Introduction and the Simpleness of Truth

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Tack Room Bible Talk

Tack Room Bible Talk

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@snokones 4 ай бұрын
A little over a year ago, I asked God for help. I was over 400 pounds. I had a heart attack back in 2020. In one year since I asked for help i lost over 220 pounds. I'm almost down to a normal weight. I whole heartedly believe he answered me, and i thank him everyday. God gave me the mental strength to make it happen.
@chadwilson1707 4 ай бұрын
Amen .. the lord is good to us simple folks . I too was 350 3 years ago , today I'm 190 . Praise the Lord .. keep going ur doing very well
@dennisnewton9384 4 ай бұрын
Good stuff buddy!
@nmos1 4 ай бұрын
God Bless you friend
@IsaacIKE 4 ай бұрын
Amen. God bless you and may the Lord walk with you!
@willmathisii7333 4 ай бұрын
What diet or change did you make in your eating? I need to do something similar my self.
@johnrichter97 4 ай бұрын
I once heard it said, “The gospel is so simple a child can understand it; but at the same time so complex that it can keep even the greatest of minds in awe for a lifetime.” God bless Dewayne.
@CatfishLove 3 ай бұрын
You are correct, even a child should understand that the book was written by man to control man and justify the injustice that men do to others. I guess what I am trying to say is that it is clear that man created the concept of God to suit his needs. The Bible on the other hand is a powerful extraordinary piece of literature. Just one man's opinion. Stay well.
@FortunaMinistries 2 ай бұрын
@@CatfishLove if it was created by man, why does it go against all the desires of man? Why does it condemn the evil doings of man? The chronology & the truths held within the Bible are beyond the comprehension of man, only God Himself could've given such revelation to mankind. True wisdom comes down from above, it cannot be found in the realm of mankind. "But where shall wisdom be found? and where is the place of understanding? Man knoweth not the price thereof; neither is it found in the land of the living." Job 28:12-13 "God understandeth the way thereof, and he knoweth the place thereof." Job 28:23
@lil_vindex 3 ай бұрын
This is the type of male leadership and wisdom the world is crying out for. Huge respect to you Dewayne
@JohnPaul-ol5zl 3 ай бұрын
Although I disagree with Dewayne on some points, such as the alchohol/tabaco, overall he is a Man of value.
@sjohn-777 3 ай бұрын
well... something we like to hear and if it aligns to what we believe, we think thats what the world must hear too.
@thisoldmobilehomeinthewood8434 3 ай бұрын
I for one agree with Dewaynes talk about alcohol and smoking, I don’t smoke and I only have an occasional drink after dinner or when sitting with friends, it’s not a sin according to Gods word, getting drunk is a sin, so many people twist Gods words which causes confusion and division, thank God for Dewayne to clarify that:)
@youngbenkenobi 4 ай бұрын
Asking Dewayne and people here in the comments to pray for my godfather, an alcoholic who has now gone sober and is working through the trauma he caused in the family. Thank you to everyone who reads this and I appreciate the journey we're all on and what we're trying to do here on this channel. God bless
@dxlc3684 4 ай бұрын
I will pray for your godfather tonight, God bless you ❤
@MuleSkinnerWS 4 ай бұрын
That's encouraging to hear. I'm a former drunk myself. Prayers for the continued improvement of your family.
@markoncken9511 4 ай бұрын
Prayers sent for you, your home, and for the family and healing.
@SergioPerez-es8vz 4 ай бұрын
@criticaljohnson 4 ай бұрын
It will not be easy for him to come to terms with the damage he has caused but he has already taken the first step that many never take in getting sober. Good for him. Praying for him and his family
@markvincent8148 3 ай бұрын
Thank you Lord. Strip me of me and fill me with more of you. Especially my ego... humble me and any thing else which I hold above you Lord Jesus.
@renatusdev 4 ай бұрын
I've been opening my heart to Jesus for the past months following an awful heartbreak and a lot of regret I could not move past from. I've been picking up my cross along side the lord and my heart can breathe now a bit better. Thank you for this opportunity for me to continue learning more of him through you. Here's to more simple truth.
@LeviBroflovski 4 ай бұрын
I believe I'm not here by accident. I enjoy cigars and craft beer too. There's nothing wrong with it. Been a believer since 2012 and I know the Truth when I hear it.
@Adoseofelly 3 ай бұрын
Finally a man who understands God's word. I separated from the religion I was raised in because of rampant hypocrisy and ungodly men being supported by church members while I was not. Thank you, sir! I am Grateful for you. God bless you. 🙏💗
@edelkebap 4 ай бұрын
What a great idea. Came back to Christianity just a few months ago. So the timing of this is just fantastic.
@johnwatson9518 4 ай бұрын
Looking forward to your faith-based comments.
@paddyfinnsays 4 ай бұрын
Greetings from the Emerald Isle. Sir, just for the record. I used to be a minister but don’t subscribe to organized religion these days. I never once thought or felt you were “trapping” people or dishonest with talk about your faith in the Dry Creek Wrangler school. I loved your faith talk and those who took issue with it have problems that go deeper than something they saw on KZbin. That said, my wife and I are glad for another channel because the more of you in the world the better. And we hope we get to see more from moma too if she’s ever up for it. Adh mór daoibh
@folksurvival 3 ай бұрын
I also don't see why people had a problem with it. It's his channel and he's being himself and expressing his own beliefs and opinons on his own channel.
@billybobwombat2231 3 ай бұрын
May I ask what the Irish means at the end of your comment, I'm Australian with an old ancestral connection to Ireland, cheers 🦘
@georgethakur Ай бұрын
@@billybobwombat2231 "good luck to you", ádh being fortune/luck, mór being big/great, daoibh being "to you(plural/formal)"
@billybobwombat2231 Ай бұрын
@georgethakur thank you and have yourself a lovely day 🙂🦘
@ZacharyGraham-w8b 3 ай бұрын
Please keep these videos going! It’s so hard to find good, simple, minimalistic Christian videos that don’t overcomplicate or try to get you to buy stuff from them or buy their “classes”. God called you to teach. We are listening!
@jacobfranklin4673 3 ай бұрын
I just came across this second channel today and I am DANG excited! 26 years old with 2 kids and another on the way. My wife and I were raised in church, started walking our own path around the time we got married, and when our first child was about a year old, God rocked my life to the core. Everything I thought was stable started showing cracks. It was only on the other side of our return to faith, and more importantly, the first time we had EVER taken our faith seriously, that I realized how close I was to driving my marriage and my young family right off a cliff. We have been faithfully attending church since 2021 and have been faithfully following Christ since about 2 months after then. I'm so stricken by how wicked the world is. I see it now when I look back at things I entertained myself with and things that people around me choose to be entertained by. It blesses me to see that a man I've enjoyed receiving wisdom from for the last couple of years has some even weightier matters to chew on! I'm here for the long haul on this one!
@kennyogg7914 4 ай бұрын
i'm a lutheran pastor in the south of Brazil and i like to hear you talking while i'm smoking my pipes. May Jesus, our Lord, bless your new channel!
@markrittenhouse4878 4 ай бұрын
Appreciate you Dwyane. I've been deconized ,elderized ,pastorized. Now I'm just Mark a follower of Jesus who is saved by grace and who loves God and people. Simple! Looking forward to more content while enjoying a good cigar. Blessings my friend, Mark from Montana.
@travisandmissydog 3 ай бұрын
Hey there Mark! I live in Butte MT, where are you at?
@markrittenhouse4878 3 ай бұрын
Greatfalls ​@@travisandmissydog
@theharp6249 2 ай бұрын
Awhile back, a year ago to be specific, I was going through something that I can only describe in the LEAST way possible as horrific, and it was only one Week of that year, one week that broke me down to my bear elements, and I was Worried and so stressed by the end of the weekend I had something similar to a heart attack at the age of 16, I was so stressed some of my limbs were starting to go numb bc I was getting so tense, I was so stressed I couldn’t sleep more than 2 hours without waking up in pain, and do to the pain I could not eat or drink, and it lasted 3 days until I had to go to the hospital twice in a row bc once I was dehydrated and the second by of the “heart attack”, and this was before I knew Jesus or god, I didn’t deny him but I didn’t really acknowledge him either, but now I do, I love him, he saved me, and I owe so much to him, and ever since that terrible week it’s always been a reminder to me now, to just be grateful for what he had done and what he will do, and that it’s really important to just let go of those worries,anxieties,doubts, or fears bc if you don’t( and hopefully You reading this never will have to) will kill you, mentally and physically as I unfortunately learned. So what I mean by this testimony is to let go of your understanding that is fed by fear,doubts, and worldly desires and and rely upon your lord your savior Jesus Christ, bc ima be honest with you, life has been so much better that some days I think I’m gonna wake up to when I was on that floor begging someone to save me bc it feels unreal but it is real, god is real, and yes I will admit some days I still get struck by fear of worries but then by the grace of god and by faith it eventually becomes clear and better than what it was before hand, so please stop worrying and just be with Him, god bless and keep faith amen ❤
@paddy1987ify 4 ай бұрын
While I'm Catholic, I always appreciate a believer who follows the teachings of Christ. I enjoy your insights and opinions from your other channel and I look forward to this channel as well. God bless you and yours.
@Bigchurchmusic 4 ай бұрын
Romans 10:9-10 “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” King James Version (KJV)
@fishyplebe 4 ай бұрын
This is a mature attitude!
@dickDark 3 ай бұрын
@@Bigchurchmusic 14What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him? 15If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, 16And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit? 17Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. 18Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works. 19Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. 20But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead? 21Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar? 22Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect? 23And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God. 24Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only. 25Likewise also was not Rahab the harlot justified by works, when she had received the messengers, and had sent them out another way? 26For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.
@tyrannosapienlex 3 ай бұрын
​@@fishyplebe Well detected, but Ireland fought very hard to serve a Pope. That they will defend. Simple truth.
@antonellobacchetti2429 4 ай бұрын
I joined to this channel coming from the other one Dry Creek Wrangler School, even though as some others I'm not a horse person, what made me subscribe to DCWR and this channel is the wiseness and the correct thinking and teachings of this guy, I'm from 🇮🇹 and I've been following great American people for years, much better choice than follow the worldwide TV propaganda! I've been learning so much and I've never felt better in my 47 yrs of life! Thank you for what you do!
@raymondbradley6788 4 ай бұрын
Thank you, Dwayne. I always look forward to your teachings. They remind me of things I forgotten about sometimes. And I was raised right. God bless you, brother you and your family.🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
@davecoors 10 күн бұрын
I’m so glad I found Dwayne on a channel like this, he can be himself and preach the word! I love it. Thank You Dwayne I hope and pray this channel really takes off and becomes a new found success for you.
@joeygullickll8655 6 күн бұрын
I really appreciate the way you teach brother thank you for teaching Jesus!!!
@ChrisS310 4 ай бұрын
You’re so right, brother. I’m guilty of acting self righteous in the comment section, and judging hypocritically. I’m overweight and telling others what they’re doing wrong. Thank you. God bless you, brother. I look forward to your videos.
@javieribanez8824 4 ай бұрын
God bless you Dwayne and Momma. The work you do is feeding some starving souls, many of them young men. Congrats on the new channel.
@MessengerGabriel 4 ай бұрын
Dwayne is the type of christian that I align with. We get things done and do not give in to Church LLC, 501(c3) political correctness. God bless brother.
@albertsumner7081 3 ай бұрын
You should have been a carpenter, your hitting the nail on the head , every time ! Good teaching there Brother.
@jtbyrge7990 3 ай бұрын
I was born again 14 years ago. I enjoy talking privately to God, and reading his word. I’ve been a member of a few churches, but no longer attend church. I’m not against church, and know there is a need for preaching to the lost people in this world. I’m just not interested in religion. I’m in love with Jesus. I attend a Bible study regularly at an old hardware store. I reckon that is church for me.
@kathybruce2925 3 ай бұрын
I will gladly listen to a simple man all day long! Amen!
@daveanderson835 4 ай бұрын
Great job! Thank you. Excellent clarification on what real church is. Simple truth love it. Me & Jesus thank you for stepping up to the task.
@capncayenne7011 3 ай бұрын
I’m hopeful, brother. I was one of those you talked about - part of a church and theology that I had been indoctrinated into. I was studied, arrogant, and - I see now, not walking with Christ. The church I was serving at had a leadership crisis; those I had looked up to were revealed to be hypocrites, our pastor ended up taking his own life after his affair was revealed. My wife and I left that church in the same state as its leadership; broken and devastated. It’s been a long road back to Christ and longer still to the church. I know what I need is the simplicity of truth. I know what I need is to walk with Jesus. I know I need to know him because the man I thought I knew all that time was just a lie. From what I can see of you, I see a simple man, and a humble man with a desire for truth and I’m looking forward to walking alongside you for a while. Thank you for doing this man.
@Allnightexplor 4 ай бұрын
I am looking forward to the new channel. I am Catholic but agree with a lot of what you do. We all just need to get along as Christ teaches.
@VoiceOverSteve 10 күн бұрын
So glad I found your channel, Dewayne. Love what you're doing to get The Word out. I started my podcast as a ministry to cigar smokers, so I'm glad to see another follower of Christ who's not afraid to speak the Truth in love.
@charliemahoney2912 4 ай бұрын
My heartfelt thank for this Dwayne! I left the "church" (catholic) as soon as I was old enough to leave home (Wyoming ❤)... wandered in the world seeking... Yeshua's plan... not mine... and lesson by lesson HE saved me out of the darkness. Agree that this world makes all things complicated... Yah's way... His truth... is simple! His peace to you, Cindy Sue
@isawthelight 4 ай бұрын
I just joined the Catholic Church a few years ago and never felt happier being in the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. God bless you on your Journey 🙏
@cbella616 4 ай бұрын
Congratulations Dwayne! Peace to you and your family for all you do 🤍🕊 God bless you 🙏
@jaystewart9947 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for speaking truth. Not your truth or my truth but THE truth. God’s truth. Pure and undefiled.
@kkeenan536 4 ай бұрын
Just came over from DCWS & it’s a joy to see after my church service, (Bible believing, teaching, conservative church). Looking forward to more and thank you for sharing and serving
@Storebrand_ 4 ай бұрын
The thread that ties everything together is one. ✝ Look forward to the uploads.
@ceasersherniateddisk8614 4 ай бұрын
Talking about how gluttony and by extension obesity is a sin is something this country needs to hear more of
@gltam1057 4 ай бұрын
My first viewing, glad to be with you !!! ❤🙌🙏📖
@CodenameTest 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for creating this channel Mr Dewayne i look forward to learn more about the spiritual and all bible things related from what i consider to be a real wise man who is truthful and honest about the reality of the world we live in .
@NicoleCB 4 ай бұрын
I had wished that you would do something like this. Now you are! Praise YHVH!
@ElPatron42069 4 ай бұрын
God has saved myself and so many other people from drug addiction. You get out on pain meds by doctors and before you know it, you are hooked and it flips your life completely upside down. If not for God I would not be here
@nightshiner8610 4 ай бұрын
So thankful for your work, holding me on course in these difficult times ! Greetings from Germany!
@Balanceiaga 4 ай бұрын
I like this. Especially looking forward to the calm reflections with bible verses as a guiding principle.
@maverick1181 4 ай бұрын
I'm convinced God called you to do this to help the layman like myself. Been watching you since your first horse videos on Dry Creek and a couple of weeks ago, I finally came to Jesus after years of trying to disobey Him by pursuing my own selfish desires and having grown up in a secular family and having been emotionally/psychologically abused by my first high school (All-Boys Franciscan Catholic), it turned me away from our Lord and made me believe that I was all alone. Even after trying to find a denomination that aligns with the Christ of the Bible, I can't bring myself to become Catholic or some sort of Protestant despite my forgiveness to those who wronged me. I believe the Holy Spirit made you available to me and others who want to follow Christ, not secular "Christianity". Thank you Dewayne, I'll keep praying for you, your family and the success of your channels.
@isaachodges2654 3 ай бұрын
This video is a God send to me brother. I’ve been struggling for a long time with theological debates, one preacher says this, the other says this and it just confuses me. But in Gods grace He’s reminded me that He isn’t the author of confusion. If there’s confusion and no unity, it ain’t from Jesus. Thank you for doing what God put in your heart. It’s blessed me more than you know.
@itssenecaball 3 ай бұрын
If you like this you should also check out brother Paul Lucas over @bodyofchristchurch . He has the same views and is teaching what God is doing today , very refreshing to say the least, it blesses me so !
@Robert_Bubba_Baker 4 ай бұрын
Your integrity always shines through.
@charlescollins8385 3 ай бұрын
I agree with what you said. I came out of a denomination after 23 years, and because I don’t do just like they teach, I’m not welcomed as a Brother in Christ. Religion is killing us. Relationship with Christ is where it’s at. Like you said, I’d rather be with a simple man that’s following Christ. Good message Dewayne!
@cameronwilkinson8953 4 ай бұрын
I believe in Jesus and He Jesus gave me the Holy Spirit who helps me understand His Word the Bible. I agree that we "believers" need to keep it simple. I'm a simple man who is a sinner but I know the Lord saved me from sin. Jesus did all the work I just have to believe in Him. I love God with all my heart and I still struggle to love on others but I'm working on it everyday..not easy. But I know my life is better by trying to live my life for the Lord even though I mess up at times Jesus still forgives us. Thank you Jesus!
@ErikPeterCarlson 4 ай бұрын
It’s incredible how Christ picks a few to be the teachers. Dwayne is an obvious born teacher, who like he states, has to do it. It definitely is his calling. Absolutely love the idea of this new channel. God bless all.
@DT-vl8tz 3 ай бұрын
Please do not shut off this channel! I follow it and appreciate it!
@eggynyce 3 ай бұрын
There’s only one guy I see the spirit , Pastor Darby and now possibly you I just was led here and the Lord has a plan for you. You experiences will be useful
@HalfWarrior 4 ай бұрын
Appreciate your simplicity and truth here; this is great that you have started this channel; God bless you Dewayne.
@dosedkat 4 ай бұрын
i’m glad you created this, myself i wasn’t comfortable in religious views or expressing them at least. During my breakup this recent year, i have found hope again in your videos in life while challenging my religious belief. I thank you! keep it up 🫶
@rtyria 4 ай бұрын
I appreciate your restraint when commenting on my Church. Most Protestants I know (some I'm related to) can get quite nasty, and I get enough of that nastiness from my own pope I don't need it from my fellow countrymen. I probably won't be joining this channel, but I think it's important for Christians to live their faith in the public eye, even when I can't agree with them. More than ever before the world needs the witness of good Christian men. Take care.
@patrickk4293 4 ай бұрын
Looking forward to the future of this channel Dewayne!
@myjriley21 4 ай бұрын
Yes sir. Thank you. Simple truth. ❤🙏🏻
@lindadodd3829 3 ай бұрын
@DTX_AEther_Diamond_214 4 ай бұрын
Love the philosophy because it is so grounded to reality, but i also love God glad you decided to make a chanel to talk about god openly.
@SteveWilliamCharles Ай бұрын
Just discovered this channel through your other channel and wanted to say thank you. I'm watching the videos here in the order you uploaded them and have only watched the first two so far but wow! The message! It comes at a time in my life where I have to admit that I'm lost spiritually. You deliver a clear and easy to understand message that has gotten me to reconsider the direction I was heading and pick up my bible again. You have gained a subscriber in me and I'll be here as long you are. Thanks again. Much love to you.
@robertleslie14 3 ай бұрын
Okay this is last video I watched (today) I love this channel... I have learned and been convinced. Thank sir for the fellowship,and realness!!
@lsutigerz1010 3 ай бұрын
Dewayne is one of the reasons I got saved without him and his family I would never know Christ. Dewayne keep posting these videos they are so important even for those on the main channel
@SignalBlue 4 ай бұрын
Really happy you’re branching out on YT and providing content like this 🙏
@angieh3990 4 ай бұрын
Thank you so much! I'm looking forward to your videos here, too. I'm 54 - my parents were "old-fashioned" and I was raised going to a little country church here in East Tennessee where I live. I love, and identify, with your values and insights, and I hope your videos reach a lot of people.
@flhxsflhxs5010 4 ай бұрын
Looking forward to this
@lorimichelle320 4 ай бұрын
I'm at 7:15 and this is already one of my favorite channels. I love your honesty and wisdom.
@adn8099 4 ай бұрын
Eastern Orthodox Christian here. I am happy you're doing this and I am happy to subscribe!
@Bigchurchmusic 4 ай бұрын
Romans 10:9-10 “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” King James Version (KJV)
@adn8099 4 ай бұрын
@@Bigchurchmusic Indeed brother! We must believe in our *heart* and not merely our mouth. If we do that then we will do the rest of what Christ commands us to do as well, to orient ourselves away from sin, to be baptized, etc. People must know that in scripture "belief" is not a mere passive mental assent or verbal profession, but an active and on-going trust and obedience. We orthodox believe we are saved (titus 3:5), we are being saved (2nd corinthians 2:15) and we will be saved (romans 5:9). Lets work out our salvation with fear and trembling as Paul tells the Philippians (2:12). And lets pray Christ gives us the strength to do what He Himself tells us, to endure to the end and be saved (matthew 24:13). 🙏
@bdallen58 3 ай бұрын
@@adn8099 Baptist here. Good to have a nice mixture together on this channel. Peace be upon you brother.
@adn8099 3 ай бұрын
@@bdallen58 Peace brother
@MikeDaigle-b3w 3 ай бұрын
God Bless you brother. I'm just a blade of grass that has a little bit of green in me by the washing of water, the word, by the grace of God. Anyhow, I ran a ranch in Montana, and relate and respect your beliefs, sound doctrine, and a simple and quiet life greatful for what we have. I'm glad to see that you won't tolerate the accuser of the brethren, as they fail to see that's the activity of satan is by the words spoken through Man. That's why Jesus said himself in John 6:70 he choose the twelve and one was the devil. So we'll keep a deep seat in truth, and a faraway look from hypocrisy, praying for the lost.
@raymondbradley6788 4 ай бұрын
Thank you, Dwayne. Keep being yourself brother God called you to do this and you’re doing it. That’s all that matters. God bless my brother.🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
@snokones 4 ай бұрын
I always watched you for your philosophy, and life advice. This is right up my alley.
@ezekielgdk 2 ай бұрын
Ive had to leave some groups for the issues you talk about here. Ive felt something off in my spirit with people who talk doctrine all the time and who fall into legalism and pride. I just want to experience the simple love and truth of Christ, unfortunately a lot of people misunderstand and pervert this. Thanks for this video sir, God bless you.
Hello great video good luck on your new channel can’t wait to watch your videos Dewayne
@cloudlessmind888 4 ай бұрын
Greetings from Toronto, Canada I’m a 66 yo Buddhist who enjoys your videos. I'm not a horse person (though I love animals & nature). BUT what I like about your chats is, I always walk away having learned something from you. I like that you sound like deeply spiritual person. I believe that all religions are basically the same. It’s the same water, but comes in the different shape of the different vases. Different paths for different people. I think it’s good in this polarized world, that you made a different channel for this. Too many people feel like they’re experts, & quickly tell people WHAT to believe. Though I’m Buddhist, I’m here to learn more about Christianity & the Bible. I agree with you on proselytizing. I admire the Sikhs, who will feed any hungry person, any day, any time. It’s vegetarian lol, but there’s no questions, no pressure, only kindness. Good luck with this new channel. You do you. If people get judgey, just press delete. You already have 1.85K subscribers in 3 hrs, so there must be a need. And yes.The truth is not easy.
@NeededGR13F 4 ай бұрын
If you want to learn more, the biggest topic for you to watch is going to be Jesus' claims to being God. If you've learned about him from Eastern-religion circles, they've likely only talked about him in ways that portrayed him as a wise guru. He was a lot more than that, tho.
@MDR62MULES 4 ай бұрын
Even old cowboys can be fishers of men. God bless you for following the calling Jesus put on your heart. ❤🙏
@kateribarry 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for starting the new channel, I look forward to more! I am Catholic and I'll admit that this was difficult to listen to at times, but I do agree that the best thing to do is to turn to the good news. God is not trying to confuse us with His word. I liked the rock analogy.
@Bigchurchmusic 4 ай бұрын
Romans 10:9-10 “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” King James Version (KJV)
@nonyabusiness2913 4 ай бұрын
I've experienced a social toxicity involved with all churches in my area, which has created a bad taste for me personally. I'm looking forward to this, as I can just listen to the ideas of God through a man I respect, with no strings attached. Thanks.
@loisschutt7894 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for starting this channel. This was awesome and so right on❤
@deanhendrix3179 3 ай бұрын
Brother, your clear view of the hypocrisy of alcohol and tobacco is spot on gospel. Too many people believe what they have been told (indoctrination) and not on what the scripture provides obedient servants. Glad you created this channel for scripture obedient folks.
@brodycurtner777 4 ай бұрын
Love the rock analogy .. reminds me of seeing corporate supervisors deliver orders and instructions to employees in a nonchalant manner - when the task itself is difficult and time consuming... to the employee it can seem crazy to give such a big order so casually, but to the person in power, it's the only way to get a job done... when God casually speaks, wanting you to do something big, know that the work won't be casual !! it will be tough!! but you can get the job done !!
@phyllisanncheatwood5412 4 ай бұрын
Yes. YES. And also Yeeesss!!!!!! I'm praying for you and cheering for you and Deanna (Mama) like crazy!! I believe this message God is extending through you is providing and will continue to provide deeeep healing for religious hurt. People I hurt when I thought I was "helping" them to become "better" (whatever THAT was supposed to mean) Christan. I'm trying to do aaaaall I can to help people heal and get to just grow closer to our kind God, Himself. And I can't thank you enough for helping people heal who have been hurt by me and anyone else who put our religion....... whew......... sadly........... before our precious, compassionate Savior and our deeeeply caring heavenly Father who Loved (and continues to Love) us THAT much. Thank you, Dwayne. Thank you!!! And ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!
@phyllisanncheatwood5412 4 ай бұрын
Oh, sorry, this is NOT Phyllis. I'm her daughter, Deb. I've been working from her channel on some projects for her and wasn't realizing I'm still on. I'm confident she won't mind, though, but I'll run it by her.
@jasondominguez644 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for this Dewayne.
@eddiealvarez8146 25 күн бұрын
I realized early on that it’s better to go to church, and really any church as long as it’s centered around God. As I grow older and read the word, especially Paul’s teaching, I realized it’s important to be aware of the messages and teaching being spread. If it doesn’t align with the Bible that tells me something is wrong. Way too many times, the promise is being preached without the process. My point is we need to make an effort to read and learn the word so we can be aware of false teachings. When it comes to church, I believe we all need a place to find home, regardless of the denomination. No church is perfect. If you find a perfect church, it’ll become imperfect as soon as you join it. Find a home, study the word, do your best to live by it. At the end of the day it’ll be God’s grace and his grace alone that will be final. If the church isn’t centered around Christ, something is wrong.
@hardluk3 4 ай бұрын
I can see this surpassing your success on your main channel.
@AB-fq7mv 4 ай бұрын
I'm so glad you decided to do this. I'm just one person, no one special, but your no nonsense approach and wisdom help me quite a lot in this crazy world. I look forward to more from this channel. Thank you for your time, sir.
@ByThisShallAllMenKnow 4 ай бұрын
😃I'm looking forward to the coming videos on this channel!
@jpytvid 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for making this channel. I'll be praying for you. Can't wait to see where the Lord leads the channel. Men are looking for this real, honest, raw content rooted in the Word and not opinion. Looking forward to seeing lives changed through the Truth that sets us free. Thanks brother D
@wyattmorris8768 4 ай бұрын
Amén, I agree with you Sir. You should never change who you are. I truly appreciate you Sir. Real spirit lead people aren’t in church’s, the chosen ones are like Jesus Christ, they aren’t allowed in church.
@Sandppy 4 ай бұрын
Looking forward to some great discussions.
@josesainz5696 4 ай бұрын
Dewayne, hearing you present the true gospel (faith in Jesus Christ alone, not our own works) fills me with joy! Thank you Sir, and I praise God for your simplicity and wisdom. So many are preaching false, works-based salvation these days.
@hxvtxr3834 4 ай бұрын
I enjoy both this channel and another channel. It brings me a perspective in which can growth my faith with God. I enjoy how both of them share a message, and I'm thankful for this.
@Jman1776 4 ай бұрын
Amen...thx for these 9:11 the simplicity of Christ that I hear from you....blessings brother
@Iksvomid 4 ай бұрын
@winfredyoder3117 4 ай бұрын
Glad to see this channel! I appreciate your down to earth, simple interpretation on faith and life in general. There is so much confusion today, this content is a breath of fresh air!
@71three5ohscrambler8 4 ай бұрын
Like i commented on your other channel, im an agnostic, and im also a decent human being. Im a 61 year old man whos been working all my adult life. 8 years in the Navy. I just enjoy the subjects you talk about. Keep up the good work my brother.😊
@kev3860 4 ай бұрын
Dewayne..I'm very happy that We/I get to hear you on the bible. I'm smart enough to hear a smarter man than me.
@lilsneako 3 ай бұрын
We love you for this kind of content Dwayne you’ve helped me gain so much perspective as my young age of 20 years old that I would have never been able to learn from anyone else.
@ImJustJodi 2 ай бұрын
Ok, I promise this is the last video (for today) that I will comment on, but I swear you are a direct answer to a very specific prayer this old country woman's been praying for. Thank you, man. Truly.
@nockreel1190 4 ай бұрын
Love the channel name👍
@crusader2112 4 ай бұрын
Looking forward to this channel. I’m Catholic, so you and I have disagreements, but I hope we can come together to discuss Faith. God Bless 🙏🏻
@Nathan.44-40 3 ай бұрын
You teach the WORD Gracefully and Practically! Thank You 🙏 💪✝️🇺🇸
@northernlassie2755 3 ай бұрын
Most friends say they cannot understand the KJV Bible. But I found, as reading it, the words became very clear because God gave me discernment to understand. The true meaning is both simple and profound. So beautiful. Looking forward to your studies of His Word 🙏
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