Is Utopia a PARTY SHIP? First Impressions of Royal's Newest Mega-Ship - Honest Review!

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Very unOfficial Travel Guides

Very unOfficial Travel Guides

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@DelMak 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for coming to see 'All In!' & your kind review! I'm the Director and Choreographer :)
@VeryunOfficialTravelGuides 3 ай бұрын
We really enjoyed it and you did a great job! Question, (if you're allowed to answer) - is that cast completely singers and dancers, or are there also some skaters and other entertainment crew onstage?
@genamorales4588 4 ай бұрын
All great information. Thank you Morgan ❤
@andrewsabol5045 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for the tour Morgan. 👍 It's a big ship to investigate on a 3 or 4 day cruise 🛳
@iriswagstaff 4 ай бұрын
Im booked on UOTS next year because it is 4 days and I live in MD. Not everyone can take a week off for every cruise. I'm booked on several cruises on Celebrity and Virgin Voyages and this was a great option for me to try RC and a new ship. I'm not interested in seeing the entire ship and plan to hang out in the Solarium and Central Park. My office in DC has had the smart elevators for 20 years. Great to see this tech on ships.
@kathevanlerberg8651 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for another great video Morgan! And tell me, are you aging in reverse?! Looking good!
@gardenia1953 4 ай бұрын
Hi Morgan. I was on your sailing. I really wanted to do the Utopia Railroad. I was told they only book online to half and the rest onboard. About an hr after boarding I remembered and headed over to the Train. I was able to book 2 for that night. Any other night they said I would be waitlisted. They may have had openings for 4. Several talked to were able to book onboard on day one. I loved it! Had to remind myself I was on a ship.
@RogerWilco1 4 ай бұрын
Never thought I would be able to compare a cruise review to the cruise itself. But since I was on that cruise too, I can say the biggest differences were: - for me the cabin was a spectacular upgrade from past experiences (I also had a balcony) but my past experience is all in much older ships. - I didn’t think the food at Windjammers was great. Definitely edible, but not as good as I expected. I think the review is spot on. Thanks for all your hard work!
@aimeerogers4542 4 ай бұрын
I like the elevator concept a lot. I just got off the MSC Seascape and they have them. You need to press the floor for as many times as the number of people with you. On at least a couple of occasions the door opened up for me to get in to a designated elevator and it was chock-full of people traveling together. I had to put in my floor again after the doors closed. If you press the button for a particular floor once but there are four people with you, the elevator thinks there's only one person waiting.
@lorenadugan6355 4 ай бұрын
Your video was far more interesting than others. Thanks. ✌️
@LarryVotruba 4 ай бұрын
Awesome! Thanks for doing this. Thumbs up X2.
@christik6604 4 ай бұрын
Great video as always! We are booked on Utopia for Nov and appreciate the honest review.
@beefbrisket168 4 ай бұрын
that elevator system is also on the new Carnival ships (Carnival Horizon and newer)
@dearmepa1 4 ай бұрын
Wow! Excellent vlog with so much insight! You really do have your finger on the pulse of cruisers! You covered so much in a short time and then promised more later! Did you sleep at all on this cruise?
@bendav 4 ай бұрын
My guess is that RCL adapted this Oasis class ship to be strictly used for 3-4 night cruises, so no need for extensive storage. I also believe they are using it to test some ideas (e.g. Railroad experience) and see how they are received. I'm more drawn to longer cruises so I doubt I'll choose the Utopia for any upcoming cruises.
@creationsbymanny6482 4 ай бұрын
I went on a ship tour of MSC Seascape and it has smart elevators, too.
@kirkl0766 3 ай бұрын
Agree with you on the Rail Way station. We learned on the inaugural cruise they opened up at midnight for 30 min. Crazy part is being a travel agent and Diamond member NO ONE could tell me when it was being made available for reservations. We learned about it once on board. 😡
@davva360 4 ай бұрын
I think it would make more sense to have Oasis or Harmony doing these shorter cruises. The reason i say that is the prices seem to be inflated when a brand new ship comes out due to high demand. So if you are trying to tempt people to give cruising a try on one of these mega ships it would probably be even better if they had a more affordable three day cruise, still on an Oasis class ship, but at a more affordable price. I left out Allure as it’s the oldest one that has not been reamplified.
@brandicruises 4 ай бұрын
Ooh - I love tiki bars. I’d totally prefer the Pesky Parrot over the bionic bar. Glad RCCL is changing it up a bit on their newest ships.
@FTFEblog 4 ай бұрын
We just got our room assignment for this Friday's sailing and we're in a virtual interior room for this trip (Never been in one and there's a first time for everything so.... ) My guess is that camera on your balcony (13:28) is the camera for the feed for the virtual room TVs. It appears to be the right angle. We'll find out this weekend!
@VeryunOfficialTravelGuides 3 ай бұрын
And, what did you think about the virtual balcony?
@FTFEblog 3 ай бұрын
@@VeryunOfficialTravelGuides in short, we liked it; it made an interior cabin seem roomier. That being said, it isn't going to be a regular thing for us - we prefer a balcony cabin - but on cruises where we won't be in the cabin except to sleep or shower, it's worth a small upcharge. :)
@TracyKMainwaring 4 ай бұрын
We noticed how loud it was on Symphony, 5 years ago, compared to the Royal cruises we had been on 2007-2011. The pool band was always loud, but this time, everything felt loud. The ship was packed to max.
@TheRiverPirate13 4 ай бұрын
MSC Seaside and the MSC Seashore we sailed on uses the Destination elevators. You suddenly realize how great these types of elevators when you go back and use the old-style elevators on Allure of the Seas. I agree, every ship needs to convert to these elevators!
@jfk609 4 ай бұрын
Thanks Morgan we are looking at that now for a quick get away.
@dancooper41 4 ай бұрын
Good review. I’ve heard the railroad thing is disappointing, so there may not be so much demand once the novelty wears off. Glad to see Wonderland is gone. Not a fan of that type of elevator.
@andrewsabol5045 4 ай бұрын
Enjoyed your ship review. Morgan. We have seen the elevators at Holiday Inn in downtown Seattle.
@busmoney2004 4 ай бұрын
The first time we saw the upgraded elevators is when MSC's World Europa came on-line. So amazing!
@jasonlangdon709 4 ай бұрын
Good morning from Newfoundland!
@michelleevans9869 4 ай бұрын
Great idea on having a 3/4 night cruise especially for those who can’t do a whole week because of time and money .
@kenyattaclay7666 4 ай бұрын
It’s only a good idea if you live within a reasonable driving distance. They have at minimum cut out at least half the people who would want to sale on this ship because to fly in & get a hotel just for 3 or 4 days just isn’t worth it because you are saving maybe two days of vacation time. Also as for cost, you really aren’t saving any money at all if you have time fly in because the cost of a Utopia cruise is as much as some seven day cruises. Right now Utopia is starting between $600 & $840. You can get many 6-8 night cruises starting between $550 to $800. So really depending on the type of job you have you can still find a 7 day cruise at a cheaper price & only have to take maybe 1 or 2 extra days of vacation.
@KC2DC 4 ай бұрын
​@@kenyattaclay7666tons of people fly to Florida for 3-4 night cruises all the time. Wouldn't be a barrier for many.
@kateewutt2387 4 ай бұрын
Hey, you've also sailed on Symphony of the Seas which is an Oasis class ship - we crossed the Atlantic on that ship with you a couple of years ago. We're a medium-length flight from Florida, so we booked Utopia for back to back cruises and made ourselves a 7 day. Bummer about it being a party boat, though.
@live2skide1 4 ай бұрын
How fun to be invited by your friend. It is an incredible looking ship but not what I am looking for at all. I agree with you about the railroad restaurant/show. Too small a venue for the number of cruisers onboard. Yes...that was a camera on the edge of your balcony. My daughter cruised on an older NCL ship in April in a family style cabin (slept 5) and was really annoyed about the curtain not being there. The track was there, but the curtain was absent. Was challenging for the kids trying to get dressed etc.
@edmerkle6283 4 ай бұрын
Maybe run the Railway experience at additional hours, brunch, matinee, early and then late dinner. Adjust number of offerings based on number that sign up
@davis9971 4 ай бұрын
They have those elevators on the MSC Seashore too. They are really great.
@debbiemartin6714 3 ай бұрын
Carnival newer ships and MSC American ships uses this smart elevators system for a long time now.
@justmeiniowa 4 ай бұрын
As far as the room decor goes, I am a less is more type of person so I like the minimalist look they have going. Would not be a fan of the party atmosphere and the loudness everywhere though.
@margoanchorage883 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for the review. Sounds like I would enjoy Utopia OTS better on a longer cruise. Do you think a longer cruise would change the dynamic and type of cruiser?
@cruznsuzan2022 3 ай бұрын
Absolutely! I won’t be sailing on Utopia until Royal makes it a 7 night experience.
@lauraweis 4 ай бұрын
There was a RCCL ship with a tiki restaurant that had talking pictures (parrots) on the wall that went off periodically
@jeffreykyle8587 4 ай бұрын
I so agree about Wonderland. The food was average at best.
@joangroothuis4031 4 ай бұрын
How fun to have the opportunity to see a ship that new!
@MrJJSimonds 4 ай бұрын
... did it again... :) Morning Morgan! Entertainment Bubble Gum!! Railroad Experience... with such limited availability, they should conduct a lottery for the seats.
@habracken8004 4 ай бұрын
Tony was able to get a reservation to the Railway & enjoyed it.
@live2skide1 4 ай бұрын
Actually it was his cabin mate who secured the reservation. I think he worked it thru guest services or something. Other bloggers (JJ Cruise) enjoyed the show, but not the food.
@Jimmy-Mc 4 ай бұрын
The folding beer pong table with a RC logo made me laugh! Definitely not what I would've expected on a new ship. But overall it looks like it slightly enhances the previous Oasis ships.
@davva360 4 ай бұрын
I heard they are going to be doubling the number of people that can do the railway experience because one of the cars was not finished. However I agree with 7000 people on a 3 day cruise it’s going to be a tiny amount of people that get to do that.
@humeston258 4 ай бұрын
I don’t think that 4 nights is enough to see the whole ship? Do you think they will ever have longer Cruises?
@yonkers79 4 ай бұрын
“And I’m really looking forward to reading your comments, and interacting with you …(with creepy finger movement)….’down there’.” *End scene*
@katiekendrick8866 4 ай бұрын
I will be going on her in January so this will be interesting
@cruznsuzan2022 3 ай бұрын
I suspect Royal will shift ships for the 3/4 day itinerary. Hard to believe Royal will deploy such an innovative ship for short, party cruises. Perhaps they should use an older, revamped Oasis class for these cruises.
@justm88 4 ай бұрын
I noticed the bare room decor when I was looking to book this cruise too. I just thought they skimmed on it to save money coz it’s a party ship and people won’t care about the room as much…
@michelleb749 4 ай бұрын
The office building I work in has these type of elevators.
@vickynardeBIV 4 ай бұрын
Love the elevators but people need to remember to select the floor for each passenger. Otherwise the elevator just counts it as one person getting in it
@niuhuskieguy 4 ай бұрын
I think every cruise ship that has these elevators has this problem. I've never seen it well explained
@maestroteague 4 ай бұрын
I totally understand and agree with the “story” in modern cruise shows. We definitely had that problem last year on Mardi Gras. Totally talented cast, but the attempt to force songs into a story just ruined it all. We were just lost and ended up leaving from a couple of shows. Let these awesome singers just sing!
@VeryunOfficialTravelGuides 3 ай бұрын
Great minds think alike! ;-)
@kenyattaclay7666 4 ай бұрын
I just don’t think it was a good idea to have only 3 & 4 day cruises on this class of ship. For one they limit the MJ bet of people who would cruise on this ship to people within a reasonable driving distance. I just don’t really see a lot of people willing to book flights & a hotel just to cruise for 3 or 4 days. The other reason why I don’t think it’s a good idea is even if I lived in Florida (or maybe Georgia) personally I avoid any cruise that is 5 days or less specifically because of the party aspect. Even when I was younger I wasn’t much of a partying type but now that I’m in my 50’s I really don’t want to have to deal with that frat bro nonsense. Lastly to your point about the Royal Railway, I also feel like part of the issue with getting tickets could be solved with longer sailings. I realize that it would still be an issue just because of the sheer number of people on the ship but at least with 7 to 10 day sailings there would be more openings to chose from. I also would’ve thought this would be on the Icon class where they could’ve specifically designed an area for this with more seating capacity instead of just trying to fit it in an already existing design.
@kateewutt2387 4 ай бұрын
we booked back to back cruises on Utopia, making it a 7 day cruise after hearing that many others like us who have to fly quite a distance to get to the cruise port were doing this.
@billsnyder1021 4 ай бұрын
I am big railfan and would be bummed if couldn't eat in rr restaurant
@travelingfool9096 4 ай бұрын
how much was the parking?
@lexiconthx1 4 ай бұрын
Totally agree about the food at wonderland it is just meh. The bar though is really good they have some really good martinis that you can only get there.
@VeryunOfficialTravelGuides 4 ай бұрын
Great minds think alike!
@BobK58 4 ай бұрын
If they got rid of about 5000 passengers, it would be better.
@georgedixon9863 4 ай бұрын
and your cruise would cost about $675,000 - have fun!
@BobK58 4 ай бұрын
@@georgedixon9863 Smaller boats, smaller crowds. They are fun!!!
@timyak3079 4 ай бұрын
We almost flipped by your video @Morgan OBrian. The “BlahBlah Utopia of the Seenit” has definitely given anyone with a KZbin Vlog a ticket. Oh! Is it a new ship? Nothing personal yet Utopia is over covered. Royal gets the free press this. week (month 🥵).
@julieb7882 4 ай бұрын
Utopia of the seas is not as pretty as Brilliance. I would agree that bionic bar and Wonderland are both 1 and done. The party atmosphere would. Probably be wasted on me.
@lorenadugan6355 4 ай бұрын
I never get the wonderland thing, there was no story, no mad hatter, nothing as expected. We went on three ships. 🤦‍♀️
@QueenKayKay47 4 ай бұрын
I don't care about any cabin decorations if the money is spent elsewhere like more free restaurants an entertainment!
@feelosophy1921 4 ай бұрын
A Murder Mystery Dinner without the murder.
@Dangic23 4 ай бұрын
A 3 or 4 day cruise on an Oasis or Quantum class ship is the dumbest idea ever created.
@winterwhitechocolate 4 ай бұрын
I could not agree more! What a waste! It kind of makes me sad that a brand new, beautiful Oasis Class ship is going to be used as a "party ship". The ad writes itself: "All of the Carnival ship experience at a Royal Caribbean price". Not cool.
@dawnstearns4672 4 ай бұрын
Not for those of us who work every other weekend and our vacation runs Sunday through Saturday. The only way I can take a seven day cruise is to take two weeks vacation since I have to travel to the port at least a day early.
@georgedixon9863 4 ай бұрын
I disagree completely - I've never been on an oasis ship DUE TO the long itineraries - I am looking forward to my 4 day and I don't expect to "do everything" that's possible on this massive ship. I can always go again!
@michelleb749 4 ай бұрын
It's for new cruisers and for Floridians.
@davva360 4 ай бұрын
It makes sense as a way to get new people onboard who may not be able to do 7 days. I am not a fan of short cruises myself I don’t feel like you get a chance to relax but I’m sure it works for others. May have been better to put an older Oasis ship on this schedule though.
@TaysTurbo 3 ай бұрын
I was on it two weeks ago and is only a month old I love the ship it was fun but I could provide an entire list of the downsides and idk if I have high standards but in many places around the ship already was looking dirty and worn out now I’m not a clean freak but any standards but even I was grossed out by it a lot of the fixtures on the stairways are also just falling off it was incredibly weak now I did talk to another cruise goer that’s been going for a 20 years he told me that out of all of them he was actually a little bit disappointed in the quality on a brand new ship not only that, but it’s like kids can walk through wherever they want as even tho there’s signs 18+ They don’t check they rarely do if felt like because I was both in the casino in the nightclub in every adult section and there were still children somehow sneaking it. I’m not talking about like one or two I’m talking about a good 30-50 the one thing that I will say the performers were absolutely amazing as they also do a lot of the other entertainment on the cruise wait I think I was on your embarking
@lerouxly67 4 ай бұрын
I'm a fan of Royal. However, I'm in no rush to sail Utopia or Icon. Way above my budget.
@TravelYesOuiSi 4 ай бұрын
Royal was late to elevator game. Thats been on Carnival and MSC
@HMJBurkeTravel 4 ай бұрын
What Carnival ship has these elevators? I was on their newest ship, the Jubilee, in March and it didn’t have these elevators.
@mauricemosley8380 4 ай бұрын
@4daloveofcruising 4 ай бұрын
What is rhe point of 3-4 night sailings on a ship this size?? I would be better off going on a smaller ship and paying 1/2 the price.
@df5349 4 ай бұрын
Viewed other Utopia reviews and found yours to be the most honest and real life instead of the gushing reviews from “influencers” that most likely were invited as “media” to develop their vlogs. Your review was refreshing.
@SCOTTIETHOMPSON10314 4 ай бұрын
I'm very interested in experiencing this particular ship - - but as it's only doing shorter trips, it's not worth it for me to sail on anything less than 7 days. Really do appreciate your honest opinion about the good/bad/meh on this ship. Thanks for sharing!!
@cfollman9479 4 ай бұрын
Where can I watch the not honest review?
@VeryunOfficialTravelGuides 4 ай бұрын
:-P On the channels that get invited by the cruise lines to cruise for free.
@TravelYesOuiSi 4 ай бұрын
Bottom line if Royal wants true party vibe it needs to hire more Americans in entertainment, fun crew. You can't drive an american party with people who can barely even Wobble themselves. MSC learned that and has begun hiring YOUNG American Cruise Directors We need to be able to understand what the hype man is saying
@SamRice-j2l 4 ай бұрын
Harris Laura Harris Gary Martin Eric
@Steve_in_NJ 4 ай бұрын
If Utopia is a weekend "booze cruise", then count me out! I would also be interested in knowing in the future, how many drunks go overboard this ship? Yes, you can also get drunk from wine, and that "wine bar" overlooking the Boardwalk didn't seem to have anything but a railing to prevent "drunk overboard" situations!
@pam863 4 ай бұрын
Great review! We are going on this in January. One thing I will say is I do not like these types of elevators. MSC has them (worse cruise lines I’ve ever been on ) so many times when we think we want to go all the way up halfway through we change our minds. Or vice versa you have to get off the elevator and start all over again. Not a fan but I do see your point. 🤷🏼‍♀️
@TravelYesOuiSi 4 ай бұрын
Party aspect fell flat. Royal doesn't have the corporate DNA to pull off Virgin Voyages Carnival Vegas Day Party vibe. Most of it was warmed over hackneyed lackluster Royal Toga party gave 6th grade dance vibes. Perhaps the permanent Cruise Director can shake things up We shouldnt walk on Promenade day one with the same, lame overplayed Royal music list
@kinghenry100 4 ай бұрын
Unless you have disability I just avoid all elevators
@TracyKMainwaring 4 ай бұрын
it's unreasonable to come from Canada for a 4 day cruise, especially since the first day is cut short. Having donee a 7 day and 8 day cruise on Oasis class, I don't understand why you'd bother with 4 days, knowing you can't do everything. You're paying for the bigness and attractions, but can't utilize them. I have heard those elevators are totally not accessible for blind people. Sad.
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