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Lost in Translation: Genesis 1 is NOT About the Creation of the World!

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James Tabor

James Tabor

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The very first verse of the Bible--Genesis 1:1--which millions can quote by heart--is MIStranslated in most all major versions and all languages--with very few exceptions. The reasons are simple--Marketing and Commercialism. Who would buy a Bible translation that does not begin with "In the Beginning, God Created the Heavens and the Earth"? In this short exposition I dhow how the original Hebrew has a completely different meaning. It is not a philosophical or scientific statement--but rather a description of the ordering of the chaotic, empty, water covered, wind sweep, wasteland that was Planet Earth, WHEN the "Force of All Forces" (Elohim) begin to bring order out of the random chaos.
For my translation of the Book of Genesis see:
On-line Courses:
"Jesus & Dead Sea Scrolls”
Creating Jesus: Gospel of Mark
The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft agley
מהמלים בקשר את המלים ועל סמך המלים
Retired Prof. of Religious Studies/Christian Origins
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
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@ShortsHound 15 күн бұрын
One simple way of looking at Genesis 1:1 Is : In the beginning ( time ) God created ( energy ) the heavens ( space ) and the earth.( matter ) 1:2 ... The earth was formless (unorganized) and void (empty).
@sebastianbache8862 11 күн бұрын
@@ShortsHound The simplist way to look at Genesis is a third grader can write a better description, but even here our third graders are learning how the heliosphere protects us from the dangers of outerspace. Something your god knew nothing about. He left out the Dinosaurs. A glaring omission. Then there is the contrast between Genesis, written at most less than 200 words about CREATION! YET, he wrote a book, a whole book on a war repleat with all the weapons used and the COMPLETE script. MY, MY, HOW YOUR GOD'S STORY TELLING HAS IMPROVED!!!!! LIARS!!! 🩷🧡💛💚💙🩵💜❤️
@ShortsHound 11 күн бұрын
​@@sebastianbache8862 Wow, you put much effort into that meaningless reply. I do hope one day your anger towards God subsides enough to lead you to truth.
@mirandahotspring4019 6 күн бұрын
Sounds like Kent Hovind nonsense to me.
@sebastianbache8862 6 күн бұрын
@@ShortsHound You're going about what you seek all wrong. The confused world is much like you searching for spiritual truth by turning over rocks. The two pursuits embarked upon cannot be reconciled in this way. One has the nature of being the truth and the other does not. So the search is for some answer that encompasses the single most important question everyone has on their minds, why are we here? The truth would never threaten harm. When something is said to be the truth, and includes the threat of harm if you refuse to believe, then it is a lie. It never forces you to act against your will. When it does, then it is a lie and it wants something valuable from you. The truth never asks for something of value in return for something else. When someone says this, this means you have something priceless it wants. The truth never changes. Contradiction is not in the nature of truth. The truth is absolute in meaning without contradiction. A truth said to have a contradiction is a lie, or the truth is a lie. If the striptures were the truth there would be no argument over meaning. Thus the writers could not declare what they did not know is the truth. They declared instead the written words infalliable. This is not an admission of a single word in the book of sins is the truth. GET IT? When this god admonished precocious Jobe, where was he, when HE layed the foundations of the Universe. That is not an admission of this God knowing this himself. Yet, so many declare him so. He says don't think you are smarter than him. The two fabled trees in the garden, one is the knowledge of bad. That is HIS, tree. The creator of evil he admits to. The other tree is the knowledge of good. That one is our tree. The tree humankind is plucking its secrets to improve our lives. Our ability to grow smarter is why he forbade this tree. Yet, the tree of sin is what believers are teaching to their innocent children's minds. They are placing temptation front and center in the curious mind of a child. This is criminal and must be stopped! So why are we here? It's not worship. It's about trust. In this life you have a choice to keep your soul or give it over in return of a promise and fear. Those who refuse go on to eternity. They can be trusted to not give their souls away. It doesn't belong to you. That is your first mistake. The second one is the promise. You already come with eternity. It's what makes our souls priceless. Definitely not looking good, when you see your brotherhood becoming more death wishful. It'S disturbing to say the least, AND everything in your future looks like roses when it is unthinkable what you did. 🩷🧡💛💚💙🩵💜❤️
@sebastianbache8862 6 күн бұрын
@@ShortsHound @ShortsHound You're going about what you seek all wrong. The confused world is much like you searching for spiritual truth by turning over rocks. The two pursuits embarked upon cannot be reconciled in this way. One has the nature of being the truth and the other does not. So the search is for some answer that encompasses the single most important question everyone has on their minds, why are we here? The truth would never threaten harm. When something is said to be the truth, and includes the threat of harm if you refuse to believe, then it is a lie. It never forces you to act against your will. When it does, then it is a lie and it wants something valuable from you. The truth never asks for something of value in return for something else. When someone says this, this means you have something priceless it wants. The truth never changes. Contradiction is not in the nature of truth. The truth is absolute in meaning without contradiction. A truth said to have a contradiction is a lie, or the truth is a lie. If the striptures were the truth there would be no argument over meaning. Thus the writers could not declare what they did not know is the truth. They declared instead the written words infalliable. This is not an admission of a single word in the book of sins is the truth. GET IT? When this god admonished precocious Jobe, where was he, when HE layed the foundations of the Universe. That is not an admission of this God knowing this himself. Yet, so many declare him so. He says don't think you are smarter than him. The two fabled trees in the garden, one is the knowledge of bad. That is HIS, tree. The creator of evil he admits to. The other tree is the knowledge of good. That one is our tree. The tree humankind is plucking its secrets to improve our lives. Our ability to grow smarter is why he forbade this tree. Yet, the tree of sin is what believers are teaching to their innocent children's minds. They are placing temptation front and center in the curious mind of a child. This is criminal and must be stopped! So why are we here? It's not worship. It's about trust. In this life you have a choice to keep your soul or give it over in return of a promise and fear. Those who refuse, you call the sinners, go on to eternity. They can be trusted to not give their souls away. It doesn't belong to you. That is your first mistake. The second one is the promise. You already come with eternity. It's what makes our souls priceless. Definitely not looking good, when you see your brotherhood becoming more death wishful. It's disturbing to say the least, AND everything in your future looks like roses, when it is unthinkable what you did. 🩷🧡💛💚💙🩵💜❤️
@Eric_Eric_Eric 3 ай бұрын
Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding. Who determined its measurements-surely you know! Or who stretched the line upon it? On what were its bases sunk, or who laid its cornerstone, when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy? Or who shut in the sea with doors when it burst out from the womb, when I made clouds its garment and thick darkness its swaddling band, and prescribed limits for it and set bars and doors, and said, ‘Thus far shall you come, and no farther, and here shall your proud waves be stayed’? Have you commanded the morning since your days began, and caused the dawn to know its place, that it might take hold of the skirts of the earth, and the wicked be shaken out of it?
@fatoldguy9046 3 ай бұрын
Wow, it's such obvious mythology. Thanks
@Eric_Eric_Eric 3 ай бұрын
@@fatoldguy9046Jesus forgives you too
@fatoldguy9046 3 ай бұрын
@@Eric_Eric_Eric ???? I don't know how, he's been dead for 2000 years.
@Eric_Eric_Eric 3 ай бұрын
@@fatoldguy9046 what you choose to say does not change that you have been forgiven.
@fatoldguy9046 3 ай бұрын
@@Eric_Eric_Eric Yes I know, thank Satan
@waalwink 3 ай бұрын
“Remind them of these things, and solemnly charge them in the presence of God not to wrangle about words, which is useless and leads to the ruin of the hearers.” ‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭2‬:‭14‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬
@michaelmanger8640 2 ай бұрын
Has this not been done many times throughout history since it was first improperly translated out of it original Hebrew? All subsequent transactions have imposed their own understandings and needs of ownership of the bible. Be aware. Not blindly ignorant. ✌🏽❤️💛🖤🎶🇦🇺
@allenrock2668 2 ай бұрын
But what about when God began to create heaven and earth.Iam asking what n heaven meàns as you said about earth only.But what heaven means
@@michaelmanger8640 That's not so, if you're only referencing one book you'll miss a lot. That's what bible hub is for now, online. You can compare all the translations. Remember heaven was sealed up with 7 seals. Christ says the kingdom of God is within us. Apocalypse and revelation means to uncover and reveal. For it had been given onto his holy 12 to know the secret mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, in the house of God (Bethel), but for us it had not been given. For they have eyes that can't see, and ears that cannot hear, nor did they understand. And whenever they read the words of Moses a veil covers their hearts till this day.
@@allenrock2668 Christ said the kingdom of God or heaven is within us.
@allenrock2668 Ай бұрын
@brianlove8413 Ай бұрын
So, this was actually a sales pitch?
@donaldjamesderrick 4 күн бұрын
I"m 3 minutes and 30 seconds in, and I gave up waiting for him to make a point...
@nclivin4220 Ай бұрын
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 The same was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. JOHN CHAPTER 1
@turtlegrams6582 4 күн бұрын
@YG-qn3xr 3 ай бұрын
it's not "bereshit BRO elohim et ha shamaim ve et ha aretz" it is "bereshit BARA". BARA is past simple or present perfect form of Create, meaning "created" or "has created". I think it is better to stick to the traditional translation, because 1) it is more faithful to the hebrew traditional reading. 2) The language of Bereshit IS ambigous, therefore good translation has to be ambigous too. בראשית ברא אלוהים את השמיים ואת הארץ והארץ היתה תוהו ובוהו וחושך על פני תהום ורוח אלוהים מרחפת על פני המים. It doesnt say wind from Elohim, it says Elohim's wind or Elohim's spirit: it may mean wind from Elohim, , it may also mean the spirit of God. Btw, the following word is traditionally translated as "hovers" not "blows", which supports more the second meaning. The important thing here is the original text, the exact meaning of each was lost with the people who told or wrote it originally, who lived thousands of years ago. Afterwards came a myriad of interpretations from people who have claimed to understand it better than others. Wise Rashi didn't speak with God, as well as the others, and didn't have access to some other secret source of truth, apart from the multitude of interpretations that existed before him. He just theorisised like all the rest.
@ernestoaguilar5681 3 ай бұрын
I wish I could give thousands of thumbs 8:01 up .
@ernestoaguilar5681 3 ай бұрын
@That_one_introvert. 3 ай бұрын
Well stated. ~Shalom
@Jewriffic 3 ай бұрын
Bara is 3rd person masculine completed (past tense). The noun Elohim (plural) takes the number of the verb. So, what is plural in Elohim to denote infinity, is summarised by a single entity. "He Created". Read the words in the order they appear, and you will find a totally different situation for thought. It would be He created G-d. This is Kabbalah. The best way I can explain it is like this. We perceive our existence through 6 senses. But there is more to this existence that we can perceive. Likewise G-d created Emanations (Sephirot). These are the way G-d interacts with creation. But G-d is more than those. "He created G-d" would mean He (En Sof - the unknowable) decided upon ways to interact with creation. They are balanced between Masculine and Feminine, which to me gives more support to the words in Genesis. This is not an argument. It is another way of reading the words and learning about HaShem.
@deeaimetee 2 ай бұрын
Translated from ancient Greek, so who really knows. We can only believe, or not, what we're told
@johnmcgraw3568 3 ай бұрын
My brain works a little different I guess. When Dr. Tabor was explaining his translation I kept imagining the scene from Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy when they are building a new Earth and now "So long and thanks for all the fish" will be stuck in my mind all night.
@harveywabbit9541 3 ай бұрын
"And the earth was without form and void." (Gen. 1:2.) Correctly translated, this verse would read: "And the earth in winter is dreary and desolate" (tohu ve bohu). The earth in winter is indeed dreary and desolate - dreary, i.e., bloody, in the old sense of the word, in allusion to the color of the dead vegetation at this season; desolate, because of the obliquity of the Sun's rays, as opposed to the insolate, or more direct rays of the sun in summer. "And the Gods said let there be light; and there was light " (vs. 3); i.e. the Sun entering Aries at the spring equinox, brought summer or light out of darkness or winter - winter passed, summer came. The fish scales have been removed from the eyes, sight is restored.
@MyChihuahua 3 ай бұрын
@@harveywabbit9541 We are warned not to add or take away from Scripture...
@harveywabbit9541 3 ай бұрын
@@MyChihuahua That warning was copied from the Egyptian story of coming forth by day (book of the dead).
@johnmcgraw3568 3 ай бұрын
@harveywabbit9541 I like this translation and even though we don't know what God is and all the big questions, this seems to add a layer of complexity, who were the Elohim and were they God's agents working for him or is this just all fairy tales?
@harveywabbit9541 3 ай бұрын
@@johnmcgraw3568 The root “el,” is contracted from the verb = ail, to roll, to twist, and was hence applied as a name to the male of the sheep kind, in allusion to his contorted or “twisted horns" (Gesenius Heb. Lex., p. 41). El, the Ram, is Aries. Elohim of the Hebrews is only the Sun in conjunction with the Aries of the Zodiac during summer, and that God is but one of its many synonyms. Genesis, chapter one has summer beginning with Aries and ending with Virgo. This is modified when the six days become seven days/months (Aries thru Libra) and winter becomes five days/months or Scorpio thru Pisces. El, disjointed from the Sun is often associated with winter. The setting of Aries became the Golden Ram caught in the thorn bush (winter). This is the ram that Abraham “slays” and burns on the altar (Ara constellation). In 1 Sam. 4.8, these seven summer months (Aries thru Libra) are called "mighty Gods;" Elohim adidim by the Philistines, or winter months (Scorpio thru Pisces). Some of the ancients supposed Aries was upon the meridian (noon-mark) at the great natal hour, when the Sun rose directly after in Leo. This would refer the beginning of the year to the summer solstice (popular in Egypt). These seven months makes up the Temple of God that Solomon the sun, builds every year. The simplest way to remember Solomon’s Temple is to think of it as April thru October. The writers often mixed the age of the bull with that of the ram.
@nrgao 2 ай бұрын
When I was 4 or 5, my first question to my dad about Gen 1 was “Why was the water already on the earth when he made it? Why doesn’t it talk about him saying “let there be water”? Water is so essential to life on earth. Why does it just talk about the Spirit moving over the waters. I’ve always felt the modern translation was just missing the mark, in my heart, since even a child. This is a great series. Thanks for the uploads.
@rupertchappelle5303 Ай бұрын
Because God is WAVES. Before you make water you have to make space and time and that is done with WAVES and WAVES is JHVH. First nothing, a singularity has to be oscillated into something, a particle, and then it spreads at the speed of Light, Causation, God. put a coin in a balloon and shake it. that is how nothing becomes something.
@glenbsmith1863 Ай бұрын
The land/earth was "formed out of and through water" according to 2 Peter 5 ESV. "For they deliberately overlook this fact, that the heavens existed long ago, and the earth was formed out of water and through water by the word of God," Water in the Bible existed before the land (The Hebrew word is translated as earth. However, the meaning of "earth" is land rather than meaning Planet Earth) and water existed before the several heavens (plural) were formed. Of course, if you take the biblical cosmology as science, you will have a problem with the view in the Bible of a flat earth fixed, unmoving in its location and resting on foundations reaching into the "deep." There are the three heavens (1 for the sky, 1 for the moon, 1 for the sun) each composed of a crystal dome that rests on the pillars located at the horizons. By observation the ancients could discern the crystal domes rested on pillars at the horizon by watching clouds that were high overhead slowly move down to the horizon as the moved farther away until they disappeared. The land was flat and formed a circle (not a sphere) which could be observed from any high vantage. Stars hung on the underside of the firmament (vault/expanse). The idea of a planet named "Planet Earth" does not occur in the Bible regardless of The Late Great Planet Earth book title by Hal Lindsey and Carole Carlson that has 25 million copies in print and prepossess to be about biblical prophecy. The English word "earth" is employed in the various English Bible translations about 900 times but never means the planet by the name "Earth" although the vast majority of Bible readers will understand the word "earth" to mean the planet named "Earth." Test it. Present this written (must be in writing) request to a 1000 Americans. "Compose a sentence using the word "earth." Only about fifty will compose a sentence using the word "earth" to mean, land, soil, dirt, territory. The other 950 will make a sentence using "earth" in the sense that means the Planet Earth. A sentence composed using "earthquake" actually means a quake in the solid material (land) of the crust. Count earthquake among the fifty. This misunderstanding as the common use for the meaning of the word "earth" begin developing about 1800. It is after this in the 1800's those aberrant Christian factions arose that had their origins based in the misunderstanding of the end of the land (translated as earth) that they came to misunderstand as the end of Planet Earth. Depending upon one's understanding of divine inspiration of the Bible, their particular understanding for divine inspiration will determine if they can accept this information without damaging their understanding of biblical authority.
@rupertchappelle5303 Ай бұрын
@@glenbsmith1863 I understand how stories can change over time and I just took a lot at what would explain the Genesis story as physics, and light is the motivator and using it as a wave to replace the Big Bang theory made more sense to me. By Earth I assume that meant the world and reality - as in spacetime or time space. God is the wave that oscillates everything into reality and after 30 bilion years the waves became conscious. Like Fourier transformations - look up the Simpsons and Fourier transformations. God works like that. waves into things and things into us.
@glenbsmith1863 Ай бұрын
@@rupertchappelle5303 Could those ancient Hebrews for whom the creation account was composed have understood your explanation? Importing scientific ideas into ancient comprehensions is not Bible interpretation. The Bible reveals who God is (character and attributes) but has very little to say about what God is except that first He is not physical or substance because He is spirit and second God is being, that is to say God exists. Otherwise, nothing is revealed about what God is. Thinking of God as an effect or force, either wave, or big bang beginning may solve some people's rational conflicts, but such is not biblical revelation.
@johnmichaelson9173 Ай бұрын
The problem is that the Sun was in existence way before the Earth formed. So Genesis 1-1 & it's already wrong. 🙂
@Matthew-cp2eg 25 күн бұрын
In the morning James went to the store and made breakfast. The ingredients were many and packaged. And James made an omlete.
@sebastianbache8862 11 күн бұрын
@@Matthew-cp2eg 🤣🤣🤣🫢🩷🧡💛💚🩵💜❤️
@robertwoods3750 24 күн бұрын
i guess "we've" gotten so wise and have so much free time on our hands we have the time to recreate the bible, i like how we now substitute a Hebrew word here and there and come up with a whole new meaning to any such passage we wish to reinterpret .
@Jaake-my2rq 19 күн бұрын
Considering the stone cold fact that every first and last offshoot of the Constantinian Universal Abomination as well as the Abomination itself teaches an absolute pile of western replacement theology garbage whereby everyone goes running to Paul, taking a verse from THIS letter and a verse from THAT letter, ANY chance of context obliterated, and use this precept-based horse sh1t to create "new and exciting" doctrines, you MIGHT want to consider the possibility that approaching the HEBREW scriptures from a HEBRAIC perspective defined by HEBREW spiritual and cultural context, just might reveal some things that Pastor McBasketballarena may have missed.
@dough9512 Ай бұрын
He can't even correctly read his OWN translation! My confidence level in what he teaches has taken a nosedive.
@lindawhitehead6149 3 ай бұрын
I remember reading somewhere that tohu w bohu was a reference to tiamat in the old babylonian story. I think Christians have been reluctant to acknowledge how much the ancient Hebrews were part of that larger culture and not always monotheistic..
@thomasdalton1508 3 ай бұрын
Christians weren't always monotheistic. The New Testament is a polytheistic text. Monotheism was invented in around 200 AD at the earliest.
@jonathanwilner6174 3 ай бұрын
The Hebrew word for deep (tahom) is considered etymologically related to Tiamat.
@chrimony 3 ай бұрын
@@thomasdalton1508 Disagree. The New Testament is clearly monotheistic in that it is about worshiping Yahweh and accepting Jesus as his son and messenger. Christians, unsurprisingly, turned that into worshiping Jesus, and hence we get all the Trinity nonsense to make the pieces fit. The move to singular Yahweh the one and only god takes place within the pages of the Old Testament.
@thomasdalton1508 3 ай бұрын
@@chrimony It is certainly about worshipping Yahweh and accepting Jesus as his son and messenger, but nowhere does it say Yahweh is the only god. He's the only god they worship, but they acknowledge the existence of other gods. In 1 Corinthians 8:5, Paul says "in fact there are many gods". He goes on to say "for us there is one God" and he refers to the others as "so-called gods", so he's preferring to reserve the word "god" for Yahweh, but he is clear that the beings others worship as gods do exist. They aren't the creator of all things - that's Yahweh - but they exist. Similarly, in Galatians 4:8 he talks about "beings that by nature are not gods" - he isn't saying they don't exist, but is just restricting the definition of "god" to exclude them. To describe Paul as a monotheist, you have to accept his definition of what is and is not a god (a definition he doesn't even entirely stick to himself). I don't think that is a useful way of defining what a monotheist is. It is very artificial to be a monotheist only because you've invented your own categorisation system that says other gods aren't really gods rather than because you don't think those other gods exist.
@fructiferous 3 ай бұрын
@@chrimonyall i know is that the new testament says the Word in the beginning (a) was with God and (b) was God. and i'm pretty sure the Word is supposed to refer to Jesus, but regardless, if there's a god with God who's also God, then it sounds like there's at least a fraction more than one god
@terraloft 2 ай бұрын
And may the Holy Ruach, indwell us, God's creation, Light instilling Life in us, transforming the voids and filling all that is empty with His purposes, His unfolding plans...ever Goid, ever Faithful, ever Holy and Worthy of our praise
@ajmittendorf 7 күн бұрын
I have heard this point before regarding translation issues and the problems of "traditions" in those translations, so I understand where you're coming from. My issue with this video, however, is that you never explain how Genesis 1: 1-3 is not about the creation of the Earth. Regardless of the translation that you use, God is creating; he starts by making light over the nascent Earth, but that doesn't mean that Genesis 1 is not about the creation of the world. Not at all. You haven't proved your point. You've only introduced your own translation, in which your use of English is awkward at best.
@roberttormey4312 Ай бұрын
Please make your point, I’m five minutes in, still waiting for to make your point. You lost me. If you cannot make your point, close the channel.
@harrymacdonald858 27 күн бұрын
Isaac Asimov Quote: Today's science fiction is tomorrow's science fact ..aye aye! a Ken a KEN ! Aye! sounds archaic ? x So Space is a Cartoon..? or is a Ball ! Give the children a Baal Aye!
@queenria7 21 күн бұрын
hahaha, I'm 6 minutes in and that was my thought just now 😂
@mattallred 19 күн бұрын
He's just yapping 😴
@derekjones2145 13 күн бұрын
9:26 it’s a plug for his new book! His translation of The Book of Genesis ! Don’t think we need any more translations.
@pseudoplotinus 2 ай бұрын
This is great, and I am happy through this I found a new translation that rejects traditional translation formulas. It's bizarre nothing like this has even happened yet, through centuries of constant new translations coming out.
@albertgallegos9938 2 ай бұрын
The Dead Sea Scrolls, also called the Qumran Caves Scrolls, are a set of ancient Jewish manuscripts from the Second Temple period. They were discovered over a period of 10 years, between 1946 and 1956, at the Qumran Caves near Ein Feshkha in the West Bank, on the northern shore of the Dead Sea. Dating from the 3rd century BCE to the 1st century CE,[1] the Dead Sea Scrolls are considered to be a keystone in the history of archaeology with great historical, religious, and linguistic significance because they include the oldest surviving manuscripts of entire books later included in the biblical canons, along with extra-biblical and deuterocanonical manuscripts that preserve evidence of the diversity of religious thought in late Second Temple Judaism. At the same time, they cast new light on the emergence of Christianity and of Rabbinic Judaism. [2] Almost all of the 15,000 scrolls and scroll fragments are held in the Shrine of the Book at the Israel Museum, located in the city of Jerusalem. The Israeli government's custody of the Dead Sea Scrolls is disputed by Jordan and the Palestinian Authority on territorial, legal, and humanitarian grounds - they were mostly discovered following the Jordanian annexation of the West Bank and were acquired by Israel after Jordan lost the 1967 Arab-Israeli War[3] - whilst Israel's claims are primarily based
@pattmahiney 2 ай бұрын
Follows the old adage of whomever writes history creates it. You translate the book? You decide what it says. Much of the language is not 'lost' in translation -- it's changed.
@markhastings9037 Ай бұрын
Why is it so important to reject traditional translation formulas? Do you want the truth or just something radical?
@pseudoplotinus Ай бұрын
@@markhastings9037 Traditional translation formulas involve a game-of-phone effect where inaccuracies continue to be implemented in newer translations. This one's a fresh slate.
@MrBracey100 Ай бұрын
@@pseudoplotinusLooking at the Dead Sea scrolls in comparison to the Bible we have it has been found to be 99.9 percent accurate to this ancient document. God promised he would preserve his Word. Do not fall for this false testimony. This fellow might be well meaning but he is leading people astray.
@davidmontaigne6911 3 ай бұрын
Great analysis! Arthur Custance says the earliest Aramaic version of Genesis says “the earth was laid waste.” He wrote: “There is, on the basis of the evidence, far more reason to translate Genesis 1:1-2 as “IN A FORMER STATE GOD PERFECTED THE HEAVENS AND EARTH; BUT THE EARTH HAD BECOME A DEVASTATED RUIN… than there is for any of the conventional translations.” This fits geological and other evidence - Earth has experienced many pole shift catastrophes reorganizing the entire surface of the world. Genesis is talking about a previous re-creation. Revelation describes the "new heavens and new earth" after the next pole shift, due within decades. If interested find a book on pole shift evidence. There are many biblical clues. Consider just a few of the clearest verses: Isaiah 13:13 “I will make the heavens tremble, and the earth will be shaken from its place.” Isaiah 24:1 “Behold, the Lord lays the earth waste, devastates it, distorts its surface and scatters its inhabitants.” Job 9:5-6 “It is God who removes the mountains, they know not how, When He overturns them in His anger; Who shakes the earth out of its place, And its pillars tremble.” Psalms 46:2 “though the earth should change and though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea.” Haggai 2:6 “For thus says the LORD of hosts, ‘Once more in a little while, I am going to shake the heavens and the earth, the sea also and the dry land.” Revelation 6:14 “The sky was split apart like a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.“
@tatie7604 3 ай бұрын
Yes. I've heard that one before, too. The poles do shift. Does this mean God did not create the universe? Not really.
@davidmontaigne6911 3 ай бұрын
@@tatie7604 Agreed. The existence of pole shifts doesn't change God's role in creation - just a tweak of our understanding of the biblical description of creation.
@YahushaisYahuahssalvation 3 ай бұрын
There won’t be pole shifts because earth is not a globe.
@n.c.1201 3 ай бұрын
thanks for taking the time to post all those
@deborahcharnley6906 3 ай бұрын
This is very informing
@michaelhezzlewood4917 27 күн бұрын
This really brings home the fact that Genesis 1:1 is written from the point of view of someone observing these events from the surface of the earth, and not looking down upon it as we often imagine earth today. The whole creation account when viewed like this, is in line with current scientific understanding and the order of events. ☺
@generationalstewardship 2 күн бұрын
Your translation says the same thing everyone else's does: "At the first, God creating the skies and land,...said, "Let there be light"". Congratulations!
@carlharmeling512 3 ай бұрын
This is all about a distinction without a difference. Did we need this? I don’t get the relevance of it to anything.
@fructiferous 3 ай бұрын
the issue is whether the bible says that god created everything from nothing or that he simply shaped the already existing earth for the purpose of establishing humanity on it. virtually no christians believe it's the latter
@grayman7208 3 ай бұрын
perhaps spend less time writing and more time thinking. because it is about truth and salvation.
@doloresikbaker2371 3 ай бұрын
Most interesting..." a distinction without a difference ".
@TebogoMotlhale 3 ай бұрын
​@@fructiferous Tabor's translation in the video STILL literally starts off with "CREATING the land", rather than it cutting straight to "forming or shaping the land", therefore it is STILL essentially about first CREATING the land . . . and THENNN giving it form.
@brookelynnpaige7828 3 ай бұрын
​@@TebogoMotlhale this is why I don't get his point. He's still saying that something was created. His translation simply takes away the importance of the Bereshit prophecy and the trinity. This is a great example of how looking at the original Hebrew can go too far. He just made another translation that destroys all doctrine and removes the inspired words of God
@yerpyaboy 3 ай бұрын
You don't think it's ironic that the landmass depicted on the planet Pluto looks just like the character Pluto... 🤔
@saludanite 2 ай бұрын
I don't live on Pluto, but the land mass of the Pacific sank under the waves. The Americas separated and slid westerly. The whole earth was flooded and drained. Evidence is everywhere! Google "landscape" plus each mountain state (US and Mexico) Select "Images." For fun, add the word "fossils" to your search. Just five millennia ago. The Pyramids are built of "sedimentary" stone.
@arlinelove8473 3 ай бұрын
I am really enjoying these "shorts", Dr Tabor!
@davidthompson6636 3 ай бұрын
A consideration: “No scripture is of any privy interpretation….” This prevents us from bouncing on one verse and encourages us to build out to other scriptures and precepts to have a sure Word - a firm and complete foundation. Sad to have such a small god
@johnalexir7634 3 ай бұрын
Good point. Plus it's plain wrong that no scripture is a matter of interpretation. It's impossible for any text to not have the potential for multiple interpretations. Whether it's 'private' or not makes no difference either, as ultimately the interpreter is human. If the text weren't open to interpretation, there could only be one translation of the bible (and for the KJV-only folks out there - no, it's not that one). Also, everyone studying with a close eye and honest intentions would then all come to the same interpretation for a given text. We know all too well that isn't true.
@thomasmaughan4798 3 ай бұрын
"No scripture is of any privy interpretation" So who does the interpreting? Everyone! I read, and I understand, or think I do. You read, and end up with a different understanding from the very same words although often it is not the very same words (dozens of different bibles exist).
@slack9400 3 ай бұрын
I must not get it. Sounds like you're pronouncing tomatoes or tomahtoes to me, because it didn't change the interpretation that dramatically.
@thomasmaughan4798 3 ай бұрын
@@slack9400 There's a significant difference when "create" means ex-nihilo, from absolutely nothing, poof now suddenly everything exists; from "form" as in a potter takes clay and forms a bowl. The substance was already there, but the form was not. I believe the more correct understanding of Genesis is that the Earth was already here, but formless. The description is not particularly scientific, separating the waters above the firmament from the waters below the firmament, so this is an area where I treat it as an excellent story but not science.
@danawaldrop4930 3 ай бұрын
But it does not prevent anyone from bouncing on one verse. I've noticed many pastors are too closed minded to allow any thoughts outside the box they were trained to live in.
@farmsteadgoldcompany Ай бұрын
As a physicist I can't help but think that various elements and planetary bodies floated in space for a time. The sun also increased in mass, to a point of igniting it's fusion reaction, therefore giving forth light and stimulating all the things on this rock making it habitable, ie., garden of Eden of sorts; all under God's master plan of course. Cheers.
@billthomas8205 3 ай бұрын
Thank you - excellent as always! In the UK we have the Good News Bible/Today's English Version of 1976, which puts Genesis 1/1 as "In the beginning, when God created the universe..." halfway to the correct translation!
@rickraybourn7456 2 ай бұрын
Jesus: Mark 10:6 King James Bible But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.
@janetmilan4698 3 ай бұрын
I've purchased your translation of Genesis and read it before bed each night. It's very interesting, especially when contrasted to the more mainstream translations. Thanks for making this available.
@carlosalcedo1242 25 күн бұрын
A friend of mine who studied hebrew and greek all his life had (he passed last year) "From the summit, Elohim fattened the Earth"
@sebastianbache8862 11 күн бұрын
@@carlosalcedo1242 Well he didnt. Tell me, where did your god come from? 🩷🧡💛💚💙🩵💜❤️
@psybin 11 күн бұрын
Bara (בָּרָא) is the verb "created" used here, which is where fattened comes from. It's a kind of creating only God can do, and implies creating from the void/nothing, or "fattening/shaping" the void into something. So b'reshit (in the beginning) bara elohim (Elohim created [from nothing]) et ha'shamayim (the heavens) w'et ha'aretz (and the earth). The "et" before the nouns isn't translated into English, but it makes each one a distinct proper thing He created, with also "ha" meaning "the". "from the heavens" would be me'ha'shamayim.
@florisv559 10 күн бұрын
@@psybin It seems that _bara_ can also mean "to separate", so that God separated heaven and earth. That made a front page headline in a Dutch newspaper (Trouw, with Christian roots) many years ago.
@nalcon1 29 күн бұрын
Might want to investigate the Masoretic text. Genesis 1:1 is a simple statement of what God did. Then goes into day by day detail of the creation week showing He is the Creator of all things.
@hans-hermannbender2176 26 күн бұрын
As interesting and important as all these thoughts about creation are, let us not forget that the apostles did not travel through the world, spreading the news: "Listen everybody - There is only one God, and He created the world in just six days!", or maybe: " Listen everybody - a virgin has given birth to a man! - but rather: "Someone has risen from the dead, and we are witnesses." Acc. to Paul (and, of course to all apostles), in Rom.10,9 we read: "that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God has raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. KJV.
@musicsubicandcebu1774 2 ай бұрын
And God said, "Let there be electromagnetic radiation visible to the beings I haven't yet created."
@observeroflife9511 Ай бұрын
The best book to understand Genesis 1 properly is "In the Beginning... We Misunderstood: Interpreting Genesis 1 in Its Original Context" by Johnny V. Miller, John M. Soden
@greglawrence9230 Ай бұрын
Visible to the beings He had already created (the angels created before Genesis 1). It was the revelation of the Light of the World - the Word.
@Mojo32 Ай бұрын
​@@greglawrence9230Or I've heard some say that they were created, fall of Lucifer, etc. between 1:1 and 1:2. Maybe?
@greglawrence9230 Ай бұрын
@@Mojo32 Yes, that's what I mean. Genesis 1:1 is an assertive statement that attributes 'the beginning' (first temporal event) to God's action. And Genesis 1:2 is descriptive of a condition that arose at some point beyond the first temporal event of 1:1. Our Bible makes it clear that between 1:1 and 1:2 that there was creative work and activity. This is most obvious when considering when the waters were created, but also the Heavenly Hosts; Gen. 1:16b affirms God created the stars also (the stars are 100% synonymous with the angels/Hosts of Heaven, whatever we make of that) and Job 38:6-7 affirms that the angels were alive and active when God was establishing the foundations of the Earth. The 'without form and void' (tohu wa bohu in the Hebrew) of 1:2 is identified in both Isaiah 45:18 and Jeremiah 4:23 as God's judgement (Isaiah says explicitly that God did not create the Earth formless and void, so that interpretation of Genesis 1:1-2 is unequivocally false, and Jeremiah confirms that the time between 1:1 and 1:2 was a time when 'there was no Man'). Therefore, this was the age in which Lucifer was priest and king on the Earth. It was the time in which he defiled his sanctuary (the Earth) by the multitude of his iniquities (Ezek. 28:18) and therefore God brought judgement to it (making it the waste and ruin 1:2 identifies). The theologically intriguing part is that it is from the very dust of that ruin that God forms Man, and it is by being of this dust that the Son of Man becomes the only begotten son of God. The corrupt material was integral to God begetting. I highly recommend Jack Langford's book The Gap Is Not a Theory. Peace!
@greglawrence9230 Ай бұрын
@@observeroflife9511 I'd recommend Jack Langford's The Gap Is Not A Theory.
@loveistruth5713 3 ай бұрын
I think it's pretty cool that Abba Father the creator of all things seen and unseen chose our little marble in Eternity to make his home and family✝️🌻🕊
@Shivey-Caroline-7-23 3 ай бұрын
Little blue marble ? I've heard nasa say so 'But' the Holy Scriptures' No'
@loveistruth5713 3 ай бұрын
@Shivey-Caroline-7-23 whatever... Flat Earth has been debunked by any person with a half a brain , misunderstanding or misinterpreting the Bible is no excuse and yes I've been born again Spirit-filled Christian for 50 years✝️🌻🕊
@Shivey-Caroline-7-23 3 ай бұрын
I believe Yah's Word; with all it's possible human interpretations is a great test from Yah (God); to see how we navigate these differences of interpretation and still stay 'Loving & respectful' to one another' : John 13:35, Jesus - Yahusha said to us all : By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
@donnahysmith9877 3 ай бұрын
I see you use the correct name of the Father and son Proverbs 30:4 and I am always in awe when I see another Love Yah and His son so much they really seek Him and want to know Him deeply .. May Yah bless you, and we meant at His glorious coming !! HalleluYAH!
@YahushaisYahuahssalvation 3 ай бұрын
Yahuah The Father Yahusha The Son and Messiah.
@TheAntG1987 3 ай бұрын
Praise Yah Praise Yahusha
@patriciastaton6182 3 ай бұрын
Yahawah the father and YAHAWASHI the son who died on the cross to save us forgiven from our sins 🙏🏾😊
@Joeandfran 2 ай бұрын
Did you realize Jah, originally Yahoo, has a birthday? More research shows all the facts. Research.
@williamwatson4354 3 ай бұрын
I bought Dr. Tabor's translation months ago. Well worth it.
@onejohn2.26. 3 ай бұрын
Is translation of what and where did you buy it from?
@juliafaze5945 Ай бұрын
One thing to not forget Revelation says what the beginning is "lamb slain from the foundation of the earth". Also tells Job about the beginning.
@ronbianco5919 Ай бұрын
Unless I am misunderstanding (which is always a possibility) I see this as a distinction without a difference. What impact on knowledge and traditional understanding is changed, especially when Reading John 1:1-3 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 The same was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made
@jillipopow8095 Ай бұрын
I remember getting a bible on the first day of high school. I also remember reading the very first page and sounds like an alien invasion. To this day, I still stand by my original perception . Now my thoughts ( from the age of 11 !) are being confirmed by many people translating the bible from the original root language.
@jackwhite1742 Ай бұрын
No. First, no one speaks, writes, or remembers how to recreate ancient hebrew. Secondly, no, there are no aliens, there is no "out" for answering for your sins. There is only one way to have them forgiven, and enter eternity.
@graceanneful Ай бұрын
@@jillipopow8095 my belief is that the Nephilim were here before and after the flood and what we are witnessing are part fallen angel technology and man’s summoning spirits and the manifestation of all of this , we call UFOO’s or unexplained entities. We may never really understand until we leave this flesh and be reunited with Our Creator in Heaven.
@petervermeer.4904 Ай бұрын
@@jackwhite1742 .. there is no such thing as "sins". It's a construct, an idea, a concept, "invented" by humans. The next thing, following of course..."Hell". The same for that. An idea, a construct, a (sick morbid) fantasy. If you don't do as i say or we say (the church) you go to eternal hell. Most organized religions are in fact cults. Not different to other cults, with a cult leader. Only religions do it on a much larger scale.
@jillipopow8095 Ай бұрын
@@jackwhite1742 yes, the vatican have a great deal of artifacts hidden away and very old bibles are part of their treasure. They hired Mauro Biligni to translate them from the root meanings only. He has written several books about his findings and the evidence of paleo contact is indisputable. Worth checking him out.
@thetabletopskirmisher Ай бұрын
​@@petervermeer.4904think of it this way: you're driving down a long road at 100mph. You don't know just ahead there's a bend in the road and a bridge there has been washed out. Someone is standing way out there telling you to turn back or else...
@glennewell2436 3 ай бұрын
Are you then saying, The thesis by Wilson J 2010 . 'A Case for the Traditional Translation and Interpretation of Genesis 1:1 based upon a Multi-Leveled Linguistic Analysis.' is wrong? If so, what parts of his analysis are questionable?
@rhb30001 2 ай бұрын
He won’t listen to anything that vindicates the Bible
@cdsmith0917 2 ай бұрын
I am coming at this from a novice point of view. If a paper is called "A case for..." they did not set out with neutrality in mind. They were looking for data to confirm a point of view. Also, I did read Dr. Wilson's paper as well as his follow up on AIG in 2013 and 2018. He seemed no less compelling or passionate than Dr. Tabor. Taken as a whole, these comments paint a picture as if Dr. Tabor resents the truth and Dr. Wilson presents it. Maybe things just aren't that easy.
@tomhase7007 3 ай бұрын
Doesn't the use of an indeterminate article (be reshit instead of ba reshit) already make it clear that Genesis 1,1 is not talking about THE beginning (of everything), but rather A beginning (of something)?
@jonathanwilner6174 3 ай бұрын
Correct. That is precisely my point.
@MyChihuahua 3 ай бұрын
Who determined the difference?? In Hebrew, there is just the letter 'Beit' before the word 'reshyth'. 'Beit' on it's own means: in, within, among, in the midst, to dwell, dwelling, house, tent.
@jonathanwilner6174 3 ай бұрын
@tomhase7007 3 ай бұрын
@@MyChihuahua It says בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית, there are two dots under the beit, not a T, hence indeterminate form, not determinate form. The Massora is part of the text.
@MyChihuahua 3 ай бұрын
@@tomhase7007 'Vowel points' were added by the Masoretes as late as 600 - 900 AD, they were not in the original writings.
@tombusby2333 3 ай бұрын
We are geocentric, the earth is the focus, and the middle ground...under a dome
@uncut-hebrew 2 ай бұрын
I think you mean egocentric 😊
@jesusislukeskywalker4294 2 ай бұрын
⁠@@uncut-hebrew😂 “domestic” 🙈
@YaHUsHaAlephTau 2 ай бұрын
@@uncut-hebrew i think u mean sun deity-centric ...
@YaHUsHaAlephTau 2 ай бұрын
​@@jesusislukeskywalker4294 "dumbestic", unless you can scientifically demonstrate gas pressure next to a sky vacuum. 🙊🚽
@jamesgibson3242 2 ай бұрын
@drgdieselfrenzy7707 2 ай бұрын
I agree Genesis 1:1 isn't about the creation of the Earth, but 1:6 likely is and 1:9 if not 1:6. So, Yes, Genesis 1 is about the Creation of the world, everything after 1:9 is about the Earth and populating it.
@tedburney3059 Ай бұрын
@drgdieselfrenzy7707 Genesis 1.1 in the beginning God created Heaven and say it with me. Earth. Genesis 1.2 states how Earth was after Lucifer tried to take a third of the angels and challenge God.. so no Earth was always involved even in the beginning, even if it was in God's mind..
@jony-Korint13 Ай бұрын
Allso Romans 1-20
@tedburney3059 Ай бұрын
@jony-Korint13 man thank you for that.. you are correct. Romans 1 20 is about that before generation, and that they were handed over to Satan, for I guess lust in trade.. I'm just guessing..
@nikolaosaggelopoulos8113 10 күн бұрын
Water existed already
@neclark08 3 ай бұрын
...I rather like my Best Friend's take on Genesis 1:2-3: "2. And desolation and emptiness were upon the waters. 3. And God/Elohim said: 'Let there Be LIGHT ' -- and you Could SEE for F-ing MILES !"
@harveywabbit9541 3 ай бұрын
"And the earth was without form and void." (Gen. 1:2.) Correctly translated, this verse would read: "And the earth in winter is dreary and desolate" (tohu ve bohu). The earth in winter is indeed dreary and desolate - dreary, i.e., bloody, in the old sense of the word, in allusion to the color of the dead vegetation at this season; desolate, because of the obliquity of the Sun's rays, as opposed to the insolate, or more direct rays of the sun in summer. "And the Gods said let there be light; and there was light " (vs. 3); i.e. the Sun entering Aries at the spring equinox, brought summer or light out of darkness or winter - winter passed, summer came. The fish scales have been removed from the eyes, sight is restored.
@ourfamilylucu 3 ай бұрын
There's a cool video called "Star in a Jar" that shows how all you need to create light is sound and water, just like God said he used.
@crystalbernadou758 3 ай бұрын
And way too many miles for whay they tell us the circumference of the earth is.. very strange indeed
@hopeinHim5160 3 ай бұрын
@@ourfamilylucu There is an Eastern Philosophy Book Titled " Nada Brahma, The World is made of Sound" I thought immediately of Jesus the Christ, the Living Word , Alpha and Omega, speaking the World into existence. ✝️🙏❤️‍🔥🕊️ I praise His Holy Name. 🥹😔
@plainwhitepaper3898 3 ай бұрын
Let there be light is quite deep. First of all Father Elohim is in fact a Spirit of Illumination. Isaiah 60:I9 (by revelation) Revelation 2I:23 through reading. Also it comes with a purpose, Purpose being redemption, back too light/life, born again of spirit. John 3:5 If you read Jeremiah 4:22-28 This where the fall was happening. Note 4:25 No men. Not Noah. A formless void. See 4:28 Father has proposed? Proposed what? The was back to life for our first life. Rev 2:5 First there has to be one found worthy too be king. Then everyone will have their opportunity (breath) this mortal to choose redemption. I Peter I:3 Be redeemed from those in darkness. Strong delusion. Isa 66:3, 2 Th 2:II,I2 So let there be Light, is also John I:I the Word. The way back to Life/light. The directions that lead to life. Genesis I:2 and darkness was on the face of the deep. Who, what is the deep? I Corinthians I5:22 All are heavenly sons and daughters are asleep, in darkness, absent of the Spirit of light/life. Simply read Proverbs 8:23 if you are uncertain about the earth. 8:23 Before there ever was an earth. The heavens were alive, and all of our created celestial bodies, born of Spirit lived. Immortal soul living eternally. Our eternal Glory. 2 Cor 5:I Rev I2:7 war broke out in heaven and Father Elohim pulled Hs Spirit of Light from all those at war, and into darkness we went. Jeremiah 4:28 for the earth shall mourn and the heavens be black. How do I know this is True and correct? Because I learned from the end to the beginning. The knowledge came down to me several years ago, however today I have and hold all the provided complimentary scriptures.
@cherebyahwatson5727 3 ай бұрын
right James ! Be blessed!
@Thane36425 3 ай бұрын
The way I've looked at it is that God was considering the audience at the time. This was a time when the only things that flew were living things, only the simplest of machines existed (the wheel being high tech), most people were illiterate, etc. While God could have given a physics and chemistry accurate description of creation and the universe, no one could understand it at the time. Certainly the majority would laugh it off. So, we get the Cliff's Notes of all Cliff's Notes version. Bear in mind also that The Bible said that there would be a continuing revelation. That did has been taken, rightly, to mean spiritually, but it did not exclude revelations on the scientific side. I think this is where a lot of the misunderstandings we see today come from.
@TomDeitrick Ай бұрын
What would make some old dude sitting in his living room think that all Jews and Christians got it wrong and he got it right? Foolishness!
@patriotpearl264 Ай бұрын
That's exactly what I was thinking.
@williamgrierson4133 Ай бұрын
Men need to know what they know, and what they don't know. Ego prevents this is most.
@mmore242 Ай бұрын
Christians and Jews are locked into their theological interpretations that came into existence centuries after genesis was written and don’t consider original context based on the earliest translations and language. They mainly use Bible verses to proof text their theology.
@1957rayn Ай бұрын
You, like millions of religious people, have put Infinite God in a box called traditional and institutional religion. I believe in God, and I believe in Jesus. I do not believe in the evil god of the Bible. Jesus warned us against Yahweh, but people of his time failed to heed the warning. Christianity of today is in the same mental and spiritual darkness.
@williamgrierson4133 Ай бұрын
@@1957rayn The fruit is rotten
@FrankGrauStudio 2 ай бұрын
It seems the only difference this interpretation makes is to skip the creation of the universe in general and jumps right into the creation of earth specifically. It’s not clear why anyone would find this problematic, because John 1:1 says that Christ created all things, so it’s not as if we need Genesis 1 to prove creatio ex nihilo. Be that as it may, this new translation remains a minority view, so it’s not as if one need be compelled to accept it, especially since it changes nothing about Biblical cosmology.
@evancombs5159 3 ай бұрын
I do not see a difference in the two different ways of writing this sentence. They still mean the same thing.
@mpumemnqobi4392 2 ай бұрын
I Agree with you . His translation is the same with other Bible translations I see no difference
@isaacn751 3 ай бұрын
i also heard that the word CREATE didn't exist in old Hebrew that the best translation is "to manufacture" not to create.
@joinjen3854 3 ай бұрын
Create is a much better word. Creator or Manufacturer?
@isaacn751 3 ай бұрын
@@joinjen3854 the point is very significant . when you manufacture something is out of something else , but create is create out of nothing . thats the point.
@TheB1nary 3 ай бұрын
Where'd you hear that? The Internets? 😂
@fullthrottleinthemojave1138 3 ай бұрын
BARA means to create and to bring something from an internal to an external state, and it is used only in reference to the Creator.
@Ridethebomb777 3 ай бұрын
It just proves the point .... they translate it how they want to reflect monotheism, rather than what the story really tells us. The Bible is now so removed from its original form it is now a fictional story.
@DavidRobinson-rj2sp Ай бұрын
Apparently the missing first page has been found and it sorts out the whole bible. The first verse is actually, 'Once upon a time....'
@brianlove8413 Ай бұрын
The earth and the world are two different things. The very beginning of God's work or way was Jesus, not the physical creation. The angels cried out in joy when the earth and heavens were created, so they were in existence before the physical creation. "For He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless in His presence. In love" Ephesians 1:4 John 3:16 is referring to the people, not the planet, the planet doesn't need or require an only begotten son sacrifice (lamb) for redemption, we do! The foundation of the world is the foundation of the human family and all that goes with it that resides upon it.
@L5player 24 күн бұрын
The best lecture on this topic I've ever heard, from a Hebrew scholar who knew the most intricate details of the language, was by the late Dr. Michael Heiser. He, too, defended the translation of the Jewish Publican Society which was shared by, I believe, the German Bible Society. Heiser discussed dependent and independent clauses and how they relate to the opening verses, and the whole discussion turns on that. Highly recommended.
@atanasiomugambi 3 ай бұрын
I have learned a lot from this amazing teacher.
@eliasgodwin8729 3 ай бұрын
Read John chapter 1 verses one through 14. This man hasn’t taught you anything correctly.
@atanasiomugambi 3 ай бұрын
@@eliasgodwin8729 this is a scholar and you are not. Stop.
@eliasgodwin8729 3 ай бұрын
Scholars killed Jesus. There is one teacher, the Christ. Those are the words of Jesus himself. Please read the New Testament for yourself. Let no one teach you. Just speak to God and pray for understanding. Pharisees were scholars. It’s all they were and Jesus condemned them for not understanding who He was.
@observeroflife9511 Ай бұрын
The best book to understand Genesis 1 properly is "In the Beginning... We Misunderstood: Interpreting Genesis 1 in Its Original Context" by Johnny V. Miller, John M. Soden
@UtahGmaw99 3 ай бұрын
Yes the world is a big baseball game. In the big inning.
@aspektx 3 ай бұрын, just all sorts of no.
@GilObregon-hj6zh 3 ай бұрын
GOD: The Only Game In Town !!!
@avitalsheva 3 ай бұрын
This forever long intro..... GO TO THE POINT . I lost my patience in 3.20 when you still talking about nothing.
@TheRealDyscyples 2 ай бұрын
Whole video is nothing
@time_2_get_ready 2 ай бұрын
Right on! Don't trust ANY "new revelation" in the end times of false teachers and false prophets but be born again and follow the risen Jesus only!
@avitalsheva 2 ай бұрын
@@time_2_get_ready Why I need to trust a Bible? How you know that a Bible is truth? Or even a Jesus how you know he existed and he was as somebody described him in bible? I dont believe in anything what is not possible to experience. Because I dont know if I can be sure about that.
@JosephineElect 2 ай бұрын
Don’t be so rude
@TheRealDyscyples 2 ай бұрын
@@avitalsheva same here, that’s why I know you’re an artificial intelligence
@goredarrow Ай бұрын
I was told, when God said “let there be light”, the Hebrew text have it saying “light be”. Which would make it more of a command.
@nikolaosaggelopoulos8113 10 күн бұрын
The Septuagint has "Light be" in Greek.
@dougenosh6772 24 күн бұрын
When I read the title to this narrative, I was hoping you would end where I agree the interpretation should be, and you did. One other thing, I listened to one of my elders in my church one day over lunch tell me, and I agree with him, that the biblical narrative was as literal as we sometimes wish to believe, but rather a historical account given to the newly release Hebrew slaves, freed from 400 years of Egyptian captivity. The creation narrative was told in a way that those understanding Egyptian stories could understand. This makes all the sense to me and allows for a greater understanding of a longer timeline period to be involved. Having said that, we do have to be careful understanding the lineage of mankind related to genealogy, etc.
@americanlostinvietnam3721 3 ай бұрын
It also looks like the story of an artist, who walks into his dark room and sits down at his spinning table. There is a bowl full of water and a ball of clay sitting in the water. He stares at the bowl of water and clay in deep thought and concentration. He has a room full of pottery but this is going to be the ultimate work and expression of himself. His foot starts pumping and the table starts spinning. He takes the clay out of the bowl and puts it on the spinning table and begins to form and transform it.
@ebenezerappiah8735 3 ай бұрын
Very beautiful❤
@JamesOsburn-ru1jm 3 ай бұрын
Thanks, I'll investigate myself!
@HelloyeloNo1 Ай бұрын
Have fun but enjoy investigating the verse as well :)
@latro8192 3 ай бұрын
Makes sense, as the authors apparently had no concept of the universe that we have today. They thought the sky was a dome with the stars fixed to it.
@MyChihuahua 3 ай бұрын
They were told it was a dome with the stars fixed in it and recorded the same for us. Prove it's otherwise...
@michaelhargrove5111 3 ай бұрын
So which made up story do you believe the made-up story by the Nazi scientists LED NASA that tell you even today the pictures of Earth they show you are CGI created. In the heliocentric thought of the universe came from some person grounded on Earth thinking about something in his imagination and in that imaginative thought was forced on the world
@revelator5754 3 ай бұрын
@@MyChihuahua Then they were lied to.
@MyChihuahua 3 ай бұрын
@@revelator5754 Nope, It's is clearly provable. The firmament dome was said to be at 13,000 ft in the Encyclopedias from the 1970's that recorded the exploration expeditions of Admiral Byrd. Do some research.
@christismyrock5796 3 ай бұрын
@@revelator5754 By whom?
@rgrif777 Ай бұрын
My goodness, I was expecting the revelation before 8 minutes into the video and another 1.5 minutes to listen to your translation. I think those in power believed in Western culture that the Earth was the focal point of the universe before Galileo came along.
@lrwilliamsjr Ай бұрын
I'm gonna just stick with my Bible and trust both the scholarship behind it and the historical scholarship upon which it is built.
@cherubin7th Ай бұрын
Hebrew version is not authentic. The Greek Septuagint version is much earlier attested.
@ThoseTesTis Ай бұрын
Wish more people understood this. Hebrew is nowhere near as old as many people think it is.
@Alkes777 21 күн бұрын
What did they base the Greek Septuagint version on if not the Hebrew version?
@alexisjackson8351 20 күн бұрын
​@@Alkes777I believe we find out in the eridu tablets
@Alkes777 20 күн бұрын
@@alexisjackson8351 Quite likely the creation story in Hebrew Bible was influenced by the Eridu Tablets. But the layout of the Septuagint seems to mirror the format of the Hebrew Bible. Over the centuries Middle East religious narratives clearly take from each other then claim originality.
@ThoseTesTis 20 күн бұрын
@@Alkes777 The surviving copies of the Septuagint are older than the surviving copies of the Hebrew. So you tell me.
@WagesOfDestruction 3 ай бұрын
With all due respect, Rashi's view on Genesis 1:1 is not universally accepted. While he argued for a pre-existing void preceding creation, this doesn't necessarily contradict creation ex nihilo. The accepted understanding is that Rashi saw Genesis 1:1 as referring to the beginning of Gd's creative acts, not an absolute beginning.
@ksgraham3477 3 ай бұрын
Another point of interest is that the Jewish people are no longer the Isreal of God, as they had rejected the cornerstone, so it thereby reasons that any Jewish enlightenment is not from the Holy Spirit.
@sephardim4yeshua155 3 ай бұрын
​@@ksgraham3477 I guess thenapostle Paul didnt get the memmo when he wrote Romans 9-11.
@ksgraham3477 3 ай бұрын
@@sephardim4yeshua155 Did you read Romans 11? Especially verses 7-10 says that "...the rest (Jews not of the election remnant) were blinded." Gentiles have been grafted in and the Jews that denied Christ as their Messiah were broken off. (No longer the Isreal of God) But, when the fullness of the Gentiles comes in we will see reformed Jews grafted in. (The rest of the chapter). Any reasonings from Jews should only be paid attention to are from Messianic Jews, not Jews in name only.
@davidcohen12345 3 ай бұрын
@@ksgraham3477 this antisemetic thinking can not be from Ruakh HaChodesh, but straight out of hell’s Replacement Theology. The New Testament mirrors- and largely comes from Jewish Commentary of the day on TeNaKh. Such wholesale ideas about all Jews’ lack of understanding shows gross ignorance of how many NT verses are found in both the “T” book, and, gasp! even the “K” book, sometimes word for word!
@ksgraham3477 3 ай бұрын
@davidcohen12345 my point, please take no offense, was about God's promise to Abraham regarding Isaac and his seed. That the writings referred to were a millennium after Christ by a Jew indicates that it cannot be from God, because if it were from God, he'd be a Messianic Jew and one of God's children, ACCORDING TO THE PROMISE. The Jews that rejected the "cornerstone" are cut off.
@chayawitkin6374 2 ай бұрын
Yes you are correct that in that most translations of the Tanach are NOT true to the meaning. Much of these mistranslations were done on purpose in order to misrepresent the Tanach. Someone else had commented that ברא is 'past tense' - but it could also be COMMAND-tense, as in "SIT DOWN NOW!". E.g. - CREATE now! In addition, the Hebrew of the first 2 words there is a redundancy of the 3 letters ברא-שית-ברא Create-place-create בראשית ברא= B're'sheit Bara = "At the beginning created"? or maybe: when 2 words repeat, (like יום-יום yom-yom = everyday) it implies REPEATING ACTION. So, the first sentence could indeed be interpreted: "Always creating, Elokim places the heavens and the land."! Creating-placing-creating-placing-creating-placing...
@cgarv101 2 ай бұрын
"There is a devil, there is no doubt. But is he trying to get in, or trying to get out." ~ Some old 70's c-level sci fi show.
@whatdoiknowjustamortalsoon8633 3 ай бұрын
It makes absolute sense since the earth is a fllat plane which is part of God's heavenly throne room and the centre of what people think of as the universe which leaves you with the thought that God's kingdom has been there all along, the earth and heavens were created within this kingdom, closed by a firmament, a terrarium if you will.
@VictorianMaid99 3 ай бұрын
Thank you. Our world is a flat plan and NOT a globe.
@whatdoiknowjustamortalsoon8633 3 ай бұрын
@HouseMediaLLC absolutely not my friend. I am dead serious.
@markdeguzman6556 2 ай бұрын
@@whatdoiknowjustamortalsoon8633 the physical earth has been proven an oblate spheroid. how would you explain night and day and the four seasons if the earth is not rotating and revolving around the sun? are you talking about the earth plane that existed in the spiritual realm?
@vikitheviki 2 ай бұрын
​@@whatdoiknowjustamortalsoon8633 So it's just plain stupidity then?
@whatdoiknowjustamortalsoon8633 2 ай бұрын
@@vikitheviki No, it's indoctrination on a scale you will not believe.
@jmazz1127 2 ай бұрын
It's amazing how this super being and intelligent god , can't find someone to write something down that isn't misinterpreted or mistranslated. Especially something that is supposedly so important. It would be like a great musician having his cat write down the music sheets to his great concerto.
@giantthaw 2 ай бұрын
Yep, and it’s amazing how the superintendent a race of of beings that can so masterfully mess every thing up that he’s ever done or said. And still love us to death… Behold the cross.
@GilObregon-hj6zh 2 ай бұрын
My thought is that this is just one more of MANY examples of how God makes we mere mortals reliant on Him for even understanding His original meanings and intents -- and not from any man's/woman's correct or incorrect interpretations by which we have to work with. In short, it is just another reminder to me of how I am reliant on Him, for EVERYTHING! P.S. Good advice: Never forget to pray to the Eternal Father asking, in the name of His only begotten Son, for His divine discernment. Doing so has helped me tremendously.
@paul-57 2 ай бұрын
Well when we look at how well people have built society do you really find it strange that we have confused things?
@nikolaosaggelopoulos8113 10 күн бұрын
Writing had not been invented yet. There was not even something to write anything on, just water and wind.
@trevorbates8972 3 ай бұрын
In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth. That's the way Almighty God wants us to see it. The healthy human mind doesn't need the complications of science it just needs an overview of the absolute truth. It's righteously clarified further in the beginning was the 'word'...and that word was so powerful and complex that it remained with God, as the property of God, shared only with Jesus Christ, as a witness to the knowledge of that righteous science, which states that spiritual laws supercede, electromagnetic laws which otherwise control the universe.
@harveywabbit9541 3 ай бұрын
It was the Egyptian Tefnut (moisture) and Shu (air) who gave birth to Nut (Heaven) and Geb (Earth). Nut and Geb became Eve and Adam.
@nikolaosaggelopoulos8113 10 күн бұрын
When he gets to John 1 it will become clear that the Greek text says not that in the beginning was the word but that in the first principle there was reason - and reason was with God, etc.
@lenarsa66 Ай бұрын
10 years ago I decided to choose a passage in the Bible to dwell upon whenever I felt like it out of joy no limit, any question, no result needed. I chose Genesis, and to limit myself some chapters 1-5 (for starters) A choice made just because of the wordplay adamah-adam. After 10+ years I'm still totally fascinated and have, of course, more questions now than when I started. One verse I never got a good shape on was this first verse, always unhappy with the way so many translations had it... So when I found this it didn't take me long to go and get hold of that book of yours.😉 Joy when I finally found that someone finally noticed and annotated the connection between the phrase in ch 3 God to Eve and the same wording in ch 4 God talking to Cain. I look forward to looking into the rest soon... Thank you and blessings to you!
@observeroflife9511 Ай бұрын
The best book to understand Genesis 1 properly is "In the Beginning... We Misunderstood: Interpreting Genesis 1 in Its Original Context" by Johnny V. Miller, John M. Soden
@machoeddierock3362 3 ай бұрын
Q: James do you believe in the big bang theory? do you believe in the theory of evolution? do you believe there was a flood that covered everything and killed all life on the earth with the exception of ocean life? do you believe that Jesus is the son of God (and to be clear that he is a part of the trinity and is God) and that he died and was resurrected on the 3rd day? do you consider yourself to be a Christian? if so, do you think you should change the fundamentals of Christian doctrine?
@AllanMogensen Ай бұрын
Interesting that the stars came after the earth :)
@Baz-Ten Ай бұрын
maybe Earth surrounds The stars... Cellular Earth Theory
@michaelpaulholmes9667 Ай бұрын
People worshipped the sun moon and stars back then. I think the point was that they were just created stuff that didn't even get the honor of being first. Of course the earth came after many stars.
@MusicAndTheScience Ай бұрын
I couldn't finish this. He takes way too long to make a point and talks too much about things that have nothing to do with the actual point.
@naledinchonyane3478 Ай бұрын
So rude!
@CajunCatguy Ай бұрын
I hope he was joking, like Genesis took too long.
@dparry659 Ай бұрын
He made his point. That he feels the translation from Hebrew to English wasn't accurate. He even provides his own interpretation of the translation. Translating is tricky, and often the translator will put their own bias into the translation at some moments or texts. It's very plausible.
@ChristopherAune 3 ай бұрын
"the wind of Elohim vibrated the waters"
@harveywabbit9541 3 ай бұрын
That was Juno (Air).
@harveywabbit9541 3 ай бұрын
@@franklinparedes4036 Juno was the Dove.
@sparkyy0007 3 ай бұрын
Exodus 20:9 "Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it." Exodus 20 is a legal contract, the covenant between the Hebrew people and God. If the creation of the universe was not as God said in six literal days as the Hebrews understood, it would be a deception and the covenant would be void. God does not lie. Exodus 20 confirms the literal six day interpetation of Genesis 1 Many attempts have been made throughout the ages to bend God's words to man's firtile imaginations, and 4000 years later, it hasn't stopped. Nothing new under the sun. Peace and Love in Jesus Christ God bless you all
@pvdguitars2951 2 ай бұрын
The title could be misleading, unless we have an understanding of the word world (indeed, world is word with a lamed). Earth is ‘eres’, world is ‘tebel’ ( from which comes table). If Hebrew does not ‘resonate’, let’s jump to the Greek. Earth is Ge (or gaia), world is Kosmos. Put 1Ch 16:29 and 1Pe 1:20 side by side and check the original language! Then look at the 3 last words of Genesis 1:1 ; ‘shamayim et eres’ Translated as heaven and earth. But actually it shows 3 of the Platonic solids: fire (aysh), water (mayim) and earth (eres). No small detail, אֵת ( aleph tav) is & (infinity and connected) which became et (and in French and Latin). It is the alpha and omega right in the first verse.
@tonysurber9111 Ай бұрын
This man is correct. In Hebrew , it says " in a beginning". Not " in the beginning ".
@Vales55 26 күн бұрын
Ancient Hebrew doesn’t even HAVE an equivalent for the English indefinite articles “a”. You couldn’t be more incorrect if you tried.
@tonysurber9111 26 күн бұрын
@Vales55 It's not often that do this, but you have "a" point. Lol. More accurately, it's " In beginning ". My Hebrew interlinear translator does still show " in the beginning " too, but we both know that is not precise. However, I do believe that the point I was driving at is still valid. And for clarity, that point was that the current English translation is not accurate. Further, the point is also that there is no real reference as it relates to the beginning of all things.
@Vales55 26 күн бұрын
@@tonysurber9111 Fair.
@dooley8746 8 күн бұрын
@@tonysurber9111 I've argued with many rabbis about this. It's always interpreted as saying "in the beginning", however normally an entirely different word is used for the word "beginning", so I've always doubted that that is the correct translation. Especially when actually looking at the word that is used and trying to find meaning from the letters used... when you do that it looks like it says something very different than "beginning".
@blazenadzurjanikova9173 3 ай бұрын
James did you observe any heavenly body through a telescope or a P 1000 camera? Did you see the stars ? How the Moon looked like? Where is the words planet and universe in the bible? Thank you.
@redriddler1231 Ай бұрын
Planet comes from the Greek word Planktos or Stars that Wander.
@johosk5503 Ай бұрын
NASA means to deceive in Hebrew. I believe the Word of God over man every day. We live under a firmament, just like the Bible says
@observeroflife9511 Ай бұрын
The best book to understand Genesis 1 properly is "In the Beginning... We Misunderstood: Interpreting Genesis 1 in Its Original Context" by Johnny V. Miller, John M. Soden
@Michael-lo8zr Ай бұрын
There is no space only Shamayim and Earth. You live in a glass dome with the water above and below. A giant grasshopper farm....
@mikaelfoster9726 6 күн бұрын
Could the firmament, the separation, be the magnetosphere and the lands outside the wall be in another dimension with the earth being a hyperbolic 4sphere?
@cbbcbb6803 3 ай бұрын
Would not the beginning have to be the creation of God? Did God create him/its self. If there is no beginning of God, then there is no beginning. Your thoughts, please.
@harveywabbit9541 3 ай бұрын
The mother of God is the Egyptian Neith of Sais.
@auh2o148 3 ай бұрын
Genesis 1 is our beginning. John 1 is ELohim's beginning, of which there isn't one, or an end. YHWH ELohim is pure energy, and energy cannot be created or destroyed, just its form changed.
@GeneralKato 3 ай бұрын
The thumbnail of this video depicts pluto. How do I know, look carefully at the bottom half of the stone. The lighter coloured part and remember the name of the rock. Hopefully it opens your eyes to more…
@hexamigo 2 ай бұрын
Good points. I like the English Transparent Version because it raises further questions about the Elohim. Some Bible scholars today claim that the word Elohim is plural meaning The Powerful Ones. So now there is a group of them. Sort of makes sense when they said “let us make him in our own image”. Any thoughts about this hypothesis?
@j0epublic629 2 ай бұрын
I have heard the same thing. It is a very perplexing thing to contemplate.
@firstLast-gb9kr 2 ай бұрын
The Prophet Joseph said: “I shall comment on the very first Hebrew word in the Bible; I will make a comment on the very first sentence of the history of creation in the Bible-Berosheit. I want to analyze the word. Baith-in, by, through, and everything else. Rosh-the head. Sheit-grammatical termination. When the inspired man wrote it, he did not put the baith there. An old Jew without any authority added the word; he thought it too bad to begin to talk about the head! It read first, ‘The head one of the Gods brought forth the Gods.’ That is the true meaning of the words. Baurausignifies to bring forth. If you do not believe it, you do not believe the learned man of God. Learned men can teach you no more than what I have told you. Thus the head God brought forth the Gods in the grand council. “… The head God called together the Gods and sat in grand council to bring forth the world. The grand councilors sat at the head in yonder heavens and contemplated the creation of the worlds which were created at the time.” (Teachings, pp. 348-49.)
@redriddler1231 Ай бұрын
Elohim is plural. El is singular. Hebrew is not, and has never been the first spoken or written language.
@ronfink3596 Ай бұрын
Yes, Father, Son and Holy Spirit "Echad". Compound unity (Deut 6:4)
@ljsmooth69 2 ай бұрын
You're leaving out parts of it buddy you're not even being truthful in your thing because when he shows up faces upon the water and he says let there be light for the day and let there be light for the night to separate night and day. And he says let there be lights in the heavens or something along the lines of that that is the creation of the Sun the creation of the Moon even though the moon reflects light and doesn't give light and all the little lights in the sky you see everywhere which is literally the rest of the cosmos that we can see. Interpreting things so he wants them to be and that's the way they are actually left out the rest of the creation story he didn't even put the full story in there
@UBERBENZ Ай бұрын
The moon gives off its own light. "The Lord created two lights" not one light that bounces off another thing.
@ljsmooth69 Ай бұрын
@@UBERBENZ the moon does not give off its own light it doesn't radiate light the light that lets you see the Moon is the sunlight and it bounces and reflects off the Moon. Go look it up.
@UBERBENZ Ай бұрын
@ljsmooth69 look up the lies they tell us to believe.. nah, i am passed using freemason created illusions in my day to day.
@johosk5503 Ай бұрын
​@@ljsmooth69 the Bible LITERALLY says 2 lights, the greater to rule the day and the lesser for the night .... Your words are from NASA not Genesis
@applesaucelarry813 Ай бұрын
@@ljsmooth69Sounds like you’d rather believe NASA and not the BIBLE
@calvinmills1986 Ай бұрын
Seems like a lot of opinion and putting your own view into scripture instead of letting scripture interpret itself.
@dustinhoffman8131 Ай бұрын
Respectfully, planetes(Greek) means wanderers as in wandering stars. Stars that did not keep their first estate? (Jude)
@raymondswenson1268 8 күн бұрын
In 1831, Joseph Smith published several chapters from Genesis that included additional language.There is a preamble to Genesis Chapter One that does scribe's God's creations being endless and ongoing, including innumerable worlds inhabited by God's children, which were shown to Moses in a vision, followed by God telling Moses "Worlds without number have I created" but God then tells Moses he will tell him about the creation of just this planet, the world where Moses lived, our world. This matches James Tabor's translation. Smith did not know Hebrew at the time (he studied Sephardic Hebrew a few years later with Rabbi Johnathan Seixas).
@wingsandbeaksbirder2312 3 ай бұрын
The Blood of Jesus makes us The Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. 😊
@ChristopherCudworth 3 ай бұрын
Blah bla blah. Crucifixion isn’t the meaning of salvation.
@HW-em7fd 3 ай бұрын
What does this even mean please ? What an abstract statement..
@neilwalker8686 2 ай бұрын
Blood sacrifice and blood magic cult. But because a few inspirational quotes are thrown in, millions of people are under its spell.
@MichaelChau-qj3nw 2 ай бұрын
It is just legend !it is not real!
@Isaiah2vsMicah4 3 ай бұрын
Im so happy someone else is talking about this. God spoke LET THERE BE LIGHT. John 1 tells us who that light is… Yeshua. That was day one.. in scripture we are called “children of the day”. The sun and moon weren’t created til day 4. Yeshua was there for all creation (John 1:3) HE was created before the foundation of the earth. How does one become a father? He CREATES A CHILD. Yeshua is the Son of God
@johosk5503 Ай бұрын
Jesus is the word of God, which was WITH God in the beginning. John even states that the world was made THROUGH Him.....
@observeroflife9511 Ай бұрын
Yes, that's an incorrect and heretic interpretation. God cannot be created. Jesus calls Himself: I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, as does the Father in the Old Testament, so that debunks the theory that Jesus is created. And it also is a desire of Satan to state (in as many false teachings and in as many human hearts) that Jesus is just another created being. Anyone who is deceived speaks the same way.
@tonycosta8137 Ай бұрын
Made not created our spirits were created in and through Christ before the foundation of the world. Job 38:7 and you’re right he is the light we created in him. In Romans, it says the Holy Spirit, which is the spirit of Christ confirms with our spirit that we are children of God reconnection.
@BobSmith-eq9vs 2 ай бұрын
If the very first verse is a problem…
@terryfox9344 3 ай бұрын
As Dr. Tabor explains in his book, translating from one language to another is an art that depends on the intention of the translator, as languages are the ways that humans use to communicate ideas, and the cultures that create languages often have very different ways of thought, and therefore the translator must choose whether to translate words or ideas. The beauty of Dr. Tabor's is that it captures the beauty of the Hebrew expressions that are being used. So standard translations use better English thought patterns, but are not as "literally accurate" as Dr. Tabor's version which gives more flavor of Hebrew idioms.
@VictorianMaid99 3 ай бұрын
Translations are always bent to the likes of the translators.
@lloydburton2431 Ай бұрын
The earth was there without form and God dressed it for his children to live on
@maync1 3 ай бұрын
Well, thanks to "Let there be light," the beginning could unfold. So I don't see any remarkable difference; all the wonder still belongs to God, no matter how one tries to shift "in the beginning" out of the way. This is too theoretical and too picky for the average me. Sorry. God bless.
@iCupTV247 3 ай бұрын
The translation represents the perspective of a pastoral people rather than appearing to be a divinely inspired grand theological statement is the take I gleaned from the comments. And the fact that Rabbis have discussed this for centuries corroborates the significance. Also, someone pointed out that the word create means manufacturer, which means to make from existing materials, which greatly underscores the point Don't feel bad, I didn't get it at first either, and I consider.myself pretty smart lol
@dennisash7221 3 ай бұрын
Hebrew is a phenomenological language, it describes what it sees, it does not try to describe the details. One of the fascinating things about Genesis (James briefly alluded to this) is that the sequence of events described in Genesis matches what one would observe from the standpoint of a person standing on or close to the earth's surface during creation matches what astronomers and astrophysicists agree on would be how the earth was created from a massless shapeless form, that then condensed into a solid, and as the gaseous clouds dissipated and while the earth was spinning one would see diffused light first then the light would be Separated from the dark as the solid earth was spinning, even to occurrence of greenery first followed by the rest matches what most scientists agree is the the order in which life appeared. Of curse it does not describe the events in detail the account was not meant for that, rather it gives a quick overview that we could fill in later through our observations. This separates the Bible from other creation stories that contain the idea of some kind of mystical event that gave birth to the earth.
@davidmillward3108 2 ай бұрын
Hebrew is a concrete language whereas Greek moved to abstract thought ( because of Plato et al)
@dennisash7221 2 ай бұрын
@@davidmillward3108 seems you are not a linguist. I suggest a few years of study in linguistics before you comment.
@whoisbabylonthegreat6714 2 ай бұрын
Can you explain to me why the making of the sun, moon, and stars on day 4 and placing them in the expanse between the waters created on day 2 does not harmonize with heliocentric dogma? Are the sun, moon, and stars in the expanse (magnetic fields of earth) between two bodies of water? According to the Bible, they are.
@user-dd9st1nd1f Ай бұрын
Is it also flat?
@davidmason9925 3 ай бұрын
The Wording of the Original is so clear. Why would God hide his Truth with such complexity? I like the example of “Love in any language” or maybe the KISS model “Keep it simple ‘scholar’”!
@warrenpeterson6065 2 ай бұрын
I enjoyed your presentation and thank-you. I would like to touch on the subject of (visible) light. Light waves are no different than radio waves or microwaves, or even x-rays. These examples and many more are all electromagnetic waves (EMW's) with each component resonating at a different frequency than the other. Electromagnetic waves are not visible or useful without a device. A device such as a radio, or a TV, or a microwave oven, or ... well you get the idea. The device we use is obvious ... our eyes linked to our brain. We create light/sight in our brains by interpreting a specific frequency of EMW's we call visible light.
@chodeshadar18 2 ай бұрын
You can nit-pick the grammar all you want, but the point of the first verse of Genesis is that yes indeed, G*d created the whole universe we live in. He created it, He owns it, and has the right to tell us how He wants us to live in it. Also, He can apportion it to whoever He wishes to!
@nikolaosaggelopoulos8113 10 күн бұрын
Exept for the water and wind that were already present.
@chodeshadar18 10 күн бұрын
@nikolaosaggelopoulos8113 no that's viking mythology. Torah said everything comes from His Word!
@nikolaosaggelopoulos8113 10 күн бұрын
But even the most conservative translations say that the water pre-existed. I also understand that the idea was that there was water with air above, and only the earth was unformed, possibly that also pre-existed just unformed. Where in the Torah is it said that everything came from God's word?
@chodeshadar18 9 күн бұрын
@@nikolaosaggelopoulos8113... "and God SAID, let there be..."
@nikolaosaggelopoulos8113 6 күн бұрын
@@chodeshadar18 - He did not say let there be water. The presented is making the point that the world pre-existed according to the story in the Genesis. There was already water but aso air and the unformed earth. The Book of Genesis starts with let there be light not let there be everything.
@johnridgeway6718 3 ай бұрын
You missed the mark. By a long shot.
@larrybrown9883 3 ай бұрын
Lol....and you've got it all figured out huh? Let's hear your take on creation Einstein. No one knows the truth they only have an opinion, theory or hypothesis which is just an educated guess on what the truth about creation, God(s) and humanity. He's simply forming his own opinion based on his own understanding. So to state he missed the mark indicates clearly you believe he's wrong when you have only your own belief that differs from his and NOT the truth. Humility is the birth child of knowledge.......arrogance is the birth child of ignorance.
@clinchleatherwood1012 3 ай бұрын
Tell us why.
@RobKHere Ай бұрын
Well talk is very cheap. If you have the answers teach. If not, go away.
@johnridgeway6718 Ай бұрын
@@larrybrown9883 This has been hashed out for centuries. Geneva 1560 is the same. He's trying to pull fly shit out of pepper, Then tries to prove which o comes first in moon as opposed to the two o's in school. Nuff'n Burger here, All you can eat Nuff'n Burger Buffet. The lights are on but nobody is home.
@wendyhughes2234 3 ай бұрын
Genesis 1:9 And God [AbbaFather] said, “Let the waters under heaven[g] be gathered to one place, and let the dry ground appear.” And it was so. 10 And [Abba Father] God called the dry ground “earth,” and he called the collection of the waters “seas.” And [AbbaFather] God saw that it was good.
@nikolaosaggelopoulos8113 10 күн бұрын
Is there anywhere any indication that the ancient Jews considered the earth to be spherical?
@miguelrosado7649 2 ай бұрын
At the beginning when God created the heaven and the earth, what the heavens consisted of? It does not make sense if the stars and galaxies formed when he said let there be light. How come he does not take credit for creating the water? If the spirit of God was moving upon the face of the water, it would mean it was limited to the local area. If we are confused in understanding the inspired story of creation, maybe it was not inspired by a God and just the work of human creative writing. The truth is that we don’t know how this universe came to be, we are trying to understand it, but we are not there yet.
@tonycosta8137 Ай бұрын
Read Jeremiah 4:23 it’s the beginning and the end at the same moment for God that’s why
@nikolaosaggelopoulos8113 10 күн бұрын
Of course the ancient Mesopotamian civilisations that came up with the story of the gods creating the earth in the water knew everything. They were there from the beginning with observation instruments recording everything.
@andrewclemons8619 Ай бұрын
James is out there again
@greggkroodsma8197 Ай бұрын
All (every) versions have "God said . . . " Word! The vehicle of creation!
@nikolaosaggelopoulos8113 10 күн бұрын
The problem with that is that Hebrew grammar had not been invented yet.
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