Is a Celtic deity calling you?

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Kris Hughes

Kris Hughes

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More and more, people claim to be called by deities. But why?
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@KrisHughes Ай бұрын
UPCOMING CLASSES: Manannán and Beyond starts 22nd May. PAY-WHAT-YOU-CAN Otherworld Journeys starts 1st June. Information about classes always available at
@rabbitwho Жыл бұрын
Every time a crow is at my window I ask them if they are the Morrigan and so far just crows.
@KrisHughes Жыл бұрын
Well, it never hurts to ask!
@Me-hf4ii Ай бұрын
I am still sorting out what it means, and in no rush to do so, but one day recently I knew the name Bríg. I didn’t know who or what it was. I had been studying the language of my great grandfather and my cousins, so when I “heard” the name (if you can call it hearing), I had a strong sense of how it was spelled. It was January 31st, hours before Bríg’s day begins in Ireland. I was making candles as part of a school project with my children. Once I did a little more digging on this name, we added some Brigit’s crosses to our project. I’m primarily of Irish descent, but even in that Irish, it’s funny how frequently Welsh and Scottish married into the family. I have felt for a long time that the children of Éire are followed by a certain spirit wherever they go. Even with that feeling in me, as a recovering Christian, I’m still wrapping my head around apparently having the name of a goddess I didn’t know about pop into my head right before the time pagans were getting ready to celebrate her bringing her warmth back to the earth - and while I was making candles no less 🤯
@trevortriestocollege 11 ай бұрын
“When you are by yourself, you become the center of your own attention.” This gave me so much more of a reality check than I can verbalize.
@KrisHughes 11 ай бұрын
It's one of the great problems of life right now.
@invadertifxiii 6 ай бұрын
Im sorry for so many comments but this is so informative. I recently meditated with prayer and offering and had a vision during meditation and this was my first time meditating. And i took it as a sign of the deity saying your welcome 🙏🏻
@daringagged 23 күн бұрын
Blessed be
@billirwin3558 Жыл бұрын
I am an atheist, but I am interested in what people believe because I find it fascinating. I am from Celtic origins myself, a Celt far from home if you will. I appreciate the candid nature of your video. I did not know that these beliefs and practices were still around. My Father would have called them old superstitions. As long as you are not claiming to be 'the one true religion' I'm cool with it. My ancestors, no doubt, could have believed similar things. And that to me is a sort of connection to the past. I have often thought that offerings to deities were more about being thankful for life or asking for help of some kind. You have confirmed some of that for me. But it seems to go much deeper for some. Perhaps one day I might witness some of these rituals myself. Thank you Kris.
@kycool8684 Жыл бұрын
Why not claim to be true? Is not 4 the one true answer to 2+2? The law of non-contradiction shows that nothing that contradicts can be true, if one religion teaches that there is only one god, another that there are twelve, and another that there are thousands, they can’t all be true.
@PerksJ Жыл бұрын
100% agree! I love your word, grounded, that is the perfect word. I’m thirty-two but still remember in person gatherings and very much miss that. Discord is helpful but it feels harder to find community still. I’m glad personally, I feel fine working alone. Company is nice all the same. I’m a very logical thinker, or maybe it’s the autism, but I typically seem to need a lot of scientific proof for things. My polytheist path started as re-evaluate my practice of always trying to identify instances of confirmation bias, but in researching the Bronze Age, certain things, stories, gods kept coming up again and again and I thought to myself, there’s no harm in leaning in and I have been much happier engaging in spirituality again after deconstructing my evangelical christian (nationalist) upbringing, I didn’t realize how much I was missing that connection. I can’t say for sure if my experiences and encounters are interactions with the divine, but I know the power of ritual feeling like having some kind of control in life of things that otherwise are chance. And that has brought me peace and happiness so why not lean in.
@KrisHughes Жыл бұрын
I don't feel comfortable on types of social media that offer a high degree of anonymity. It doesn't feel 'social' at all! Thanks for commenting.
@Davlavi 3 ай бұрын
All great things to consider.
@BlazeLeeDragon Жыл бұрын
Your videos are amazing and I greatly enjoying hearing your point of view. Both humble and knowledgeable, two of my favorites to give and receive information. When I use to attend gatherings in the past I found many folks where on their own path and there tended to be friction or groups within the groups would cluster together in almost cliques. I think another big problem we had back then was lack of resources to do further studying. The more that is available now online the more I realize that Llewellyn publications was not always a dependable source. Sure you had some very knowledgeable authors, but you had a lot of repeat information and many didn't know where their information was coming from.
@KrisHughes Жыл бұрын
Yes, all you say about the recent neoPagan past is true. However, I still think nothing beats face-to-face conversations about these things.
@BlazeLeeDragon Жыл бұрын
@@KrisHughes I use to have many a great chat in the past but it was few and far between. I've lost contact with most of the folks I use to speak to in the late 90s early 00s.
@SoIcyCreations 3 ай бұрын
I dreamed about Celtic Goddess Artio! I had no idea who she was but I knew when I woke up from that dream that she was important!! We were in a field and she was standing there in her blue green dress a cape around her shoulders her hair in a bun curls blowing at her temples one strand in front . She was standing with her Gigantic Bear I was scared to approach but she was waiting for me the bear was just grazing around her paying me no mind like he knew me already she raised her hand to tell me to come closer and never mind the bear he knew what I was there for. I didn’t get to see or hear what she had to say next I woke up ! I talked to my daughter about it and she pulled her up I was amazed I have never heard of her I just wonder what I should do or learn now ?? Just wanted to share
@condedooku9750 3 ай бұрын
You had a dream about Artio calling you? Wow, you must be lucky, I certainly haven't gotten that far, the only thing that happens to me is that I feel that Ataegina, a Celtiberian Goddess of the Spring, the Moon and Queen of the Underworld, is calling me, or at least I notice some kind of connection with her. I don't know how to explain it, it's very strange, ever since I read about her I've had her hovering around my head, without being able to stop thinking about her at all. Thinking about her also gives me calm and peace of mind.
@SoIcyCreations 3 ай бұрын
Yes I understand ever since I had that dream it’s like I can feel her strength
@tchop6839 24 күн бұрын
I got into a bike crash the other night. According to every medic who took care of me and examined me, I’m lucky to be alive. Beyond just not dying, I could have easily damaged my skull and brain, broken my spine or some other bone, gotten glass into my eyes and been blinded (I shattered a car window with my face, while wearing glasses). But no. I am completely fine, just had to get a few stitches and will have a scar to remember this by. I believe some spirit was looking out for me, leaving me only damaged enough to teach me a lesson, but preventing any real harm. It will be a long journey for me to discover who saved me, and for what purpose.
@KrisHughes 24 күн бұрын
Wow! I'm glad you're okay!
@mandolinman2006 28 күн бұрын
I keep feeling like some entity has been trying to get my attention. I have tried to communicate but only feel an intense pressure in the middle of my forehead.
@invadertifxiii 6 ай бұрын
Yes yes yes i honor them with prayer and gratitude
@myfyrioleremiticus Жыл бұрын
Lots of insight here. I appreciate your perspective and your wisdom.
@KrisHughes Жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@m0thernature730 Ай бұрын
I don’t think it was a wild crazy moments… to anyone else it would have just been a bad day… but i have felt pulled by a line of fate my entire life telling what i should and shouldn’t do. And when I go against its wisdom I get gravely hurt and the line snaps until it can rebind itself… there have been moments in my life… A rattle while I was standing on a log (I live in a place where rattlesnakes are uncommon there is only one species) I used wo wish to see more trilliums and then I moved next to an entire grove! A monarch butterfly refused to let go of me in my grandmothers garden while I sat next to a lilac bush. A deer let me get closer then I thought humanly possible. A hawk helped me see a chickens heart to sate my curiosity. (Looking back now I wish I tried to read the entrails I will never get a chance like that again) And finally I was low awhile back and a bunny (a symbol of my life) who had business being in such a heavily populated area where there was next to no vegetation stood for a few seconds until I had stopped crying and then disappeared into the night just as my partner arrived… Not to mention the deer skeleton I begged my mother to let me collect of the side of the road to now a skull I still have today… These moments stick out in my head… there were other moments in my life but nothing *feels* as defining as these… the deer crashing through the window, the bird coming home after 3 weeks my favorite bird surviving being shot. My bird surviving a hawk attack. Having no broken bones or concussions or ANY MAJOR INJURIES despite the multiple car crashes or times i place myself in danger. These don’t feel like the ones above those felt *different*
@m0thernature730 Ай бұрын
I don’t know i just *feel* called… I always have…
@m0thernature730 Ай бұрын
If they did reach out how would they have revealed themselves? Would they have said their name? I have DID i have a lot of voices maybe I didn’t hear them? I did feel pulled to Flidais…. But I’m not sure if I’m correct or even if they were messages in the first place there are so many deities and i am only 23 and I was trapped in Christianity for so long….
@Domsoutdoorlife. Жыл бұрын
I find this very interesting. As I have had similar feelings of being called to a God or at least having that feeling. Exspecaly after setting out to look and work with one God and ending up being lead to another.
@invadertifxiii 6 ай бұрын
I love your openness. Others have stated because they practiced longer theirs is the right experience
@laceisaverb 2 ай бұрын
TikTok and Reddit has kids thinking people are called by the gods every day. I think some of it comes from an overactive ego - the desire to think themselves special or "chosen". But as you said, maybe I'm too judgmental. I think if you spend a lot of time reading and thinking about mythology it's not unlikely you'll have a few weird mythologically-themed dreams. That doesn't mean The Morrigan has a special mission that only you can accomplish!
@KrisHughes 2 ай бұрын
True. But if you spend a lot of time reading and thinking about mythology, you may find one or more deities looking over your shoulder and taking an interest in you.
@laceisaverb 2 ай бұрын
@@KrisHughes Agreed!
@Khontis 2 ай бұрын
I think its also because a lot of these people are former Abrahamic Religon observers and they feel like the silence of their God is only adding to their problems and they see people talk about these other religions and these Gods who are saying things to people and feel like maybe these Deities are the ones to help and they can tell me what I need to do.
@zavE.T.a 13 күн бұрын
I used to read a lot on mythology since pre-school age. I don't put much meaning into my dreams since they often are otherworldly-themed. It's only when I experience sleep paralysis with auditory and visual hallucinations that it bothers me. But that only happens when I sleep on my back (which is a rare occurrence).
@invadertifxiii 6 ай бұрын
Can i go maybe years without connecting with deities and just pray and honor them
@FraterIgniUmbra-ci7gv 20 күн бұрын
I had a strange experience. I didn't believe the gods and goddesses to be real in any sense, due to the fact that I'm in a western magick school that looks at these things as not just allegorical stories for initiates throughout time, but also egragores that people feed with their thoughts, emotions, love and devotion. I had been doing some work out of a book centered around Hekateean magick.... Nothing major, just banishings, protection spells, ceiling spells, things like that, and then I had noticed recurring themes happening. People with black dogs that would bark at me ferociously, and other weird occurrences like owls kept coming by my apartment when I have never even heard one in all the years I have lived here. Then I did a ritual actually giving an offering to hekate, I gave some food and a black candle. After the ritual I was on the phone with my girlfriend and during any ritual with a candle I always do the same thing. I have a ritual room with an alter in the center of the room, and I place candles on a metal dish. There isn't much else in the room, (it's empty accept for what I bring in there for rituals) and has a wood floor. About ten minutes later I had a feeling to check and make sure that the candle hadn't fallen over, because I try to stay safe with these things and when I entered the room, there was the metal dish, but no candle ANYWHERE. She says: "did it fall on the floor? I told her no! There is nowhere for it to go to. The floor is bare and empty. It just vanished.
@FraterIgniUmbra-ci7gv 20 күн бұрын
On this subject, just because I'm in a school that teaches magick, doesn't mean I work with gods a lot. So I'm no expert on Gods and Goddesses, other than the study of esoteric allegory. Our school is more like energetic westernized yoga for enlightenment and how to shape our lives with positivity and love. Yeeeeaaaa sorry to disappoint anyone that wants super exciting things in a school where western high magick is practiced. You would do just as well to join a Hindu bakti yoga sect 😂
@hellenicblonde6117 6 ай бұрын
Are there any good sources for ritual outlines or pre-written prayers?
@KrisHughes 6 ай бұрын
I'm sure there are, but I'm afraid I'm not familiar with them.
@kycool8684 Жыл бұрын
Given how the earliest references and stories written about the Celtic religions were written far after the Irish converted to Christianity, how do you know anything about their stories reliably? Like how Lugh was clearly described as not being a god, while having enough traits as one that the original stories likely had the Tuatha Dè Denann being divine. How do you reliably know anything about your gods?
@KrisHughes Жыл бұрын
Well, in the case of Lugh, we can be pretty sure that the Irish saw him as a deity at some point, simply because his name is cognate with the god Lugus, who is attested in inscriptions in Gaul. This is true for enough of the deities/mythological characters in the Irish texts that it is reasonable to infer that these are myths about deities. Exactly how we should view the involvement of the Medieval scribes in influencing the material is something Celtic scholars have been hashing out for a couple of centuries, and it can't ever be fully resolved. Much study is required, and a combination of self-confidence and humility is needed to interpret the material.
@kycool8684 Жыл бұрын
@@KrisHughes I would agree! But surely you could see how the Celtic stories are unreliable? And if so, how could you worship a god you don’t have reliable information about?
@KrisHughes Жыл бұрын
@@kycool8684 I don't need to justify my choices to you.
@thlydd 2 ай бұрын
@@kycool8684 Considering how Jesus was written about years after his death and supposed "resurrection/ascension" then how do you know what the bible says about him is true? You can't You can't state that anything in the Bible is any more or less real than anything else she's saying. You can only believe and half faith. So stop jumping down someone elses faith simply because you feel superior. In the end you're no different than she is- Religion Rouletted into your belief because your mom just so happened to be rouletted herself into a particular location in the world and a particular faith. Shut up about the high and mighty and go be loving for once in your life.
@joeshmoe6930 Жыл бұрын
"When you're by yourself, you become the center of your own attention." I'm sure that is true in some cases. However, that being said, you can be alone, and still be grounded in a realistic perception of the world, whatever "real" means, at this point in human history. Very rarely, is anything ever black and white in such a manner as to say it is all one way, and one way only, especially when dealing with humans, and their myriad characteristics.
@KrisHughes Жыл бұрын
Yes, I could have said "you tend to become..." However, since the entire talk is filled with frequently qualified generalisations, I imagine most viewers would infer that from the wider tone. Still, for those who might not, we now have your very fine explanation to offer guidance.
@demikaos307 8 күн бұрын
Yes.. i hate to be this guy for sure. But many places where the Tuatha used to feel real or present have been invaded by "neo pagans " or flat out socially desperate acolytes of hedon or wonton.. i do apologize for those these words offend. I hate to sound judgemental or condescending but she is correct beyond any doubt in that area.. people seek societal acceptance or some approval from that instead of the favor of the Tuatha De Danaan, while the favor is so much more rewarding.
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