For now I don’t have a proper pizza oven, and I have to cook in my weak little oven for the home - but even with that, the things I learn from your videos makes such a big difference. My wife quit eating pizza at home because after we lost our old oven things just didn’t cook so good. But I learn from your videos and it makes all the difference. Now she likes pizza at home again - and I’m just getting better as I learn more! God bless you, i grazie di cuore, signor. Mille grazie!
@stevestrong41 Жыл бұрын
That was fantastic Vito! The numbers make it so much easier to calculate on the fly and sets the stage for how much poolish given the weather.
@matchelite220 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I bought a cheap pizza oven 2 months ago and been making pizzas every weekend, 2 to 6 pizzas. Now i have family and friends telling me i need to start selling them. But i know im not ready. I have a lot more to learn... thanks to your videos i can make good pizza. Planning on upgrading ovens soon😊... thanks again!
@sammulligan8548 Жыл бұрын
Super interesting video Vito! I hadn’t realised (after 2 years of making pizzas following mainly your methods) that the poolish ratio worked like this! I think this gives me a lot more options now when I’m short of time on the day of cooking to make more poolish the day before and have less time proving on bake day - thank you!!
@JS-mg7yx4 ай бұрын
Vito, you remind me of a chef I used to work with. One of the best chefs I have ever worked with, always a great attitude, always excited to be cooking, kept the kitchen crew in good spirits
@icecaream Жыл бұрын
I can't believe it. Finally! Fratello, you can't imagine how long I was waiting for this one. Bacio🍕❤
@vitoiacopelli Жыл бұрын
Yessss ❤
@anne9616 Жыл бұрын
I have just discovered your channel in my search for perfect focaccia. I have been baking my own sourdough breads with cultures, poolish or sponge for about 20 years but never made pizza with a poolish. Now you have me hooked and addicted to the baking of the perfect pizza :) Your videos are very interesting. Thank you so much.
@PatrickAndrewCameron4 ай бұрын
hahahaha... I know the feeling... very exciting!!!
@sfstucco Жыл бұрын
Ahhh, you found more holes in my (/our collective) understanding, Vito! And you plugged the holes! 😆 Molte Grazie! Notes to self: 1. In final product (texture, air, flavor, etc.), 100% poolish = 20% Poolish. 2 . 20% poolish > 100% poolish in TIME needed to ferment before baking. The 20% requires more time in the fermentation stage to rise up to ~doubled size. 100% poolish takes less time before it’s ready to cook. 3. In warmer weather, use 20% Poolish. In colder ambient temps, use 100% Poolish.
@wallmachine87805 ай бұрын
isn't poolish in this recipe 16.5% not 20%? How did you come up with 50g water and 50g flour for poolish?
@devinalexander4400 Жыл бұрын
Are you ever coming to Canada? I have been watching you for years and I make pizza every Friday now for my family and the neighborhood. Pizza is life, my kids love watching the videos with me. Thank you so much for everything you've done
@Emimaster1990 Жыл бұрын
Thanks to you I was able to make a lot of pizzas for my friends and family and they love the soft and crunchy crust :) Thank you Vito!
@sangen5367 Жыл бұрын
Maestro Iacopelli, I found your channel by chance because in the era of the pandemic I wanted to learn how to cook bread and pizza for my family instead of shopping outside and save some money doing that. Nowadays, with a better economic situation, my parents, some friends and my in-laws still ask me for a Sunday pizza because everyone enjoys the incredible taste I developed thanks to you. I don't know if you've already changed the way the world eats pizza, but at least, here in a small house in Mexico City, you already did that. Thank you so much 🙏
@floflorea Жыл бұрын
Useful and helpful information maestro Vito! Thank you for everything you do. I made your dough recipe with Poolish yesterday for the first time, the double fermentation recipe and was amazed how great the dough came out. So easy to handle, a lot easier to stretch even if I'm not experienced and I cooked for the first time in a little Ooni wood fired oven. And managed not to get any of the pizzas stuck to the stone. Couldn't believe it, but this was definitely due to having a great dough and following your advice and tips. A big Thank You. Grazie mille.
@AndersHPhotography Жыл бұрын
"A channel full of no secret!" hehe, I love it. I have looked through so many of Vito's videos and some of them many times, to get all the details. And my pizza skills are 4000 % better now :)
@jonathanborst5653 Жыл бұрын
Vito i'd love to see a similar video for how to decide how much salt to add!
@mirwin7086 Жыл бұрын
Fantastic very informative video! Living in Scotland I often use around 80% poolish as otherwise I find the final proofing takes ages. Great to hear my theory made sense.
@Bevieevans8 Жыл бұрын
Thank you once again Vito. Poolish is very much like working with a sourdough starter, minus the yeast of course! I never thought of it that way until I watched your video. Now I more understand how to use Poolish and it will make the timing of my pizzas and bread so much better. The maestro!
@aididdat1749 Жыл бұрын
Vito, some questions about conserving the poolish in the freezer (in case of changing plans for whatever reason) - Would you put the poolish only in the freezer? - Would you mix the flour with the poolish and then in the freezer? - Would you let the mixture proof and then put in the freezer? - How would you "wake up" the mixture after removing it from the freezer? - Does it have an effect on the taste? - Would it kill the yeast? - Are some yeast freezer resistant?
@danp12244 ай бұрын
Probably make the dough balls then freeze
@MaverickHaarlem Жыл бұрын
Hi Vito, 20% of 300ml = 60ml, so why do you use 100gr of poolish and not 120gr? I don’t get the part where you say 50gr of water (5:37). Are you taking 20% of 250gr?! The weight of the ball per pizza?
@MaverickHaarlem Жыл бұрын
And if he is taking 20% of the total flour needed it should be 435x0.2=87gr of poolish. Please correct me if I have it all wrong. Maybe he just rounded off the numbers to make it a little easier…
@galomarino73063 ай бұрын
@@MaverickHaarlem Thank you, I was having the same question. Is the 20% of what exactly.
@aleksandrsantonenko44023 ай бұрын
@@galomarino730620% of total amount … take 50 gr of poolish and count it like 20% of total dough…
@jingalike94110 ай бұрын
I just can’t believe there is a channel existing like yours. Incredible, very much thank you for you teaching us, your master class.
@joshl9158 Жыл бұрын
At 4:30 is that extra added flour? Or remaining flour from the 145g?
@pelle_johansson Жыл бұрын
Hi Vito! Thank you for another awesome video! Could you specify a bit regarding what % to use for different room temperatures? In the video you state less pooish for a warm room and more fore a cold room. What is a warm/cold room temperature in celsius to you? What % would you use in what temperature as a start? I live in Sweden, the climate here is pretty cold and dry compared to for example Italy. Thank you again! And also thank you for your master class! I loved it!
@MangaTengu Жыл бұрын
Hey Vito, just to make things easy, the percentage you talk about is the percentage of water coming from the poolish: 100% poolish, all the water comes from the poolish, we don't add water as you said. But 50/300 is not 20%, it's nearly 16.7% poolish for you lower poolish version :)
@kyle_19999 Жыл бұрын
This comment helped me alot to understand what Vito is talking about. My recipe is 190 water in my poolish and rest of the dough is 220 (total 410ml water). So it means that (190/410 ) im using 46% poolish right?
@MangaTengu Жыл бұрын
@@kyle_19999 yes indeed. Glad that helped !
@vitoiacopelli Жыл бұрын
Well not sure how u did the calculations but I believe it’s 20% but anyway this video is to let the people under the % of the poolish at the end
@MangaTengu Жыл бұрын
@@vitoiacopelli yes in the end, what matters is time 👍🏼
@666louis Жыл бұрын
Thanks. Vitos description is very confusing because usually in "baker's math", you base the percentage of every ingredient on the amount of flour, not water.
@florencehendrick4781 Жыл бұрын
I just found your channel, and I'm so glad I did. I bought some 00 Flour today, and after watching your video, I feel confident to give it a try. I'm 100% Italian, both my parents were born in Italy and as recently I've found a third cousin so I'm so delighted and when I go for a visit, I will meet him and his beautiful family. Frankly, I would love to move there, so perhaps I will check out some homes as well. Grazie, Ciao
@bolognaandeggs3004 Жыл бұрын
Man! How could anyone not appreciate this guy's passion and energy. Love it!!
@theodorosphotiades6740Ай бұрын
From Cyprus. Excellent video! Calculations couldn’t be made more explicit. It may be required of course to be seen more than once, but that is absolutely ok. Bravo again Vito!
@josipbeslic6821 Жыл бұрын
Hey Vito! Love your videos! You made me go after my passion, and I went from making pizzas for my family in my 90$ pizza oven to opening a pizza delivery place in a couple of weeks. Would love it if you gave me some tips to make the best delivery pizza ! Much love!
@alistairdimmick2886 Жыл бұрын
Hire drivers who don't mess around and get very good quality pizza bags
@josipbeslic6821 Жыл бұрын
@@alistairdimmick2886 yeah, more or less every aspect of the actual business is set up, problem is all neapolitan pizzas i've had ordered home werent how theyre supposed to be. I saw one of Vitos videos before regarding delivery style pizzas but I cant seem to find it :/
@alistairdimmick2886 Жыл бұрын
@@josipbeslic6821 Neapolitan pizzas come out hot, put it any bag or even box and it becomes a steamed product. One place I worked it at let pizzas cool according to delivery distance but that's a nightmare to co-ordinate with estimating when drivers return to shop
@idapurnamasari7793 Жыл бұрын
Terima kasih Vito, sudah mengajarkan saya cara membuat pizza dengan polish. Anda sangat bersungguh-sungguh memberikan tutorial pembuatan. Sampai-sampai menunjukkan perbedaan 100% adonan polish dan 20% adonan polish, hingga saya bisa dengan mudah memahaminya. Terima kasih Vito yang baik hati dan tidak pelit berbagi ilmunya. 🇮🇩 salam dari Indonesia 🇮🇩
@sarahgeraceunitedmartialar57095 ай бұрын
Ok, so, the process for the 20% poolish makes perfect sense; although, I do not understand where the actual figures of 100 come from. 20% of 300 is 60 x 2 = 120. Notwithstanding the numbers, this method conforms to what we’ve been taught in class. The 100% poolish, on the other hand, would need a much more thorough and detailed explanation with written examples, though. As an editor, I recommend that when demonstrating these problems, you have the figure against which the poolish percentage is calculated be clearly written out and identified as such, so people can easily follow along and see exactly where these numbers are coming from. I mean, I’ve received lots of formal culinary training across the disciplines, and I find following these poolish discussions very difficult, to say the least. I am never quite sure what the reference numbers are of these percentages because they’re not clearly written out as the reference numbers for the percentages discussed. For example, 20% of the water of 300ml is 60ml. Then this is multiplied by two to give us 120, etc. One thing that really confuses (and bothers) me about the entirety of the poolish instruction is if so many people ask about this question, as Vito mentions and as I know is true, then why not really drill down into this question and give it the exhaustive treatment it deserves ? The absence of this is in part the cause of the confusion. There should be plenty of explanations, descriptions, and illustrations of the process of properly deriving a poolish. This process deserves a clear and thorough exposition-all in clearly written and illustrated form. I took the class, took meticulous notes, and have made some incredible pizzas, but, even given this, I do not understand what was done with that 100% formula and I’m not clear on where the 20% poolish numbers come from, even though the 20% process was right on. I do not think this area, so important to making this type of pizza, has been properly explained at all, and it was but briefly touched upon in the class. This is a sticky issue, no pun, and must be properly dealt with by adding new material and explanations with clearly written demonstrations to the class, so there will be no question whatsoever, especially among master class graduates, about how this is done. Why not proudly show off that class by the competence and depth of knowledge of its graduates, people who you’d want to be able to confidently, as master class graduates, go up against anyone in the business with this training? C’mon, now. There couldn’t be any better advertising than that!
@wallmachine87804 ай бұрын
i rkn he does it to keep us all confused and watching the videos...
@sarahgeraceunitedmartialar57094 ай бұрын
@@wallmachine8780 Yea, it would seem. Strange.
@chancth Жыл бұрын
Thanks to your videos, I'am now able to make "the best pizzas of the world", as my son tells me, and I use your poolish recipee. So thank you very much Vito !
@Adam14789 Жыл бұрын
Hello Vito thanks for your video, I am a bit confused regarding the 20%, you took 0.2 out of the 600gr poolish, shouldnt the 20% poolish be out of the total dough weight? Which as you mentioned 100gr poolish, 385gr flour, 250gr water, this doesnt make poolish a 20% out of total dough Shouldnt it be 147gr poolish? (145×3 + 300=735×0.2=147gr) Id appreciate a further explaination, thanks
@johnlithgow9688 ай бұрын
Actually your math is sound Adam. His polish percentage was more like 16.67%. Perhaps he was just going with easier numbers or he just didn’t realize when making the video. It still equaled the amounts needed to make his dough balls. His would take longer to rise than a 20% poolish is all. Probably not much longer. Important to note that this recipe is for pizza dough that is 70% hydration. Which is his ideal hydration for his pizzas. In a home over that will give a lighter and airy crust.
@wallmachine87804 ай бұрын
@@johnlithgow968 do you know what vito is calculating the honey off of? is it total water or poolish water? also do you know what he calculates yeast off of? is it total water or poolish water? and finally in the master class vito says 2g dry yeast and 6g fresh yeast, does yeast double every 5000ml poolish water? so 1 to 4999ml = 2g dry yeast then 5000 to 9999ml = 4g dry yeast and 10000ml = 6g dry yeast? You can watch a thousand of his videos and he jumps around endlessly, best cliff hanger
@Spid88PL Жыл бұрын
As a true Polish I use poolish almost every time I make pizza ;) Why? Because it's the best method! Thank you Vito!
@KlainerA7x Жыл бұрын
Its awesome how I changed my pizza from years thanks to the knowledge you share, and how grateful my near people are now. The results are incredible, I am proud to finally eat the pizza I always dreamed of and be able to make it myself for others. I don't have enough words of gratitude, but I can assure you that you are changing this part of the world and making us capable of improving it in our environment as well. I am grateful that people like you remove the stigma that recipes must be secret and of course we will extend it to our people to always improve! My best wishes to you!
@MrGabooo1237 ай бұрын
I dont Unserstand? 20% poolish is related to flour or water? I'm confused 😮 20% poolish are in my calculation with flour 87*2=174gr Or 20% of water are 60gr*2 poolish
@MrGabooo1236 ай бұрын
I would say water?
@jhoffpsu Жыл бұрын
I always use polish and almost always use double fermentation!! So glad I took the master class!!! Invest in yourself for the love of pizza!!
@pauloabreu3545 ай бұрын
Can someone explain how 100g of poolish is 20%? What calculations? Shouldn’t it be 150g poolish for a 750g total amount of the dough?
@xWarlanx5 ай бұрын
The %poolish is relative to the max amount of Poolish your total recipe can accept. So for a given total amount of dough, if the water total is 400ml and you make a Poolish with 400ml and 400 flour your Poolish is 100%. You would add 180g flour at end. If you use only 100ml water and 100g flour that would be 25% Poolish. You would add 480g flour at the end. I didn't include yeast and salt amounts but hopefully you get the idea.
@xWarlanx5 ай бұрын
He's using a 17% poolish. 50ml from Poolish vs total water (300ml) is ~17%, not 20%. It doesn't really matter. As he said it just changes how fast it grows.
@michaellawcobb2693 Жыл бұрын
You’ve taught me so much, thank you. The Italian side of my family are impressed by my ability to make great pizza.
@wesnoble5109 ай бұрын
I would maybe disagree that your 100% poolish dough wasn’t 100%. Why assume the total amount water is the master? Your total amount flour was 435 and your poolish was 300 flour. So to me that is 69% poolish. No? Also I think the different amounts change the texture quite a lot. Not sure but I think it’s at least partially because of the total time at room temperature that the flour is exposed to active enzymes. Would like to dig into this deeper though.
@carezzato9 ай бұрын
O poolish é feito com 100% de hidratação, enquanto que a massa final tem 69%. Logo, foi necessário colocar mais 135g de farinha para ajustar a hidratação da massa. Está correto o que foi feito, 100% + água para a correção da hidratação final de 69%
@gaiustesla932410 ай бұрын
This is the real deal!!!!! Thank you very much! 100% poolish recipe makes the best dough ive ever made.
@genevievelaflamme3441 Жыл бұрын
20% of 300 is 60... I don't understand where you took your 50 g of water and why?
@bastianmesters81368 ай бұрын
The 20% poolish is calculated as follows: - For every 100ml of water there is 145g of flour. The amount of poolish refers to the amount of water and flour. 100+145=245 245÷100×20= 49 The poolish therefore is made from 50g of water and flour.
@kalyanihertogs822611 ай бұрын
Thank you so much .i follow all pizza making channels and you are the only one who really teach you the real stuff .im so happy now i make perfect dough .i m from sri lanka and i always thought our flour is bad .its not .the flour .im planning to open a pizza restaurant .in sri lanka .thank you so so much .now i can make perfect pizza because of you .
@sacstatesfinest Жыл бұрын
Can someone just make a chart?
@fattlane1866 Жыл бұрын
I can't speak for everyone Vito but this is the type of content I prefer, great video! Very humble and full of information, much rather this than trying to hype us up like you're a teenager on tik tok
@DragonfruitTreasures4 ай бұрын
The calculation is so confusing
@MeisterVasqus4 ай бұрын
I think so aswell, I like to do it like this: I start with how much flour I want to use lets say 1kg and 70% hydration. Poolish is 100% hydration so 700g flour + 700g water (yeast honey ofc) and after cold fermentation just add 300g of flour and you end with 70% hydration. Other example: 500g flour X 0.7 (hydration) = 350 of total water. So 500-350=150 -> 350water with 350 flour for poolish then after cold fermentation add 150g of flour to end up with 70% hydration. Reading my own comment makes it seem confusing as well but in my head it makes total sense 😂
@danflick66694 ай бұрын
Your comment makes sense. I can understand in terms of hydration and calculating fractions. In the video, The 145 grams of flour per 100 grams of poolish he stated seemed simple until talking about poolish % and my mind went totally blank. Im probably just gonna use a pizza calculator 😂
@DragonfruitTreasures4 ай бұрын
@MeisterVasqus 😅yes when you do it many times it seems easy but to someone else it could seem difficult.
@DragonfruitTreasures4 ай бұрын
@MeisterVasqus also i loved your 1st example but you know how you said you end with 300g flour, so you add anymore water after that or is that it? Because i always see people putting more water at the end
@dinushagalagedara42484 ай бұрын
I didnt understand any caluculation about this poolish thing
@NabeelNagash Жыл бұрын
I'm following you since covid lockdown as I was looking for something to do, I can't express my appreciation to you, now I can proudly say I make a good pizza. Thank you Vito!!!
@GuillermoDuran_RE8 ай бұрын
Ever since I’ve watch one of your videos almost a year ago weekends are no pizza days and my son loves it!! Grazzie
@marinos_gr Жыл бұрын
Very useful video Vito!! Thank you for sharing all these information with us!! I am using your 70% next level recipe every time!!
@imbykji Жыл бұрын
Been following for 6 years, and I am happy to be able to make pizzas I love. I still wear the tshirt from your shop. Love and pizza!
@MaverickM13 ай бұрын
Pizza know-how on highest level. Amazing content. Greetings from Hungary and thanks for sharing your pizza knowledge, your explanations are game changer.
@braddixon3338 Жыл бұрын
I've been watching your videos for a few years now, and I can say you have come a long ways in producing high quality material. This was an outstanding video. I was under the impression that poolish would affect taste, and hence more poolish would taste different/better. Guess I was wrong, thanks for clearing that up! I did find that poolish made my dough stickier than a direct dough, given the same hydration level. Perhaps you can comment on that?
@stopit4uca Жыл бұрын
I've been watching you for many years your a true Pizza Master turning your subscribers into students.
@claytonduplooy827 Жыл бұрын
Vito... Probably one of your best videos. Been following you for a few years now. Absolutely love your stuff and it's very inspiring. Have learnt alot. Thank you for everything
@wildheartsphotography8081 Жыл бұрын
Interesting video! I always just throw in all my poolish, never thought to use less of it! I thought 'more yeast, more flavour', never thought that all I was doing was increasing the speed of fermentation! Thanks for opening my eyes 😊
@davidapp3730 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for that video. Your videos have changed the way I make my pizza. They are so much better now with your dough recipe. I can work the dough and get a consistent result.
@focaseal3676 Жыл бұрын
All the energy Vito puts in makes it so much fun, in every video I learn something new. I loved the calculator.
@yradierruizmalave737 Жыл бұрын
Thank you chef! Thank you, Maestro Iacopelli, your videos have helped me to improve my skills a thousandfold! Thank you very much!
@andriusjuc7 ай бұрын
Tried to make pizza like Vito teach. Double fermented dough was amazing, just blew my mind. Big thank you Vito !
@strodtkoetter_pizza_style Жыл бұрын
Hello Vito, I say thank you ! I always learn something through your videos. Pizza is my great passion and thanks to you I have improved a lot. Many greetings from Cologne, Germany
@VeroViOficial7 ай бұрын
These same formula applies if I want to use this recipe to make bread? Or it only for pizzas
@lee-he3ey Жыл бұрын
Love your content Vito, in the last 2 years my pizza has improved massively and all down to your channel. Fantastic work, keep it up fella
@ignaciocerdena8023 Жыл бұрын
Amazing vito maestro. I always use 100% because i dont have a mixer machine and if we use 100% poolish we can get benefits of autólisis cold ferment, we get a strong structure with no knead machine
@КорвинЕйт8 ай бұрын
Damn, god bless you Vito... No one explains such details exept you. My doug contains 20%-40% of poolish depending on the season
@Surfpigglet Жыл бұрын
Hey Vito, because of your videos, my pizzas became much better over the past year since I've been following your channel...even made a custom gas pizza oven out of weber kettle grill, now I'm in a process of designing my own, thanks for the inspiration!
@paolapreciadopdx Жыл бұрын
I made pizza for first time using your recipe for at home oven and wow. I have been trying to make the Neapolitan pizza since I visit Napoli and this is the first time I am closed to getting to the pizza I want to make. TY so much
@GaryNeuzil Жыл бұрын
Thank you as always...your videos are helping me improve my home pizzas and you are very entertaining to listen to. I respect your passion for pizza...I recently retired from teaching and now I am the learner!
@gianmariaferrato2509 Жыл бұрын
Bravo Vito, chiarezza e trasparenza sono i caratteri che ti contraddistinguono. Io ti seguo sempre dall' Italia 😊
@danielfischberg2660 Жыл бұрын
@SBoots29 Жыл бұрын
After installing my wood fired pizza oven I struggled with the dough. Your instructions have greatly improved my products I now do when I have pizza parties. I struggled with Hydration of the dough. Some high some low. I'm always learning. That Vitto.
@tsouk80 Жыл бұрын
Thank you from Greece, I like the way you explain every step of the creation!
@maheshvspillai Жыл бұрын
This remains my favorite among all of your other videos. This is a great reference. Do you have any tips on the temperature and timing for the home oven? Appreciate your input
@octoeight2088 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for all the videos Vito! Question: Can the poolish be frozen for later use?
@makemyday1477 Жыл бұрын
How did I not see your channel before now? I subscribed because I don’t want to miss any of your videos. Thanks for sharing Vito , you’re a Pizza Master 😅
@alzain_hassan Жыл бұрын
Hi sir, thank you for your effort and great lessons. Does the amount of yeast remain the same 5g in all cases or there is a formula for it
@NazrulIslam-ik3ej5 ай бұрын
Dear Chef, I always like your videos. Especially your style of speaking and explaining. I will be a pizza expert like you. Of course you are my teacher.
@Shahrzad19798 Жыл бұрын
Your channel is the best way to learn how to become a pro home pizza making , thank you Vito , god bless your family
@wenke9289 Жыл бұрын
Your videos are amazing! Thanks Vito for sharing all of this. With poolish the Pizza always comes out perfect 👍 my most favorite recipe of all 1000 for Neapolitan style. greetings from Germany 🇩🇪
@cristinelbursuc9345 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Vito for everything you do for us pizza lover's i am doing my business pizza following your videos...thanks a lot last video helped me a lot ..ciao
@vksomji Жыл бұрын
Thankyou for all the Vlogs on how to prepare Pizza 👍. Watching your Vlogs motivates me to Enter into the Kitchen and COOK for myself either a Breakfast 🥞, Lunch or Dinner which consists of 🌮 Flat Bread from homemade and handmade Dough 😊
@Dmnv Жыл бұрын
Man, your videos changed my pizza game completely. Thank you.
@tomasradosovsky6220 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Vito! You are the pizza legend! Thanks to you, I started the new family pizza era and its amazing!!
@janerikhorgen75516 ай бұрын
Educational, but the math is a bit off in this one. 100g poolish in a 750g dough is 13%. To make it 20%, use 150g poolish, 360g flour, 225 ml water, 15g salt. That gives you the 435g/300g flour/water ratio, with the 75g/75g poolish, and 150g poolish is 20% of the 750g. Great recipe, excellent method, super result. Thank you for sharing and teaching!
@RalfffH-we9ml6 ай бұрын
Bakers percentage is based on the amount of flour, so flour == 100%. So you are right, but based on the 435g flour the amount of poolish is about 22%. What is misleading is the 100% poolish version, because it is actually only about 70%. So the 20% are based on the amount of flour and the 100% is based on the maximum amount you can poolish, because you can’t use more water as you need for the recipe, and a poolish is always 1:1:0.01 water:flour:yeast. Hope this clears it up. You could use a biga or even a pat fermente to go to actual 100% because rhese types of preferment use less water. But then you would be only doing a regular dough with overnight fermentation, which would no longer be a preferment i guess, as you only add salt in the end? Well, even though the math here is a bit uneven, I thought this was an interesting video about what a preferment does to a dough. If you want to deep dive into this kind of thing, you should check out chainbaker on yt, he is next level and has tons of in depth videos about baking and making dough. Its my favorite channel. Also, rollon food makes a lot of great pizza videos and goes deep on fermentation in his pizza masterclass.
@johnpatterson90376 ай бұрын
The measurements are all correct. 20% vs. 50% vs. 100% poolish has the same amount of ingredients of water and flour (both use 300 ml water and 435 g flour). The % poolish is based on the ratio of “water in poolish” vs. “water in dough mixture”. 20% poolish “water in poolish” = 50 ml “water in dough mixture” = 250 ml 50/250 = .2 or 20% 50% poolish “water in poolish” = 100 ml “water in dough mixture” = 200 ml 100/200 = .5 or 50% 100% poolish “water in poolish” = 300 ml “water in dough mixture” = 0 ml 300/0 = undefined in math world but this is used as a baseline - no water is added to poolish, only flour.
@RalfffH-we9ml6 ай бұрын
Thanks for your input, but as far as I learned it, the % always refers to total amount of flour (including the flour in the poolish). What your saying is basically 20% = 50g and 100% = 300g, which is not how percentages work. So in this recipe, 20% of poolish is meant to be 87g of poolish (43.5g each Water and Flour from the total amount each). Just google „bakers percentage“, it’s all based on the total amount of flour. Maybe there are other methods that I am not aware of, in that case let me know. What you are saying makes the most sense related to this video, but as far as I know, he made an error here. Having said that, as the video states, it doesn’t matter much, as it all comes down to time and you’ll always end up with a proper pizza dough. No matter the amount of poolish.
@RalfffH-we9ml6 ай бұрын
… okay, so I just did a little research (you know, preach first, research later…), and you are correct. You are describing a valid method that is just not that widely standardised as the bakers percentage, but is indeed a common practice among some bakers. So I guess we learned something today. At least I did. Thanks!
@RalfffH-we9ml6 ай бұрын
… and it’s wrong again, simply because by this logic, a poolish with 200 g of water would then be at 200%. The water based method is a valid method, but it is then based on the total amount of water (300g) and 20% poolish would use 60g water and 60g flour. So we’re back at „this is not how math works“ making the logic in this video still wrong, it still doesn’t matter and I spent more time on this than I should. But if I want to understand something, I’m persistent. So maybe I’m back later…
@marochikk11 ай бұрын
I definitely make better pizza now that I follow your recipes! Thank you for this video! I live in FL and I was always using 100% poolish and my dough would over ferment. This video will definitely guide me to make better pizza!
@alejandro1924 Жыл бұрын
Dude, you are amazing. Again, your personality and calmness is second to none. Let alone your experience. I have a question, since I’m using 20% of poolish, how long can I save in the refrigerator for other batches? Second, is this poolish strictly for pizza? Do you use it with your other breads or change the recipe? Thanks again