INTP vs INFP - which one are you?

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Love Who

Love Who

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@evansmith2832 4 жыл бұрын
I still have no goddamn clue which one I am. INTP makes more sense, but INFP just feels right. Kinda ironic.
@idonthaveachannelname6585 4 жыл бұрын
@Introburp 4 жыл бұрын
Me too? I mean is it possible to be both? I relate to both!
@ariskakamilaraihan7176 4 жыл бұрын
yes i feel this way too!
@kristofkovacsRisy 4 жыл бұрын
I'm just a sine wave alternating between them. I often express my feelings with music, feel refreshed from singing, and I often connect bits of informations to a huge net just to figure out the basic structure and logic of something nobody cares about.
@elenagergis359 4 жыл бұрын
The thing is that it’s a spectrum. It seems that you fall closer to one side, but you lean close to another. In this case, I think you would have to not let your feelings OR your thinking decide. The best thing for you to do is let your intuition guide you.
@benjaminharmon6541 4 жыл бұрын
I'm an INTP and my best friend is INFP. We are both artists and writers, but we approach these things differently. I carefully plan my plot arcs for maximum emotional impact, because *the system works*, and I write as concisely as possible. He starts with emotions and lets the plot follow from that, and lets the words flow much more smoothly. In drawing, I use a ruler and references, and spend hours perfecting details, while he makes a quick outline and sculpts the shape as it goes along, ending up with a less precise but still effective piece of art. I think we both learn a lot from each other but still have our different preferences. This video sums it up quite well!
@lovewho 4 жыл бұрын
This is fascinating to see you both approach the same process from different angles ~ Nathan
@mlandry491 4 жыл бұрын
So with writing you are the plotter and your infp friend is the pantser it seems. As a writer myself, I plot report writing but pants everything else. Pantsing is how I flow. Its soo interesting to see these compared. I've never looked at the writing styles with direct relation to intp/infp types but I can clearly see how that makes sense. I hate saying that I pants. That I'm a pantser. It sounds so pervy and fetishy... lol Like paul Specter from The Fall... lol
@RutabegaNG 4 жыл бұрын
I can't plan a plot to save my life. I can write a decent short story, but to flesh it out, and make it longer? Not so much. For photography, I know the rules, but I don't follow them. I actually make a point of breaking them, sometimes. Get some pretty cool effects, that way. This is why I'm now more confused, rather than less.
@mlandry491 4 жыл бұрын
@@RutabegaNG if i plan or outline i never ever follow it. I fully understand the beauty of happy accidents and fortuitous circumstance, though. Love it when that happens. Count on it, really.
@natkraker1660 4 жыл бұрын
i'm a confused INFP-INTP, i also write and i'm both??? i plan plots carefully but i also write
@sunflower2921 4 жыл бұрын
I still can't tell if I'm an INTP or a depressed and cold INFP LOL. I can't tell if I'm convincing myself and acting as an INTP as a defence mechanism when truly I'm an INFP on the inside. I can identify with nearly all of INTP traits but some of the INFP values too. I get more and more confused the more I research this oh my god it pisses me off that I feel like I don't understand who I am and I have no sense of identity Edit: My goodness I didn't think I'd get this many replies over this year LOL so I still haven't figured out what I am sadly but I think if anything I'm a good balance between T and F, and whatever situation I'm in brings out parts of either side (the human personality is complex after all) Maybe some of y'all in the comments can relate to this. My final internal observation of my behaviour is that I may very well be an infp that values intp thinking and tries to embody that in my life without realising, or an intp that's just a tad more sensitive and emotionally in touch with myself and others than the stereotypical intp/I value the emotional tact that infps kinda have. I'm still confused, but good luck to anyone else who has this dilemma and remember this is all just some good fun :)
@hydrohomie6911 4 жыл бұрын
Idk but from your comment you seem more like an INFP
@mauve9266 4 жыл бұрын
You may be an INTP who just also puts emphasis on values and feelings I myself am a bit like that. I see logic in orienting myself in that way tho still valuing the thinking
@marwamohamed1246 4 жыл бұрын
I am an INTP, and I do face the same conflict
@kenmakage6913 4 жыл бұрын
As an INTP, I relate to this. I still struggle with determining INFP vs INTP for myself, as I do consider how others react and feel and try to anticipate that. I have taken various tests and come up INTP (and relate to one too many INTP memes) but I suppose I am just a artsy, unique, occasionally feeling-considerate INTP. You may be as well. Also, females even today are typically raised to be more emotional and more emotionally attuned to others, so that could be part of it too. Side note: love ur profile pic. Kirishima is the best
@Entyipo 4 жыл бұрын
On the 16personality test I get 49% feeling and 51% thinking and I identify with both. All my friends call me logical and I'm pretty smart and I'm so confused I certainly feel like INFP when I'm relaxed but sometimes an INTP I think 24/7 pacing back and forth and don't stop thinking until I drift into sleep I would really appreciate if someone helped me
@arinaa195 4 жыл бұрын
Infps are capable of thinking they're any personality type and still be wrong
@lovewho 4 жыл бұрын
Haha ok this comment made me laugh, well played ~ Nathan
@adityaarya1056 4 жыл бұрын
can you please explain your comment !?
@arinaa195 4 жыл бұрын
@@adityaarya1056Stereotypically an INFP is very creative so often it is hard to find their true Identity. They are often multitalented and can share characteristics of many personality types.
@adityaarya1056 4 жыл бұрын
@@arinaa195 totally agreed. "Still be wrong" part of your comment didn't fit well with the rest of your comment in my head, so I asked.
@arinaa195 4 жыл бұрын
@@adityaarya1056 that was a little exaggeration to make it funny
@waterbottle9603 4 жыл бұрын
Still... this is so broad... I think I could be an INFP because I’m not very structured and I always choose harmony instead of fights, but I suck at writing and ,more often than not, I’m much more rational than most people around me, i think that even though I have my personal values , I don’t impose them on other people and I always keep an open mind seeing things from many different perspectives often even abdicating my feelings to make a decision. I think that mbti can be a nice tool to know a bit more about yourself , but maybe , because of it being so structured , it ends up limiting your personality too much and maybe reinforcing many cliches that can be untrue to many people.
@waterbottle9603 4 жыл бұрын
Many of the topics related to fi and ti about values versus logic are too black and white , for example, I value my values , but I don’t judge them as empirically right or wrong, because I think that maybe there is nor right or wrong. I realize how irrational moral is and that’s exactly why I don’t judge it lol however , I always try to follow my -internal- values as long as it doesn’t affect other’s freedom
@Fedraco 4 жыл бұрын
@@waterbottle9603 you explained most of the dilemma I face better than I could.
@MA-2020 4 жыл бұрын
I relate to you. I'd say, don't bother about the stereotype that much. I'm INFP, I love logic, science, math, computer. Literature and national language were my least favorite subject in school, and I have a bachelor in engineering. Trying to figure out whether I'm an Fi or Ti user was, as you described, confusing. What sealed the deal for me was looking at my struggle, aspiration. Managing interpersonal relationship (Fe) is not my struggle, but I aspire to be more structured (Te). When I discovered MBTI, I use it to help me understand people (including myself) better, and now I mainly see it as a tool for personal growth. Like you said, if used wrongly (only care about stereotypes, seeing the types as boxes), all these typings can be very limiting and potentially dangerous. But to know that everyone actually have all the 8 functions, and have the potential to unlock them all, and be their own version of balanced, well-rounded human being, is reassuring, and actually very exciting! I can't wait until we all get there, must be very harmonious world 😅
@waterbottle9603 4 жыл бұрын
M A that’s true, it would be cool to “unlock” our shadow functions hah I’ve trying to approach MBTI like that as well :) thanks for this comment thought! I feel more understood now 😭
@waterbottle9603 4 жыл бұрын
Gamtauru great to know I’m not the only one D:
@t4qu1t08 4 жыл бұрын
This question has been tormenting me a lot recently.... Ti and Fi just seem so similar and maybe that's why people mention that your top function is connected to your bottom function (8th function). Did I, as an INTP, choose to approach life in a logical/Ti way because that is simply my nature, or because I VALUE (Fi) logical thinking? It seems to me that they coexist and that one can't live without the other. Fi drives my Ti and in the case of INFPs, Ti can sometimes drive their Fi as well (It seems to be that following your emotions can be the most rational approach in some cases). Anyways, the point is: they appear to be two flavors of the same thing and it has been confusing for me to distinguish between the two. (same happens with Te and Fe). Really enjoyed the video Nathan!
@lovewho 4 жыл бұрын
So you (and two other people in this comment section) have brought up a very clever point. Logic itself can be a value. So that is an issue with the way I described them in this video. I must say, the comment is very logically written/explained. You give reasons for your thoughts and you do something I've also noticed (because I often do it) which is put bracketed sections in your writing just to... MAKE 100% SURE..the person reading it gets the exact/precise point you're trying to make. Of course I cannot possibly base this guess of reading one passage of text, but this tiny sample felt very INTP to me. And you're correct, in the Socionics typing system INTPs will be balanced with Ti and Fi, it would have been quite messy had I brought that up in the video! ~ Nathan
@t4qu1t08 4 жыл бұрын
@@lovewho Wow! It’s funny to think that someone else (and probably many other people as well) have bracket addictions 😅. There’s another KZbinr called Eric the INTP where he describes his way of thinking using a very clever analogy I (and probably you as well) could relate to. That is, it feels as if when INTPs try to explain something, all the information is shoved and crammed through a tube all at once and you have to work with whatever comes out at random to attempt to piece together a linear argument. This is why brackets save me since I can place them anywhere I want since my thinking kinda feels like a shotgun blast and I have to polish it in real time (planning ain’t my thing haha). I haven’t gotten into Socionics yet but it seems pretty interesting. Thanks for replying! You have further reinforced my confidence in embracing myself as an INTP.
@asuka-ryo 4 жыл бұрын
This comment and Nathan's reply make me more certain that I'm an INTP. Plus, the way we write is extremely similar. I'm truly amazed.
@hadjerbouattou1867 4 жыл бұрын
Had the same thought ! This is what made me question if im an infp . I'm an idealist but its because i think its the logical thing to be .
@fauzanree1983 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly. There is always a room to use the other end of your dominant function. ISFJ and ISTJ can indeed use Ni. EXTJ use Fe when they have to control and manage a group, and fulfil their needs. And so do INTP and INFP use their opposite to really validate their dominant with it's opposite. Otherwise I would be completely unaware of my values wouldn't I? (As an INTP)
@kunglaoshat1250 2 жыл бұрын
I’m an INFP and recently had a conversation with my INTP brother about astrology. He was annoyed because he finds the whole thing illogical and when he has talked to people who were into it they couldn’t provide him with any evidence to really back up their claims. I found myself focusing on how I dislike the idea of assigning characteristics to a person based on things they can’t control (race, gender, sexuality or even birth day/time) when you haven’t really gotten to know them. I hate the idea of being judged based on assumptions and stereotypes so I try not to do it to others. So we both agreed with the each other’s perspective and came to the same conclusion, but the things that bothered us were different. He focused on the logic and I focused on how it fit into my values.
@jeanette2475 4 жыл бұрын
I agree with 99% of this, but would change one part. I think INFPs generally don't fall into echo chamber thinking, and if anything that is more likely to happen to an XNTP. We INFPs tend to understand exactly what other perspectives are, and can even switch into those mindsets at will. But, we do get stuck in our own wonderland in the sense that we just don't get anything done. We just don't DO anything. This is why the vast majority of INFP content is like "how to be productive" and "how to stop procrastinating" and "how to stop fantasizing 24/7 and live your life." This problem could affect INTPs to some degree too, because we both have PoLR Se, but INTPs generally don't care as much about "feeling productive" and when they really need to, their logic can kick in to help them get stuff done.
@lovewho 4 жыл бұрын
Interesting! It's funny because I never put those two things together about the "how to be productive" being associated with Te inferior but it makes a lot of sense ~ Nathan
@mlandry491 4 жыл бұрын
Ugh. Yes. The getting stuff done! Four things in my working formula-proper meds, list keeping, caffeine, and an inner dialog. After letting my brain float wherever for x amount of years and living that "oops, i buggered it again" life.. i finally have a system of telling myself to keep my head out of my arse and/or out of the clouds and tic the things off the list. It's my inner hall monitor. She says" hey its not my list, bruh its yours. Head in the clouds? You only hurt yourself. You keep hitting snooze? The lateness happens. Who do you embarrass? Yourself. So youre tired. So what. Drink some coffee and do your stuff. " Oddly enough it works. Downside-if Im flowing with the ticking things off the list, I resist doing anything that isn't on it. I can't walk and chew gum at the same time. I get flustered and overwhelmed. I'm working on the multitasking bit. Wonder how many years that will take me... lol
@emirachu8137 4 жыл бұрын
@purplemind93 4 жыл бұрын
I'm intp and I do care about being productive when it's my job or school assignment. and also when I'm reading for fun - I want to be able to get into the story as fast as possible lol. I wouldn't say it's because of my logic that I would suddenly get shit done. It's beause other poeple give me a "kick in the butt" as we say in my country or maybe I become restless or energy fill my body out of nowhere, then I just think to myself "okey, so what do I need / want to be done with" and I do it. Also when I'm crafting or maybe sailing that's the times when I like FEELING productive.
@andyroobrick-a-brack9355 3 жыл бұрын
That Fe tho. It does things to us.
@junwuwang5701 4 жыл бұрын
I always wonder why Ti is associated with cold and utilitarian. Obviously that is only one type of Ti, where the foundamental principle is to maximise common good. The fundamental principle(s) is/are essentially arbitrary in a logical sense and comes instead from emotion. Ti is only a means. The user has the freedom to choose on which principles they wants to operate Ti. For example, to maximise long-term personal pleasure is a valid fundamental principle for Ti.
@lovewho 4 жыл бұрын
Ok I love this comment and this thought ran through my head whilst saying that example in the video i.e both the Fi and Ti mindsets I talked about, in a sense, are both using logic just as a means to different principles they think are worth while. Utilitarianism I agree is not representative of Ti's mindset, I thought it would be a generally useful idea to convey the point but it has the flaws that you pointed out. ~ Nathan
@cdenese108 4 жыл бұрын
@@lovewho Yes. I too was going to gently express my disagreement with you on that example. I actually suspect that the reverse decisions could be more likely--Ti having chosen a framework and sticking with it in the face of conflict and Fi determining that a higher principle exists within themselves than the previously chosen framework. On another note, perhaps my INTP desire to maintain harmony is especially strong, but the mentions of INTP arguing and the desire to hit people with Ti do not ring true at all to me. In almost all cases once I realize we're not going to make progress in a discussion, I'm the first one to diplomatically move the conversation into more pleasant pastures. Some/most arguments are just not worth the ill will. I have my own well-considered determinations, mind you, and I'm not lightly swayed. It is just not particularly vital to me that others come to my point of view. What am I missing--I thought INTJs were more likely to argue their point vehemently than INTPs.
@benjaminmortensen75 4 жыл бұрын
I have an INFP mother and an INTP brother. I am an ENTJ myself. Though other people’s experiences may vary, I find that I get along with my brother really well, but have a really hard time communicating with my mom, especially when it gets emotional and I don’t see her reasons. I do find however that my brother and my mom seem to be able to communicate very well with each other (almost as if they have their own language) that often goes over my head because I’m too simple minded. Anyways, thanks for the video.
@lovewho 4 жыл бұрын
This is really interesting how the overlaps between types allow them to communicate with each other. It makes sense with you and your mother since the only two functions you have in common are your top and bottom function but completely flipped! One thing I do feel obligated to say is that typology has its limits with human relationships and that two people regardless of their type can find ways to interact in meaningful ways and communicate effectively! ~ Nathan
@marchielumsy1673 4 жыл бұрын
Hello, INFP human here with an INFP mother and INTP boyfriend. I have difficulty communicating with my mom too. Being an INFP doesnt help, lol. But my mom is not well and she's been through too much adversities in life. It is understandable why she is tough to deal with. But yeah you're right about the INFP-INTP having like our own language, the INTP has a way of seeing our points, sometimes perspectives and their ability to be okay and at peace with not agreeing with us helps too, especially with people they love and care about (if they don't care or are indifferent about you - in that moment or at all times - oh man are they ruthless! You can forget about having the same language lol, the INTP has probably made the INFP cry or explode in anger by now). When they care about someone, they seek understanding/truth, that is the person's rationale for arriving at their thoughts/truths. They're even willing to add more warmth and heart in their intonation when they talk to you if you are very important to them. Most of the time I'm hurt by his tone or why he said the things he said since INFPs are sensitive to people's intentions which can be conveyed in the tone of their voice.
@mismiserables 4 жыл бұрын
I'm an INTP and my friend is an ENTJ, I've never clicked with anybody in my life as much as I do with him.
@emiliarendrag105 4 жыл бұрын
I'm an INTJ and I have an INFP mom and INTP sister. Even though Fi is a tertiary function for me I still feel like it makes it easier for me to understand my mom than my sister, even though on paper it seems like my sister and I would get along better.
@locsavaric2310 3 жыл бұрын
Wow. I have an INFP mother and I've tested as INTP before, and I have a brother. I'm certain he's also INFP, though. I get along great with my mom, but I can't hardly tolerate my ESTJ dad.
@purplerainwater2229 3 жыл бұрын
I'm an INTP but when you said "If you find it hard to express your emotions and find expression in creative things" it resonated a lot I also did when you said "You don't know how to put your feelings in words"
@marmellata676 4 жыл бұрын
What about an infp who values intp's values? Is he going to resemble intp's thinking style? How would you spot him?
@jackrooker2354 4 жыл бұрын
Mar Mellata bro I think you might’ve solved my mystery
@andyroobrick-a-brack9355 3 жыл бұрын
I think this comment could represent Ti. I do the exact same thing. "But what about this specific paradox?" Everytime I question myself, it's from a logical, consistant place. I need to have a consistant understanding of the world, which often leads me to be "attached" emotionally to it. It's another INTP paradox. We're attached to our detachment.
@100yugansh3 3 жыл бұрын
You seem pretty infp to me
@cherieburton2395 4 жыл бұрын
I'd love to see something like INFP/ISTJ, not for telling them apart, but for demonstrating what it looks like when the cognitive functions are the same but in a different order. I'm an INFP in a relationship with an ISTJ and it's really a fascinating contrast.
@sarahmunoz5749 Жыл бұрын
I’ve been seeing the ISTJ/INFP relationship combo come up a few times now and I think it’s interesting because I’m sooo certain my bf is an ISTJ even thought he typed once as INFP and I am more likely to be INFP than INTP as I’ve believe for years now.
@shoopshoop2399 4 жыл бұрын
INFP brought up in an INTP culture and worked 20 years in an INTP job. Critical thinker but much influenced by disgust on one end and appreciation of childlike playfulness on the other. I'm supposed to be highly judgemental, but most of the time I'm very open about how people live their lives. Everybody seems to be doing the best they can with what they have. The black lines, however, are firmly drawn.
@devagr 4 жыл бұрын
Some recent events in my life forced me to wonder - "Yo you sure you are an INTP? Why you concerned about these people so much?" Then I saw this video. Nop, still a hardcore INTP. The fact that there are people who don't function like this is probably my biggest pet peeve of all time. Extraverted feeling sucks, but unfortunately it's the social norm (even though I believe we have evolved to a point where we don't need chemistry in our brain to tell us right from wrong, would love to hear your thoughts on this). This is why I fell in love with opinion-less languages like maths and computer programming. Everything is described using logic and every problem is solved using logic. I actually didn't even realize why I loved programming until I read the INTP description on 16personalities.
@scarstreet3824 4 жыл бұрын
Wait, what do you yourself consider as right and wrong tho?
@schlaubischlumpf211 4 жыл бұрын
I think the assumption of having evolved past the use of simple chemistry in our brains is not quite true. In many ways, we are still the children of our paleolithical ancestors, and the use of Fe is not only standard operation for some personality types, I think it is also a mechanism for cooperation. We need to make sure to stay in our tribes, because we don't know what could be out there. We are basically Apes with nuclear bombs. Then on the other hand, I understand how INTP's can feel troubled in this exact world. When Fe causes you the most trouble, it must be hard because caring about feelings is, for a lot of people, the non plus ultima and they can't understand, how you couldn't care less. But try to understand. Since I learned about MBTI it has made me a lot more patient with people. I think this is actually the best thing about it. It helps me understand, not only myself, but also why others don't work the way I do. I think that is an important realization - INFJ
@9SMTM6 4 жыл бұрын
Just wanted to highlight that Programming, and even Math, isn't entirely opinion less. It might be that you can completely retrace every single step in these frameworks, but when it comes I. E. to your fundamental assumptions (math) or the syntactic elements you use (programming) there's still a lot of room for opinions. But yeah, it is about as opinion less as it gets.
@andrewstump6138 4 жыл бұрын
I'm an INFP as far as I can tell so far with all my research. However, I continually question this because I love logic; mainly because I'm also deeply in love with the idea of absolute truth. While I believe that everyone should decide for themselves how they should live, morality is a very fixed and immovable structure that I believe applies equally to all humans. If there is no absolute truth, no absolute right and wrong, than life is meaningless, and the incredibly deep feelings that I wish to express through my art are all completely irrelevant. And while I first and foremost wish to preserve inter-personal harmony in any human interaction, it still pains me a lot when someone argues a point that is clearly wrong; although I suppose I'm less interested in the logical structure of the argument than in the substance of the argument itself. I don't know, I'm confused, and I didn't explain this very well at all. Sorry for all this rambling! I'm really enjoying your videos Nathan, keep up the fantastic work!
@9SMTM6 4 жыл бұрын
That you love logic isn't really an indication. Actually it might be a sign that you're an INFP, an INTP would probably not really associate it too much with his feelings, instead he just lives it. An INTP usually learns early that trying to impose your logic (in the end most 'logic' is still subjective, as it usually doesn't refer to the logic itself but a dataset that's consistent and allows logical conclusions based on it and what's presently observed) on others is both difficult and often not worth the effort. But when something seems illogical to him he will HATE having to follow the conclusion nonetheless. Yeah there is moments where we can't resist, like the ones Nathan mentions in the Video, but most of the time we will hold back. Also what you say about the logical structure of an argument VS its substance IMAO strongly indicates INFP. Most of the time INTPs can sustain argumentation that goes against their logic, this is vital to validate your logic. It's just when they're asked to follow through with it that they'll have issues as in the end they validate everything and most of the time the present knowledge with its already many existing interconnects trumps any concept that's trying to replace it.
@lovewho 4 жыл бұрын
Hmmm very difficult to get any clues about which type you are from what you've written. And you're certainly making a very well-written clear to follow point in this comment with a few "if this then this" statements of conditional logic. Also you're low-key opening a can of philosophical worms (can you imagine if worms were philosophical?) by talking about 'absolute truth.' I lean to towards the branch of nihilism that says life is inherently meaningless but, we get to make our own meaning both as individuals and as a... species. If somehow it is proven that there is no absolute right and wrong, message me before you destroy all your art, I'll buy it off you!! ~ Nathan
@andrewstump6138 4 жыл бұрын
@@9SMTM6 Very insightful, thanks so much for that!
@andrewstump6138 4 жыл бұрын
@@lovewho Thanks so much for your response! Honestly, I see absolute truth as something that is very self-evident, that we are created to intrinsically know this. Logic of course is a tool, but it is useless unless you begin with truth already, since it can only take you from one truth to another, and can’t produce truth for you out of nothing. The bottom line for me though, is that I do not believe that everyone can have their own values and ethics; since if one set of values and ethics is right, then all others must be wrong. But I desire for everyone to be convinced about it in and of themselves, and make their own conclusion about it. I am always confused about the ti and fi differences insofar as ti is true/false, correct/incorrect, while fi is good/bad, right/wrong, important/not important; that seems like the same thing to me. And maybe it boils down to personal vs. impersonal logic, but I have a really hard time really deciphering that. Is it maybe that the conclusion and the decision made is the same, but it’s just arrived at a slightly different way? For me also, I value my emotions very highly and strive for personal consistency. Effectiveness or efficiency, not so much. I want my life to have meaning, purpose, and value, and for all my endeavors to add quality to other peoples lives. Anyway, I don’t know if this really is worth anything, but I really appreciate your input and expertise!
@valeriaburina 4 жыл бұрын
thank you for explaining the difference! I'm an INTP who's trying to understand how other people think in hope that it will make my life easier lol
@lovewho 4 жыл бұрын
I mean... I think thats a very logical approach to be honest, same here! ~ Nathan
@keevapenrose7856 3 жыл бұрын
You have described me and my SO on spot. Thank you for making this clear for us and the rest out there. When you were saying about the imbalance of Ti and Fe with the INTP, I don't look at others but I do it almost always all the time to myself. Your INFP description is really on spot too! It fits all of what I know from her or what she has shown from all of our endeavors and hurdles.
@Tutel0093 7 ай бұрын
I still don't know if I'm the worst INTP that it's so broken that can't hold emotions Or my ADHD traumas and habits made me a cold INFP that overthinks everything until it's nicely done.
@x10018ro 4 жыл бұрын
So, I've taken a couple of personality tests so far and I always get INFP, yet I have this feeling that I might still be INTP because of my constant overanalyzing of literally everything and trying to break everything down in my mind (I plan almost every social interaction beforehand). With most points you made in this video, I could immediately agree with the INFP one's but had to think a little longer on the INTP points (I still agreed with most of them). So in the end...I'm still not really sure :')
@metanoiate 3 жыл бұрын
You're so eloquent in your manner of expression 👌
@dacksonflux 4 жыл бұрын
Do INFPs ever confuse their emotional reasons for logic or am I possibly speaking to an INTP with a weak Ti?
@lovewho 4 жыл бұрын
Honestly, I have seen what I think are people confusing emotional reasons with logical reasons quite a lot so it is entirely possible ~ Nathan
@dacksonflux 4 жыл бұрын
@Scarlet Baxter no, I actually relate quite a bit. I'm an INTJ/INTP/everything else because what're the odds that I'm an INTJ? I've been a professional illustrator for five years and am now leaving it for an engineering degree. ...funny how we're almost the opposite. I say, "I feel..." a lot because I'm referring to my intuition. It's difficult for me to backpedal and retrace the logic I used to get from point A to point H. I'll just give someone that H, say that "I feel [it's justified]," and move on. I understand this is not at all what you were referring to, I just thought I'd mention our quasi-similarities. Perhaps you are an INTP. I typically relate to INTPs far more than I do to INFPs. I think it's normal for everyone to be in touch with their emotional biases, we'd otherwise be psychopaths. Also, something I've noticed with MBTI is that language used to describe abstract concepts ia difficult to pin down. What you're "afraid of" might not align with your inferior function. I'm not terrified by the idea of engaging my inferior Se, I am rather reluctant though. I'd say being emotionally vulnerable is far more terrifying to me. Fears change as you get older. I think instead of what you fear, looking at your greatest weakness could be helpful.
@qwertyasdfg2219 4 жыл бұрын
@Scarlet Baxter don't look at the Letters or rely on the test, learn the cognitive function of each type individually. Here's my conclusions according to my understanding Te : stubborn, rational, realist, majority, traditionalist 土- Ti : open-minded, free-thinking, logic, individual, anarchist 風+ Ni : will-power, focusing 土+ Ne : imaginative, seeking 風- Se: physical, active, impulsive 火+ Si : spiritual, laid back, considering 水- Fi : moral, personal value火- Fe: ethics, 水+ INTP -Ti -Ne -Si -Fe INFP -Fi -Ne -Si -Te INTPs got superior Ti while having inferior Fe INFPs got superior Fi while having inferior Te
@toastedcoconut6095 4 жыл бұрын
For me at least, as a textbook infp, emotions and logic aren't necessarily exclusive from eachother. To me personally emotions are a natural thing we all probably feel as sentient beings and therefore are infact logical to feel. After all ive been told that depression and anxiety or any other mood disorder is caused by the repression of emotions and so not feeling your own feels just seems entirely illogical if you're ultimately just going to end up subjecting yourself to one of those incredibly debilitating disorders. We have emotions for a reason otherwise why would natural selection allow for them to be passed on in the gene pool? Bypassing the emotional aspect of the human experience seems to be the most illogical thing we can do as a society and I would argue that valuing "logic" over emotion is what has led to such a huge mental health crisis that we all see today.
@dacksonflux 4 жыл бұрын
@@toastedcoconut6095 it is reasonable and healthy to experience emotion. It is unreasonable and unhealthy to not experience emotion. I never spoke against this simple fact of mental health. I was asking for clarification on the video's topic.
@elianavonrosenstein6585 4 жыл бұрын
I am more a thinker than a feeler, but the thinker side is not so extrem like my n and p traits. Its very interesting. I like to think in filters to observe things. My favorite is the impersonal side. I have values, but I don't like it to use it for the big answer. Its just subjetiv and not the absolute truth. Because I like to use the objective filter frequently, I am being missunderstood and a lot of people feeling offended. There cannot handle the objective view. I am able to understand and sometimes to feel why there are upset, but its not important enought for me. Then I love music. I hear a lot. And its my way to actually feel and not to think. But beside that I am not the great feeler outside of this moments. All in all I tend to be more to be an INTP then INFP. (So is my obvervation, but I am not always 100% sure)
@redpilledrhodesian1407 2 жыл бұрын
I realized yesterday that I'm probably INTP, not INFP. Dang. It's shocking but explains so much. The confusion was that I am deeply in touch with my emotions and have a strong poetic streak, but I despise emotion-based judgement. I also realized that I don't have a framework of values, above what rationally makes sense to be right or wrong. I also bite back criticism of stupidity and irrationality for the sake of harmony, inferior Fe at work, giving me inaccurate test results! Also, most examples of INTPs are male, since it's a rare type for us ladies, and there are biological influences at play. Anyway it's mainly shocking because I've studied MBTI for years and mistyped myself!
@linkinpark8628 4 жыл бұрын
Impressive video. You`re so articulate and straight to the point. I relish when you express your toughts about INFP and i can see how passionate you are in front of the camera thinking, feeling, expressing yourself. INFP and INTP are so similar and complex althought little details make them so unique between them. In this lockdown i, sometimes took those mbti test since im bored hehe. 80% of the time i get INFP Type, the rest is between INTP and ENFP and sometimes INFJ, i wonder if is this you case too? BTW are you British? Because i love your accent ;-)
@lovewho 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you, this is great to hear! Yes I am British, I'm from Wales!! ~ Nathan
@jessaustin7830 2 жыл бұрын
@@lovewho Has Irish accent but claims to be Welsh. Cannot compute
@firefly7069 3 жыл бұрын
I love INTPs... :D I can relate to many things you said about intps though, I think infps can be very bothered by illogical or untrue things as well, if we love logic and truth, but I will never reach your awesome ability to go that far and see that clear with logic, we are more vague with observations, e.g. "I feel like he is that type..." while you can discern a lot clearer and express your thoughts better. I agree that the communication is very different between these types.
@AliImran-ut7mv 3 жыл бұрын
2:45 Biggest problem with INFP's - they never express verbally what they are feeling but expect the other person to be able to have a clear view of their inner world of feelings. This leads to miscommunication, heartache and misery for all parties involved.
@doodlemunchkin2222 3 жыл бұрын
Legit what all my elementary school teachers used to tell my parents and I that I needed to do more of. I suppose whenever something was wrong or I had more questions, I just expected them to be able to read my mind and know what I needed without verbally asking for it lol. So one teacher would joke and tell me she’s not a mind reader when she suspected I was holding something back from her. But honestly barely remember a lot from elementary anyways. Most classes I was too busy looking out the window daydreaming movie scenes or possible conversations of telling the mean kid off, or doodling on papers to know what the heck was going on to begin with. 💀 can be a mess.
@AliImran-ut7mv 3 жыл бұрын
@@doodlemunchkin2222 These are the reasons why I, an INFJ, loves INFP's.
@doodlemunchkin2222 3 жыл бұрын
@@AliImran-ut7mv oh, nice lol.
@PanzonVilla 4 жыл бұрын
In the video, you make the point that both INXP’s are “Framework Builders”, which I think is an excellent way of wording what both types ultimately want to work towards. However, you mention that INFPs create “value-based frameworks”, which I think is correct, but you also claim that INFPs base their frameworks on how they feel emotionally and their preferences, which I’m not sure really gets to the heart of their distinction from INTPs . I think emotions have little to do with how INFPs create value-based frameworks. For example, I think both types are concerned, first and foremost, with consistency (which I don't think you say explicitly, but I think you hint at it). With INTPs, its more of a focus on logical and perhaps causal consistency, whereas with INFPs, I think it’s a focus on consistency with how one values something. It’s a subtle difference, but I think it changes how each type comes up with their respective frameworks. For example, I think INFPs are more inclined towards just acknowledging that some values are arbitrary and leaving it at that. However, what can piss an INFP off, is when someone claims to care about, say, justice, but then upholds justice unevenly in accordance with their whims. INTPs, I think, are more inclined towards wanting to come up with a universal framework that doesn’t just submit to human biases towards such concepts as justice without sufficient logical justification. Though most INTPs would probably think justice is better than non-justice and would get mad at it being upheld unevenly, their more interested in justifying justice as a good thing, as opposed to worrying about the impartiality with which the ideal of justice is enforced. Perhaps I’m wrong, but I’ve noticed that Ti types (especially XNTPs and XNFJs who are more focused on the abstract) are more inclined than XNFPs towards incredibly detailed and tedious arguments about what makes some values such as justice, equality, or any other abstract value, good (which is usually defined as that which stands up to the scrutiny of logic) and you can see this in many Ti philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, and even Sam Harris. While few INFPs are complete relativists when it comes to values (as I’m sure most people in general aren’t), INFPs are more inclined to think “it’s fine that you have these values that are different to mine, but if you’re going to claim to value”x”, you better act like it”. INTPs, however, aren’t going to let you off the hook as easily as far as how you justify what is “good”. I might be wrong about this, but I’m pretty sure I’m an INFP and I always sense a disconnect when people immediately associate the Feeling functions with emotions. Perhaps F-types can get more emotional than T-types (I’m sure that’s probably true), but I associate Feeling with values, whether they’re derived internally (Fi) or externally (Fe). I’m looking forward to you dissecting this to hell and proving how I’m actually a moron for merely thinking any of this :p
@lovewho 4 жыл бұрын
I was looking forward to dissecting this to hell and proving how wrong you were too... but... I couldn't. So I'll simply say, well done, thank you, and... feel free to send any thoughts you have about the types to our email address (which is in the description of most videos), I'm always looking to hear new perspectives on the types, especially ones as good as this! ~ Nathan
@Unelith Жыл бұрын
This kinda helped. I could still relate to some of the INTP stuff. Then I've read the comments for half an hour, and then went back to the Marvel example. It wasn't ideal at first, because I couldn't relate to *that* specific example, but I've eventually realized that, I'd definitely sacrifice the world to save an individual that is important to me, which is the same thing of principles and individuality and "I just cannot do it" versus doing what makes sense. Because letting the world get destroyed to save one person sure as hell makes no sense - where would we live afterwards? But I'd still do it despite that.
@Sharkuterie327 4 жыл бұрын
This video was pretty fire for explaining these differences. You said it wasn't in depth, but it was more in depth than most I've seen. I know an INFP that could be mistaken for INTP because of his interest in subjects that require high-level logic (advanced math, physics, music theory, etc), but logic is a tool to him, not an approach the world. Te is like a little man riding his back. He is always aware of this form of criticism and is exhausted by a belief that he must 'prove' his theories by example and copious evidence before anyone will even be open to his ideas at all. Due to his high intelligence and skill at objective analysis, though, it can be hard to distinguish whether his judgements are based in F or T until you get to know him well.
@lovewho 4 жыл бұрын
Fascinating, I agree that they can look remarkably similar. That INFP sounds very interesting! ~ Nathan
@destroyer6945 4 жыл бұрын
Please do another part... I'm still not sure.. I'm kind of both
@ambrosearts 2 жыл бұрын DO deserve that tea after such a mental marathon.....fabulous video :)
@jaymiegill9506 3 жыл бұрын
Dude, I'm sat here laughing and in awe at how accurate this is lmao, so thank you. It's helped a lot. One word for being INFP/INTP = ENGIMA
@branver1172 4 жыл бұрын
I appreciate this video. It does bring up some qualms I have with the MBTI. You talk about Ti as utilitarian, logical and systematic as opposed to Fi which is emotional and value based. I wonder if you know you are assuming our Modern spirit of Pragmatism, based on an underlying Cartesian foundation. DesCartes believed empirical studies in science were objective and logical, but value statements were subjective and personal. This belief underlies much of our post-enlightenment thought, but it is in itself subjective, and is at odds with many belief systems. Many people do not see values as any less systematic, logical or objective than empirical science. And many see empirical science as subjective, limited by lack of knowledge and faulty interpretation of data. I say this, because some intps think they have won an argument with logic, not understanding that their logic is based on faulty premises, which on the end are always based on values.
@lovewho 4 жыл бұрын
Ok this is an impressive comment. While I was describing Ti that way, and to be honest more broadly, I do feel like the examples I use are practical but don't always make complete sense when they're analysed. The desire to use logic or see logic as worthwhile is, in itself a value judgement. So I agree, it's values all the way down! ~ Nathan
@savvageorge 4 жыл бұрын
Correct logic should always be based on reality. This isn't a perfect process but I would say overall science has a good understanding of reality which is why the computer and internet you are currently using is working correctly.
@exnihilonihilfit6316 Ай бұрын
_"Many people"_ Many people doubt New York exists and are certain Yeti is real. Do *you* have an argument or...? 😅 Yes, if you state you love pizza (and it's true), that's objective. And subjective - in another sense of these terms. There you go. 😩
@ismahenelarbi7386 4 жыл бұрын
This is THE best material I have come accross that explains the differences between INTPs and INFPs.
@lovewho 4 жыл бұрын
This is great to hear! ~ Nathan
@redhead_in_florida 4 жыл бұрын
I've always found the INFP to be the more stereotypical artist, poet, hippie type, whilst the INTP to be more of the brainy, IT, Robotic type...
@georgexm2032 4 жыл бұрын
I think that these are more the ISTPs, not INTPs, although we are somewhat interested in these things. But we INTPs aren't the stereotypical nerds as we dislike being or doing something particular that describes us or if we are being described by a particular subject, that subject give us infinite intellectual freedom. I think that INTJs and ISTPs are more nerdy than us. Ps. Sorry for the terrible English. No time to 'unterrible' it.
@redhead_in_florida 4 жыл бұрын
@@georgexm2032 there can be a nerd in each type. I was just giving more of a generalization
@--hEaVeN-cn4gx 4 жыл бұрын
I'm an INTP and I write poetry, so I believe that that is a very generalized approach to the situation. Just because feeling is my inferior function dosent mean that I have to be robotic. Even though I am. To the INTPs that read this, poetry is a great why to try and work to make the Fe stronger. It can be difficult at first, but you dont have to write about feelings. Personally I write about not understanding feelings lol...
@georgexm2032 4 жыл бұрын
​@@--hEaVeN-cn4gx I write both poetry and stories. Writing in general is the only way to satisfy Ne and to materialize theories without offending or hurting people around me. Because when I have a theory, the first thing I do is to 'test' it on others. The problem is that most people can't understand that, to express a theory, is not the same as to believe it. So, in fiction, the 'theories' (ideas)are being expressed by fictional character, not me.
@georgexm2032 4 жыл бұрын
@@redhead_in_florida I know. But the generalization is wrong and this is because the stereotypes for INTPs on that matter are wrong. We're not behaving in any "robotic" way or anything (because of Fe I guess). Yes our logic is cold, but otherwise we' re very approachable types (when healthy).
@katnipkatnips 2 жыл бұрын
You were right with the chameleon, whenever I try to work with NTs, I always try not to answer based on emotions so that they'll hear me out.
@immavrick4511 4 жыл бұрын
You have impeccable ability to describe accurately every personality type. Curiously asking what is your type
@linkinpark8628 4 жыл бұрын
I think that he is an INTP
@bio141anna6 4 жыл бұрын
Holy shit that is a very accurate description of how process information as an INTP And concise way of how I find feelers thinking. So much pointless argument could have been avoided by knowing this difference.
@lovewho 4 жыл бұрын
Glad you found the video useful, here's to pointless arguments being avoided in the future! ~ Nathan
@Fikamar27 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you, this quite explaining me (INFP) and my dad (INTP). Other families think we are the copy-paste. Lazy, not really into speech but expert at writings, secretive, and sometimes annoyed my ESTJ mom with our relaxed mode 😂. But really, we do come different about solving stuff, and quite stressing both of us
@lovewho 4 жыл бұрын
INFP with an ESTJ mom, wow, that's intense ~ Nathan
@nl4941 3 жыл бұрын
You are ingenious at explaining. Although I don’t believe in reliability of MBTI, the way you explain INTP type seems like a psychic reading, lol. It’s eerily accurate and now I can’t stop trying to figure out how that could work to such a high degree of precision. How???
@marshmallow3866 3 жыл бұрын
I relate to both the INTP and the INFP to a point a can't tell which I relate to more. I would love another video on this. Thank you!
@joanamartins8796 3 жыл бұрын
As an INFP trying to evolve with other personalities’ strengths I feel this immediate connection and attraction towards INTP, since while harmoniously similar in many things I lack their logic and way to process reality. Only met one I could precisely tell was an INTP, an immature one, and my complex/feeling/not crystal clear way of being was off putting to him, and we ended up parting ways, or actually he ghosted me and even though I would have preferred an honest final conversation, understood it was not worth my time.
@purplemind93 4 жыл бұрын
1. While I smirked at the things you said during inferior Fe, that intps can be a chameleon for the sake of the end game, because it sounded like me, I still find the things you said during inferior Te to be so striking. I mean maybe it's just the fact that I've been/felt different my whole life due to trauma and an autism diagnose I didn't know about and therefor cherishes individuality and dislike the conformative kind of people and systems. At the same time I respect that there are precise schedules to follow at work places and school, I feel more useful and up to speed then because I can plan ahead and make use of my time. If I don't I will most likely do nothing because of my lacking Se. ANYWAY. 2. I write to try to express my feelings through fictional characters plus I love fantasy worlds and I'm sad that I'm not a better writer so I could finish some of my plot ideas. When someone says "oh you''re an author, I am going to buy your book when it comes out" I either panic or get angry because no one is ever going to buy my book - it will consist of pieces here and there on my computer and that's all. Also I don't know if my prose is that poetic, but I do also write some poetry.
@xtxpxhx 4 жыл бұрын
As an intp, I have never thought myself as an infp. Like feelings? Lol
@nadiamadani4043 3 жыл бұрын
INFP very gifted in expressing my feelings while observing them internally, but it immediately goes somewhere in my mind where I look for a logical explanation, art looks like mathematical structure in my mind and if I don't have the answer I can go crazy and keep it for years in a box until I find an explanation.
@supersaiandemon 4 жыл бұрын
My girlfriend is the intp, and I an an infp. We are very similar in many ways, which I believe is the reason we connect so well together. However, our differences are very prominent, which is by no means a bad thing. On the contrary, our differences compliment each other. My lady is the queen of logic, and she views her emotions as a form of weakness in some aspects. She prides herself in logical solutions, outcomes, and practices logic in everything she does. When other do not show logic in their actions, it frustrates her to the point of anger. She really does not like to be around people, even to the point of being a hermit, but she always shows kindness and civility during every encounter. She is quick to anger, but it's like looking at a cat when this happens, there are subtle warning signs of her angry outbursts that are very easy to miss if you dont pay attention. And it does not take her long to become severely overwhelmed in crowded areas to the point where it seems she's having a mini panic attack. She is so fascinating to examine. I am not only an emotional person, I actively break down my emotions, digging deep into them to see what caused them, are they valid or am I over reacting, and how do master them to my will. I absolutely love my emotions. My logical side is very... lacking. I can be overly enthusiastic or completely pessimistic even when the circumstances don't call for it. The problem is I have learned to hide my emotions so well that when i am angry my bursts seem to be completely out of random when they totally are not, it's just i had been able to control them up to a point. Our similarities are our sense of humor, though she is more on the dark humor while I am more on the pointing out the obvious of situations. We both appreciate the dirty jokes, particularly when they are not expected. We both love animals, and we are absolutely amazed when we can actively witness the mind at work in a creature our society deems "unintellegent." She is not as affectionate as I am. Again, like a cat, she tolerates it but up to an point. I seem to crave it. It's almost like I am a puppy ready for play. For me, the sky is the limit when it comes to possibilities. For my lady, sure the sky is the limit but how can you reach it? There has to be a way to reach it. It's as if I can tell her there is always a way while she figures out the way. She is the mind, I am the heart, and we complete each other so well. Plus it doesn't hurt that she is probably the only person that finds my quirkiness adorable and not obnoxious while I am probably the only person who finds her fierce independence incredibly sexy and not intimidating.
@NkosiCebile 4 жыл бұрын
My family is so mixed.. I'm infp, my sister enfp, my brother intp. My mom is estp while my dad is isfj... while my grandma is infj( we stay with her) I'm still the one that's misunderstood the most
@lishayost144 4 жыл бұрын
I'm intp. When it comes to the moral dilemma, my initial thought is that one should die instead of many, but then I think my fe kicks in, thinking that the one person is important too... Logical not equal to rational makes no sense to me. I totally relate to the chameleon thing. And I hate it. It is exhausting. I just want to be able to be myself, but there are too many consequences lol!
@ikarugaxx3749 7 ай бұрын
You are certainly correct that we INFPs feel there are things that (serious, deep) music, film, videogame, can express more completely than words. Words are a T thing, language descends from reason, while the other media of expression are... older than language as for when they "settled" in the human mind, and maybe as a consequence, can reach deeper within us. I bet that, if you have never, you'd enjoy reading the famous work by Julian Jaynes on the bicameral mind. I think I am an INFP and not an INTP because the super-intelligent and very open-minded IxTx friends I have, INTPs included, seem to get less from music, film, and non-verbal arts than in written books (be them theoretical or fiction, or poetry), and consider those forms second-rate and poorer in meaning. I on the other hand don't share their perception (and consequent judgment) and maybe prefer deep music and film to literature (let alone theoretical books). However, some of us INFPs are very similar to INTPs, if not in our primary function related mental workings, in our inferior's, I guess? Because slippery-FE upsets me to the eleventh grade (while I have no problem with standardized metrics being used to rate production in exams and, broadly, school), I have an inner spring that gets activated (and can't easily be repressed or concealed) when someone's speech or reasoning avails itself of the slightest inconsistency/contradiction (and if I am familiar with the people, yes, I could argue endlessly until they don't make their stance logical). Still... if I had to choose between removing violence and struggle from the world, or "illogic" and inconsistency or even ignorance, I would for ever choose the first goal: the second looks puny to me in comparison. That's why I think I am an INFP, even if when I read attribute lists of the two types, I check more boxes in the INTP list (for example I am quick to label someone as a moron).
@paoloserafini7160 3 жыл бұрын
Sometimes i get INFP when i m in a good mood and sometimes i get INTP when i m kinda socially frustrated.
@shresthaditya9731 3 жыл бұрын
I feel the same 😮
@s.t.-1094 4 жыл бұрын
I'm an INTP, thanks for asking.
@ChattyLionheart 3 жыл бұрын
Funny. As an INFP married to an INTP I'd have thought this was a no-brainer.
@antoescobedo7177 3 жыл бұрын
Thing is I'm an INFP when I'm on my own and an INTP with everyone else. Still, I do believe I use both my head and my heart when confronting situations, this is why I struggle so badly because I don't know which one to listen more. Also my enneagram is 5w4 which doesn't help either. I don't know what I am really.
@MaceLupo 3 жыл бұрын
I am pretty sure that I am an INTP but sometimes I may have INFP tendencies somehow. It does not sound unfamiliar to me how INFPs are described, but it is still not how I normally operate I think. Every person is every type in a way seems to be very true. I also can be a bit ISTPish from time to time but with mediocre success with tools and sports. Mostly I am out of touch with the world but not always. I still think my S and F experiences are very important to me. edit: Logic vs values is a very hard decision I have to say. I think I would go with logic and feel very bad about it. edit: Oh yes, I can be a steamroll that smashes logic bombs into the faces of people without hesitation at the moment. After the moment I think : "What have I done?" and "But I can not let them be stuck in the darkness of ignorance." It is very hard to balance that.
@adalheidismond3523 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video! My friend who is inbetween will appreciate it c:
@lovewho 4 жыл бұрын
Awesome! Glad to hear it ~ Nathan
@MrCosmonaut 4 жыл бұрын
Cup of tea is a great idea! Great video btw xD
@lovewho 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you! I really enjoyed that cup of tea ~ Nathan
@aStrayforMyTime 2 жыл бұрын
I tested as INTP the first time, then last night test again and got INFP. I will note the last night I took 2 test, the first was wanted me to pay after tricking into spending time only to ask for money. Kinda frustrated, I quickly filled out the free one, most of my answers were "strongly agree" or "strongly disagree". SO I looked into INFP and I can relate to an internal value system, other that I related with INTP just a more analog. One question that came to mind is the fact I have severe dyslexia and did poorly in school. My parents and stepfather pretty much gave me hell, being jocks they were. I taught myself pretty what I know through experience and patterns, everything from music, art, cooking, computers, fixing cars, to building houses and to reading stock charts (the best way to make money and not deal with anyone). I'm not trying to brag, but rather I feel as I have to prove to some that I am worthy of a conversation about deep topics. Usually the first time I meet someone they think I'm stupid and not smart, it's not until they see what I've done when they change their mind and my opinion will be respected. Does anyone else have dyslexia and is a INTP or INFP? Does dyslexia effect your personality type?
@gunnhildk6299 4 жыл бұрын
You can fall into your own wonderland... Why is that a bad thing?.... was my first thought :D Very interesting video. You are good!
@iraalexa 2 жыл бұрын
Te as an inferior function hits hard. Always trying to do simple tasks my own way and I can get really upset, when a teacher treets me the same as that students, who's doing the bare minimum to get their high marks.
@milkyshakes 4 жыл бұрын
I was going to say- plan #a is much more moral- not only do more people get to live but you are honoring the wish of someone who’s last wish is to protect the group. If someone came to me with plan B, we sacrificing him instead 🤦🏽‍♀️
@pinkpirate5 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you. So... I had always had a hard time figuring if I was an INFP or an INTP. So I was really looking forward to this video... and so quickly in you're talking about painting a picture with words or artwork and this was literally a discussion I had in bed with my husband last night. It completely solved the mystery for me. Thank you. I've subscribed now.
@evedotcom 3 жыл бұрын
This was a really well articulated video, thank you! I also still have no idea which one I am haha. I kept going “ok yep this one’s definitely me” followed by “oh wait” every 30 seconds 🙃All I know is both of these types are cool! Proud to be either!
@julieolson1402 Жыл бұрын
Well said with your excellent verbal facility, and such an elegant illustration with your Marvel characters! Thank you, Nathan.
@vii6429 4 жыл бұрын
Woah I never thought people could question whether they are INTP or INFP. I am an INFP and my INTP friend is very different from me!! I mean, we have the same interests, but our personalities are completely different. But that's just my experience, everyone is different😊😊
@MyWay173 2 жыл бұрын
Amazing video
@lovewho 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Hope it helped ~ Nathan
@aidenorsomething4002 4 жыл бұрын
Can you make a video about how to handle your INFJ brother? lol just kidding
@_lil_lil 7 ай бұрын
Boy, now I'm pretty sure I'm neither type because in both scenarios I'm thinking "well that's too simple" or "well it depends" and thinking both methods of thinking (or feeling) are too black and white given the numerous variables potentially at play.
@munkami 3 жыл бұрын
This was a very good video. I really enjoyed your take on both types. I'm INFP, and grew up with two INTP's. And an ESFP...don't ask about that combo! When I first did MBTI, I thought I was INTP. Mainly due to the need to be seen as a tough-minded T. When it dawned on me I was INFP, it was a very difficult process at first. Men who are INFP have a difficult path to follow. Over time, though, I've come to accept it. And understand it better over time. I think in this video, you articulated it very very well. Thanks!
@amberloso1029 3 жыл бұрын
Lmao... I so relate to this. It's true. We have to ease people into things and it's exhausting. Like you really can't just digest the information? I have to fluff myself up first before you even think about what I have to say *puts on clown suit while expressing self* it's so FAKE 😭😭 but what can you do... love me an INFP, though.
@whereisja 4 жыл бұрын
Then there's me, capable of making logical arguments but succumbing to bending logic or finding any opposing source to support my personal values when speaking on certain topics. I believe that other viewpoints should be considered and am tolerant of others not agreeing with me, but what I think generally wins out in the end (I've only been swayed a handful of times). Don't know what type I am but I have a near existential crisis every time I think about being INTP lmao.
@TJ_ThankMeLater Жыл бұрын
Yeahhh…. For the people having trouble between these two (myself for months now) I am adamant this is solved. But back to my point for commenting. If you have someone in your life who has “known you” for a period of around 10 years. Seek their opinion on the difference’s between the two that can be challenging for us to see. Our perception of ourselves is much different than there’s will be. Also, I mean with these two (same but different) options who could blame us? I myself only “feel” strong emotion when driving and someone rudely cuts me off.😊 Good luck to all!
@deekay5992 3 жыл бұрын
Very advanced topic, very well detailed!
@albertbauersfeld1914 Жыл бұрын
Typed as an intp for most of my life, riddled with trauma and locked in a box, but now my emotions and logic saved my life, and I broke out of the box, hence I’m on the fence
@ElberethOhGilthoniel 3 жыл бұрын
The tests identify me as intp but I am sure I am infp.A lot of times my brain does try to ruin all the fun by over thinking but I turn it off and follow my feelings and intuition,and this makes me happier.Plus,I never plan anything and repeat the same mistakes which is obviously illogical.I answer the test questions honestly though so I don't know what's up with that.
@MouthwashTyphoon 4 жыл бұрын
I (INTP) thought that my INFP friend was an INTP.
@noraflood6482 4 жыл бұрын
@@NoCharName Yes. INFPs fighting with (and killing off!) their Fis are scary things. They harm everyone, esp. themselves
@mkc3715 3 жыл бұрын
This was an amazing breakdown, never been able to understand the functions before, you broke them down perfectly - INFP 🌻
@kayturs 3 жыл бұрын
6:23 okay. it's official. I am an INTP.
@joshuapowell3526 3 жыл бұрын
When you're toward the end and there's nothing else to learn, you just have to finish it to the end. Great video. Tea is my conventional drink.
@jebbanks4743 4 жыл бұрын
I've worked on methods to guide people to come to the conclusions I want them to, instead of telling them what I see as the best approach. I grow tired of being told "you can never be wrong.".... it usually works until i reveal the secret. Not a big fan of indirect communication. I believe I would make a horrible magician. Yes I'm aware of the moral issues related to that.... super power of sort. I promise I dont use it for evil.
@lovewho 4 жыл бұрын
Well we appreciate you not using your powers for far ~ Nathan
@jebbanks4743 4 жыл бұрын
@@lovewho. Don't worry Nathan. I'm an INTP. I already know what I'll do forever... provided the framework of this universe doesn't fluctuate too heavily.
@nae_on 2 жыл бұрын
I took the test again today. I was thinking about, why I relate to both INFP and INTP. As it turns out, I am 52% feeler and 48% thinker. That's literally almost half and half
@lovewho 2 жыл бұрын
I would definitely recommend looking into the cognitive functions instead of using the tests. I have a series about them on here that might help! ~ Nathan
@nae_on 2 жыл бұрын
@@lovewho thank you ^^
@barbarafrazier3907 2 жыл бұрын
I am as intp as you are (good job using yout charm to make friends and then hitting them with your brilliance), and INFP or INTP women so far are my only women I seem to connect with (I'm a woman).
@mbuyelo7131 3 жыл бұрын
I think im an intp that has sensitivity/empathy that has been acquired from actively experiencing depression, anxiety and trauma which had allowed myself to open up to that side. I've also read/researched a lot on human behaviour so I'm "more in touch with my emotional side too".
@gregariousclarke 2 жыл бұрын
Really digging your insight-packed videos, cheers! More INTP content please
@UnsuspectingCommenterPassingBy 2 жыл бұрын
As a somewhat sensitive but still emotionally detached person, it’s been really hard to determine which one I am. Right now I’m leaning more towards Ti, though I relate a bit more to the INFP on a behavioral level. I do have some semblance of a moral compass and preferences, but I can’t see myself accepting or believing something just because it “feels” right, without giving more thought into it. Even when I like or feel strongly about something, I dissect the hell out of why I see it that way and can point out any biases and contradictions very easily. That’s why some people might see me as “morally confused”, because I can bash something for being bad but still give a ton of reasons why I think it’s true or understandable. Just like I tend to have a love/hate relationship with things because I can point out objective flaws/virtues on everything regardless of me liking it or not. So things are very rarely absolute to me, though when something is dumb or false, I find it extremely hard to just agree and nod lol But what I think the biggest sign is, I relate much more to inferior Fe than Te. The social game has always been a chore to me (especially as a woman who’s expected to act “accordingly”), but also something that I end up respecting in some weird way. I don’t care about it, but at the same time I do and I secretly make efforts to stop being terrible at it, because I can very easily tell when people are uncomfortable.
@mariavictoriasalita2908 3 жыл бұрын
I was classified as an INFP when I was in second year college 26 or 27 years ago. I'm puzzled because why am I talkative, a bit blunt and opinionated and can somehow have conversations with a couple of random people inspite and despite the fact I am an introvert. I know that introverts are very reserved, but me, not so. Moreover, I have a somewhat sick and wicked sense of humor. I can still remember the movie trailer of Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas wherein I laughed at the scene where the boy's parents screamed in horror when he pulled out a severed head from a sack when they asked him what was Santa Claus' gift for him. Maybe because of the musical score used. And maybe because of the cremation joke that I crack saying that it's the best way to burn fat. Wow, I really am awry alright.
@MukamiWNjeru 3 жыл бұрын
Not too sure which one I am. I usually try to operate as an INTP in my day job as an architect. Then my true nature (I think) as an INFP sneaks up on me and that is when I get into a state of flow with inspired sketching. I cease being constrained by logical grids and instead begin to wonder how the sun will pour into a kitchen on a lazy midmorning as one prepares brunch. I've subscribed. Let's see how this goes. Thanks for letting me know I can leave when I please.
@suzdwyer4577 4 жыл бұрын
I'm 38 now and these days I probably am quite like an INFP due to going through some hard things in life and a lot of inner and spiritual work over the years. I have had to work a lot on processing and understanding my feelings (or finding them in the first place). Through highschool and earlier adulthood I think it was much easier to see that I am an INTP and still these days when I am around those I am very comfortable with it is my tendency to be like an INTP
@suzdwyer4577 4 жыл бұрын
I was also diagnosed autistic a year ago. Also I had to consciously look into values (around 8 years ago) and decide what mine were and start living by my values which took a lot of effort. Maybe for an infp that comes more naturally
@roadrunnercrazy 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you. You have confirmed that I am indeed an INTP.
@Avenging_Archer 4 жыл бұрын
I'm a damn mess. I've gotten INFP but also got ISTJ a lot and INTP. Outwardly there's a lot of logic and doing the right logical thing over the feely-option. Inwardly though, I'm very emotional.
@princecarlos5597 4 жыл бұрын
More like an introverted feeling to me. INFPs are emotional but inwards. INTP however have extraverted feeling as an inferior function.
@verybunny532 3 жыл бұрын
After several days of research and introspection, as well as trying to recall a childhood buried in trauma, I came to the conclusion that I am indeed intp. I was just a very emotional child. I'll see you next time I question my type. Last time it was intj, maybe next time it'll be entp.
@werewindwolf 3 жыл бұрын
In my eyes, one can still be both and agree more with one or the other argument or way to look at things depending on the contexts, so one doesn't have to strictly lock themself into one team or the other when the needs fit the situation. Rational thinking and thinking based on personal values / virtues aren't necessarily opposite approaches, especially when you consider different standards, compromises. I hate to be patronised without significant pertinence myself, so I tend to try to find a way to adapt to whatever or whoever I'm dealing with, communicating with, and balance their views with mine, so that I can bring in my own views on things without strictly telling people that their personal stance feels wrong to me though it often does, but I definitely do it when their bare rational (as in objective) assessment of something doesn't fit mine, as well as when their actions significantly contradict with my personal values (which aren't always rationally objective). On most days, my INFP side seems to have more importance towards my actions and decisions than my INTP side, but it really changes from day to day. Also, I often handle my own things not as objectively, thematically, programmatically as I probably should, and my own flaws sometimes annoy me, so tolerance is a big factor in all this, towards myself and others. I've read some of the other comments and all things considered the main common factor is still individuality, we're all made of a dozen different kinds of layers, some are impenetrable fortresses and some are wibbly-wobbly foaming slushy oceans, some are more geometric than others, and most certainly each one's values can be very different.
@Bozpot 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you. This has reconfirmed for me that I am an INTP.
@dragonknight1297 4 жыл бұрын
the more important value than morality is ethics. the first teaches want is not to be done so to not sacrifice our sense of right and wrong. the second teaches what needs to be done to achieve a purposeful outcome. this opinion of mine is based on the premise that ethical way is more active and more profound than moral almost passive philosophical deliberations.
@alizaabbas3969 2 жыл бұрын
At the end I do both fight over logical and illogical and expression through art, music and story telling.
@pichubros8046 3 жыл бұрын
I don't know if I'm a very emotional Intp or a very logical Infp, I cry easily with emotional movies and with romantic era music, I love art, I feel deeply and empathize easily, but I also love chemistry and physics and I'm studying programming. I want to understand how the universe works in its most fundamental level, and I often keep the distance with other people and appear as cold to them.
@RutabegaNG 4 жыл бұрын
This has muddied the waters a bit, for me, anyway. Tested as INTP 20-odd years ago; I've also been heavily involved in the arts - performance and creative - for the vast majority of my life. I'd like a bit more clarity. And yes, I subscribed a while ago. Easier to find again when you do that.
@lovewho 4 жыл бұрын
Firstly thank you for being a subscriber and secondly, INTPs often do love the arts as well as all things creative. Can I ask to what extent you're interested in science (any branch of science)? ~ Nathan
@RutabegaNG 4 жыл бұрын
@@lovewho I find physics fascinating, and while I couldn't do it as a profession, it does seem to make more sense to me than to a lot of my layperson friends. I have a better understanding of the "soft" sciences - psychology, economics, marketing - though; they're all basically the same thing. Sometimes I wonder how many people actually realize that.
@RutabegaNG 4 жыл бұрын
My mother had gone back to school to get an undergrad degree in psychology, and since she and my father were in the middle of a divorce, she took us (ENTP younger brother) to class with her. I was 8 when she graduated. It was incredible, and sometimes fun; in her child psychology class, my brother and I got to be experiments now and again. I read all of her texts by the time I was 12, and I was hooked. By the time I was 14, I recognized the link between psychology, marketing, and economics. My mother was into finance, I had that exposure early on.
@Daeva83B 4 жыл бұрын
I have self-identified myself as an INFP not that long ago but i fit the profile.. For example that non-conformity lives very strong in me. I work in an office (yes horrible, i know. But money buys me freedom aka holidays giving me adventures & living my dreams). We have this clothing and clean-desk policy.. I still wear my key-chain since i was 15 and it took me a few years before i decided wearing 'proper' shoes instead of sneakers... You can say i took all the privileges they let me get away with for being one of the IT dudes in the company, haha :) In my own toilet at home, i stuck a non smoking sticker on the wall. So there is always a rule to break. 🤷‍♂️ Rules were always in my way, not because i want to go against it. But simply the question; why? Besides, it's more fun if it isn't allowed anyway 😎. I am addicted to smoking because i was curious and wondered why mom smoked everyday.. it must be nice i figured.. so i stole one. I was 11 at the time, 4 years later i became a regular smoker myself. Guess curiosity does kill the cat. 😅 I just realized something, My study and occupation i have been doing for the last 20 years mainly logical stuff. Programming for a living in a office, staring at a screen for 8 hours a day or solving puzzles for 8 hours a day? Making $hit more tolerable is a very nice skill to have, just trust me on this one. 😅 But... So i have been training my External Thinking or what? I do feel dumb sometimes compared to my colleagues. (i lie, quite often really..) And i notice that when i am under stress that i don't perform very well, arguments with my own girlfriend for example, i just can't argue any more... my logical reasoning is kaput, especially in heated moments. That does sound like a inferior Te or not? Because to me, this does explain so much misery for me. If i just knew all this back then, i would have chose a different path, for sure. But.. on the positive side.. i did train my External Thinking, by dumb luck, so my inferior Te sucks less because it or what? Quite happy with that actually. :)
@lycybin8347 4 жыл бұрын
I don't talk to enough people to have arguments
@mmmcquain Жыл бұрын
Your video is the most helpful one I’ve seen to help determine whether I am INFP or INTP. I was hoping, in a way, to be INTP because I do think that logic and reason are very important, however in your final example, I had to admit that values are more important [to me] because without them what is the overarching value of anything else? So, thanks.
INFP vs INTP - Type Comparison
Cognitive Personality
Рет қаралды 76 М.
INFP Fears
Love Who
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Пришёл к другу на ночёвку 😂
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Players vs Corner Flags 🤯
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Inside The Mind Of The INTP
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INTP vs ENTP - Which one are you?
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Things you LOVE when you're an INTP
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INTP vs ISTP - which one are you?
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Things you HATE when you're an INTP
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INFP Problems That Make No Sense Unless You’re One
Benjamin Spicy
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INFPs in 20 Words
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The INFP vs INTP in 10 Minutes
Cognitive Personality
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How INTPs Defy Their Stereotype
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Пришёл к другу на ночёвку 😂
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