Is war between China and US inevitable? | Thinkers Forum

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#china #america #usa #usarmy #wwiii #ww3 #taiwan #ukrainewar
It was taken seriously in the USA that war between China and America is inevitable. The US is blaming China for its own decline. Today, Alan Freeman, a former principal economist with the Greater London Authority and the co-director of the Geopolitical Economy Research Group joined us in discussing why the USA’s decline is not China’s fault.

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@brandyheng Жыл бұрын
US depends on war to make a living China depends on trade for people to live moderately
@MsOceanstar 9 ай бұрын
Absolutely right!
@dyrectory_com 8 ай бұрын
Socialism with Chinese Characteristic vs Predatory Capitalism... or meritocracy vs the best democracy money can buy.
@beatricewan9958 8 ай бұрын
If the leaders need to participate in the wars together with their soldiers, they might not be so enthusiastic to instigate wars so offhandedly! In ancient China, the high-ranking official/lord fought side by side with the army general at front lines against invaders!
@lamsunyong343 7 ай бұрын
But China have recently contributed to the Ukraine/Russian war and Hamas terrorists acts by adding oil to fire.
@thulomanchay 7 ай бұрын
China philosophy: *To become rich, build roads.* Roads improve connectivity, and facilitates the movement of goods and people. That's good for the economy.
@linhai7966 8 ай бұрын
I just got back from China. They are happy, affluent, ancient and modern and far ahead of us. They are living the future we were supposed to have. Coming back to the US, everyone is depressed, afraid, growing poor, trash, crime, racism in every direction, violent, homeless, drugs, crumbling infrastructure, engaged in war and genocide, we are a failed state in so many ways.
@Lyra0966 8 ай бұрын
Sadly I see this as a very accurate picture of today's America. I lived in the US for 4 years over 2 decades ago and the country has declined terribly during the years since. Anerica is most definitely a nation and an empire in decline. It remains the world's most powerful military nation, but that status in no way demonstrates that it is a "great" nation. Truly great nations look after their own citizens and treat the citizens of other nations as equals and with respect: the US does neither of these things.
@georgejesson1944 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for saving me from a lot of typing. Well said.
@vbch1396 7 ай бұрын
The US takes all efforts to ensure that it is the most powerful state in military terms. If the US uses half the funds of its defense budget to help its citizens, it would be a greater nation.
@domokun845 7 ай бұрын
It angers me in so many ways that we've made that the perception of America with our arrogance, hubris and igorance. America was the shining beacon decades ago, and while it had its own issues, it was something to emulate. Now it's run by hucksters and deviants who don't care about right or wrong, only power and whatever means it takes to maintain it.
@B.H90 7 ай бұрын
t's disheartening, yet undeniably true. Observing the actions of our lawmakers and the prevailing narrative, with attempts to lay blame solely on China, is disconcerting. The recent TikTok hearing was tough to watch. Their mindset displayed by some officials harks back to the approach of the Chinese government in the 1950s and 60s. Trump's proposed 60% tariff raises questions about its impact on U.S. consumers. Many support it but need to realize that, in the end, we, not the Chinese, are the ones who will bear the cost.
@lawrencecheong29 8 ай бұрын
Thank God there are still sane and intelligent people like you.. But sadly they wont listen and wont accept the trith.
@lisa.e5776 8 ай бұрын
Wars are all the west thinking about
@thecouncilofmockingjays 8 ай бұрын
Holy Cookies! This entire video is the truest as it gets! Very articulate of Mr. Freeman & concise! Thanks!
@lets_discuss5352 8 ай бұрын
Thought to keep in mind - A country built on slavery (the US) is wanting to tell and preach others on morality!
@frankyong2607 8 ай бұрын
Built not only upon slavery but from the very early beginning upon the genocide of the indigenous peoples there.
@_Wai_Wai_ 8 ай бұрын
And Sparta used slaves to build most of their country.
@danielli9167 7 ай бұрын
US was created by killing Native Indians and grabbing their land (basically Genocide). Then the white American did not want to work, and they had black slaves to work for them to get rich or accumulate wealth.
@georgejesson1944 7 ай бұрын
While currently supporting Jen oh side
@lamsunyong343 7 ай бұрын
Remember that it is history, and US acknowledge that, unlike CCP who committed genocide
@siewkonsum7291 Жыл бұрын
In comparison, the Chinese system of government is holistic, super efficient, very organized, competent and focus. Its leaders are dedicated, very well educated, trained, and experienced in governing a huge pro-business, hard-working, fast learning and innovative population! Hence the leaders can work and plan with the people to effectively implement and execute national plan targets every 5 years in short terms, and in long terms of 50 to 100 years! However the unique and effective Chinese ways of governance cannot be exported to or copied by any other Governments the world over! 😊
@timothychung4811 8 ай бұрын
Thanks to Moa for preserving the Chinese culture WHEN THE WHITE MAN HAD HIS HAND IN THE COOKIE JAR.
@MarkLandrebe-ef5yd 8 ай бұрын
@siew... Who wants a government like China's? Dictatorship has NEVER WORKED !!
@thefeof6161 8 ай бұрын
Xi xinping has a speach about this (kinda), he talks that he doesnt want countries to use the chinese model, but rather let the polítical and social developments of the region shape the polítical system, and have a plurarity of diferent systems, instead of this crusade for democracy and democracy only of our kind
@mjhou4123 8 ай бұрын
You are all welcome to live under the rule of CCP, particularly under the care of Emperor Xi.
@jacksonwong90 7 ай бұрын
Endmerica blames china for endmerica failure
@daffyduck4195 8 ай бұрын
Many ordinary Chinese and other Asians find themselves perplexed by the United States' stance on China's rise. Despite China's remarkable achievement of lifting a billion people out of poverty, it is not greeted with congratulations but rather seen as a threat by certain foreign nations. Could it be that the US would have preferred China to remain a struggling nation, reliant on aid and shipments of rice? Is the US alarmed by China's growing influence surpassing its own? China's efforts have not only raised the living standards of its citizens, but have also rendered extensive aid to other countries. Numerous Asian countries credit their economic growth to China, and similar sentiment is echoed in various countries across different continents about China’s incredible aid. It seems that the US does not want to accept China as a progressive nation, but instead wants to maintain its exclusive leadership in that domain. However, it is wrong for one human to suppress the ideals and progress of another. The principle of individual freedom to shape one's own destiny is a fundamental concept upon which the US was built. This principle should be the basis of the US foreign policy as an expression of its core beliefs, but instead, the US foreign policy is one of manipulative hegemonic control of other countries. It creates tensions and does not benefit humanity, and will eventually backfire.
@Lyra0966 8 ай бұрын
Yes, and it demonstrates how hypocritical the US's position is. The US has for decades been telling the developing world as well as its own people that its form of capitalism is the way to create wealth and thereby improve the lives of citizens. Now that China is doing that very thing, but doing it far more equitably and efficiently, the US complains that China is somehow behaving badly. The fact of the matter is that China has developed its own form of capitalism that is proving to be of genuine benefit to both its own people and to those of its trading partners. In doing so China is more clearly illustrating the socio-economic failings of the US. In effect, China is embarrassing as well as surpassing the US. And these are the root causes of the antipathy that many among the US elite business and political classes feel towards China.
@littlebaby3980 7 ай бұрын
totally agree
@andreassurya1992 7 ай бұрын
caracter zionis very difficult, because always fighting and war, in the future usa very dangerous, much people pool, homeless, gangstet, bad man, ilegal gun, drug people, zombie people, protitution, because war high cost
@sih9696 7 ай бұрын
If the US cannot tolerate any country to surpass them, then YES.
@theprophet489 6 ай бұрын
All they know is European slave masters colonialism capitalism mentality
@sleepywatcher 7 ай бұрын
Five thousand years ago, we Chinese faced floods like Egyptians and we tamed the Yellow River. Four thousand years ago, we were playing with bronzes like the Babylonia and we forged the most beautiful bronze sword which withstand the test of time. Three thousand years ago, we thought about philosophy as much as the Greeks and we were all united by Confucianism. Two thousand years ago, we fought large scale battles like the Romans and counltess cities were destroyed and rebuilt A thousand years ago, we were as rich as the Arabs and we sent our mighty Fleet across the known sea And now we're competing with the young Americans We've been at the world table for five thousand years, but our opponents have changed several rounds.
@fannybirot2362 Жыл бұрын
That's funny: The American scholars talk about the zero-sum game, and blame the Chinese scholars to take it too seriously?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@gregwang8628 8 ай бұрын
Two things American government is good at, raging wars and blaming others! 😂
@thecouncilofmockingjays 8 ай бұрын
Well, many scholars like that in the US, unbelievable what they really believe about the Thucydides trap! I could mention John Mearsheimer as an example at the top of my head.
@beatricewan9958 8 ай бұрын
@@gregwang8628 Pompeo: We lied, we cheated, we stole!
@ex0duzz 7 ай бұрын
Mearsheimer is logical and even brilliant when it comes to geopolitical analysis in general, and for the world. But whenever he talks about China, he cannot remain objective and consistent. he quickly shows his ignorance about China and shows his hypocrisy. For instance he blames USA for provoking Russian and causing Ukraine war. But when it comes to China and Taiwan, he advocates directly fighting China like it is not only inevitable, but that it is something that is smart and that would benefit USA in the big picture. He is fine with provoking China over a useless island province and is willing to have China/USA in a total war, just to maintain usas credibility with its other aliies. He does not mention anything about usas credibility or loss of trust from allies by not fighting Russia directly over Ukraine. He thinks that if usa avoids a total war with China and allows Taiwan to be unified(peacefully no less), that USA will lose all credibility with sk/Japan or something and that somehow this will also embolden China who will then do a Japan and conquer Asia and the whole world after. The biggest mistake that shows his ignorance is that he assumes that China will act exactly like USA and wants to dominate the world like usa does and bomb and overthrow everyone. It is pure projection on his behalf along with his ignorance about China and Chinese mentality and Chinese philosophy and how China sees itself and the world, and he also shows that he has no idea about Chinas vision for the world, which is a peaceful stable world with no wars. China has not fired a bullet or dropped a bomb in 45 years and counting now, and all of its were before that were short 3-4 weeks wars/battles which were 100% defensive in nature. Like border disputes. The only real war China has fought since it's founding in 1949 was the Korean war in 1950, and that was against nuclear superpower USA, SK, and 17 other UN countries combined. Even back then usa could not scare or deter China from defending itself and it's interests.. let alone tirsay when China is1000x more powerful in every way possible, and USA is relatively much weaker compared to its strength back then in terms of military/economic/technological or political influence/power. Back in 1950, USA was basically untouchable and unbeatable, since only USA had nukes(Russian still didn't have them or not many). Even Russia was scared to fight USA directly back then which is why there were zero Russian soldiers boots on the ground fighting in the Korean war, and instead Russia only flew jets near the Chinese/nk border and were hiding the fact that they were directly Fighting with usa, even in the air and at a small scale. China fought in the Korean war so that they didn't need to fight years/decades later. it changed the world's opinion of China and China went from being a joke that can be beaten easily by anyone to now being a great power again(militarily for the most part) that no one including USA, SK, and 17 other UN countries combined could scare/deter/beat in war. In the Vietnam war few years later, USA never dated to even step one foot into North Vietnam for the whole war. Even Russia today could not make USA that scared and warn USA not to go to Ukraine invite them into NATO/Western sphere etc. Had Russia been the one to beat USA in Korea, USA would have infinitely more caution than they did. Same with Taiwan. Usa and the whole world do not dare to recognize it as a country, or sell it too power weapons which could change the balance of power between China(PRC) and Taiwan(ROC). USA knows the results if they cross chinas red lines on China's core interests. Which is Taiwan, and also us military troops and bases in countries that border China(like NK, north Vietnam, etc). Afghanistan was the exception since the border China shares with Afghanistan is like 2km long only(and thus cannot invade China from Afghanistan) and USA could also not defeat Taliban so they could never focus on China to invade or attack. It is similar to Korean war, where china didn't get involved and let Nk get wiped out and basically conquered by USA and sk. But then usa made a mistake. They got too close to Chinese border and also bombed Chinese border towns and villages, killing many Chinese nationals/citizens. It was only after that that China reluctantly decided to enter the war(since USA had nukes at that time and China had not even a navy or air force, no economy, nothing) and protect what was left of NK and set out to push USA halfway across the country all the way back to 38th parallel. Which if the reader is a student of history will know that China succeeded and made USA do the longest retreat in their countries history, while wiping out whole armies in the process like the infamous US 8th army which was completely routed and basically wiped out after fighting the Chinese at battle of chosin reservoir/battle of Changjin lake and battle of Chonchon river. 2 of the most epic battles in modern history and fought in some of the harshest weather environment, with more soldiers dying to the environment than from actual fighting. Mearsheimer should know better than to cross Chinese red lines, because once Chinese decide to fight, they will fight to the end and will never surrender or lose because to do so is the same as being wiped out. Taiwan is an existential threat for China just like Korea was. Taiwan is nothing to USA in comparison. If anything Taiwan is even more important than NK, since it is a part of China itself, and losing a war over Taiwan would mean the end of CPC basically, and no Chinese will accept surrender or loss in the unification war if and once it resumes. In Chinese peoples(and under international laws) eyes, any us involvement would be considered as an attack or invasion of China while it is in the middle of a civil war that has nothing to do with anyone else and thus will be taken as a hostile and unprovoked attack on China by USA and anyone else who decides to get involved. To chinese it is the same situation as if Hawaii were to fight for independence and then China just decides to be opportunistic and not only arm Hawaii separatists, but also fly to Hawaii and get directly involved and bomb and kill American soldiers in Hawaii or America jets and ships in the area in order to help the separatists. When I say it is against international law, that is because UN recognizes PRC as the one legitimate ruler of all of China, which includes Taiwan island/province. Even usa recognizes this fact and so does the whole world except for like 6 tiny island countries like Grenada and St Vincents and other well known powerful influential countries like that.. lol.
@cncis4910 6 ай бұрын
Well said!
@wondererasl Жыл бұрын
Wow, Alan Freeman, what a scholar with integrity! Hope you guys can help westerners to get a way out! The real war among human beings are always rooted in differences of cognition and perception.
@MsOceanstar 9 ай бұрын
“…differences of cognition and perception “ 👍👍 the Us Need to educate its citizens intelligently…except it is not happening. The corporate dominate media is lowering the mentality of the American people!
@gregwang8628 8 ай бұрын
The Beltway Circle is filled with only one type of people, the goons put up there by the lobby groups! None rises up through the ranks, so they are not there to represent the people, they are there to represent special interests groups! 😂​@@MsOceanstar
@yaoliang1580 8 ай бұрын
Enjoy your silly analysis of the whole situation
@yaoliang1580 8 ай бұрын
​@@MsOceanstarthat's what the US elites want, to use their fake news propaganda to brainwash their naive n ignorant public into believing all the lies fed to them
@robertseaborne5758 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Thinkers Forum and Allan, for this informative and inspiring story. For me it confirms my thinking that a multipolar world order would have leaders among equals rather than a single unipolar leader such that the U.S. now is. In the unlikely event that the present U.S. administration somehow turns around and gains sufficient nous to participate in and contribute to an already emerging multipolar world order, rather than continue to belligerently oppose it; the best the U.S. could hope for is to be regarded as second or third (behind India) among equals; China will almost certainly be ranked as first among such multipolar equals.
@yaoliang1580 8 ай бұрын
Unlike China, the leaders of India are just too incompetent and corrupt to pose any threat to US hegemony, in fact they are now licking the boots of their US master in exchange for some cheap benefits
@kabysummit5801 8 ай бұрын
US wants a unipolar world, where it is the dictator. But it calls China the dictatorship.
@Lyra0966 8 ай бұрын
Yes, and it will almost certainly become a far more benign "first among equals".
@Larkinchance 9 ай бұрын
In the face of US bluster, China quietly prepares...
@geneyeh1875 8 ай бұрын
Alan's analysis regarding tension between US and China is very believable.
@_Wai_Wai_ 8 ай бұрын
most other so called Historical/Economic analysts do not go into such detail as Alan does.
@clarissagafoor5222 6 ай бұрын
Having not been able to push China into attacking Taiwan the US has turned its attention back to Europe and the Middle East!
@organizer14 8 ай бұрын
No, war is not inevitable between US anc China. If US will understand China’s red line related Taiwan and do not interfere then US-China relations will improve.
@peanut0brain 8 ай бұрын
How did peeloosi make $100k a yr as a politician and then end up with $100M+? She's in bed with the lobbyists, the arms dealers who needs forever wars to make profit
@georgejesson1944 7 ай бұрын
Keep dreaming
@peanut0brain 7 ай бұрын
US WILL NOT UNDERSTAND because US does not do diplomacy . It does weaponry . -Columbia prof Jeffrey Sachs
@vbch1396 7 ай бұрын
Ask the US politicians to stop exporting its democracy n freedom to other nations. If other nations dont follow the US democratic model, accept it and respect other nations models of governance. And dont lecture other nations as if they have to follow the US example. If the US model is so good, it wouldn't have so many homeless and poverty.
@johntang4108 8 ай бұрын
You have stated clearly the reason why Americans thought that they should fight a war with China because China is doing so well. You are also absolutely correct that China cannot do anything to stop America from declining.
@chowlok5768 5 ай бұрын
I have been listening to many talks of Prof. John Mearsheimer on geopolitical issues. His premise is always "China is the biggest threat" to US. Therefore US should focus on slowing down China's economic and military growth just because China would threaten the hegemony of the US. This is a common theme in the political circle of the US nowadays. Prof. A. Freeman gave a much intelligent talk about the subject, and it reflects the true scenario of US and China relationship today. We need more scholar like Freeman to speak out and to guide the public to view the world in a more sane way.
@kbmblizz1940 8 ай бұрын
Thousands of years have passed, we still cannot settle differences without war? Sad
@btgan3838 7 ай бұрын
One of the most decorated American war heroes had warned: "War is a Racket": It's STILL very much a Racket. Some analysts have pointed out that 60% of the US's 2023 GDP growth is from its huge Defence budget. US is incurring increasingly larger debts to spend on proxy Wars... Profits go into the pockets of the warmongering "racketeers", while national debts keep rising.
@resnica3557 8 ай бұрын
0:13 - "China can't stop the USA's Decline. But it can contribute to the solution by giving an example that hopefully Aemrican people will start to follow."
@peanut0brain 8 ай бұрын
Hopium ...
@resnica3557 8 ай бұрын
@@peanut0brain , At least this is no hopium (for that matter): "China can't stop the USA's Decline. "
@joyaku3078 8 ай бұрын
The decline of usa is due to ignorant americans electng stupid presidents, senators and congressmen politicians who are lying to them repeatedly and waged war all over the globe again and again. Arrogancy of usa made global south to hate them and turn toward east.
@georgejesson1944 7 ай бұрын
Muricans are too proud and arrogant to accept help from China. It's just their nature and it won't change.
@Lyra0966 8 ай бұрын
Brilliant analysis by Freeman. Very cogently debunks the orthodox reasoning that China's rise is necessarily a threat to the US and its imperial or hegemonic dominance. Rather, as Freeman demonstrates, that the threat to the US's global standing and economic dominance is explained by the US's own domestic and foreign policies.
@nmew6926 8 ай бұрын
I still believe in peace. Thucydides trap applies only when both parties are warmongers. Actually there is ONLY ONE WARMONGER
@spvlinn9009 8 ай бұрын
Warmonger needs strength to own the title.
@ellencantarow8973 Жыл бұрын
Alight; another commentator knew who he is - Alan Freeman. But why not put is name up in subscript as he talks?? This is a BRILLIANT talk and it should be accessible to millions of people.
@kimhoongloh6417 Жыл бұрын
An excellent critique and analysis. Thank you very much.
@victorkmlee 8 ай бұрын
What a clear headed excellent analysis looking at history and correlating with current events. Correct analogy based on the true context.
@yingzhang7637 8 ай бұрын
Thank you professor Alan Freeman. your analysis went into depth of "Thucydides trap" which raised by professor Allison.
@Trueye-sl2mr 8 ай бұрын
Peace is inevitable as China has a 5000 year history with numerous strategists. US is dependent on China to maintain its way of life
@mytub9 8 ай бұрын
Great truth telling!
@novemreb7717 8 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for this simple and clear analysis yet so inspiring, informative, insightful !!!
@Seeker_2129 5 ай бұрын
@accountantthe3394 Жыл бұрын
Great talk. Where can we watch more of this please?
@btgan3838 7 ай бұрын
First, subscribe Thinkers Forum 😊
@nanhinting7447 8 ай бұрын
Very well said indeed!
@Zakaius 8 ай бұрын
Brilliant analysis. But the neocon can't believe it nor wanna follow the advice 😮
@calvinngofar4920 7 ай бұрын
Good explanation and neutral explanation without in favor for USA or European countries
@shindersamra4020 Жыл бұрын
That is true history repeats itself. Again and again.
@_Wai_Wai_ 8 ай бұрын
I think you missed the points of Alan's analysis.
@nurainiarsad7395 Жыл бұрын
we all should bear in mind that thucydides’ experience is limited by having only european and mediterranean north african experiences of civilisation. he could be wrong, because his imagination isn’t able to encompass the diverse human civilisations outside of this western sphere. it is by no means inevitable. it’s undoubtedly common in human history, but not necessarily inevitable.
@TacticalMayo Жыл бұрын
Nope you will get a nuclear war.
@ex0duzz 7 ай бұрын
Yep, And even in Asia, China is unique. It's the reason why China has been so strong and resilient and is the only continuous remaining ancient civilization while all the other ancient superpower and "advanced" civilizations have fallen, whether they were militarily or economically or technologically superior to their rivals or not. That did not save any of them or their civilizations over the years.. When I say strong and resilient, I don't mean that china has never had downs, and has only had ups, but I mean that after every collapse and internal division and China splitting into smaller states run by warlords or self proclaimed kings and emperors(downs), china is resilient enough to not only always reunite again, but to also go from nothing back to the top of the world again once they did unite. And like I said china has always managed to reunite again dozens of times over 5 millennia and counting. The last time was just 75 years ago and now China is already back on top of the world and even the previous superpower who dominated the rest of the world in everything cannot do anything about it.. even Soviet collapsed and was beaten by USA in the cold war, split into many smaller states..but unlike China, Russia will probably never unite against like that as one centralized country. See current modern day PRC. China went from nothing in 1949 to overtaking USA gdp(ppp) in 2016. Went from no tech to world leader in many techs and us only peer competitor in every other tech that China isn't leading already. Went from 35 year life expectancy in 1950 to higher than usas in 2023. Went from 0 literacy rate in 1950 to 98%+ many years ago. For comparison, India is only 70-80% literacy rate now, which means that 3-400+ million indians don't have access to basic schools and cannot even read or write. That is only one comparison. Compare all the other metrics like GDP, technology, infrastructure, per capita income, military/industrial strength, etc etc and you have no choice but to admit that there is really no comparison. India simply cannot compare with China on anything worth comparing about. India can only compare or beat china in negative things which china doesn't want. Like Hindu temples, world hunger index ranking, who has lower literacy rate or lower life expectancy etc.
@ex0duzz 7 ай бұрын
-continued from previous post. Mearsheimer does not recognize or care about any of this at all. Somehow he is willing to risk everything in order to start a total war with China over Taiwan. Normally in the way he reasons and thinks, such a price is unacceptable and he would be advocating as hard as possible to avoid any actions which could lead to such an outcome(total war between USA and China). For comparison I have never heard him once advocate for war vs Russia over anything, ever, because he knows USA cannot directly fight Russia ever, and if it happened then both will be destroyed, if not the world too. This is the same result that would happen if USA fought China too, so he is either a complete hypocrite or he is completely ignorant about China when it comes to Chinese mentality, ambitions, Chinese will and sentiment about Taiwan and unification, Chinese views towards foreign superpowers attacking China and using force to make China do anything(it reminds us of century of humiliation, opium wars, unequal treaties). China will fight to the last man and last nuke before they ever allow that to ever happen again. USA and mearsheimer will not understand. If they thought Japanese were tough and psychologically crazy and never surrender, they haven't seen anything yet. Japanese surrendered easily after two nukes and air strikes alone.. not even Taliban or Houthi rebels or Vietnam would surrender to such a thing. So in reality Japan lacked the will to fight a total existential war. As soon as the fight was taken to their homeland, they buckled and surrendered completely and unconditionally. Now compare with china, who was even more weaker and technologically backwards than Japan during WW2, yet less than 5 years after WW2 ended, China willingly chose to attack nuclear USA(when they didn't have to at all) who just nuked Japan twice and firebombed the rest of their cities into dust and ash. In history, only one country has ever willingly chose to attack and start a war vs another nuclear power. And not just any nuclear power but the sole superpower USA who at that time was the sole nuclear power and dominated the world in every way(military, economic, technology, etc). Even Japanese aren't that brave or crazy as people like to believe they are. They would never have attacked USA if they knew USA had nukes and was so economically and technologically strong, with the massive industry to support their technological advantages(USA out build Japan, same as Russia out built Nazis, allies outproduce axis etc). However China did attack usa even knowing all those things and being far less developed economically, technologically, and industrially. Today, China is what Russia was in WW2, and what USA was in WW2. The allies out produced the axis and won, even though Japan and Nazi Germany had more superior technology for most of the time. Today China is that same economic behemoth with the overwhelming industrial capacity to outbuild not just USA, but every one who decides to ally with USA and go to total war against China(minus nukes of course). Just like the overwhelming odds stacked against China in the korean war. Yet China still managed to pull off the impossible, shocked and changed the world, and the rest as they say is history. One that usa would like to forget but cannot, even if they call it the forgotten war, it is unforgettable for both sides and still has repercussions today for not just sino/us relations, but with China's relations with the whole world. Mao was smart. Fight one tough war now in order to avoid 100 even tougher wars later. Mearsheimer doesn't seem to understand that China only fights wars when it has no other choice, and when it does choose to fight, it is done with utmost considerations and will benefit China in the big picture/long term, regardless of how many manpower or sacrifice is required. Even if China lost, it would still have benefited china in many ways since if they lost then, that means they would have lost even harder in the near future(next 5 years) after USA had set up bases on Chinas border and prepared unbeatable defenses and dug in sufficiently, land mined the border to hell and just fly planes into China proper and firebomb or nuke China at will, along with gunboats bombing Chinese coastal cities like UK did back in the opium wars. China is very patient and calculating, it doesn't willingly choose to fight total wars against a vastly stronger opponent who can theoretically nuke them to oblivion without also having their own calculations and also without thinking that they had very good chances to achieve their objectives, which was to save NK and kick USA and allies out of NK and below 38th parallel. So by china actually going to war in korea, you can be sure that the Chinese were sure that there was no other option. It was the least bad choice out of much worse other options/outcomes. I mean china can wait 99 years for HK, wait 75 year and counting for Taiwan, and resolve things peacefully. But Chinese correctly judged USA to not be a peaceful trustworthy person, and usas actions against China over the 7 decades since Korean war have proven China's choice was the right one. It is one of Maos hardest decisions to ever make, but in hindsight and knowing history till now, Mao has been vindicated for his decision to go to war in Korea. Mearsheimer should be aware of all this, yet he still spouts crazy jingoistic nonsense like usa must always escalate tensions with China and must contain China's development, and even keep China divided with Taiwan. He has to know that these just make China an enemy for no reason and war inevitable. The only logical reason for him talking like that is he's ignorant of China, or he's just flat out lying and trying to send a message to China, in an effort to deter china from using force ever, since he knows it China does, then USA has already lost and cannot ever fight China directly so he can only talk big but deep down inside he knows the truth, just like Biden. Both should know Taiwan is not defendable even if they were 100% serious and committed. Just like how Biden says he will defend Taiwan if anything went down. But I do not believe for a second that usa will risk MAD or trade one American city or life to defend Taiwan in a total war vs China. This might have been believable even 20 years ago but certainly not today since the pain and suffering china can afflict on USA is simply unbearable. And I mean that even if it was just a small limited conventional in a Taiwan fight 200-300km from China's coasts and with no attacks launched against each other's mainlands.
@linus631 8 ай бұрын
Great lecture. Thank you.❤
@HappyPandaBear73 8 ай бұрын
Fascinating history segment and thank you very much Sir.👍🙏🙂
@issactian3143 6 ай бұрын
😅 china had never tried to fight for supremacy with the US. It just fighting with itself to achieved a better and progressive nation.😅😅
@gaiateatro 8 ай бұрын
Gracias, excelente!❤
@riceball4u172 7 ай бұрын
Also like to add that Chinese politicians are pick from the best thru their past merits and have to work their way up, while the US and their westtern counterpart politicians are pick by empty promise by the politicians to the people.
@sumaliagrawal4773 8 ай бұрын
Thank you. A sensible narrative regarding the nature of the problem of US hegemony and imperialism. If the USA recognized it's geographic position in the world, it would see two gigantic oceans exist on either side of it neither of which it has any right to traverse.
@oliverkwok8782 7 ай бұрын
It is interesting to see how a maritime power fight with a local Houthis.
@btgan3838 7 ай бұрын
HISTORY is both a powerful domestic political national governance as well as a Foreign Relations Policy TOOL in the USA. Therefore, real history is not taught to American kids in their school. Carefully curated historical narratives are used to mould the general public's worldview and perception lens so as to suit the US politics and foreign policy goals. You should look up and read: Prof Daniel Immerwahr: How to Hide an Empire - A History of The Greater United States Prof Michael Hudson: Super Imperialism - The Economic Strategy of American Empire 😊
@nckumem5383 Жыл бұрын
A lonly voice in the world even it speaks the fact and disclose the dark side of greedy war player.
@hakukuze7947 5 ай бұрын
We are in the 21st century and our politicians are still living with 19th century practices
@user-to1dn4kl3p 3 ай бұрын
It's a lot easier to blame another party for your problems than to blame yourself!
@Danderman888 8 ай бұрын
He isn't wrong in drawing a parallel between the Peloponnesian war and what's happening today. But the similarities between the two that most may have missed is the fact, not that the rising power is initiating a confrontation but rather the fear of the declining one. In both cases, and I believe this is even truer with the current situation, lies in the fear of this change in perceived dominance from the west. Unlike the earlier of the two, the west rose to preeminence through sheer brute force driven by fear. So, now that security which it used to counter that old fear is quickly being made redundant, it is not just a fear of becoming second best but rather the emergence of that old fear. I believe that if the west in general, and especially with the Americans, are unable to overtone that initial fear, then they will most definitely resort to war, the only security they knew how to push back that fear.
@SeattleLate9 5 ай бұрын
The knowledges gaps between the West and the global south are shrinking. It's much harder to rule people with knowledge.
@jieliu8088 Жыл бұрын
Good point
@leo96119611 7 ай бұрын
Threat must be differentiated militarily or financially but the US never dare to be specific
@eddylee3826 Жыл бұрын
Love listening of the truth 👏👏👏
@davidgamer321 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for your analysis. Could you explain more on your solution on how to improve the current situation?
@dranzacspartan8002 7 ай бұрын
Wow, mate, you nailed it on the head. Like you, I saw the bitterness USA has towards China, and was of the view that it was due to China's rapid development ... but now I'm swinging towards your view that it is because of USA's decline. USA is a Capitalist country and it is driven by Monopoly, where 1% of the Population own 90% of their Country's wealth. As a result, there is no need to strive for rapid development, or rapid technological advancement, because the 1% have everything they need. They're stagnating their own country. China is a Meritoratic Country with a government fill with Engineers, Scientist, Mathematics (unlike USA's Government fill with Corporate Lawyers) and are driven by problem solving - as government, their problem solving strive is improving the lives of all their citizens. As a result, most of the Tax Payers money goes back to the Tax Payers in the form of Civic Infrastructures and cheap/free Civic Services for all their citizens. Compare that to USA where most of the Tax Payers money goes to Corporate USA with the falsehood of "trickle down effect". Just this year alone, more that 50% of their Tax Payers money went to the MIC (Military Industrial Corporations), not including all the other Corporate benefits the USA Government distribute Tax Payers money. It is the tortoise and hare metaphor. USA rush into technologies (the hare) at lightening speed, but a few gab all the economic benefits and clog up developments. China is the tortoise, who slowly moved its masses of civilians along, to the point now, they have so many civilian engineers, scientist, and mathematicians, that are pushing China's development at an extraordinary rate.
@horridohobbies 11 күн бұрын
Outstanding analysis! Absolutely spot on. China's rise is not a threat. All nations have the right to thrive. It is not China's fault that she is possessed of a vast population of clever and hardworking people. We must remember that China has never been colonialist like the Europeans and Americans. We must keep in mind that China is a peaceful nation having fought no wars since 1979, over 45 years ago! (How many wars has the US fought?) If the US were not in decline, both countries could remain on top indefinitely. It is not China's fault that the US is declining.
@sktan3743 7 ай бұрын
Deeds speak louder than words! China should just focus on doing what serve its interest.
@ObjectiveMedia 8 ай бұрын
Imperialism is based on capitalism ie private ownership of land and resources
@spencer7404 8 ай бұрын
China's strength comes from Chinese culture and industrial manufacturing. China's efficiency, execution, adjustment ability, and tolerance come from Chinese culture, not ideology. The strength of the United States comes from the service industry, especially the finance industry. It means credit is the key. The U.S. needs to be the world's number one. Becoming the world's number one is a process for China, but for the United States, it is a matter of life and death.
@waichui2988 4 ай бұрын
It is when people absolutely refuse to accept the reality that war happened. A very relevant case is the process of decolonization after 1945. All the European countries were in shambles and disarray in 1945. The strength necessary to hold the colonial empires together was gone. In Asia, people saw the Europeans defeated by the Japanese and humiliated; the invincibility mystique was gone. France refused to accept the reality. The result was two major wars, in Vietnam and then Algeria. The British gave up their empire peacefully and retained a lot of (not all) the benefits of the British Empire for a long time. A more recent example is South Africa. They gave up power peacefully and retained a lot of economic interests. So, it is up to the United States to decide how to respond to this changed world. My personal hope is that war can be delayed until the US accepts the e world has changed; the IS dominated world order has disappeared, acknowledged or not. Then proceed to negotiate a deal.
@als5482 8 ай бұрын
Can you not realise that NATO is analogous into the "defensive league" of Athens or Rome's "allies" in the Social War
@wynetsang Жыл бұрын
The eternal conflict between civilized and barbarian could never go away since civilization started 10,000 years ago.
@sih9696 7 ай бұрын
Both countries have different priorities; China just wants to make more money, and the US wants control, control, and control.
@joyaku3078 8 ай бұрын
😁😁arrogant usa is in desperation mode because of strong alliance which Putin forged with China, Iran,North Korea etc in economical,political and mlitary spheres challenging the so called one world order😁😁😁
@MrGanbat84 Жыл бұрын
I believe in here
@fengjiang4483 8 ай бұрын
@georgyj111111 5 ай бұрын
The US have already lost.
@manuelreen 8 ай бұрын
this is completely delusional when talks about Columbus (Cristóbal Colón), as it was not Venice or Genoa but the Spanish Crown's expedition to go to the Indies travelling westwards. It was SPAIN the first global empire ruling more than 20 million km2 from Europe, America up to the Philippines in Asia. And, of course, the Spanish empire did not fight the Chinese empire, conversely the traded very efficiently from China to Manila to Acapulco in Mexico to Europe.
@frankyong2607 8 ай бұрын
It were Spain and Portugal at the same time dividing the world between them as world empires before the Dutch took a turn.
@mingpoyang 8 ай бұрын
Strange rising power USA didn't go to war with declining power UK post 1945.
@alexcooperlaguna7915 7 ай бұрын
He forgot to mention Spain and Portugal at the 11:50 mark. England was not the first. Spain and Portugal were the first two great powers at the start of the 16th century. Spain dominated the world from the start of the 16th to the end of the 17th centuries.
@chookyrobert973 7 ай бұрын
you are right Allision clue is not really apply the modern world. There is a lot of diplomacy involve rather than those old day did not have at all relation. So allision proven totally wrong.
@redbeansg 6 ай бұрын
Are the Americans and the West respectful of the Chinese people and people of the rest of the world?
@KenHubbard-jz1vq 3 ай бұрын
@awjames1121 8 ай бұрын
Can you tell why usa is going to payback usa very Hugh financial debts troubles now??.. howvusa going to pay back debts or unable to payback? ?...
@tonysia6474 8 ай бұрын
@hubreydavid7864 7 ай бұрын
It's true to take number one stop it's like boxing you have to take your opponent out. No matter how much China rises and America declines, there will always be a threat of war. But look at America at the moment it's 2 political parties fighting each other. Which is helping America decline. Unfortunately all Empires only have a limited time to rule history and have proved that over and over again. Good insight into history 👏
@andreassurya1992 7 ай бұрын
tks alan
@_Wai_Wai_ 8 ай бұрын
12:00 I'm surprised this guy didn't mention the Spanish, and Portuguese Colonial empires? They dominated South American trade for centuries? And perhaps you can argue, South America still is culturally dominated by the Spaniard and Portuguese.
@ttkoh123 7 ай бұрын
Well Done China! for remaining unprovoked, Professional, Ethical, good strategy and control.
@EdyKhang 7 ай бұрын
You blamed other just because other country live in happier and grow faster. Are you kidding?
@ngutumpuennutu2836 8 ай бұрын
The cause of the war will not be the rise of China in the face of the decline of the United States of America, but the desire of the United States to impose its culture on the world. An imperialist desire which derives from their abrahamic religion, Christianity. China, not being of abrahamic culture, neither christian nor muslim, cannot have an imperialist desire in the same way as the United States of America. In face of the diversity of the world, the wisest thing would be free competition between anthropological systems. Individualist in the West, with a capitalism led by private companies, collectivist elsewhere, with a capitalism led by the State or public authorities. But the West does everything to sabotage non-individualist systems to impose its own. But the individualist dogmatism of the West will ultimately fail in the face of different anthropological systems, in the same way as...communist dogmatism failed after countless tragedies.
@truthseeker000000 7 ай бұрын
If China decided to become an empire; it would be the start of its ending and a sure way of creating enemies for its future generations of Chinese people. China, like India, have cleverly never strived to conquer neighbouring countries. Its friendship, power and progress has always been linked to commodities, export and global trade. China is wise enough to know that empires fall is the end. Best lesson is to learn from the follies of other nations and their failed strategies (I.e. Greek, Persian, British, American Empires)
@nickpeng9914 8 ай бұрын
One point of view that differs from the professor's is that the reason for the undulating decline of the U.S. GDP should be attributed to the continuous increase in the total GDP. When the total amount grows, maintaining the same growth rate requires a larger growth scale, which is unrealistic. In other words, as the total GDP becomes larger, the growth rate will inevitably become smaller. How to resolve this issue is a collective challenge developed countries are facing.
@awjames1121 8 ай бұрын
Can you tell why usa not dare to guarantee and assure all nations that we all can very easily exchange for 1ozs of pure solid gold for how much usa dollars anymore now???... how? Why?? Why usa dare to overprinted it usa dollars but not dare to guarantee it's dollars trustworthy??... why???....
@GlobalDrifter1000 Ай бұрын
No country in the world had so many people in poverty
@johnr.b.murray3417 4 ай бұрын
The same as Germany’s rise was a threat to JEW.
@jackreacher8858 8 ай бұрын
USA is very good at explaining when she doent want to make right choices to solve problems by saying ' IT IS COMPLICATED ' ! EXPERT , MAN ! EVERY GOOD CHOICE IS COMPLICATED hehe ! The many times I heard this answer is astronomical .
@omegabulldog5001 2 ай бұрын
Too many Europeans paid too much tributes to ancient Greeks and Romans "virtues". Also, too many still believes in the outdated idea of the concert of Europe, where EVERYBODY must be balanced against their neighbors and their neighbors are ALWAYS a threat instead of someone to cooperate with. China don't operate like that though.
@Headphones.on.Seals. 6 ай бұрын
Who is threatening USA ruling the world?
@MrMaxprofit 7 ай бұрын
There is no way for china and the US tonight inorder to know who is more powerful
@雷電擊槍 7 ай бұрын
No。USA just give Taiwan to China.then it will be OK
@wintersxiao 8 ай бұрын
china china china…… pls say bad thing about china as you wish we do not care
@ObjectiveMedia 8 ай бұрын
Captiosism/imperialism was invented in around 2500BC in Mesopotamia. The first organised war in history was fought in 2400BC in Mesopotamia.
@blackrockproposal 6 ай бұрын
Who's this wise old man?
@wendyshoowaiching4161 8 ай бұрын
Definitely not the China side. US has always cause the start (judging, Interfering & Felt Threaten By China's Economic Advancement) eventual due to its population (4 times the numbers and its weakening declining)
@questworldmatrix 7 ай бұрын
Have you met the US? You can ask the same thing between with India and the US.
@rig.veda200 7 ай бұрын
Why is this man calling China a democracy? With all respect for the rest of the content. You must admit, nothing compares American freedom of speech and democracy.
@michaelgreen398 6 ай бұрын
Moral standards of us.are you having a laugh that boat sailed long ago😅😅😅😅😅😅
@KenLewy 8 ай бұрын
spot on
@andreassurya1992 7 ай бұрын
usa must changes sistim politic, money not for warbut money for pool/ middle people( education, healthy, home, infrastrutur)
@GlobalDrifter1000 Ай бұрын
These arguments are fatuous.
@tikiewel 8 ай бұрын
Divide by zero depletion of mines for trading
@耐用小生 7 ай бұрын
@HollywoodCanik 5 күн бұрын
@HollywoodCanik 5 күн бұрын
@andreassurya1992 7 ай бұрын
cina president mao wrong sistim, but president dengxioping changes sistim, now cina succes for everything
@grandpa5508 7 ай бұрын
The UK and the US in tow.
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