Providing buddy for each new hire has shown to work great. Unfortunately, many companies can not afford that. "Buddy" will fall behind in his own responsibilities, feeling rushed, and spread thin. We live in a world where everyone wants us to do more, with less. Workloads are huge, deadlines tight...stress and expectations ever increasing. If "buddy" can be removed from daily production responsibilities during the training period he would do a much better job training. Been there, done a T shirt...As for needed security access for new hires, why give them everything from day 1? I am of belief that every employee should only have enough access (security) to do his job, no more, no less. As job needs change, security access should adjust to it.
@vrjb1002 жыл бұрын
Jira has magic functionality to solve technical debt. Make an entry for it in Jira. Most organizations I had work for, didn't do any thing with it. PO assume it will solve automatically... The team has no idea how to solve it...