In Stars and Time Critique...thing... I don't know man

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Got Here: Okay, I wanted to leave links to people who made stuff, but I can't apparently. Look, you have google. Type in "Insertdisk5" read her comics. Then open steam or Nintendo shop or PS store and purchase In stars and time. Got it? it's 20 bucks, which may be more then you've got so don't but... Spotify's (kinda) free and the OSTs on there, actually it's on youtube. Type in "Studio Thumpy Puppy". It's not difficult, mommy doesn't have to tell you how to do everything jesus christ.

Пікірлер: 81
@insertdisc5 7 ай бұрын
this is such a wonderful critique. thank you so much for making it, this really touched me...!!! i'm really glad that isat had such an impact on you, and i wish you the very best 💖💖💖
@kitaster11037 5 ай бұрын
omg hi! I've seen you under other folks stuff so I guess this shouldn't surprise me but it does. Something that struck me in watching interviews only too late was just endlessly joyful you are, and then the art you've created, and knowing my own experience. That's the euphoria every ones been talking about, but in respect to suffering and didn't know that someone could make that into a thing. I've barley the words for it, but give me a year. I'll get a couple extra 0s and... people will know I guess? Is that why I'm doing this? oh god. Thank you. I hope your doing well and I'm excited for whatever's next.
@Nightslikethesearerare 4 ай бұрын
yo dev is here :)
@EbiTheAxolotl 2 ай бұрын
"Some gay shit made in RPG Maker changed my fucking life" Truer words have never been said.
@Josuh 12 күн бұрын
average tuesday
@icono_cat 5 ай бұрын
siffrin's slow realizations about touch and his relationship with it really hit me too as a fellow transfem, i think that subplot was my favorite thing from this game. when you're painfully aware of every single time you are and aren't touched, you start to realize that most people and writers don't think about it quite as consciously or as much of the time as you do, and so finding something that sees it like ISAT sees it is really special
@D0llqueen 3 ай бұрын
Mira is not only the rare ace, and even rarer aro and the doublely rare aroace but it's adressed well while not being her whole or even half her character & i got to point at the screen and go omg that's me TWICE! Siffrin being alloace is great and feels fitting but i'm probably biased. I very much feel for insertdisc5 who is also ace making TWO ace characters which seems low but srsly name 1 other story with ace rep with 2 ace main characters let alone 2 fully fleshed out ace characters
@wormflavoredskittles6395 3 ай бұрын
right i really like how mira's struggle is depicted, plus i like her design a lot too !
@SamiTheAnxiousBean 17 күн бұрын
Alloromanticism... first time hearing that neat to know its a term, would have expected it to just be called romanticism or smt xd then again, the term is kinda redundant, but still neat to know! anyway as a Ace, i also had my "OMG JUST LIKE ME" moment for Sif..and to sif alone because they already have so much stuff i relate to so it actually hit when Sif said it xd
@DragonUH 4 ай бұрын
the real function of da bomb is to kill kings tear 1 turn while not wasting damooge potential
@zenmaster8 2 ай бұрын
I actually will defend the bomb because it allows you to easily deal with the tears in the second phase because it can one shot them without having to use multiple weaker AOEs.
@Rodrigo-kq3js 6 ай бұрын
idk why you got drunk but like i agree with everything every single thing you said all of it except when you described the castle, its actually go right go left go right until you get everything you need, you got it WRONG!!! YOU GOT IT BACKWARDS YOU
@pitifulexistence9836 4 ай бұрын
This is how I found out Odile was lesbian.
@TheGodIvy 3 ай бұрын
Except shes not, she doesnt have a confirmed sexuality
@kitaster11037 2 ай бұрын
Adrianne themselves has explicitly stated she's an "elder queer", and textually she is as well. She never says she likes girl or whatever, but folks have taken calling her "lesbian catnip". She's got the vibe, and the sunset flag in the thumbnail is more of joke then anything, it's meant to be mostly covered by the enby flag.
@mulberrytea549 3 ай бұрын
alll respect to you for getting those hammers in sea of stars i saw the fact the last one was stuck behind playing the entire game again, looked at my 40+ hour save, and closed out of the game and never opened it again
@kitaster11037 2 ай бұрын
The games icon sits on my monitor, and when I look at my stomach hurts. I feel actual pain every time I'm remined of it's existence. Misshapen Chair's video "I Hate that Hate this game" does a great job going over the issues, I agree with... 90% of what I remember from it. But yeah, it's Legend of Garl and I hate the guy. I'm glad he's dead. I almost stopped playing when he got ressurected, frankly I'd kill him again.
@violingineer7862 3 ай бұрын
"I'm good enough..............and I totally believe that." Is me all the way. I'm ace, and I was blown away by ISAT having two (2!) ace characters. I think they handled that really well. It's....sad that I cannot think of a SINGLE other piece of media with two ace characters :')
@zenmaster8 2 ай бұрын
7:11 The rat is supposed to be expanding all of their fingers a la paper
@SamiTheAnxiousBean 17 күн бұрын
Side note: I could actually read Devil, its Paper it has its arms flat, but it just has 3 stick fingers so they blend in with the background
@Dirty0o0Jester 5 ай бұрын
Hello! Great video! I adore this game. Excellent pour btw! Classy and full of talent much like your content ❤
@roowco1 2 ай бұрын
the lil guy is paper. his hand is spread out like paper but with less fingers
@wormflavoredskittles6395 3 ай бұрын
12:28 wait is the line here "even handed inaccurate portrayals" or "even handed AND accurate portrayals" , sorry i cant tell what ppl are saying sometimes ! regardless, really nice video! i really like this game and what it has to offer, and its cool seeing an artist i knew for their undertale art go onto make such a cool game!
@gooddoggo2831 5 күн бұрын
My biggest critique with the game is later on in the game mirabelle and to a lesser extent isabeau feel weaker than Odile and Siffrin Odile can nuke with a crit turn and has pretty good debuffs Siffrin is Siffrin Isabeau is often the most useful when giving other characters turns as def isn’t needed when your enemies are dead. Mirabelle does have access to an attack buff which is pretty good but I also feel like her healing and most of her abilities are reactionary which means using her isn’t really fun.
@louimmature 4 ай бұрын
omg i love your hair jeep up the good work
@kitaster11037 3 ай бұрын
thank i be jeepin
@user-jm7pt6qs6w 7 ай бұрын
hey! HEY! cool video👍
@LotusGramarye 7 ай бұрын
lmao "mommy" lso what game is the footage starting at 4:00 from? looks interesting but I don't recognize it
@kitaster11037 5 ай бұрын
Chrono Ark
@NieBedeRobicTutajFilmow Күн бұрын
This video made me play sea of stars
@thazmania120 28 күн бұрын
I love this game, but I must admit that I was disappointed with the direction they took with the story, I had a couple theories while playing the game that just seemed more interesting than what it ended up being: The King: I thought The King was Siffrin from another timeline. After Siffrin goes mad for not being able to escape the loop, he decides to end it once and for all, he learns how to use Wish Craft and Time Craft to an incredible extent, and he goes on to make the BEST loop possible, hang out with friends, speak with everyone in Dormont, get all the items, etc... At the end he proceeds to try and freeze Vauguarde, however because of the sudden manipulation of time to such a degree he accidentally sends himself to another timeline, creating a paradox, where Siffrin always takes the role of The King. There is only one plothole with this theory and it's the fact that, if Siffrin is The King, then who would the very first Siffrin be fighting, would he even meet Mirabelle and everyone else? The only solution I can think of is that Siffrin travels around all of Vauguarde, and being scared that all the other countries could disappear like his, he decides to freeze time Loop: Now I had a crazy theory for this one, we know that the country where Siffrin came from disappeared without a trace, while I didn't have any clue why this was the case, I thought the end goal was to restore it. So this is where Loop enters in the theory, it was said that in that country, they had a different belief, a belief related to astronomy, so logically, seeing Loop's design, I thought they were the deity that the country believed in, also, I thought Loop called Siffrin "Stardust" on purpose, because that nickname could've actually been the name of the country, Loop trying to make Siffrin remember the name of his country, Stardust, so that he could wish to restore it, maybe even along all of Vauguarde Anyway I'm rambling like crazy and nobody will read this entirely so yeah
@themac6356 18 күн бұрын
Well, I find your last sentence to be insulting. *I* read it !1!1!!!! Joking aside, those are some pretty interesting concepts for an alternate route the game could have taken. They could probably work very well in an AU or fan-fiction (in a good way).
@Nightslikethesearerare 4 ай бұрын
The mic makes it hard to hear you but listening you is pretty fun!
@drawnroughly9698 3 ай бұрын
This was great, please keep making content!
@yxnilI 2 ай бұрын
Very cool video!
@funderscoretoast3220 5 ай бұрын
i think the dealbreaker for whether you enjoy this game or not is whether you're okay with gameplay being sacrificed for the sake of story, and what lengths you're willing to have the creator go to. I don't care what anyone says, I am NOT sacrificing my mental wellbeing because "oh, well Siffrin is going through the same thing!" If I didn't get a few lucky breaks and had to take even an hour or two longer to finish the game, my brain would actually be cooked. Also, I think the Change God and Craft system are almost perfectly executed, if not completely so. I think it's a shame nobody in the game really challenges a lot of LGBTQ representation stuff, though. Every action has its equal and opposite reaction, and not limiting how people Craft their own bodies has a lot of pros and cons. It makes the world feel a bit less real, but I can understand if that's outside the scope of the game. In terms of the video, it feels more like an introduction to the game rather than a proper analysis discussing pros and cons. I think there are things to criticize about the game, and while it doesn't have a super wide audience and thus could use the extra exposure to outsiders who are not in the know, it doesn't feel right to not call it what it is; an introduction to a really well-made game.
@LogOffAlready 4 ай бұрын
Actually, if you keep interacting with Body Craft stuff, Odile will talk about how Body Craft is illegal in Ka Bue because they think that there's no good limit for it. Odile points out how the King is the perfect example of what she's talking about... but she also seems to disagree with it being entirely illegal.
@funderscoretoast3220 4 ай бұрын
@@LogOffAlready I think that contributes to both of our points in a way. I think the fact that Odile disagrees almost advises the viewer to feel the same way. If someone were to interject, I think that would show a sense of balance. However, the fact that it's even brought up shows a great attention to detail. Really cool game.
@LogOffAlready 4 ай бұрын
@funderscoretoast3220 There are interjections! Odile herself mentions how there's still illegal underground Body Craft in Ka Bue and implies that she might have connections to it. It's a really funny and interesting scene. You should look it up.
@funderscoretoast3220 4 ай бұрын
@@LogOffAlready I meant interjections from other characters in the party, and I also meant interjections to Odile's thoughts on the matter. It doesn't feel realistic when characters just happen to all agree on the same things.
@LogOffAlready 4 ай бұрын
@@funderscoretoast3220 They don't! I really must insist that you watch the scene yourself. I can't do it justice in this format.
@ShadowFox64 3 ай бұрын
The last 3-4 minutes is really hard to understand, like I can't parse the audio. It's messy? I'm sure you're trying to say something profound but I can't hear anything clearly in the last quarter of the video.
@bucket5268 4 ай бұрын
the smile at 15:32 concerns me xD
@blainewheaton9679 5 ай бұрын
@kitaster11037 2 ай бұрын
@callmean0n989 Ай бұрын
youtube recommendation algorithm is broken again
@tpfoxCastro 2 ай бұрын
15:22 BO BURNH-
@juanpablobascur3708 10 күн бұрын
it is very hard to understand what you say
@lemonlordminecraft 3 ай бұрын
You look like Maggie Mae Fish and every time you open your mouth and do not have her accent I am flabberjabbered
@angeldeb82 4 ай бұрын
What are these two purples, white, and gray on Sif's flag supposed to stand for anyway?
@sweetumami1338 4 ай бұрын
Ace flag
@little_kopy 3 ай бұрын
ew wth
@Jayden13707 3 ай бұрын
What the hell to what?
@little_kopy 3 ай бұрын
this whole game
@uni5396. 2 ай бұрын
LOL..? whats wrong with the game
@little_kopy 2 ай бұрын
@@uni5396. yk
@yuukiiiiilover 2 ай бұрын
they’re probably queerphobic or something better to not acknowledge them
@gooddoggo2831 5 күн бұрын
My biggest critique with the game is later on in the game mirabelle and to a lesser extent isabeau feel weaker than Odile and Siffrin Odile can nuke with a crit turn and has pretty good debuffs Siffrin is Siffrin Isabeau is often the most useful when giving other characters turns as def isn’t needed when your enemies are dead. Mirabelle does have access to an attack buff which is pretty good but I also feel like her healing and most of her abilities are reactionary which means using her isn’t really fun and
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