just landed. holding for 1.5 hours. In addition to that, ATC separation of aircraft is MINIMALLY 7.5 nm. At this rate, even with 3rd runway, not much difference impacted. ATC usual separation of aircraft, for eg in DOH or SIN, is usually 3-3.5nm.
@cruisefu9 ай бұрын
Welcome back and well done No idea what happened to Taipei ATC holding 1.5 hours is considered as the whole airport closed really ridiculous
翻看應該是目前全世界最繁忙的單跑道機場,London Gatwick (LGW) 今天(2024年3月9日週六)的起降班表。從06點到20點這14小時裡面: - 除了17h-18h(29班升降)以外,每個小時的區間都排了起碼30班升降。 - 在06h-15h那9小時裡面,每個小時的區間都排了起碼40班升降。 - 11h-12h排了50班升降:25升25降。 - 08h-09h最厲害,排了整整55班升降:29升26降。 至於TPE,其實就祇有下午那寥寥幾個小時是40+ aircraft movement per hour。 對了,香港啟德機場在1990年代(25+年前)是全世界最繁忙的單跑道機場,降落/起飛難度大,當時40 aircraft movement per hour是司空見慣。 問題徵結應該在於TPE在mixed mode operations的時候,起降的飛機的間隔拉得太遠吧? 如果全面引入英國的機場管理(硬體 + 軟體 + 管理及決策人員),TPE真的需要第三條跑道嗎?我看連第二條跑也可以用來曬太陽或是給韓國瑜用來辦F1賺外匯~(?)
@cruisefu8 ай бұрын
謝謝你的收看與分享 航管朋友最近有對不一樣機場不同的管制方法討論中
@LaoGuo-x3p9 ай бұрын
How does Changi conduct regular maintenance? Never heard of similar issues?
@cruisefu9 ай бұрын
Every Airport would close the runway for inspection and Changi does the same and there will be Notification to airlines and pilots If they do a proper job of daily maintenance then they shouldn't have to schedule a total runway closure specifically in day time
@ulysseslee95419 ай бұрын
I just know Hong Kong is regular to resurface the runway, part to part at night