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Bro Hajji

Bro Hajji

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Before our video Shirking Shirk video. We have a prelude which will present information which will leave you anticipating for the Shirking Shirk إن شاء الله

Пікірлер: 79
@briancordero7674 Жыл бұрын
I love Bro Hajji for his research and academic approach to thinking about the issues of the Dinبارك الله فيك
@seektruth581 Жыл бұрын
Much appreciated. I haven't seen enough videos online about this. It's a topic that needs to be adressed.
@matikhorasani3842 Жыл бұрын
Never thought I'd see a hanafi Wahabi lol
@Human_boy_91 10 ай бұрын
Basically deobandis are true hanafi wahabi 😂😂😂
@043ash 5 ай бұрын seeing a communist billionaire lol
@syedasadullah7462 4 ай бұрын
It has been remained jurisprudential matter among ulama and muhaditheen!
@ajajssksk1757 2 ай бұрын
Istigatha is creedal? Tawassul is for sure but no Istigatha.
@baran1455 Жыл бұрын
Waiting for it,please also tawassul and tabarruq
@sohail6759 Жыл бұрын
JazākAllāhu khairan bro hajji , please keep them coming 👍🏼👍🏼
@syedasadullah7462 4 ай бұрын
Many steroptype ulama of his(Hafiz hakim) era and later deemed him Rafdi that is why they tried hard to tarnish him!
@axis2312 8 ай бұрын
akhi when is this video coming? barak'Allahu feekum. the shirk apologists have come out on twitter and they're louder than ever
@islamicmercy4181 Жыл бұрын
Also within the book it mentions during his life time The Prophet peace be upon him, it is not proven. Yet the Salafis themselves hold the view that it did occur during his life time. Also the book contradicts the hadith of the blind man which everyone accepts.
@Human_boy_91 10 ай бұрын
It's a complicated issue Those who say it's permissible they have also have evidences And those who says it's shirk they have too But you know the great scholar of 17th century Shah wali Ullah dehalvi literally recite nad e Ali Which contains istigasa
@isaiyan1002 8 ай бұрын
What's the evidence that's it permissible?
@Human_boy_91 8 ай бұрын
@@isaiyan1002 see a debate between asrar Rashid and Abdul Rehman Hassan (salafi wahabi)
@abuhamza946 Жыл бұрын
As salamu alaikum. Has the lectures Come out regarding this topic yet ?
@mahakeza Жыл бұрын
Havent seen it either
@khzhossein3782 4 ай бұрын
@shariffali7780 Жыл бұрын
Bro l wish when quoting the book show the page number then the contents of the respective page!
@mkm4208 Жыл бұрын
But why are all major scholars ashari...I can't wait for this series to start
@Ben_B. Жыл бұрын
The Prophet, Abu Bakr, Omar, Othman, Ali, Abdullah ibn Abbas, Abdullah ibn Masud, Abdullah ibn Omar, Abu Dharr, Abu Darda, Abu Hureira, Muadh ibn Jabal and all other Sahaba were not Ashari. Same with the Tabi'in like Hasan Al Basri, Munajid, Ibn Sirin etc. were not Ashari. Same with the Atba Tabi'in like Imam Awzai, Malik, Ajurri, Layth ibn Sa'ad, Sufyan Ath-Thawri, Abdullah ibn Mubarak and the others were not Ashari. Same with Imam Ahmad, Imam Shafii, Imam Abu Hanifa and their student. So the major scholars were NOT ashari. Yes, the Asha'irah have GREAT scholars who did ALOT for the Ummah like Imam Ash-Shatibi, Ghazali, Al Izz Ibn Abd Salam and more. However if you study history you see that they grew up in a Ashari environment and didn't learn another Aqeedah. Where they grew up the Aqeedah of the government was Ashari Aqeedah, so they studied it. Allah knows best.
@mkm4208 Жыл бұрын
@@Ben_B. thank you for this comprehensive write up ...I v always wanted to know the names of scholars apart from the sahabas (obviously they are not ashari) that are athari ...thank uuu so mch fr the nanes...I want to show one Ashari guy tht am talking with
@Ben_B. Жыл бұрын
@@dinopalavra876 The Ummah is upon fitrah and not Ashari. You are delusional. And no. If you would have little bit education in islamic history, you would've seen that the Asha'irah were the minority. They weren't allowed to preach publicly lmao. How were they the majority? They were scared to pray Jummah prayer lmao. Majority cant pray Jummah? Imam Baqillani didnt tell them that he's ashari and said he's hanbali. because he was afraid. Learn some basic history before you type this weird stuff. And yes, the Sahaba were Athari. They are free from Ahlul Socrates pseudo Ahlul Sunnah lol. But thanks. At least you are honest and affirm that your Aqeedah is not the Aqeedah of the Salaf. Imam ibn Katheer: "Ahlul Sunnah wal Jama'ah are few in numbers and most of them are the Hanabilah." Haqq.
@Ben_B. Жыл бұрын
@@dinopalavra876 yo ex-mushrik talking about history of the muslim ummah and calling other Muslims Mujassima. Know your place ya jahil. Study some history books like Al Bidaya Wal Nihaya from Ibn Katheer, Siyar Alam an-Nubalaa from Imam Dhahabi, Al Minal wal Nihal from Shahristani, Al Farq wa bayn al Firaq“ from Baghdadi and Kitab Al-Fisal by Imam Ibn Hazm, If you studied them under a scholar come again then we can talk. You don't know shit and dare to type. What sort of arrogance is this. Since when do we talk without knowledge? Funny thing is that I doubt that you can even speak arabic or even recite the quran properly. I think you are the delusional one. Especially when someone without arabic knowledge and no effort studying the books of Ulama is on KZbin and discusses topic about Aqeedah and muslim history lmao. Ex-Mushrik to a Khariji calling others Mujassima and excommunicating them from Islam. What a development. You do more harm as a Muslim as when you were a Mushrik. Think about that.
@Muftiofcali 3 ай бұрын
Did you ever make the video?
@TheHasanIqbalPodcast Жыл бұрын
Can you clarify please, even if Al-Hakim had lenient criteria for hadith and strengthened weak hadith does that eliminate him ? Because from my understanding a weak hadith is not a fabrication and many there are different levels of weakness, also from my understanding it is permissible to follow weak hadith in regards to good deeds right ? I also have a small request, Can you in your next video please do justice to both sides of the argument and breakdown the actual beliefs of the scholars and how they may differ from the awaam.
@krisyanharyadi Жыл бұрын
Cant wait to see he covered both sides...
@Ben_B. Жыл бұрын
Al-Hakim was a Muhaddith but many other Muhaddithun criticizied him sometimes. Yes, you are right there are levels of weak ahadith. But we are talking about Aqeedah - where people classified istigatha with other than Allah as Shirk - so we shouldn't follow a weak hadith, independed if its very weak or little bit weak. Just to be in the safe side. There is an Ijmah that we do not follow fabricated or very very weak ahadith, it doesnt matter if it's regard doing good deeds. However there is ikhtilaf if we can follow weak hadith which hasnt many errors and use it as a MOTIVATION to do more deeds. I follow the opinion that we shouldn't do that. However there are some other opinions.
@TheHasanIqbalPodcast Жыл бұрын
@Ben I think you are mistaken on some things Istigatha is not an issue of aqeedah but an issue of fiqh. It is not action itself but the intention that makes the action shirk. For example sajdah to other than Allah is only shirk when accompanied with a intention of worship otherwise with other intentions such as honouring soneone it would be haraam In regards to following weak hadith for aqeedah you are correct we don't do that, but following weak hadith for fazail-e-amaal is something permitted by many scholars and I don't think it is an ijma on this issue.
@krisyanharyadi Жыл бұрын
@@Ben_B. Could you provide any evidences whom being said that istighosah is part of aqeeda? Yes I'm agree with you in part of aqeeda we should hold on shohih/mutawatir Hadith. But istghosah/Tawassul/tabaruq is part of Fiqh, which imply to Wajib/halal, Sunnah, Mubah, Makruh, Haram. I think we should define first on what istighosah/Tawassul/Tabaruq is, accordingly. Yes , I believed there were some issues in practicing istighosah/Tawassul/Tabaruq. But it doesn't mean that istighosah is not part of the islamic's teachings. Many atsar from Shahaba showed that they were practicing istighosah/Tawassul/Tabaruq in the life and after the life of Rasulullah Shalallahu alaihi wassallam. If some people insist that istighosah is a shirk, then they should reconsider on what Shahaba did. Have you ever read a kisah/story, when Rasulullah Shalallahu alaihi wassallam said to the Shahaba about a Tabi'in named Uwais Al Qarni)? Check the book of Hadith from Imam Muslim/Imam Ahmad. What did Umar ibn Khatab RA do when he met Uwais Al Qarni? Asking for Dua... What on earth, the 2nd greatest, which his life was guaranteed by Allah Himself, still need a Dua from Uwais? Didn't he could perform Dua by himself directly? Was Umar ibn Khatab RA did a shirk, under your "istighosah" classification? Salam ukhuwah islamiyah from Indonesia.
@Ben_B. Жыл бұрын
@@TheHasanIqbalPodcast It's an Ijmah as long as the Hadith is very very weak or fabricated. If the Hadith has little errors than there is ikhtilaf if we can take this hadith to do Ibadah etc. This is ikhtilaf is actually famous under the scholars. Istigatha is an Ibadah like Dua, Tawakkul etc. These are branches of Tawheed and obviously Aqeedah. It's like saying: "Making Dua to other than Allah is a Fiqh Issue". This is not true, since Istigatha and Dua are both Ibadat and are in the same category. I would say the Essence itself is Aqeedah, but branches Fiqh like: "Doing Dua together, Dua during the friday prayer with the Imam, Dua loudly, Dua in different languages" These are Fiqh issues, but not the Essence and the Essence basically is that Dua is an Ibadah and we only do Dua towards Allah. Same with Istigatha. The issue is that some people want that this is an Fiqh Issue, since the doors of variety are open there but in Aqeedah not. You can't say Aqeedah has nothing to do with intention, when Aqeedah is literally an action of the heart akhi. The Intention comes from the heart. It's the best to not do Istigatha with dead people, since many scholars would accuse one as a Mushrik. It's better to take the safe path. This is not a light topic. Allah knows best.
@Human_boy_91 10 ай бұрын
It is permissible or not? To directly calling prophets sahabas saints for help directly
@Skateboarderbiqa 8 ай бұрын
It is not permissible. We should only call upon Allah, and pray only to Him.
@islamicmercy4181 Жыл бұрын
Brother, there is a contradiction within your own video, without you even realising it. You mentioned Imam Ahdal and his work talking about isgatha through those alive and deceased, yet your own claim relies fundementally on the three conditions one of which is Alive. If your bring this as an evidence then you must consider the Salafis as mushrik also since they hold the position that during life time it is permissable.
@ninomediera1706 Жыл бұрын
Bro. Seriously?
@uzzy_787 Жыл бұрын
What’s the problem?
@ninomediera1706 Жыл бұрын
@@uzzy_787 istighatah leads us to shirk? Come on bro. It means seeking for help to Allah by doing zikr. What's wrong with that?
@yassir2824 Жыл бұрын
@@ninomediera1706 did you just ignore the whole video and everything else? Istighatha is seeking help from Allah THROUGH someone else. Obviously asking Allah directly is not shirk. It's very logically simple. You don't call out to a dead person, a prophet or shaykh while making dua to Allah. What's the issue?
@ninomediera1706 Жыл бұрын
@@yassir2824 i think you miss the concept of istighatah. We don't call out the dead people, bro. We make zikr n dua for these shaikhs (tawasul) as a fist step to ask help from Alah. That's the real concept of istighatah. BUT..if there's any ritual of istighatah that practice like what you mentioned, i agree with you.
@yassir2824 Жыл бұрын
@@ninomediera1706 that "first step" is an issue. There should be no first step before asking from Allah. That's creating an intermediary between you and what you are asking from Allah. Ask Him directly. Making dua FOR a dead person and USING a dead person to make dua to Allah are 2 completely different things. There's no such thing in authentic Hadith or the Quran. Why can't you just Allah directly? He is closer to you than your jugular vein
@Raheem.rasool Жыл бұрын
Do some quick fire videos with evidences… shorts
@krisyanharyadi Жыл бұрын
Any comments on this: Would you elaborate as references onto "istighosah" issue that you've made? Jazzakallah...
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