Is The Last of Us Part 1 A TRUE Remake?

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@LazerzZ 2 жыл бұрын
Come join me live sometime on twitch
@alexgotbeans5953 2 жыл бұрын
The price of the remake should not be created by only taking into consideration the quality of the package. Naughty Dog already got paid for their work on the original game, which the remake uses most of its design from. The improvements are big, but it is still greedy to price their remake above $30 because they’ve quite literally already been paid for a big fraction of their work. Don’t get me wrong, I agree that it should be qualified as a remake, and I’ve always been very excited for it.
@TheGamerApocalypse 2 жыл бұрын
@@alexgotbeans5953 what about people who haven’t played the game, and the is their first experiences with the content? Should a first time player pay $20 for this experience which subjectively is an amazing experience that drew many of us to the series?
@alexgotbeans5953 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheGamerApocalypse you’re right but then there should be an upgrade path which I’m aware isn’t an original idea
@TheGamerApocalypse 2 жыл бұрын
@@alexgotbeans5953 Okay I concede at least that there should at least be a $20 upgrade from the remaster version. I can’t oppose this because I was able to enjoy FF7R on PS5 thanks to Square essentially upgrading the game for free, and I’m not a hypocrite.
@alexgotbeans5953 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheGamerApocalypse Yeah, I still wish there was dodge and prone, broken walls to crawl through, more verticality, and some of tlou2s soundtrack which I know wouldn’t make any sense in a remake because it might not fit with the tone. However, the overall combat and atmospheric tracks are better than the originals, even if the last of us combat soundtrack sounding primal was intentional I found it to be generic as well. The combat tracks are still good but after tlou2 I can’t stop thinking that it could be better. The emotional tracks in the first are superior to the second, and the best tracks used for atmosphere in the first game beat every atmospheric track in the second game. For example The Hour is possibly in my top 3 favorite last of us tracks out of both games. I could go on and on about both soundtracks, genuinely the best in gaming, which makes me mad most people don’t agree. Don’t get me wrong I prefer the original soundtrack because it has enough great tracks to satisfy me, but theoretically adding some of tlou2s soundtrack in mostly non story and specific moments would make me shit myself if it would fit. There’s only one thing I want more than a fallout new vegas remake, and that’s the last of us 1 with expanded levels for combat, abby like movement for Joel, some of tlou2s soundtrack added in, and the leaked title screen back. I wish they didn’t add a sunset, it’s good but the original was classic last of us.
@Sticks_of_Truth 2 жыл бұрын
I can completely understand people being upset over the $70 price tag when there is no multiplayer that was in the PS4 remaster. I truly believe that the Last of Us Part 2 remaster should have been included with this part one remake similar to Miles Morales and the Spider-Man remaster bundle. Yes a lot of work went into this remake but $70 is asking a lot. Especially in comparison to Spider-Man.
@shadowstrangler1 2 жыл бұрын
Wait there's no factions????? LMAO wtf is this ??? I'll just buy it 1 month later on ebay for 30$
@Sticks_of_Truth 2 жыл бұрын
@@shadowstrangler1 It has the Left Behind expansion remade as well. Factions has turned into its own Standalone Destiny Style story based multiplayer game. No new details yet, just that it's the biggest project they've worked on to date.
@KamusariHR 2 жыл бұрын
Ur right about that but they are not rdy for releasing the mp
@aaronbissonnette 2 жыл бұрын
spider-man was a remaster tho, not a remake
@jules_huh 2 жыл бұрын
@@aaronbissonnette you could say they remade his face lmao
@vzwalker 2 жыл бұрын
I just personally believe the game should be priced at around £35-£40, I can totally understand why they priced as high as they did because of their passion for this amazing project, and of course the new technology but I just don't think in my opinion the game should be priced at £70
@alithemaster8756 2 жыл бұрын
The reason it’s £70 it’s cause Sony and the share holder want to take more money naughty dog wont get the 70 they will get less and Sony will be getting more money and they have billions I would be happy to pay for this game if naughty dog get all the money but it should be like £50 cause it’s the same game with new changes for the ps5
@cianf1888 2 жыл бұрын
Completely agree. This is my only issue with the whole thing. I half-hoped for some new features from Part II to come into the game but without recording new dialogue and filming new mo-cap I don't think that was ever going to happen. I'll get the game when there's a sale, looking forward to playing it.
@vzwalker 2 жыл бұрын
@@alithemaster8756 very informative dude thank you!
@theinfinitynerd4954 2 жыл бұрын
It's because Sony knows the dumbass hardcore fans will eat it up off the floor and continue to bootlick their overlords after.
@darktempest53 2 жыл бұрын
I think the issue is is that no one has proper definitions of what a remake or remaster is, and in my opinion there're actually four categories rather than two: Remaster, Remake, Reimagining, and Reboot. Imo a Remake plays fundamentally the same as the original with remade visuals, and a reimagining plays completely differently, and therein lies the difference. To give some examples; Remasters: The Nathan Drake Collection, Return to Arkham, TLoU Remastered, Dark Souls Remastered, The Ezio Collection Remakes: Shadow of the Colossus, Demon's Souls, TLoU Part I, Crash N'Sane Trilogy Reimaginings: Resident Evil 2 Remake, Final Fantasy 7 Remake Reboots: Tomb Raider (2013), Modern Warfare (2019)
@IliterateFoo 2 жыл бұрын
Gears of War: Ultimate Edition is a good remake
@TheDarkjedi94 2 жыл бұрын
I really love how you framed that. When put into those categories I think your absolutely right. I think these definitions should become the mainstream to help with confusion. I do think that last of us didn’t need a remake. I don’t think it benefits from a remake the same way demon souls did. And certainly isn’t worth full price. That being said I think people discredit that it’s a remake in a way to make their argument that it’s a cash grab. I think it can be unnecessary and maybe even a cash grab while still being a remake
@crazyrobot10 2 жыл бұрын
Would Mafia:Definitive Edition be considered a reimagining then?(I think we think of this using film logic instead of what you just posted above)
@darktempest53 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheDarkjedi94 I remember seeing plenty of people in 2020 calling Demon's Souls Remake a remaster and I always personally found it frustrating. Opinions on TLoU Part I aside, I just want proper definitions to be used throughout the industry
@darktempest53 2 жыл бұрын
@@crazyrobot10 Unfortunately I'm not familiar with either the original Mafia nor the definitive edition so I couldn't really say. What I will add is that arguably each of these four categories are on a spectrum and it's not always 100% clear cut. For example Demon's Souls Remake does in fact make some minor gameplay changes that shift it a hair towards the 'Reimagining' side whilst still being fundamentally a remake. Likewise with some Remasters going above and beyond the norm a remaster normally would, whilst still not remaking all the assets and thus not being considered a remake. To elaborate on what makes a 'Reimagining', to me it's a significant change in gameplay. For example Resident Evil 2 and 3 go from a fixed camera perspective with several loading screens to a free-camera third person shooter. Likewise Final Fantasy 7 Remake has significant changes to both it's gameplay (and story) which thus makes it a reimagining of the original
@65firered 2 жыл бұрын
I heavily disagree with the price argument for 3 reasons. 1. Remakes and remasters should not cost the same as a new game. It's not a new game and this remake is not adding in so much it could be considered a new game altogether, like FVIIR. 2. Sony should not get a pass where other companies would not. It would be hypocritical to give Sony special permission to price their games higher which other companies and the industry as a whole have been criticized for doing this. I criticized Demon's Souls for its price, I even criticized TLOU remastered for its price. 3. I can not give a game a pass for doing things I find unacceptable simply because I like it. If any other company were to do this I would say the same thing and have done. This remake doesn't need to exist. The remaster still holds up. If they remade Bloodbourn I would say the same. I think RDR1 should get a remake but if it were priced at $70 I would say the same thing and have a problem with it. I refuse to make an exception here and go against my own stance on the basis that it's a Sony game I like. I stand by my word and it wouldn't be right to make an exception that goes against it.
@Kira_Official_ 2 жыл бұрын
I'm glad someone is thinking the same as me. I'm a fan of Sony games, I'm even a fan of the first Last Of Us, but just because I like it, doesn't mean I should give these a pass. It's also why I can't understand why people are calling it a new game. Because it's not? Are we not still talking about a game that came out in 2013/14? I don't know. It's weird.
@gnatbart 2 жыл бұрын
This!!! Thank you! He keeps ignoring comments like these on Twitter and here sadly, but I’m glad a lot of people feel the same way. Just because it’s Sony, the shouldn’t get a pass. 70$ for better graphics - just no
@thijmen5295 2 жыл бұрын
Only exceptions on the rule are FF7 remake and Resident Evil 2 remake imo. You pay 60 bucks for those and get something truly new and fresh. Agree on everything else you said Edit: especially point 2 is spot on. You know for a fact if Microsoft did this every one and their mom would be outburst by it but Sony are the good guys right so they get a pass
@dooroofoo6512 2 жыл бұрын
But if you rebuilt an entire game it can be priced at the original price. If you don’t wanna buy it since you’ve already played it you don’t have to
@65firered 2 жыл бұрын
@@dooroofoo6512 That's what Resident Evil 2 and FFVIIR did. TLOU remake isn't that. It's closer to Modern Warfare Remastered, which as a reminder added in a lot more than a typical remaster and looks on par with the reboot. Besides, there's a difference between what you can do and what you should do. You could price a stand-alone DLC at full price, you probably shouldn't though.
@evansinclair1999 2 жыл бұрын
Completely agree man I didn’t even know people were upset until I saw an article and I was blown away because this literally has me so unbelievably hyped because I adored the second game and literally thought “man I wonder what the first game would’ve looked like in todays gaming era” and it made me so happy to hear they were gonna completely revamp the game
@h30ghost 2 жыл бұрын
I am incredibly happy that we are getting a remake, but I think I'll wait for a sale January sales maybe and pick it up then. €80 is just a little too much for a not new experience story wise as I already know everything that's going to happen. I'd be happy if it goes down to €50
@Ben-pp5tt 2 жыл бұрын
The reason many people are upset is because they advertised “enhanced gameplay mechanics and exploration” leading the community to believe this game has the story of part 1 and the gameplay elements and expanded level design of part 2. Even the price point seems to indicate this is true. It wasn’t until gameplay was leaked that the company was forced to respond with an honest advertisement.
@Dsmarto410 2 жыл бұрын
I’m curious how other people feel about this when the TLOU part 2 was released I thought the people who didn’t like the game were the toxic ones. Then as time passed since it got released I thought the people who loved the game became just as toxic and now were just in this cycle of two extremes around the The last of us IP. I had a ton of issues with Part 2 from characterization, writing, and pacing stand point. But now fair criticism of the game gets tuned out because people want to lump you in with the toxic crowd.
@jasonalv7436 2 жыл бұрын
Dude, the best way to go through this TLOU 2 charade is by not participating. Both sides have their great and absolutely evil side. The haters on the one hand verbally attacks the developers while some of the fanbase uses political propaganda to try and cancel reviewers that didn't like the game by calling them bigots or sexist. This is a game of cards that will never end and it will just continue to spiral out of control, best way to deal with it is just to avoid it.
@Gio-xh3sk 2 жыл бұрын
@@jasonalv7436 or you can ignore them and buy it based off of your own opinion
@jasonalv7436 2 жыл бұрын
@@Gio-xh3sk that is correct
@Kira_Official_ 2 жыл бұрын
I think in the most simple, basic, shallow way possible, The Last Of Us Part 1 is a "remake". In my personal opinion, this doesn't feel like a remake. It feels far too similar to the original game on the PS3 and the remaster from the PS4. Because of this, for me, this doesn't justify the $70 price tag. But this is simply my own opinion. People are allowed to think differently from me.
@deejay6696 2 жыл бұрын
What do you think would have made it feel more like a proper remake in your eyes?
@Kira_Official_ 2 жыл бұрын
@@deejay6696 I'll be honest, I'm not really sure. Because I'm someone who feels we don't need a remake of TLOU 1 yet. Again, that's my own opinion, but for something like FF7, that's a 20+ year old game. The Last Of Us isn't even 10 years old yet. So what could've they done for me to consider it a remake? I haven't given much thought because I don't want a remake.
@Hunkyforlife 2 жыл бұрын
@@Kira_Official_ Demon Souls is 2 years older than TLOU?
@deejay6696 2 жыл бұрын
@@Kira_Official_ fair and valid
@Kira_Official_ 2 жыл бұрын
@@Hunkyforlife And? I never said I agreed with the remake of Demon Souls. Even so, Demons Souls had a lot of technical issues that caused a lot of problems for players and was on a console generation that not many people have anymore. Meanwhile, The Last Of Us 1 has a functional (basically perfect) version of the game on a console many people have. But whatever I guess.
@carlisle6831 2 жыл бұрын
So many better and beloved games deserves a remake or a port to modern consoles but sure let’s defend a 9 year old game that already got a remaster.
@J_U_D_G_E_M_E_N_T 2 жыл бұрын
The main reason I believe this remake is extremely unnecessary is because you can literally just buy the remastered version on your ps5 for quarter the price of the remake. And charging fucking 70$ for just little tweeks is a big rip-off This remake is a waste of money and resources for Sony that they could've used to revive one of their several dead IPs
@J_U_D_G_E_M_E_N_T 2 жыл бұрын
As for the Demon Souls argument; that game isn't available on the PS4 or PS5 stores that people can just buy before the remake came out. So there was no way for people to play it on modern hardware without the remake
@Ben-pp5tt 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly. You can play the remastered version right now for $20. This new version literally costs 350% more than that! 🤔
@personanonmaga5178 2 жыл бұрын
it's really irritating how content creators rewrite history when it comes to events like the TLOU2 fiasco, with so many of them quick to take legitimate criticism and lump it together with the most extreme views expressed by those who thought the game was anything less than a masterpiece. but what's more frustrating is how, in these retrospectives, what happened OUTSIDE of the game itself doesn't get mentioned at all as if it had no effect on people's feelings towards TLOU2 and Naughty Dog. or if it does get mentioned the conversation is almost always one-sided in favor of ND, with the other side being called all kinds of istaphobes you an imagine. in this case, that part was left out with the kind of takes like that from 13:30 to 14:02. as if all the negativity people express towards ND boils down to (and I'll paraphrase you here) people being "aggressive and ridiculous because a game company didn't create the exact game those fans had in mind, or I don't know why. it's just silly" etc. totally disregarding all the false advertising. totally disregarding how ND and a sleazy company they hired worked to take down social media accounts of those who spoke I'll of them before during and shortly after release date, including doing scummy things like launch false DMCA claims. how ND staff had gross interactions with the part of the fanbase tharvddnt think TLOU2 is the bestest thing evaaaa. and so SO much more. doesn't matter of this was omitted on purpose or through ignorance or lack of proper research. it's irritating all the same as for the $70 price... 10:30 to 12:40 agree, mostly. for someone who has never played Part 1 and want to experience the best version of it (minus Factions), I would highly recommend they rather get the PS5 Remake version. THAT BEING SAID, if you've already played Part 1, original or Remaster, this is EASILY a "wait for 75% off sale" type of deal. I SERIOUSLY doubt the updated AI will affect combat in any noticeable way since no other aspects of combat, movement, or environments have reportedly been altered to facilitate any significant gameplay changes. it's still very much the same game on that front
@minecraftgravityguy 2 жыл бұрын
Agree with exactly everything you said before discussing the pricepoint. It’s baffling how amny times i’ve seen this take that “oh people were just unhinged and started harassing developers out of nowhere just because they disliked the game!”. Nice way of shifting blame and ignoring the problems that happened by pretending nothing happened. Btw there wasn’t only DMCA claims, there were STRIKES, capable of deleting entire channels just for discussing the game or it’s spoilers with no footage or confirmation of validity being made, including if i’m not wrong by big ytubers like angry joe(his case was a claim i believe but others had their channels even deleted because of 3 or more strikes. And how Neil Deuckman himself admitted proudly in a livestream that he himself hired and ordered certain channels/pages/websites to be attacked by DMCA strikes for even talking about the game out of spite. What I disagree is that the price is acceptable in any way. 60$ is more than enough and Elden Ring is 60$ and hundreds of times more valuable as a product, and it is still a 2013 game, remaster or not that isn’t acceptable and to think it is just because now it has a PC port and that the PC should get a higher price for being the first time of the game in the platform is insane, zero logic behind that. This is the same issue with Zelda Skyward Sword being “Remastered” for the Switch and getting a price 10$ higher than of it’s og release on the Wii. Simply Absurd. Asking for more than 40$ for this is already ridiculous after SotC Remake, even more so when the game lack the multiplayer and has changed the models and visual direction of many scenes without the option of playing the old way (like other remasters already did).
@coreyschultz2033 2 жыл бұрын
I feel the fact that game is being remade, I think it's beautiful and I can't wait to replay it. I just think there some sections of the game where the original/remaster looks better.
@LexLutha 2 жыл бұрын
Like what parts? Genuinely curious.
@danielpickering 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with you on the fact of the Remaster was the same. This one has better graphics and the gameplay looks better. But I think one of the gripes is that the price is more compared to the remaster is that TLOUP1 has cut out the multiplayer. That is my opinion at least.
@Clipahoy 2 жыл бұрын
You really want that free review copy
@aronkingkong8558 2 жыл бұрын
TBH i don't mind that they made this remake but the price range is just pissing me so much off that it's hard for me to support Naughty Dog/Sony after this. I think it is disgusting to charge this much for a remake without even having the multiplayer mode in it. 30-40 dollars max in my opinion.
@AlexiaHoardwing 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly this and the upcharging for accessibility features for people who previously owned the game but unable to complete/play it are the main arguments I've seen for this game.
@Hunkyforlife 2 жыл бұрын
I think is Sony not ND for the price
@glesgagreg2255 2 жыл бұрын
I think you answered your own question with the Demons Souls comparison with the 2014 TLOU remaster. I think we'd get similar complaints if, for example Fromsoftware released Dark Souls on PS5 with Elden Ring's graphics. It already got a PS4 remaster and a further one feels unnecessary
@hannimodjo7962 2 жыл бұрын
To counter your point on Demon Souls, that game has a more engaging combat and has the same combat as every souls game TLOU had a sequel which improved the combat but the remake didn't use the new combat system (excluding the A.I) so people feel like it's just another graphics overhaul.
@theinfinitynerd4954 2 жыл бұрын
Plus the game wasn't already playable on modern hardware. Last of Us is already playable on PS5 in 4K / 60fps, with the game's original multiplayer, which is being removed. New textures look amazing and it's bound to be a great experience. But there is no scenario in which $70 is a reasonable asking price for what is being offered.
@XProjectHunterX 2 жыл бұрын
There is a clear improvement on the visuals and some AI improvements but its not $70 worth of improvements.
@Dullish 2 жыл бұрын
Yes! Thank You! This video is literally what I've been telling people.
@jstani21 2 жыл бұрын
13:25 It's actually more impressive than mo-cap. They didn't have the same kind of mocap data they have today, so they hired artists to rotoscope the original captured video performances to create new animations that better fit modern character rigs.
@just_A_Hack 2 жыл бұрын
I think what they should have done in terms of the price is make the ps5 version 49.99 and the pc version 69.99. I think there would be less backlash on the price. It makes me sense since it has never been on PC to be at that new game price and then reward those sony players with a "discount" on the game. The fact that this could potentially be some peoples' third time buying it makes the price feel bad in my opinion. Great video though!
@Lightsaglowllc 2 жыл бұрын
I would never pay 70 bucks for a game on PC.
@Anyrandomnamewilldo 2 жыл бұрын
Definitely agree. The last of us was before it's time, and now Naughty Dog has a chance to go back and make the game they WANTED to make but weren't entirely able to because of limitations of the era. I'm looking forward to it. Maybe a bit overpriced but I think it'll be worth it
@gabrielneves2204 Жыл бұрын
@dangiambrone7350 2 жыл бұрын
For me, a "remake" is something along the lines of the recent Resident Evil 2, where almost every aspect of the game - level design, and gameplay mechanics, in addition to the art, graphics tech, sound etc - has been "remade". On this basis, I would only class Naughty Dog's next release as a graphical, superficial remake with minor tweaks being made to the A.I. One of Naughty Dog's developers recently responded to critics, who are disappointed that the TLOU 2 gameplay enhancements have not been added to this remake; he said that the reason why those TLOU 2 features could not be added is because TLOU does not have the environments or enemy behaviour to support them. This leads me to ask, then why not redesign those elements to accommodate new features? It's obvious why. Sony and ND have not gone all in on this remake and are only thinking about their profit margins.
@heart4179 2 жыл бұрын
It’s more like a huge remaster. It’s gonna feel and look a lot better, but it’s not gonna be completely remade with new missions, brand new gameplay, different dialogue etc.
@oscarmckenna800 2 жыл бұрын
Wow. Wanted to commend your script and structure of this video because it is very articulate and gets across points in great ways. Keep it up. Agree with every point you made.
@LazerzZ 2 жыл бұрын
I actually didn't even script this one, so really appreciate that!
@ip96.7.21 2 жыл бұрын
@@LazerzZ wasn't scripted, fucking nice work man. That honestly makes it even more impressive, great video. You'll probably get all the goon's coming at you now saying you're a shill and you've been paid to praise the game. Bunch of losers honestly, tlou2 is over 2 years old and people are still pissed at that game
@jasonwilliams5046 2 жыл бұрын
What’s so hard to understand, it’s real simple. People wanted: dodging, going prone, squeeze throughs, different ways to traverse vertically, less floating pallets, integrating Left Behind into the main campaign, multiplayer and coop. That would make it worth $70, but as it is now it’s a $39 game
@Ben-pp5tt 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly! If it’s built from the ground up then why still have a world that’s littered with nothing but bricks, bottles, and pallets??
@Reedg333 2 жыл бұрын
Neil Druckmann says himself at the end of the official gameplay first look, "(Regarding the tech) Everything allows us to make that experience better. Not different, extremely better." That wraps it up fine for me lol I'm also incredibly impressed how they managed to maintain the exact same color palate as the original, to my eye at least. It doesn't change the mood and upholds the original vision.
@nicholasmisiak4724 2 жыл бұрын
I hope you're being sracastic.
@sonicspeeder201 2 жыл бұрын
Lazerz mate! This is such a fucking good and realistic take on the whole situation
@ACORNyMOFO 2 жыл бұрын
I'm am not buying "The Last of Us 1 Remastered Part 2" until it costs 20 or less. Resident Evil 4 2023 is a remake, Dead Space 2023 is remake. This is a remaster.
@SpectralDivisionIHM 2 жыл бұрын
This was really good, thuroughly agree with you on most points, big ggs gamer!
@markbade565 2 жыл бұрын
Been starting to watch your vids for a few weeks. With this one you just earned my sub.
@sama2086 2 жыл бұрын
there's literally no way to know the answer of this question before the game is out, but I do agree people are quick to jump on this because of the last of us 2
@bretwilliams249 2 жыл бұрын
You're absolutely right. Plenty of comments saying "it's just a graphics boost" even when it's been made clear that it's so much more than that. I was thrilled to hear that my favorite game ever was getting the remake treatment and I've already got it on preorder. Unfortunately, I'm sure it'll get review bombed because people are petty but I do expect it will sell well regardless.
@InDeathWeLove 2 жыл бұрын
I think a lot of people that are complaining about the pricing this time around, but not last time is not that they didn't feel this way about TLOU1 remastered instead more so that at the time naughty dog and the TLOU franchise had a lot of goodwill at the time so the people that felt that way might just not have felt like speaking up about it at the time. Now the goodwill the company and franchise have is significantly less and these people are more vocal about their problems because of this. I do think it's disingenuous to say that as much effort went into this as went into a brand new game. Sure they had to redo the models and textures etc. However it's pretty obvious that when the character/level design, motion capture, audio, writing/dialogue and many other elements are already done that is a lot less work than if they were working on a brand new game and all those needed to be done from scratch. It also seems to be running on the same engine/code as TLOU2 so that was likely also already done and needed minimal work to get it working for their needs for TLOU1 remake. Add on that they didn't include the multiplayer which is probably missing because it is indeed running on the TLOU2 engine/code which also doesn't have multiplayer yet. So yes when you reuse all the design, much of the assets and even an engine to tell an already told story I do feel charging full price is too much, but that's just my personal opinion though it seems to be shared by a not insignificant amount of other people. Though you are likely right that the level of criticism is likely also due to Naughty Dog having little goodwill left after TLOU2. The answer is pretty easy though, just wait for the prices to drop to the price you actually feel it would be worth. In under a year chances are new copies will be going for half of the release price or less.
@kwleeds 2 жыл бұрын
Solid video man. I agree with nearly all of it! 🔥
@thatrandomguyyy632 2 жыл бұрын
i like tlou2 and i still think the remake needs more, tbh all i want them to add is the ability to crawl and similar mechanics that 2 had because why would someone buy the remake when the second has more mechanics and is longer allowing for more use of old and newer mechanics. i dont want them to make Joel more agile i just want him to be able to realistically do more
@fiel81 2 жыл бұрын
exactly, why not give him a counter melee attack or something unique to joel
@thatrandomguyyy632 2 жыл бұрын
@@fiel81 yeah at least something to make him equally unique! Joel is much more of an up-close fighter so maybe he can also block attacks aswell as dodge
@slickstar96 2 жыл бұрын
@@fiel81 but he can it was just very rare there were times in og and remaster where you press triangle and he pushes the enemy away or blocks them with his own melee stick. I wanted dodge mainly because it was in the e3 demo back in 2012 its omission that feels weird to me regardless of the fact they want to make a faithful adaption.
@Hunkyforlife 2 жыл бұрын
Thing is yea part 1 wasn't built for prone so I think thats why there is a prone, for dodging I think they should have added it,
@Hunkyforlife 2 жыл бұрын
@@slickstar96 I was able to block attacks in grounded mode
@MegaAziz12 2 жыл бұрын
The main reason people are complaining about the price is because they already played the game. If you owned a playstation console the last 3 generations you probably already played it. Not the case for demon souls
@Ben-pp5tt 2 жыл бұрын
I think the reason people (like myself) are angry is because ND seems to have intentionally mislead the community into believing this game is something it’s not. They advertised “enhanced gameplay mechanics and exploration” leading the community to believe this game has the story of part 1 and the gameplay elements and expanded level design of part 2. Even the price point seems to indicate this is true. It wasn’t until gameplay was leaked that the company was forced to be honest about what this game really is.
@rolf1820 2 жыл бұрын
Then you read too much into it. Thats on you not ND. Nobody was mislead if your interpretation is different from mine. It's your own fault by setting your own expectations.
@Ben-pp5tt 2 жыл бұрын
@@rolf1820 I don’t think so. I think this explains why they intentionally decided not to show any actual gameplay. They’ve mislead the community before with Joel’s involvement in part 2, so we already know they’re capable of this kind of thing.
@ryanhill906 2 жыл бұрын
If I were remaking AC1, it would do a lot of what you said, and bring elements from the Ezio era back to 1 so you can get some of the improvements, but without destroying the original feel and story. I think there could also be a few Altaïr side-missions in the kingdom & the cities, and things ACII and beyond brought us like shops to interact with (without money) and info stubs about buildings or characters. They're technically in there if you know where to find it, but adding some Abstergo-approved history would be a nice element. With HD, control improvement, it would be like a whole new game.
@Thug_Nose 2 жыл бұрын
13:33 lemme just stop you there The main reason people are upset a lot more compared to the remaster was because the remaster was everything ND said it was going to be, it had factions, DLC, 60 fps, and with a fair price tag to top it off. Now with this “remake” they’re saying it’s built from the ground up which is ludicrous. No multiplayer, $70 price tag seriously? Not even a discount for the people who bought this game many times before already. It’s an obvious cash grab.
@jayDee92133 2 жыл бұрын
If the game is rebuilt from the ground up it's a remake... just because someone don't like the price doesn't change what a remake is, Anybody that has a problem with the price just don't buy it I do it all the time with new AC games.
@Ben-pp5tt 2 жыл бұрын
Except it wasn’t built from the ground up. They used the existing motion capture, voice overs, story-line, and level design. It would be like tracing a picture on a blank sheet and claiming “I started from scratch.”
@jayDee92133 2 жыл бұрын
@@Ben-pp5tt Bruh the code of the game is different no matter how you feel about it it's a remake.... That like saying the remake for shadow of the colossus wasn't a remake or Demon Souls wasn't a remake.
@Ben-pp5tt 2 жыл бұрын
@@jayDee92133 Listen to his explanation of what a remake is at 1:40. Even by his own standards, this isn’t a remake. He said they need to start from scratch. They didn’t. They copied code that already existed. This includes animations, voice overs, gameplay mechanics, and level design.
@jayDee92133 2 жыл бұрын
@@Ben-pp5tt If a game is remade it's a remake. I don't go by what anybody else thinks I go by what a remake has been for years but now for this one game it different now....If a game is remade it's a remake no matter how you or anybody else feels, I'm done with this topic because you are obviously trolling to say a remade game isn't a remake.
@Ben-pp5tt 2 жыл бұрын
@@jayDee92133 So if a company copies the original code from scratch then it’s a remake even if it’s nearly impossible to tell the difference between the two games?
@djswirley 2 жыл бұрын
Great video bro digging the vibe man 💯🙏
@RadinV1 2 жыл бұрын
I don't particularly care about either side of this debate, I'm only here to read the comment section because you just know it's gonna be great.
@Ben-pp5tt 2 жыл бұрын
If this is truly a remake, then it’s only a remake based on technicalities. The point is that no one who plays this game would ever believe it was “built from the ground up.” Each person would believe they just played a very good remastered version. People care about what the experience will be like and not some technical definition of what it is.
@NaitorYT 2 жыл бұрын
Developer here. You got the remaster definition right on point! That said, for remakes it's gotta be all from scratch, more specifically visual assets and code. In the case of TLOUP1 they are remaking absolutely everything from scratch, just using the original performances to create new animations from them. But the Bluepoint remakes (Demon's Souls and Shadow of the Colossus) are straight up remasters, and it's even been said by the developers themselves. They're running all of the original code untouched (save for DeS where the only change at all was 8 rolling directions instead of 4), on their engine, while they created new visuals for them. The devs said in an interview that "it's technically a remaster through and through but they felt the visual upgrade was so substantial, they warranted the moniker of 'remake'", which is just some PR bs to charge $70 for DeS without 'lying' to customers. Now, that's not to take a jab at their quality- they made a fantastic job for both of them, but they're still, by definition, remasters and not remakes.
@CC42_ 2 жыл бұрын
Remaster or Remake- it doesn't matter at the end of the day then because Demons Souls looked far more impressive graphically then this does. It looks "next gen" whereas this doesn't even look better than LoU2, which is bizarre considering LoU2 came out 3 years ago on a ps4/pro. Now we're on vastly superior hardware. This should be easily succeeding Part 2 in terms of "next gen ness". If you look at the assets and compare it with part 2 the quality is on par. Look at Demons Souls textures and tesselation and lighting. That's a step above this. Naughty Dog of all devs should be able to blow us away making a game "from thr ground up for ps5". That'd why $70 I'd rediculous for the people who've already bought Last of Us (twice before). Sony has been nickel and dining us this entire generation.
@NaitorYT 2 жыл бұрын
@@CC42_ that's not even true though. Look at the comparisons my dude. If it's about the leaked gameplay and scenes floating around, ND already said they were leaked while they were still implementing assets, which shows. If you really think this doesn't look better than Part 2 or the origibal you really gotta get your eyes checked. Credit where it's due. I don't think it should be $70, but no one's holding you at gunpoint to buy it either. And you clearly haven't played DeS if you think it looks better than Part I. Just look at the characters, or the textures and tesselation you seem to know so much about. You have no idea what you're talking about here.
@NaitorYT 2 жыл бұрын
Besides, this isn't even remotely what I was talking about.
@zachinkins1839 2 жыл бұрын
$70 USD with no factions mode, shakycam camera in some of the cutscenes we've seen, Naughty Dog aren't deserving of trust after the false marketing and lying for Part 2's release. Like the game or not, they lied. Something looks uncanny in this game, not sure whether it's the character models, environment design or what but it doesn't gel with what's been created.
@ryno_8848 2 жыл бұрын
One of the reasons I’m buying part 1 despite the fact that I own the remaster is because of the accessibility options. I’m visually impaired so the accessibility options really help
@seananih7609 2 жыл бұрын
Great video! I feel the exact same way about every point you made honestly. I haven’t bought a game since Elden Ring came out so I’m looking forward to this.
@Jurgen1982Jurgen 2 жыл бұрын
You’re an intelligent person with valid arguments. Not just hate talk like so many people these days (about The last of us). Amen to that
@victorq1046 2 жыл бұрын
Sir very well spoken and I agree with your points. Keep up the great work!
@Yabbadabba54321 Жыл бұрын
The remaster went on sale very shortly after it came out which i think is why there was not the same backlash over price
@doctorsex7255 2 жыл бұрын
I don't think the enhanced AI will really do much, since AI can only be as good as the Level Design. TLoU2 had much better level design in many areas, so the better AI can do more to outsmart you or anything like that. Simpler Level Design will mean it's going to be simpler AI simple due to the AI having less to work with. I also think the argument about Demon Souls is mute, since demon souls was practically an Indie title when it released. It sold 1 million, whereas TLoU1 sold 20 million. It's also difficult to get a Playstation 3, since there was never a remaster unlike TLoU1 on the ps4. I think that TLoU releasing on PC is great! But I still don't think 70 bucks is worth it for any game, when games like stray are releasing at 30 bucks, and are getting more acclaim then God of War on pc.
@alexgotbeans5953 2 жыл бұрын
I don’t remember the gameplay of the original last of us very well but maybe the AI of the original didn’t fully utilize its level design, so the new AI will. Also, Stray is a 6 hour game which you can enjoy just as much by watching it on KZbin so no offense but I think that example is stupid and ridiculous. Even the original last of us is better as a video game than stray, stray is a mindless gameplay experience.
@gabevillarrealedits Жыл бұрын
I had technically never paid full price for The Last of Us. The PS3 version was gifted to me, and I got the remaster for like $20. I played both versions dozens of times, so I did get this version day 1. No regrets, I’ve already played it three times lol
@ip96.7.21 2 жыл бұрын
Absolutely phenomenal video man, agree and echo everything you said. And same here, can't wait to play it
@MichaelOdendaal 2 жыл бұрын
Crushing it with the content man! 🔥🔥 Brilliant.
@fiel81 2 жыл бұрын
I respect you james but this isn't worth 70 bucks I'll stick with the remaster
@LazerzZ 2 жыл бұрын
that's fair
@TeteuhawSC 2 жыл бұрын
I don't think the same amount of work went into this game. They already had the structure, voice acting, maps, sounds etc... that's why I think the price is high for the game.
@leviticus6105 2 жыл бұрын
Remake of the visuals. Not of the controls or combat. Literally the same. Slightly.. slightly improved AI.
@rochetollon6413 2 жыл бұрын
I think the difference between demon souls and tlou part 1 is that demon souls never had an upgrade before whereas tlou part 1 is the 3rd time we see the same game
@jeradforrest9613 2 жыл бұрын
I personally would rather get a sequel to days gone than a new remaster of last of part 1 and I'm saying that because I know that Sony bend wasn't allowed to do that by Sony and was ordered to help naughty dog finish this remaster but that's just my opinion
@reecenotryhs 2 жыл бұрын
FULLY agree with everything you've said here. The game looks to be a brilliant remake and I can't wait to experience TLOU all over again. That being said, I'm not the biggest fan of the pricing. The way I see it, when you purchase a game, you're not just paying for the final product, but the development that went into the game too; it's all the effort that went into making the game, valued at the price they believe those efforts are worth. With the remake, they haven't had to conceptualize the story/levels, hire the actors, so on and so forth. All their efforts have gone into rebuilding the same game in TLOU2's engine and updating the gameplay (better AI, improved control over the character, etc.) so I personally would've preferred a £60-£50 price point. Overall, love the product, don't really like the price. I'll still buy the game from an official source to support the company, but I reckon I'll wait for a sale.
@cowpokemorgan9147 2 жыл бұрын
Wait till they delist the old version and make this the only way to play this story.
@strikingdiscussion5263 2 жыл бұрын
To your point about AI changes, we really don’t know how substantial they will be in the moment-to-moment gameplay. Watch their gameplay breakdown and watch for specificity; what are they going in-depth about and what are they keeping vague. From what I saw they really focused on the visual improvements, whereas the gameplay changes were only referred to in uncertain terms. They said that they were building from part 2’s AI but not that the behavior would be the same. It could literally be .01% better and they technically wouldn’t be lying; however the consumer would undoubtedly be disappointed. Thats why im waiting for actual gameplay and a price drop; I mean for the same price I could buy a brand new title that is completely modern and a new experience, not a story-driven title for which the story has already been experienced.
@Hunkyforlife 2 жыл бұрын
I had a brain stroke reading this
@strikingdiscussion5263 2 жыл бұрын
@@Hunkyforlife the lack of substance in your response speaks to your lack of substance in critical thinking
@Pedro_Le_Chef 2 жыл бұрын
@@Hunkyforlife It shows
@volatilelyle5170 2 жыл бұрын
It's not a remake. It's a remaster with just a massive graphics overhaul. Spiderman Remaster not only redid Peter's character model but they also redid a lot of the assets and even added ray tracing. They didn't change the game code, they didn't change the animations. I'm a massive fan of TLOU and I can tell from the clips it's exactly the same animations with just motion matching for better fluidity. This seems like an asset flip to be honest. They had some of the character models already from Part 2 and I'm sure they will reuse a lot of the assets from Part 2. They had the tech good to go and they had the code of the first game already. I don't understand how people can even argue that this is a remake. A remake would entail some significant changes that you can't experience in the original. I mean you'll be paying $70 for a game that you can play for much cheaper on the PS5 now already. I'm not saying Joel needs to play like Ellie in Part 2. But they could enhance his gameplay and change environments to change the way you play. They could even add or completely change some levels. From what they've shown, it's exactly the same game, same animations but with updated models and textures swapped in. The rest they added what tech they had from Part 2. They didn't create anything specifically for this game. To defend this is insanity. They could've gotten away with this if it was significantly cheaper. This is an obvious cash grab
@d_meekkey 2 жыл бұрын
I think if Sony announces TLOU1 Remake on PC, Almost all the the rage and hate would disappear immediately.
@midnightvoid115 2 жыл бұрын
Hey man good video. I 100% agree with everything you said about The last of us part 1. It bothers me a little bit that the last of us part 2 drama has clouded a lot of people‘s vision about this game as I think that’s the reason why some people are dismissive of this game. It’s good to see that there are people out there who share the same opinion as me on this game and also like part 2 and are looking forward to part 1. I pre-ordered the game just after it went up and I look forward to experiencing it all over again
@Wade978 2 жыл бұрын
Most remakes and remasters of 1 game are usually done once not twice. At the very least,it should be or have an Next gen upgrade for the remastered game
@Aidyba81 2 жыл бұрын
Poor communication from naughty dog always the root cause of the annoyance. Second time scrambling due to a leak. Game control still not clear.
@PixelatedManiac 2 жыл бұрын
Remember when they “remastered” the last of us shortly after it came out? I think some people are just worried this is another cash grab that just looks pretty.
@andrewplaysagame3479 2 жыл бұрын
The differences between Demon’s Souls Remake and TLOU Pt. 1 is that at least with Demon’s Souls there was a generation gap, the fact that the OG AND DS was released earlier in the PS3’s life cycle so therefore the graphical jump is much, much bigger, and the fact that DS was stuck on the PS3 and fairly inaccessible to a large portion of Souls fans who never got to play the original Souls game that started it all. TLOU Remastered is cheap and very accessible to anyone with a PS4 or PS5 right now, this is now the 3rd release do the game. Demon’s Souls remake was only the 2nd release of that title. Plus, many people thought we would never see Demon’s Souls again. Despite both being remakes with a majority of the improvements being graphical, the context regarding these two games releases are pretty different.
@minecraftgravityguy 2 жыл бұрын
People were upset at Demon Souls for it’s price tag too, you just didn’t do enough research. Shadow of the Colossus Remake even got hate for being too soon or unnecessary or being slightly different due to being more graphically advenced and not having to mask it’s visual flaws with effects like the original had to, even though it had a 40$ price tag. The biggest difference is that Demon Souls is mostly inaccessible for most people, few still have a ps3 and even fewer can get their hands on a copy of the game, that is just to play a 720p 30fps (at best) game with the graphical fidelity from 2009. Having a visual Remake of DeS was a welcome thing, even if the price tag was terrible, and there was the factor of sony and multiple corporations claiming and changing the price tag for any next generation game or version to 70$ in general, which already garnered a LOT of criticism and still does, very much deservedly. You keep claiming it’s a “True Remake completely made from the ground up” but there is simply no propf out there of that, only marketing quotes from marketing videos/interviews, that are exactly the same for every Remaster or Remake that gets out there, especially those that don’t have much to show in the matter of changes or improvements. The worse problem is that you keep making the strawman that anyone and everyone that doesn’t like that a remake is already being made for a game that nobody feels it needs or has dated enough to warrant one or just doesn’t want to pay for a 70$ 2013 Ps3 game is just a hater of ND or TLoU2 or Neil Druckman instead of discussing and listening to the arguments being made and perhaps making counter ones. People are not interested or are saying they won’t be buying because from every leak and gameplay reveal or comparison it simply isn’t worth it, there hasn’t been enough or significant improvements to the experience for them to feel like spending 70$ on it, especially because it feels more like a cash-grab opportunity (and was very much explicit by Sony and ND to investors that they wanted to make a project that could generate decent amounts of revenue while not requiring the same level of investment in resources as a brand new game and it’s marketing) intead of a game/remastering/reimagining made from artistic intent. Oh and it lacks the original multiplayer, and doesn’t include the original or remaster as an option, and has no upgrade path available, oh and PC consumers only get access to this version, not the Original one in any way, and no gameplay improvements, oh and no improvements made for the second game even though it has the same engine, oh and Ai seems as smart as it was in the second game (not that impressive to say the least), should we keep going? Btw Demon Souls Remake was changed from the original in gameplay departments, dodging was changed to 360 degrees, healing item economy and use was rebalanced, new weapons and armour and items were added or changed and balancing was done. Which i see nothing comparable in this remake. And the Remaster from 2014 had not only an upgrade path, but it was a necessary quality remaster and port for a new system with improved textures and performance optimizations that could not emulate Ps3 games, simple as that, and only a year from release, not a decade and a generation. And just to top it off why are you comparing it to Halo Infinite and trying to bash it? That game won game of the year in players choice, and has always been available day one on gamepass, at 60$, available in last, current gen and pc, with discounts if you have live gold or gamepass too, unlike a certain game. And Fanboism? In 2022? How old are you?
@TheMasterNathan25 2 жыл бұрын
Can't wait for this love your videos.
@craigb89 2 жыл бұрын
I just hope when they release a remaster of TLOU2 that it’s a free upgrade for those who own the remake and even potentially Factions 2.
@zacharywoodward5167 2 жыл бұрын
James’s videos on the Last of Us are always masterful.
@Hohum1945 2 жыл бұрын
The only thing that annoyed me about the remake is that the dodge mechanic was not put into it. It honestly makes no sense to me, I hate the argument of joel is too old, its bullshit, neil druckmann said it's closer to their original vision - look at the original e3 gameplay and Joel can dodge, look at the prototype footage Joel can dodge. They had to remove it due to hardware limitations so the fact that they have not implemented it into the remake just baffles and annoys me. I love tlou ( its my favourite game ) but the melee in original gets frustrating when you are defenceless, I know there is a counter but the game rarely allows you to do it. Regardless of my opinions to the melee, it looks fucking fantastic and I will be playing day one. People did have backlash against the remaster, they actually brought the price down before release by 10£$
@Hunkyforlife 2 жыл бұрын
But in grounded Joel can dodge tho
@Hohum1945 2 жыл бұрын
@@Hunkyforlife That's simply untrue. I always play on Grounded and I've put over 500hrs in the last of us remaster, not to mention the hours I put into the original. In the retail release of the game I've never seen Joel dodge.
@Ben-pp5tt 2 жыл бұрын
This game was not built from the ground up. They used the existing motion capture, voice overs, story-line, and level design. It’s like tracing a picture on a blank sheet and claiming “you started from scratch.”
@Lightsaglowllc 2 жыл бұрын
Gotta love how TLOU is getting another remake while Bloodbourne is still stuck at 30 fps on console. Sony kinda sucks.
@VishalSingh-de3ff 2 жыл бұрын
i agree with the point that this is in many ways made for those who didnt play the 1st part like myself. therefore i wont mind the price at all.
@NilsFantur 2 жыл бұрын
I don't understand how someone would not want to purchase a game that was entirely mo-capped by a single man. Very impressive and worth 70 dollars for that reason alone in my opinion, I think anyway, personally.
@grubfilms9043 2 жыл бұрын
I agree its more on the remake side than remasters. It may not be a total night and day difference like FF7 and FF7R, but they are still remaking the game at the end of the day. Scott the Woz has a great video taking about remasters vs remakes that I highly recommend
@thirstfen 2 жыл бұрын
Appreciated the video. Ithink we have to start moving past dumb arguments on certain things cuz of the advent of anniminty of KZbin comments and Twitter. There's gonna be roughly 10k amount of "fanboy" or "outrage" comments that are plain dumb and acknowledging them feels unnecessary.
@cainscotts469 2 жыл бұрын
Didn’t Sony get some hate recently for not giving their studios freedom on what to make, so instead of letting days gone get a sequel they put funding into TLOU remake? I could be wrong but I assumed that was some of the reasoning behind the hate
@themancalledben2731 2 жыл бұрын
I think this game will be as awesome as the original and I can't wait to play it...when it goes on sale.
@KartikSingh-nm1ik 2 жыл бұрын
Bro i have one point to make, that last of us and demon souls are ps 3 games with really poor performance and resolution on the original hardware. Last of us remastered solved that issued but demon souls was stuck on ps3 till the remake. This tlou remake is good but it is not only good running last of us.
@thirstfen 2 жыл бұрын
I had been meaning to play TLOU for a long time. Glad I can experience my first time on the ps5
@Ben-pp5tt 2 жыл бұрын
The problem is that while it technically is a remake, there’s no way to tell from the actual game. The only reason we even know it’s a remake is because the developers told us. If they didn’t, we’d always believe it’s just another remaster.
@jcksparrowfan 2 жыл бұрын
It's technically not a PS exclusive, cuz the trailer said a PC version's coming out.
@shoespot1634 2 жыл бұрын
$70 is too high for an unoriginal story and no new actual tweaks to combat like they made in part 2. Graphics and audio are cool but see the refined combat system is something we known they could've done If this was truly rebuilt from the ground up.
@oneyplayes465 2 жыл бұрын
Bro, its the simple truth. Neil Druckman was not on his own when making the original TLOU. He was not the head honcho in the story department. He was part of the core story development team. Meaning there were counterbalances to his views and how he wanted to portray the story. His views and ideals which I believe are not entirely manipulative or toxic, though a bit too preachy, are the main reason part 2 broke the fanbase. It is simple. I could understand where he is coming from. In his eyes he sees that he is doing good, that he is trying to apply his woke agendas to the gameplay core; in hopes of bettering the gaming hemisphere for the younger gen. He is too aggressive in his method and is biased. Had he had people saying no where it was needed, TLOU 2 would have done better. You could see that TLOU and TLOU 2 had many inconsistencies that is how you know part 2 was never planned alongside the original. Character motives and cores were not transitioned well. They even forced a character who was a different race in the original to being a white in part 2. Abby's dad. Things are messy with part 2 but it is not what made me break away from my favorite developer at that time (ND). It was treating us like we were bigots and all types of evil when we would not stand for the bad take on a beloved series. I was even hopeful for the "remake" when it was rumored but *sigh*.... Ok, lets talk about the "remake". The reason many feel as if it is not much of a difference from the remaster, is because the core of the game remains the same. All cutscenes, gameplay scenarios, overall story beats, voice acting, music and world remains so similar. ND keeps throwing around from the ground up. Ok. So what? It looks like the remaster is right underneath that updated build with a bump in visual fidelity. I would be surprised if assets from part 2 were not used. Many are not impressed because ND did such a good job with the remaster. The remaster looked and still looks amazing. The gameplay feels a little outdated but it is Beautiful! The side by side comparisons clearly show you that the remaster is holding its weight. I will never say that there isn't a visual difference between the two though. The "remake" clearly has a more realistic approach (of course) but I will also not say that the "remake" is leaps and bounds over the remaster. Resident Evil 2 remake is leaps and bounds over its original. Also, in TLOU's case, there is a style change because of aims towards realism. I loved the bright and vibrant colors of the remaster and never liked the muddy colors of part 2. The "remake" is using the same color direction of 2. Part 2's visuals also feel a bit more polished over the "remake" to me but that is a non issue. That's a me issue. I heard you mention some things about style. That the reason for it was due to hardware limitations. Again, I don't see that as the case. The visual style of ND has always been apparent. They've always had variation in shape language in their Character designs along with vivid colors. There was a certain charm to the look of TLOU. That style was seen in the character concept sketches in the pre-production materials. They aimed for that look. There were many games aiming for complete realism in their character designs around that gen. ND were always in pursuit of style and overall artistic interpretation of reality. They have amazing concept artist and colorist working with them. I am not sure why Neil Druckman is changing the style. They should have at least kept the colors instead of aiming for the cliché muddy looks of a post apocalypse world. There was a sense of hope and love in the original colors now its just bland and moody. Apart from a few I also think the newer character model faces look too old and generic. I think David looks great, Sam and Bill but wow Marlene looks rough. Ellie is ok but I still prefer Vanilla Ellie. Joel looks the most generic as a main character. There is too much sorrow to his demeanor and the established rough and tough feel is lost. I can go on and on but hey..... All in all, I just want everyone to look at the overall narrative of ND in its current state and be able to point out their faults I don't even care about the price because I wont be buying the "remake".. All hope I have left is in the Factions MP. My bro and I had sent ND a long email about making the TLOU MP an open world survival game like 6 years ago. They seem to be following that mindset. Lets see what they come up with because their MP's are so much fun. Thank you for your views and the well presented video. Take good care man and be safe!
@j.h.4711 2 жыл бұрын
This video made me a lot more excited for the remake
@obaid1999 Жыл бұрын
Theres one point you haven't addressed. For me the main issue with $70 price tag is the removal of multiplayer. Like they ripped out an entire third of the game. It should therefore be $50 max in my opinion.
@Arman-jp6cz 2 жыл бұрын
I totally agree with you and I'm gonna buy it too but they could've set price for 60 dollars instead of 70 dollars, it could be perfect.
@kokroughtoss1257 Жыл бұрын
Short answer: No. Long answer: The first Last Of Us was already ported to the PS4 before this, "remake" if it can be even called that was made. It doesn't matter if the graphics are different or if the a.i. is slightly tweaked, there's no point in buying this. It feels greedy, desperate, and very corporate. If you like it, fine. But as for me, there's nothing here that we haven't already seen before. It's not worth the purchase if you've already played the first one. Nothing to see here.
@carlisle6831 2 жыл бұрын
People actually defending this?? The reason I can justify remakes of Re2, demon souls and even FF7 is because those games were locked to a certain console (ps3 and ps1) and were extremely difficult for people to get their hands on. If it weren’t for the remakes we got for them, they most likely would’ve been lost to time but TLOU has absolutely no need for a remake since it’s not even 10 years old and it already has a remaster. They are removing content (multiplayer) and adding content to make it look like the story of part 2 was always planned since the beginning which it simply was not. Also Sony making this a FULL PRICED game makes is blatantly obvious what there intentions are. You people will be at the throats of a company for nickel and dimming it’s customers until it’s a company that makes something YOU like.
@claudio1730 2 жыл бұрын
true, the original still better 'cause no influece of part 2 too
@chrisj320ac3 2 жыл бұрын
I thought it was until they said that they aren't adding any of the new game mechanics into the game. It's a remake graphically but that's it.
@menanmate2006 2 жыл бұрын
My only concern is the launch state. The gameplay that we've seen so far both official and unofficial looks very buggy and animation transition looks really worrying. I mean in the official gameplay they showed, Ellie's neck stretches during gameplay. It's stuff like that that ruins the immersion and idea of it being a remake
@wickdaline8668 2 жыл бұрын
I remember when the original Gears of War was remade nine years later but it was priced at 40. Oh well.
@coltonwilkie241 Жыл бұрын
$40 and included everything and new content. Even cut content was added back into it.
@TheDreamManifester 2 жыл бұрын
13:46 - What about you with Odyssey? What if someone feels that 'dread' towards Naughty Dog as you do for Ubisoft? Curious...
@LazerzZ 2 жыл бұрын
Naughty Dog and Ubisoft are not even similar. The hatred for Naughty Dog is not founded in the same place as my disdain for Ubisoft. If naughty dog release 13 bad games in a row, start to churn out yearly releases, sell obscene MTX and over priced DLC then sure, but that’s an insane comparison 😂
@vinegar4556 Жыл бұрын
​@@LazerzZDepending on how you look at it, Naughty Dog HAVE released six bad or meh games in a row, over the course of about fifteen years, cough.
@tmoney360 2 жыл бұрын
I've said it before I want this game. I love TLOU and bought it day one on both PS3 and the remaster. I'm not someone mad that this exist. I am someone who refuses to pay $70 for it. To someone who's played the original so many times and still thinks visually it has stood up very well the changes here just aren't a good value. Luckily because I've played it so many times it's much easier to hold off for a sale. $35-$40 new is where it looks more appealing.
@victorsullivan9107 2 жыл бұрын
I've seen a lot of people complain about the remake existing specifically because "it's already been remastered". But my response to that would be: The Last of Us was a cross-gen game. It came out at the tail end of the PS3 era, and the "remaster" came at the very beginning of the PS4. Who cares what they call it, the fact is that the ps4 version was just a "next gen release" for a cross-gen game. It's no different than Cyberpunk 2077, which released a native ps5 version about a year after the original game's release on older consoles.
@Ben-pp5tt 2 жыл бұрын
I care because they deceived the community about what this game is to justify the price point. They advertised improved gameplay mechanics and enhanced exploration. They obviously wanted people to think it was part 1’s story with part 2’s gameplay.
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