Israelis: Why do Palestinians hate you?

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Corey Gil-Shuster

Corey Gil-Shuster

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Filmed before October 2023 war
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@Abey608 11 ай бұрын
As A Palestinian , i really appreciate this video And your doing Great Justice To Both Sides by these uncensored questions and i do not hate israelis and im pretty sure many Jews Feel The Same About Me We Palestinians Just Want A State to Live Freely Side By Side With Israel As you said both sides have to agree to the legitimacy of the opposing sides for peace to actually happen . and as a palestinian I do believe there should be a state for jews , But Also A state for us And i do acknowledge Jewish Persecution Was Present throughout History , But Israelis Have to Acknowledge aswell that we are oppresed and we do not enjoy the basic entertainments and freedom they enjoy , We Palestinians And Israelis Have WAY MORE in commen Than diffrences Our religions are more similar than diffrent , We Palestinians muslims and christians believe in every aspect of judaisim , Arabic and Hebrew Are Very Similar We Have Similar cultures and Ethniclly , Geneticlly Closer , Many Palestinians have a jewish Percentage , I really Hope For The World Countrys to gather together after this war ends To put a end on this conflict and do both sides justice so we can teach the future generations to move on from this conflict and move forwards
@elirosen530 11 ай бұрын
So get rid off Hamass and other corrupt leadership, use the money u get in EU hundreds of millions into education, infrastructure, hospitals, etc...stop instigation against IL and sure any time really... i guarantee you there is nothing more than peace that we would want...but still it is Middle East hence Si vis pacem, para bellum
@valed6706 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for these words. we should stop the hate from both sides.
@shikshakshokwithjuliana 11 ай бұрын
Thank you dearly for your words. I am Russian Israeli Canadian (Born in Russia) my family immigrated to Israel when I was 10. I grew up in Israel 1992-2009 and all the years I must admit- the government never showed what was happening in West Bank and in Gaza. All we knew was we were bombed by suiciders, stabbed, busses malls Restauransts and the nightclub. I asked why they are doing this to us? Why do they hate us? I was told - they just hate us and want us dead, stay away. That’s all! I was terrified of any Arabic speaking even though I was learning bellydance with Jewish teacher who spoke Arabic, who grew up in Ramla, who travelled to Egypt. I never knew there were Arab Israelis and West Bank Palestinians and Gaza Palestinians. I never knew about the camp in West Bank. I used to live in a bubble land where I was crying seeing all the horror of terror attacks. I moved to Canada in 2009. In 2015 I restarted dancing. When I put Israeli music some were uncomfortable (Mizrahit). I never knew about Nakba, or other oppressions, nothing - until I watched the movie Fauda 1. Then it was a shock. Big one. It was like a horror movie happening beside me I never knew existed. In 2021 I opened my events business and collaborated with Lebanese Society, Iraqui musicians, Egyptian, Palestinians, Persians. For Christ sake - I felt horrible to live a life in Israel without knowing their side. The horrors of October 7th were so breaking that I spent hours listening to both sides. I came to one conclusion- Israeli people like myself (many) don’t even know. Some - know and don’t want to see or admit. Some are pure jerks - please forgive me. I see daily horrific videos from Gaza. Bibi, bombed 3-5 days, two weeks!!! But he sees it is not working, hostages are not back - why to continue this way??? Nobody in Israel can see what is happening now in Gaza, I postes in stories, I got an immediate call from the community to remove the stories, that I go against my family and friends by showing my pain for those families who are also oppressed by Hamas in addition to Israel. I have Arab friends who don’t believe we worked with Arabs in Israel in shops, we study together in University, there are music mix bands, we go to their shops, there is racism though, but it is not only for Arabs, it is for all the minorities and immigrants(normal racism that exists EVERYWHERE also in Canada) Bottom line: Israelis (those who don’t work closely with Arab community and those who didn’t serve in Gaza & West Bank) have no clue why Palestinians kill them - we don’t study Palestinian history and watch documentary. Palestinians : suffered tons and cannot look at the kind Israelis who protest against this occupation, who help them by taking their kids to hospitals, who want two state who actually know what is happening and go vocal about it. They also don’t have a clue about the people, a lot of them who care. There is a complete lack of education + intense pain, agony of pain from loss of loved ones due to terror on BOTH SIDES, Israel has more rights and use it, but Palestinians when they go to do the terror - they do it massively (a bomb that kills at once 30 and injures 60, etc) you see meat just as today. After the Massacre Oct 7th those who were praying for a peaceful co existence now praying for revenge, rage and inability for anything close to peace, and I understand them. After Israeli bombing Gaza - our nation will suffer a huge backlash of heavy revenge and hatred, and I would also be doing it. The pain is unbearable today. I feel completely trapped by this horror. I thank YOU for writing these words amidst this nightmare. Because I was not allowed to say anything on my Instagram, Israelis considered me a traitor for posting the ugly reality. I feel 24/7 horrific shame and pain, because we too lost innocent lives killed by brutal sadists, in terror attacks, and on going bombing of the Israeli south. But I cannot tolerate what is done to Gaza. It is insane. I have nothing to add, but tears, endless tears and understanding that now after these murders on both sides we will not see any peace but pain only for the next 2-4 generations…..
@ef2718 11 ай бұрын
@@shikshakshokwithjuliana The ancient community of Jews that used to live in Gaza perished in Islamist riots of *1929,* concurrent with dozens of other communities, the massacre in Hebron was documented, you can see the photos of that ISIS style massacre in archives of the NYT. Photos like the gut churning photos of the massacre of Oct. 7 only in black and white. *In 1929 the massacres were committed mostly by mobs.
@Abey608 11 ай бұрын
@@shikshakshokwithjuliana i really aprecciate your comment , and it gives me hope seeing israelis like you who are open minded and see it ,sadly only the extremists from both sides run the goverments, hopefully after this war and peace resoloution will come and we teach our youth tolerance and most importantly moving forward and forgetting our horror bloody past , thats the only way ❤❤
@yjkind6789 10 ай бұрын
How did the second guy say every country is stolen land? Pretty sure no one stole Iran, China, Russia, etc., Only the Americas and Israel and Australia Azerbaijan and New Zealand are stolen. And it is not the norm
@cinnamon455122 10 ай бұрын
joker. talk to the tibetans, uigurs and the numerous non-slavic majorities of russia
@zjzr08 9 ай бұрын
Can we even count New Zealand, like that at least tried to make a bi-national state unlike Australia (although I know the Treaty of Waitangi(?) wasn't the clearest)?
@mybodyisamachine 7 ай бұрын
Russia? Are you sure?
@נוריתכהן-י4ק 2 ай бұрын
Israel didn't stole Israel. Un made Israel, israelis bought many of the lands and the Arabs started a war and lost, ran away or deported after were violent..
@Zack-hv9cl 11 ай бұрын
Many Palestinian families in the West Bank are descendants of Jews, especially in Hebron , like family called (Dwiek) of which the ex head of the Palestinian national counsel ( Aziz Dweik) was part of . Many Palestinian families in Nablus are descendants of samarians who lived on top of the mountain in the city like family called ( shakhshir ) and others
@burnin8orable 11 ай бұрын
And it sounds to me like they abandoned their Jewish Identity.
@Zack-hv9cl 11 ай бұрын
@@burnin8orable infact , Aziz Dwaik is Hamas leader in West Bank , head of Palestinian legislative council next line to lead PA , thrown in Israeli jail for years , released
@rotemaviaroor 11 ай бұрын
​@@burnin8orable most of them jordanians arabs...
@tamaralexander9379 11 ай бұрын
Most of the "palesitnains" are arab immigrants and muslims non arab immigrants from all over.
@hampadanfana6140 11 ай бұрын
​@@Zack-hv9clbecause the Zionists created the Nakba for the Palestinian people in 1948, the Jewish Zionists destroyed 680 Palestinian villages, confiscated private Palestinian land, destroyed Palestinian homes, massacred Palestinian families who resisted, and expelled Palestinians from their villages and land and made Palestinians flee to various countries. !
@ralfzacherl9942 10 ай бұрын
Everyone rages on Russia because of claims of land from 30 years ago and judges them as imperialistic while Israeli claims on land from 2000 years ago are totally fine.
@anthonyr963 10 ай бұрын
Ukraine and Israel are both sovereign countries that both the right to exist and defend themselves.
@ggg5812-i6r 10 ай бұрын
but why does everyone support Ukraine and Israel?
@zjzr08 9 ай бұрын
Ukraine itself created their own ethnicity after the golden horde (I think) split the Kievan Rus into peoples that turn to Russian, Belarussian and Ukraine - some of the kievan Rus turned to Ukranians but the Jews maintained their Jewishness, and there is mutual agreement between the different types of Jews (Azkhenazi, Mirhazi, Sephardic, etc.) that they aren't different ethnicities.
@connorfortier2699 7 ай бұрын
If they're sovereign they can pay their own bills. Ukraine and Israel are client states.
@LexLissauer 10 ай бұрын
I’m amazed that none of these people mention the occupied territories or colonialisation. Are they oblivious of those?
@sy-ys5094 10 ай бұрын
yes indeed, and then they claim 'we don't steal'.. sounds ridiculous..
@evgy20 10 ай бұрын
Colonised from coloneeser? How does it make sense? It's was jews land by all the history and archeological evidence and facts. This Land was colonised so many times.. but now when jews return to their land you have a broblem? There is a huge by force immigration all over the world ! But when it comes to jews it always abroblem..
@dawd12 10 ай бұрын
Israel belong to the jewish people, they can't occupied there own land
@solvingpolitics3172 10 ай бұрын
@@sy-ys5094 Islam is nothing but theft. Starting with Mohamed!
@Rauzul 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for spreading the only point of division of what’s been said. It’s thoughts like that which keep fueling war in the Middle East. Introspect please.
@mladenstific2459 11 ай бұрын
Bless this guy at the end. When people spend time together, it slowly eats away the damage done by propaganda and othering. This is of course not so easy to do when the resentments and readiness for violence is already there, but it can be done on smaller scales and grow. It helps like nothing else can, because after a generation, nobody can tell you lies about people you broke bread with your whole life.
@Isynchromissity 11 ай бұрын
Yeah, he gave me hope for sure❤
@Agmaio 11 ай бұрын
The problem is, Israelis already tried this. Most of the kibbutzes that were attacked, such as Beeri, Kfar aza, the israelis there would help Gazans with jobs and bring them in to the kibbutz for jobs (and they were paid fairly). Some people from the kibbutzes would also dedicate their time to drive to Gaza and bring people who need hospital treatment into Israel, trying to create a bridge. This would occur for months. But what happened on 7th October? Many of these same gazan people who were brought into Israel for work, treatment, and were treated beautifully by the Israelis, ended up being the ones that followed along Hamas and to loot and destroy the very same kibbutzes that they were working at. Many were recognized on surveillance cameras. Not only that, they also aided Hamas by drawing maps and giving explicit details about which Israelis live in which homes, so that Hamas would know exactly how many family members to kill in said homes, and if there were less, it meant they were hiding. They aided Hamas with a lot of intelligence, which Israel trusted them with. To properly prepare Hamas for the attacks and know a lot of things in advance. This only goes to show, you can't treat extremism with a western attitude. It's not going to work, and it's only going to result in terrible tragedies as we saw on the 7th.
@Aksarallah 11 ай бұрын
@@Agmaio no one wants to love their oppressors, you are beyond brainwashed to think Israelis are the innocent ones here
@Muzikman127 11 ай бұрын
That doesn't actually address the root cause though. It doesn't really matter if you eat and nice meal together and drink coffee, if one group has full rights rights, and the other is deprived of their rights, then that will inevitably breed hostility, even if you have a few nice hippy lunches. If one half of the population doesn't have freedom of speech, doesn't have freedom of assembly, is deprived of freedom of movement, doesn't have the right to vote, doesn't have the right to a fair trial, doesn't have the safety and security of the knowledge that the IDF is there to protect and not brutalize them, doesn't have the ability to build a house, or claim property rights, knows that their house can be broken into at any time by soldiers with no warrant or just cause and they have no recourse, knows that many of their people live in poverty confined to ghettos, knows that the government is building elaborate infrastructure projects that they're not allowed to use, while the other half can, can be arbitrarily imprisoned indefinitely in "administrative detention" without a trial, sees no urgency or prospect of peaceful political avenues open to them to achieve equality and their freedom etc... then you're in a sick society, and that sickness will inevitably erupt in ever worsening violence, no matter how many summer camps you host. That's what I think Corey was getting at the end there with the "okay, and what does that do for them?" type questions. It doesn't matter how much you make nice gestures of mutual understanding, if half of a society has rights, and the other half is deprived of those basic human rights, then that will inevitably erupt in violence. You can't get around that with meals and summer camps and singalongs, you have to actually end it.
@tamaralexander9379 11 ай бұрын
That's very naive as we have seen a month ago.
@chugalongway01 11 ай бұрын
It’s the irony of ironies watching Jews trying to find the “Final Solution” to the “Arab Problem”.
@CBACBA-f1u 11 ай бұрын
They lack self-awareness.
@solvingpolitics3172 10 ай бұрын
Nothing but cry bullying from Islam. Why don’t you people start to benefit the human race?
@Rauzul 10 ай бұрын
How did you read it like that asshole? I’m pretty sure you didn’t grow up there not know the history. The reality is many Arabs from the West Bank and Gaza have zero interest in co existence, I understand how that came to be, but at least the majority of Israelis are okay with a two state solution, the Israeli gov is full of assholes sadly.
@IoIocaust 10 ай бұрын
The solution is for them to accept the land they were given, stop attacking Israel cause the jews are more competent.
@Melhisadek 10 ай бұрын
This is not irony, the one who wants to find a solution can. Take a look at the land of the bordering countries with Israel, satellite images. If there was no difference in what to see, there would be no conflict and no problem.
@jhunt5578 10 ай бұрын
The old people had zero empathy
@angryyordle4640 11 ай бұрын
"We got the land fair and square...through war." Oh my goodness it really scares me people actually think this way. At least the last guy was amazing.
@OurFamily- 11 ай бұрын
This is why 'Is russia vs ukraine like hamas vs israel' a very stupid question. Israel is russia that has gotten its way with ukraine. Ukraine is like palestine that still has a chance. Hamas is what happens when russia wins in ukraine and gets to oppress it for decades. These kind of israeli are equal to crazy russians. At least in israel I feel like many israeli are against this kind of thought.
@elkrazi 11 ай бұрын
But this has always been the way. It's not pretty but that's historically been the case. They didn't go in with guns blazing either. They worked with the British Mandate to secure land. Then war was declared on them and they won. That's what she meant when she said they won the war.
@Gabriel-dy6pm 11 ай бұрын
@@elkrazi This is not true. It is a narrative. And it is not true that it has always been the way. It has been the way for the USA and Australia, which were built on land stolen from the natives who were eliminated through genocide. But it is extremely unusual for ethnic groups to take over countries and ethnically cleanse the inhabitants. When this happens, the victims never, never accept it.
@m0ckingB1rd42 11 ай бұрын
Ok. When will you leave the land stolen by your government? Jews are indigenous to Judea. Israel is the most successful land back initiative in history. That’s why people of real colonial heritage hate it so much. They know what their own ancestors did and they don’t want to give back the real stolen land they’re on, so they project their own guilt and self loathing onto “tha jooooos”. You’re an unremarkable racist
@SigalDa 11 ай бұрын
@@OurFamily- so where is Israel according to your logic?
@asbrozek64 11 ай бұрын
Amazing the third guy who says he doesn't know why Palestinians hate him and with his next breath denies their existence.
@asynchronicity 11 ай бұрын
So many Israelis play this stupid Orwellian word game that there has never been such a thing as Palestine, therefore there is no such thing as Palestinians. It's really tiresome. Ironically, Israel itself has created a Palestinian identity that really didn't exist so cohesively pre 1948.
@NepToon10 11 ай бұрын
Because he believes that the Palestinians are Jordanians
@solvingpolitics3172 11 ай бұрын
So name the year of Palestines founding? You people really need to do something productive.
@NepToon10 11 ай бұрын
​@@solvingpolitics3172I meant that was probably his opinion, not mine
@asynchronicity 11 ай бұрын
@@solvingpolitics3172 1948
@amadmir 10 ай бұрын
they say we took it by force and its okey , base on this logic if someday arab nations get strong and take their land back by force it will be just okey .
@matta7215 10 ай бұрын
You realize that is exactly how Muslims took the land to begin with right? By conquest.
@tmsibley 10 ай бұрын
What makes it Arab land?
@Firstname_Surname 10 ай бұрын
Well you are aware that they tried that various times right? Doubt you would care for the Jews if the Arabs would win, or do you care for the 800,000 ethnically cleansed Jews from Arab states?
@doityourselfpakistan6535 11 ай бұрын
@1:20 like which country is formed by inviting people from all over the world to take land n kick out locals .
@edwinlucianofrias1643 11 ай бұрын
😂 Every single country in the Western Hemisphere, Australia, New Zeland, Algeria, South Africa and more were formed like that. If you look at the history of France, it was people who came from elsewhere (the Franks) whi conquered the locals. In Britain, it was the Anglo-Saxons, in Spain the Christians threw out the Moors....
@doityourselfpakistan6535 11 ай бұрын
can u show me any invitation sent Anglo sexons to Normas to come live here in England to take celts land Ok British asking other whites from all over the world to start living in Austrlia ? The countires are invaded by invitation to occupy land by matching some fake ethnicity matching is one of its kind . Also So what Hitlar was doing u endorse it too ? as lands are taken like this ... @@edwinlucianofrias1643
@alancantu2557 11 ай бұрын
Pretty much every country lmao. People don’t grow out of the ground and become “indigenous.” Throughout history, masses of people move to new lands, fight for it, settle down, and move out. You do not understand history if you can’t see this.
@SigalDa 11 ай бұрын
So arabs who been occupied the land are the indigenous? Good joke
@edwinlucianofrias1643 11 ай бұрын
So you think the problem is that there was an invitation? 🙄@@doityourselfpakistan6535
@alextabet9247 10 ай бұрын
The level of denial is breathtaking.
@solvingpolitics3172 10 ай бұрын
Give us your contributions to the world.
@Tamayo.Sama2023 10 ай бұрын
They really chose their word carefully, but they can't help it everything they said is contradictory 😂
@str4wb3rrychuu 10 ай бұрын
denial of what exactly??
@S1LVAW0LF 10 ай бұрын
wow this really is a modern colonial project. ask Americans in 1800s Wild West why they hate natives and they’ll probably have the same responses. We need to do better as a society 😢.
@__-fx6gd 10 ай бұрын
Palestinians r the natives
@CCI320 9 ай бұрын
Arabs are the colonizers. They are not native to the levant
@Darduel 8 ай бұрын
the question wasn`t about why they hate Palestinians, it was why the Palestinians hate them.. it is also very different since the Palestinians in most aren`t natives themselves
@S1LVAW0LF 8 ай бұрын
@@Darduel how are the palestinians not the natives bro? They are majority canaanite. Like fucking 70-80% LOL. Just because they speak arabic now doesnt mean they arent native to that region yeah.
@Darduel 8 ай бұрын
@@S1LVAW0LF most of them migrated during the times of the ottoman empire from other parts of the region due to economic opportunities, by the way opportunities that came to be thanks to the zionist movement
@carolinarivera3437 11 ай бұрын
Mixed reactions in this interview. But the last guy mentioned something really important. They had a summer camp with the people of the kibbutz. Ironically, the people that Hamas butchered were the ones who wanted to co-exist with gazans. Now no one will want to. I saw an interview (other page in Spanish) with a lady that said that they used to host gatherings with gazans (also at the kibbutz) and that she even had friends there that she kept in contact for several years after the wall. She also mentioned that she didn't like having the wall but understood that it was necessary because of the constant attacks. It's sad for both parts.
@HaithamGhosheh 10 ай бұрын
Tell me something. How will you deal with a man who invaded your home, killed your son, tortured your father then claimed to be the victim? How quickly will you forgive him and have lunch with him? Is it possible? You decide. It's not only Palestinians who tell the real story. Look up: "Breaking the Silence is an Israeli non-governmental organization established in 2004 by veterans of the Israel Defense Forces", Ilan Pappé (Israeli historian), Norman Finkelstein (American political scientist and activist) Avram Noam Chomsky (American professor and public intellectual)
@Rauzul 10 ай бұрын
Actually many people living close to Gaza want peace, and many of those got slaughtered, life is stupid like that.
@yara.7973 10 ай бұрын
Actually according to interviews done with Israeli citizens who were there when it happened, they said most civilians died in the heavy crossfire that happened between the IDF and Hamas and that the IDF was attacking and killing everyone because they lost control. They said that Hamas had no intention to kill any civilians but take them as hostage for the hostage exchange between Israelis and Palestinians. Unfortunately the IDF was targeting anyone at that point, and even started shelling houses with tanks. Plus you should check the Hannibal Directive. The Hannibal Directive also known as the Hannibal procedure is a policy to avoid the capture of Israelis by stipulating the use of maximum force in the event of an Israeli being kidnapped. An ex-soldier explained "You will open fire without constraints in order to prevent abduction."
@shawnkay5462 10 ай бұрын
The Hannibal Directive. Look it up. Eye witness accounts confirmed IDF shot at their own people as well.
@Rauzul 10 ай бұрын
@@yara.7973 a lot of facts behind your statement huh.
@hishama6799 11 ай бұрын
They use Torah while they are secular or atheist. Very funny
@Jayy_sad 10 ай бұрын
And if Palestinians used their religion to take something - they would say terrorism. I swear these Zionists are pure evil.
@suomalainenvoima 10 ай бұрын
Haredim and Modern Orthodox do follow Torah thoroughly.
@hishama6799 10 ай бұрын
@@suomalainenvoima But they don’t represent the vast majority of the Jews.the majority are secular and atheists
@officialjosiah 10 ай бұрын
They live in peace and harmony and don't blow up themselves for a god.
@hishama6799 10 ай бұрын
@@officialjosiah Ok suit yourself but don’t use religion to occupy other people country and killing them on daily basis using Isaiah quote
@yara.7973 10 ай бұрын
For the woman in 2:45 she should hear the retired Israeli soldiers and how they described the villages they stole. One of those villages was Tantura, he described it as "Tantura was a wealthy town, it had beautiful houses. They were living like Europeans, do you understand? The women of the town used to wear beautiful clothes. Really this town.... One of the soldiers raped a 16-year old girl here." This happened in 1948, before they stole tantura and took it as theirs. These people have collective amnesia
@letsfocusonquran 10 ай бұрын
@S1LVAW0LF 10 ай бұрын
yeah the collective “they were living in caves” is generally so fucked up. the Palestinians have been dehumanized for so long that the Israelis genuinely think they are backwards cavemen that need to crushed into submission or pushed into Sinai or Jordan. Truly hard to hear for a modern day american…..this is next level hate. Hope peace can be made but it might be a needle in a haystack situation.
@zevspitz8925 10 ай бұрын
The doctoral student who authored the Tantura massacre claim signed an affidavit in court that he had made up the massacre. A university investigation later found that he'd falsified his thesis work in at least 14 different places.
@omega1maestro 10 ай бұрын
​@@zevspitz8925 Hasbara
@zevspitz8925 10 ай бұрын
@@omega1maestro In other words, instead of engaging in any meaningful fashion, you pull out slogans and name-calling; this demonstrates the shallowness of your thinking. Prove me wrong on both counts, I dare you.
@merketarif126 11 ай бұрын
the world hates thiefs and liar. facts
@tamaralexander9379 10 ай бұрын
@ehabl8816 11 ай бұрын
Being brainwashed is something but the fact that they are so disconnected is horrifying.
@netanelzion 11 ай бұрын
how are they disconnected?who started voolence here?name me single case of forced displacememt or violence towards arabs by jewish groups prior to 1921 "nabi musa riots" or 1929 hebron and safed massacre...rhe fact the muslim world ignores civil wars wth much higher death tolls across the muslim world,but go on mass marches when there is a conflict between muslims non muslims,show who is the ignorants and hypocrites...
@HumanBeingsRThinkingBeings 11 ай бұрын
Mind Begs the Question: - If those once Ethnic Cleansed - Ethnic Cleanse others - Following footprints of their Oppressors,no?
@Chiefrocka. 11 ай бұрын
Disconnected from what? You are brainwashed by the Arab narrative
@shalevb111 10 ай бұрын
Disconnected from who? They are very connected within their community, Not everyone thinks like you in the west my guy.
@ehabl8816 10 ай бұрын
@@shalevb111 I'm from Iraq They don't see what the settlers do? They don't see what the IDF do to the Palestinians hundreds of kids in the prison? They don't see the humiliating checkpoints? They don't see all the crying and complaining a misery of the kids and woman on the other side???? When you ask they say IDK like nothing is happening to these people by the occupation!! Now if that's not a disconnect what is it?
@englishsteve1465 10 ай бұрын
The last guy, with the beard, he has it right I believe. It sounds simplistic but if two groups live side by side they eventually fully understand each other and accept what is a universal truth, which is simply this......people are people and the vast majority just want to live in peace, nothing more or less than this simple fact. Our governments fail us all over and over and _that_ is the thing we all need to change.
@jessiekatetheking 10 ай бұрын
They are more concerned with their feelings than human lives.
@theoBaba773 5 ай бұрын
Right! You know what? It also blew me away.
@solomey 10 ай бұрын
They’re in denial or acting like they don’t, you are simply stealing their lands and oppressing their people
@hedykarim3614 10 ай бұрын
The land thieves are privileged and entitled
@str4wb3rrychuu 10 ай бұрын
@@hedykarim3614 coming from a westerner?? lmao YOU are privileged and entitled
@str4wb3rrychuu 10 ай бұрын
they’re not in denial. you just can’t seem to put yourself in their shoes.
@solomey 10 ай бұрын
@@str4wb3rrychuu And how do you know that, there is something called logic, maybe you need to put yourself in the Palestinians shoes, imagine you living in your house neighbours hood village/city country and over a sudden someone comes and takes your property and belonging by forces on the bases that their ?ancestors were their more then 2,000 years ago. Just imagine how would you feel, these people literally comes from anywhere in the world and the government will give them someone else houses and pay them at times just so they can be the majority in someone else country, how can a human being even accept this my mind cannot comprehend. Their were Jews and Christians that’s used to live there before and they call me selves Palestinians and they themselves are against this Zionist ideology.
@ReallyAwesomeBoy 8 ай бұрын
There is a sensible argument that Palestinians hate Israelis because of the occupation. But you could also be wrong and that's not why they hate them.
@canmanlam 10 ай бұрын
Amazing the woman at 11th minute actually saying that Palestinians can live with us as long as they admit it's our country only
@ahmeda.3198 10 ай бұрын
And she seems to be speaking with a European accent.
@awesome1ru 10 ай бұрын
​@@ahmeda.3198straight from Ukraine 😂
@maryrosed8475 8 ай бұрын
I was shocked! No wonder Hamas get support in Gaza.
@ahmedbadreddinemoucouf3662 10 ай бұрын
Deny at it's finest
@chigeh 11 ай бұрын
It's bizarre that they are saying this problem/animosity existed since biblical times. What are they talking about?
@asynchronicity 11 ай бұрын
It's enough to make your eyes glaze over.
@tonyswarm8829 11 ай бұрын
It’s called propaganda.
@koolfe3018 11 ай бұрын
they are talking about antisemitism, google it
@shainazion4073 11 ай бұрын
Ishmael and Isaac!
@asynchronicity 11 ай бұрын
@@shainazion4073 Here we go with more Bible stuff.....
@fariszengi 10 ай бұрын
1:23 does it mean, it is ok what Hitler do to the Jews back then? or it means it is ok, one day when Palestinian have power to conquer their land back by doing what israel do to them now?
@tamaralexander9379 10 ай бұрын
I thought you people dont belive what he did/ 7/10 gave us a good example of what would happan to us if by any chance we would loose a war.
@kyraschon3seviron 10 ай бұрын
When I look at your video timeline, all I see is you asking Palestinians more controversial questions but you ask very very little controversial questions to Israelis. How about "What do you think about the Tantura, Deir Yassin and many other massacres, commited by Israel?". You ask Palestinians what they think of Hamas. Did you ask Israelis what they think of right-wing Government, like Ben Gvir and so on?
@edwinlucianofrias1643 10 ай бұрын
If you send him a contribution, he will ask Israelis just about any question you want. That's how he does it. He doesn't come up with the questions, he funds his channel by letting people ask questions they want answered (by Israelis or Palestinians) in exchange for a donation for his channel.
@kyraschon3seviron 10 ай бұрын
@@edwinlucianofrias1643 but he arguments Palestinians much more than Israelis. For example, he asks about the right of return to Palestians. If he asked Israelis, he would accept the answer but when it comes to Palestinians, he asks „but there will be conflicts, if they return“. That is not a question but his own biased opinion. Why does he think if Palestinians return, there will be conflicts? Dismissing many Americans stealing Palestinian homes in the West Bank and in Jerusalem? If you watch a lot of videos, you will feel the difference of his hidden mindset towards Palestinians.
@edwinlucianofrias1643 10 ай бұрын
He's an Israeli zionist. I don't think he ever claimed to be neutral. He also tends to be quite critical of religious Jews because he's not religious. And yes, he gives his opinion while asking the questions. He says at the end of a lot of the videos that he gives himself the right to insert sarcastic remarks or something to that effect. If I were an Israeli Jew, I would have my bias against Palestinians just as a Dominican person I have my biases against our Haitian neighbors. @@kyraschon3seviron
@kyraschon3seviron 10 ай бұрын
@@edwinlucianofrias1643 I know he is gay and I know he criticises religious jews, which is why I said he arguments very little with Israelis because you won’t see him constantly argumenting with Israelis. He tends to argument Palestinians much much more than Israelis. He also asks his personal questions after he provides questions by viewers, that do have a hidden message. Such as, he says to a Palestinian that Palestinians are homophobic. Guess what the Palestinian man said? Israelis are also homophobic. There is a difference between a Canadian saying Palestinian are homophobic, talking about other countries and he knows very well that many Israelis have radical mindset. I am sure he gets controversial questions about Israel but picks more towards Palestinians. It is not about Israeli jew being biased towards Palestinians because he is jew, no…because someone might beless empathetic. There are Israeli Jews I personally know, protest with Palestinians and commit their lives by raising voices for Palestinians. It is not a matter of who you are, but a matter of humanity.
@edwinlucianofrias1643 10 ай бұрын
I'm sure there are Israeli Jews who are very sympathetic to the Palestinian causes but most Zionists will prioritize the survival of the State of Israel and the lives of Jews over the creation of a Palestinian state and the lives of Palestinians. I think most French people feel the same about France and most Chinese feel that way about China. For what it's worth.@@kyraschon3seviron
@abubakrshakr5071 10 ай бұрын
To the old couple, Palastine had airports and passports before you came from Europe. You can literally see cities with cars and tourism in photos/history books before you invaded their lands, killed and raped, forced them out of their homes.
@MARKEDONE47_ 10 ай бұрын
Brother, thats their ignorance speaking. The funny thing is that They speak with such confidence even though they’re so wrong, especially the lady 🤣🤣🤣
@flowapowa4307 10 ай бұрын
"Palastine had airports and passports" only because it was under British mandate. dont kid yourself.
@str4wb3rrychuu 10 ай бұрын
@@MARKEDONE47_ the funny thing is that YOU are writing this comment with so much confidence that you’re actually rights it’s hilarious.
@str4wb3rrychuu 10 ай бұрын
“palestine” had those things only because of the british mandate. and not all jews immigrated back from europe.
@MARKEDONE47_ 10 ай бұрын
@@str4wb3rrychuu You like your own comments like the clown You are 🤡🤣
@MissnewsReporter 10 ай бұрын
Wow eye opening you cant live in peace with these people. They are so entitled its crazy!
@jenniferhampton5171 9 ай бұрын
And it's also odd the sense of entitlement/mistreatment of Palestinians even though they went through Holocaust. Hum.
@keepussafeUSA 9 ай бұрын
You need to understand that the Palestinians support Hamas and they want to exterminate the Jews. You would understand this if you had just 1 rocket fired at your house from a neighbor. Imagine thousands fired at you for the past 15 yrs. That's what those poor innocent Palestinians have been doing to Israel.
@playyourdrums6762 8 ай бұрын
What else would you call the indigonous people of the land? Or they can't claim they're indigonous because they are Jews? Israel is the only Jewish country in the world, if people come for it and want it destroyed where should the Jews live? When they didn't have Israel they were persecuted for thousands of years, they were told to "go back to Palestine", and now they are there, they build their country they're no longer the fringes of societies and you tell them to leave? To "go back to Europe?" Seriously what are these people supposed to do haven't they been through enough? They are entitled because they have no other choice.
@benoitpisarchick6866 3 ай бұрын
absolutely the opposite, they are very well articulated!
@dachshundsdogs4407 9 ай бұрын
For everyone saying that Israel is wrong because it took land after winning a war, you’re mistaking this for a “might makes right” situation. Israel was *attacked*, it didn’t start the war. It was first attacked in 1948 by 5 countries and other militias as a brand new country. The Arab League told Arab Muslims to leave while they “cleared out the Jews”. Ben Gurion at the time asked Arabs to stay and build a country. Many did, and their descendants make up 20% of the Israeli citizens that have full equal rights and serve in the highest forms of industry, the Supreme Court, etc. The ones that left weren’t allowed back in from countries that just tried to destroy it. And Jews were always there. No one mentions *why* they were a minority at the time, but surely we should look at the massacres, pogroms and ethnic cleansing that started in the 7th century right up through the 1930’s? What about their lands that were taken by the Arab conquest, the empires that followed? What about the Egyptian and Sudanese immigrants brought in under the Ottoman Empire? Or Egyptian and Syrians brought in under the British Mandate? Or the Bosnians that came in the 1800’s? The pogroms, massacres and ethnic cleansing were why the Jews asked for their own state from the League of Nations after the Ottoman Empire fell. So they would not live under Muslim rule, the same way Pakistan was formed so Muslims didn’t have to live under Hindu majority rule. At one point everything East of the River Jordan was placed off limits for Jews to return and buy land, which became the Emirate of Transjordan. This left 20% of the original British Mandate of Palestine to be where Jews were allowed to live. Much of it was the Negev desert because it was unpopulated. They were going to only get like 20% of that even, but this was rejected by the Grand Mufti who incited violence, was in cahoots with Hitler anyway, went to live in exile in Nazi Germany, and then Israel got more land. From 1948-1967 Gaza was occupied by Egypt, the West Bank by Jordan. No states were given to Palestinians then. In 2005 Israel left Gaza unilaterally, pulled all Jewish residents. First time in 3,000 years no Jews live in Gaza. The embargos and walls started going up in 2007. What happened in 2006? Hamas was elected (sort of) while also forcefully taking over, killing Fatah members. It’s been in their charter since 1988 to kill all Jews in the land, so of course Israel made a border. As did Egypt. As late as 2008 Palestinians were offered 94% of the West Bank, settlers would be pulled, they already had Gaza, would be given more land to boot. It would have been the same amount of land as 1948. Much of the land that Israel was willing to give up was historically and religiously significant to Jews. This was rejected. No counter offer was made. People also fail to mention that since 1948, Muslims countries expelled their Jewish citizens, about 850,000 of them, confiscated their lands and property, many had to walk to Israel. Morocco, Yemen, Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Jordan, Iran, Syria and even Turkey. So. Other than just die, what suggestions do people have for Israeli Jews?
@HaithamGhosheh 11 ай бұрын
It's amazing how these people live in heir own bubble. They bought the narrative and believe it.
@nikomiko-hm4mf 11 ай бұрын
yeah its amazing,like palestinian denial of hebrew history in this land or denial of 1929 massacre,as was sesn in videos corey did on those subjects
@lirazdemasure936 11 ай бұрын
My father, from Tunisia, used to tell me- when you are pointing your finger to blame someone, pay attention that the other four fingers are being directed at you.
@Aksarallah 11 ай бұрын
@@lirazdemasure936 well how does it apply here? Are you an apartheid sympathizer too like all israelis?
@tamaralexander9379 11 ай бұрын
What narrative? that there was never a palestinian state? that we didnt steal anything from anyone. Its called history try it.
@jeccam 10 ай бұрын
No, you're just dumb.
@ahmadnegahban6716 10 ай бұрын
11:26 "and it wa..." she knows, every single one knows, but they are the best justifiers in this world, even though they are the ones brainwashed by their state, they know they have stolen land
@vinz.fa. 11 ай бұрын
From time to time one should counter the enormous falsehood that in the past Palestine was just desert and misery and that the Arabs never knew how to cultivate. As desert dwellers, the Arabs have always been very good at finding water and creating very advanced irrigation systems from very ancient times. One of many examples is the so-called "conca d'oro" in Sicily. An Israeli-Palestinian boy once showed me beautiful photographs of the village where his grandparents grew up, it was all cultivated, today it is a concrete cage. Unfortunately, the barbarity of the last decades is making us forget everything about the more distant past, and it is also allowing many people to tell a lot of lies to justify their racism and the massacres perpetrated by governments.
@dogbert52 11 ай бұрын
He probably showed you a picture of tel aviv and claimed its "his village"
@vinz.fa. 11 ай бұрын
You must be a fine humorist.
@xm7ld 10 ай бұрын
I have never believed the "if you do so-called better with the land than someone else than you deserve it" argument. Can you imagine if we lived our lives by this rule? Someone can take your house if they put a swimming pool out back. Someone can take your car if they will drive it further than you. Someone can take your food in a restaurant if they can eat it faster. Makes no moral, let alone legal, sense.
@vinz.fa. 10 ай бұрын
@@xm7ld I know. It is called fascism.
@whydontyou2016 10 ай бұрын
@@xm7ldthat is not an intact analogy, it doesn’t work. It would be better to accept that some people can do some things better than another, but the other can do other things better than them and work together. Unfortunately victimisation of yourself will ignore this information and all reason. We must ALL concede that after every attack on them the Jewish people (not just Israelis) in general do not allow themselves to become victims cognitively or emotionally. Maybe this is just one of the things that they (The Jews) are better at than everyone else? Instead of learning the Jewish way it seems to infuriate others who consequently react terrifyingly irrationally. If we were all to accept our own individual strengths and weaknesses we would live in global harmony.
@Dadadafaf 11 ай бұрын
11:43 you want it fair and square ? So the Palestinians have all the right to fight you and kick you out to the countries you came from that’s what’s happened to them !? Right ? So don’t cry about them fighting you It’s a jungle that’s your logic
@hannibal3715 10 ай бұрын
The last guy is really a person with an attractive soul. If all Israelis like hem I think it wouldn't ever start a conflict between us and the Israelis. I can listen to hem eventhough his broken English rather than listen to Netanyahu or his fascist cabinet. Bring hem again Corey so through his pure soul can we make an end to that crazy war on Gaza.
@Muzikman127 11 ай бұрын
the level of ignorance on display in most of these responses is quite something...
@solvingpolitics3172 11 ай бұрын
Educate us with your wisdom about Islam?
@Muzikman127 11 ай бұрын
@@solvingpolitics3172 ....?
@dariuslankarian3282 10 ай бұрын
11:30 the girl proves why Palestinians should not give up because she is saying might is right. We won the war and this is our land. So if Palestinian can win a future war they also have the right to put Jews in open air prison called refugees camps and block their movement?
@bigdaddyrat7854 10 ай бұрын
She says, 'we don't need to steal from them', but what do they have that hasn't already been stolen?
@arcaz2787 9 ай бұрын
In reality no. Back then most of the territory was public also it wasn't a State or anything like that, we can't deny there was people living there in some areas especially in the west bank which was the best territory for agriculture, etc. They say many of them were relocated when in reality they left when they started the war that Israel won. Many Jews that were living in Cisjordania or Gaza left those areas for the Palestinians. So stop saying it's an stolen land because that's not the case
@bigdaddyrat7854 9 ай бұрын
If they weren't relocated, why did they leave? You said that they just left, but why? And why do the Palestinians refer to this 'leaving' as the catastrophe.
@arcaz2787 9 ай бұрын
@@bigdaddyrat7854 they left because when Arabs started the war in 1948, the told them to leave in the meantime, so Palestinians could go back once the war was finished. But they didn't win the war, so of course no way they were able to return. It was their own decision, you can see that the ones that stayed now are Israeli citizens.
@bigdaddyrat7854 9 ай бұрын
​@@arcaz2787 Geez, and all this time I thought it was illegal Jewish immigration into Palestine in violation of the Balfor declaration, the activities of Jewish terrorists like the Lehi, Irgun, Stern Gang and Hagana and the usurpation of Palestine by simply declaring it Israel in 1948 that caused the Nakba. But if you say the Arabs convinced the Palestinians to just abandon their country so Israel could have it, who am I to argue with that level of twisted logic.
@katkapsa5761 9 ай бұрын
@@arcaz2787the war began in 1947 1948 was just the second phase. Nice whitewash of the haganah tho
@randibass7558 11 ай бұрын
I was in a high end lighting store in Haifa....modern and expensive. I asked "Gosh, who buys all this at these prices." He laughed and said " A lot of Arabs! They have money my dear." In Beer Sheva a lot of Beduoins have Audi's, Mercedes AND Teslas.
@DB-pp7kj 11 ай бұрын
LOL, no real idea whatsoever why they are so hated. The eternal victims.
@nikomiko-hm4mf 11 ай бұрын
like palestinians in jordan in 1970,in lebanon during the 1980s and kuwait in 1991... suported vy all arab muslims in india,balkans,spain,sicily,armenia and georgia. no idea why their peaceful religion is attacked,they were so nice to their dhimmis(and so nice to one another as endless list of internal ethnic and religious conflicts show. syrian civil war has more deaths than all arab israeli conflict..). btw-if judaism is so bad,how come it was the only other religion allowed in the catholic world througout medieval time aside from catholicism itself,and why is it one of only 2 modern religions muslims recognised as legitimate religion(ahal el qitab)? jews were persecuted by the religions who plagiarised the hebrew bible...
@tamaralexander9379 11 ай бұрын
WE do have an idea. Its called antisemitim. The hate muslims had for Jews long before Israel was established.
@solvingpolitics3172 11 ай бұрын
Like delinquents from mommies basement like you?
@solvingpolitics3172 11 ай бұрын
@@nikomiko-hm4mf He is @lt-tr@sh!
@Anamorgan200 10 ай бұрын
​@@solvingpolitics3172 You think you solving politics?
@thegoldenboah3343 10 ай бұрын
1:17 thats not how how countries are formed friendo , only western countries .
@keyboardwarriorsaint 10 ай бұрын
Imagine if the Italians invaded and conquered Istanbul / turkey because their Roman ancestors once had a civilisation in Constantinople 😂
@thegoldenboah3343 7 ай бұрын
@@keyboardwarriorsaint bro really said crusades lmao , it makes you wonder if he have anything inside his skull at all !
@afiasheikh416 10 ай бұрын
do u think ahmed, 4 yr old child who lost his mother, father, brothers, sisters in the first strike of Israel and lost his both legs from the 2nd-strike by Israel gonna love Israel?? i would be surprised if he not curse u every minute of his life but as i watch the Palestine videos they are not cursing jews. they are asking for justice.
@Wonderer473 10 ай бұрын
We have seen exactly how Palestinian peace look line at Oct 7th.
@viewerabundzu6887 10 ай бұрын
quite simple, you are taking away their land
@mrsjay8023 10 ай бұрын
They really have no idea why.
@sara.12312 11 ай бұрын
Zero self awareness 😑
@SaffiyaSaz 10 ай бұрын
As a jew these people embarass me.
@SaffiyaSaz 10 ай бұрын
Oy, ihr narishe tsionistn Mit ayer narishn seykhl Ihr mag dokh geyn tsu dem arbeter Un lernen bai im seykhl! Ihr vilt undz forn keyn Yerushalaim! Mir zaln dortn golodayen Mir viln beser zain in Rusnland Mir veln zikh bafrayen!
@SGuillermoMD 10 ай бұрын
Could you ask israelis if would they be open to hypotheticaly give 50% of their territory to other society that needs it, and/or what would be their reaction if the UN gave 50% of their territory to some other people againts Israel's will? Lets say, some hypothetical race that existed in that land before jews and by that, have more "right" to the land as they claim themselves over palestinians. I believe that would be a great example for them to understand better the palestinian side and we could see the consistency of their own argument in their overall population.
@GillD03 10 ай бұрын
I think they would laugh at you because that is a crock of shit. It's all about jews having power, period, as they sure didn't care when Jordan and Egypt occupied "their land". The Nationalism started after they lost it to Israel.
@solvingpolitics3172 10 ай бұрын
Tell us what year Palestinians existed?
@SGuillermoMD 10 ай бұрын
@@solvingpolitics3172 for a human being, that doesnt matter, for there were people already living in that land for centuries. The fact that you use that argument shows me how much are you willing to rely on technisisms before mere logic and reason.
@GillD03 10 ай бұрын
@@solvingpolitics3172 earliest record “In the early 2nd century CE, the term "Syria Palaestina" (literally, "Palestinian Syria” was given to a Roman province incorporating Judaea and other territories, either before or after the suppression of the Bar Kokhba revolt in 135.” The actual use of “Palestine” didn’t start till the 20th century. Now you tell me who named Judea and when. If you are trying to argue that anything Arabic or Islamic predates anything Hebrew or Jewish you’re going to lose as that makes zero sense as Judaism is older, Hebrew is an older language…
@GillD03 10 ай бұрын
@@solvingpolitics3172 oh and if you didn’t know…. The Bar Kokhba revolt (Hebrew: מֶרֶד בַּר כּוֹכְבָא Mereḏ Bar Kōḵəḇā) was a large-scale armed rebellion initiated by the Jews of Judea, led by Simon bar Kokhba, against the Roman Empire in 132 CE Meaning it was their land, a Jewish state, destroyed by the Roman’s and then conquered by Muslims…. That is the origin of “Palaestina” Romans… which makes sense as the word is derived from Latin. So the whole “Palestinian land” line is a bunch of bullshit and completely based on what timeline you use. Take note I don’t care about religious views on the matter, this is historical fact. Judea was Jewish land conquered by the Roman’s who were conquered by Muslims, who were conquered by Christian crusaders, who were conquered by Muslims, who are being conquered by Jews. It’s hard to call Israel conquerers though as they never tried to offensively spread their borders, Israel has gained land by winning defensive wars. Which does not fit the definition of conquering but I wouldn’t necessarily wage a semantic argument against using the term. Oh and no one ever got along there ever, there was only subjugation and tolerance of other religions AT MOST. Jews and Christian’s were tolerated as long as they didn’t act up and vice versa. That’s another myth perpetuating this conflict. The idea that there was harmony there ever. Bull shit. Yeah the ottomans tolerated Jews, they also expelled hundreds of thousands of them and did all kinds of nefarious things to them. They were not equal. A jew or any other religion cannot have any power in an Islamic Caliphate, the notion is laughable. That lie needs to stop. Stop lying it’s all about Jews having power. None of you actually care about other Muslims. Or land…. It’s the jew. Or you’d be going after Syria, Jordan, and Egypt as well. Or the people who use your prayers as war cries. Instead they are praised or at the least tolerated. They are not Jews after all. Oh and I didn’t even talk about the Kingdom of Israel and the Philistine city states(they were Greeks and have nothing to do with modern Palestinians). Which also won’t go great for you. Go look at a map of what Judea was. Religiously modern Muslim claims make zero sense as Islam started in Mecca, Islam conquered their way to Judea. There is no way there is any religious claim to the land either. Literally makes no sense. Christianity and Judaism started there, not Islam.
@mitzijackson3598 11 ай бұрын
Living in denial
@hQ86610 11 ай бұрын
The "Fair and Square" conquest narrative is interesting. Hard to see why they're upset about Iran then. 2 sides of the same coin
@RS-uh7rz 11 ай бұрын
It only goes to show there are Israelis that don't know their own history, and can even wind up repeating untrue talking points of Israel's enemies - endlessly repeated as they are in much of the press.
@nikomiko-hm4mf 11 ай бұрын
we aint angry with iran. they want war,they will get it. those who want sharia state and fight the west,can come and say it out loud,instesd of chanting on some days "khaybar ya yahood" and "sharia will prevail" then talking about "islamophobia and persecution of the religion of peace".
@dogbert52 11 ай бұрын
Who declared war on who in 1948?
@hQ86610 11 ай бұрын
@dogbert52 That's a point that hasn't been exhausted enough. Who started in 1917? Why not 1967? I hope you're not from the region and still think this will get anyone anywhere.
@noa3448 11 ай бұрын
​@@dogbert52 😂 the arabs did. Go read about it.
@cyrusaalborg 11 ай бұрын
Can you ask Palestinian if they prefer Hamas leders in Gaza or in Qatar ? like Volodymyr Zelensky did they right thing and stayed in Ukraine , Hamas leders and spokesperson live abroad
@kluge1245 11 ай бұрын
Hi Corey. I understand this can't be done now. But maybe sometime in the future you can go and ask questions to Palestinians who helps build Israeli settlements in West Bank. I've heard hundreds of Palestinians are employed as construction workers to build Israeli Settlements, due to lack of job opportunities elsewhere. How do they feel contributing to what is essentially the death of an independent Palestinian state? Would they continue doing that? Do they have no alternatives? How are they treated by the settlers?
@dummekunst7708 11 ай бұрын
All over the world people are working horrible jobs to put food on the table.
@dogbert52 11 ай бұрын
Why do you think ar abs want an independent pastaline? They want money and de ad je ws.
@Bigredfitnessmoshe 10 ай бұрын
Put it this way. There were many workers from Gaza who gave all the information to the terrorist on October 7 about exactly which houses to go, how many children they had, how many dogs they had, and every last detail of every kibbutz. There were 17,000 workers from Gazza who were coming in every day to Israel. I can’t say whether they gave that information by force ie or whether hamas forced them..
@anna-tn8mg 10 ай бұрын
Listen, herr Over-Uber-Haupt Sturmleiter Kluge. There aren't any "Palestinians" and I don't see a reason why hostile Islamic groups should be placed on Jewish land. Place your buddies on your land.
@missmarjolein92 10 ай бұрын
@@Bigredfitnessmoshe this is what I have also heard
@hedykarim3614 10 ай бұрын
Says the privileged and the oppressors
@bendybruce 11 ай бұрын
hey there. I think these fly on the wall interviews offer some incredible and unique insight into the conflict but there is one minor issue here for me personally in that I am visually impaired and find it virtually impossible to read the subtitles. If you would consider adding an audio track to read them out in future Uploads, It would make your content a lot more accessible to someone like me. Cheers and thanks for all the great work.
@capyboppy 11 ай бұрын
I would be very surprised if he does. I have previously pointed out about his tendency to ask the interpreters to ask the questions as opposed to Corey asking the person being interviewed so the interpreter can do their job. I’ve said how disrespectful this is. However Corey still carries on doing this. To clarify: instead of asking the person direct, “What do you think of (question here?). Corey will say to the interpreter, “Ask him if (question here”). The interpreter is there to interpret what is being said, not to be acting as a go between. I am involved in the Deaf and deafblind community so am well qualified in noticing when things like that are happening! As Corey has ignored my posts to give respect despite my asking several times; I’ll be very surprised if he will take the time to do this for you sadly. But maybe on this occasion he will prove me wrong.
@bendybruce 11 ай бұрын
@@capyboppy Thanks. I would have to agree that the job of the interpreter is to interpret what is actually being said rather than paraphrasing a question being put to them directly. That said I do hope he considers adding an audio track as I genuinely do think it would be tremendously helpful for people like me. I've only been visually impaired for justice over a couple of years now , and am still learning and encountering the challenges it presents to my Everyday life. I have to therefore express my gratitude to anyone who is willing to invest their own time to make things a little bit easier for what is ostensibly a minority group. PS I use TTS which can really mess things up sometimes sorry about that.
@capyboppy 11 ай бұрын
@@bendybruce I hope so too. May I ask you a question? Here in the Deaf and deafblind communities using the word ‘impaired’ is rarely acceptable due to its negative connotations. It makes those who are ignorant think the whole person is impaired. I have been in meetings where when having visitors/guests who have used that word; threaten to leave the room. Usually the phrase they have backed this up with is, “I am not impaired, I am Deaf” (or blind, or deafblind). You have a great positive attitude though which I’m sure many would like to have themselves regardless of whether having a health condition or not :-)
@bendybruce 10 ай бұрын
@@capyboppy Honestly whenever I'm in a situation where I feel I need to let someone know what I'm dealing with I simply can't think of a more descriptive way of describing my situation. Having said that you are absolutely right that using the word impairment brings about an emotional response that I personally found difficult to deal with at first, But for me personally it felt like a matter of just accepting that I have additional challenges that I need to confront that other people don't have to deal with. In a way I am probably just quite thick skinned about these things. For example I've dealt with a lot of racism when I grew up And I just learned not to let other peoples prejudices impact my own sense of self worth. With regards to my loss of sight I don't personally feel it devalues me in any shape or form as a human being and in some way has demanded that I grow as a person in ways that might not otherwise have been possible. Although I suffered tremendous despair and grief when this first happened to me I've managed to pull myself back up out of the darkness and cultivate a sense of gratitude every day for everything I still have which is a lot. At the moment I am pursuing a very old dream of becoming a writer, And in a strange sort of way had this not happened to me I'm not so sure that I ever would have attempted to realize that dream.
@Undeference 10 ай бұрын
Corey has said in the past that he does not read KZbin comments. Try emailing suggestions to him instead and he may eventually see it.
@blueshirt26 11 ай бұрын
The heck were those old apes from the third one thinking that they were the ones bring "civilization" to the place? Palestine before them was already an advanced society with many great Arab thinkers was born and lived, there were beautiful modern cities, towns and hundreds of villages dotted across the area from the river to the sea inhabited by Palestinians who are very educated and somewhat westernized themselves. Palestine was never "Deserted". They say they bring agriculture to the area but the truth is the early Zionists came from the cities and they didn't know how to farm and it has been recorded historically that it was the Palestinians who helped them farming and fishing and all sorts of agricultural stuff. The Zionists wouldn't even survive in the harsh climate of Palestine if it wasn't because of the Palestinians.
@theholoren 11 ай бұрын
theyre talking about that specific area ariel near the settlements, look it up, the arabs were living like monkeys before that
@viosh7137 11 ай бұрын
Ahaha advanced society, maybe in the city of david and like one train station in jaffa or whatever.
@blueshirt26 11 ай бұрын
@@viosh7137 Palestinian cities were far more developed than Jewish ghetto slums prior to the 1940s.
@DB-pp7kj 11 ай бұрын
Some of the most respected Jews lived in Palestine peacefully with their Muslim and Christian neighbors.
@nikomiko-hm4mf 11 ай бұрын
​@@DB-pp7kjyeah we have seen the peace in the arab world towards jews,in 1921 "nabi musa riots" 1929 hebron and safed massacre...and who didt they attack?the oldest jewish communities in this land,with abuhab synagogue in safed being 300 yo...religious unarmed jews.then the brave arabs who lost 1948 banished all mizrahi jews. we have seen seyfo,simmele,midbaba massacre,mt lebanon war,1850 and 1860 christian pogroms in syria and yazidi genocide. peace,right...
@Dadadafaf 11 ай бұрын
I bet the last guy is Moroccan or some arab jew We never have problem its so heartbreaking to see that we went through this pain just because of another evil nation created a problem and wanted to solve it on the expense of the arabs ( muslims jews and christians )
@dogbert52 11 ай бұрын
Pigs never enslaved christians and je ws? What is pact of omar? What is a dhimmi?
@CBACBA-f1u 11 ай бұрын
Zionists want to expel both Muslim and Christian Palestinians@@dogbert52
@dogbert52 11 ай бұрын
​@@CBACBA-f1uwhy dont you answer my questions? Why avoid ? Why use christian minority like your folks use kids as human shields?
@tamaralexander9379 10 ай бұрын
There are no arab jews there are Jews or arabs. There are Jews from arab lands. Actaully the Jews from arab states allways told us Israelis you cant trust those people. Thats why most of the Israeli Jews from arab lands are right wing.
@jsein09 10 ай бұрын
Soooo basically they don't understand or they choose not too for sake of guilt
@TIOLIOfficial 11 ай бұрын
The amount of selfishness and self-entitlement from these people is INSANE. Absolutely no empathy for the other side and zero understanding and common sense. You come and kill people where they have lived, you terrorize, torture and abuse them and you have THE BALLS to say they are the ones in the wrong for wanting to simply exist... The evil in these people is incredible.
@netanelzion 11 ай бұрын
the self entitlement of pan arabs ans islamists is amazing.they held jews and christians as dhimmis for centuries,banning them from returning to rheir ancestors lands,while different muslim warlords gave our lands to muslim tribes loyal to them:bosniaks of keisaria,turkamen of abu zurayk and circassians of kafr kama and rihania or hijazi bedouins of the south... they never adress the fact they statted to attack and forcefully displace jews in 1929 and start all their historical reviews in 1948. the fact they dont hold mass marches for the kids of syria,yemen,lybia and darfor who die much larger scale than palestinian kids show how hypocritical the arab and muslim world is...
@nikomiko-hm4mf 11 ай бұрын
the amount if selfishness in the arab and muslim world is astonishing. they dont mention how they held jews as dhimmis for centuries,their massacres against non arab and non muslim ethnic and religious minorities in the last 2 centuries,1921 and 1929 massacres against jews in the land of israel,banishment of mizrahi jews against the arab world... they dont march to help and fund raise for the kids of yemen,syria,lybia and darfor and call for the arab and muslim leaders to stop warring,but they do marches all across the west when muslims are fighting non muslims...
@rotemaviaroor 11 ай бұрын
Israel forever💙🇮🇱💙🇮🇱
@ef2718 11 ай бұрын
@ruben2631 The ancient community of Jews that used to live in Gaza perished in Islamist riots of 1929, concurrent with dozens of other communities, the massacre in Hebron was documented, you can see the photos of that ISIS style massacre in archives of the NYT. Photos like the gut churning photos of the massacre of Oct. 7 only in black and white. *In 1929 the massacres were committed mostly by mobs.
@imteyazansari8396 11 ай бұрын
​@@rotemaviaroornot's just matter of time. Now I can understand why whole world has beaten your ass since thousands of years... because you don't respect other people any belief or right! Whenever you get little power you have oppressed the local people. But Palestinians had welcomed you after holocaust & now you are stining them like snakes.
@Dadadafaf 11 ай бұрын
Maybe just maybe because you stole their land
@Chiefrocka. 11 ай бұрын
No one stole their land that's a lie they tell themselves
@Dadadafaf 11 ай бұрын
@@Chiefrocka. Aww how its a lie when they were living in that land and got displaced and their houses was seized from them by Europeans jews !?
@anthonyr963 11 ай бұрын
​@@DadadafafJevvs have been living in and bought land from the Ottomans and other arabs prior to the UN partition of the land. Arabs started the war after they rejected it and left their own homes thinking they would gen0cide the Jevvs.
@AR15-c3g 10 ай бұрын
​@@anthonyr963Nobody wants you. Why have Jews been expelled from over 50 countries.
@Anamorgan200 10 ай бұрын
​@@Chiefrocka.Liars came from a liars race.
@mohammedallha61 11 ай бұрын
Lool these answers I mean you took their lands and killed them and you forced to live there land and you took everything valuable to them I mean the shame for the Palestinians to hate you after all what you did to them
@Tamayo.Sama2023 10 ай бұрын
See this is the ungrateful people who Wellcome as refugees and take their master land
@computer_janitor 10 ай бұрын
Israelis talking about the final solution for a group of people they have interned behind barbwire fence in ghettos...... my how the world has changed.
@charleshowie2074 11 ай бұрын
'Our truth is Jewish' 😂
@crispy_bagel693 10 ай бұрын
I really dont think for the palestinians that its personal. Their issue is simply that their land was taken. This has NOTHING to do with them Israelis being of the Jewish faith. Jews, Muslims, and Christians lived on this land for thousands of years in PEACE. The issue is the subjugation of the Palestinian people and the stealing of their land. Firmly believe in a two-state solution, but the illegal settlements shows that that's a pipe dream. I would also say that I do not support or condone Hamas, but I understand their reasoning for attacking - it is a resistance against occupation and oppression. I think that if the Palestinians are given their rights, the violence will end.
@dogbert52 10 ай бұрын
What did they do to je wish babies on 7/10?
@crispy_bagel693 10 ай бұрын
@@dogbert52 again, I don't condone the attacks on Oct 7th but I understand them. I'll also add that a lot of the reports appeared to be fake. For one, they initially reported that babies were beheaded but that claim was quickly disproven.
@keepussafeUSA 9 ай бұрын
Sorry, but Jews and Arabs have had conflicts for a very long time.
@Србомбоница86 3 ай бұрын
They never lived with peace ​@@crispy_bagel693
@JohnChristenNizzaDiCorsi Ай бұрын
But it simply was not their land. It was Ottoman and then British and then Israeli & Palestinian.
@shehabmasri2491 10 ай бұрын
"Because we stole their land" easy answer but they can't be honest
@matta7215 10 ай бұрын
The UN created Israel. So it would be the UN that "stole" the land. And the only reason they divided Palestine into two nations was because there was already existing ethnic/religious violence, a simmering war. When the territory was divided in two, the first thing the Palestinians did was start a war. They lost. Atrocities were committed on both sides. Clearly not as simple as "we stole their land."
@isaacvipin 10 ай бұрын
You abdul 😅😅😅
@anthonyr963 10 ай бұрын
Yes, arabs stole the land. Agree.
@momen-jz9ke 10 ай бұрын
you shlomo ben zona@@isaacvipin
@elanan9411 9 ай бұрын
Well that would be an easy answer for an idiot, but considering Palestine was never a state and it's "people" are Jordanians, and the people who are actually native to the land and had a kingdom in the area reclaimed it... "Because we stole their land" would just be dishonest of them.
@MagdiNonDuality 10 ай бұрын
Countries are taken by force??? Are you mad?
@cavannaro1 10 ай бұрын
Yonatan: “You know, every country has been taken from someone so why don’t they just accept it.” Every Zionist: “This is OUR land and it was stolen from us and god promised it to us and we deserve to have it back!!”
@khorafat 11 ай бұрын
Despite having a long history dating back to biblical times, a significant portion of the Jewish population does not adhere strictly to the Bible's teachings. Moreover, Israel has officially declared itself a secular state. While relying on biblical texts for guidance may seem like the most straightforward approach, many rabbis recognize that the establishment of a Jewish state cannot be fully realized until the arrival of the Messiah. I understand the frustration because now they have no where to go. In 1947, the population of Palestine was estimated to be 60% Arab and 30% Jewish. The number of Palestinians in 1947 is estimated to have been between 1.2 and 1.4 million. The estimated Jewish population in Palestine in 1947 was around 608,000 mostly from Europe and they come back 4000 years later to claim the land.
@ro6493 11 ай бұрын
Judaism is a mix of both a religion and an ethic group. And the bible is partly legendary and partly historic. So jews, even the secular ones, have a claim for the land - on a historical basis. With so much antisemitism everywhere, especially since the 19th century, jews decided to go back to the land of israel in a way to protect themselves. And after the holocaust jews will never let anyone make them victims ever again. That's what the state of Israel is, and what the IDF is for. For the jews, Israel is a land on which their very lives depend on, for the arab muslims it's just a thing of "honor" more than anything else. Muslims are the true colonizers of the middle-east. Open a map and see how "the jews stole land" 🙄
@ef2718 11 ай бұрын
@@ro6493 Jewdaism is the culture of Jews, built on language, history, tradition, customs, festivals and religion. Religion is one aspect of the culture.
@ro6493 10 ай бұрын
@@ef2718 yeah there's a term for that - ethnoreligion.
@zevspitz8925 10 ай бұрын
There was an interregnum of perhaps 1500 years, during which there was always Jewish communities in the land. Muslims have a serious problem with chronology of history. But you don't get to decide who's a "good Jew" or a "bad Jew", just as it would be presumptious of me to decide who's a good or bad Muslim. An estimated 60% of Jews in Israel are descendants of MENA Jewish communities. The formal excuse for persecuting those communities out of existence was the creation of Israel; but once the European colonial empires were no longer there to enforce equal rights for Jews, the inevitable result would have been the same.
@awakeningthespine 10 ай бұрын
here I can help Israeli understand - Google UN report titled - Isreal’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. A look into decades of oppression and domination
@shainazion4073 10 ай бұрын
There is NO UN report titled that, it would help if you knew what you were talking about. There is a report by Amnesty International, that receives money from Arab and Muslim oil states. They don't want to take in the Palestinians, but they pay for bogus reports! The UN has no Power to make such statements. They are not a legal organization, but a political organization. There is no Apartheid in Israel!! They can post their opinions all they want, it is only an opinion, nothing more. *Apartheid?* the Apartheid is on the Arab side, not in Israel. In Israel there are 2 million Arab citizens (1.8 Muslim citizens) all with the same rights and benefits. How are Jews treated in the Arab world? Talk about Apartheid, there are less than 10,000 Jews total in all the Arab and Muslim countries in the Middle East, possibly the Arab world. Gaza and the West Bank are not Israel. They have their own governments, laws, taxes, schools, police, services. They are not Israeli citizens, but citizens of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority. If a Canadian or Mexican wants to vote in US elections, can they? No, because they are citizens of other lands. Can a Canadian or Mexican come across the border to the US without identifying themselves, or giving a valid reason for their travel? No, they must have ID, and state how long they plan to stay in the US and why they are coming into US territories. That is the same as Israel with the Palestinians. There is no Apartheid! *Please buy a dictionary! Google is free!*
@awakeningthespine 10 ай бұрын
I am gonna stick with what I saw in the videos. If it talks like apartheid, it walks like apartheid, it is probably apartheid. I'll leave you with a quote from Nelson Mandela "We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians." @@shainazion4073
@shainazion4073 10 ай бұрын
​@@awakeningthespineExcept there is NO Apartheid in Israel, there is not even Apartheid in the West Bank You obviously don't understand what Apartheid was!! There was a larger black population in South Africa in the SAME country as the minority amout of White South Africans, these White South Africans had laws preventing any Black, or Colored people from having even half of what the White citizens had. Area A and B are governed by the Palestinian Authority, they have their own budget, taxes, schools, police, services etc. They are not Israeli citizens, they do not live in Israel. They have their own government that makes most of their decisions. Security is shared with Israel in Area B. Area C is fully under Israeli government and security per the agreement with The Palestinians themselves!!! As per Oslo, the Palestinians would have had more of Area C released to them in exchange for PEACE. The Intafadas where Palestinians murdered Israeli civilians put an end to them getting more Territories. They signed a agreement, and went back on it.
@shainazion4073 10 ай бұрын
​@@awakeningthespineGo look up what Nelson Mandela said about the Jews.
@motor879 11 ай бұрын
They're talking about each other and not with each other. This is the main issue.
@nathanael.higgerson 10 ай бұрын
They cry out in pain as they strike you
@crispy_bagel693 10 ай бұрын
The question in itself is a loaded one meant to bring up hateful comments. It implies that all Palestinians hate Israelis when in fact they only have issue with the government and the denial of Palestinian rights, e.g. illegal settlements, discrimination, etc. Perhaps you should do a better job of screening or adjusting the questions sent to you. It might have been better to ask a question like "Do you understand the Palestinian side of the conflict, and if so, please tell me your thoughts on it."
@GungaLaGunga 11 ай бұрын
There are people inside the United States State Department that have raised concern. We should at least hear what that is about.
@jamesrowland9982 11 ай бұрын
Another point, the Arab woman translator he hires from time to time, he should ask her if she hates Jews, etc and she if she actually gives a straight answer.
@hampadanfana6140 11 ай бұрын
because the Zionists created the Nakba for the Palestinian people in 1948, the Jewish Zionists destroyed 680 Palestinian villages, confiscated private Palestinian land, destroyed Palestinian homes, massacred Palestinian families who resisted, and expelled Palestinians from their villages and land and made Palestinians flee to various countries. !
@xm7ld 11 ай бұрын
These people are insanely blind. The complete lack of self reflection. The staggering absense of any awareness for the impact of their own PERSONAL actions. Its honestly sickening. And theu have the gall to label Palestinians "bad, evil people". Its honestly insane.
@faikerdogan2802 11 ай бұрын
What's sickening is u think the people that throw people of the roofs because they are gay are better people who have better self reflection 😂
@SherbertLomon 11 ай бұрын
@@faikerdogan2802it’s irrelevant who’s good or bad - that’s not the conversation. The land is rightfully Palestines.
@faikerdogan2802 11 ай бұрын
@@SherbertLomon rightfully Palestinen people don't exist neither does a Palestinen state ever existed. The people that lived the longest in these lands were Jews. And when Arabs decided to genocide them because they actually made the swamps livable. The Jews fought back. And each war got more land. And even gave back some for peace. So no they do not.
@noamto 11 ай бұрын
So you know all these people personally to know their own personal actions? Can you list the personal actions of the people shown in the video that you are talking about?
@xm7ld 11 ай бұрын
​​@@faikerdogan2802 Whenever I come on to forums and advocate for people, of all ethnicities and all races etc etc, to show self reflection, to act humanely, to empathise with others, to listen to the narrative and pain of others, or work towards peace, there is usually a rampant pro-Israeli supporter like you who pops up and puts words into my mouth. "You support H***s". "You're an anti semitic". Or your choice words, "you believe in throwing gay people off roofs". It's truly infantile thinking, that so many people who are pro-Israel cannot conceive that a person who can see the humanity in non-Israelis, including Palestians, as well as Israelis is not a "terrorist loving, gay murdering, Jew hater". The small insights that I get into Israeli society from the way that people talk to me, the words that people like you put into my mouth, show that there is something deeply and very very darkly wrong in Israeli society, if you cannot look outside yourselves and see other human beings in people who are not like you. Your society is in a deeply troubled and inhumane place. And that darkness, as we know from history, leads to some truly horrific places. Please take the time to reflect. Stop the blind hatred. We are ALL humans. Jewish or not. Israeli or not. We are ALL human beings.
@smoli2000 10 ай бұрын
Holy shit this video makes me feel sick
@bryankc9644 10 ай бұрын
Israelis have a way of lying called Hasbara, they are tought this young. To answer this question correctly is illegal in Israel, because it involves discussing the Nakba and not their revisionist history
@comment6864 10 ай бұрын
Palestinians see Israel as the outpost of the US in the Middle East. Of course who is who's outpost in that relationship is debatable, but they have a point
@solvingpolitics3172 10 ай бұрын
Israel gives more rights to Muslims than any Arab country. The U.S. has fought six wars to free Muslims and only gotten misery!
@jaysonbiggs8979 11 ай бұрын
Reminds me of the attitudes of many white South Africans under apartheid. Wow!
@lightintheworld5690 11 ай бұрын
Exactly. They’re psycopaths
@nikomiko-hm4mf 11 ай бұрын
most israeli jews are mizrahi jews,banished from across the arab world. pan arabism and islamism are the clearest examples of discrimnation and abuse in this region. you want to see abuse of africans?look no further than sudan,mauritania and the gulf countries... who held who as dhimmi for centuries,muslims held mizrahi jews as dhimmis or other way around?see muslim arabs denial of history in the videos by corey about hebrew history over this land and 1929 massacre
@ef2718 10 ай бұрын
@@nikomiko-hm4mf descendants of.
@tamaralexander9379 10 ай бұрын
ONly problem is that Jews have historic ties to this land.
@donerkebab778 10 ай бұрын
It's weird though that so many people understand they are conquering the land and also justify it that it often happens in history... It's just strange because the medieval conquering of lands is seen as barbaric in today's age so how can one not see it as bringing torment to the people already there
@ramzialhalabi7300 10 ай бұрын
oblivious brainwashed
@royghosn18 11 ай бұрын
What gives israelis the right to kick Palestinians from their homes in the West Bank?
@tamaralexander9379 11 ай бұрын
What gave the right to Jordan to kick Jews from their homes in Judea and Samaraia and Jerusalem in 1948?
@frances4706 10 ай бұрын
Palestinians are not being kicked out of their homes in the West Bank - they have had autonomy for years, and would actually have their own country by now if they would stop the terror attacks.
@ramzialhalabi7300 10 ай бұрын
last guy only one with heart and brain
@bimbalful 11 ай бұрын
Children aren't born hating. It's taught.
@blablaaaa6025 10 ай бұрын
No when you see your family is being slaughteredfor your own eyes and when your house and land is being stolen then you hate
@eggnog158 7 ай бұрын
it also learnt through experience. If my parents, uncle, relatives etc are killed by IDF soldiers. If my land is taken by Israeli settlers, that is hate through experience. Basically Israel creates experience for hatred.
@samuelkopp1400 11 ай бұрын
I honestly see a way bigger disconnect from the reality of the situation with Israelis than I see on the Palestinian side. This video disturbs me much more than seeing bombed buildings, dead children in Gaza or the 7th October. These people either have or pretend to have no idea what they, or their government, are and have been doing over the last century. They believe that the Palestinians are being irrational. Or worse, they understand it but put it off by claiming that this is normal and both sides are at equal fault. I am still hoping to hear one Israeli who says „What we are doing is wrong. I want to let 15 million Palestinians back into their land instead of segregating them from us, taking what’s theirs and endlessly fighting them. „ It’s truly dystopian.
@frances4706 10 ай бұрын
It's amazing how many people here really believe Palestinian lies. 15 million Palestinians? I guess Israel didn't kill many after all - according to you Israel even seems to have magically created millions!
@eya99 11 ай бұрын
the fact that no one ever said : 'well we took their land'
@Sapnfap 11 ай бұрын
The 2nd guy said that....
@eya99 11 ай бұрын
yeah but it is what it is type of answer , like there hasn't been millions of palestinians ( people living in cities, villages, and tribes ) expelled from their land to neighboring countries and to western countries too. nobody is ready to adress the atrocities that have been done to our people. and a one state solution is terrifying to them. 'it is what it is' is all i pick up from israelis. they avoid to adress the truth of the state they're living in.
@Sapnfap 11 ай бұрын
@@eya99 It wasnt millions, yes people were kicked out of their homes but others left when the Arab Armies promised them they could return after they won the war. But they lost... Jews don't deny this but we feel justified because YOU started the war and YOU kicked out the same amount of Jews from Arab countries.
@ef2718 11 ай бұрын
The ancient community of Jews that used to live in Gaza perished in Islamist riots of *1929,* concurrent with dozens of other communities, the massacre in Hebron was documented, you can see the photos of that ISIS style massacre in archives of the NYT. Photos like the gut churning photos of the massacre of Oct. 7 only in black and white. *In 1929 the massacres were committed mostly by mobs.
@tamaralexander9379 10 ай бұрын
But we didnt. Beofre 1948 all lands were bought beginning in 1882.
@Salmamaxi 10 ай бұрын
The old couple are scary
@nizzie16 10 ай бұрын
The claim that Israel like every other country was created by force is just ridiculous and shows how historically ignorant the person is. It's probably true if you only count colonialist countries like South Africa, the US, and Australia - but I doubt that Israelis would like to see their country as one among those. :-) Most countries are the result of medieval conquests, which united a number of ethnicities under a number of feudal lords. Ethnicity played only a little role afterwards and if so, mostly in terms of loyalty. What certainly did not happen was a forceful expulsion of the people living there, as they were valuable tax payers to the conquerors. The early Muslim empire actually protected non-Muslim subjects with the dhimmi status which involved paying the additional jizya-tax. The crusades were mentioned: while initially extremely brutal (many civilians were slaughtered after the conquest of Jerusalem), the subjects of the king of Jerusalem and the other crusader states like Edessa or Antioch were the local population that has lived there before. Those people were treated no differently like the few Europeans who lived there.
@Chris-pq3wp 8 ай бұрын
The Anglo saxons wiped out many celtic tries in england and only left Wales, Scotland and Cornwall as celtic kingdoms
@L7Fx 11 ай бұрын
all these people live in their own little bubble and have no idea how live is just a few miles away.
@MrB_972 11 ай бұрын
Just cus there’s a homeless bum down the street doesn’t mean it’s your responsibility to feed him
@SigalDa 11 ай бұрын
It's not our problem it's their problem they started war in 1948, lost and crying ever since
@shadowhunter4065 11 ай бұрын
you bastards you jews were that homeless bum when you first come to midle east and those people feed you. didn't you learne anything from that german painter@@MrB_972
@DB-pp7kj 11 ай бұрын
​​@@SigalDaLOL, do you really believe that? Amazing what propaganda and control of the education system can do.
@OurFamily- 11 ай бұрын
​@@MrB_972You werent supposed to kick the man out of his home and make him homeless.
@alialanssari3998 11 ай бұрын
Consideran el territorio bíblico pero no respetan ninguno de los 10 mandamientos 😂😂😂
@MENDEL111770 11 ай бұрын
This is non of your business how i behave with our father who gave us this land. And I am a religious person what do you have to tell me?!
@hedoingitsideways 11 ай бұрын
@@MENDEL111770 You're not a religious person, you're a Zionist pretending to be a religious person. If you were religious you'd know that the Jewish exiles couldn't come back to Israel until the messianic era.
@crancarenotafish 11 ай бұрын
@@MENDEL111770 You're rude dude. Anyone can comment their ideas.
@crancarenotafish 11 ай бұрын
I take back the word "rude". I misunderstood your intentionality. Sorry
@mbassan 11 ай бұрын
Una mayoría de nosotros si respeta las leyes o por lo menos lo intenta. El judaísmo es una religión que demanda toda la energía de la persona para poder cumplirla. No todos somos capaces o dispuestos de hacerlo. Yo personalmente dedico horas al día y gran parte de mis ingresos a ese propósito.
@danielstewart6791 10 ай бұрын
I could never take someone's home under the guise of "God wanted me to have it"
@catekariuki3567 9 ай бұрын
Both Quran and Torah has the same history, so it's not that the Jews are using the name if God in vain but it's something that's in the book the Palestinians call Quran. These two sides came from two step brothers and neither side disputes. The problem is how to share what is their ancestral land
@keepussafeUSA 9 ай бұрын
Most were just trying to escape hardships from living in other countries pogroms in Russia. They wanted to build a better life where they weren’t the minority. Isreal is a core part of both the religion for some and the heritage.
@ReallyAwesomeBoy 8 ай бұрын
What could possibly be more important than God's will?
@Trutsetyoufree755 8 ай бұрын
It’s a rhetoric. Nobody owns anything. Check their bank accounts. What can they buy? When it comes down to it, it’s what we buy with money or conquer in war. Blood shed
@jaime9494 7 ай бұрын
Didn’t happen like that mate
@Yorecore 10 ай бұрын
Palestinians hate Israelis because they took over their land. That is the answer, Israelis (I wouldn't say Jews) are depending on the Torah to take over the land, so their main reason of what they are doing is their religion. If I am not mistaken, in the book of Genesis God told Abraham to go to the land of the Canaanites and that his descendants (Abraham) will be rewarded with this land because they are blessed. The surprise is that God promised Abraham with the land before Isaac and Ismail (his sons) were even born so it is a highly chance that both descendants of them (Descendants of Ismail -Arabs- and descendants of Isaac -Jews-) should own the land, not only those of Isaac. Now what blew my mind is that Palestinians are the descendants of the Canaanites, now are we supposed to kick Canaanites from the land only because some people understood that only descendants of Isaac are worthy of the land? What is happening now in Palestine is so unjustified and needs to stop immediately. There is no single religion of the Abrahamic religions order to steal lands and kick its people brutally that way.
@deasvail99 10 ай бұрын
Si P@lestini@ns no hubiera comenzado el sexto día w@r, tendrían mucha más tierra. Si H@m@s no hubiera cometido el 7 de octubre m@ss@cre y hubiera continuado lanzando cohetes, habría paz.
@Yorecore 10 ай бұрын
@@deasvail99 I hope this comment will be translated in Spanish cuz I dont speak it. This goes back to 1947 in fact, many Palestinians died from 1947 till now. Trust me it has NEVER started in October the 7th, like AT ALL.
@winxclubstellamusa 10 ай бұрын
Both of them are cannanites, not just the Palestinians! And how come 1/4 of a million muslim Palestinians joined the Nazi army in the 30’s to exterminate and torture the Jews is the state of Israel hadn’t been formed yet? They hate then because Islam explicitly instructs them to, not because of anything else. And Islam also explicitly instructs to take over THE WORLD and kill all non-Muslims and rape, beat, and sell all captive females, including the children. You know nothing about Islam, so it’s best that you not make ignorant claims like this.
@dogbert52 10 ай бұрын
​@@Yorecoreso all the claims made by ar ab muz pastalinis about wanting to genocide the je ws were just for fun? Or are you also on the propoganda wing of those genocidal chi ld be headers?
@יעקבמישקה 10 ай бұрын
It was not their land
@bablumiah2062 9 ай бұрын
@duncanlgeoghegan6333 10 ай бұрын
This is a study in cognitive dissonance.
@saadamiens 11 ай бұрын
0:35 = sacha baron cohen
@symbolsandsystems 10 ай бұрын
religion is cultural narcissism
@lifenegotiator2700 10 ай бұрын
countries are all made by force . with that logic the mustache austrian should be also ok right ?
@spinningwheel7635 10 ай бұрын
People always cry “6 million Jews”
@jackcarraway4707 10 ай бұрын
"The Jew is quick to tell you he is hated, but slow to tell you why." -Russian proverb
@PodlejskiGame9 10 ай бұрын
The world hate Rus sians stop giving advice
@solvingpolitics3172 10 ай бұрын
Oh let’s hear why? You have nothing intelligent to say don’t you!
@yara.7973 10 ай бұрын
@@solvingpolitics3172 Because they kill and imprison innocent Palestinians. Treat them worse than animals. Bomb them and their families. The horrible massacres they did to the Palestinians. Here are some things your people did to us: 1. "Tantura was a wealthy town, it had beautiful houses. They were living like Europeans, do you understand? The women of the town used to wear beautiful clothes. Really this town.... One of the soldiers raped a 16-year old girl here." 2. "He gathered the Palestinians and put them in a cage and killed them. He gathered them in a cage made of iron, and surrounded them with iron wires. He gathered all the men and made them sit down. One of the soldiers took the machine gun and shot them." 3. "The soldiers took flamethrowers in their hands, chased the villages, and set them on fire." 4. "I never took prisoners, I killed everyone. When someone raised their hands in the war, I didn't take them as a prisoner of war. In those days, if I even saw school children with their hands raised, I would kill them." 5. "I had a total of 250 bullets in my weapon. I fired and killed everyone. It's impossible for me to count how many people I've killed."
@isaacelijah6516 11 ай бұрын
Most of them are afraid 2 tell the truth 💯
@streetfights5239 11 ай бұрын
Not really
@solvingpolitics3172 11 ай бұрын
Let’s see your documentation?
@justinstewart4889 11 ай бұрын
"Palestinians have shit leaders who turn down peace deals and they have a barbaric ass culture where they scream lalalalala and randomly kill people"
@_covfefe 11 ай бұрын
Better to live in ignorance than face evil facts. If they do then it will show the hyprocacy of them believing in one part of bible and not the other (the 10 commandments)
@SigalDa 11 ай бұрын
1. Why between 1948-1967 Egypt that occupied Gaza and Jordan who occupied the west Bank wasn't created palestine state? 2. Which year palestine was founded and by whom? 3. Who was their first leader before Yasser Arafat? 4. What was their currency?
@bushrita10 10 ай бұрын
If someone comes to Bali as a tourist and they settled there and started to want to build a country for them and their families ofc I will be angry
@anthonyr963 10 ай бұрын
Bali is a country. Palestine was not. Jevvs had a presence in the land for thousands of years in the land of Israel.
@malibumouse 10 ай бұрын
@@anthonyr963 The Native Americans were also not a country when the Europeans colonized North America. Was that justifiable? Also, do you think that a Polish/Ethiopian/Chinese Jew has greater right to the land of Israel/Palestine than a Palestinian Arab who has been there for millenia?
@anthonyr963 10 ай бұрын
@@malibumouse I support Native Americans getting their land back if they are being persecuted. Most Jevvs including Jevvs that returned from Europe trace their ancestry to the middle east. They have their own language, history, and land. They are indigenous to J(ew)dea. Arabs are from Arabia. When is the deadline when you are not indigenous anymore? Since you brought up Native Americans, there are native groups that allow people to join their group and thus they become indigenous.
@malibumouse 10 ай бұрын
@@anthonyr963 Not all Arabs are from Arabia LMAO. Palestinians and Lebanese take DNA tests to find out that they have the most amounts of Canaanite and local DNA. But answer my question, does a Chinese Jew have a greater right to Palestine than a Palestinian Arab?
@yara.7973 10 ай бұрын
@@anthonyr963 Palestinians have 80% caannite genes, and only 20% Arab genes at PEAK. All of them have over 62% Levant genetics, so this proves they have a connection to this land for years even though they have been Arabized. They have been living there for thousands of years, regardless of what the name of the place was called. Native Americans didn't have a state but they are indigenous to America and have their own culture, traditions, food, etc. Same thing with Palestinians, it doesn't matter what name or state, people lived there for thousands of years, have their own traditions, music, clothes, culture, dialect. Some were Jews that later became Christians then later Muslims. Some stayed Jewish and Christians. Regardless, Palestinians were always there. Just because the UN and Britain gave it to you, doesn't mean you have the right to expel the Palestinians from their land. You could have stayed and lived with the Palestinians just like they used to live before. In the 1800s, 50% of Jerusalems population was Jews, and there were so many beautiful stories on how Muslims and Jews loved each other, used to babysit each other's kids, have close friendships. This was all ruined the moment Israel existed because it's a racist Jewish supremacist state, that uses an apartheid system against the Palestinians, whether they are Muslims or Christian.
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