Increasing DPS with a Battle Plan

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Preach Gaming

Preach Gaming

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Preacher goes over how you should be approaching encounters and having a solid plan on what to do and when to reduce DPS loss from movement.
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@FennyxKillz 2 жыл бұрын
Love how relevant these videos are even now. This info has helped me be a better player in literally every mmo I’ve tried by teaching me how to think about the fights regardless of class, boss, franchise etc. This series is the best, thank you so much for making these 💜
@danielskrivan6921 7 жыл бұрын
As a healer: when you have the opportunity to deal damage because nobody needs health is a good time to start moving in the direction your tank will be going next. This is, of course, as long as you're not going to affect your ability to heal the ranged DPS or that you're not going to move too close to people for AoE or too far away from people for split-damage attacks.
@XxfutureunicornxX 7 жыл бұрын
Although this video was great advice for anyone who mains a ranged dps, over half of the classes are melee, and many of your recent videos preach have focused on ranged (I know, because you main a mage). I'd love some tips on how to get better with my melee class. How do I know what to soak and what to leave to ranged? Is there a specific strategy for sticking to the boss while avoiding mechanics? Do I go for priority adds that are being tanked somewhere far away, even if that means running the length of the boss room? These are just example questions, but I think a video focusing a little more on melee and their role would be of use to a great many of your viewers, including me.
@Fencerstykes 7 жыл бұрын
you should find another video, You have to take into consideration your class and what you can do to reduce movement to maximize dps. I main a WW monk, i take all of my class utilities to make sure i can maximize my performance. this video doesnt specifically tell you what to do with your class, but the advice is super useful giving you a general idea.
@XxfutureunicornxX 7 жыл бұрын
I know that this video gives great advice whatever your playstyle, but since preach mains a mage, most of the advice is based on being ranged (I.e. positioning in range of 3 different mobs for example, not possible for melee). I'm not looking for another video right now, i'm just pointing out that a little advice for melee specifically wouldn't go amiss in preach's next vid.
@Loomx5 7 жыл бұрын
Depends on your raid composition. If you have a lot of ranged but not much mdps, then deal with the close adds/soaking but leave the rest to the ranged. If, like my guild, you have a shitload of mdps then work out which pools/adds the can reliably deal with then deal with the rest. If something is being tanked way far away and the RDPS can deal with it consistently without it causing an issue then don't run there. If they need some more dps then send a few high mobility mdps there until it's dealt with whilst keeping the others on the boss. It's all about trying out what works and what doesn't :D
@att312 7 жыл бұрын
Well I would guess since Preach mains ranged dps, he knows stuff about how to play ranged dps and can make videos and guides about it. Maybe he doesn't master melee dps the same way he does with ranged. There surely are loads and loads of videos about how to maximize dps with melee etc
@XxfutureunicornxX 7 жыл бұрын
Big Zlatan He actually played melee all the way up till Legion. And thanks for the tips Loomx5, but sadly for me I rarely get to raid in an organized raid environment, because I can never play at the same times each week...
@superhit122 7 жыл бұрын
i put most of your how to videos on our guild discord and it really helped most of the ppl that are bad in planning
@Rookums 7 жыл бұрын
Good stuff in here Preach. I hope this is linked on the guild Discord of every viewer here.
@icresp4263 7 жыл бұрын
lol yep, just linked it :D
@mattyone78 7 жыл бұрын
Awesome vid mate, biggest issue I find is most people don't want to improve as badly as I do, and don't try learn these things about positioning, in my guild anyway. But I will still do my darnedest to become as good as I can. Can be frustrating though.
@Cliffardo 7 жыл бұрын
As a warlock, this helped once I used my Circle and gateway to move out of things quickly when I need to I have like 0 mobility so thanks for the video :)
@grumpyoldwizard 7 жыл бұрын
Great work, Preach!
@camzoman 7 жыл бұрын
Mike, I think the reason people want it to be gear is that gear is an easy fix and it does work. Changing how you do things is always a harder solution, and gear, while only a band aid, does increase damage. That said, love this video and will try to work on it.
@Kotbold123 7 жыл бұрын
Good video Preach. I just started Mythic Raiding this expansion(already cleared EN :P) and kinda figured something like that out my self already, but I think for many players this will be very helpfull. One problem that I have tho at the moment is keeping up with all the consumables for the raids... Like pots, flasks, food, runes and so on. Do you have a tip how to manage being able to afford this stuff with minimal effort? I don't really got the time to farm Gold all day long :)
@elvesrus 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks for these videos Preach. I mostly play healer, but these definitely help when I want to take a day off from that.
@ghostfacedninja1000 7 жыл бұрын
Good positioning and reducing movement to a minimum is as important for healers as ranged DPS
@FishTheJim 7 жыл бұрын
Great advice and this is so much easier then complaining to the tank and the healer. :)
@stormstrider1990 7 жыл бұрын
Nice one. I'm playing a fire mage and although I don't raid outside LFR, I'm having trouble with the movement in some mythic dungeon encounters. Doing decent dps and avoiding shit at the same time has always been difficult. Hope I can get the right position next time.
@bcsfreitas 7 жыл бұрын
Damn, m8. Your content is always ON POINT goddam.
@charlesmurphy9183 7 жыл бұрын
Every range on our raid team now has to watch this video mandatory :) Tell Em Preach
@sundertooth1666 7 жыл бұрын
Very awesome and helpful preach. As an ele shaman (we also have 2 in our raid) I am really struggling with movement in fights. I can handle mechanics really well, but I can't keep my dps up while doing mechanics. Stuff like this helps though.
@kubasniak 7 жыл бұрын
As MM hunter I need to be aware of my position 100% of the time. I need to cast aimed shots and I run away from puddles just to their edges to get max dps I can without affecting my team aka healers wasting time to heal me, me wasting self heal cds etc. I also alt ele shaman and I like how they talk about it in icy-veins quote: "Many players will unconsciously move during fights, despite it being unnecessary. For example, sometimes the boss or adds will be moved by the tank a couple yards, and though you are still in range to cast, you subconsciously mirror that movement, costing you global cooldowns. Consciously work to "quiet" your movement, and reduce unnecessary movement to a minimum. The best way to see this in action is to take a video of your raid, then watch yourself play. Most players will be surprised by the amount of wasted movement they commit. When you are forced to move, make use of the tips above, and make your path as direct and decisive as possible." Keep that in mind people. As range you do not want to move much and always position yourself well. Good moments for me to move as MM is when I barrage, have instant aimed shot procs, on global cooldown or on proc sidewinders (or when reaching 2 stacks)
@andrew8212 7 жыл бұрын
Great video, it's an area of gameplay that I've been trying to improve on, some very helpful advice in this.
@TheSpartan88888 7 жыл бұрын
I love these videos, really makes you think
@necri751 7 жыл бұрын
i've never clicked *like* on a preach video before, this is a new experience for me...
@animeking1795 7 жыл бұрын
wow absolutely amazing video this is stuff that I never even thought of and the stuff you said is gonna be a big help because any fight that involves alot of movement my DSP usually suffers but I'll use the stuff you said in the video I'm sure it's gonna be a huge help
@Mael6469 7 жыл бұрын
Position planning went back all the way to original Rag. If you didn't find a good place to be when he did his knock back, have fun swimming in the lava.
@darkzavulon 7 жыл бұрын
battle plan for a healer: click on the injured targets first. Don't move except when you have to.
@the8thknight 7 жыл бұрын
I'm only, one, blink away. I'll be there to save, the, day. Superman got nu, thang on meh. I'm only one, blink away.
@Kagetheorc 7 жыл бұрын
My battle plan: Sprint like the wind.
@Nogarthemage 7 жыл бұрын
Do your guild members watch your videos? :D
@MichelPal 7 жыл бұрын
10:05 that middle finger! Triggered
@TheXXLGamer 7 жыл бұрын
More importantly: why is that skelly just above Preach's health bar dabbing?
@xoroy8694 7 жыл бұрын
Death patch for you maybe. That patch actually adds options of gameplay for Ele shamans
@decasin271 7 жыл бұрын
So, me and my guild are progressing through kara when have the first 3 bosses down and we are trying to get through moroes now. But I think a good example in kara would be maiden. I play a balance druid and their mobility sucks. So a good position would always be on the back wall in that room so when I get targeted with the holy ground all I have to do is move a little bit?
@themetalone7739 7 жыл бұрын
Want a real challenge, Preach? Try mapping something like this out as a death knight. Easy as hell to do this as a mobile class...virtually impossible to do it as a class that, essentially, has to just run everywhere at normal run speed.
@TheXXLGamer 7 жыл бұрын
Okay, let's stay at the example of Helya for once, and I am a Unholy DK. You need almost no movement at all in Phase 1, at least the way our guild does it. Stick to one of the sides of the boss, move from shit if needed (depending on your raid you should be able to pull the orbs to the middle, maybe a bit to the back which shouldn't be a problem because Helya has a very large hitbox) and if the blobs spawn the one closest to Helya should be in melee range. While you're running there (it should land in the middle somewhere if the tanks are doing their jobs properly) you can use Outbreak to spread your disease to the 3-4 blobs closest to the boss. Then just dps the blob down and stick around there for a moment. Keep dps'ing Helya and if you see that one of the blobs dies to slowly, wraith walk there to help out. (Or throw a few DC, that's enough sometimes) Otherwise this is a job for ranged and more mobile melee players. In phase 2 it depends on the strat you're using. We kill the big adds next to the tentacles in the back, then we split the raid and go up each side. The we burst the tentacles on both sides down with CDs (use Apocalypse as Unholy, but keep Gargoyle for p3, if you're Frost, use PoF of course, you could also use sindragosa for the extra damage, that depends on your raid/the situation) Then we go back down for the next set of small adds and to kill of the remaining tentacles. The way I found was the best to do it was to spread your Dots on the front tentacles, then wraith walk to the back, if you haven't got the talent, you won't reach it completely, use the time you're running to spread DoTs, maybe you can get into melee with the adds already, depends on the situation. Cleave off the big adds. Wraith walk should be up again once your raid goes up the stairs. Hope you have the glyph now, otherwise you won't get up there with buggy wraith walk. DoT everything in your reach, then go up. Stand slightly in front of the tentacles, once everything there is covered in goo, go ontop of them/behind them. Once they're low enough that DoTs can finish them off (~2-5%, depending on your comp) refresh DoTs, then go down and go ham on the tentacles in the front. Leave the ones in the back (they should be pretty low at that point) to the ranged. Big adds should be tanked somewhere close to the melees, so that both ranged and melee can switch to them without losing DPS. Keep your AMS ready, you will probably get hit by a few waves, if you drop low, better play it save. Once Helya is up, it's pretty much phase 1 all over again, but this time also make sure that you're not standing inside the goo obviously. The edges of the platform are usually clear, and if you get targeted and have to move through some goo, you can just use AMS and possibly IBF and you'll take almost no damage. Whew, didn't expect I'd make a text this long...
@themetalone7739 7 жыл бұрын
SymplyOP I think your idea is perfect. They already gave unholy abomination pets the same ability, so it would make sense for DKs to have it as well.
@Dreadnaught1991 7 жыл бұрын
Preacher can you make a video talking about your fire mage and your rotation ?
@Kirin122 7 жыл бұрын
Can some1 tell me name of the addon that is anouncing debufs on u in say channel and counting down. Thank you
@That_Zaerr 7 жыл бұрын
how can u tell dps to get better when your logs are absolutely horrible
@finisher862 7 жыл бұрын
Hey preach how do you use the il'gynoth trinket with your fire mage? Clearly its really strong with combustion, but with kindling, combustion comes back up faster than the trinket, do you just use it off cd or wait for every other combust to use it?
@Tobikrump 7 жыл бұрын
ALWAYS use combustion off cd if you have kindling, and always with rune of power and Flame On. Your trinket will be ready before combustion is ready again, then its beneficial to your DPS to not use your trinket until combustion is ready yet again. So simply put, always combustion off CD, and always use trinket with combustion when you can.
@finisher862 7 жыл бұрын
Yeah I knew to always use combust, just wanted to know if I should wait to use the trinket
@Tobikrump 7 жыл бұрын
I answered that too so... it benefits massively from combustion... also get the trinket from shade of medivh it's OP as fuck for fire mages.
@finisher862 7 жыл бұрын
Okay thanks, and yeah with combust it basically does 4x more every time
@4321Enjoy 7 жыл бұрын
if you can only get 2 trinkets in 1 fight save it for combustion
@Vacaliga 7 жыл бұрын
Hardest mechanic always, now and forever: Other players.
@vongnome2126 7 жыл бұрын
yo, is the preach ui updated for 7.1?
@michaelcoffey498 7 жыл бұрын
Ty preacher now more healing reviews please :D
@camzoman 7 жыл бұрын
Doesn't anyone who plays healer make those? I love Preach, but he's not an expert in healing.
@michaelcoffey498 7 жыл бұрын
I trust Preacher as he talks to the best of the best in all classes he reviews. If he only covered what he did this would be a much smaller channel :).
@mc15cp 7 жыл бұрын
certainly, i'll hit more if i have more fps. as mellee the boss could end up behind me and my sceen wouldnt tell me untill it already happened
@casualgaming2351 7 жыл бұрын
Hi preach...i just found your video about your legion ui. Will you release a updated version of it in the near future ?
@thomasnn 7 жыл бұрын
just get curse client and update all the addons with it
@casualgaming2351 7 жыл бұрын
its more about the legion effects for tmw, or is there a list that i can c/p in ?
@ShinKillKenny 6 жыл бұрын
be a warlock: plant your flag (demonic teleport) and everyone will stand right on top of it
@nospmisca 7 жыл бұрын
noooo you stopped too early was just watching the Spriest climb to the top of the meters
@eelkeveltman9702 7 жыл бұрын
The reason why Helya respawns is because, as you said it yourself, you're loot locked, you could in theory kill Helya 100 times and whenever you create a new raid, she'll respawn
@Fenhryzz 7 жыл бұрын
Battle plan for unholy dk - wipe raid until you get good rng on opener
@vilieto 7 жыл бұрын
This goddamn raid is the death of my elemental shaman. I'm not going in there anytime soon, because of the constant feeling of being utterly useless. There's no combination of talents and buffs that I haven't tried, guide I haven't read/watched, and it's just painful to be the usual bottom of the dps chart. Even on Guarm pull, with the full complex burst rotation (being set up from the point the counter says 5), i'm getting out-dps'd by a hunter's barrage and a couple bees. It's extremely frustrating and demotivating, so I'll be sticking to Mythic+ where elemental shamans are an absolute boss class, and maybe when I reach 880 ilvl, I can try ToV normal and show up in at least top 10 dps.
@vilieto 7 жыл бұрын
mhatta13 it's not about not giving it a try, I have played enhancement in the past, I just don't like melee classes in terms of play style. In enhancement, I feel like a weaker shaman in terms of survivability, having to rely more on group healer and having less utility if shit hits the fan. I'm at the last couple of bars before the third golden trait, so after i get my hidden one, I'll try to get resto and enhancement up to speed, resto being priority since every other shaman is currently enhancement. Wowlogs are just painful for Trial of Valor, only one elemental in first 200 shamans and he's from preach's guild, so massive respect for that team for giving him a chance.
@alexandruiordan4579 7 жыл бұрын
ohh cool
@desudesu8695 7 жыл бұрын
that is unless ur a boomkin wheere ur legendary head gives u like 30 more starsurge cast a fight :^)
@nichnoch7974 7 жыл бұрын
@aal-m3545 7 жыл бұрын
hey preach i am playing a fire mage , my ilvl is 860 with 57% crit , even with potions and flasks i only get 140k dps on a single target , i dont have any problem with aoe, but how can i do more dps? i cant get into HC raids coz after the first boss they see i only did 140-160k then i get kicked, what do you think i should ? i never die in raids i do all the tacts right
@Robustic91 7 жыл бұрын
just switch to Arcane now as fire is getting raped into the ground in 7.1.5
@SwiftDurka 7 жыл бұрын
kind of a broad question. i don't play mage so definitely take my comment with a grain of salt. it could come down to how you're using combustion. without good combustions fire mages don't do the best damage in the world. or maybe, like what was discussed in this video, it has to do with your positioning and movement. you could check out logs of other players and see how many fireballs/pyros they do and compare them to how many you're casting. honestly that's the extent of my knowledge of fire mage, bad combustions = not so stellar dps and more spell casts = more dps
@aal-m3545 7 жыл бұрын
i do very well with combustion when i use it i do alot of damage but after the combustion i have nothing but using fireball
@FamilyofFiveFighters 7 жыл бұрын
Fireball damage alone is very poor. You cast fireball to build heating up. If you have heating up, start casting another fireball, then WHILE it is casting, cast a fireblast which is castable while the fireball cast is going. The fireblast is a guaranteed critical strike so it will proc hot streak. Immediately after the fireball cast finishes, cast an instant cast pyroblast. The fireball and the pyroblast will hit at same time. If both crit you start casting fireball again with a hot streak already active. Cast fireball followed by pyroblast, etc. If only 1 crits, then fireball, while casting fireblast, then pyroblast at end of casting, repeat etc. Hope that makes sense. This will make most of your damage pyroblast and ignite even outside of combustion.
@aal-m3545 7 жыл бұрын
i do this all the time, but what i meant is that when my combustion is done everything is on cd, because i use all the phoenix flames charges and fireblast, so during a combustion what i do is pyroblast then use 4 fireblasts to get alot of procs for alot of pyroblasts and use all my phoenix flames to do damage after the combustion i spam fireball until my fireblast is up then do what u said
@trish9254 7 жыл бұрын
@DazeJokerz 7 жыл бұрын
that cold sounds bad
@maxavaria 7 жыл бұрын
i'd love to forearm smash the guy who disliked the video in the first 40min.
@silverspear21 7 жыл бұрын
Why? Makes no difference if it is liked or not, Preacher still gets the credit as far as youtube is concerned.
@maxavaria 7 жыл бұрын
its not about the credit, its about the fact that the guy subscribed to preach only to dislike his videos the moment he uploads one. Why?
@jambo061 7 жыл бұрын
maybe he didn't like the video?
@maxavaria 7 жыл бұрын
@silverspear21 7 жыл бұрын
So your solution is violence as a reaction to someone who did something you did not like? Something that has nothing to do with you or how you live your life. Does Preach care? No, he still gets his credit from KZbin which means he still gets paid. It will not stop him from putting out more videos just because somebody did not like it. Not everyone thinks the same.
@ukaszradzajewski1725 7 жыл бұрын
Mass aoe fight and still not top3 dps.. but better nerf fire because its soooo opp on those thrash packs :(
@andreas7114 7 жыл бұрын
Ryan that's makes no fucking sense. Just because DK is getting more fucked than fire doesn't mean fire can't bitch.
@andreas7114 7 жыл бұрын
Ryan W "fire in line" just shows how much you fucking know. I know DK has been shit on and it's fucking bad, just like Brewmaster really need more love than fire, but fire is still getting fucked over. Stop acting like nerfing others are a valid reason to be happy just because your fave class is getting fucked.
@andreas7114 7 жыл бұрын
Ryan W I know dude, im not saying anything against DK. I don't understand how you miss that point.
@andreas7114 7 жыл бұрын
Ryan W Now that's just selfish. and invalidates everything you say. But I get you. I used to main DK
@Tobikrump 7 жыл бұрын
->Whole expansion. Legion has literally been out for 3 months and DK's have always been blizzards lovechild. You played Warlords of Draenor? Also Frost DK's are massively overtuned right now. If you're playing Unholy then suffer well.
@josephrishel5634 7 жыл бұрын
Again, Preach, Mate, you GOT to say something about the horror show that is PvP, or one of these days gear won't mean anything to raiders as well. Just sayin. Its kinda like the separate PvP / PvE tallent trees, which I am down for. But they took my gear from me Preach. It doesn't do ANYTHING!!
@elvor0 7 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't expect much for him saying anything about pvp, he's said quite a few times that it doesn't interest him and it's a pve focused channel.
@josephrishel5634 7 жыл бұрын
I hear yeah man. That said I just want Preach and peeps to be away of the HORROR. So here it is, I play a DK and weather I enter a BG butt naked or in the best gear in the game, my stats are ALWAYS the same. Some HP, STR, cirt, virt, haste, mastry. 16% crist, 13% haste, 2% mastery, 0 (or 10%) versititlity based depending on BG. I feel like if I don't try to raise hell about this we might seeing similar "even the playing field gear and stats" entering PvE. Let me now if I am just being dumb :P
@elvor0 7 жыл бұрын
Joseph Rishel That's because pvp is supposed to be about player skill against each other directly. It's about directly outplaying your opponent (balance issues aside), not about having 150 more ilvl and one shotting the guy while he can't even make a dent in you. And if you think about it rather than just looking at your stats and complaining they've dropped; prior to now, in high level play everyone of X class/spec /already/ had the same stats anyway because everyone was wearing the same gear. The PvP gear. Which was static in power level and rate of acquisition. If you're serious about pvp this should literally have no effect on you, as the only difference is now every opponent should have a fighting chance against you unless you counter them rather than just 1 shotting haplessly undeargeared people. I would've thought that would be a good thing if I were a pvper. Challenging opponents?
@josephrishel5634 7 жыл бұрын
Good points, but you obviously DO NOT pvp. Skill is only one main component... the other is Customization. Note this to be the case in very popular PvP game ever made. These changes to WoW PvP make it way less dinamic then many other popular PvP games. Hence why dispite the returning serge of players for Legion, the PvP Que timers have doubled to trippled in length compared to WoD. To answer your statement more in depth, the reason players like the gear / stat customization dynamics is the same reason Raiders like the gear customization dynamics. For beginers is "Oh need I have stats, I like these the most for X reasons" For more advanced "What States are the most benificial to my class?" For the even mroe advanced "What are my break points in my stats? Where and why? What do I need to hit them?" For the yet more advanced "understanding compounding synergy becomes a thing. Those shit stats you think are shit... arn't... why? Math... duh" For the truly advanced "Combat Synergies" Example: 3 DK's, 1 invests heavy in Crit, one in Haste, One in damage. Say Haste is the best, damage second, crit last individual value wise. Haste often sucks if you cannot maintain constant time on target. If you get stunned or rooted, that loss in time = loss in DPS. While by comparison the Damage and Crit styles lose way less since there damage mostly comes in the form of a periodic burst while your runes are up. When you get CC'ed, your runes are still cooling... hence when you get back on the target your full damage potencial is still in effect. You litterally laugh, noting that even though your stunned your still technically maintaining nearly full dps. Crit biulds have a similar effect but are much scarier and are often underrated. Sence there damage varies wildly. They can be weak sauce, arverage, or HOLY FUCK BALLS WHAT HAPPENED TO MY FACE!! This variance means you might lose to people you should beat... but it also means you might defeat people you should never be able to beat. All this how you build = how you play nuance has been taken out of WoW.
@PhoenixGangGames 7 жыл бұрын
@heatherarmstead 7 жыл бұрын
Man your chair is squeaky :)
@bobbykotick1163 7 жыл бұрын
Why doesn't his mana run out? Is the game a joke now or something?
@jacobbeard8428 7 жыл бұрын
Wow this is just like a 9 to 5 job Jk nice vid
@Veniftw 7 жыл бұрын
lol monks dps wtf higer for 200k+ than №2 in recount
@animehbkscm 7 жыл бұрын
The rank in the recount is based on damage done, not dps.
@NiekVL 7 жыл бұрын
You should always have it on damage done, it still sais the dps right next to it.
@walablaze4534 7 жыл бұрын
@mundsburg83 7 жыл бұрын
Lots of talk, but only medium DPS...
@mbarko606 7 жыл бұрын
Thing is he's been in some great guilds, he knows what he's talking about, look at someone like Bellular that plays like shite and tries to make guides, has no clue
@kylematel0l 7 жыл бұрын
Lots of talk, but one of the best players in the world with multiple rank 1 parses.
@Wunderkind04 7 жыл бұрын
Fire Mages aren't the number one spot anymore for DPS. Try doing a solid 500k DPS, then come back and complain.
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How and When I got gud - My mistakes and gainz
Preach Gaming
Рет қаралды 216 М.
Get Good - Logs
Preach Gaming
Рет қаралды 49 М.
Drama Time - Benching on Normal
Drama Time
Рет қаралды 25 М.
Get Good After Christmas 5: Cooldowns
Preach Gaming
Рет қаралды 43 М.