As a Southern Baptist from the west I just learned of this lady, Jeanne, yesterday. I stumbled across something while surfing thru my phone and being A few years her senior clicked on it to listen. She had me at her first sentence and I have been laughing hysterically for 2 days now listening and watching her...she is great and I love it. I am not a "southerner" but come from a long line that first landed in the Carolinas in the 1600s... And never forgave my family for moving West as I love y'all...this coming from an ole cowgirl. Seriously, I have been watching and laughing for 2 days now and see no stop until I have seen them all...AWESOME.
@patriciagarrett55262 жыл бұрын
I am from the far east (NY and (NJ) but have loved the South since I was a kid and I have traveled through the Southern states on vacations and it lived up to my expectations of the South.
@DrummerGrrrl29 күн бұрын
I do like parts of the South. Southern Baptists are not my favorite people, though.
@globalman6 жыл бұрын
Graceful, charming, funny and enchanting is Jeanne Robertson. She's the best cure for sadness, depression and loneliness. If we could bottle her she'd be a zillionaire.
@claricemoussalli47602 жыл бұрын
Well said and sooo true!!!
@ramonaautry93162 жыл бұрын
She is representative of most genteel southern ladies ...I know because I am one. But...we don't all tell all this to anybody but our bingo group
@Pp7450-n5u2 жыл бұрын
Rest in peace Jeanne. You were beautiful, you were brilliant and you will be dearly missed.
@LL-lj1kq7 жыл бұрын
What a lady of excellence and class.
@dedesendrowski1696 жыл бұрын
Jdtdr unc guy
@helenwichrowski18592 жыл бұрын
I am so sorry i never heard her speak live. She was a jem. May God bless her. And thanks to the people who recorded her. At least i can still hear her.
@reenie387 жыл бұрын
I am an Aussie girl and I have no idea how this person came up on my KZbin but so glad she did, I love her style.
@ivannaosullivan54236 жыл бұрын
Noreen Abel exact same thing happened to me only I am from Ireland ,can’t get enough.
@sammyo6236 жыл бұрын
Angel Bulldog I’m also an Aussie, and I just love the southern accent, and have no problem understanding this gorgeous lady. I just came across her site,it’s been a long time since I laughed so hard
@Germatti134895 жыл бұрын
Noreen Abel I think you might like some KZbin channels- Loopy Lisa, Kazbat chats and maybe Ginger Ninja- come see!
@Germatti134895 жыл бұрын
@@ivannaosullivan5423I agree, she is hilarious
@virginiam.cummings23935 жыл бұрын
She is a beautiful southern AMERICAN woman. That takes every day happenings and turns them into laughable dialogue that everyone can enjoy without being vulgar or cursing.
@LynetteJHill3 жыл бұрын
I am sitting by myself laughing outlook, and tears are rolling down my cheeks. Love seeing the faces of audience members laughing!
@ruthkvarnstrom-jones95237 жыл бұрын
Jeanne. you're one of the few people on this planet who can literally make me laugh out loud. I'm rolling around at my desk over here. Love from Sweden!
@sallybencroft93532 жыл бұрын
Accomplishmentskqakakaqamaaamaakaaakqakqqakqqakqakqqqakqqakqqqqkqakqqakakqakqqakqqakqqakqqakakqamaqqakaaakqaakqqakqqakqakqakqqqakqqakqqakqqakqqakqqakkqqaakakakqakakqakqqqqqqqqqqqkqqakqqakqakqqakqqqqqkqakqakqqakakqaakqakqakqqakqqakkakkqakqqakqqkqqqqqqqqakqqakqqqqqakqqqakqqakqaakakakqqakqakkqaakqaakqqqqakqqqakqqqkqqakakqakqkqqqqqqqakaqakqqqakkaaaakamaaaamaakqaakqahqqqjqakqqqkqqakqqqqqqakakakqaakaqaamaqamkaaaakqqakqaakqakqqqqqakqqakqakqqakqakqakqqqakqakakqaakqakqakkqqqakkqqqqakqqakqakqakqqqqqakqqakqakqqakqakakqakqakqqakqakqakakaakqakqqaakqqkqqqakqakqqqdakakakqakqqaakaakqakqakqqaakqakqqqqaakqqakqakqqakqakqqakqqqakqakqqakakqakqqaakqakqqaakakqakqqqakqqqqakqqqqqqqqakqqakqqakqqqqqqqakqqakqqakakqakqqqaakakqqqqaakakqqaakqakqqakaakqqqaakqqqqakqqqqakqakqakqaakqakqqaakaakaqakaqaakakakqqaakqqakqakqqakqkqqakqqakqqqqkqqakqqakqqaaaakqahqamaqakamqaakamqqakqqakqqqqakqqqakqqqakqqqqqakqqqakqqakqqqakqqakkaamamaamakkaakqqakqakqakqqakqqqqqakqqakqakqqakqakqqakqqaakqqakakakaqakaaamammaamaammqakqqakakqakqqakqakqakkqkqqakqqkqakakqahqakqakakakqakamkqamkakqakqaqkqkqqqqkqqkqqkqqqkqqqqkqqqkqqqkqqqqqqkqkqamammqqmaaaamaamamqkqqqkqqqkqqqkqqqqqqqqkqqkqqqkqqqqqqkqqqqkqqqkqkkqqqkqqkqqakqkkkqkqkqkqqqqkqqkqqkqqkqqqkqqqqqkqqqqqkqqqkkqqqqkqammkamamaakaakqqqkqkqqqkqqkqqqkqqqkqqkqqqkqkqqkqkqqqkqqqkqkqkqqkqqkaakaakqkqqqqkqqkqqqqkqqqqqkqqqkqqkqqqqqkqqqkqkqkqqkqkqqkqqkqakqkqqmakqqmqqkqqkqqqkqqkqqkqqkqkqqqkqqkqqqkqqqkqqqqkqqqkqqkqqkqqkqqkakaqkqqkqqkqqkqqqkqqqqkqqqkqkqqkqqkqkqqqkqqqqkqqqkqqkqkqqkkqqkqqkqqkqqqkqqkqmqqkkqqkqqkqkqkqqqqqqkqqkqqqklqkqqqkqqqkqqqkqqqkqqqqqqkqqkqqqqqkqkqqqqqqkqkqqkqqkqkqqkkqqkqqqkqqkqqqkqkqqkqqqqkqkqkqqkqqkqqqkqqqkqqqqqqkqkqqqkqkqqkqqqkqqkqkqqkqqkqqqkqqqkqqkqqqqqqkqqqqqqkqqqqkqqkqqkqqqkqqqqkqqkqqkqqqqkqkqqkqqqkqqqkqkqqqkqqqkqqqqkqqkqqqkqqqkqkqkqqqkqqqkqqkqqqqkqqqkqqqkqqqkkqqqkqqqkqqqkqqqqqqqkqkqqqkkqqkqqqqkqqkqqkqqqqkqkqkqqkqamqqqkqqqkqkqqkqqqkqqqkqqqkqqkqqqqkqqqkqqkqqqkqkqqqkqqkqkqkqqkqkqqqqkkqqkqqqkqqqkqqqkqqqkqkqqqqkqqkqqqqkqqkqqkqqkqqqklqkkkqkkqqmqqkqkqqqkqqkqqqkqqqkqqkqkqqkqqkqqkqqqqkqqqqkqqqkqqkqkqqkqqkqkqqkqqkqkqqkqqkqqqkqqqkqqqqqkqqqkqqkqqqkqkqqqkqkqkqqqqkqqqkqkqkqqqkqqkqqkqkqqkqqqkqqkqqkqqkqqqkqqkqqkqqqkqkqqqqqkqkqaqkqqhqqqkqqkqqkqqkqkq0ree you are a great
@billieking62545 жыл бұрын
Ms. Robertson is the funniest woman in the world of humor. I love to listen to all her stories because of the humor and the southern accent. Thank you ma'am for the laughter you have brought....Billie J. King
@patgilbreath62437 жыл бұрын
I have laughed at every thing Jeanne does & feel so good listening to her entertain us by her great sense of humor that is the best I've heard !! I just love her ! That Baton story just cracked me up !! And her husband sent to the grocery store as left brain !! All are so good & clean for whole family !!
@jop16427 жыл бұрын
Discovered this lady last night, she is the funniest thing I have seen for years!
@gailwhite71822 жыл бұрын
Jeanne was a genius. I’m so happy to have accidentally found her .
@lizeggar24215 жыл бұрын
I am from South Africa, but I now live in the UK. I don't know how she came up on my feed, but I just love her. Love her accent.
@ursulamulder1103 жыл бұрын
@ Liz Eggar And all the items on youtube will have us laughing out loud at her charming wit, and loving her forever. May she and LB rest in love and light! Greetings from Cape Town, RSA.
@ellieriley13367 жыл бұрын
Jeanne can ALWAYS brighten my day, no matter what the subject! 😍
@sharonevans49307 жыл бұрын
Ellie Vette
@downonredgatefarm93497 жыл бұрын
This is great !
@e.conboy42866 жыл бұрын
She has the greatest messages and delivers with such delightful southern charm . Her sense of humor is golden , I love this lady! May God’s angels watch over her and Left Brain and all their associates who assist her to continue her good work! e. (conboy@
@e.conboy42866 жыл бұрын
@CelestaII7 жыл бұрын
Love it! North Myrtle Beach is our favorite vacation area as well! We take the kids for a week every year and it's wonderful! God bless!
@janbeach68347 жыл бұрын
as many times as I've heard her stories, I still laugh every time!
@rayanthurston38033 жыл бұрын
Me too. Lol 😂
@nunya80933 жыл бұрын
Me three.
@pattyhughes68513 жыл бұрын
I do too!
@chrisreeves15474 жыл бұрын
Love you and left brain!! Thank you for sharing your gift of laughter!
@Besorah172910 ай бұрын
Love her! She’s the best. She is very missed by all. God gave her an amazing gift that she was able to use and bless so many people with the joy of laughter. Amen 🙏
@monicajones8667 жыл бұрын
Love Her, her humor is the best!
@jeremiahgabriel57093 жыл бұрын
I laughed. I cried. My voice broke. Wonderful every time. Thank you.
4 жыл бұрын
I love humor but must admit that I cannot watch much of it because it is often vulgar but this lady is AMAZING, love it! I am excited, laughing my eyes out, having so much fun. I do not know what I will do when I run out of these videos. Maybe start all over again!!!
@nelderae43803 жыл бұрын
One good thing about covid .... I discovered Jeanne Robertson on KZbin. She is soooo funny. Wish I lived in the States so i could have gone to a convention and discovered her a few decades ago.
@anitablades60336 жыл бұрын
I'm sure glad you popped up on my U-tube, I've never laughed so hard in years, I'm 65yrs old so that's saying something !!!
@shell-westaustralia85226 жыл бұрын
Agreed, couldn't stop laughing
@millieg.wiseman64607 жыл бұрын
Saw her in person, years ago. Loved her then and still do today. She can make you laugh.
@Brenda0312F7 жыл бұрын
Thanks Jeanne.....I just woke up...and it is AWESOME to start the day laughing. Can ALWAYS depend on you for GOOD CLEAN humor!! Love it! And LOVE YOU TOO!!
@DonSalmonMusic2 жыл бұрын
What a wonderful humorous woman! She always made my wife and I laugh! RIP Jeannne!!!
@MrsBJPalmer7 жыл бұрын
Another hilarious story! We thank you and love you Jeanne Robertson!💗
@Sweetpea11287 жыл бұрын
I thought I had heard all of her stories but I had not heard this one. It, of course, did not disappoint. I laughed all through it and REALLY laughed at the end! Thanks for the joy! 😃❤️🌸
@user-do2wt5uc2q4 жыл бұрын
Just love her style - always entertains - makes me forget my troubles. I’ve shared with many - no one can resist her humor.
@angieduffcampbell83697 жыл бұрын
I love your stories! I'm from Kentucky and spent many summers of my youth at the Apache Campgtoud in North Myrtle Beach!
@Jazzy.girl.Sarah20235 жыл бұрын
"If I sell enough of these dvds we gonna buy a double wide!" Love it!!
@cindyhemenway4944 жыл бұрын
Sarah Bennett It's a great line!
@bonniebrown69604 жыл бұрын
@sfoellmi3 жыл бұрын
RIP JEANNE….you will be missed…
@katherinemoore26347 жыл бұрын
I am also married to left brain man, I love her stories, I can so relate.
@bubgum005 жыл бұрын
I saw her just a couple of years ago in person with my daughter who was 23 and she LOVED her.
@suzetteokennedy56225 жыл бұрын
Mrs Robertson, you are a life saver. Your advice about the winner smile is really helpful. Also, when I've had a bad day, the best medicine is to put one of your Videos on my PC and just get my mind back to normal function. Thank you.
@kennethmcwhorter45887 жыл бұрын
I just love to listen to her talks!
@cherylperkins33027 жыл бұрын
I love this lady, the tears ran down my face in this video as I am married to a left brain as well.
@tward46716 жыл бұрын
Jeanne, I am going thru some REALLY awful times in my life right now (I'm only 50 darling). I found U on Utube & can't get enough! 😄 U brighten my morning, my afternoon, & my night! GOD BLESS U !!!! U ARE AMAZING! (I send U to my friends too-- & they have also fallen in love😘💕💕💕)
@bettyepstein28983 жыл бұрын
RIP you will be missed by so many you made everyday A little better
@marysueper53526 жыл бұрын
Brilliant! Oh, how I love to hear your stories, Jeanne.
@Iaskbelievereceive7 жыл бұрын
Another fantastic story, you are the greatest, I Love You
@rogerbrinker4203 жыл бұрын
Never ever tire of hearing this dear lovely lady. Doesn't matter what the story is.
@catherinecurtis47312 жыл бұрын
I watch and rewatch Jeanne’s speeches. I wish I could have attended one of her speeches!,
@marilynpricethomas51456 жыл бұрын
My Goodness I am Going to Sleep good tonight I laughed real hard watching you for a long time today and night You are Amazing Woman! 💞thank you! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@sharonschwartz82457 жыл бұрын
You are the best. Make me smile to hear you
@susanklinger27327 жыл бұрын
I love when I can laugh 'til I cry. My Left Brain would have had a similar response to yours! Nice to know I am not alone!
@kennethmcwhorter45887 жыл бұрын
Jeanne is my favorite speaker!
@ncjimandkaren7 жыл бұрын
Wonderful, as always! Thanks, Jeanne, for keeping us laughing!
@eileenschuller53097 жыл бұрын
Just what I needed to put a step in my giggle. Thank you.
@bonnielamar54934 жыл бұрын
I just saw Jeanne for the first time yesterday on u tube..i cant put my phone down..never have i ever laughed so much in my life and im 72...thank you jeanne just a big THANK YOU..i hope you out live me so i can watch you for ever..well at least ..well you
@deerobertson95417 жыл бұрын
I have been to SIX shows (Charleston, Augusta, Jacksonville, Atlanta, Gainesville and Athens) and have laughed through all six. The best thing about the last 5 (besides Jeanne if course) are the people I took with me who laughed also. Do your friends a favor and take them to one --- it will live in their memory forever !!!! Luv ya, RB ;)
@lightfollower57173 жыл бұрын
Love your memories.
@restoredivinemasculineandf80283 жыл бұрын
Came across her yesterday. Im 35 and an immigrant...with everything thats going on, this is perfect. Love her poise, her elegance, and grace. This is a role model for women. So glad to find her.
@tessamacdonald-s7p29 күн бұрын
As a southern English woman i agree wholeheartedly with the comments below ,and enchanted with her wonderful accent.
@deemail1007 жыл бұрын
I dole these clips out to myself....after tidying up the email and letting off a bit of political steam each day.....I watch ONE clip to send me off to my day, that I am living alone, retired, with the children all gone, this mood lasts a lot longer....
@gailaquino12407 жыл бұрын
Awesome...I'm from Maui!! Glad you enjoyed it!!
@mollymmo7 жыл бұрын
Always so delightfully funny! Thank you!
@KayeCarterTV7 жыл бұрын
From one North Carolina Gal to another...Jeannie you are the Best! 💕😊👍🏼
@kenstrampe76097 жыл бұрын
you are such a inspiration to us left brain folks, i keep on laughing even after the your videos are over. love ya much Jeanne keep up the good work.
@anitablades60336 жыл бұрын
ken strampe I was once told I was left and right brained, he died before he got a chance to tell me what he meant !!!
@MelB8685 жыл бұрын
I think it means you use both sides of your brain equally. I’m 66 percent left brain and 34 percent right
@mywealthforlife7 жыл бұрын
It really IS a treat to listen to a Comic who relates to real life in such a funny way...with NO swear words or reference to any body parts that include sex. LOL stuff.
@bcatypical7 жыл бұрын
You are SO FUNNY, Jeanne! LOVE your stuff!
@christelvedo62817 жыл бұрын
Cannot stop laughing! Always brilliant!
@JuliaTaylorSoprano7 жыл бұрын
Yay!! So happy a new video is up! Jeanne always makes me smile!!
@grannystout39947 жыл бұрын
Julia Taylor 0
@AmyClimer3 жыл бұрын
You’re the best Jeanne!
@vickiistre61553 жыл бұрын
She makes me laugh out loud every time I watch her. Her delivery is just as funny as her great stories. I hope she comes to south Louisiana one day.
@pamelaherrera78646 жыл бұрын
I enjoy watching you so much!! I was raised in oregon BUT my mama is from the south. So even while we were in Oregon we were raised southern. I cant Wait to show your videos to my Mother!!
@HunterDeuling7 жыл бұрын
Always make my day a little brighter
@janicebrown23727 жыл бұрын
Jean Robert Hunter Deuling iiiiiiim
@kristineschwab54957 жыл бұрын
Jeannie Robertson is amazing! The first time I heard her, she was doing '"Men Don't Know the Style in New York City." I just love it and laugh aloud every time I watch it. My husband loves it, too. He even acts it out. When we need a laugh, we just find a Jeanne video. Thank you for brightening our lives!
@ameliarush25706 жыл бұрын
I absolutely adore your ... found you 4+ hours ago and have not left the links since then
@deloreskoziol6183 жыл бұрын
Absolutely love you You give me such joy..God bless
@debglab87913 жыл бұрын
Got my dose of Jeanne today for a smile.
@sueanderson37287 жыл бұрын
Hilarious !! Jeanne you always make me laugh !
@kiwlinn7 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the upload. So funny, as always!
@virginiakelly51667 жыл бұрын
She is great.
@jude15155 жыл бұрын
She nailed it in this one!
@Catseye1892 жыл бұрын
0:11 I love how tenderly she said "Jerry" and smiled at saying it.
@coreenwood53425 жыл бұрын
I'm not really into comedy but your stories Jeanne are so funny and I love that they are clean. Several year ago our family went to Hawaii also and almost every day we ate at Denny's too. They do have really great prices haha. A family friend of ours owns a Denny's near us so we sometimes get the best deal of all FREE. Thanks for the giggles. I thought the sleeping in tubes really funny too.
@TheTy20091007 жыл бұрын
Yes! Love it❤
@Tim-576 жыл бұрын
Oh my gosh. 🙂 You are so funny and I appreciate the laughs.😃
@sanlyn235 жыл бұрын
Just discovered this wonderful humorous. I love her clean humor, a rarity these days.
@BJSunny17 жыл бұрын
This is so true and so funny!!! Laughing is so important.t
@pamelalackey56147 жыл бұрын
love her and her humor
@26shar5 жыл бұрын
Jeanne Cracks me up!! Not a southern lady, but love her humor and I am married to LB too.
@mykiea51567 жыл бұрын
I love her , good comedy with out bad stuff
@kaukolaurinolli7 жыл бұрын
She is a riot.
@dawnlapka24334 жыл бұрын
My boyfriend and I have listened to Jeanne enough now to know that I am the right brain and he is the left brain. She makes us laugh out loud!
@keithfowler20133 жыл бұрын
Love this Lady. From an English LB !!
@cindyhemenway4944 жыл бұрын
The lady has class and humor! Need lots of laughs right now with the restrictions of CV having us all in lockdown! Can you please come to Boston, Jeanne?
@dollyhewett25535 жыл бұрын
@juliam.mallen90192 жыл бұрын
She's so precious heavens rewards are great in her life I pray you know a day without listening to Miss Jeanne is like not having someone you love in your life saying how important you are I hope everyone has someone as precious in their life as Miss Jeannie had with left brain life is too short and God is too good to do anything other than strive to love and laugh as often as you can! And for Miss genie I have to say War Eagle! 👣💫🏈🇺🇸😎🦅
@tdww32766 жыл бұрын
Love her, very funny and clean. She’s a grand gal.
@julienielsen37467 жыл бұрын
You are the best.
@leslyemott-wright94283 жыл бұрын
Just love this lady!! 🥴👍
@Kara-kx1lb5 жыл бұрын
I just found her a few days ago......... I can't stop laughing....
@annie8082867 жыл бұрын
@winifredtrout15 жыл бұрын
I laughed so hard at this especially the last bit about the flat bed truck and Maoi!!!!
@lolaottinger69763 жыл бұрын
Haha, faller up! Love it! (Young guy from Cincinnati)
@jessicaizzo48436 жыл бұрын
Oh let us know when you are coming to North Myrtle, we live here. I just adore you.
@laverneray35325 жыл бұрын
My friends told my about her.Love her comedy
@linedancergal7 жыл бұрын
You realise if anyone ever says a penny for your thoughts I am going to wet myself laughing now. My hubby is certainly left brained. But I am too. Although I have been working on the my right brain and making myself do creative things. So now I see both sides. But that young man who told his wife about flatbed trucks etc was not thinking straight! Left brained is usually logical. Telling your wife you're proud of her because of another person's career is not logical. He forgot to use his brain. So funny!
@tinaleeth27076 жыл бұрын
Karen Hannaford i use both sides of my brain.. just not always at the same time or the correct time lol