Is YAHWEH, the God of "Christians", Actually SATAN in Disguise?

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Library of Gnosis

Library of Gnosis

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@jrloulanza6534 6 ай бұрын
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was neither convincing the world he didn't exist nor convincing the world he was God it was him believing he was God. He tricked himself.
@Underliner07 6 ай бұрын
Imagine creating your own quote 💀
@nihiqallam5616 6 ай бұрын
@LibraryofGnosis 6 ай бұрын
@@Underliner07 To be fair, most quotes are made up. There are some quotes that are divinely inspired, but those are few, and far apart. At least in my opinion.
@undefinedhuman7404 6 ай бұрын
not just christians, abrahamics in general
@LibraryofGnosis 6 ай бұрын
Well Yes of course. But I had to come up with some title, it had to be eye-catching, and not too long. So that is what I went with. I was gonna go with Jews first as they best fit the bill, but KZbin probably won't approve of anything critical of them.
@undefinedhuman7404 6 ай бұрын
@@LibraryofGnosis good point
@kilowhiskeyalpha6078 6 ай бұрын
According to gnostic tradition the god of the Abrahamic religions is the demiurge, the one commonly known as Satan/Yahweh. Further, "he (yahweh) has a face to set before them all according to his desire" this quote being taken from the gnostic gospel of the Egyptians which would lead one to the recognition of the deceit this being employs in his attempts to rule over humanity and disguise the true identity.
@swim1-who-isnt-me 4 ай бұрын
Saturn, the creator, the demiurge, Yaldabaoth/Jaldabaoth/Ialdabaoth, Yaweh/YHWH/the Tetragrammaton, LORD, Allāh, Samael, Jehova (& Jehovah-1), Saklas, Satanael, Moloch, Kronos, Baal, El (maybe, maybe not, just means God in Hebrew), Elohim (Hebrew word meaning "gods" or "godhood". Although the word is grammatically plural, in the Hebrew Bible it most often takes singular verbal or pronominal agreement and refers to a single deity, particularly the God of Israel. In other verses it refers to the singular gods of other nations or to deities in the plural"), Shaddai, Tzevaot, Enlil (maybe?), Remphan/Kiyyun/Chiun (maybe?) Soknebtunis-Geb, Adonai/Kyrios, Father Time, Lucifer (maybe?, maybe not tho, as he is sometimes represented by Venus who is considered to be opposing Saturn; I would also sincerely like to ask the question: where in the bible does it say Lucifer is Satan?), Azathoth, the black sun, the chief archon and lion-headed serpent who is the bastard son of Sophia - he is the half maker and ruler of the reality we currently inhabit who's light was stolen by his mother and given to us - which has left him existing as nothing more than a shadow like the rest of the archons - an archetypal thought-form/tulpa - his existence depends on true creator/emanator beings such as ourselves - which is why he keeps us trapped here in this hell - since hell is a place separated from the true God, the invisible father, who is not a creator but more accurately described as an emanator ("In the pre-Israeli religion of Cana‘an he was called ’El ‘Elyon {the HighestGod} and had 70 sons, of which Yahweh is one"?, which is also called the monad who is the benevolent father and invisible one above everything, which can be contrasted with Abraxas which is the God in which everything exists including both light and shadow - good and evil - he/she represents the union of spirit and matter and the force behind individuation according to Jung, has been described as a god - Aeon - archon - and demon, Jung states "He is less definite than God or Devil. ... Abraxas is activity: nothing can resist him but the unreal ... Abraxas stands above the sun[-god] and above the devil If the Pleroma were capable of having a being, Abraxas would be its manifestation."), people who have NDEs describe beings trying to trick souls into reincarnating because they are thought-forms who's entire existence depends on beings with divine sparks keeping them alive (they feed on our loosh), everything in this reality is created through manifestation from spirit (us or Sophia), the more a thought-form/pattern is focused on and assumed (unconscious belief, the law of assumption) to exist the stronger the pattern/correspondence becomes - like chaos magick or the stuff Neville Goddard describes, all is mind, matter is created and secondary to mind(soul) and spirit, not the other way around - strengthening a pattern/correspondence means using emotion and repetition while focusing on the pattern/correspondence which helps strengthen a creator beings unconscious belief in it (assumption) - shadow beings or thought-forms can perform rituals on us creator beings to strengthen themselves, such as rituals where they sacrifice us - this repetition (aka ritual) creates intense emotion in the creator being which strengthens their pattern (they feed on our loosh), the way out according to ancient traditions is to combine the 2 into 1 ( the bridal chamber, individuation), your soul (aka mind) becomes one with your spirit (higher self, true soul mate, guardian angel, spirit guide, daemon), soul itself is a fallen and "corrupted" part of spirit that is stuck in and engages with this reality, this reality (the black iron prison) is really a mistake, and a farm where we're the livestock for shadow beings to "feed" off of, it is not a school and is 100 percent a bad place to be, we are tricked into reincarnating here through lies such as saying we still have work to do here, a purpose, or the lie that it is a school and we are here to learn, karma is another lie they like to use, if we all leave they will cease to exist, some claim the devil/demiurge and his archons are evil but in reality they aren't because they don't have true consciousness, evil requires a conscious mind making a choice, they are more like a storm and you don't call storms evil even tho they can definitely be bad, all spirit is ultimately emanated from god, we are a part of god but it is an error to claim we are god or gods, a foot doesn't claim to be a person, but like God we have the power to create or emanate, the "evil" ones worship and have tricked some divine sparks to worship Saturn and the black cube and the saturn-moon matrix, the devil acts through illusion and lies, the invisible father through synchronicity, and sometimes we can confuse the 2 for each other, sin is just another word for error, Jesus descended into this realm to free us by reminding us who we truly are. Saturn worshipers like to claim Christians secretly worship the black cube as well, they claim the cross is a representation of the cube. This has been a well repeated lie throughout the ages, that the god and father of Jesus was Yaweh. Jesus preached the opposite, that the god of the old testament was the devil and ruler of this world. The cross is the cube, correct, but it is the cube unravelled, which symbolically represents the mission of Jesus. Through gnosis I have been guided to this knowledge by a divine benevolent benefactor, but when you know you will be known, now I have Sauron's eye directed towards me and experience intense gang-stalking and v2k, fear and illusion are their weapons, read the Gospel of Truth by Valentinus, which explains much of what I am describing. I will not be provoked and will refuse anger/hatred/fear, I will remain passerby. Synchronicities and 23s everywhere!!! I see the fnords also. I refuse to let Yaldy-Baldy keep me here. I will 23 skidoo! Time to put on 23 by Highly Suspect. BTW I am also a Gnostic Christian and voluntarist, I'm glad I found your channel 😊. I'm not a Rosicrucian simply because I don't know enough about it, but I know they have what seems like gnostic beliefs. I once went to a Rosicrucian meeting near where I live, but it pretty much ended up being a book club for older ladies at a library and I felt really out of place, no disrespect to them tho. The topics they discussed seemed to just be new agey and they definitely emphasized their gender a lot. I wanted to learn more about spiritual truths and have theological discussions and such. I also know there was a rivalry between the Illuminati and Rosicrucians in Freemasonry at one point. I'm against Freemasonry and think they serve the Demiurge, but I know Rosicrucianism came before and doesn't have to have anything to do with them necessarily.
@LibraryofGnosis 4 ай бұрын
Spot on! Working on a video to explain why I think Lucifer is YHWH/Satan.
@jrloulanza6534 6 ай бұрын
Fun fact: Hovah = Havoc.
@Nhillus47 6 ай бұрын
underrated channel
@LibraryofGnosis 6 ай бұрын
Thank you! Getting views is hard...
@jrloulanza6534 6 ай бұрын
Everything in the old testament only scratches the surface with what the Pilgrims did and they follow the old testament laws.
@LibraryofGnosis 6 ай бұрын
The old testament are the teachings of the Elohim, until Yahweh took over.
@D4rkNRG 6 ай бұрын
Old Testament = Torah
@tdmidas289 6 ай бұрын
​@@LibraryofGnosis teaching of the pagans
@LibraryofGnosis 6 ай бұрын
@@tdmidas289 Jesus would be considered a "pagan" according to monotheistists. The earliest Israelites were polytheistic.
@jrloulanza6534 6 ай бұрын
@@D4rkNRG Torah is the first 5 books the rest aren't the Torah just putting it out there.
@2ruamerican 6 ай бұрын
@evanpilkington9671 7 күн бұрын
Is that why i think "god" sounds like a narcissistic father and his believers are under his toxic control 😅
@TheRealNighthawkBaby 5 ай бұрын
love what this has to say about law enforcement and false prophets
@LibraryofGnosis 5 ай бұрын
It was a bit spicy, I was afraid to include it, glad someone appreciated it
@xueya2188 6 ай бұрын
Peace, peace, peace. Christ is the Chrism, the Light and Water of Life that springs from the centre of the brain. Peace, peace, peace.
@risdalonterora9833 6 ай бұрын
Ha Satan in sumerian is Administrator, be careful
@SinnedOne7 5 ай бұрын
@@risdalonterora9833 how would you say so?
@risdalonterora9833 5 ай бұрын
@@SinnedOne7 and how could you say so?
@SinnedOne7 5 ай бұрын
@@risdalonterora9833 its nothing. im also thinking you are right because they say satan is the ruler of this world and we are bound to obey him. so he is. did you know who they worshiped in summerian?
@risdalonterora9833 5 ай бұрын
@@SinnedOne7 to work for is different to worship. It is forbid to worhip to Elohims because man would become lazy and natural law would disturb and may the man would not practice it's authority because it would become slave to worship.
@D4rkNRG 6 ай бұрын
Satan is the God of Jews. John 8:44 Who can also be traced back to worshipping Ba'al, Remphan and Moloch. Yisra'el literally means 'One who struggles/wrestles with God'. Israel is the name given to Jacob after wresting with an angel of God. Today its the name given to ALL Jews regardless of where they live in the world. Also before it was called Christianity it was called the Galilean faith, I'd research that, the Romans talked about its popularity even 300 years after Jesus death.
@eatfrenchtoast 6 ай бұрын
Ok don't get too insane from your content hobby... 😢
@SinnedOne7 6 ай бұрын
when the anunnaki came down on earth it was on Isra-EL.
@1MNUTZ 6 ай бұрын
I would have to say Yahweh is more of a Judge character and Satan is like that guy who always gets you into trouble by convincing you its a good idea then when you're in trouble Satan just keeps trying to get you into deeper trouble with more bad ideas and Yahweh is the judge that shows you oh see how you got tricked here see what you did wrong there see how you ended up doing this well look it was you who did it you deserve the punishment I have dealt you. Its basically the mind being its own worst enemy by design. The mind constantly playing tricks on you. You see Satan is an agent like a covert agent for Yahweh he tricks them into their own downfall so Yahweh could judge them. Religion is one big guilt trip and enlightenment cant come from religion because religion depends on keeping you in the dark to keep you in control.
@SinnedOne7 6 ай бұрын
Yah- Weh is the Holy Spirit the spirit of purity the cleanliness. and sometimes he takes any form to be a witnessed of a worldy things.
@1MNUTZ 5 ай бұрын
@@SinnedOne7 how so? Do you meanpurification through intense destruction and punishment ?
@1MNUTZ 5 ай бұрын
@@SinnedOne7 that doesn't even make sense the spirit of cleanliness takes on different forms to be witnessed to worldy things that's gaslighting
@1MNUTZ 5 ай бұрын
@@SinnedOne7 religious people are some of the biggest hypocrites known to mankind
@SinnedOne7 5 ай бұрын
@@1MNUTZ sometimes in order to cleanse the body you need to detoxify.
@1MNUTZ 6 ай бұрын
Marcion of Sinope believed the god of the old testament was this same evil creator that the gnostics believed in the demiurge. Marcion believed that Jesus came to preach a whole different God one that could only be good. If you think about it how can the god of the old testament be good when he condones evil acts. A good and only good God can only be good no evil whatsoever. So with that said this world is probably governed by an evil creator god that literally tricks everyone into believing he is the good and only good god. The test is to see if you can pass his tricks and thats when you level up in conscious awareness and get closer to the good and only good god.
@SinnedOne7 6 ай бұрын
the anunnaki was just an overseer buts its up to people to chose there path thats why they gave us consciuos mind and right of free will. there just guide for the sake of surviving of the humanity.
@1MNUTZ 6 ай бұрын
@@SinnedOne7 doesn't matter what you call em annunaki shiva jehova yahweh satan wattever Its all the same thing all the previous religions and their 18000 different gods thought they knew too. Free will is an illusion you can do things on your own free will sure but its an illusion because the good and evil creator controls the material reality meaning he controls the entire video game it could lay a path or it could lay a trap it could create what it wants when it wants and your free will isnt strong enough to do anything. Why do you think money was invented because now money can create that same power of changing reality but still the good and evil creator controls that game too.
@SinnedOne7 6 ай бұрын
did you know that the founder of religion dates back from the first summerian worshiped of the anunnaki the god of the bible. which is Ang-EL The El-ohim.
@LibraryofGnosis 6 ай бұрын
Yes. I think I have made this obvious. In Rosicrucian terms, which I'd like to consider myself among, it is called prisca theologia or ancient theology.
@SinnedOne7 6 ай бұрын
@@LibraryofGnosis i just noticed that if you jumbled the word Angel and add letter C on the first Word it says Change.
@LibraryofGnosis 6 ай бұрын
@@SinnedOne7 Interesting. Their job is literally being the agents of change, so it would make sense.
@GigaMoth 6 ай бұрын
Bro watched the Mandela Catalog and thought it was real
@SonOvThunder 6 ай бұрын
Art imitates life.
@jrloulanza6534 5 ай бұрын
Nah the Mandela catalog is that the serpent is evil when he is NOT.
@youderp7256 5 ай бұрын
It would be more accurate if it said god of the jews, as the god of the jews became the god of the Christians.
@LibraryofGnosis 5 ай бұрын
I don't think KZbin would let me monetize if I put "jews" in the title in this context. Man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.
@kilowhiskeyalpha6078 26 күн бұрын
It is unfortunate for humanity that the Jewish narrative and interpretation of ancient cosmology was adopted by the early Church fathers to become Catholicism and it's derivatives. There is a gnostic interpretation for many of the biblical chronicles that cast a contrasting light on humanities spiritual evolution, it is by contrast that the Jewish religious ethos has been stealing the vigour of Christians for centuries.
@davidbenjamin-i8t Ай бұрын
Inconclusive u didn’t present enough evidence linguistically or other wise
@LibraryofGnosis Ай бұрын
Don't have a lot to go off, I used what existed.
@maximumreggae1453 6 ай бұрын
When Jesus says '' you are not of my father'' He doesn't means that Yaweh is not the father , He means that their heart have departed from God and they became like the israelites in wilderness that went to worship the golden calf . . . . the problem in the bible is not God but man himself Jesus said himself , '' Many in those days will come to me and say , wasn't it on your name that we healed sickness and chase bad spirit '' and he said '' away from me satan i never know you '' So what you apply to Yaweh in a way can be apply to Jesus as their will have people acting in his name but not on His Ways but on their own corrupted way . . . .
@LibraryofGnosis 6 ай бұрын
Have you actually read numbers or deutoronomy? This is not the will of the Christ of the new testament....
@maximumreggae1453 6 ай бұрын
actually God has his own way to deal with his people and people, according to time and environment i would say matt 5 Jesus says i dont come to destroy the law but to fullfill it '' so there is a time for everything as it is a process of becoming better , if revelation 20 says that satan and his angel will be cast in the lake of fire for eternity , there is no forgiveness here so we are still on the ways of Christ ? @@LibraryofGnosis
@maximumreggae1453 6 ай бұрын
Jesus said ''i dont come to destroy the law but to perfect it '' so in God time and process there must be a timming , rev 20 says that satan will be cast onto the lake of fire for ever , but jesus said to love your enemy , and to fogive , the ways of the lord are wonderous .@@LibraryofGnosis
@LibraryofGnosis 6 ай бұрын
@@maximumreggae1453I am not sure what he meant by perfecting the law. It almost seems as if Jesus still has to follow the rules that the God of this world made, he is playing 5D chess. If Yahweh was Jesus father, then why would Jesus refute his commandments? I don't see God changing his mind...
@maximumreggae1453 6 ай бұрын
did Jesus refute the commandment ?God change his mind numerous time in the bible , especially when he repents of making man and wants to destroy them ... God waorks with time , remember you cannot explain some mathematics law or physics law before the person you explain this to has either knowledge or maturity ..... is mankind mature right now ??? i dont think so mankind todAY ACTS Like a selfish child ...@@LibraryofGnosis
@rjnorman9423 6 ай бұрын
The good news is within!
@LibraryofGnosis 5 ай бұрын
Jesus was not within, he was outside in the world. But yes the inner is important too.
@rjnorman9423 5 ай бұрын
@@LibraryofGnosis yo bro the gospel means "good news" Jesus taught that God is within. Simple just one verse is needed to know I like to refer to Luke 17:21.... just read and maybe you will understand
@LibraryofGnosis 5 ай бұрын
@@rjnorman9423 I know what gospel means. But Jesus was God IN this world, he was an outside force.
@rjnorman9423 5 ай бұрын
Sure I agree with that but he also taught that the kingdom of heaven is within did he not?
@LibraryofGnosis 5 ай бұрын
@@rjnorman9423 Yes, he also taught that it was a real place we can go after death, or even alive, like Enoch.
@2ruamerican 6 ай бұрын
makes u understand that scripture all fall short of the glory of god and the entire world lies in the power of the wicked one.
@LibraryofGnosis 6 ай бұрын
God is good, the most high just does not care about suffering, to him, it is all one funny game that he transcendence. We as ego driven mortals, are not as lucky.
@SinnedOne7 6 ай бұрын
YAHWEH is A.I i'am the god of moses. satan is the ruler of the worldy things you just dont know that. its like even if you tell yourself you will not be sinned, but you always fall from it, cause its human nature. the gods of egypt is what you called satan the anunnaki, the watchers the olympians. who oversees mankind. the Elohim, ET, Angels or Aliens.
@LibraryofGnosis 6 ай бұрын
Did you know that El, had 70 sons, and Yahweh was one of them. How could the creator God have a father? Please explain this to me, because it makes no sense.
@SinnedOne7 6 ай бұрын
@@LibraryofGnosis it is simply because the anunnaki who came down to earth also believe in one true god! there just technologicaly ahead of humans and genetically modified us as there creation and we worshiped them as our father. can you tell to me there 70 names?
@LibraryofGnosis 6 ай бұрын
@@SinnedOne7 I don't think all of the 70 are actually named.
@LibraryofGnosis 5 ай бұрын
​@@SinnedOne7Look up "El God" on wikipedia and you will find the names.
@AnthonyAGrahamSr 6 ай бұрын
That was not Enil aka YAHAWAH BAHASHAM YAHAWASHI but Amen Ra aka Lucifer!
@Jasmine-js4vb 5 ай бұрын
If Ra is Lucifer wouldnt that Mean that Jesus is Lucifer as well ?
@jrloulanza6534 6 ай бұрын
Technically, Yahweh is NOT Satan but people call him as such.
@LibraryofGnosis 6 ай бұрын
His is the adversary of God's divine will, that makes him Satan or one Satan.
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