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#prabowo #indonesia #indonesiadocumentary
Indonesia is taking a bold step in energy management. Minister of Energy and Mineral
Resources, Bahlil Lahadalia, has hinted at the possibility of halting gas exports to prioritize
domestic needs.
This means that gas from major contractors would be directed entirely to support the
country’s own demands. The export valve, he says, will only open once the local needs are
fully met.
This is a big move with the potential to bring positive change for the people of Indonesia.
Gas plays a crucial role in our daily lives, from cooking meals at home to fueling factories
that drive the economy. Prioritizing domestic consumption could make gas more affordable
and accessible for everyone.
In addition, some countries like Malaysia and Singapore disagree with Indonesias decision
to stop exporting gas.
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CNBC Indonesia
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Perusahaan gas negara
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@lktan224 4 күн бұрын
It’s OK. Singapore 🇸🇬 has other sources.
@raymondwan-k4w 4 күн бұрын
sg rich 2 buy gas with money income generated by supply chain overseas
@RioThalieb 2 күн бұрын
Its rich is coming from importing ligally or illegally raw materials from others country.... especially coming from Indonesia, such as illegal TIN, illegal bouxit, alluminum etc.
@bensegiii7580 Күн бұрын
Yep, other sources for singapore is singaporean fart gas. 👍😁
@palmtree_ Күн бұрын
The ban is on LNG, which Singapore mostly imports from Australia. It benefits industries needing LNG but doesn't help people who need LPG for cooking.
@SuzushimaChin Күн бұрын
Malaysia kick singapore out and Singapore became a first world country Malaysia threaten to stop our water and we will become self sufficient in water Malaysia instigated Indonesia to stop selling us sand and Singapore got China, vietnam and Cambodia to supply us You can always think of ways to limit and restrict us but WE WILL PREVAIL. Majulah Singapura
@ditsygirl5409 5 күн бұрын
Ah.. it’s ok for Singapore, Indonesia should just keep their natural gas. They only contribute less than 1% of the natural gas to Singapore. But the headlines make it seem very serious.
@SATAXIC 5 күн бұрын
3.2 pct according to chat gpt from Indonesia to Singapore. Singapore main source comes from Australia 50+pct
@lktan224 4 күн бұрын
Singapore saw this coming long time ago. Singapore doesn’t trust Indonesia and Malaysia for her water and gas need. Diversity is Singapore survival.
@dalfifran7572 2 күн бұрын
1%? Where do you get the number from? Highly doubt that. According to statista, the pipeline gas alone contritube to 4.1 billion cubic from 12.3 billion cubic total import/consumption of Singapore, that's 33% just from the pipeline source. If Singapore also import LNG gas from Indonesia, the number would even higher.
@ditsygirl5409 2 күн бұрын
@dalfifran7572 that’s because you’re looking at 2022, however in 2023 and 2024, our PNG contract with Indonesia have expired while we still maintain PNG contract with Malaysia and Singapore already looked to other countries like Australia for LNG imports which is worth billions. In 2023, we only get around 100million dollars worth of natural gas from Indonesia.
@palmtree_ 2 күн бұрын
singapore is in the process of transitioning from natural gas to renewable energy. There is no impact from stopping the exports.
@Drone_PilotSG 5 күн бұрын
Singapore buys gas and oil from dozens and diverse range of suppliers at market value. This is of no economic consequence to singapore. However the workers who work in the gas pipelines in Indonesia will suffer retrenchment and unemployment. Indonesia revenue that it makes from exporting oil will be badly affected. It’s like a chicken farmer deciding he wont sell his chickens
@RioThalieb 3 күн бұрын
The price is the most important factor
@RioThalieb 3 күн бұрын
Stop also all export of all raw material to Singapore. Process all material in Indonesia.. . Thi is the most important economic policy for Indonesia.
@MrJermson 2 күн бұрын
​@@RioThaliebSg will be ok. Indonesia need to take care of its own population. Sg will source it elsewhere.
@bensegiii7580 Күн бұрын
Goblok, persamaan apa ini ??? masa ada chiken farmer jumlahnya 300.000.000 orang. Masa ada pula gas punya nyawa seperti ayam. TOLOL TINGKAT DEWA.
@bensegiii7580 Күн бұрын
Mind your own suffer.
@jatimyw 6 күн бұрын
Sebenarnya saya mau bilang kok gak dari dulu, tapi yang penting perubahan terus dilakukan ke arah yang menguntungkan rakyat. Prinsip dasar tetap harus diutamakan, kebutuhan dapur sendiri lebih penting dari pada dapur tetangga.
@denny.dagger 6 күн бұрын
Nggak bisa bang. Kalau mau diterapkan dari dulu justru Indonesia yg sengsara. Cadangan gas alam kita itu melimpah. Tapi infrastruktur distribusi buruk. Jalur pipa distribusi masih terbatas. Sektor manufaktur & Industri juga masih belum sebesar sekarang. Akhirnya dari sisi produksi selalu over supply. Stock yg over supply harus di jual supaya jadi duit. Nah masuklah para investor dari China, Jepang, Korea, dan Singapura. Mereka berinvestasi dalam eksplorasi dan pembangunan infrastruktur distribusi. Dg catatan hasil produksi bisa dibeli oleh negara mereka. Itu kesepakatan yg wajar. Ada imbal balik antara investor dan kita. Kontrak Indonesia & Singapore sebelumnya berlaku selama 17 tahun (sampai 2023), lalu diperpanjang sampai 2028. Tapi seiring berjalannya waktu Indonesia kan terus bertumbuh. Kebutuhan produksi meningkat, sektor industri dan manufaktur juga semakin banyak. Bisa dilihat pertumbuhan kawasan industri baru dalam 1 dekade terakhir. Jadi baru sekarang lah mulai terasa ada over lapping kebutuhan.
@kikicutr7559 6 күн бұрын
​@@bima155baca komen di atasmu bro biar otaknya gak keisi piktor doank
@anwarajja7998 6 күн бұрын
Dulu itu mulyono bro
@jatimyw 6 күн бұрын
@@denny.dagger trims penjelasannya, sy rasa keputusan sudah yg terbaik.
@christianwilysoncitra3077 6 күн бұрын
Setuju enak enakkan mereka beli gas Indonesia yang murah karna ongkos kirimnya yang dekat sehingga rakyat asli Indonesia nangis menderita susah payah dan harganya juga gila gilaan padahal ini hasil bumi Indonesia tapi malah orang luar negeri yang nikmati rakyat indo yang kesusahan, Suruh mereka beli gas ke negara yang jauh agar kena ongkir lebih besar biar mata uangnya anjlok kaya Indonesia 👍
@patrickkam7174 5 күн бұрын
Singapura sudah lama melakukan diversifikasi impor gas, bertahun-tahun intimidasi dari negara tetangga membuat Singapura lebih pintar sekarang
@intanpermata5115 5 күн бұрын
Intimidasi.. Sudah mengambil segala keuntungan dr negara tetangga skg merasa paling korban. Hadeuuh
@Dominus_Potatus 4 күн бұрын
Mereka gak ada pilihan. Sumber energi paling murah adalah gas alam. Lalu... Indonesia posisinya tidak sedang kekurangan pasar, jelas China dengan senang hati akan menyerap kelebihan produksi gas dari Indonesia. Perjanjiannya juga jelas kalau Indonesia meminta ada investasi di Indonesia di bidang migas kalau mau beli.
@paranoya733 3 күн бұрын
@@Dominus_Potatus Tonton lagi videonya.. indonesia tidak bisa memenuhi kebutuhan dalam negeri makanya ga mau jual, ente bilang kelebihan produksi? 🤣🤣
@rudaldongfeng7718 3 күн бұрын
@@Dominus_Potatus Kelebihan produksi dari mana? Makanya stop jual ke singapura karena blm bisa memenuhi kebutuhan dalam negeri 🤣
@Dominus_Potatus 3 күн бұрын
@ baca ulang... gak ada kalimat saya yang ditulis Indonesia kelebihan produksi. Baca dari awal kalimat sampai tanda titik. smh
@TarmijiTarmiji-vb2sj 6 күн бұрын
INDONESIA jangan mau di bodohi Singapura untuk mengekspor listrik ramah lingkungan.itu sangat menguntungkan Singapura dan merugikan INDONESIA, karena jika Singapura sudah menerapkan listrik ramah lingkungan ziro emisi maka Singapura akan semakin banyak di datangi investor yang mengisyaratkan listrik ramah lingkungan.seperti Tesla,dll.... INDONESIA harus mendahulukan dirinya sendiri untuk menggunakan listrik ramah lingkungan dari pada negara lain.agar INDONESIA mendapatkan limpahan investor asing ❤❤❤🇮🇩
@palmtree_ 2 күн бұрын
Tdk masalah bagi singapura karena listrik hijau bisa didapat dr banyak negara lain. Silakan indo penuhi kebutuhan dlm negeri dulu. Kasihan masih ada 25 juta warga miskin absolut.
@bensegiii7580 Күн бұрын
​@@palmtree_saya berharap cara mendapatkannya pun TIDAK MEM-BENALU pada Indonesia.
@palmtree_ Күн бұрын
@@bensegiii7580 Justru indo yg tergantung pd investasi dan hutang dr singapura 😄
@bensegiii7580 Күн бұрын
@@palmtree_ benalu tetap aja benalu. Duit dari mana bisa ngasih pinjem, ? paling dr bank of Singapore. Tuh bank yg punya banyak depositnya hasil penjualan ekspor barang Indonesia. SAYA BILANG BENALU TETAP AJA BENALU. PARASITE tau kan, tuh uang bank of Singapore dari darah, tanah, orang Indonesia.
@abdurrohmanharitstaryanto7020 Күн бұрын
​ @palmtree_ hutang pada singapore didapat dari uang orang indonesia yang di parkir di singapore
@sickntired6197 5 күн бұрын
im sure this will not affect singapore that much as im pretty sure we have other sustainable sources. just like how we did with the water issues. : )
@lleong666 6 күн бұрын
Bagus lah! Caring for the citizens of the country is admirable.
@umeshutan6959 5 күн бұрын
Singapore have long prepared for this day to arrive..... Singapore is a tiny leaf from a huge tree.... Best not to push this tiny leaf too far....
@hannibaldirectiveprotocol 5 күн бұрын
@Tmobil4576 4 күн бұрын
Singapore sejak 1964 reklamasi Beli pasir dari Indonesia duitnya kemana? Jakarta banjir sejak Merdeka bukannya di Reklamasi malah jual pasir ke Singapore Duitnya mana ?
@palmtree_ Күн бұрын
Singapura import pasir dr indo hanya sampai thn 2007.
@benedictusompi3687 6 күн бұрын
Here on environmental, health, economic , trade consideration Indonesia has made an excellent policy
@paijombolang1993 6 күн бұрын
Ibarat punya sawah disewakan, pada waktu kita butuh beras kita beli di Indomart. Jangan sampai rakyat kita spt tikus yg mati kelaparan di lumbung padi. Gas alam juga sbg bahan baku pupuk urea, sangat tragis pupuk kosong dan petani tdk bisa menanam padi, krn pabrik kekurangan gas alam sbg akibat dijual semua keluar negeri.
@agusreza8263 6 күн бұрын
Perbandingan yang bagus mudah dimengerti
@awancah7309 5 күн бұрын
sayangnya jaman dulu yg lu bilang sawah jaman sekarang itu dibuka hutannya oleh singapore (investor) sekarang kita bisa lihat sawahnya sudah menghasilkan suka lupa kita butuh modal dari luar negeri. maksudku biasanya konsensi pertambangan itu 30 tahun baru bisa ditelaah kembali.
@blindspot9595 6 күн бұрын
Ibarat kita petani jual beras ke org tp kita sendiri kelaparan
@henrikleong1234 2 күн бұрын
That's depend on your government. The money goes into their pockets or to the people. 😂😂😂
@blindspot9595 2 күн бұрын
@henrikleong1234 if the government stop gas to singapore...i agree with that
@akungsuwarso8891 2 күн бұрын
Kebanyakan ambisi dan berlomba lomba dengan cara instan ya uang di depan mata pastinya pada berubah pikiran seketika jd menjanjikan orang berbuat korup diri sendiri atau kelompok Lihat lah rakyat demi bangsa ini 🇮🇩 semoga tetap terjaga warmah indonesia di mata dunia
@Mar1o-ox4ut256 6 күн бұрын
Singapore itu gasnya di jual lagi lebih mahal ke pasar eropa. Karena negaranya kecil dan kebutuhan gas sedikit.
@footyprimeur 6 күн бұрын
Negara itu emang licik, beli murah lalu dijual kembali ke negara lain/indonesia nya lagi 40x lipat, praktik ini mereka lakukan berdekade, dan soeharto sby dungu aja dikibulin gitu terus
@chandrakurniawan399 6 күн бұрын
@hashim64 5 күн бұрын
Saudi Arabia jual minyak mentah murah ada dari Russia
@gkagara 5 күн бұрын
Bedakan gas sama minyak, kalau minyak refinery orang beda beda refinery khusus bisa mengolah produk hydrokarbon type tertentu. Kalau minyak ada heavy, light, light sweet, ini refinerynya beda beda kalaubgas ambil dari A bisa transfer ke B langsung karena ya produknya sama cuma yg membedakan harganya
@leealex24 5 күн бұрын
If so, Malaysia can export our natural GAS to make more money for Malaysia. Our domestic production is significantly higher than our domestic consumption for now.
@joegoh1968 5 күн бұрын
Eh ... isn't this the logical thing to do? Meet domestic demands before exporting excess?
@wshyangify 5 күн бұрын
It sounds common sense but that's precisely what PAP won't do. Singapore would instead jack up the domestic prices of gas due to shifting global market trends.
@wymmyw8744 6 күн бұрын
energy is vital for industries.. this move could also can be translated into a signal that our govt are preparing the ecosystem for more investors.. well, there are incoming foreign investors to indonesia.. so, prolly we can expect indonesia achieving our supply chain independece goal and industrialization goal..
@husseinyusoff3520 6 күн бұрын
Saya org Malaysia... Walaupun agak gementar dengan berita Ini.. tapi demi kesejahteraan rakyat Indonesia saya sokong... Insyallah ada JALAN penyelesaian bagi kami... Walaupun tidak sebanyak Indonesia tapi Malaysia pun Salah satu negara pengeluar minyak Dan gas lagipula kami ada sektor yang boleh mengimbangkan dampak ekonomi dari kebijakan Indonesia.. semoga kita saling maju 🇲🇾🇮🇩
@orider187 6 күн бұрын
@westpapualiberation 6 күн бұрын
Indonesia 🇮🇩 curi Gas dari Jajahannya yaitu Papua
@husseinyusoff3520 6 күн бұрын
Pemerintah Indonesia dibawah prabowo Sangat2 hebat saya teruja dengan mentaliti presiden probowo... Cukup2 matang orang yang sangat2 Telus berjuang untuk rakyat... Kalau Indonesia maju mesti hebat Dan disegani rantau ASEAN kita ni... Sekarang politik Dunia sedang tidak baik2 jadi sebagai umat akhir zaman tidak kira di mana kita harus bersatu... Abaikan perbezaan kita... Kita wajib bersatu...🇲🇾🇮🇩
@christianwilysoncitra3077 6 күн бұрын
Setuju enak enakkan mereka beli gas Indonesia yang murah karna ongkos kirimnya yang dekat sehingga rakyat asli Indonesia nangis menderita susah payah dan harganya juga gila gilaan padahal ini hasil bumi Indonesia tapi malah orang luar negeri yang nikmati rakyat indo yang kesusahan, Suruh mereka beli gas ke negara yang jauh agar kena ongkir lebih besar biar mata uangnya anjlok kaya Indonesia 👍
@priawansuryatmo2276 6 күн бұрын
Its your chance to sell your gass to singapore man..... You will make a lots of profit....Enjoy.....👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
@mohdsyafik5008 6 күн бұрын
ini baru betul utamakan rakyat saya sokong terbaik Leader Indonesia
@komeratparewa400 6 күн бұрын
The problem selama ini adalah infrastruktur pipe untuk distribusi gas tidak cukup. Bayangkan indonesia itu luas , perlu bangun jaringan pipe untuk di salurkan ke konsumen. Itu sebabnya lebih banyak di export. Saat ini sudah banyak di bangun jaringan pipe untuk gas ,itu sebabnya export gas di kurangi di alihkan untuk dalam negri.
@siewyuk 6 күн бұрын
Hopefully Indonesians can pay as much as the current customers
@videostartchannel6148 6 күн бұрын
Rakyat butuh gas betul itu.mantep.okey!👍
@continuousself-improvement1879 6 күн бұрын
Singapore always prides itself on being the richest country in SE Asia, then let's see them throw their money around looking for another supplier. Indonesia has the right to manage its resources as it sees fit.
@Buttercookies0 6 күн бұрын
Do you know how many Indonesians work in Sg?? Maybe let's see them going back to Indo to look for jobs.
@inmylife4691 6 күн бұрын
​@@Buttercookies0 There's still other country need them like Hongkong and Taiwan.
@Buttercookies0 5 күн бұрын
@ don't know what you are talking abt.
@justscanningby9902 5 күн бұрын
​@@inmylife4691 Yes like Malaysia needs them. But don't get shot 😂
@leealex24 5 күн бұрын
If so, Malaysia can export our natural GAS to make more money for Malaysia. Our domestic production is significantly higher than our domestic consumption for now.
@jhkrppa 5 күн бұрын
Nah kalau ini baru bener, kebutuhan dalam negri diutamakan❤
@Tungku66 5 күн бұрын
The potential of revoking foreign buyers’ contract will only lead to distrust of the country. No wonder most Indonesian businessmen consider 5 years plan as long term plan for their companies.
@albertchu7926 5 күн бұрын
Bravos Indonesia 💪💪💪👏👏👏. Its important to fulfill the local needs first before exporting it gas to others countries. Take care of the local citizens and industries first. A true leader must prioritize this policy so its people will benefit it. Not like our PM that can’t even settle its own country hospital, healthcare, bridges and schools in our own country such as outskirts of Sabah and Sarawak yet now try’s to build it in Gaza with the rakyat’s money. What a joke.😂😂😂
@sunnygames599 5 күн бұрын
West natuna sea adl pipa bawah laut 1000 km panjangnya langsung singapore, ada 3 k3s yg mensupply gas ke pipa ini. Akankah di tutup?
@wymanspace4173 6 күн бұрын
Heavy subsidize gas for the local usage? Eroding profits to ease domestic demand? Really? Good luck. Once these countries think that you’re insincere they will turn to other resources or areas then it’ll be a hard lesson to learn.
@justscanningby9902 6 күн бұрын
Gas buyers have many alternative sources, especially with many new discoveries. Perhaps gas prices will go south . . . due to producers fighting market shares
@UpinIpin-o6v 5 күн бұрын
Shut up you cant speak Chinese,IM not Chinese but i can speak Mandarin,you poor oxymoron,go back where you came from
@intanpermata5115 5 күн бұрын
Lol there's no point of profit if your domestic need is not fulfilled. Lol insincere.. You should prove your sincerity by not being bitter. Come on where's your sincerity?
@wdotme 5 күн бұрын
That "Local Users" are Indonesian people, the interests of the Indonesian nation, comfort and QoL of the Indonesian people, fulfillment of the sense of security and sufficiency of the Indonesian people ~~ 1st and foremost. The rest, the excess, is then reasonable to sell outside the country. What sincerity are you talking 'bout? With the wealth belonging to the whole Indonesian people, the paragraph above is logical, sincere and correct ~~ to be carried out by Policy Makers for the Indonesian People ~ 1st and foremost. The opposite of that its a form of corruption, betrayal of the mandate of the law and the constitution, a form of satanic logic. The Indonesian government is not a servant of Singapore (and or the mafias for and in Singapore ~~ who are happy, fertilize, and take advantage from ignorance and corrupt characteristics, whose behavior sacrifices the future of the entire nation for the sake of a f#k'in tiny profit for themselves compared to the interests of the nation for tens or even hundreds of years to come). They are servants of all Indonesian people for the benefit of the Indonesian people, that is the correct and proper logic, the logic of sincere and trustworthy people with the authority and responsibility entrusted to their hands by all Indonesian people.
@wymanspace4173 5 күн бұрын
The country’s interest is also to keep the economy running positively. Of cos, the people must be looked after, what I am suggesting is that such policies cannot be implemented haphazardly without thinking of the long term consequences.
@chandrakurniawan399 6 күн бұрын
*Tolong pemerintah STOP juga export pasir ke Singapura*
@komeratparewa400 6 күн бұрын
Yg di export itu adalah sedimen yg membuat dangkal perairan sehingga kapal sulit lewat.
@superduper6765 6 күн бұрын
Kata siapa ,sudah liat apa yg diekspor?​@@komeratparewa400
@multatuli1 5 күн бұрын
​@@komeratparewa400 pret puluhan tahun export sedimen mulu 😂
@christyorlan 5 күн бұрын
@taukay3520 5 күн бұрын
InshaaAllah Singapore survive we have go through a lot a since our independent so negative comments or sentiments by others we still strive Majulah Singapora ❤
@chanoliverkumyun9123 4 күн бұрын
This is a return 'favour' for Johor-Singapore SEZ. Part of doing business
@palmtree_ Күн бұрын
They want people to believe it's retaliation for the JS-SEZ, but the ban actually applies to LNG. Singapore mainly imports LNG from Australia.
@Dominus_Potatus 4 күн бұрын
Jujur aja... niatnya sebenarnya jelas, mau main jangka panjang tapi APBN lagi bermasalah. Feeling gw, mau maksa perusahaan minyak gas di Singapura supaya buat perusahaan di Indonesia seperti Nikel. "Kalau u gk mau buka di Indonesia, China bakal masuk buka perusahaan di Indonesia. Jadi jangan bilang Indonesia tidak memberikan kesempatan, kalian yang menolak membuka di Indonesia." Kurang lebih gitu pesannya.
@Dominus_Potatus 4 күн бұрын
Perlu baca pesan tersirat. Jelas tujuannya memenuhi kebutuhan dalam negeri dahulu. Kalimat tersebut bisa diartikan kalau sudah terpenuhi, kelebihannya akan dijual ke luar. Bagaimana caranya bisa lebih? U invest di sini, eksplorasi dan bor. Kalau produksi bertambah akan ada sisa, nah sisanya u bisa jual ke luar. Ujung-ujungnya China melihat sebagai peluang untuk ketahanan energi mereka karena sekarang ini sumber utama mereka datang dari Russia dan Arab via laut. Jalur laut dilalui aliansi AS, kalau bisa potong ke Indonesia langsung mereka aman. Lalu USA pasti gk mau tinggal diam, mau gak mau AS harus intervensi agar China gk berhasil membuat pangkalan energi di Indonesia. Salah satu cara adalah AS membuat perusahaan untuk eksplorasi di Indonesia. Di dunia, posisi Indonesia sangat bagus. Ya dimanfaatkan.
@palmtree_ Күн бұрын
Gada efeknya buat singapura karena yg mau distop LNG. Singapura import LNG utamanya dr australia.
@umeshutan6959 5 күн бұрын
No problem... If Indonesia wants to see the Chinese troops in the middle of South East Asia... occupying Singapore and Indonesia needs to fly to Beijing to discuss any issues involving Singapore...then pls...go ahead...keep pressing Singapore.
@AmosOska 4 күн бұрын
Idiotic comment!
@HuaWuDi Күн бұрын
I welcome China.. They are our own people.. Great Chinese ♥️
@mic5391 5 күн бұрын
This is a 2023 news and it had no impact on Singapore!
@Moresmo 4 күн бұрын
@RioThalieb 3 күн бұрын
Put more additional economic policy then... i.e., Stop all export of raw material to Singapore, pricessit all in Indonesia
@charleswilson8038 6 күн бұрын
Not just gas but oil aa well
@matmotor7572 5 күн бұрын
Siapa bilang ? Bahlil. Aku ga percaya. Ini jika tidak diurus dengan betul akan menjurus kepada jualan iligal kedepannya nanti 😢
@t0il3tfish 6 күн бұрын
@ontowiryo4952 6 күн бұрын
Orng2 sing cumn mau dngr brita bhs ingrs, mksh bnyk sdh bkin konten b ing yg pro indo, biar sing mikr gmna mau konter ny, mskipun mreka kuat dn licik, pke proxi "londo ireng" (ato pnghiant dlm ngri, kyk orng lokl yg pro blnda dlu), kita hrus tau lngkh mreka 2 - 3 - 4 lngkh kdpn, gmna ngrspon mreka, ap lgi klo kita ad proyk bsarnd btam trkait plabuhn ato rmpang eco, tu ggal krna proxi, kita hrus sdh bsa tau klo tu bkl trjdi, jgn asl main dil proyk tnpa kita siap kn "kontra proxi ny"
@amoss0911 6 күн бұрын
Kamu yg bodoh si, bahasa kebangsaan Singapura adalah bahasa Melayu. Ramai pengtakbir Singapura bisa membaca dan berbicara Melayu.
@eskaIIofficial 6 күн бұрын
@@amoss0911 tapi kalau dari pengalaman saya selama tinggal di Singapore sih walau bahasa kebangsaan mereka (salah satunya ) adalah Melayu, kebanyakan dari mereka tidak bisa berbahasa Melayu. Menurut data, orang Singapore yang dapat berbicara bahasa Melayu hanya sekitar 13-15% saja. BTW, "pengtakbir" itu apaan?
@kashlaw8048 6 күн бұрын
@@eskaIIofficial takbir is a arabic word meaning god is greatest
@dreamsleeper87 5 күн бұрын
why does this feels like the chicken ban malaysia did during covid all over again lol
@palmtree_ Күн бұрын
The ban doesn’t affect Singapore. It applies to LNG, which Singapore mainly gets from Australia. It helps their industries needing LNG but not people relying on LPG for cooking.
@mygoodness.6214 5 күн бұрын
No gas? Simple, buy somewhere else. Not worried of no gas, rather worried of no money, with money buying from other countries no issue. Its a free market
@pungkiberlianto 8 сағат бұрын
Priority for domestic use. S'pore can use supplier from other country
@MYBNMZ1 4 күн бұрын
Jujur aja mau naikan harga apabila Singapura merayu.
@palmtree_ Күн бұрын
Ga ada pengaruhnya buat singapura karena yg distop export LNG. singapura import LNG dr australia.
@angmatthew 5 күн бұрын
Singapore import less than1 % of LNG gas from Indonesia. The government is not stupid to rely on an unreliable Neighbour.
@OoiHowKhiam 4 күн бұрын
Don't be jealous.
@benjaminlangindang8928 Күн бұрын
​@@OoiHowKhiam well he is not wrong 😂
@ALong-fo5so 5 күн бұрын
Thats alright. Malaysia can take up the supply for Singapore. We have plenty to spare.
@hongsonngo4313 5 күн бұрын
dont worry Singapore, come to Australia we have plenty already export to China :)
@voonjanted5043 4 күн бұрын
If Singapore is short of gas supply due to ban from foreign import, it should consider the use of induction cooking to replace gas cooking and Singapore is not short of electricity supply, further more electricity is a greener source of energy, it is cleaner, safer use.
@maunglodaya 6 күн бұрын
Stop selling to malaysia too, malaysia sell gas to japan while buy from indonesia. Its not on.
@bluecool50 5 күн бұрын
Malaysia don't need to import gas
@r.ariowibowo3245 5 күн бұрын
Beautiful ❤❤❤
@abayyoo4252 6 күн бұрын
Bahlil oh Bahlil, Bahlil 2 days ago issued a policy that stalls were prohibited from selling gas and then the next day there was a shortage in almost all areas. You should prepare the entire system thoroughly before issuing a policy 😅 He may have good intentions but without good preparation
@justscanningby9902 5 күн бұрын
Bahlil's Distraction 😂
@suresharavind7251 6 күн бұрын
Not a smart move pushing Singapore aside we simply find another supplier and don't do business with u anymore in that sector
@goodcook464 5 күн бұрын
Well,we really need our gas for our industry so it would grow. It's okay if Sg wants to look for gas from other countries. It is your right.
@dachee 6 күн бұрын
With new technology, gas should not be used for heating water. Sg should reduce its need for gas by 50%. I am using more efficient heating technology and had stopped using gas for the last 10 years.
@bluecool50 5 күн бұрын
Time to build solar panels om all buildings
@GeorginaMary-l3c 5 күн бұрын
I'm favored financially with Bitcoin ETFs approval, Thank you buddy.$32,000 weekly profit regardless of how bad it gets on the economy.
@jesonmariyaa 5 күн бұрын
Same here, I believe the Bitcoin ETFs approval will be life changing opportunity for us, with my current portfolio of $108,000 from my investments with my personal financial advisor i totally agree with you
@AnthonyElias-m1v 5 күн бұрын
YES!!! That's exactly her name (Margaret Emily) so many people have recommended highly about her and am just starting with her, Kairangi from Brisbane Australia..🇦🇺
@Jsjmx 5 күн бұрын
people are ignorant of profitability in bitcoin investment and that has been the major issues limiting their investment
@PriskaDelvin 5 күн бұрын
She is my family' personal Broker and also a personal Broker to many families in the United states, she is a licensed broker and a FINRA AGENT in the United States.🇺🇸
@John-r2e8g 5 күн бұрын
This sounds so good and I would like to be a party to this, is there any way I can speak with her?
@mikosudiharto6747 6 күн бұрын
Pangan, energi gerakan bagus. Gerakan pertama sudah mantap.
@noridahhusain8835 4 күн бұрын
Hapus kan korupsi dan preman2 di Indonesia….. jangan ashik menyalah kan negara orang…
@David-x2c8l 6 күн бұрын
will Singapore be surprise ? Singapore got friendly neighbors ? Don't be naive - Mr Lee Kwan Yew 1990's speech. China will use this incident to their advantage , smart. Let 2 of them fight....
@justscanningby9902 5 күн бұрын
Maybe I can be your father (or grandfather😂) . . . . In the 1990s, an Indonesian minister ever threatened to shut off its piped gas supply to Singapore. Singapore was in panic. Singapore was then vulnerable. After calling Tokyo Gas for a hasty consultation, it was recommended that Singapore build its own gas terminal. Gas could then be supplied by ship and offloaded at the gas terminal. Latest reports say Singapore is building more gas terminals
@David-x2c8l 5 күн бұрын
@@justscanningby9902 - your mother can suck well ?
@benjaminlangindang8928 Күн бұрын
​@@justscanningby9902yeah but those were in the past but now we are in present now Singapore can get Gas from any countries because they are rich😂
@Kevin-sl2yw 5 күн бұрын
Gas is still being sold to Singapore until 2028. The deal was brokered by Sembcorp
@dulichdoday5361 3 күн бұрын
Can't blame Indonesia. If you can't feed yourself, how can you support others. Singapore and Malaysia can buy it from Russia or Canada.
@justscanningby9902 2 күн бұрын
Nearest gas producers Australia Brunei. Australia is one of the biggest gas producers besides Qatar USA Iran Canada . . .
@cyranoonghaflin646 6 күн бұрын
So all this while the Indo gov does not care about their citizens on gas supply? Only this newly elected one cares? Those exports to MY and SG are not free. They pay good money about US$2bil. SG have been heavily invested in Indo but this is how Indo repaid them. Sad!
@aryaPangestu-zc6gj 6 күн бұрын
Menangis lah
@cyranoonghaflin646 5 күн бұрын
@@aryaPangestu-zc6gj we dont cry we innovate and apply. No need to join big brothers like PRICS. We stand proud of being the most successful independent small red dot in the world!!!!
@locolique 3 күн бұрын
Exporting LNG to Singapore was less than 1%.... it doesn't make any sense. However, what is Indonesian needs is LPG. The production of LPG can't fulfill domestic demands. Please be smart as Indonesians.
@justscanningby9902 2 күн бұрын
In fact Indonesia imports Lpg from the US Arab countries and Sink ka por😂
@benjaminlangindang8928 Күн бұрын
​@@justscanningby9902an yet Indonesia people still having problem with LPG demands in their country. Like why is Indonesia have 3kg gas where other countries have gas around 12kg-16kg.😂
@justscanningby9902 Күн бұрын
@@benjaminlangindang8928 To be factual . . . the Indonesian govt. created the 3-kg cylinder called Melon gas locally, which are meant for the poor. It is heavily subsidized, costing not more than Rp19 thousand rupiah or less (US$1=Rp16,250). But it is widely abused by the-not so-poor, due to poor management on the part of the govt. The 12kg-13kg cylinder called the Pink gas is the unsubsidized. When those driving a Mercedes are still able to obtain the 3-kg Melon gas, the poor naturally are squeezed in obtaining the subsidized Melon .
@ADIMIHARDJA 6 күн бұрын
YES - , It's right indeed. Any country will do the same > first of all to satisfy and supply Domestic Market and while there will still be a surplus of Gas Production to be exported to , then no problem to do so. It's quiet reasonable Why does The Indonesian Government must stop or at least significantly cut The Gas supply to Singapore and Malaysia. Simply because the Economics reason and the national interest to satisfy the needs of Domestic market and The Domestic Consumer Demands.
@cherubimcherubim9515 5 күн бұрын
Singapore can buy overprice oil from usa.
@AmosOska 4 күн бұрын
stupid comment, why must you buy from US there is so many other countries supplying NG.
@cherubimcherubim9515 4 күн бұрын
@AmosOska buy from american master or get tariffs
@syahrulgufran6541 6 күн бұрын
Singapura enak bgt ya... G usah lah ekspor gas kesana lagi.. Biar mereka nyari sumber gas dr negara lain
@herman389 6 күн бұрын
Betul. Lagian singapura kan negara kaya. Harusnya gak masalah, mereka bisa cari sumber yang lain. Yang penting kebutuhan Indonesia domestik di penuhi dahulu
@ditsygirl5409 5 күн бұрын
You guys are right! Singaporeans would be fine about Indonesia not importing natural gas to us as it’s less than 1% of imported natural gas we receive from many countries. We appreciate your past small contributions though.
@petrusphang814 5 күн бұрын
Omon omon doank... Utang terbesar negara kita itu utang ke singapore no 1 dan jepang no 2 dan amerika no 3
@serbaserbidunia7584 4 күн бұрын
Dasar mental inferior, mental inlander dan mental rendah diri
@tanpengjoo7205 5 күн бұрын
Thats the importance of self reliance and not too relied on others for " help ". No gas use charcoal, back to the future. But too late small island have built too many h d b blocks , wonder how if other countries stop supplying all necessity to singapore.
@Buttercookies0 3 күн бұрын
Go solar
@louistan7560 6 күн бұрын
Nothing to be "bold" about it. If true. It is Indonesia 's prerogative.
@justscanningby9902 5 күн бұрын
I believe they have extended the agreement 2 years ago to continnue selling piped gas. Let Indonesia nullify the agreement and pay Singapore the penalty. (Any nullification will carry a penalty)
@ricosubekti1450 5 күн бұрын
Indonesia ada istilah. Sandang, pangan, papan. energy untuk panganya belum, udh mau bangun papan di lain-lain. itulah situasi gas di negeri ini.
@Black_Sun_Dark_Star 5 күн бұрын
At least Indonesia is doing a general ban and not one that targets Singapore alone. I think it is wise to give Singapore time to look for alternative sources.
@eagle___shadow 3 күн бұрын
segarusnya bahan bakar gas di indonesia adalah gratis,karena indonesia banyak gunung gunung berapi,kita tidak akan kekurangan gas alam". dan sepatuynya gasnya di salurkan langsung ke rumah rumah pakai pipa gas, tabungnya hanya untuk wilayah wilayah pedalaman saja,.
@chandrakurniawan399 6 күн бұрын
*good for Indonesia, keep going*
@fanglethorpe 6 күн бұрын
Good, the US will sell gas to Singapore. We have a businessman running the country, make the deal Singapore!
@justscanningby9902 6 күн бұрын
Singapore is not goondu😂, U are goondu if U depend on a single supplier. Singapore was almost kena play when an Indonesian minister threatened to cut gas supply to Singapore in the 1990s. Singapore then was vulnerable. After a hasty consultation with Tokyo Gas, it was recommended that Singapore build its own gas terminals. Presently Singapore main gas suppliers Australia Qatar USA (Trump will more than happy to supply more🤭) Saudi Arabia UAE Oman Kuwait Angola Nigeria . . . nearby Malaysia (piped) Brunei Myanmar . . . in future maybe Vietnam after gas was discovered recently there
@ditsygirl5409 5 күн бұрын
Actually Singapore only receive less than 1% of imported natural gas from Indonesia. It’s fine, just terminate the contract!😂
@NoCopyrightMusicNCMOfficial 5 күн бұрын
US is far, you need more fee 😂
@anaksultan1147 6 күн бұрын
Kepentingan Rakyat Indonesia diatas segalanya...
@d4nddand399 6 күн бұрын
In the past, Indonesia did not need large gas and needed money. At present the economy is starting to improve and the needs of domestic gas must be met. Whereas Singapore is a small country for gas needs only for its business and can even compete with the business developed by Indonesia.
@cricketarena4926 5 күн бұрын
Singapore indonesia have already 5 years deal on gas this deal ending on 2028 not in 2025
@adols4336 5 күн бұрын
Prabowo terus hidup ..mantap Pak President
@videostartchannel6148 5 күн бұрын
Wakilnya seharusnya pak Anies..malah bocah.🤦‍♂️
@s0valye241 6 күн бұрын
thank you for the video. keep up the good work
@Spaceshps 5 күн бұрын
Not watching this video after 7 minutes, 2 ads per minutes. BS
@Giniya-lz5cx 6 күн бұрын
Make Indonesia GREAT! MANTAP emang Pak Prabowo!
@bldbld3697 5 күн бұрын
It's better to sell Biofuel and use the profit to invest in Solar/Wind/Hydro and Geothermal Energy. Biofuel is the least sustainable renewable energy. The most important question is why the government hasn't invested in Solar/Wind/Hydro and Geothermal Energy. You make a full profit from selling gas, unlike oil.
@JacksonWong-pw4zq 5 күн бұрын
Singapore puts ceca endians first , other foreigners sevond and singappreans last , all countries puts its people first except singapore .
@ack6668 5 күн бұрын
It's not because of politics like russia. Indonesia don't even have enough domestically, why do they need to export.
@celestialstar124 4 күн бұрын
We Singaporean do need gas resources but we don't force the Indonesia. Don't act as if we have the ability to force other countries and they will do whatever unfair demands we want. We Singaporean understand that any government rights to prioritise their own country first. That's how we cope during covid.
@Leonhart84 3 күн бұрын
Lol you guys is just like europe No more cheap gas for you😂
@MrJermson 2 күн бұрын
​@@Leonhart84It really is ok for Sg. Indonesia need to take care of its needs first. Sg will source it elsewhere.
@palmtree_ 2 күн бұрын
singapore is in the process of transitioning from natural gas to renewable energy anyway. There is not impact from stopping the exports.
@Bikarjx 5 күн бұрын
i guess a lot of people are missing the point in this. it's not about power play etc. it's simply because the president want to support it's own people first. i could see the narrative maybe directing to a potential scenario, that's just journalism talk. all that i'm concerned is about the intention to do good for it's own people first, it's sound good then im all in for it. there's no real statement wether indonesia will be stopping gas export. indonesia will still support other nations as long they are willing to do the same (investing) in indonesia development.
@christyorlan 5 күн бұрын
Sy pekerja di OIL n GAS 35 thn dibbrp wilayah Indonesia, sy baca berita ini KETAWA NGAKAK ibarat org minta duit, tdk dikasih krn org ini yg ngasih ini dgn katakan kamu JAHAT, JADI TDK SAYA KASIH pdhal org tsb SDH TDK ADA DUIT MAU DIKASIH krn urusan RT perlu duit juga. BIAR DIANGGAP ORG YG MASIH PUNYA DUIT PDHAL TIDAK.
@pgurtala 6 күн бұрын
A BOLD & GOOD STRATEGIC MOVED, by meeting its people's needs. Indonesia thinks of its peoples prosperity first, which in turn will boost the buying power to local industries to produce goods internally. Once achieved, then sell to other countries. It does pose several challenges, but with a STRONG LEADERSHIP, insha Allah INDONESIA will be less dependent on other countries to import.
@hoti3960 5 күн бұрын
Double or triple the price, works?
@palmtree_ Күн бұрын
It won't work. The ban is on LNG, which Singapore mostly imports from Australia. It benefits industries needing LNG but doesn't help people who need LPG for cooking.
@randomchanel7421 6 күн бұрын
Untuk kepentingan negara dan rencana industrialisasi kita harus menyimpan gas untuk kebutuhan itu dan juga menciptakan surplus energi untuk ketahanan produksi.
@elvanfreddy8268 6 күн бұрын
Saatnya menghidupkan industri di dalam negeri.. Kalau urusan di negeri orang, biarlah menjadi tantangan mereka sendiri, bukan urusan Indonesia..
@vicktorteck4902 5 күн бұрын
Time to think big and look for alternate sources similar to how we did for water
@Ascham-j6x2m 5 күн бұрын
they only supply 1% of total import in Singapore. just look else where for that 1%. using Singapore name just to push their problem to Singapore like always. they talk big but only able to Sell 1% to little red dot they said.
@leealex24 5 күн бұрын
If so, Malaysia can export our natural GAS to make more money for Malaysia. Our domestic production is significantly higher than our domestic consumption for now.
@omegoshtv5288 6 күн бұрын
We need fast action from our government
@theresaindrianarostanti9878 6 күн бұрын
Dukung , lanjutkan!
@antasena4917 6 күн бұрын
next winter some countries will get colder than before
@awancah7309 5 күн бұрын
ekport kita di gas tidak sebesar ekport rusia apalagi iran. kita net importir lpg yg diexport lng beda gas.
@misskatrokofficial1650 6 күн бұрын
Indonesia get tired to get bully from another country that indonesia is poor that is why goverment will use everything that we had and take a back what we Lost.
@Buttercookies0 6 күн бұрын
Indonesia is poor not bec of other countries. It is your own internal problems.
@justscanningby9902 5 күн бұрын
Indonesia sells gas, Indonesia receives US$. Bully? U are not bullied to sell . In any transaction both parties must come to an agreement. Where is this bully thing coming from?
@paulocembranelli5514 6 күн бұрын
Congrats to the Indonesian Government, Indonesia for Indonesians. Next step is to explore the downstream process and refine all the oil extracted in the country and export the final products...
@COLINJELY 6 күн бұрын
Coal, Gas, Hydro, Nuclear, it doesn't matter what you use. Does Indoneasia have a Nuclear Powerplant?
@p.abidin6514 6 күн бұрын
No, Indonesia does not currently have a nuclear power plant in operation, but it is planning to build one. Indonesia has built experimental nuclear reactors for research purposes, and has signed agreements with other countries to develop nuclear power plants
@Anmirukaa 6 күн бұрын
Some ASEAN build one but not used it because of safety concern. Judge how close they're *country* to each other (sharing sea and some land).
@Lana-xd7ey 6 күн бұрын
I don't think we can considering that we are in the ring of fire path with so many earthquake and trusnami
@AndreasDewatmoko1 6 күн бұрын
For those who are unaware of current Indonesian Nuclear power development please watch these videos: and
@salehsalehfeb4937 Күн бұрын
Sudah sampai masa nya indonesia stop!export minyak ke singapore dan malaysia...buat tetap buat ok!
@Ingusanbae 6 күн бұрын
Stop segera eksport gas dari Natuna dan Sumatra ke Singapore... Indonesia harus segera swasembada energi.
@Freaky-ni9kk 6 күн бұрын
Utamakan kekayaan alam indonesia untuk rakyat indonesia...💪💪💪💪
@KingFisher-v1i 6 күн бұрын
terbaik, org sendiri diutamakan!
@tryolegend 6 күн бұрын
You sell the gas overseas you get currency you convert the currency into buy other raw materials you need for production. Doing so is just not allowing the gas companies to find the best price for their gas.
@RahmantoFauzi 6 күн бұрын
Lumayan lah akhirnya sadar. 50 tahun ekspor gas mentah udh jadi LPG kita beli lagi. Negara lain yg gak punya gas alam malah ngambil keuntungan dari mngolah gas Indonesia jadi LPG terus dijual lagi ke Indonesia. 50 tahun gak bisa2 bikin LPG sendiri
@plain39ify 5 күн бұрын
aku sokong dari singapore
@nur-azhar 5 күн бұрын
why ahahahah kiwak treason sey hahahaha ko duduk batam ke bro
@ahmadbaba-i5g 4 күн бұрын
Harap Malaysia juga turut hentikan penjualan air kepada singapura
@martina-f4v 6 күн бұрын
*¡Yo estoy feliz, 42000 dólares cada mes! Ahora puedo retribuir a la gente de mi comunidad y también apoyar las obras de Dios y la iglesia.*
@LeonardoDaniel-x5e 6 күн бұрын
Dios te bendiga más abundantemente por tu generosidad.
@Leonardo-q9j7g 6 күн бұрын
Cómo lo haces por favor?
@martina-f4v 6 күн бұрын
Gracias a la señora JULIA K. COOK
@Manuel-c9d3h 6 күн бұрын
¡¡¡SÍ!!! Ese es exactamente su nombre (Julia K. Cook) por lo que mucha gente la ha recomendado mucho y recién estoy empezando con ella.
@AndreaVicente-t2q 6 күн бұрын
Que Dios bendiga los servicios de Julia K Cook, ella ha cambiado miles de vidas en todo el mundo (Estados Unidos, Colombia, Argentina, México, Ecuador, España, Perú y muchos lugares) que un buen nombre es mejor que la plata o el oro.
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