Is The Rebbe Alive? - Rabbi Manis Friedman

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Rabbi Yoni Katz

Rabbi Yoni Katz

9 жыл бұрын

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Is The Rebbe Alive?
This video highlight of Rabbi Manis Friedman is an excerpt from "Challenge Day: 8th Grade Oholei Torah" The full audio is available here:
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@elkagruskin4059 4 жыл бұрын
Dearest Rv Manis Friedman, so excited hearing every single one of your lectures and thank you so very much ( our Teacher )!! With each Shiur ( lecture ) you portray , I try to take notes 📝 and sumerize to try to give over ( in your name ) what you’ve taught me . From this lecture I get that we are happy when we are with ♓️aSh-m , in the way of taking an interest in G-d and doing with him what he is interested in ( & then we are with ♓️Im when we are in our bodies and when we are out of our bodies ) & so to make it a soulful world full of G-d’s presence being felt . I was privileged in my life time to meet the Rebbe 5 times at 770 for brachos and $s with the bracha & some great stories how he helped me many times . Then when he drifted out of the body ... he set you to me by the way of a lecture in Monsey N.Y. Where your speach was so powerful that it restored my marriage and caused me to have 8 more children ( in addition to the 4 I had then ). Will meet you again ☝️ day
@esausjudeannephew6317 Жыл бұрын
Perhaps I mistaken.. but he sounds more certain about what the Rebbe is interested vs. what my Grandfather is interested in
@davidapfel380 3 жыл бұрын
His teachings and writings are still with us, from which we can learn and are relevant to us today. The myriad of questions and answers he gave are also with us and can be used in many cases to answer questions we have today. The same can be said for all Torah scholars through the generations whose works we still learn from. From this point of view they are all alive.
@josephness2760 3 жыл бұрын
Rabbi I think it’s a clever answer however why are we only mentioning such a concept now (about a rebbe he gets more enjoyment from being with his Talmudim than being in gan eden) shouldn’t this also apply to other greats in our history? Maybe Avraham Avinu or Moshe Rabenu the same would apply??!
@taniagad3359 3 жыл бұрын
Perhaps because the rebbe is the Tzadick of our generation. Every generation has its Moshe Rebbeinu, therefore the Rebbe is naturally closer to those of his generation.
@josephness2760 3 жыл бұрын
@@taniagad3359 This may be true but at what point does a generation begin and end? Will the rebbe still be the tzadik of our generation 100 years from now?
@taniagad3359 3 жыл бұрын
@@josephness2760 good questions. My understanding (although not certain) is the Rebbe continues to be considered the Rebbe of the generation unless and until another Is made Rebbe or until Moshiach comes, whichever happens first. I think the last Rebbe was the 6th or 7th and is believed to be the final before Moshiach. We are in the period considered to be the erev Shabbos for the arrival of Moshiach. Moshiach has to arrive by 6000 per the Torah, and we are already in 5781. So technically the Rebbe can still be the Rebbe for another 219 years... But Moshiach will be here much sooner, iyh.
@yossi1818 3 жыл бұрын
Maybe because nobody spoke about mashiach as much as the Rabbe - that was his main event of this world.
@moshedovberedelsohn406 2 жыл бұрын
Don’t see why not. I saw written (printed) by the Rebbe (Sefer haSchlichus p. 274), that a (guess a pretty devoted ;) schliach can see ALL the Rebbes while AWAKE..!
@user-hi3fi2xs6g 7 жыл бұрын
The Rebbe said that the Moshe is more alive then other tzadikim he said begashmius through the nosi (rebbe)
@elkagruskin4059 4 жыл бұрын
The Torah tells us that Moshe Rabanue was ( is) the humblest of all men and the greatest of all prophets ( he focused on the spiritual & G-dly the most and gave all credit to G-d ) . The Rebbe used to say that to take care of others physical wellbeing and material well being is being spiritual & doing G-d’s will and focus on our own spiritual connection with HaSh-m (& teach through example & help ). When I lived in Morristown N.J. & my tot was 21 months ( & very perceptive & articulate ) & my baby was two weeks old , their father drove us to Crown Heights 770 to get a bracha from the Rebbe . On the ride over , I mentioned that I would like the get ice cream 🍨 at the shop a couple blocks down from 770 . “We’ll see” came the reply. I responded: “I’ll meet you there.” While standing in line getting a bracha from The Rebbe , The Rebbe handed me $2 & said “ this is for you” . I went w my tot to the ice cream shop & we waited for her father & baby brother while deciding on our selection. When they arrived about 10 min later , the Abba exclaimed “ 99 cents for a cone ? We can get a half gallon on sale for $2 ... I’ll meet you at the car “ (& he went out the door , holding Herschel ). My tot looked at me with hopeful eyes & said “ Emah , I heard the Rebbe say that these $ are for you ... do you think he wants us to get ice cream here”? By the way, if you are wondering about my tot’s articulation , at 18 months she was able to read “Shabbas treats that grew “ ( a book for a six year old ) by memory after hearing it one time (& my mother was witness to this ). The Torah Anthology says that if we help to occupy our child’s brain with only Torah information, the information will be easy for them to remember ...& that’s what I did .Back to the story ... I said to my tot “yes I think the Rebbe knows what we need & wants us to have this ice cream “ She looked excited 😊 and picked her flavor and I picked mine . 2 cents change , and I said a prayer that people should have 🍨 🍨 when they need it and all their needs fulfilled . My tot said Amen ! & we each put a penny in the pushka ( tzadaka = charity) box . We sat down & made a bracha and ate slowly & made an afterbracha . This is a good place to write it : Before bracha for food is “ Blessed are you HaSh-m Our G-d King of the Universe by whose word all things came to be “ The afterbracha for the food is “Blessed are You HaSh-m Our G-d , King of the Universe , who creates numerous living beings and their needs , for all the things you have created with which to sustain the soul of every living being , blessed is He who is the life of all of the worlds “ & others answere Amen after someone makes a bracha . Back to the story : so , mytot&i walked back to the car . They were fine . he said : “ you used those holy Rebbe $ for ice cream ?!! “ The Rebbe told us to !! “ he looked at me in disbelief. / years later, after naming my 3rd child after the Rebbetzin & my 4th child after the frelicha Rebbe , our Creator took the Rebbe’s prophetic soul to be with Him in paradise & still with each of us who will bind ourselves to him . Some months after his “passing from here to there” & yet being w us still , there was a speech being held in crown heights in honor of the Rebbe . My husband’s friend’s wife comes to the door with her 12 yr old & a baby sitter for me & instructs me to get out of my housecoat & get dressed quickly so we can go to this event & be there on time . I rush upstairs & take down a skirt that I tossed up on the shelf a month prior . Quick get ready & out the door & on the road ... we get there in an hr , the place was jam packed , & even though we were going to hear a speech & have a meal , there wasn’t much room to stand . After 5 min. She says she wants to go cause it’s too crowded & she gives me the ultimatum of going back to Monsey w her or catching a ride back w someone. I didn’t know why but I decided I’ll go with her . After we get on the road , she’s driving in circles around all the nearby blocks , saying she’s hungry but she can’t figure out why all these kosure restaurants are closed so early . Then she said “ it must be in honor of the Rebbe’s memorial “ ... Suddenly , she sees that same 🍨 shop with an “open” sign & says “wow , it’s open !! I’m going to wait in the car & you want to go with my daughter & she’ll get us something ? “ Entering the 🍨 shop , it was so empty and 🤫 , you could “hear a pin drop” ! I slid my 🤚🏻 🤚🏻 in my skirt pocket and discovered $2 in my left pocket . Where did this come from ? I didn’t carry $ on me ever ( I thought ) . Oh yeah ... there was a month previous that I shopped w my son after receiving money in the mail from his Alta Bubby for a birthday (& there was $2 change ). The likelihood of $ on me was maybe once a year . But standing right there , I felt the Rebbe’s presence so strongly and reminiscing from 5 years prior all that transpired. I broke out of my trance when the daughter , 😀ing at me said “well ...are you going to order ?” “Yes!” I said (feeling awe struck)! I glanced at the price board . A scoop was now $1.39 & I bought a scoop of my favorite (pistachio) ice cream ... & I put the remaining change in the pushka with a prayer that people realize that the Rebbe is with us more than ever & intervening for us on high to have our needs met ... & that he cared (& continues to care)! deeply for each of us . Be attached to Him !! We don’t have merit on our own. But when we learn & do w the Rebbe in mind He is with us and helps on high to get prayers answered small or big ... & guidance !Thank you Rebbe ‼️ I’m looking forward to seeing You with the resurrection & Redemption that You will help to bring and further help all mankind in a wonderful world with no jealousies or hatred , but only ❤️ And ✌️ and HaSh-m ‼️Vatimloch ( And You ♓️aSh-m Shall Rule ) ‼️ Hear Oh Israel 🇮🇱 ♓️aSh-m is Our G-d ♓️aSh-m is One ‼️ 🎉 We Want Moshiach Now ‼️ 🕊 ❤️ 🤗 🍨 💝 🎀 🎊. !!
@sklug06 9 жыл бұрын
Rabbi, how do we know, for sure, that the Rebbe's greatest interest is still the mivtzoim and kiruv?
@mannygindi5989 7 жыл бұрын
Asher Klug . Listen again to the video. The rabbi said that the rebbe still has interest in everything that happens in this world, that includes mivtzoim & kiruv etc..
@elkagruskin4059 4 жыл бұрын
The Rebbe always said “ The main thing is the deed “
@user-of1kq6qt1j 4 жыл бұрын
How does he know that he isn't enjoying שמים? Just really silly.
@user-of1kq6qt1j 4 жыл бұрын
@Roger Johnson most unfortunately within the last few decades Chabad has changed in a negative way. That goes without saying that Chabad is still a Chassiduth that has an amazing history and should be respected for what they have done and still do for the good.
@user-of1kq6qt1j 4 жыл бұрын
@Roger Johnson Also, I think he said that the Rebbe finds no joy with the angels being in שמים etc.
@galslovveme 3 жыл бұрын
Why does it take 4:30 to answer a simple yes or no question? No.
@NACHALCHAIM 2 жыл бұрын
Two issues. 1. Why is he chewing something (tobacco, gum) while talking with kids? 2. Why is he beating around the bush? the kid is obviously asking: Are you one of the Meshugoyim who don't believe the Rebbe is physically dead.
@sholoy480 Жыл бұрын
See dvar malchus parshas bo Nun beis. Very important sicha. The tachlis is neshama bguf.
@judgedayan9934 Жыл бұрын
Friedman beats around the bush until 3:40, then he answers the original question, "sure, he is physically dead." That was the question and the only question. His answer explaining how the rebbe is different from your grandfather is really narishkite. Because how the rebbe feels about his chasidim from shomayim has no effect on them since he is not in communication with them since he is indeed physically dead. I never heard that he was brought up in a seance, like King Saul brought up Shmuel Hanavi. By the way, you can bring a proof from the maaseh in Melachim that Rabbi Friedman's explanation is false. Wouldn't you think that Shmuel Hanavi would have been at least as concerned about Klal Yisrael from Shomayim as the rebbe is (according to Friedman), we see that Shmuel Hanavi did not indicate that even though King Saul was actually talking with his neshama. All Shmuel Hanavi said was that King Saul angered him by bringing up his soul, nothing about his love and concern for Klal Yisrael.
@dogcow666 7 жыл бұрын
clever answer 😉
@elkagruskin4059 4 жыл бұрын
Clever = smart=intelligent=Torah=G-dliness=🎉Rabbi Manis Friedman‼️ & Thank You so much Rabbi Manis Friedman for sharing your G-dly wisdom with all of ♓️aSh-m’s Creations in hope and prayer that we will all merit to exist for a life For living ; a life of Unity with a REAL & LASTING Relationship with ♓️aSh-m & The Rebbe , all of Our Family Members and All People😃😁
@user-of1kq6qt1j 4 жыл бұрын
@@elkagruskin4059 Just say are making a fool out of yourself...really.
@BetGimel 8 ай бұрын
יחי אדונינו
@3yoldbride 4 жыл бұрын
His inability to give an answer can't be covered with "learned" discourse intonation. Body language also speaks in favor of that.
@arimalowitzky 5 жыл бұрын
this answer is so ridiculous,he cant answer the question in a straight forward manner and say the Rebbe died.
@elkagruskin4059 4 жыл бұрын
Our Jewish Prophets teach us that the G-dly soul which ♓️aSh-m places in our bodies is limted when confined to our animal-soul body ! ; so in the body ♓️ASh-m designated that our soul sees through our eyes , hears through the ears , knows with the mind and feels with the heart ... but when it’s out of the body the soul doesn’t have these limitations; it sees hears knows and feels without the limitations of the body but since it is a spiritual entity , it can only survive in the next world for as much as we nourish it here . It takes a life time of learning applying and teaching for each individual to reach its greatest potential. Moses was 80 years old when ♓️aSh-m appeared to him ... we can climb to great heights if we ask for the Rebbe’s assistance because the Rebbe invested in His G-dly soul all of his life & the constant concern for all of humanity ... so that when we attach ourselves to Him by reading about his life and reading his written books and correspondence with people who asked questions ( seeking answers-- see how he answered them ) & still answeres is now if you acknowledge him and either speak with Him or write to him ( on blank paper 📝 w/o lines preferably ( some Kabbalah to this ) & try to feel the Rebbe’s presence & place the letter in a book ( preferably one of his ) but even anyone .... if you take him seriously 😳, you will see he takes you seriously 😳
@uriel7203 4 жыл бұрын
He did answer straightforwardly. He said in what respect the Rebbe is alive. What was most important to him though was the definition of life/death. He wanted to make sure that we were speaking the same language. For example, there is a term called clinical-death. That type of death is not what you would consider dead. How do we know? Because people come back from that and they walk amongst us on a daily basis. But to the nurses/doctors, the patient is indeed dead. So your definition and their definition don't match. Now in Judaism, death is as he defined it. Maybe watch the video again and try to understand what he said without a bias.
@The_Temple 2 жыл бұрын
in many regards, this Rabbi is spot on ---- for this topic, not at all! he utterly refuses to answer the very simple question, dancing around the issue in an absurd fashion imho yes, the rebbe died - simple as that - he was every single bit as human as anyone else, and like everyone else was absolutely mortal .... and the Rabbi's nonsense is almost laughable
@The_Temple Жыл бұрын
@יחי המלך המשיח he was every bit as much human as everyone else - only difference now relative to living ones, he's dead & buried, gone
@The_Temple Жыл бұрын
@יחי המלך המשיח do tell. He had two pairs of intertwined chromosomes just as much as any other Homo sapiens …. So, how, exactly, was he any more different than any human is to each other?
@The_Temple Жыл бұрын
@יחי המלך המשיח see a psychiatrist my friend, you're in bad shape
@The_Temple Жыл бұрын
@יחי המלך המשיח what facts? All you have is nonsensical gibberish that belongs in the Bronze Age… but,go ahead and enjoy your absurdity
@torahbits3750 Жыл бұрын
Bubba Mieses
@trdr1919 3 жыл бұрын
IOW by the accepted definition, yes, the Rebbe is quite dead.
@trdr1919 Жыл бұрын
@יחי המלך המשיח You can make up whatever nonsense makes you happy just don't expect anyone else to believe it. He's dead. Deal with it.
@trdr1919 Жыл бұрын
@יחי המלך המשיח The Rebbe himself wrote in a tshuva that Moshiach can only come from the LIVING. You're in a cult. I had yechidus with the Rebbe 3 times and respect much about him but he's dead. The sooner you and your fellow mashichusts and Elohists accept it the better.
@trdr1919 Жыл бұрын
@יחי המלך המשיח He wrote it in response to a letter asking him if Kung David could be Moshiach and it's published in one of his seforim. But there's no amount of evidence that could ever convince you because you're delusional like all cult members.
@trdr1919 Жыл бұрын
@יחי המלך המשיח He didn't fulfill ANY of the requirements let alone all of them.
@trdr1919 Жыл бұрын
@יחי המלך המשיח You're not following. The Rebbe was asked if David could come back as mshiach and he said NO because Moshiach must be someone who hadn't died. If you're claiming the Rebbe didn't die the u should ask who's buried at the ohel and where he's been hiding them check yourself into nearest mental health hospital.
@shneurbleich 2 ай бұрын
anti kofer
@MyPositivethinking Жыл бұрын
The body is no longer alive. The Neshomo lives in a higher world. The Messianic madness of pretending he is still here in the commonly accepted understanding is heresy
@MyPositivethinking Жыл бұрын
@יחי המלך המשיח I am more than happy to sit down with you and go through those Sichos Kodesh and anything else you would like to relearn. Only G-d know who Moshiach will be and when he will be revealed. Speculation is not fact.
@MyPositivethinking Жыл бұрын
@יחי המלך המשיח I have learned that Gemoroh many times. I can learn with you. Again no human knows who is Moshiach Vadai
@MyPositivethinking Жыл бұрын
Only the Creator
@MyPositivethinking Жыл бұрын
@יחי המלך המשיח Until the individual fulfils all the requirements which the Rambam enumerates, no one can say that individual is Moshiach.
@MyPositivethinking Жыл бұрын
No one has achieved that as yet.
@davidschalit907 5 ай бұрын
A tzadik is the same as G-D?! Apikores! - Heretic Also, he knows that everybody's grandfather is certainly not as great as his precious 'Rebbe'. Such an intellectual coward.
@georgemargaritis2392 3 жыл бұрын
Such a nonsense I'm not a Jewish but even I know that the important thing is the message and not the messenger You are turning the messenger into something that he isn't..
@georgemargaritis2392 Жыл бұрын
@יחי המלך המשיח I'll have an opinion regardless
@allannadler3373 3 жыл бұрын
This is even more stupid than the Monty Python dead parrot skit (but that was meant as comedy, not theology). Friedman is of course, just making this rubbish up, even though you cannot make this crap up. Clearly he is not a climber....I cannot believe he is feeding this idiocy to grade 8 kids. It is a form of child abuse.
@trdr1919 3 жыл бұрын
Hilarious nonsense.
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