Is Thor Love and Thunder the BEST or WORST Thor movie? SPOILER DISCUSSION - The Big Thing

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Kristian Harloff

Kristian Harloff

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@stephenlaitinen4604 2 жыл бұрын
I definitely agree with the balance in Ragnarok being near perfect. The humor is smart and funny. The action and seriousness is placed perfectly. This movie takes it to the extreme. My feelings on this is like Kristian’s on Guardians. The humor just did not land with me in this one. It sucks because I can see the more balanced, serious, heavy themes trying to shine through.
@wesknudsen519 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed. It was like they tried too hard to be funny and it just wasn't. And when it came time to be serious they ruined it. There also a lack of emotions. For example when Jane died I didn't feel any sadness or connection like there should've been. Everything seemed to be a joke.
@ReluctantSpirit 2 жыл бұрын
Still rag was joke heavy and flippant
@stephenlaitinen4604 2 жыл бұрын
@@ReluctantSpirit for sure. Just felt more balanced to me and more likely, the jokes landed for me so it was more enjoyable.
@emanuelramirez9132 Жыл бұрын
I totally agree with Kristian about the balance, Love and Thunder doesn't have enough serious moments where Thor isn't being funny. He's funny when he find Sif, when he talks to the kids, and with Zeus. He's only serious with Jane towards the end but it's such a short scene that it feels too little too late. I can't really explain why Ragnarok is better because it has the same issues, but it felt more serious to me than this.
@jayfrancelf 2 жыл бұрын
One thing that I noticed with the humor in Love and Thunder that’s different from Ragnarok is that this movie does a lot of physical humor here. The goats running into stuff, Thor doing the splits on 2 space vehicles, the weapons are floating around being funny, Zeus flailing his skirt around, the dumpling God, the kids using funny Thor powered weapons, etc. Ragnarok had a little of that but not to this extent. Most of the Ragnarok humor comes from dialogue. Ragnarok also had an underlying level of drama throughout. This is damn near slapstick comedy with barely any dramatic undertones. In Ragnarok there’s funny stuff but the underlying character stuff bleeds through and weaves with the comedy. For example, the most slapsticky moment in Ragnarok is probably when Thor and Loki do the “get help” bit. It’s absurd and it’s funny. However, even that little bit gives you a little character insight into both of them. It gives you a glimpse into their past, their current relationship and that underneath it all, they’re still brothers. This movie doesn’t have stuff like that. It’s damn near ALLLLLLL jokes.
@brianng8350 2 жыл бұрын
But what about the moment with Valkyrie drunk and falling off her ship when she is first introduced? You can say there is still character written underneath, but it is very Taika comdey bit?
@jayfrancelf 2 жыл бұрын
@@brianng8350 you already pointed out the difference. That comedy had character depth infused with it. She’s not just falling off because it’s a funny bit. She’s falling because part of her arc is that she’s fallen so far from what she used to be. And that not only plays into her story, but Hela’s as well.
@ryancraig6675 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like the biggest problem with the film was that we didn't see Gorr wreak havoc to the same extend as Hela in Ragnarok. I think cutting scenes with Gorr torturing and killing Grandmaster and Eitri would've made the stakes more palpable and people be more forgiving about the humor in this film.
@JustinLatham 2 жыл бұрын
Very well put my guy! For me, again, for ME (not saying this is how everyone does or should look at it) physical comedy has its limits, you can only do it so many times until I go, “ok I’m about done with this”.
@JustinLatham 2 жыл бұрын
@@ryancraig6675 the absence of him killing gods kinda annoyed me, I was hoping to see some of that in the first act or so. He’s the fucking God Butcher and we saw him kill one god in the whole movie.
@chadjoyce9147 2 жыл бұрын
Congrats on getting over 50k subs brother, that's awesome and is fully deserved!
@Sapphire_Heart69 2 жыл бұрын
I LOVED Ragnoke and had really high expectations for Love and Thunder. But, after it was over I turned to my brother and said it was too much comedy. I wanted a good balance between seriousness and comedy like Ragnoke. I wish we could have seen more of Gorr destroying the God's to really understand the seriousness of stopping him. I still really enjoyed Christian Bale but wanted more. Natalie Portman was great and the chemistry with Chris Hemsworth is what I needed and wished for from the first 2 Thor's. Loved the goats though! I might change my mind after a 2nd viewing but for right now it's 7/10 for me.
@thedefinitionisthis 2 жыл бұрын
Glad you guys kinda covered the topic of directors having freedom… It's a tough thing, because Marvel has been criticized for not letting their directors be true to their own sensibilities, and being forced to adhere to the "Marvel" formula.... However with stuff like "Eternals", "Multiverse of Madness", and now "Love & Thunder", where Chloe Zhao, Sam Raimi and Taika Waititi were all legit given free rein to adjust to their respective styles, depending on how you look at it, they have come up with mixed results, as the final products to some, have felt somewhat half-baked; while others are balking against these stylistic choices, period. There has to be some balance. Harloff, you did ask “why fix what’s broken?”, Cody was on point by saying “It might get stale.” And if we’re being honest, that’s always been the risk and criticism of the MCU: that their formula would become stale. For all the criticisms of Phase 4, I do have to acknowledge that This era of the MCU has probably been the most experimental, and there’s merit to that. The problem though is that this new exercise in creativity has to refine the individual storytelling, so these movies/shows stand strong on their own.
@chevster23 2 жыл бұрын
You still have to guide the movie and keep it on track. Letting the runtime balloon up to 4+ hrs and paying several big actors millions of dollars for cameos that just get cut is a waste of everyone’s time and money
@thedefinitionisthis 2 жыл бұрын
@@chevster23 I don't disagree. There definitely has to be middle ground for sure. It's just that after ten years, and the fact that that particular criticism has been a rampart, it's also not surprising that they would just let directors go all out. But to your point about guiding the movie and keeping it on track: there has to be balance. Collaboration in the truest sense. It kinda makes me wonder if "Ant-Man" were to be made *today* , would Edgar Wright had been allowed to make his movie?
@jermainehaslam5634 2 жыл бұрын
I don't think the MCU will ever be the same without the original avengers and great discussion Kristian!
@Kromatt 2 жыл бұрын
I think people are just burnt out with Marvel, and most of the original cast isn't there.
@jmaice83616 2 жыл бұрын
Hands down my favorite part of this episode was when Kristian, right at the end quoted my favorite basketball player of all-time Kevin Garnett. "ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!!!" I love it! LETS GO!!!
@TheKristianHarloff 2 жыл бұрын
Haha thanks!
@GalaxyGeeks 2 жыл бұрын
love the video and im going to go more in depth on our galaxy cast tonight, but i think alot of the difference between between phase 1 and phase 4 is, the types of stories we are getting. I compare what the audience want in stories to the real world. I compare for these characters endgame to being like for us 911. After 911 you saw everyone who died as a tragedy, but we really pushed and supported the heroes of the fireman and policeman and ambulances men and woman so we were really looking at these men and woman as larger then life people in a way. For marvel you see phase 1 as the larger then life heroes starting to be created and you see their journeys up until end game. Now for phase 4 instead of just creating new larger then life heroes to look up to we have basically had alot of our heroes being controlled by there trauma. Audiences are being reminded of their own traumas through these stories and the stories are no longer being escapes. The two exceptions to this is spiderman and shang-chi which are shot and directed like earlier marvel films.
@mikescott9012 2 жыл бұрын
I want to first say that I started reading thor back in 1967 he has always been one of my favorite characters, so it's fair to say I have a certain lock on his personality, character but I have to admit I like the goofy aspects. My wife who likes some marvel movies but is a harsh critic loved this thor and movie. She even loved the goats. They never got old. All of the thor movies I have never seen more than once at the theaters I have my tickets for a second showing it was a fun time at the movies. This would be ranked for me around number 10 or 12
@TheKristianHarloff 2 жыл бұрын
@Sergesauce 2 жыл бұрын
I’m definitely on Winston’s camp but I’m having a hard time choosing if I like this better than Ragnarok or not. It’s like my brain is saying Ragnarok is better but my heart is saying otherwise lol. This maybe my favorite video you three have done together thus far! Great job guys!
@KingPhilip_ULP 2 жыл бұрын
As a counter to Kristian's point about the opening scene, the god that ridicules Gorr's devotion, actually takes a sinister turn in tone once he's fed up with Gorr. Which I think kinda works.
@TheKristianHarloff 2 жыл бұрын
I don't disagree with that
@seancampbell1383 2 жыл бұрын
Loving the chemistry, dudes! Feels like old Schmoes!
@HBoyzFan 2 жыл бұрын
Given how Ragnorok was, I was expecting a lot of the comedy. I am more in the Winston camp, as I knew what I was getting into, but I also see Coy and Kristian point. I also watched this movie after weeks of dealing with post partum depression, so the comedy is what I needed. I may feel differently about this movie watching at a different time
@TheKristianHarloff 2 жыл бұрын
Glad you enjoyed the film Delisha!
@vanquish5023 2 жыл бұрын
I think more than the humor alone, it is the inconsistency with the character of Thor. The character was getting a bit stale after Thor 1 & 2, Avengers, and Ultron. Ragnarock shook it up but it still had a lot of seriousness. Infinite War nailed Thor. Serious, driven, yet still had unintentional, fish out of water humor. This is the best Thor has been. End Game took him too much into a goofy route and then Love and Thunder took him way beyond that. The character of Thor needs to be more consistent because it's hard to see his growth or change as a character if he's a different person in every film.
@thetrib1 2 жыл бұрын
having these: "I think more than the humor alone, it is the inconsistency with the character of Thor.", and "The character of Thor needs to be more consistent because it's hard to see his growth or change as a character if he's a different person in every film." and then having this: "The character was getting a bit stale after Thor 1 & 2, Avengers, and Ultron." seems like consistency is the wrong word. I'd say the stale thor was consistent. and Ragnarok till now Thor has also been consistent. growth has happened in both versions of thor. So I don't really understand your point? they've been consistent with him even though there obviously was a pivot for the character. so consistency is not the issue.
@vanquish5023 2 жыл бұрын
@@thetrib1 Thor in Infinity War is not the same character has Love and Thunder. He's a completely different person. Perhaps my wording could have been better. A person doesn't change from being a serious person to a goof ball. That isn't character growth. For a serious person, loosening up and learning to live some is growth. For a goof ball, learning to take accountability and be responsible is character growth. When a character changes so drastically it is harder to be invested in their story.
@mikeconstanza 2 жыл бұрын
@@vanquish5023 You're being told a story. It isn't the person that changed, it's the perspective of the storyteller and how he chooses to tell it. In the film, that's Korg. Everything is filtered through Korg's perspective as he's telling the story. The core characteristics of Thor are all there, it's just that this particular story chooses to emphasize certain ones over others.
@richardsong7732 2 жыл бұрын
Hmm I agree with alot of what you said. I think the Coy mentioned it during the review also, but I think this Thor was still meant to still feel broken and lost, post Endgame. And being the charming and all-together Thor in Infinity War was no more. I think THIS movie was supposed to, or should have explored more, Thor juggling that struggle of being broken but wanting to go back to glory days of pre-Endgame. But I think why the character of Thor seems stale and lackluster with this movie is because I think they massively dropped the ball on expressing that. We should've gotten a more complex and layered Thor which shows him either struggle with his brokenness more or overcome it, kind of the arc and the payoff that we got with Spiderman. I think his way of moving on from it and growing as a character is probably going to be him taking on a dad role BUT the fact that I HAVE TO piece this together shows me how messy the directing was and poorly Thor's growth was delivered. It just seemed like a lesser rehash of Ragnorak. Seen it, done that kind of mentality for me. BTW...After watching this, I completely understand why Joker 2 wants to go a completely different route by making it a musical now. It might be bonkers but trying to redo what they did with the first movie would make the 2nd one, "stale".
@thetrib1 2 жыл бұрын
@@vanquish5023 hm...missed the point. here's a couple of questions that should help my point: Is Thor consistent in Thor 1 & 2, Avengers, and Ultron? if the answer is yes....then how did it get stale?
@JJHewable 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like I agree 100% with you Kristian. On point, which makes sense cause you are actually a comedian that understands these things.
@kylevesa2810 2 жыл бұрын
I still prefer Ragnarok over Love and Thunder. I loved the start of Gorr's story and Jane's but felt they sped through their transition to The God Butcher and Mighty Thor, a bit more time on them at the start I feel would have helped how I feel about their emotional moments. They just had a lot going on for a short run time which is why some characters just have small moments and not much else to do. The Shadow powers were pretty sick to see and they did a good job on how Eternity looks.
@bboiblack1948 2 жыл бұрын
also, never seen so many critics use the term 'for me' when since phase4. Back when they were all bashing other things it was just facts or the term 'you'. Now it's all about not stomping on others.
@TheKristianHarloff 2 жыл бұрын
Huh? What? Who?
@munchkin275s 2 жыл бұрын
I agreed with a lot of points here. I think Ragnarok balanced the comedy and drama almost perfectly. And maybe knowing this is mostly comedy I'll like it better in a rewatch. But I feel like I never felt tense in the moments I should have because they went heavy-handed on the comedy. My other complaint was I thought Jane would be the star of this movie with Thor transitioning out, and instead she got to be his sidekick while he cracked jokes every other minute. Her arc as Thor is one of my favorites in the comics, so I felt shortchanged with what I got. We also didn't get enough of Valkyrie, who stole the show in Ragnarok. If they had to go heavy on the comedy, I would have loved a buddy comedy with Valkyrie and Lady Thor. Having said that, to end on a positive - as Coy likes to do - I loved the drastic difference between Jane as Thor vs Jane as cancer patient. Both her physical posture and the makeup showed such a stark difference between those two modes. I also loved the scenes where everything was black & white *except* the lightning from the weapons. There's definitely stuff that works in this film, I just needed the tone to be more balanced.
@zakiahgarcia4236 2 жыл бұрын
Definitely felt the same as Coy about Ragnarok. Each rewatch I’ve done since that movie came out though I’ve grown to love it more. But it felt like a pretty jarring blend of comedy/drama on my first watch. There’s also a lot of build up at that moment heading towards the climax of Avengers: Infinity War and that’s where I felt like the drama really came from in that film. Love and Thunder feels like a beautiful new beginning and even though there was definitely a heavier reliance on humor. I thought it was a perfect follow up to where we last saw the character last (Fat Thor) and what happened to him once the good times with Guardians faded. He could shed the weight but not the loneliness he was left with after Endgame. Love and Thunder was just the movie for me man, a few jokes fell flat but for whatever reason it sat so much better first watch than Ragnarok did originally. Thor’s character definitely isn’t as serious as he used to be but I feel like it’s a great reflection of where he was at post Endgame. And now hopefully heading down a more mature path since becoming a father. Great conversation guys, can’t wait for the next MCU entry to talk about. Love these movies.
@TheKristianHarloff 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@zakiahgarcia4236 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheKristianHarloff Thank you Kristian!! Been watching since I was 12 years old. 10 years this year 🙏🏼
@zakiahgarcia4236 2 жыл бұрын
Got to meet you at the Collider Jedi Council filming at Denny’s back in 2018. What you do has been apart of my life for a long time now and I’m extremely appreciative that I get to continue being apart of this community!
@Mountain_Drew296 2 жыл бұрын
Been waiting for this to drop.
@benokazaki5462 2 жыл бұрын
As a 22 year old and a comic book fan, I disagree that fans turned on the Russo brothers. Their directed movies are easily some of the strongest in the MCU. My problem with Thor is that there’s no overarching story for his character anymore. I love the Captain America trilogy because it was a clear story between Cap and Bucky set inside the MCU. These Thor movies are completely just one off comedies now
@Fuzzybubbles01 2 жыл бұрын
I respectfully disagree with Coy's comparison between Phase 1 and 4. The first Ironman film post credit scene set up the formation of the Avengers in the future. Phase 4 lacks that.
@chevster23 2 жыл бұрын
The whole phase set up everything for the avengers. Iron mans Nick fury cameo. The destroyer coming to earth and coulson helping. Captain America set up the cube and Hulk is just hulk. But the whole thing was moving in a direction of the Mash-Up. Phase 4 is just “CONSUME OUR CONTENT AND YOU WILL LIKE IT!”
@yoshimitsu5537 2 жыл бұрын
Now that this movie is out I finally did my ranking of the MCU. Much to my surprise Thor 1, Ragnarok, and Love and Thunder landed at spots 6,7,8 for me. Which is where changes on a daily basis. Guess I'm a big Thor fan! For me Love and Thunder actually felt more serious/dark than Ragnarok. It seemed like the humor was amped up to help balance that out. It's really just that the stakes were smaller and more personal (death of all gods aside).
@kylemalloy1904 2 жыл бұрын
For most of this movie, it feels as though y’all are arguing if the comedy made this move good or bad. In my opinion, the comedy is not what made this movie bad ( I didn’t enjoy it very much). My problems arise with the writing, the editing, the pacing, and the total disregard for an intriguing plot. For one, thor seems damn near invincible in this movie. We don’t see him struggle at all. He wins all the fights with ease, and not once did I find myself worrying about the outcome, it was almost like I could predict the movie. Secondly, the editing and pacing really drove me crazy. This just feels like a thor tv show, at least to me. Bad guy shows up, oh no, we need to stop bad guy. This then plays into the bad writing from Tika, once again in my opinion. Just felt like predictable beats, and some of the story choices I didn’t get. For example, uhh how do we get thor to find Gorr? We just have him capture some kids! Yah that works sure let’s do it. Almost felt like backwards writing. 3rd, is Gorr himself. People are calling him a top tier villain? I don’t see it what so ever. I like his ideology a lot, it’s deep and can apply to the real world. But it’s wasted. We don’t see him butcher any gods what so ever. His acting was great sure, but what did he really do? Capture some kids and get the McGuffin of the movie? Then gets his ass kicked with ease in the end. The only thing I enjoyed was Jane and Thor’s relationship and Janes arch all together. That’s it. Thor is and has been one of my favorite characters. And I was let down by this movie. Not because of the comedy, I found myself not even caring about the comedy because of how poor the script and editing was. Just my thoughts.
@TheKristianHarloff 2 жыл бұрын
It is a valid point!
@caged7tiger 2 жыл бұрын
I found love and Thunder more of a parody of Ragnarok especially for the first hour. It’s was like the movie took the tone of the “Loki & Thor” play in Ragnarok for that first hour. It’s like the over load of comedic Thor was to portray the annoyance the guardians had with him, always over the top and as the movie went on he was to be more grounded
@TheKristianHarloff 2 жыл бұрын
Parody is a word that has been thrown around a lot for this one.
@gallowayow8672 2 жыл бұрын
My main issues with this film is that it is barely a follow up to infinity war and endgame. It was more of a followup to the first thor, which i didnt care about at all. Thor lost his home planet, a ton of asgards during ragnorak also, then another half of asgards during thano's murder of them. Then another half during the blip. He lost loki, ironman, natasha, vision, and basically wanda at this point (although I am not sure when everything is taking place during this film). He had also lost Odin, and his mother. They marketed this as thor trying to find his place in the universe and "my super heroing days are over" and thor immediately threw that whole idea out of the window in the beginning of the first half with the guardians of galaxy (which were also not used at all). Thor was last seen as being fat thor then helping saving the day and having the serious talk with his mother in the past. I wanted to see the story of him from that point. I didnt want to see thor move back to his jackass days in thor 1 and mostly ignore all the pain he has gone through.
@gallowayow8672 2 жыл бұрын
plus I really wanted to see the Guardians play a big role, I think that comedy for this movie would have worked a lot more than constant gags.
@FrankieJC79 2 жыл бұрын
I rated this 3.4 out of 5 after my 1st Thursday screening. Then went with friends to a Friday IMAX screening and felt better about this movie. Was able to sit back absorb things I missed and enjoy the scenes with the rock music. It's by default the 2nd best Thor movie to me above Thor and Thor Dark World.
@TheKristianHarloff 2 жыл бұрын
I need to rewatch!
@bigtimerush4292 2 жыл бұрын
I basically align with you Kristian. Like the movie a lot but walked out of the theatre thinking they missed the magic/balance of Thor humor from Avengers 3&4 and Ragnorak. I hope in future movies he is a good dad and not a slapstick dad like Phil Dumphey from Modern family (even tho I love that show too ha)
@TheKristianHarloff 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah balance was off for me for sure.
@mathewgaret7 2 жыл бұрын
Love it Kristian! Keep it up!
@iceman2999 2 жыл бұрын
Great discussion, I always enjoys getting the different views.i dug it the first time but found myself really enjoying it a lot more upon 2nd viewing. I still think some of the comedy went on a bit long and it could have benefited w 20min of serious development (especially valkyrie and gorr ,who were both great) but what do i know lol
@TheKristianHarloff 2 жыл бұрын
I wish I knew!
@deanlewis6109 2 жыл бұрын
I didn't like the movie really but Winston is really getting me with this 'it's a fucking movie it's supposed to be fun and entertaining' mentality. I know I'm super paraphrasing but that's the vibe I'm getting and yes, it was a wild ride which included a lot of comedy and that's absolutely fine too.
@TheKristianHarloff 2 жыл бұрын
Fair enough!
@dublinstickboy 2 жыл бұрын
I think i'm just going to wait till this one arrives on Disney+ it being an all out comedy has cooled my hype to see it in the theatre.
@Locusto199 2 жыл бұрын
53:30 to that point as well, when RDJ just quickly says, “dude, you’re embarrassing me in front of the wizards” is hilarious. Then it’s back to a serious fight.
@TheKristianHarloff 2 жыл бұрын
@keylogg 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much gentlemen!!! Always appreciate your thoughts and perspective!!! My personal Thor ranking would be 3, 4, 1 and 2. Love and Thunder is a little bit too jokey for me but I really enjoyed the rest of what they were doing. Hope you guys have a wonderful week!!! 🙂 👍
@TheDarkKenpachi 2 жыл бұрын
While I was watching the movie I was enjoying it and the comedy didn't bother because it was funny which was its job. However once you start thinking about who thor has been in the mcu the jokes overtake the character that was already built through 7 movies. But if you look at thor just from raganrok on because he's been written differently so it's arguably a different character then it doesn't ruin the character as much. Which a lot of people that are invested in the mcu casually probably don't even remember the first 2 thor movies. To push back on Coy'd point I don't think Phase 4 is like Phase a because those movies were introducing and establishing characters from the ground up where as these movies have to further the characters that we already know while mixing in new characters. They probably should have pushed new characters to Phase 5 and left Phase 4 with the established characters and how they ended up post endgame, part of the reason this Phase feels "directionless" is probably because the new characters aren't blending with the established like they used to. For example guardians weren't connected to anything post avengers 1 but they showed Thanos and at the time we knew that was where they were going, Ant Man had ties to shield through hank pym, and had falcon at the avengers compound which led into Civil War, Civil War introduced Spider-man and Black panther into the mcu and set up their first solo movies.
@kellyoman2196 2 жыл бұрын
Ragnarok is still my favorite Thor. I agree with Kristian on this movie. Too much comedy ,not enough drama.
@TheKristianHarloff 2 жыл бұрын
@liokimo3686 2 жыл бұрын
I closed this video when that guy said his favorite movie of all time is Rush Hour.
@thebeastandhistemptress 2 жыл бұрын
This felt like the Batman & Robin of the MCU for me it was too goofy cheesy and Thor felt like a goofbag…I thought I was watching spaceballs at one point…I did laugh quite a lot but felt detached from the emotional parts ..I just felt underwhelmed..which is a shame as I love Taika Waititi…so I give this movie a 73% score as the story was good but the tone killed it for me
@NEN1998 2 жыл бұрын
i don't quite agree with the ragnarok balancing the humor and drama elements bc you had thor's entire planet get blown up and then right after a joke and that never felt right with me, the way they used zeus in here is the same way they treated grandmaster in ragnarok but the main reason i liked love and thunder more than ragnarok is because when you had more serious moments like thor's last moments with jane and how he was able to use gorr's human emotions to wish his daughter back and gorr saying she will have no one until Thor promises he will take care of her there was no humor there it was pure heart
@TheKristianHarloff 2 жыл бұрын
We shall see!
@arodrigo24 2 жыл бұрын
The sir thing was literally to set up Jane dying later. It wasn’t just a joke. He literally says you won’t go to Valhalla cuz you have to die in battle then follows it with well maybe your arm is there. It’s not even that deep of a joke it’s just a hey I know u wanna die in battle but u didn’t next homie
@AndyBNerdy 2 жыл бұрын
You could tell Chris Pratt wasn't in normal Guardians shape so I knew he wasn't going to be in it very much.
@aang830 2 жыл бұрын
I think Chris Hemsworth has the same power as Ryan Reynolds (with Deadpool). He’s gonna do the movie he wants to do. He loves comedy and he’s gonna determine what direction the character goes in. I don’t think marvel will fight him and recast him at this stage in the MCU.
@TheKristianHarloff 2 жыл бұрын
@jaime1200 2 жыл бұрын
The movie was fun and exciting. I love it. I accept Thor for humor. Plenty of Marvel characters that are dark, mad, and serious. Let's have fun. 1 thing I wish was a Easter egg or a clue of what connects everything. Needed an end credit scene for the big bad.
@davidv1640 2 жыл бұрын
Personally I loved it kept me smiling from beginning to end deffinatley gonna own it physical
@TheKristianHarloff 2 жыл бұрын
@philrm99 2 жыл бұрын
Didn't mind all the humor in Love and Thunder. All the comedic moments got a huge pop from the crowd at the theater I watched it at.
@TheKristianHarloff 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah seems like some theaters got it and some didn't dig at all.
@thealjohnsonshow2188 2 жыл бұрын
I personally enjoyed Love and Thunder myself. Yes, Ragnarok is better, but this movie is infinitely better than Dark World. My biggest problems with the movie is that it was too humorous for its own good, it was madly short (under 2 hours), not enough time explaining things that desperately needed explaining and not enough Christian Bale as Gorr. But, other than that, I THORoughly enjoyed the hell out of it. I'd definitely watch it again. 7.5/10 #GoSupportLoveAndThunder
@TheKristianHarloff 2 жыл бұрын
Fair enough!
@stevenguymon3632 2 жыл бұрын
I prefer Thor in the Avenger movies where it’s more serious. I am not a fan of these comedies.
@arodrigo24 2 жыл бұрын
Don’t be mad that the MCU is funny, y’all loved the avengers, and that’s the tone that set up all of this. Hedonism made the funniest marvel movie and then they hired James Gunn. And guardians crushed. And then they hired Taika. And ragnarok crushed. Y’all asked for this.
@phattony2000 2 жыл бұрын
I like the movie more than Kristian but I agree that the balance was off. The flashback segment of the Thor/ Jane ship pre-breakup felt out of place and unnecessary. If this is who Thor is now, he needs a straight man and Korg isn't it.
@micahjohnb1867 2 жыл бұрын
I definitely like Thor Ragnarok more than Love and Thunder because like you said Kristian, there was a better balance between the comedy and drama, but I still really enjoyed the movie and Christian Bale killed it. My list for all the Thor movies are 3,4,1,2.
@SilentJutube 2 жыл бұрын
For starters, I like the movie but I do think it has some problems. The theme of the movie is weak. They break the show don't tell rule. I really wanted to see Gor in some god-killing montage not hear about it from others. The comedy didn't bother me that much though I do agree that the Matt Damon/Hemsworth Brother joke wasn't could be edited out and I wouldn't miss it.
@TheKristianHarloff 2 жыл бұрын
Yup, was there just for the gag
@rlee7389 2 жыл бұрын
The only issue with director freedom is that people enjoy the MCU formula. Or necessarily the directors styles. So more freedom gives more opportunities for people to not like those films.
@rlee7389 2 жыл бұрын
For me the goats were horrible.
@filbert910 2 жыл бұрын
How is that clickbait title even a question? Thor 1 & 2 exist = worst movies. Ragnarok and Love & Thunder = best.
@kennyjames4679 2 жыл бұрын
In short, it sounds like a fun, good movie, but not great. But the reviews I have seen make me think half the people hated it and half the people loved it, I need to see it just to know what side I'm on...
@iam_ad629 2 жыл бұрын
Is there any possibility that maybe the fans of the MCU are spoiled ??? I mean after avengers endgame ppl were already bias as in saying that there’s nothing interesting about marvel anymore. I just disagree phase 4 ain’t been perfect but the future is bright
@wiz3404 2 жыл бұрын
This movie is a better sequel to Ragnarok than to IW/Endgame
@jeffkimball3450 2 жыл бұрын
Loved the movie! Saw it with a buddy and we laughed our asses off 🤘 awesome show Kristian
@laynesmith9250 2 жыл бұрын
I just watched it and I just didn’t like so much of it. The goats were unbearable, the introduction of Zeus and the kingdom(?) was disappointing, and I just didn’t vibe with the tone at all. Bale was amazing and I wish he would have been in a more serious movie. I’m starting to wonder if they really have no direction as well in this phase; I would have swore this movie or MoM would set us on a course.
@scroth0303 2 жыл бұрын
I'm pretty much fully in Kristian's corner here with this movie. The unrelenting buffoonery of pretty much the entire first hour didn't work for me and ultimately soured my ability to appreciate the rest of the movie. I personally found the balance between humor and drama in Ragnarok to be almost pitch perfect; here it was just too much. ...which honestly makes it all the funnier that I'm on a completely different page when it comes to GOTG2. I *loved* that movie, and thought the humor/drama balance in that one was exactly what I was looking for.
@TheKristianHarloff 2 жыл бұрын
@olentie 2 жыл бұрын
I think I can see Winston's point that once he realized the tone of the movie, he enjoyed it. I saw the movie twice, and I laughed more the 2nd time, and I think it's because I knew what the movie was going to be. Aaaand, I'm going a 3rd time because I enjoyed the movie. It's fluff with some depth, and I had a good time. Christian Bale was great, and I think my one nitpick is he wasn't in the movie more. My sister loved the kids, and I did too. BTW, I heard some of the Gorr butchering was cut... did anyone know if that's fact or fiction? I could have used more of that for the character.
@daggy561 2 жыл бұрын
There’s hopefully a director cut coming. You’re correct, there were lots of Gore scenes cut. Which I so hope we see 🙏🏼
@aoe41015 2 жыл бұрын
@@daggy561 there’s definitely never going to be a directors cut of this. Taika said he doesn’t like them.
@jamespatillo1774 2 жыл бұрын
I was on board with the tone as soon as Thor started reciting his speech that Starlord clearly made for him.
@restlessoblivion 2 жыл бұрын
There's supposedly a 4 hour "monty python esque" version of this movie
@leonbell5141 2 жыл бұрын
Didn’t like it 🤷🏾‍♂️
@EleventhCubFan 2 жыл бұрын
I liked it. It’s nowhere near as bad as Thor 2 and I liked it more than Thor 1. For me, this is definitely the most disappointing MCU movie. Ragnarok is in my top 10 MCU movies and I’ve loved every one of Taika’s movies so far. I was expecting so much more from this movie.
@Daniel_2626 2 жыл бұрын
Totally agree friend, i’ve never been more disappointed with an MCU entry before as I was with this one. The expectancy I had was to match or better the level of Ragnarok given it was the same creative team behind it, but it fell way short of the bar.
@efcdk92 2 жыл бұрын
It's far worse than Thor 1 and 2.
@TheVarietyGuy 2 жыл бұрын
Pretty much completely agree with Kristen.
@realkylekatarn 2 жыл бұрын
I love Thor: Love and Thunder more than Ragnorak because how it brought back characters from the first two Thor films. I’m among the minority but I loved the first two films and I love the Jane character and her friends Darcy & Selvig and was happy that they showed up “even briefly” in the film. For me, it was a culmination of all the Thor films. I love how this film reminded the audience “through its brilliant montage” of how much Thor has lost in his life like his family and friends & how he needs to be okay with death now and gets the chance to say a proper goodbye this time to a passing person in his life like Jane. 😢 The film isn’t perfect but it worked for me because of this. Thank y’all for the spoiler review! 🙏😊
@jackdennis3511 2 жыл бұрын
Great seeing Darcy. Should have had one more scene with her reacting to Jane becoming “Thor”. No shot of her concern that her friend that’s stage 4 cancer disappeared.
@Daniel_2626 2 жыл бұрын
My ranking is as follows: 1. Thor: Ragnarok - easily the funnest, most fulfilling and rewatchable movie of the series that balances comedy and drama so well. The movie came at a perfect time when the Thor character and Chris Hemsworth himself needed new life injected into him, and boy did we get that. This leads into Infinity War perfectly and continues the arc of Thor into both that movie and Endgame which in my opinion is the most interesting Thor has been, we are able to finally connect with him in a human level given the amount of loss he has had in his life. 2. Thor - the effects are a bit dated now given the MCU has advanced so much, however the tale of Thor having to prove to his father that he is worthy and earth coming to terms with his arrival was really interesting to see and the tone is kept consistent throughout, which is why it ranks above my next entry. Also, seeing Loki beginning his villainous arc was a treat to see. 3. Thor: Love and Thunder - Gorr and Jane are absolute standouts, their arcs make total sense and how they play out are immensely satisfying. However, the emotional beats do not hit me as hard because the movie is so filled with silly and goofy humour that its hard to take it seriously when it wants you to and the tone is so messy that I didn’t know what way to take the movie. 4. Thor: The Dark World - i’ve never hated this movie and it isn’t even my worst MCU movie like may claim it to be. I don’t think the movie does anything particularly great or awful - its just the definition of mediocre. The villain is the the one awful thing about the film for me, apart from that its pretty watchable and Loki was the scene stealer.
@TheKristianHarloff 2 жыл бұрын
I am very close but I might actually put Dark World over this, need to watch again
@Daniel_2626 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheKristianHarloff i actually contemplated that myself to be honest with you! I think Dark World has a more consistent tone.
@DeeFR3E 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheKristianHarloff i never thought they could make a worse MCU movie than Thor the dark world but they did it with this one
@edwardjones282 2 жыл бұрын
Nah, I'll take Thor over Taika's movies any day. They are well made from a technique standpoint but the choices of adaptation make them unwatchable for me. Glad we aren't going to see this Thor for a long time.
@nightfrost1891 2 жыл бұрын
@@DeeFR3E age of ultron and iron man 3 exists
@ZachBobBob 2 жыл бұрын
Strange how people used to complain about the MCU stifling directors visions too much and not letting do what they wanted to do and now it's totally flipped and we get complaints about Doctor Strange being TOO Raimi, Eternals being TOO Zhao and now Thor being TOO Taika. Like you ask why fix what wasn't broken but soooo many people always used to complain that Marvel didn't let its directors be fully creative. Now they are. It's interesting
@imSLO- 2 жыл бұрын
I don’t care what Taika’s vision is…Thor shouldn’t have dialogue like it’s an episode of friends. The tone of the movie is all over the place and he has a responsibility to at least respect the continuity of the franchise
@Ellimof 2 жыл бұрын
Great point with reversing the dialogue with Thor and Lady Sif! Had she brought up the hand joke to add levity to a serious scene, it completely works and makes the scene better.
@davidgeldner2167 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with Winston that *for most people* the start of the MCU being too director driven and not Feige driven enough was Eternals.
@jmakowsky7715 2 жыл бұрын
My ranking and how I feel on each: 1. Ragnarok (Great) 2. Love and Thunder (Good) 3. Thor 1 (Good) 4. Dark World (Okay)
@leonbell5141 2 жыл бұрын
Thor 1 above love and thunder for me
@jonathanblaze1648 2 жыл бұрын
1. Ragnarok (Okay) 2. LAT (Bad) 3. Thor 1 (haven't seen it) 4. Dark World (haven't seen it) Categories are 1. Great 2. Really Good 3. Good 4. Okay 5. Bad
@coldfire22 2 жыл бұрын
There is no way in hell you can call me a member of the "general audiance". I have... oh geez, thousadns? tens of thousands? of dollars worth of comic books and comic book paraphernalia. Regarding the MCU I've seen each of the movies multiple times. Going into Love and Thunder I rewatched Thor, Avengers, Dark World, Age of Ultron, Ragnarok, IW/EG just because I was so excited going in. And I absolutely LOVED Love and Thunder. I've seen some say that Thor was too OP at the start of the movie, but was he? Just because he took down an army that the GotG couldn't deal with? Really? In Rag we see that took on the hordes of Surtur.. I doubt the GotG could deal with them. In IW we see he turns the battle in their favor. Just one guy. In the comics, the latest run with Donny Cates, the Avengers, including Capt. Marvel, were struggling with an alien invasion and about to lose. Then Thor shows up and the same thing happens. He single handedly destroys the alien army. It is also mentioned through out that Thor IS the most powerful god in the Marvel Universe. He lives eons after all the others are dead. I know thats the comics, but my point is, he may seem OP, but that is only because he IS OP. The humor at the start.. that is Thor learning how to deal with his depression. I'm not sure why this is so hard for people to get. In EG we see he goes into a dark place, gives up, gets fat and eat and drinks his sadness away. He goes off with the GotG, who are very into the 80s.. and also very goofy. So Thor is trying to find himself and he mimics what he sees. We also see later on with Jane at the hospital that Thor is hiding his anger with humor. He says to her that meditation he did only made him angrier, we never saw that anger... thats him trying to hide it. Now, I DO totally agree that this went too far into the humor. I wish it were more balanced like in IW. I thought Rag was like 40/60 serious/humor... this was like 15/85. So just too much humor. I loved the humor though so I can't really call it much of a negative. THIS movie is a comedy. Ok. Dark World was the opposite and its considered one of the worst MCU movies. So I'd rather have this I guess. Zeus.. I thought it was spot on. Zeus IS all about orgies. lol It was perfect. I do wish that Gorr showed up there and we got a sequence where he killed a lot of the gods.. maybe after Thor left or something. The one thing I am mixed on is probably the kids being shazamed. I'm ok with Thor realizing he has the power to do that.. he is basically the All Father now and can do that if he wanted.. but it was sloppy. Was it Thunder Bolt that empowered them? Whats with the yellow lightning? The kids having Thor's power and fighting was cute... but I think it was just too much. Some super cute moments. BUT I would have rather they just let may Axel do it or two or three of the older kids or something, but not all of them. I don't really like ranking movies.. actually hate it. I mean, I LOVE Logan.. I love MoS. I love Thor.. Some days I want to watch Logan.. other days I want to watch MoS.. and other days I want to watch even Dark World (lol). So I can't and won't rank things anymore because I realize how meaningless it is. That being said I absolutely LOVE Thor, Thor: Ragnarok and Thor: Love and Thunder. I didn't love Dark World, but I didn't hate it either. I enjoyed parts of it and will watch it again. So Thor: Love and Thunder is an A movie for me, one of my favorites in the MCU and I will probably go see it in the theater for a 3rd time with in a week or two.
@tomlewis4205 2 жыл бұрын
One of the things I wish Taika had done was kill his darling- and by darling, I mean, Korg. I loved the character in lower doses but too much of him kills that love.
@gameoverwehaveeverypixelco1258 2 жыл бұрын
I loved the movie, after hearing how it like a cartoon I was shocked at how serious it was from the start. I felt the comedy was a perfect juxtaposition to the villian, the gods are a self obsessed joke, totally not serious and it's a perfect balance to this. I felt it was a serious movie with jokes to help juxtaposition that.
@TheKristianHarloff 2 жыл бұрын
Happy you enjoyed it!
@SuperTonyony Жыл бұрын
I like my superhero movies to be ADVENTURE stories, not COMEDIES. That's why I despise Marvel movies. I want a rousing adventure tale, not a sitcom.
@TheKristianHarloff Жыл бұрын
Same page.
@MindofMike35 2 жыл бұрын
I'll answer the question right off the back, Thor: Love and Thunder sits somewhere, comfortably in the worst entries in the MCU. IT'S BAD... JUST BAD!!!!! I may be in the minority here, but I'd be perfectly fine if Taika Waititi NEVER directs anything else in the marvel universe.
@chevster23 2 жыл бұрын
It’s really bad dude. I have no desire to ever rewatch. Damn near hated the movie and I might be done with Marvel Rn
@johnniepetrizza9798 2 жыл бұрын
With kristian on this one Liked to hear the different opinions but -The second half of the play was over kill. -I liked that zues but that bit needed to be toned down. -sif joke needed a more heartfelt delivery as kristian said. -kids at the end was a little bit if an eye roll. This movie suffered because they let tika do what he wanted and it was to much. I would have rarther korg die tbh. I liked everything else
@JMiller1303 2 жыл бұрын
I watched/read some reviews before I saw it which I don’t usually do but like a lot of people I’ve had a bit of Marvel fatigue recently so I wasn’t sure I was going to see it, especially when there were a few negative reviews. I’m really glad I did though - I enjoyed it, it was a very rounded movie with elements of darkness and lots of levity. Cast was great, Taika is 2 for 2 with Thor imo. Edit: spelling
@josephashley4122 2 жыл бұрын
Basically sound like talking about Star Wars. Some want same old formula because "they're use to to".. like original trilogy.. except its phase 1 to 3.. going keep comparing those phases to phase 4, which looks like theyre basically starting over. I like they are taking risk trying new stuff with adding comedy adventure romantic comedy ti the genre.. if marvel movies stayed like phase 1, comic book movies probably would've died out like westerns. I agree 70-30 should be comedy and serious. I honestly like Thor meet Deadpool but anyways i agree with Winston more i had good time. A lot of scenes with Peter Dinklage, Lena Headley were taking out including dead gods hanging and posted by Gorr the God Butcher including Jane Foster changing into Mighty Thor when she looked at Mormir in the glass. Maybe that couldve made difference but i had fun, kids fighting instead of gods fighting dark creatures was cool. I'm glad Thor not Shakespeare like in comics but I agree he could be more warrior than muscle head.. Jane and Valkrye were 70- 30 where Thor was reversed. Overall i see 50-50 for this film..either way I enjoyed the discussion now let's do all Police
@mickeymouse7726 2 жыл бұрын
I love the first Thor movie it's still the best Thor movie
@percytong5377 2 жыл бұрын
I think this movie is really boring and the power levels among the Gods and the God Butcher was inconsistent. Ok, the God Butcher was given a sword that could kill gods but he only had killed a few unimportant gods and that was not looking powerful. He surely hurts Valkyrie and Sif with his sword but both survived. Somehow, Thor and his team thought that an army of god was needed in order to defeat the God Butcher so they went to Zeus for help. But it turned out that Zeus (supposed to be very powerful) was only a phony useless god that instantly got defeated by Thor. Even Zeus's legendary thunder weapon was rather useless as well that Valkyrie had it and still got badly hurt. Therefore, the whole journey to see Zeus was really pointless and just a waste of time. At the final battle, we realised that no army of gods was needed, the God Butcher was so weak he actually defected by Thor and Jane only. If Thor asked anyone from the Avengers to help, he can definitely defeat the bad guy easily. The most stupid thing was letting Thor to share his powers with those kids. If he can do that, why not bringing the whole village of adult gods with him and fight the God Butcher with such mighty power? It doesn't make any sense to let the kids do the fighting while their parents were waiting on Earth.
@ramspencer5492 2 жыл бұрын
Ragnarok was a much better balance. This one felt like the main demographic was kids. Didn't love guardians 2 either. Guardians 1 was one of my favorites.
@Sco3000 2 жыл бұрын
I literally do not give a crap about this movie... I just cannot stand Taika Waitit's directing style. Spoil away
@pse2020 2 жыл бұрын
U guys where to positive. This is an example of bad storytelling. Mcu was a joke here. The humor was childish....
@OrionInSpace 2 жыл бұрын
Winston has literally said what I've been saying, Phase 4 is not directionless as much as it's the setup. We will learn more in the future. I trust in Fiege!🙏
@dmen0563 2 жыл бұрын
We are essentially in phase 1 again and those movies were much more uneven than later phase 2-3
@OrionInSpace 2 жыл бұрын
@@dmen0563 agreed man
@unoriginalandrew 2 жыл бұрын
I do agree with some opinions that Coy is overly positive on these reviews but let's all remember that it's his job to hype these movies. It would be hard for Marvel to hire him as a host for screenings if he is being too negative on their films.
@chevster23 2 жыл бұрын
And that’s the problem. We don’t need this kind of coverage. It feels artificial. I’m guessing most people watching kristians channel are not 12 years old
@ejturner530 2 жыл бұрын
I agree that the infinity war/endgame Thor is the the best Thor. The on and off goofy stuff throws me off. Love y'all discussion about the phase comparison! Can't believe you all loved the goats tho haha. They drove me crazy. I find Taika movies are hit and miss for me and this one was a miss :/.
@MrJackarow 2 жыл бұрын
For me, I thought the movie did a good job of explaining Thor’s mental state in the beginning. Between Korg’s storytelling in the beginning, Thor only going out when someone says they need him, and the conversation after the battle between Starlord and Thor, I thought the movie showed Thor after Endgame didn’t feel wanted in the universe and therefore would dial it to an 11 when he was wanted to make himself try and feel something. The goofy comedy of the movie worked for me because I felt it made sense for his character to want to be over the top goofy
@TheKristianHarloff 2 жыл бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it Jack!
@louisenglish8069 2 жыл бұрын
Jesus. Coy. Trying to nail him down on taking an actual stance or critical opinion (especially bad) on anything Marvel is like trying to fill a cup of water with a pair of chopsticks. Also not shocked the person with the least amount of screen time is your favorite character for obvious reasons. Please.
@chrisemery7394 2 жыл бұрын
Came for the spoiler discussion, stayed for the Masterclass on the art and science of the comedy genre. I always enjoy spoiler discussions with three distinct opinions on the movie. Ragnarok is still my favorite because I felt the story was more fluid and gave the character a much needed reset, as well as the inclusion of the Hulk and Planet Sakaar. What was notable to me was the juxtaposition between the cold open and the mid-credits scene. So Gorr is a man who was devoted to his god to where he feared him and that devotion betrays him and his daughter. This represents an element of modern society that has shifted away from believing in institutions of power for betraying their faith. On the opposite spectrum, Zeus is enraged that the people have lost their faith in their gods because they don't fear them, yet at the same time removes himself from interacting with his subjects because he feels he is above them. And that represents a sector of modern society that believes society is crumbling because the people don't have faith in power that derives from fear and obedience. But my question is: why expect people as loyal subjects to devote themselves to a higher power not out of reward but out of fear of punishment? It creates an expectation that inequality is to be accepted as a necessary element of civilization never to be questioned or challenged. And as we are seeing in today's society, it is certainly being questioned and challenged. Also, I noticed there hasn't been a lot of discussion about the appearance of Eternity, an all-powerful cosmic entity, which can play heavily into the future of the MCU, not just on a cosmic level but on a metaphysical level when it comes to the physical nature and sentience of the universe. I'm also pretty sure I saw the Living Tribunal somewhere in the background. In any case, I enjoyed the hell out of this movie and I feel it worked on many levels. A very worthy and mighty addition to the Thor mythos in the MCU.
@rayharvey1330 2 жыл бұрын
Zeus's thunderbolt looked like a $1 plastic toy....and Eternity at the end of the movie looked like a $1 cardboard cutout. Hercules at the end of the movie looked like a weak where near as menacing as Lou Ferigno Hercules. 😕
@TheKristianHarloff 2 жыл бұрын
Not the best
@rashadhardrick4988 2 жыл бұрын
I definitely did not enjoy 'Thor: Love and Thunder.' It felt like a spoof/parody of the MCU, therefore, I couldn't take it seriously which then meant I didn't care about anything that happened. Going into the movie I was the most excited about Natalie Portman's return BUT, unfortunately, Jane Foster's entire storyline was rushed. Marvel Studios should've either given Natalie Portman her own Mighty Thor movie OR a Jane Foster Disney+ series that was all about her struggling with the cancer and her experience becoming The Mighty Thor. We needed more time with Jane to become more emotionally invested especially since we haven't seen her since 'Thor: The Dark World' from 2013. Because her storyline was so rushed, I felt nothing when she died at the end of the movie. This movie desperately needed more Gorr. He’s known as the God Butcher but we only see him butcher one god on screen. He wasn’t much of a threat in the movie. Christian Bale gave a great performance but it felt like he was in a completely different movie because the movie's tone was all over the place. It's a mess.
@jimmyjam5453 2 жыл бұрын
I hated it. This is the 2nd MCU movie I regret seeing.
@tornadochaser2457 2 жыл бұрын
Personally, I think this is a bad film. The biggest criticism I can give it, is that it's very bare bones - Jane's friend group aren't around to react to her situation, we're given the bare minimum of character interactions regarding Dr. Erik Selvig and Darcy. Sif, who has been bizarrely missing for a very long time, makes a cameo, instead of the full appearance her character clearly deserves - Thor and Sif should be discussing where she's been, the fall of Asgard, and the loss of their close comrades, The Warriors Three. Gorr, the God Butcher is wasted, being given little to do, despite a strong set-up and strong performance from Christian Bale. Valkyrie is also given no character stuff, she just reacts to what's thrown her way, and that's it. Korg and the homosexual, rock heritage and civilisation conflicts with what was established in "Thor: Ragnarok", regarding him having a mother and her having a boyfriend, that he hates. If Thor can enchant Mjolnir to protect people he cares for, who else besides Jane can he enchant it for, and why hasn't he done this before? Eternity opens up a lot possibilies for the MCU, which aren't discussed, since it's basically a giant wishing well. I feel this kind of undermines Thanos' plan as well. The humour is generally strong, but the film doesn't have a strong balance of this with serious, weighty moments, and a serious Thor like in "Ragnarok". Thor and Thor: Ragnarok are interchangeable to me as great Thor films - Both handle character arcs with strong weight, and in a believable, weighty way. The humour is strong in both, as is the action. Ragnarok oozes personality from the vibrancy of all its characters and colourful environments, and gleefully bold, improvisational-type humour. Thor: The Dark World is okay due to a bland villain, and an overabundance of comedy during the final battle with the human characters, which detrimentally lessens the serious stakes. Love and Thunder is easily the worst in the series, mishandling a lot with a bare bones approach, and poor balance of humour with heavy moments to give strong substance and weight. *EDIT:* I just re-watched the film and it's gone up in my estimation now - I think the film is okay. I saw it in 3D before, so perhaps the glasses and effects were obscuring my ability to see the film clearly. There are definitely some strong serious, weighty moments in the film, but the scenes are slim and aren't given the meat and full emotional heft they deserve. I also can see that Thor wasn't aware he could enchant Mjolnir to protect people if he loves them deeply.
@TheKristianHarloff 2 жыл бұрын
@tonyoverstill7587 Жыл бұрын
Are you guys still doing rewatch series? Its been 3 months. Cheers
@lemuelcubase 2 жыл бұрын
I'm re-reading the God Butcher story in the comics and WHAT A JOKE the film is by comparison.
@StanleySThomas 2 жыл бұрын
This movie felt more like an SNL skit of a thor movie for most of it but the jokes don’t land well and runnings gags outstay their welcome. It’s almost cringe. Too many jokes and not enough time to sit in serious dramatic moments that wouldve meant more if it had more room to breathe. Plot and story felt very rushed and we got to things with characters that don’t feel earned in the midst of a million jokes a minute. The emotional beats dont make you feel the way it should. Christian Bale deserved better for sure. He was amazing as Gorr and needed more screentime to show more of his story, character and him actually butchering Gods but it kind of felt out of place in this more comedic movie. It would like if Heath Ledger as Joker in terms of performance and story was thrown into a SNL sketch. It’s a disservice to the actor and character. There were no stakes really. Watched Ragnarok right before Love and Thunder and Ragnarok had a way better balance between jokes, drama, tone, dialogue, story, and character development. And the jokes in Ragnarok landed way better than in Love and Thunder. The theatre i went to only had a big laugh the first time the goats came in and screamed but that was really it. I really didnt like Thors character or his arc much in Love and Thunder. Thor has gone through the most tragedy and loss, yet his character in Love and Thunder is like when he went to SNL to do skits of Thor. He is a caricature, not someone who is humanized or one that you can empathize with. Thors best trilogy and story arc is between Ragnarok, Infinity War, and Endgame.
@TheKristianHarloff 2 жыл бұрын
Def had parody feel for a lot of it!
@picci8 2 жыл бұрын
The comedic tone threw me off of all “believability” and therefore empathy for each character. Therefore it turned into motion picture skittles both comedically and visual fx wise, and by the end I was all sugared out. My personal favourite Thor was infinity war, where he was comedic and also sensible and powerful. Anything too devoid of that looks off to me. When I heard the characters talking I heard taika and not the characters.
@Fuzzybubbles01 2 жыл бұрын
The film was fine for what it is, I still just can't get past the lack of direction thus far in Phase 4. Phase 4 so far is a broken finger that can't be put back in it's place. Enjoy ur Vaca
@souvikghosal2962 2 жыл бұрын
I'm with Kristian on this one. The jokes were too much and Thor seemed so insincere throughout the movie. And for a guy named The God Butcher, Gorr doesn't do any butchering at all.
@TheKristianHarloff 2 жыл бұрын
That part is true, the performance by Bale is great, but I guess Gorr doesn't cause much mayhem.
@JamalBernardPulliam 2 жыл бұрын
I loved THOR:Love and Thunder! What a ride 🙂
@Sco3000 2 жыл бұрын
Winston's point about the Axe body spray, spot on.
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