Many years! Many years! Many years! I was once a member of the Roman "Church", now I am by God's grace an Orthodox Christian. What a wonderful starets Elder Arsenie is!
@justinaacuriouswanderer14963 жыл бұрын
It's saddening what's happening to the Roman Catholic church. Some are genuine but most have fallen into grieving error. (for instance, the charismatic renewal, the united prayers of all religions, pope-francis' words announcing pachamama recovery, etc )
@SAHOVNICU Жыл бұрын
Your schismatic sect is unfortunately under Anathema as per canon 110 of the council of Carthage in 419 AD for denying that Original sin must be washed away with baptism. Your sect teaches the heresy that man only inherits Ancestral sin or a fractured human nature You are under Anathema.
@seekerseraphimtherecluse43146 жыл бұрын
Hard holy truth
@ioancasian17 жыл бұрын
Father Arsenie is still alive, almost 94 years old. We should have another video in English pretty soon, God willing!
@DanielHead0117 жыл бұрын
Such authentic and straightforward honesty is SO rare in this age of Godless compromise and ecumenism! May Elder Arsenie be blessed with every Spiritual blessing in Christ!
@orthodox11117 жыл бұрын
God bless him. He is a witness to the truth of Orthodoxy, and not afraid of telling ecumenists they are wrong. May God grant him many years! I look forward to more videos.
@SAHOVNICU Жыл бұрын
This man is a heretic. Can you please show me one document from tradition or from the Ecumenical councils where the One, Holy Catholic, and Apostolic Church ever identified itself as the *Ανατολική Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία* Where is this name of your sect found in tradition?
@ioancasian16 жыл бұрын
Pope Leo the Great said, in the fifth century, in his sermon 62,2: "Only the Son of the blessed Virgin is born without transgression; not indeed outside the human race, but a stranger to sin... so that of Adam's offspring, one might exist in whom the devil had no share."
@JudithMatta16 жыл бұрын
We look forward to your new video - and praise our God and Savior Jesus Christ that this beloved Elder is alive still for us to hear! I am sharing this video far and wide! Thank you so much for providing English translation which is badly needed to be able to learn from him.
@valimaria37015 жыл бұрын
Hristos a înviat taica Părinte Arsenie Papacioc rugați pe Dumnezeu și pe Maica Domnului să ne Mărească credința nădejdea și dragostea să îi aducă pe copiii noștri pe calea cea bună să ne ajute să ne mântuim Sărut mâna Amin
@ivygarcia95255 жыл бұрын
God bless him for upholding Gods pure and unpolluted truth!
@paulwilliams92074 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this clarification and good sense. God grant you many years.
@cuttlefisch17 жыл бұрын
Brilliant!! Well said!!
@bigbigboss556411 жыл бұрын
"The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone, and it is marvelous in God's eyes." He's not talking about St. Peter. Christ being the Son of God is what the church is built on. "Who ever proclaims himself as the universal bishop is the forerunner of the anti-Christ." -Pope Gregory the Great; who's Liturgy we celebrated today. Read the Fathers in their entirety not just an excerpt taken out of context. The Church of the ECFs Is The EOC. The RCC would be alien to them.
@briankristensen3492 жыл бұрын
Is it the problem that we humans want to build a system a kind of church? The Church was before 300. I am "afraid" of counsels, I am in need of Jesus Christ and we do not have Orthodox Church.
@ioancasian17 жыл бұрын
Don't let the form get in your way to the essence. Elder Paisios the Hagiorite, Elder Cleopa of Sihastria, and others had Western style icons in their cells. As for the alleged "dis-service", all I can say is that the Romanians are grateful to have such an Elder! In Christ!
@rachelallencamus16 жыл бұрын
many years! glory to God for your conversion, and for all things!
@ioancasian14 жыл бұрын
@BlackBunch All that the Elder says is that we cannot guarantee salvation to people who are not in the Church. Is up to God what happens to them. In Christ
@ioancasian16 жыл бұрын
You: "...that Mary was sinful" Elder Arsenie: "...she was born with the original sin she inherited..."
@AleksandarAleksiev_2 жыл бұрын
Glory to God. What a wonderful priest he was!
@ioancasian15 жыл бұрын
"The Ecumenical Councils and the great Fathers of the first millennium are a guarantee of the authentic theological interpretation of the sacrament of the divine economy in Christ, and of its genuine experience by the faithful in the sacrament of the Church, which, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, extends the continuous and living presence of Jesus Christ in the world, until the end of time. There is nothing else to talk about.
@rachelallencamus16 жыл бұрын
may I in heaven kiss the hand of this holy father. there is no privilege like that of being in the Right-Believing Church. I am overwhelmed.
@Lysandros17 жыл бұрын
This priest should be Patriarch, because he speaks words of wisdom. Rather, God speaks through him!If all the Orthodox clergy were like him, we would need not worry.
@ioancasian13 жыл бұрын
@thatUkrainianguy I'm not aware of any, but now that he moved to the Triumphant Church, praying for us, there is hope...
@VRaguz-jw5if2 жыл бұрын
Glory be to God!!
@Nicolaj196215 жыл бұрын
This is great! Christos voskrese!
@VRaguz-jw5if2 жыл бұрын
Ваистину воскресе!!
@nellule198015 жыл бұрын
"Nu oricine Imi zice Doamne, Doamne, va intra in Imparatia Cerurilor, ci cel ce face voia Tatalui Meu, Celui din Ceruri." (Matei 7,21)---corect dar nu ne putem mantui prin faptele bune ci prin credinta in Domnul Isus Hristos.
@nicea278715 жыл бұрын
Otherwise known in English as, "hesychasm." St. Gregory Palamas, pray for us.
@gestureofhope12 жыл бұрын
I am quite confused. WCC website claims that the Orthodox joined the 3rd assembly of WCC in 60s and formally became part of it. this clip suggest the opposition of Orthodox elders to Ecumenism. Is there division in Orthodoxy too? I am sorry if this offends any one. I am a students, studying ecumenism as part of my assignment. can some one please suggest a route for further study on this?
@gorecareitidaincapcubila4412 жыл бұрын
Ecumenism is a heresy. The fact that some hierarchs, sold to globalists, push the Orthodox Church in this heresy, is their sin and woe to them. The real orthodoxes do not accept this and do not recognize other "churches".
@georgianadan3278 Жыл бұрын
Ortodoxia nu este parte a CMB. La ortodocși, capul bisericii și al credinței este Iisus Christos - parte din Sfânta Treime ( Tatăl, Fiul și Sfântul Duh). Ecumenismul este potirul cu spurcăciuni al desfrânatei ce are scrise pe frunte nume de hulă. ,,Să nu ai alt Dumnezeu afară de mine."- prima poruncă din Decalog.
@kylebrogmus88475 жыл бұрын
The irony of da Vinci's last supper behind the Holy Elder.
@rachelallencamus16 жыл бұрын
we deny that humans are guilty for the sin of Adam. we do however affirm that they inherit his vulnerable nature, his inclination to sin.
@ioancasian15 жыл бұрын
All these departures from the Truth lead to heresy and everything started from papal primacy. The best example of how important are the Holy Tradition, Holy Fathers, dogmas, etc. for the RC Church is the Uniat Church. They are exactly like the Orthodox but with one crucial difference, they bow down to the Pope! More recently is the invitation of Vatican to the Anglicans, bow down to the Pope "without abandoning their entire liturgical and spiritual patrimony". What's next, the muslims?
@ioancasian15 жыл бұрын
And exactly where does St Irenaeus "claims primacy of the Roman pope over the whole Church"??! Please provide the text. St Irenaeus' comment has nothing to do with the pope nor primacy, it has to do with the Church at Rome.
@balancex315 жыл бұрын
explain why the pope should be the vicar of Christ when Christ is not dead but resurrected.
@ioancasian13 жыл бұрын
@tpkatsa "They are anathematized... Ecumenical Councils have decided, because it wasn't done either by you or me. We cannot guarantee their salvation" QED I would suggest you follow the Church and the Holy Fathers and not your own interpretation. What Church do you belong to? Are you a cradle Orthodox or a convert?
@ioancasian16 жыл бұрын
Some comments were removed at users request. (raoulduke25 )
@orthodox11117 жыл бұрын
is this holy father reposed, or does he still live?
@ioancasian14 жыл бұрын
@venceslavh Christ is Risen! He lives in Techirghiol, South of Constanta, Dobrogea. The Monastery is Sfanta Maria (Saint Mary).
@rosariocanaval84244 жыл бұрын
@ioancasian14 жыл бұрын
You need more than this to get some credibility. Why not refute each claim, one by one?
@kdurston115 жыл бұрын
why is there no actual doctrinal arguments with support from the early Church Fathers on here? that is what we are looking for. what did the earliest Fathers believe about the primacy of the bishop of Rome. not what eastern Patriarchs said after 1028 AD.
@georgianadan3278 Жыл бұрын
Ce au spus primii părinți? Ce spune catolicismul acum este idolatria Pactum De Singularis Caelum. De ce nu ne lăsați în pace cu drăcăriile voastre? Mai contează ce au spus primii părinți când voi acum ați făcut pact cu Satana și cu toți idolii? Voi sunteți cei mai buni idolatri. Crucea lui Iisus Christos în fața voastră!✝️ Crucea lui Iisus Christos în fața potirului ecumenic plin de spurcăciuni.✝️ Desfrânata ține în mână pocalul cu spurcăciuni și are pe frunte nume de hulă! Fugiți oameni din ea să nu aveți părtășie cu ea la pedepsele pe care le va primi. ✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️
@nellule198015 жыл бұрын
Ce sa fiu lamurit cu sfintii?Ca nu am inteles intrebarea:ii respect din toata inima mea si sunt un model de urmat insa ata de ortodocsi exista acest aspect si anume ca nu ma inchin lor fiindca este scris ca numai Lui Dumnezeu treb sa ne inchinam. Apropo in caz ca esti preot ortodox domnule Ioan vreau sa iti cer parerea in legatura cu rugaciune ''Inger ingerasul meu'' pe care o invata copiii de mici...este corect din punct de vedere biblic sa ne inchinam la ingeri?
@georgianadan3278 Жыл бұрын
Nu este corect să te închini la îngeri. Una este să-l rogi pe înger și alta este să te închini lui. Când spui Îngerașul te închini ( îți faci semnul Sf Cruci) în Numele Tatălui și Al Fiului și Al Sfântului Duh, Amin; apoi spui Îngerașul.
@cristian674514 жыл бұрын
@exlyon I respect all confession i don't hate anyone i just like to tell you that the priest knows more than you imagine about your church!!!! Orthodoxy is the most ancient church after ISUS CRISTOS being the withness of your decision to divide with the eastern church.ITS A LOGIC TO KNOW WHY THE CATHOLICS LIKED TO DIVIDE WITH US.FOR YOU ITS DIFICULT TO UNDERSTAND WHAT ABOUT SPEAKS OUR PRIEST. WE ARE SO DIFERENT.THE ORTHODOX LOVE GOD BY A DIFERENT WAY!
@kavaldzhia15 жыл бұрын
+ Аминь ! +
@moorezacharyd6 жыл бұрын
passing through the eye of the needle of this Orthodoxy
@ioancasian13 жыл бұрын
@vladimir998 No, but being in the Church is a step in the right direction...
@e2liviu15 жыл бұрын
pe jumatate adevarat. nu ne putem mantui dak nu credem dar nici nu ne putem mantui doar dak credem. pur si simplu nu e de ajuns. e ca si cum ne-am satura doar gandindu-ne doar la mancare. cum zicea cineva. cum a trebuit (si inca mai trebuie - nota personala) sa invatam sa "fim cetateni europeni" pentru a intra in UE tot asa trebuie sa invatam sa devenim si cetateni ai Raiului entru a ajunge acolo. si asta cere efort, sacrificii nu doar idei si meditatii
@kdurston115 жыл бұрын
why not make some Videos on the topic? It's clear that youtube is lacking such content. I would be interested in watching it. my one suggestion would to be to leave the past in the past and only talk doctrine. unless you want to make a vid on why Orth. don't trust the Catholic Church. I'll look into the book though... *sigh* another one to the 5 others i'm reading XD
@ioancasian14 жыл бұрын
Nu trebuie sa va pierdeti cumpatul, puteti sa argumentati. Nu ma mira ca in "lumea libera" adevarul este interzis, iti trebuie permisiune sa-l marturisesti! Parintii duhovnicesti ne-au avertizat ca ce vine dupa comunism va fi mai rau. DOamne ajuta!
@ioancasian15 жыл бұрын
N-am scris niciodata ca a trait intr-o manastire, din contra am corectat aceasta eroare. N-am scris niciodata ca s-a nascut in Armenia, inventezi lucruri. De fapt toata discutia mea este completa, pe canalul meu, n-ai putut sa o stergi. Te rog sa imi arati pe canalul meu unde sunt scrise lucrurile de care ma acuzi. Nu poti? Atunci tu esti mincinosul. Continui sa poluezi acest canal care este dedicat limbii engleze. De acum incolo, vom muta toate posturile tale pe canalul tau, in romaneste.
@ioancasian14 жыл бұрын
@ZenithF Parintele se refera la faptul ca sectelor nu le putem garanta mantuirea in afara Bisericii, ascultati cu atentie.
@kdurston115 жыл бұрын
(although this is all historically inaccurate) what does any of this have to do with the doctrine of the immaculate conception? how does any of it provide evidence of doctrinal contradiction in the evidence provided by the Church for the Dogma? these other issues fall under the Lord's prayer, "forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those that trespass against us." All these folks have gone to their reward, whatever that may be. we however are discussing doctrine.
@georgianadan3278 Жыл бұрын
Scuză-mă, dar ești departe de adevăr. Doctrina este pentru inițierea omului în drumul către Adevăr. ,,Învățați unii de la alții." Dacă un copil învață ceea ce este greșit se va purta greșit și nu va putea să descopere adevărul. Învățătura greșită se numește sminteală.
@nellule198015 жыл бұрын
Amice mosclaudiu nu m-ai contrazis cu nici un verset,asa ca am sa continui.Mantuirea se obtine prin credinta in Domnul Isus Hristos. "Daca ne marturisim pacatele, El este credincios si drept, ca sa ne ierte pacatele si sa ne curateasca de orice nelegiuire. (1Ioan1:9) Ioan 3:16". Fiindca atat de mult a iubit Dumnezeu lumea, ca a dat pe singurul Lui Fiu, pentruca oricine crede in El, sa nu piara, ci sa aiba viata vecinica." Scrie clar ORICINE crede.Domnul sa va lumineze!
@ioancasian14 жыл бұрын
Imi pare rau ca din cauza limbajului pe care-l folositi sunt nevoit sa va sterg mesajele. Inteleg ca va tulbura cuvintele Parintelui Arsenie dar un minim de decenta se impune. Va voi raspunde cu placere intr-o discutie argumentata corespunzator.
@TruthBeTold713 жыл бұрын
The Savior never said that if you alter anything slightly it is anathematized. He's right about Ecumenism, but there is no such biblical passage.
@georgianadan3278 Жыл бұрын
Păi, dacă modifici, înțelesul se schimbă și atunci ești în înșelare; nu mai ai dreaptă învățătură și drept urmare, nu mai poți ajunge la o credință dreaptă. ,,Ușoara modificare" se numește virgula diavolului.
@mosclaudiu15 жыл бұрын
APOCALIPSA 14:1. ''Şi m-am uitat şi iată Mielul stătea pe muntele Sion şi cu El o sută patruzeci şi patru de mii, care aveau numele Lui şi numele Tatălui Lui, scris pe frunţile lor. 2. Atunci am auzit un glas din cer, ca un vuiet de ape multe şi ca bubuitul unui tunet puternic, iar glasul pe care l-am auzit ca glasul celor ce cântă cu alăutele lor. "
@crussher215 жыл бұрын
Jesus weeps...Why is it so difficult to stick to his message of love for all mankind and not get bogged down by what some synod said 1500 years ago?
@abelovedchildofgod73832 жыл бұрын
Because they're apostolic tradition the true faith from the Apostles and Christ. Why did Jesus cried though, if he's going to resurrected the man anyway in about 5 minutes ahead? It's a mystery. Love is not a feeling, it's an action. And God is Mystery. He is not comprehensive, He is more than meet the eyes and that is the point of faith. A comprehend God is no God. St. John Chrysostom The Love of God is greater than human concept of Love.
@VRaguz-jw5if2 жыл бұрын
Bolje bi ti bilo da i ti places, nesreco jedna
@ioancasian15 жыл бұрын
The view on Ecumenism among the Orthodox Elders is clear, I guess you'd call it incomplete, but according to the Holy Tradition and the Holy Fathers. You kept innovating. You have to do better than just using words such as ignorant and paranoid to prove your point. As Orthodox, we're very aware that the Catholics "have nothing but love" for us, we remember the Crusaders in Constantinople, or the demolition with cannons of the Orthodox monasteries in Transylvania. In Christ
@mosclaudiu15 жыл бұрын
APOCALIPSA 14: 3. "Şi cântau o cântare nouă, înaintea tronului şi înaintea celor patru fiinţe şi înaintea bătrânilor; şi nimeni nu putea să înveţe cântarea decât numai cei o sută patruzeci şi patru de mii, care fuseseră răscumpăraţi de pe pământ. 4. Aceştia sunt care nu s-au întinat cu femei, căci sunt feciorelnici. Aceştia sunt care merg după Miel ori unde se va duce. Aceştia au fost răscumpăraţi dintre oameni, pârgă lui Dumnezeu şi Mielului. "
@maxavail15 жыл бұрын
you are misleading people: Orthodoxy practices Isihasm, NOT Quietism. If anyone is interested in the matter, look up Isihasm. God bless !
@raoulduke2516 жыл бұрын
I thought the "Orthodox" denied the existence of original sin.
@nellule198015 жыл бұрын
Arsenie Papacioc zice ca numai ortodocsii se mantuie. Biblia spune altceva:toti cei ce cred in DOmnul Isus Hristos vor fi mantuiti. Pavel si Sila i-au raspuns: "Crede in Domnul Isus, si vei fi mantuit tu si casa ta." (Fapt.16:31) Cine are dreptate:Arsenie Papacioc sau Apostolii Pavel si Sila?
@kdurston115 жыл бұрын
this fellow is breathtakingly ignorant (and paranoid) about the papacy and the Catholic faith. I've always been shocked by Orthodox hostility toward Catholics, when we have nothing but love for them. Indeed, Christ said for his Church to be one, not hegemony. the irony is i'd probably be quite content at one of his sermons on morality. he has a clear understanding of the necessity of fidelity to the Gospel, albeit incomplete on the Ecumenism. i pray God Blesses him
@petrosmiskos2 жыл бұрын
How can there be unity when there is diversity? How can the branch say, talking to the tree, "now, I am a tree as well so let's be a forest together". A tree is a tree, it has roots. A branch is a branch. And as long it is fed by the tree it can survive, but never be a tree by its own. The minute it cuts itself from the tree that feeds it, it becomes wood. Fire wood.
@abelovedchildofgod73832 жыл бұрын
@@petrosmiskos how can there be unity in the tree when there are many part?
@abelovedchildofgod73832 жыл бұрын
It is the nature of heretic that is hostile to the truth
@VRaguz-jw5if2 жыл бұрын
O nesreco jedna nesretna
@georgianadan3278 Жыл бұрын
În realitate, hegemonia o dorește papalitatea și pentru acest motiv ,,biserica" catolică nu este biserică ci lupul în blană de oaie. Când ortodoxia va dispărea se va prăbuși Cerul peste pământ. Cel mai bine ar fi să te rogi pentru tine căci tare rătăcit mai ești. Parcă ai fi pui de fariseu. Dacă ați iubi ortodocșii nu i-ați mai critica! Iudiților!
@e2liviu15 жыл бұрын
"Nu oricine Imi zice Doamne, Doamne, va intra in Imparatia Cerurilor, ci cel ce face voia Tatalui Meu, Celui din Ceruri." (Matei 7,21) si exemple mai sunt. nu sunt eu chiar asa vrednic si nu le tin minte cu exactitate. dar dak ai fi curios ai gasi si u exemple in care Domnul nostru Iisus Hristos ne arata nu doar simpla credinta ne mantuie. asa dak nu cumva ne alaturam fariseii care stim cat au fost criticati de Domnul si Dumnezeul Nostru. asta dak e in biblia voastra asa ceva.
@ioancasian14 жыл бұрын
@ZenithF Puteti extrapola in ce directie doriti dar subiectul e clar, se poate obtine mantuirea in afara Bisericii? Mai exact, in lipsa Duhului Sfant, a botezului, a Euharistiei, samd? Noi ortodocsii intr-adevar suntem pacatosi, Mantuitorul pentru noi a venit, pentru cei bolnavi.
@andiv10433 жыл бұрын
Erou al României
@ioancasian15 жыл бұрын
Pai atunci esti un ipocrit, Pastorul Wurmbrand pe care il respecti atat, se inchina Maicii Domnului si ii cerea ajutorul, o numea Fecioara si Preafericita, credea in sfinti, in icoane, in sfintele tainele (s-a spovedit, impartasit, miruns, samd). Tu de ce nu-l urmezi? Acum cateva luni intrebai acste lucruri. Vad ca toate comentariile la Pastorul Wurmbrand au disparut, te arde adevarul, crezi ca-l poti ascunde?
@kdurston115 жыл бұрын
you haven't addressed the evidence from the early Church Fathers. you are presupposing your position is true without evidence. i'm willing to change my position if you can show me how these early fathers did not support papal primacy. again, we are not discussing Anglicans, crusades etc.
@oscarrivera866010 жыл бұрын
@ioancasian15 жыл бұрын
Te faci ca nu pricepi, daca nu esti in dreapta credinta nu te mantuiesti. Sustii ca toate miile de secte protestante si neoprotestante sunt in dreapta credinta cand nici voi intre voi nu va intelegeti?? Nu moralitatea te mantuieste, ci faptul ca esti in dreapta credinta, acelasi lucru ca mai sus. Sunt budisti sau ce vrei dumneata mai morali decat toti, dar asta nu inseamna ca se vor mantui.
@ioancasian12 жыл бұрын
Are you Muslim?
@ioancasian15 жыл бұрын
Mai mult, sustii ca esti roman dar refuzi sa dai exemple din istorie pentru ca toata istoria este legata de ortodoxie, chiar batjocoresti rolul jucat in istorie de romani. Vorbesti de "marele Iorga" dar taci chitic cand Iorga spune ca romanii sunt ortodocsi si explica importanta manastirilor. Te lauzi cu Wurmbrand care va contrazice toate ereziile. Cum reusesti sa-ti minti constiinta in halul acesta?
@calinmiron14 жыл бұрын
@mariushanganu Mai sa fie, deci dupa tine cine crede stramb se mantuieste? Normal ca e vorba de dreapta credinta, care este ortodoxia, asa cum ii spune si numele.
@nellule198015 жыл бұрын
Zici bine dar nu spui tot:nu ne mantuim prin fapte bune ci prin credinta in Domnul Isus Hristos.Normal ca in urma credintei vomface fapte bune si trairea practica este finalitatea credintei. Iti dau un exemplu din Biblie:talharul de pe cruce care a crezut in Domnul Isus a fost mantuit fara sa mai aiba posibilitatea sa faca fapte bune.Sper ca ai inteles si te indemn sa citesti in special Noul Testament!
@ioancasian15 жыл бұрын
Well, the "secular crap from centuries past" how you call it, we call it Holy Tradition. All we want is for you to return to the "early fathers", point clearly made at the recent closing of the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church took place in Paphos, Cyprus, see next message.
@maxavail15 жыл бұрын
Auzi, da am si eu o intrebare: bunaoara, diavolul crede in Iisus ? Desigur ca da, mai mult decat atat, L-a si recunoscut, pe vremea cand umbla pe pamant. Bun, si atunci de ce nu se mantuieste si satana ? Huh ? Dragilor, credinta fara fapte este MOARTA, "nu oricine imi zice Doamne Doamne va intra in imparatia tatalui Meu ci numai cei ce implinesc voia Lui", va sa zica, faptele cele din credinta te mantuiesc, ca o credinta fara fapte e doar demagogie. Diavolul e cel mai clar exemplu ca sa intelegi
@marianiosip39624 жыл бұрын
Santana Nu se mantuieste Pentru ca Nu vrea !
@nellule198015 жыл бұрын
Iti recomand filmul ''Memorialul durerii'' cu episodul ''Daca zidurile ar putea vorbi''. Voi ortodocsii nu ati putut suporta ideea ca un om atat de cunoscut peste hotare nu este ortodox si l-ati facut voi cu ajutorul mass mediei mincinoase.Mai bine citeste scrisoare fiului sau Mihai in casa caruia a trait pana la moarte si ai sa vezi ca nu a trait intr-o manastire cum ai scis tu...arma ta cea mai puternica e sters acele minciuni precum si s-a nacut in Armenia etc
@Draza14513 жыл бұрын
@BlackBunch You don't have the Holy tradition. You don't know what is Gods word. You don't understand what true Christianity is. The Holy tradition is the word of the living God, which we follow. You protestants only follow your own words, because you read the bible and follow what YOU think is right. But do you really know what is objectivly true? No. That is why you cannot read the bible and interpret it YOUR way. God himself, tought us what is true and so we follow Him, the truth.
@nellule198015 жыл бұрын
Despre cine va fi mantuit se zice in Ioan 1 11. A venit la ai Sai, si ai Sai nu L-au primit. 12. Dar tuturor celor ce L-au primit, adica celorce cred in Numele Lui, le-a dat dreptul sa se faca copii ai lui Dumnezeu; Concluzia este ca ORICINE crede in Isus Hristos va fi mantuit indiferent din ce cult face parte.Exclusivistii au probleme de intelegere a Bibliei f grave. Recapitulare:ORICINE crede in Isus Hristos va fi mantuit.
@ioancasian15 жыл бұрын
Nu dragul meu, ortodocsii doar spun ca s-a convertit la ortodoxie in puscarie si ca ortodocsii i-au salvat viata. A murit protestant. Voi sunteti cei care negati cu disperare acest lucru. Toate marturiile celor din puscarie impreuna cu ce a scris Pastorul Wurmbrand sunt disponibile, ei au fost acolo. Fiul lui n-a fost acolo si neaga adevaruri evidente, Pastorul nu neaga aceste lucruri care AU FOST FACUTE PUBLIC IN TIMPUL VIETII LUI. QED
@kdurston115 жыл бұрын
no those things are not S. Tradition. S. Trad. is the deposit of Faith pased from the Apostles, through the Church Fathers to us. why St John, the Apostle, didn't protest Pope St Clement, taught by St Paul and consecrated bishop by St Peter, using papal primacy over the Corinthians. St Iraneus clearly claims primacy of the Roman pope over the whole Church. He, as i'm sure you know, is taught by St Polycarp, taught and consecrated bishop by St John. what early Fathers are you talking about then?
@mosclaudiu15 жыл бұрын
@ioancasian15 жыл бұрын
You're losing all your credibility by denying these crimes. General Bukow destroyed Orthodox Monasteries in Transylvania with the cannons killing in the process thousands. "Saint" Ante Pavelic, AKA 'Butcher of the Balkans', forced the serbs to convert to catholicism before killing them by the hundred of thousands and moking them, you'll go to Paradise now, you're Catholics.
@SAHOVNICU Жыл бұрын
Says the bearded heretic who is anathematized as per canon 110 of the council of Carthage in 419 AD for denying that Original sin must be washed away with baptism, instead teaches the heresy that man only inherits Ancestral sin. *ANATHEMA!*
@ioancasian15 жыл бұрын
Mai scrie in Bilbie ca vor aparea si hristosi si prooroci mincinosi, si daca ii vei urma nu te vei mantui. Mai scrie ca numai credinta, fara fapte, iarasi nu te va mantui. Deci au dreptate si Parintele Arsenie si Apostolii. Te-ai lamurit cum e cu sfintii, Maica Domnului, icoanele, Sfintele Taine, samd?
@save02217 жыл бұрын
Come on.. Pocaiti-va oameni buni inaintea lui Dumnezeu nu inaintea oamenilor. Si nu mai punetzi atat accentul pe denominatiune.. "Hristos in noi nadejdea Slavei"
@mosclaudiu14 жыл бұрын
nu se scrie Isus CI IISUS cu 2 de i! NU AU EXISTAT DECÂT 2 BISERICI ÎN BISERICA PRIMARĂ: Biserica de răsărit (ORTODOXĂ) ŞI Biserica de apus (CATOLICA), a se vedea marea schimă din 1054! ŞI TE VEI CONVINGE! Ιησούς (greaca nouă) în română se scrie IISUS NU Isus! În greacă veche se scrie după traducere cu 2 de Ii!
@BlackBunch14 жыл бұрын
@ioancasian Jesus Christ said "whoever believes in me will be saved!"... he never said "you have to be a member of the Orthodox Church in order to be saved!", but thats what this priest says, he is adding something to the words of the Bible that is not in there and calls the people heretics who do not do such a thing...
@georgianadan3278 Жыл бұрын
A spus ceva mai mult! Parcă a spus ceva și de Sfânta Împărtășanie ( Trupul și Sângele Lui)
@AndreTheDragon2 жыл бұрын
Divide and conquer the Satan strategy.
@kdurston115 жыл бұрын
I'll answer ur question, when u answer mine. where does it say we must use leavened bread (Christ didn't us it)? where is there contradiction in the evidence of the doctrine of the immaculate conception provided by the Church? How did the Church innovate the liturgy? what early Church Fathers don't recognize the primacy of the authority of the Pope? we don't "answer" questions with questions in theology. I'm not treating u like a child, i expect the same treatment from u. give me evidence
@ZenithF14 жыл бұрын
@ioancasian pai eu inteleg foarte bine ce zice, ca sectantilor (inclusiv mie) nu le garanteaza mantuirea, dar din asta inteleg cum le poate garanta mantuirea "bunilor ortodocsi" care numai buni nu sunt (dupa cum i-am descris mai inainte) lucrul asta este cel mai cu "clenci", ca, dupa cum scrie si in Sfanta Scriptura, multi au zis "Doamne, Doamne" si nu au fost mantuiti - poate totusi ca asta se refera la cei ca mine si nu la drept-credinciosii care sunt cam lumesti?
@exlyon15 жыл бұрын
in realitate acel preot nu stie absolut,dar absolut nimic de Biserica Catolica!!!!! The fact that priest knows absolutely, absolutely nothing of the Catholic church!!!!!
@abelovedchildofgod73832 жыл бұрын
And Jesus came into the quarters of Cesarea Philippi: and he asked his disciples, saying: Whom do men say that the Son of man is? But they said: Some John the Baptist, and other some Elias, and others Jeremias, or one of the prophets. Jesus saith to them: But whom do you say that I am? Simon Peter answered and said: Thou art Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answering, said to him: Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Jona: because flesh and blood hath not revealed it to thee, but my Father who is in heaven. And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose upon earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven. St Matthew 16:13-19 When therefore they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter: Simon son of John, lovest thou me more than these? He saith to him: Yea, Lord, thou knowest that I love thee. He saith to him: Feed my lambs. He saith to him again: Simon, son of John, lovest thou me? He saith to him: Yea, Lord, thou knowest that I love thee. He saith to him: Feed my lambs. He said to him the third time: Simon, son of John, lovest thou me? Peter was grieved, because he had said to him the third time: Lovest thou me? And he said to him: Lord, thou knowest all things: thou knowest that I love thee. He said to him: Feed my sheep. St John 21:15-17 The Catholic Church is the only ark of salvation instituted by Jesus Christ without with there is no salvation. One cannot deny the apostolic tradition in the primacy of the Bishop of Rome. The Orthodox are the anathematized because of their heresy and arrogant in their way that is why God takes Hagia Sophia from them as a sign of His Wrath.
@imstuff24992 жыл бұрын
The only reason the Hagia Sophia is taken is because Catholics betrayed their own brothers and refused to help them🙄
@georgianadan3278 Жыл бұрын
Dumnezeu nu stă în hagia Sofia; Dumnezeu nu stă la ușa bisericii. De ce nu-i lăsați în pace pe ortodocși? Dumnezeu este viu și nu are cum să aibă vicar pe pământ. Dumnezeu are pe pâmant slujitori nu înlocuitori. Catolicii se închină la ,,înlocuitorii" lui Dumnezeu. Când ortodoxia va accepta ecumenismul, Cerul se va prăbuși peste Pământ.
@Amakusa7017 жыл бұрын
"Orthodoxy" should be called "heterodoxy". You believe that you retain the truth while you allow people to divorce and marry a second time. What Elder Arsenie is saying about indulgences is wrong, among other things: indulgences are not meant to "buy" heaven, they are meant to lighten the temporal punishment associated with sins that have been confessed. One needs to confess one's sins to be forgiven, the Catholics do not claim that indulgences are sufficient. It is utterly wrong to say that Peter did not preside over the Council of Jerusalem. Moreover there has always been a pope on earth, and Elder Arsenius himself admits that until the Greek schism, the Greeks acknowledged him. Therefore you know where the schism is and who is in error... The Jews had also a visible chief during the Old Covenant, while God was their unvisible chief. The Pope is the bond of unity; but "Francis" is an antipope, just like John Paul I and all his successors.
@mattb99147 жыл бұрын
No, Roman Catholicism should be called heterodoxy: The Orthodox Church allow marriages to be dissolved up to three times, and it is looked down upon. If it isn't for a legitimate cause, its gravely sinful. Surely this is a better system than an infinite amount of divorces - I mean annulments. Indulgences are meant to buy heaven. It "speeds up the process" of "purgatory." And Peter didn't preside over Jerusalem. James did, have you ever read the Book of Acts? It was James who made the final decision and closed the Council, because the Patriarch of Jerusalem has Apostolic Succession from James - as James was in charge of the Church of Jerusalem. Also, the Apostles were very different from the bishops - according to Tertullian, the Apostle Paul made Linus a bishop of Rome, and Peter, before he died, made Clement a bishop of Rome. Which one was the "supreme head bishop" of the Church again? The Pope was simply the Patriarch of Rome, who "rejected the title of Universal" and "doesn't command, but suggests," according to Pope Saint Gregory the Great. May I ask why are you a sedevacantist? Maybe the fact that Vatican II teachers dogmatic heresy is a sign that the Pope isn't infallible. Maybe it's a sign that the Pope isn't the infallible bond of unity that you seek. I recommend that you read "Two Paths" by Michael Whelton. Vatican II served as a catalyst for him to find the Orthodox Church, and although he appreciates the Roman Catholic Church for its achievements, he truly believed the Orthodox Church to be the True Church of Christ. In this book, he walks through the Church Fathers, pre-schism Church history, and post-schism Roman church history and explains the contradictions of the popes.
@Amakusa7017 жыл бұрын
There is no legitimate cause to dissolve a marriage, since marriages cannot be dissolved in the New Covenant. Annulments have become frequent in the Novus Ordo Church, not in the true Church. Indulgences are a kind of reward for a good work, and it is not always associated with alms. There are several ways to gain an indulgence, whether one is poor or rich. Many prayers allow to gain indulgences, and it has nothing to do with money. In the Old Covenant, Jeroboam the apostate opposed the donations for the building of the Temple of Jerusalem, just as Luther opposed the donations for the building of St. Peter's Basilica: The whole history of the Church is prefigured in the Old Testament, including the Great Eastern Schism. Saul was a figure of the Byzantine Empire and David a figure of the Holy Roman Empire: Saul had a better stature and more magnificence than David, but he disobeyed God and usurped the priests' roles, just like the Byzantine emperors who involved themselves in religious matters. Therefore the authority was removed from Saul and given to David, just as it was removed from the Byzantine Empire and given to the Holy Roman Empire. Likewise, the Greeks were invaded by the Turks and all the enemies of God, as a chastisement for their schism. On the contrary, the Catholic nations were rather preserved until the great apostasy. Fr. Herman Bernard Kramer, in his commentary of the Apocalypse, gives a very good narration of the successive events and their role in God's providence. The Apostles were certainly different from the bishops, in that they had more authority: their jurisdiction was not territorial. However, it does not mean that there was no "pope"; and basically the Greeks themselves admit that the Church has always had a pope. I have indeed made a mistake about the Council of Jerusalem; but this council was not oecumenical, therefore it did not need to be presided by Saint Peter. The common argument related to St. Gregory is false: I am not a sedevacantist: I believe in Paul VI's survival, a thesis that is mainly known in France and Switzerland. It is the only possible solution on a theological point of view. And you must know that Pope Paul VI, when he fled from the Vatican on July 12 1981, came to the isle of Crete and was hosted by Greek schismatics monks, so that the Greeks be converted when he will reappear and restore the Church. The Second Vatican Council did not utter DEFINITIVE statements on doctrinal matters, therefore it was not infallible. The sedevacantists misrepresent papal infallibility.
@bigbywolf93286 жыл бұрын
Oh, shut up, heretic.
@VRaguz-jw5if2 жыл бұрын
Najbolje da ti budes papa, ocito si nepogresiv
@georgianadan3278 Жыл бұрын
Dar la voi la catolici cum e treaba cu iertarea păcatelor contra unor sume de bani? De ce nu înțelegeți odată pentru totdeauna că ortodoxul se închină la Dumnezeul cel Viu în Treime Sfântă și nu la un om-papa. Capul bisericii ortodoxe este Iisus Christos - Fiul și Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu. Cum se poate închina ortodoxul unui om care dă bule peste Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu. Dacă spui că catolicii sunt drepți cum puteți să edictați idolatria Pactum De Singularis Caelum?
@MyBetty11112 жыл бұрын
He is too mean spirited. And very jealous of the large Catholic Church. The Pope excommunicated the Patriarch of Constaninople first in 1954. Therefore, the Church of the East fell away FIRST.
@eugenc.35187 жыл бұрын
Joshua Speed Arsenie has no interest to be jealous and no gain to make this afirmations other than help others :)
@georgianadan3278 Жыл бұрын
Ce să vezi, Joshua Speed!? Cine a edictați Pactum De Singularis Caelum?
@BabylonianWizard12 жыл бұрын
That's not actually true, not every Single Protestant church clams to be the only true. There are differences but all of them agree that anyone who believes that Jesus, Son of God, died for his sins and follows the word of God is saved. And it is also not true that Protestants are not interested in Church history either. I personally find great truth in the writings of the Church Fathers, yet I believe that as time went by, "Christianity" left the path that it should have followed.
@mattb99147 жыл бұрын
If you truly believed in the Scriptures and the Word of God, you would believe in what Christ said when He said the "gates of hell will not prevail against the Church" and when He said "And lo, I am with you always, even unto the consummation of the world."
@svecve5 жыл бұрын
He said: "my beloved! It does not work for me to say one thing and you another, to add and to distort and so on...because these are transgressions against dogma! You said there are differences in protestant churches. Differences means that one church says one thing and some else another. But in the eastern orthodox churches there aren't differences. They all say the same things. They are the same today as they were yesterday and as they were 2000 years ago. Hebrews 13:8 King James Version (KJV) 8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever. Colossians 1:18 He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything.
@soprises8 жыл бұрын
Eu respect ortodoxia si marii preoti si calugari ortodocsi, precum pr. Papacioc. Dar, din in privinta catolicismului da dovada de o mare necunoastere si de idei preconcepute. Ecumenismul e bun, in sensul ca insusi Hristos doreste unitatea Bisericii. Cunoasterea reciproca e buna. Catolicismul si ortodoxia au majoritatea partilor comune (cele 7 Sf. Taine, definirea pacatelor, cultul icoanelor, cultul Sfintilor, cultul Maicii Domnului etc.). Diferentele sunt putine, si nu sunt intelese de omul de rand. Sunt dogmatice. Crestinul obisnuit, sau chiar sfantul, nu este dogmatic. Nu cred ca vreun pamantean, fie cel mai mare teolog, poate explica de ce e corect sau nu e corect Filioque de exemplu. Sunt pareri pro si contra. Insa e de subliniat credinta comuna in Sf. Treime si dreapta credinta comuna in privinta dumnezeirii Filului etc. Aici nu e vorba de erezie. Sunt detalii dogmatice. Apoi, in privinta Neprihanitei Zamisliri a Sf. Fecioare Maria. Nu Biserica a inventat aceasta, ci insasi Maica Domnului ne-a revelat-o, prin Sf. Ecaterina Labouré la 1830 la Paris (a se citi despre medalia miraculoasa). Apoi, la cativa ani dupa declararea dogmei de catre Papa, Sf. Fecioara a aparut in 1858 la Lourdes in Franta, sfintei Bernadette Soubirous, spunandu-i: "Je suis l'Immaculée Conception". Cititi despre acest loc minunat de pelerinaj - Lourdes, si va veti minuna; un loc de intoarcere la dreapta credinta si de convertire. Apoi, in 1917 tot Sf. Fecioara apare la Fatima si oarecum instituie devotiunea catre Inima sa Neprihanita. Serban
@serbanolaru7785 жыл бұрын
Ecumenismul este rau pentru ca vrea amestecarea minciunii si inselaciunii cu adevarul din Biserica lui Hristos, adica cea Ortodoxa. Alternativa Ecumenismului cel pierzator de suflete este revenirea la Biserica Ortodoxa de unde toti au cazut in timp.
@serbanolaru7785 жыл бұрын
Filioque este o mare erezie, usor inteleasa de toti, de la Vladica pana la opinca. Numai ereticii vor sa musamalizeze aceasta erezie si sa o trateze ca ceva complicat si de neinteles. Diavolul este foarte abil.
@serbanolaru7785 жыл бұрын
Fatima este exemplu de posesiune demonica. Adevarata fatza a "bisericii catolice", numai intoarcerea lor la Ortodoxie ii poate scapa de furia lui Dumnezeu:
@yvettepalladino11 жыл бұрын
Jesus built His Church on Peter. Where is Peter in the Orthodox? I respect a lot of Orthodox elders, but it is foolish to think they are absolutely correct just because they say so. Read your you trust this elder over Jesus?
@nasrani70568 жыл бұрын
Time will tell who is right... meanwhile the Church in Antioch was established by St.Peter
@nannunbgd6 жыл бұрын
You Peter is called by us,saint Petru! And is a great apostol and saint!
@aikaterinip.74885 жыл бұрын
I hope a miracle that God Showed us will help you, you can search about it and learn by yourself, in this site you can read about it: It is the marble column split by The Holy Fire , in the entrance of the Church of Resurrection in 1579. ''Outside the Holy Entrance, near the west side, there are three marble columns, and from the middle column, they say, a Holy Fire emanated in the olden days. And it is quite cracked and visible still to this day. And this miracle God showed in the following manner, as they say that back then those who gave orders to the patriarch did not allow [the Christians] to enter and celebrate the feast of the Resurrection, according to custom. The patriarch was outside with the people in the courtyard in the evening of Holy Saturday, and all were sad, holding the candles in their hands. And the patriarch was standing by the throne of Saint Helena, next to a column. And then they say that the Holy Fire came out of that column we said is still quite ruptured, and went to the column near where the patriarch was standing. Then the patriarch lit his candles from there, and then the people lit their candles from those held by the patriarch, as was the custom. Then, it is said that when those in control saw this miracle they opened the sacred door and the patriarch entered with the people and they celebrated the festal liturgy, according to the custom.'' Source
@aikaterinip.74885 жыл бұрын
'' This coincidence, that on exactly the Easter when the Fire did not descend, the fracture appeared - is that not a miracle? Of course one could say that all of this was a setup and that the fracture in the column had been created using artificial means. We turned for information to Evgeny Michailovich Morozov, who is a leading expert in the field of Fracture Mechanics not only in Russia, but in the entire world, and has written more than 800 scientific papers on this subject. Evgeny Michailovich examined the high definition photographs of the fracture and declared explicitly that this could only appear as a result of electrical discharge; such is its structure. What does this mean? That it was completely impossible for anyone to manufacture this fracture: imagine how powerful a transformer one would need, and particularly in the sixteenth century, when people had no idea about the existence of electrical energy! '' Source :