Is China More Capitalist Than the United States?

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@ltribley 5 ай бұрын
The REAL problem when you do these kinds of comparisons is that you are PROJECTING your value system onto China, anorher culture with it's own set of values, as if this is the way the world should be and if they do not meet your criteria there is something wrong with them rather than the other way around. This is considered prejudiced. This program is premised on Western SUPERIORITY and whether or not China meets the stardards of the supposedly superior people. Sadly you are blind to the decline of societies in the West. For example, the U.S. has morphed from a Democratic country to an Oligarchy. You note China's security law, but it's not that different from the US laws that allow the government to spy on citizens, make up false accusations, arrest amd hold you in prison, use lawfare to take down politicians and others not agreeing with the government. Nearly everything coming out of the Biden Administration and Corporate Media are manipulated narratives, lies, misinformation, propaganda. There is NO ROOM to discuss opposing viewpoints. Social media is censored, and individual's accounts removed. Experts are censored from public dialogue if they don't tow the US government narrative. Today, we can claim that the US is NO BETTER than China in these areas.
@winkus8586 5 ай бұрын
Some expert like to make a joke....... In the US.... It is socialist for the 1%. But capitalist for 99%.
@coconuts5237 5 ай бұрын
Economy is capitalism. Politics is Socialism.
@susanzhong1988 5 ай бұрын
It's two systems
@peterknight4692 5 ай бұрын
Socialism is also an ecconomic system in that the definition is state ownership of the means of production distribution and exchange. The direction of the State is decide by the poilitical system. There is such a thing as Democratic Socialism but China's political system is totalitarian.
@carkawalakhatulistiwa 5 ай бұрын
Statistics without proper context are meaningless
@songhan1586 5 ай бұрын
its economy isn't capitalism, its a mismatch of capitalism, state control and bribes. Alot of it is a lie too. I wonder how much the ccp payed this guy to write this. China economy is in a freefall it cant recover from.
@peterg0 5 ай бұрын
The body is socialism but the clothes is capitalism...So when the clothes not fit,modify it or change the clothes. Not like the US,this nation owned by capitalists behind the government! If americans can't remove the warmongers behind the government,they can't do anything to make America great again!
@iwanghirawan 5 ай бұрын
China is not a communist at all when it comes to economy.
@gorilladisco9108 5 ай бұрын
No. They are fascist. The government holds on the kill switch every time a corporation does not obey them and doesn't bother itself of day to day running those corporations themselves. Don't forget about the requirement for a party member to be installed in the board of director. Fascism through and through ... or, if we go with its name since 1950s, they are socialist.
@mikestewart4752 5 ай бұрын
Yes it is. The CCP can claim the financial and/or physical assets of any Chinese company at any moment of their choosing, for any reason they concoct. -Communism: The Wrecker of Economies™️
@carkawalakhatulistiwa 5 ай бұрын
Socialism with Chinese characteristics
@therminust4 5 ай бұрын
China perfect balancing between CapitaIist & SociaIist, tax efficiency for infrastructures, free education & healthcare especialy in urban areas, rebuild poor urban areas with free new homes & industrial manufacture, farming jobs
@eliasmai6170 5 ай бұрын
China have very inefficiencies in tax collection.
@zeissiez 5 ай бұрын
I have been living in China for 25 years. If I were to describe the system in China in one word, that will be WHATEVERWORKISM. China is all about pragmatism rather than ideologies.
@vanessali1365 4 ай бұрын
Is tofu construction costing lives included in your "whateverworkism".
@zeissiez 4 ай бұрын
@@vanessali1365 That’s not what the government told the contractors to do that.
@zeissiez 4 ай бұрын
@@vanessali1365 besides, you are outdated. 180++ countries signed up to the Belt and Road, so either they are stupid or u ?
@vanessali1365 4 ай бұрын
@@zeissiez you are missing the fact that large scale infrastructures are done by Chinese state owned companies easier for corrupted CCP officials to lay their hand on kick back. you ignore the fact that all constructions has to pass official inspection which is the Chinese government duty again corrupted CCP officials take money instead of public safety. We all know who's stupid here 😂😂😂
@vanessali1365 4 ай бұрын
😂 certainly corruption is your kind of whateverworkism (it works every time) in CCPchina which is nothing to be proud of 😂
@Walawala459 5 ай бұрын
As Deng Said, A cat, either it’s white or black, is a good cat as long as it catches mice. That is Chinese attitude, they drive Mercedes, Honda, Oldsmobiles or whatever they pleased… Now…BYD.😂
@haoruchen4216 5 ай бұрын
We drive a good cat!
@kungfu7589 5 күн бұрын
Burn You Down - BYD is such a realistic acronym.
@olderchin1558 5 ай бұрын
I thought this was a serious analysis. Come on. Do a seriously look at all economies in the world before doing this video. Not many countries are like the US, most are like China. Government generally controls the economy, not some billionaires. After all the sanction and extra-territorial justice, the US is hardly a free country. There are so much political restrictions to investment and business in the US and EU, it is a joke to label these countries as capitalist. National Security, Green Agenda, land ownership restriction .......
@v2v7g9 5 ай бұрын
Point of correction! Facebook and Google is not ban in China. They have refusal to comply with the Chinese government's censorship and data localization requirements. They are most welcome in China should they comply. Just like how Tiktok is complying with the American rules.
@Go4Broke247 5 ай бұрын
Microsoft's Bing isn't banned in China, because they follow their regulations and law.
@MandaClaudiuMCM 5 ай бұрын
There's a huge difference in saying that TikTok complies with US regulations and all that FB and Google have to do is to comply with Chinese regulations. Kinda like saying that one country is asking you to be careful where you walk and what you do and the other one is asking you to shoot yourself in your leg and arm and shoot yourself in another leg or arm at a later date.
@edwinvargas7969 5 ай бұрын
Even if China is more capitalist than the US, the only conclusion one can make is that socialists being in power is a good thing and that US economy is completely controlled by the interests of the rich, which is why the US is getting poorer and even the reason why US is no longer considered capitalist by many. The rich are always the problem, whether you consider yourself a capitalist or a communist.
@danielch6662 5 ай бұрын
In China, the government tells big companies what they can and cannot do. In the US, big companies tell the government what it can and cannot do.
@walhdamaskus2408 5 ай бұрын
Both chinese nd american are capitalists. Only the chinese think socialism can included capitalist, but what call as capitalism in US america is pure plutocrat-capitalism.
@CarlosMolina-wi6ts 5 ай бұрын
You're wrong buddy, the problem in America, and literally in the whole American continent is than government has so much power, therefore they can disrupt the economy every time they wanna supposedly hoping aid the poor ones, when they really do it just because they wanna take advantage of the system for them and for their friends ( other politicians or businessman who support the state intervention in favour of them), as you can see, problem ain't rich people ( otherwise even the ones who make so much good to the world and got their money for that would have to be considered evils and therefore it would mean than have money is bad and the poorest ones are angels, when really there are so much rich people with far better manners than poor ones and on contrary, money is a tool, being a good person or a MF depends on you, money just amplifies what you are) or the complete spectrum of businessman , who finally create jobs, make the goods cheaper or of better quality, or both cheaper and better quality, so, as you can see, rich ain't problem, problem is everytime, and everywhere, and whenever in history the STATE
@CarlosMolina-wi6ts 5 ай бұрын
In a really free market economy it can't happen, cuz politicians can't aid you as a businessman, if you wanna be successful you gotta serve with better good to better prices to the people in order to convince em of buy your goods, otherwise they will go and will give their money to the one who offer them a better one
@Go4Broke247 5 ай бұрын
One is for its corporations and the other one is for its people first.
@WChocoleta 5 ай бұрын
As Chinese myself, I would tell you that most of our people don't really believe that our nation is communist/socialist either. We consider it to have a communist-led political system, but the economic system bis nothing but.
@julienbengkee5422 5 ай бұрын
Call it capitalist or what how come the US sees China as overcapacity in production??
@UniDeathRaven 5 ай бұрын
When people say that china is communist, I ROFLCOPTER into space out of laughter. You cant be this filthy rich as communist.
@edwinvargas7969 5 ай бұрын
So copy the Chinese model then? Or is that too socialist for you? lmfao
@thetruedemocraticnorth 5 ай бұрын
china is a centralized market socialist economy not a hypercapitalist aristocracy
@chi-jenyang9752 5 ай бұрын
All the highest level communist leaders and their families are filthy rich.
@QuestionMark11111 5 ай бұрын
Politically its a communist country. They didn't change. Stop spreading misinformation!!! Communism is not about economy, its about absolute control of the population, which they have.
@QuestionMark11111 5 ай бұрын
Politically it's a communist country. Communism is about absolute control of the population, not about the economy. The economy part is just the lie.
@lsh4653 5 ай бұрын
I am not from China. You've got a number of points correct. But yet again probably relied too much on Western media distorted reporting to interpret issues in China. Example. Jack Ma. I was surprised that China government was going to allow Ant Financial to go public. It's business model was contrary to interest of the country economic well-being. (do you even understand that?). It was the correct thing to cancel the listing. A number of Govt. officials were punished for not identifying the dangers of that business model. However Western media portrayed it as authoritarian Govt. intervention. Yet even I (a non China person), had identified the economic problem that Ant Financial would cause. Similar to but not the same as US sub-prime mortgage problem. The US sub-prime problem was highly predictable yet the US govt. did absolutely nothing and allowed an economic collapse of humongous proportions that affected the entire world. Why? Too many people (including those in Govt) were making lots of money. Understand that, then try to understand what happened re Ant Financial. Another misinterpretation is the Property market. Again interpreting it based on distorted Western media reporting and thinking. Why not get the facts from real Western professionals working in China and cut out Western media. May still not fully understand the real situation (because interpreted based on Western view point and experience) but at least that would improve your videos.
@carkawalakhatulistiwa 5 ай бұрын
Statistics without proper context are meaningless
@JamielDeAbrew 5 ай бұрын
If only China had a vacant property tax. The housing bubble would have been prevented. Some Chinese investment would have gone elsewhere (potentially increasing productivity).
@pengzhang5081 5 ай бұрын
扭曲 抹黑中国🇨🇳是这些媒体人创收的主要经济来源 同时也是为了配合美国🇺🇸用15亿美元来造假 抹黑 中国的意图
@NadeemAhmed-nv2br 5 ай бұрын
​@@JamielDeAbrewthat's one of the things they're thinking of implementing, with it applying to everything above ones residence. They're also not rescuing the sector unlike what the west did and although it screws over investors, they housing collapse will solve one's of the biggest issues for the newer gen and that's housing costs,it should help the birth rate problem too.
@peterg0 5 ай бұрын
You are few of them who understand the world...
@JohnJones-k9d 5 ай бұрын
USA and EU. We can export cars to China and build cars there, but they are not allowed to export back to us.
@andrewharris3900 5 ай бұрын
Quite the opposite, China has had hefty tariffs on European imports for decades. Only once they are in a position to compete have they reduced tariffs.
@forbeginnersandbeyond6089 5 ай бұрын
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Export of cars to China is highly restricted and with high tariff. You MUST manufature cars in China with 51% share (except for Tesla) to a partner Chinese company to sell cars in China. You MUST transfer knowhow and technology. You got gaslighted.
@carkawalakhatulistiwa 5 ай бұрын
​@@andrewharris3900@andrewharris3900 That's just so that western companies want to build factories in China. That's why BYD is now building factories in America
@huanghermann5207 5 ай бұрын
@@forbeginnersandbeyond6089 not correct! You can have 100% share of your own company in China. Joint ventures are the things of the past.
@AI-ih5or 5 ай бұрын
Tariffs are originally part of industrial policy, and the level of tariffs depends on national interests. But in the past, Europe and the United States relied on their developed automobile industry to advocate free trade, and felt superior, which was very disgusting. Forcing other countries to implement free trade as a condition for joining the WTO, isn't this disgusting? Now that Europe and the United States are lagging behind in electric vehicles, they are advocating national security. Are there such hypocritical people in the world?
@lagrangewei 5 ай бұрын
Socialism and Capitalism are totally different things. police is socialised security, fire department is socialised safety, all government are socialist in nature, no country can operate without socialism. companies that "own" countries used to exist, such as the East India Company, however today no uncap capitalism exist.
@lagrangewei 5 ай бұрын
US socialised BOMBS. if you ask the capitalist, they wouldn't want to subsidize defence contractors. another problem is this believe that communism is whatever USSR used to practise. no that is Leninism. communism by it original idea was for worker in different commune to bargain with each other for their product, it was never intended to be centrally planned.
@danghoangluong2942 5 ай бұрын
Those are social services. But the level of private ownership of means of production is the thing that determine how socialist or capitalist the country is. Which is why China was very socialist before 1979
@edwinvargas7969 5 ай бұрын
Socialism isnt necessarily the state itself. In communist theory, there is bourguois state and a socialist state. Thats the difference playing out between China and US.
@johnt3820 5 ай бұрын
@dogsand77 5 ай бұрын
@@danghoangluong2942 with a 66% state owned economy china is still socialist compared to 12%state owned usa economy, need to look at facts. Before 1979 is was very communistic and then they themselves will tell you they switched to a market socialist economy
@JohnJones-k9d 5 ай бұрын
The difference is China companies are state owned. Us and EU The government are owned by the companies
@dywang32 5 ай бұрын
I think you mean in China the companies work for the country, in the US the country works for the companies.
@miaomiaotoo 5 ай бұрын
You should google before commenting if you have internet 😂Bloomberg, they had No. for you, 30% state owned, 70% for individual companies
@ftu2021 5 ай бұрын
@@dywang32you are correct
@vanessali1365 5 ай бұрын
Who makes a company? Shareholders Who are the shareholders? People
@LTEAndroid 5 ай бұрын
​@dywang32 makes soo much sense
@lagrangewei 5 ай бұрын
Jack Ma angle is one of the poorest research I have ever seen, go talk to someone who work in banking and have survive the asian financial crisis. the financial crisis taught nations something important which is that bank should not directly offer services outside of banking, because failure in those sector could drag the entire banking system down. even US has regulation on this where investment bank and saving bank are seperate entities until some idiot decided to end regulation and we ended up with the US subprime crisis. what the issue with Jack Ma is, isn't that he is trying to open a bank, but he didn't want to get a banking licenses since entities that operate as bank need to meet banking regulation, and he criticise the high regulation requirement. I actually find China banking regulation high requirement a good thing, and what it is tackling is the fact that modern bank actually print their own money because of the fractional reserve system, and if you do that online, no one can keep track of how much money was created from thin air, this is why the government demand 100% reserve which mean Jack Ma can't print his own money nor use other people money to invest, basically they want alipay to be a "service" not a "bank" and it is easy to understand why that would be safer for the economy. regulation should not be mistaken as anti-capitalist, if the market crash, is that pro-capitalist?
@godzillamothra5983 5 ай бұрын
yeah, Jack Ma want to have the perks of banking without being regulated as bank, that is a recipe for disaster, not unlike the banking deregulation in the US before financial crisis in 2008. After 2008, the US really has no moral high ground to tell China on how to regulate its financial industry.
@jibreelkeddo7030 5 ай бұрын
This is the nicest defense of Chinese gov decision making about Jack Ma I’ve seen so far. That all being said, the heavy handed response the world saw against Ma has made us fear Chinas lack of protections for investors. All of the crackdowns they’ve done with AliPay, gaming, and tutoring could have been done in slower and more safe transitions. The sharp extreme jumps make China look too impulsive
@ArawnOfAnnwn 5 ай бұрын
​@@jibreelkeddo7030 Dunno about Alipay, but China has been trying to reign in the tutoring and gaming sectors for literally decades. The crackdown you heard about was just the latest tightening of the screws. This isn't unique to China either - South Korea has been doing it too. None of it was new.
@togatampubolon5948 5 ай бұрын
The fact that China has more super rich entrepreneur than other countries prove China is socialist. LOL Actually China has rewritten socialist tenets.
@davidstrelec2000 3 ай бұрын
China has more billionaires than USA but population is also 4x bigger and the billionaires don’t control the system, they’re more like subsidiaries or instrument of the state policies while in USA billionaires control the system and the state is a tool of the rich.
@good2freelance1 5 ай бұрын
Capitalist or communist is JUST a name. The more important issue is the policies. Is the policy good for the people or not ??
@carmelovirgiliolim2984 5 ай бұрын
Capitalist, socialists or a mix of the two does not really matters. What matters is: are the interests and welfare of the people met in order for each individual be able to find joy and meaning life. And in turn, for each individual to grow and be part of the growth of the nation.
@handaxia1251 5 ай бұрын
State should own important sectors that will affect the lives of the people of the country, such as energy, food, public transportation, etc. If these important sectors are owned by private companies, rich people are having the country by the balls, savvy??
@cantree2574 4 ай бұрын
No, because if they own those sectors then we will have no power, no food, and bad transportation. Just look at the Soviet Union, rural as hell with barely any power in some places and famines galore. The U.K has had a nationalised railway system since WWII (even though the government claims they privatised before they renationalised it again) and everyone agrees that it is terrible. Some people literally flew to Spain to meet up instead of taking the train because it was cheaper (google it, it's funny and depressing at the same time).
@Global-Netizen 2 ай бұрын
No need to own. Just have proper regulations.
@christiankabano8502 5 ай бұрын
What many people fail to understand is that China is neither socialist or capitalist, they have their own form of socialism with their own characteristics where they have combined a powerful state-backed economy with a robust private sector.
@philoslother4602 5 ай бұрын
Which is basically...every country in the world?..
@s9ka972 5 ай бұрын
​@@philoslother4602 not so . Last time i checked , US don't run state own public services like say railway or bus for poor with minimal profit . Countries in Asian Quarter no matter how much capitalist they are , there will be a pinch of socialism in other words Government care for poor as well .
@TeslaBull01 5 ай бұрын
The economy of China is not based on Capitalism its based on Mercantilism.
@margaretreefer1145 5 ай бұрын
I wonder if this guy even knows what that word means. I vaguely remember a definition from history when I was in school myself and I'm going to go to Google and refresh my memory.
@danielwong2333 5 ай бұрын
Is a mixed of both drawing the best and practical parts to the advantage of its economy and people, thats why it is term as socialist with Chinese charecteristic, a new concept thats work very well for China. A policy worth looking into and considered by other country.
@EarthForces 5 ай бұрын
It's actually mixing the worst. The system controlled "private companies" tend to be a supporting arm for the state and can become "too big to fail" companies if the local government of the central government deemed it has to survive. If you actually look how indebted most local governments are, the CCP will have a financial crisis worse than that of 2008. It has no property rights of the level that the West have and it is almost an exact copy of Nasty Germany in that regard. Citizens cannot own their own property as all are just leased to the state, so that "socialism" part did not die for the common Chinese person. Even the condos and apartments they own are built under state property as their local and central government take cuts on land taxes. Chinese Communism only worked with their "capitalist" elements because of the PREFERENTIAL treatment that it got on the WTO and it deed have cheap labour back in the day. The Evergrande ponzi scheme, as I would call it, is now exposing how a good chunk of their GDP is built on a house of cards. If it deters the CCP from doing stoopeed foreign policy, I hope that sector of their economy CRASHES so badly, but I lament the casualties incurred all because of POOR POLICIES and that POOH BEAR sitting on the throne in Peking.
@demit007 5 ай бұрын
China is definitely not a socialist country, because the essence of capitalism is capital accumulation, capital ownership, and prices determined by the market. China recognizes these 3 things. So clearly China is not a socialist country. That some capital is controlled by the state is true, but it does not mean that they not practice capital accumulation, capital ownership, and almost all prices are determined by the market. That they are not ultra capitalistic, true, and the USA is too, but not because they are not ultra capitalistic, then they are not capitalistic countries.
@AI-ih5or 5 ай бұрын
😂😂I am Chinese, and we are indeed a socialist country. First, politically, fifty Wall Street capitalists may be able to decide the policies of the White House, but the fifty largest Chinese entrepreneurs cannot decide the policies of Beijing. Second, the power of the Chinese government is far greater than that of the US government. The land is state-owned. 60% of the Chinese companies on the Fortune 500 list are state-owned enterprises. In addition, there are a large number of collective enterprises in the hands of local governments. Third, the operating logic of our entire society is to maximize the interests of the whole people rather than the interests of capital. A simple example: relying on the power of the state, China's water, electricity, network, and highways lead to every remote village. This may not be possible, but it has narrowed the gap between the rich and the poor in the region. The government has lifted 90 million people out of extreme poverty in eight years from 2012 to 2020. This is not a capitalist behavior, but a socialist behavior. There are specific standards for getting rid of poverty: the house is safe, the food is guaranteed, the children have a school, and there is medical insurance for serious illnesses...
@demit007 5 ай бұрын
@@AI-ih5or I am not Chinese (although I have been tested to have the same DNA as Chinese people from the Fujian area), but I have traveled around China from end to end (not just for selfies, but to learn from the most advanced nation today after the USA). My conclusion is that even in daily practice, China is a capitalist country, where: 1. People of China earn not according to their own needs (as taught in socialism), but according to the results of their work; 2. Although I admit that there are many cooperative businesses, most of them (especially in business centers such as Guangzhou, Chongqing, Shenzen, Shanghai, Yiwu, and even Urumqi) are private personal/corporate businesses whose production quantities and prices are based on market mechanisms (not regulated by the state). In PDD, Made-in-China, and Alibaba websites, we don't see MOQs and state-regulated prices; 3. And even if SMIC, CATL, car manufacturers in Wuhan etc. are supported by the regional gov, the means of production are not owned/controlled by the proletariat, but owned by State Enterprises/Gov (including land). The EV price war between Chinese brands currently raging shows the same evidence. In short, China is practicing massive State Capitalism.
@DorJinTan 5 ай бұрын
Song China invented capitalism. It sparked the Renaissance of d West. Let that sink in.
@thieph 5 ай бұрын
@snoopysnoops007 5 ай бұрын
China is now playing the West at their own game. LOL @ Janet Yellen saying China is doing "overcapacity" and it's not fair. LOL producing more goods at a cheaper price, keep up America!!!
@jsedge2473 5 ай бұрын
Lol Europe was Feudal (the epitome of capitalist, pro-private ownership) long before the Song dynasty even existed. "Let that sink in" and don't forget to pay the Lord of your land his rent this month. I'd actually argue capitalism was/is just a new word for something that already existed. It's just more modern Feudalism. I'm sure you could find some ancient form of communism too. Nothing really new under the Sun
@武陵山下洞庭湖畔 5 ай бұрын
​@@jsedge2473 As early as 2,500 years ago, Europe was still a slave society, while China had entered a feudal society. China had entered feudal society as early as the Warring States Period in 475 BC, and Europe did not gradually enter feudal society until the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD. China is 1,000 years ahead of Europe. Many technologies in ancient China were hundreds to thousands of years ahead of Europe. The iron plow was more than 2,000 years ahead. Cast iron, horse collars, paper, wheelbarrows, rudders, cable bridges, and porcelain are more than 1,000 years ahead. Compass Gunpowder Chain drive Movable type 400-800 years ahead.
@NeostormXLMAX 5 ай бұрын
@@jsedge2473lmao europoor cope, yall were still living in mudhuts when china was a great civilization, most of the civilizations from europe that came big were Mediterranean and brown, people who you nords wouldnt even consider to be white like syria, iran, turkey, modern day tunisia etc
@nguyencuong4520 5 ай бұрын
The names 'capitalism' and 'socialism' suggest themselves which kind of society a country is belonging to. Simply put, if a country favours 'capital' the most, it's capitalism. In contrast, if 'social' targets are the country's main concern, it's socialism. Capitalism will put economic growth over social issues like environment, healthcare, poverty, education. Therefor, using state-owned ratios to judge is unreasonable. If the government budget is used for social purposes, it's socialism, if it is used for their personal purpose, it's still capitalism. In China case, I think the country is the best grouped as 'communism', because their main interest is mostly for a social class in society, rather than the whole society in general. USA is clearly capitalism, but many realize the shortcomings of uncontrolled capitalists. Actually there's no a single country in the world called 'true capitalism' at the moment, but I think it's a worthwhile purpose.
@eddyr1041 5 ай бұрын
Nice video .... Eventhough goes against our most schools textbook😅
@exocet8834 5 ай бұрын
11:00 This is completely irrelevant since China can basically nationalize every Chinese company over night if they want to.
@Unazaki 5 ай бұрын
I would say that no, China is not more capitalist than the USA. Some of the factors highlighted in the video weigh more heavily than the others, such as the one on Freedom, Competition and Legal Certainty. Having a state that can and has a history of intervening in a hard handed way in a company's operations simply because it threatens the state's control of a certain sector or because the it's leaders are undesirable really counts against China being more capitalist than the USA.
@NeostormXLMAX 5 ай бұрын
The usa intervenes even more harder than china especiall before reagan
@carlosdanli9389 3 ай бұрын
Agreed. Not only that, China is in a bubble. If they own the banks, it's a "get out the popcorn" cos that's gonna be one hell of a show to watch, more than our Great Recession
@yutakago1736 5 ай бұрын
Previously, under Mao, China insist their policies must fit socialism. After the great leap forward into the great famine, they realizes the USSR socialism model doesn't work. After the late Deng XiaoPeng visited Singapore, he learnt one thing from the late Lee Kuan Yew. It doesn't matter it is a black cat or white cat. Most important point is the cat must be able to catch mice. Capitalism, Socialism blah blah blah are just theories. Most important point is the economy policy must work. Failure are no acceptable. Many countries that have more natural resources than others but never enjoy economical success because they don't understand theories are just theories. They must implement policies that works instead of trying implement policies that must follow a guideline based on a theory.
@davidstrelec2000 3 ай бұрын
Mao’s socialism wasn’t USSR style and socialism didn’t cause the famine. China became socialist in 1949 and for 10 until 1959, food production actually doubled. By 1978, when agriculture began to be decollectivized, food production was triple of the 1949 level.
@ermytanio7111 5 ай бұрын
damn!!! china beat US in their own game
@lvjinbin28 5 ай бұрын
China is Soviet polity + Japan economy
@XiaoxiaoYuyu-ug3gy 5 ай бұрын
Japanese economy is going bankruptcy
@NeostormXLMAX 5 ай бұрын
Not really, they read karl schmit, and base their economy on otto strasser’s model
@davidlim5 2 ай бұрын
Capitalist or Socialist is none of the West business 😅😅😅😅😅
@bigmike9128 5 ай бұрын
It's neo mercantile.
@ObeyNoLies 5 ай бұрын
Not really, as they aren't obsessed with hoarding surplus goods.
@ArawnOfAnnwn 5 ай бұрын
​@@ObeyNoLiesThey have massive trade surpluses though, with nearly everyone.
@simonyim6211 5 ай бұрын
This explains the strong competitiveness of the Chinese companies
@michael511128 5 ай бұрын
It’s wrong question. Although officially China doesn’t call it capitalism but market economy but it’s OK for our purpose. Chinese capitalism and US capitalism are poles apart. Chinese capitalism is leading the population to common prosperity. Deng said: let a portion of the people get rich first, (meaning the coastal economic zones), then spread the development into the interior. Guess what, it’s working. China is completely rid of extreme poverty. Every village has paved roads, electricity, running water, access to education and medical facilities, even 5G. China surpassed the US in PPP in 2016 meaning with their earned income Chinese could buy more things of value than Americans. Whereas in the US, capitalism is leading the increasing numbers into poverty. Per Bernie Sanders, 0.1% own equivalent wealth of bottom 90%, 60% live paycheck to paycheck, 8 media companies control 90% of what Americans read, watch and hear, no limit campaign contributions, America is the best democracy money can buy. In the 2023 Ipsos Survey, China ranked first in Happiest Countries.
@xiphoid2011 5 ай бұрын
China is both more capitalist and socialist, I'm speaking as a Chinese who grew up in china who then studied and immigrated to the west. You just never know when the political pendulum will swing the other way. For much of 2000-2010, china is indeed more capitalist. I remember going back to China for the first time after finishing high school and university in the US. I was shocked how my home town of Shanghai's public bathrooms didn't have toilet papers. It's so capitalist that you had to pay cash for toilet paper in public malls, which was, inconvenient, to for the credit card using and dollar carrying me. This was also the time why my chinese relatives convinced my father to invest in chinese real estate, and it grew faster than the US housing bubble. In 4 years my dad quadroupled his $300K investment to over a $1 million. When the US housing bubble popped, my father cashed out of China, but the chinese bubble kept growing, so my relatives were bragging how their housing "wealth" were just as good as my father's hard earned PhD in the US. Indeed, the laissez-faire capitalist chinese model was going crazy, Anything from the west were faked, from Rolex to McDonald were ripped off, anything for a dollar, morals be damed. Of course being china, eventually china happened. Xi came to power, he did a Mao 2.0. Undid the liberal reforms, undid constitution's limit on his terms, disrespected his predecessor Hu in an open display. He re-instituted the central control to himself. It's not saying that he is all wrong. He popped the Chinese housing bubble which is long overdue. But it also made my relatives stopped talking about their real estate, probably lost millions of their paper "wealth". The housing bubble is overdue to pop, so it was the right thing. But Xi also disappeared anyone who dared to oppose him, especially the high flying CEO of tech sectors. It's both sad and comical to watch the once praised leaders of China's advancement were disappeared and silenced. Others who dared to expose go to Wuhan at the beginning of COVID were just as quickly disappeared, and people taught a stern lesson that once increasing free and open China is no more, and it's time once again to sing together the praise of the glorious leader like when we were children. But that's China. It has tremendous potential. And due to the once source of power, can swing from being more capitalist and liberal under one man to completely another Maoist cultural revolution in another. The thing to remember is that the one thing the government will not allow to change is that the need to maintain power always under we Chinese (both in China and overseas) call 朝廷(basically imperial court). Leaders can change, politics can changes, but the power will always be with the emperor or the few officials who wield power. This is also the reason why we chinese have such a high savings rate. The thousands of years of history has trained us that the political wind is unpredictable, we the common people are 韭菜 (chives) to be harvests, so the only way to secure our lives and our family is to save enough money no matter what happens.
@tianshupiao2127 5 ай бұрын
@torleifremme8350 5 ай бұрын
Norway IS well on its way to communism. I have lived my whole life in Norway. Most people I meet around Norwegian society now agree that we are heading in the wrong direction. Socialism implies; to have laws that legitimize the forced recovery of resources from private individuals. to equip the state with a school that dictates the content the children should learn. to equip oneself with laws and organizations that enable one to censor available information and what private individuals are allowed to say and think. to equip themselves with laws that make the business community voluntarily or under duress choose to do as the authorities want. Even in Norway, we are now experiencing that the dynamics of socialism are such that society develops with totalitarian tendencies. The alternative to a planned economy is not capitalism but a free market economy. Capitalism with a large degree of centralized capital presupposes much of what socialism entails.
@shlomomarkman6374 5 ай бұрын
China is neither capitalist nor communist, it's a 1984 style dystopia that serves the inner party elite. Judging by it's current demographics- even after the normal communist fudging, the actual situation is horrible. TFRs below the worst EU countries tell that the situation of the younger demographic is horrible. Same with hyper-inflating housing and high youth unemployment. It's no coincidence of seeing China dumping EVs abroad as the Chinese themselves don't buy them that much (or cars in general).
@davidstrelec2000 3 ай бұрын
If it’s such a dystopian nightmare how come the government has 90% approval rating?
@forbeginnersandbeyond6089 5 ай бұрын
China is not a socialist nor communist country. Far from it. Labor is extremely exploited, which is supposedly anathema to communism. It is an authoritarian state dictated system with rules, but the rules which they can change anytime without regard to who they will harm.
@goldriverbank6647 21 күн бұрын
If so, why the government build high-speed railway and eorry about not making money. The reason is simple people needs it. And its s long term strategy, which western government or private investors will never plan nor do it.
@forbeginnersandbeyond6089 21 күн бұрын
@@goldriverbank6647 Nope. The high speed railway projects are excessive. The purpose is to inject spending to artificially boost the GDP numbers. Many routes are underused and will eventually lose money. The maintenance of those underused routes will eventually be neglected and will become delapidated. You just been deceived with propaganda.
@stefenleung 5 ай бұрын
You're wrong about Google and Facebook. China didn't ban them, they left the China market. China have a rule for the companies need to store data inside China, they chosen to leave. It's exactly the same US require for Kit Kot to follow, Kit Kot did store all data inside Texas. But even so US still planning to ban Kit Kot b'cos they can't control the algorithm like they do as YT, FB, etc.
@Wooster77 23 күн бұрын
Yes. Chinese people are very entrepreneurial. Deng said "to be rich is glorious." Most Chinese agree.
@andregrimsgaard2294 4 ай бұрын
Highest tax in china is 45 %, not 20
@alexhongchoon8175 5 ай бұрын
US uses " technical words " to describe what doesn't suit them. If they export cars to China ,it is free trade.On the other hand , if China exports its cars to cars ,it is subsidies and therefore not allowed in . What hypocrites.
@axelaaronccasanihuachua9073 5 ай бұрын
I remenber having read a Harvard paper about this question .
@teoengchin 5 ай бұрын
Hahaha... I stopped listening when they claimed USA had better healthcare system than China 😂
@NeostormXLMAX 5 ай бұрын
Majority of us medicine comes from china
@MultiMyNickName 5 ай бұрын
The amusing point is that China hasn't been COMMUNIST since Mao. Xi has never been communist. Its more of a Marxist Meritocracy now. Capitalism is not the case either, you are allowed to make money but business does NOT get to make policy or take any involvement in policy making or influencing as Jack ma recently found out. Business is like religion, you can have it personally, but you don't make your own laws and it needs to comply with social rules which benefit everyone. It all works rather well. There is still disparity between the old business culture and the Government desired and legal one, which favors people and employees and doesn't allow exploitation at all. The Government still has to crack down sometimes on businesses not complying with laws, but overall its all going in the right direction very fast and when the only generations left are those raised in the world of opportunity and plenty which came from this Government, China is going to be a very bright place indeed, it already is, but it will be even better.
@techpriest4787 5 ай бұрын
So they are anti plutocracy? Because that is how I defined comunism.
@forbeginnersandbeyond6089 5 ай бұрын
I guess you should live there.
@MultiMyNickName 5 ай бұрын
@@forbeginnersandbeyond6089 I do live in China. Thanks for the advice......beautiful country, amazing place to be. No crime, never see homeless people on the streets. super advanced, super clean, super modern. Everything is ten times cheaper, taxes are lower, cant fault it really.
@AI-ih5or 5 ай бұрын
It's just not Maoist communism anymore. Otherwise, how do you explain why Xi Jinping spent so much time to realize the goal of lifting all people out of extreme poverty? Communism is about common prosperity, but it's not Maoist-style synchronous prosperity. That's the difference.
@chriscain7333 5 ай бұрын
Capitalist country doesn't alleviate 400 million people out of objective povery, doesn't stop homeless and tackle monopolies. Capitalism doesn't mean wealth, a country has a lot of money doesn't mean its capitalist, a lot of african countries are capitalist ans parliamentary, they have no wealth.
@Arnsteel634 5 ай бұрын
Capitalism and democracy don’t necessarily go together
@2czablok 5 ай бұрын
China 🇨🇳 is a capitaltic rezim country. It can ba capitalist country but with strong political rezim
@KomsekomsrLokse 16 күн бұрын
I am of the belief that China is MORE CAPITALIST than US. But China is more socially responsible in economy than US or the West.
@nexusyang4832 5 ай бұрын
Companies in the west is just one tax break away from being “State owned.”😅😅😅
@ClayShentrup Ай бұрын
It's utterly false that taxes and state spending tell you how capitalist a country is. Pigovian taxes have negative dead weight loss, and rent taxes such as land value tax have neutral dead weight loss. So a country could have massive carbon taxes and similar pollution taxes along with 100% land value taxes and raise a massive amount of revenue and have negative dead weight loss from that.
@YSKWatch 5 ай бұрын
ANT financial: it's to monopoly non bank financial system. in china, that's a big no. any monopoly by any company at any size are not allowed. in the contrary u.s can't touch big companies when they are doing anti competitive practices.
@goldriverbank6647 21 күн бұрын
No monopoly allowed in financial system in the US either.
@deadbutmoving 2 ай бұрын
America is capitalist and China is definitely not. Dr. Eric Li said it best: America is a capitalist country because Private Capital has inherent rights that the government cannot take away without due process or just cause. In America, private capital also has the right to voice their own concerns and challenge the government in court. They are free to bribe (AKA Lobby) for or against politicians that they don't like. Billionaires and corporations can use their money to buy the media, influence public opinion, challenge the government, and sponsor those politicians that best suit their interests. Private capital has inherent rights protected by the courts and the American Constitution and the government can't just take those rights away. The end result is that in America, private capital has tremendous power over the government; even able to pass laws and make the government do things in their favor even if it goes against the interests of the American nation state. In America, Private capital tells the government what to do. No such rights exist in China. China has capital, in some ways it's capitalistic, but it's not Capitalism. You are free to acquire capital and use capital, you can become a billionaire and buy as many yachts, mansions, and luxuries as you want. You can have as many house servants as you can afford. But your capital does not have any inherent rights. Meaning you are only allowed to do business in China as long as the Chinese government feels you are contributing something positive to their society. As soon as they feel you are not contributing to their society, they will kick you out and there is no legal recourse. You DO NOT have the right to challenge the government or bribe (AKA "lobby") politicians. You do not have the right to use your capital to move public opinion, influence culture, or challenge the body politic. This creates a situation where businesses and private capital no matter how big or rich can NEVER challenge the body politic. The minute a rich guy or big corporation steps out of line the Chinese body politic will crack down hard. In China, the Government tells private capital what to do. China is not a capitalist country at all, they will allow certain elements of capitalism to enrich themselves, but once they think it's no longer useful, they will get rid of it. They are truly Socialists/Marxists/Communists and even they will tell you that. A Word of advice to people out there who still think China is Capitalist: When someone tells you they are Socialist/Communist... believe them.
@lagrangewei 5 ай бұрын
also China does not "ban" google, youtube, facebook, twitter in China, these companies just refused to operate under chinese law. google left China only after a court case that found copyright material (a chinese dictionary) in google codes which was too embarrassing for the company to remain and they willingly choose to close their office in china. microsoft still offer it services in china, but of course who really still use microsoft other than for windows services. if you operate in a country, of course you have to comply with it law and regulation.
@YSKWatch 5 ай бұрын
google still have at least 2 (maybe 4) research center in china.
@adamconner9302 5 ай бұрын
I lived a decade in China and have quite a bit of recent business experience there. Now to be fair on the micro level China is amongst the most capitalistic nations in the world, this is true. You could walk a block in a city and pass dozens of small businesses. That being said this goes out the window with larger businesses. I honestly don't know the exact cut-off be it an employee count or legality of the business or what exactly the requisite factor is, but once a business passes that threshold they must hire a CCP official that acts as a bridge between the local government and the company. This individual is in effect among the most powerful people in the business, as the can act as a party veto within the business while also enforcing the will of the party within their practices. We throw around words like they mean the same thing to everyone and don't need nuance and context to properly define them. I guess you could potentially put forth an argument that China isn't communist depending on what exactly you think communism is. I find that argument comically ignorant, but we're all entitled to our opinions. What isn't opinion is that the CCP has tendrils implanted in all the businesses of heft in the nation. Their influence within companies is inherently antithetical to free market activities. This is but one of the many facets of authoritarian overreach that take place each and every day within China. Those who don't know China think that China is the Asian equivalent of the west. Those who know China know that China is something else entirely, far more alien than those who haven't ventured out into the world can ever understand. Make no mistake, what happens there is their brand of communism
@DipakBose-bq1vv Ай бұрын
There is a different definition. If a country most companies are controlled by the government it is called fascist dictatorship where the companies are capitalists but controlled by the government. Say China is a fascist economy.
@padraicley3265 17 күн бұрын
The West likes the labels, but the Chinese economy has mostly stayed the same for 4000 years. Yes, it is more industry now than farming in the past. But so you know, farming was high technology a 3/4 century ago in human history. 10,000 years ago, farming put hunters and gather out of business. China used paper currency before many Western countries. The West sent Macro Polo and Columbus to China and India throughout the ancient Silk Road 2000 years ago. Science and technology was advance in the ancient Chinese world. The Great Wall was started 2000 years ago. The Chinese way of doing things has not changed much if people analyze Chinese family units in thousands of years. It is a merit society; only the smart can rule the country. Today, China is doing what it has always done. The West practices colonialism as a contrast. The differences in policies are pretty visible.
@basheersujeevanam6319 5 ай бұрын
Please define Capitalism in clear terms and conditions. Ultimately who is the real decision making body? The Directors of the company or the people's voice ie political parties.
@adamjones1805 3 ай бұрын
Yeah I've been say China is a capitalist country for years. In terms of its actual economy, it's basically capitalist.
@NirajKumar-wb5hg 5 ай бұрын
China is what now USA was earlier and what others country can dream to become
@jasonbraza9517 5 ай бұрын
Those businesses are relocating or have relocated.
@goldriverbank6647 21 күн бұрын
Eventually will all come back. Look at the investments in India and Vietnam.
@therminust4 5 ай бұрын
China perfect balancing between CapitaIist & SociaIist, tax efficiency for infrastructures, free education & healthcare especialy in urban areas, rebuild po0r urban areas with free new homes & industrial manufacture, farming jobs
@SirBunghole 5 ай бұрын
Definitely has aspects of a tyranical dictatorship but has some very captilistics traits. Not much in the way of socialism from what I can see.
@dunzhen 5 ай бұрын
Most Chinese in China overwhelmingly support their government, and for obvious reasons. I would know. So careful using language they wouldn't use, it kind of reeks of holier-than-thou behavior
@edwinvargas7969 5 ай бұрын
China is absolutely socialist. They make it a point to make everything affordable and to house everyone possible. US does not do this, and leaves it up to individuals to figure it out.
@vegamoonlight 5 ай бұрын
The USA is more tyrannical and a DICTATOR.
@Nanix1991 5 ай бұрын
This video is inaccurate. China is well known for high taxes low social welfare. There are so many government officials. Going to a doctor with coverage costs you now more than without coverage in the past
@Facts..Checker 5 ай бұрын
One question : Do we prefer a government which is weak or be under the control of a single billionaire,/billionaires especially concerning the governance, directions, sovereignty and security, to be seen or accepted as a capitalist. I dun think so! Like the US where corporations donated Millions or Billions but innocently expecting nothing in return. On individual economic freedom, could you imagine the chaos and social problems it will bring in a country of 1.4bil without a good plan. Anyhow, China had eradicate 80mils people out of poverty decades ahead of schedule. Just imagine the population size relatively to the whole population of UK, for instance. By that, it is already an impressive task ever taken by any government, democracy or not!
@vegamoonlight 5 ай бұрын
It is not 80 million Chinese citizens but 800 million, more than the combined population of the US, Canada and Western Europe.
@kenhickford6581 5 ай бұрын
Re: "Is China More Capitalist Than the United States" Yes, but the CCP will never allow it!
@sushisushi_915 28 күн бұрын
china is communist for 70yrs but is already capitalists since the beginning of time, Chinese people are entreprenueral and its been 2000 yrs, chinese has its own way for doing businesss
@r3dpowel796 5 ай бұрын
Ohh bruh you seriously categorized Low taxes as the defintion of capitalism.
@FeiweiMao-f9v Ай бұрын
we really need to think out of the socialism/capitalism box as they are some concepts for a society 100 years ago.
@4-SeasonNature 5 ай бұрын
Quite informative.
@AndyWearsPants 5 ай бұрын
This video completely ignored the board structures imposed by the state, as well as the military's extensive role in business ownership. These factors make it closer to the Fascism described by Gentille and Mousolini in their famous speech, The Doctrine of Fascism.
@mathnerd97 5 ай бұрын
It's starting to sound like the capitalist/socialist dichotomy is a fair bit more complicated than often presented
@suncarus897 5 ай бұрын
We call ourselves a socialist country with Chinese characteristics. Yes, anything you think is different from socialism is Chinese characteristics, even capitalism.
@JB-gq4ub 5 ай бұрын
It cracks me up that the presenter has to have the same narration style as the bald guy..🤣 Every. Single. Time.
@thetruedemocraticnorth 5 ай бұрын
that's so much ignorance, the U.S. is an hypercapitalist imperialist country, it's the source of capitalism.
@dunzhen 5 ай бұрын
I think he, and other youtubers realize the huge appetite for Chinabad content is a giant cash cow that gets a large amount of views. The analysis itself is very poor outside of when he covers American things
@yaqiwang5242 5 ай бұрын
The first part is great with lots of numbers. Second part is poorly done. But I guess some are hard to be quantified.
@raybod1775 5 ай бұрын
About 35% of U.S. spending is through various forms local, state and federal government.
@thetruedemocraticnorth 5 ай бұрын
@@raybod1775 government spending has nothing to do with socialism, Nazi germany was a free market economy with command planning and 60% government spending. it's still far right hypercapitalist
@thetruedemocraticnorth 5 ай бұрын
@@raybod1775 Soviet Union government spending was only 40%, Finland and France today are 50% which is less than Germany in WW2
@jamiearnott9669 5 ай бұрын
Great video. My point, I'd say that China is a socialist capiltalist hybrid like the UK, or a mixed market economy? Only interestingly, China must be economically free and capitalist , particularly Hong Kong. Just, the UK's largest surplus is not with uncle Sam, but with China,Hong Kong, and the second largest exporter of services after the United States itself.
@jasonariola6363 5 ай бұрын
This is nonsense , you left out the massive amount funding allocated to selling merchandise below cost , this is all government controlled. You left out many different aspects of the Chinese economy .
@88tommyhk 2 ай бұрын
your research on Ant group is wrong
@mijmijrm 5 ай бұрын
so .. is Capitalism a mechanism or a religion? One is China's perspective. One is USA's perspective.
@badrakhariunchimeg1031 5 ай бұрын
Euro state need intel chip not tesla
@cornebratz8205 5 ай бұрын
China is really rich
@zakariaalami1491 5 ай бұрын
China took the worst from both world less social spending (from capitalist point of view) more social terror ( from communist poont of view )
@jasonariola6363 5 ай бұрын
This subjective description of China 🇨🇳 leads me to believe the host has a pro Chinese leaning , therefore not really credible.
@robertseaborne5758 5 ай бұрын
China has in effect saved capitalism from self destructing by having subordinated it to socialism with Chinese characteristics. China's productive force and socialist market economy could not have been developed without a form of well managed capitalism. China's socialist socio-economic form of governance places more emphasis on the development of its productive force and meeting the social and cultural needs of its people than it it does on the accumulation of privately owned wealth. The success of what some now refer to as the third phase of socialism is demonstrated by China's GDP (PPP) numbers over the past three decades.
@ismailnyeyusof3520 5 ай бұрын
3:27 Good list for features of capitalism. Very useful!
@elbrallan7773 5 ай бұрын
Quien se encontró la versión en ingles de visualeconomik como yo dele like
@thetruedemocraticnorth 5 ай бұрын
socialism doesn't have to be Planned it can take the form of a market 😂
@edwinvargas7969 5 ай бұрын
So China isnt planned at all? Hmmmm
@danghoangluong2942 5 ай бұрын
Like Israel in 1950s?
@wilker_s 5 ай бұрын
China is not more capitalists than the US thats a fact... The US have 87% of the country on the hands of privates and don't even have universal health care, because the health care system is on the hands of privates, this makes the US the country with the most expensive health care system in the world and its not even on the top 20 of the best in the world and is the only "1° world" country without universal health care. And the US education is also been dominated by privates, making education extremely expensive to a that the US literacy rate is today 79%, lower than all 1°world countries and even lower than the literacy rate of Cuba, Venezuela, China, Russia, Philippines...the literacy rate in US is similar to several African countries. And European reports classify the US as 3° world country for several reasons. And China is communist with a socialist market, the communist government keep the control of several sectors, given their citizens universal health care like all 1° world countries have, free and low cost education and a literacy rate of 99% and is reducing poverty so successfully that European agencies and institutions want to copied. And never to forget the chicken with golden eggs of the USA is war, coups, regime change, financial traps and debt and deficit that literally is selling the future...and every time the US is close to collapse, they start and war to steal the wealth of the countries and this keep them on the game for a few more years but they never will have the economic boom China have. And have in mind China is the country that produces literally everything for the world, your iPhone, Xbox, Playstation, some of your Teslas, some of your clothes...have tons of oil, natural gas, gold...and for China good inflation is 0%,not the 2% inflation that all western countries sees as "good" because that 2% is literally gambling
@brianliew5901 5 ай бұрын
A dumb comparison as there're no prizes awarded for being capitalistic. 🤑🤑🤑🤑
@junweihe8229 5 ай бұрын
Maybe But our university is still 1000 dollars a year
@pravdaseed64 5 ай бұрын
‼️ USA has $ 34 $ Trillion Debt.... ‼️ What got to Do with capital.
@JonStasevich 5 ай бұрын
State capitalism
@Brisamars-q1c 5 ай бұрын
A socialist bureaucracy for capital and labour management.😀😂😀
@IK_MK 5 ай бұрын
So capitalist, your intellectual property is free real estate 🤦🏿‍♂️
@egg174 5 ай бұрын
Hard no
@kongwee1978 5 ай бұрын
Don't need to watch, yes.
@Robis9267 5 ай бұрын
Such a bullshit video. Sweden has big government, but also has the best stock market in Europe. It's not that small government automatically means more capitalist. Educate yourselves!
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