Jessica Biel Exposes the Truth About Celebrity Diets

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Jordan Syatt

Jordan Syatt

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@jenmessier2195 Ай бұрын
I hear your point on EDs and glamorization of that. I have been struggling with daily Bulimia behaviour since I was 17 and I am 48 now.... trust me is NOT glamour and it is so so hard to overcome. Sometimes I am actually amazed that I am still here on this planet.
@laurieann2714 Ай бұрын
Keep up the work! I am 58 and was anorexic as a teenager. It is a horrible mental and physical space to be in but you can achieve a healthy balance. Never give up! You deserve to be healthy and happy
@jenmessier2195 Ай бұрын
@@laurieann2714 thank you!
@kimclark399 Ай бұрын
I am also 48 and had disordered eating as a teen and much of my adult life. I read this book called The End of Dieting and changed to it mainly to balance my horrible hormones, and now I have a much better relationship with food. It took a long time to get used to the diet, but now I honestly like it. Highly recommend you check it out and hope it helps you.
@TheJanaprokopova Ай бұрын
I had gone through anorexia at 14 and bulimia at 23 and got my daughter through severe anorexia , she was hospitalised for 15 months and tube fed for 4 years. I still struggle sometimes. Thank you for exposing this.
@seattlegrrlie Ай бұрын
They also don't have a 40hr a week job. I'd totally look that great if I had all day to exercise, get proper rest, and prepare quality foods. ... For most of us it's an 1hr commute to work, 9-10hrs at work, another hour to the gym, 15mi to change clothes and by then I've been awake for 14hrs and had a full day
@dashrirprock Ай бұрын
As someone with a non-traditional laid back job, I think you're over-rating down time. When I'm working, it's generally easier to stay on point because there's a routine. Consistency is what matters. It's easy to say that if you were a millionaire you'd spend time exercising and eating right. Except a lot of idle millionaires do not behave that way. They're even more susceptible to vices.
@hannahw2697 Ай бұрын
@sandos101 Ай бұрын
Lots of people also have similar schedules and still achieve their physique goals
@mjs28s Ай бұрын
"They also don't have a 40hr a week job. I'd totally look that great if I had all day to exercise, get proper rest, and prepare quality foods." All excuses. Do a cross-training type routine and you are done in twenty minutes. Preparing quality foods - um...takes no more time to prep a meal from healthy foods as it does unhealthy foods. You don't need a gym either. I haven't been in a gym in years and have a six-pack, eat healthy as a horse and I don't waste my time with complex recipes or such nonsense that requires lots of kitchen time to make meals. Each of my meals from start of prep to putting the last dish away is 25 minutes which includes sitting down to eat. If I am baking something, well you don't just sit there and stare at the oven so I don't even count cook time when you don't have to be there but just wait for the timer. But let's fix your routine. After you get out of bed and wake up a bit, drop to the floor and do a set of push-ups to failure or within 1 rep of failure. Immediately flip over and do a set of crunches to failure or within 1 rep of failure. So far, two to three minutes invested in exercise. Do this everyday and you are doing more than 95% of Americans. In the bathroom getting ready to shower - turn on the water and while it is coming up to the temperature you like knock out some bodyweight squats. Go down far enough for your heals to kiss your bum then all the way back up. Start with 10 then add 1 per week. In the kitchen while the microwave is warming your tea water? Time for some calf raises. Do them for the whole time your tea water is heating. Look at that. Now you are leaving for work and you have done four exercises. Get home from work and pick-up those adjustable dumbbells and do a set of curls to within one rep of failure. Then, right from there do a set of over head presses. Later on when you find yourself walking past your adjustable weight dumbbells, set the weight up a bit and knock out a set of deadlifts. Since you are there when the deadlifts are done then knock out a set of side bends for your obliques. Almost bedtime now. On the way to your bathroom to brush your teeth, time for some lateral shoulder raises with those dumbbells. Maybe knock out a set of forearm / wrist curls. Day one - not having to dedicate a huge time window to working out and just walking past weights and spending a minute on then here and there or adding a filler exercise when you are waiting for water to boil, a timer in the kitchen, etc. you have done some more exercising. Even one set of each thing above and then changing them out over the course of a week and then starting over the routine the following week, you can easily squeeze in 10 sets of resistance moves. Only ten exercises you might be thinking but think of that six days per week, 52 weeks per year. That is over 3,100 sets per year. That will make a nice difference on your strength, looks (assuming you stop making excuses about eating healthy too), energy, how you feel, and maybe even confidence when you find that just doing push-ups a couple times per week you find that after a year you can just drop down and knock out twice as many as you have ever been able to do in your life before you started exercising a little each day.
@sandos101 Ай бұрын
@@mjs28s 100%
@jessicadempsey9665 Ай бұрын
I have had 3 eating disorders when I was in my teens and early twenties: 2 were at the same time. Anorexia, orthorexia, and binge eating. All were awful and had a horrible impact on my relationship ship with food. All affected my mental health and to be honest, still do. It’s a hard mentality to get out of. I now have inflammatory diseases and disorders and social media can be a hard place to navigate regarding health issues: people have their opinions on how, and what, a person should eat if they have “x” or “y” disease. But honestly: if you have excess weight, when was the last time you tracked to see just how much you’re consuming? Too much food is inflammatory and contributes to inflammatory disease. Too little food does the same thing. Cutting out certain food groups causes a stress response (not saying there aren’t situations where someone needs to watch which food groups they are over-consuming: these are specific health situations, not the norm) and affects mental health. I think society, not all but a large part, doesn’t want to admit that tracking food and slowly cutting calories (literally just 10% at a time would be great) can lead to great intuitive eating. If you have been overeating for a decade you’ve trained your body to overeat: you need to track to see where you’re at to know where you’re going. Food disorders, eating disorders…not good. I never want to see my daughter or sons go through what u went through, and still struggle with today.
@laurieann2714 Ай бұрын
It can be an all consuming issue and people still don't understand. The vast types of social media seem to perpetuate the issue instead of helping. Keep healing! I was also anorexic as a teenager and am 58 now and it is possible to cope with it. Keep treating yourself kindly!!
@AnaCristinaZ.deAdame Ай бұрын
All my life (I’m 41) I’ve struggle with binging. To me the weekend means eating what I want, and the cycle of restricting on week days and binging on weekends is just not working for me. I’m trying really hard to listen to you and not fear any foods as long as I stay in my caloric deficit. Hope it works and I can finally break the cycle
@robinp2039 Ай бұрын
Dude, you changed my life. I just wanted you to know that.
@janiceg7661 Ай бұрын
I’m turning 54 hashi hypo post menopause and the food noise in my head has never been this loud and constant, it’s brutal. I’m normal weight now but I gain so easily it makes no sense…I went on a weekend yoga retreat, all juices, vegan, gained 6 lbs, how? I get why people go on these glp 1 just to quiet that food noise alone. I’m not on but have considered micro dose.
@wendywertz8828 26 күн бұрын
That’s what restriction gets you binge eating ! Moderation is not deprivation!
@laurenyost1526 Ай бұрын
It seems like her calorie intake would actually be lower if she ate something she enjoys on a regular basis rather than binging weekly.
@MissyBelleSYD Ай бұрын
This assumes the calories stay consumed. Someone staying that skinny with binge eating disorder? Seems unlikely. The calories seem to miraculously disappear.
@millyzett Ай бұрын
Yup... we always say at work, that if you need cheat days (especially multiple days per week), then you're doing your nutrition and your diet wrong. Like... VERY wrong. Even if dieting for weight loss, you actually shouldn't "need" a cheat day. Also, if you have 300-500 kcal deficit on 6 days, but then shove like 3000-4000 kcal surplus on that one day, then you might just quit then and there. Just silly tbh
@UncleMikeDrop Ай бұрын
Boring stuff? Umm....spices, anyone? Healthy food does not have to be boring. Explore the world of spices. Jessica Biel can afford NEXT LEVEL spices.
@chrismanich3063 Ай бұрын
It is not even just spices. Celebrety trainers somehow all are stuck in that chicken, rice, brokkoli mindset. Nowadays there are so many fitness recipes that are nutritious and taste way better
@UncleMikeDrop Ай бұрын
@@chrismanich3063 True. They definitely know this, but stick to the chicken, rice, and broccoli schpiel to keep up appearances.
@RamenzillaX Ай бұрын
It's less so about the spices, it's the militant lack of variety.
@UncleMikeDrop Ай бұрын
@RamenzillaX It's more dogmatic, than militant, but fair point. Either way, I think we can both agree healthy food needs not be boring. Be it exploring spices or various other healthy carbs, lean proteins, and vegetables. Health swaps like anabolic ice cream are great too.
@MelissaGarrett1980 29 күн бұрын
Cooking techniques can make a huge difference as well. Roasting vegetables instead of steaming, allowing some ingredients to char then deglazing the pan, properly blooming spices instead of adding them after the liquid, things like that. You can make really “boring” items exceptional with ridiculously simple tricks.
@nadousha22 Ай бұрын
I love your posts and videos. I love your family❤❤❤ congrats about the new baby girl. I adore so much Old Abe God bless you and your amazing family ❤❤❤❤❤
@mollymeyer3129 Ай бұрын
This was a great video. Thank you for bringing awareness and your helpful reaction and advice. I agree! Thanks again.
@leannediana Ай бұрын
I struggle with bulimia and restrictions are a big part of how it'll started for me. It's been 17 years of struggle.... don't even start the habits here. It's soo hard to stop
@KittyFoxArtWorld Ай бұрын
Shout it from the rooftop! But I think the issue is more complex. As long as we as a society want our movie stars to look unrealistically perfect so we can live in fantasy land, then this kind of stuff will continue.
@SuzyDanko Ай бұрын
I really appreciate how you called out what’s really going on here without condemning her in any way.
@Holly-yh2xf Ай бұрын
Regarding the binging - I see an increase in the amount of these 'mukbang' videos which is mind boggling to me that these creators have so many views and followers. Is there really a large population of people that enjoy watching others binge eat?
@ate4869 Ай бұрын
I can't believe they took seriously disordered binge eating and turned it into a joke.
@GM-ue8xc Ай бұрын
Sad for me to admit, but I am exactly like her. At least once a week, I find myself getting extremely hungry & will binge. I don’t starve myself, I eat within my calorie range while still being in a deficit, so IDK why I do this. It just sucks that some people can’t seek the help they need due to the cost of therapy 😕
@MiaLa16 26 күн бұрын
Hi, I’m popping here with some unsolicited advice. I was just like you until I came across „Brain over binge“ book. It helped immensely
@simoneXox Ай бұрын
Suffered for 17 years with BED. Did it so bad i used to pass out for hour's and got into debt. So glad i got on medication and sought a therapist. Restored my eating, which took a few years but its gone by really quick.
@Joa_jo Ай бұрын
Same here. I got in so much debt by just binging every day on food and later alcohol. I am now in recovery but struggeling to pay of the debt. The consequences of my food addiction will stay for me for a very long time 😢
@simoneXox Ай бұрын
@Joa_jo I wish you all the best🧡 I've managed to pay off debt. Baby steps though. Take your time. The time flies anyway.
@MrIowahawks77 28 күн бұрын
I love your content and watching all your information. Very helpful.
@orlybabakhanov3034 Ай бұрын
Thanks for posting lots of great and knowledgeable information! Love your videos!
@MrVala77 Ай бұрын
She needed more fat, she should have ate some ribeye, pork butt, and other fatty meat. I've totally felt that need to binge on donuts because your body needs energy and if you are eating nothing but lean meat all the time, that protein doesn't supply enough energy and drawing on your fat stores, your body will rebel when its reserves get too low. Your body will fight back when its being deprived of nutrients.
@wildcatblue1109 25 күн бұрын
Agreed !
@orchidmuse Ай бұрын
Yeah, in some point of time one gets to a point one can't go like this anymore. And the one and only way of dieting is the boring one. Meat, eggs, fish and some veggies. Or even no veggies. Enough protein and saturated fat makes you satisfied for at least 6 hrs and even more during the night. That's proper diet - when you have eaten and you are full of energy and satisfied for hours! Some call it low carb high fat, or Keto, or Carnivore.
@Gartimus_Prime Ай бұрын
I have the same problem with clockwise and counterclockwise. I have to visualize a clock EVERYTIME to understand.
@Mysterious_Moon Ай бұрын
Dieting for months straight will cause psychosis 😂 A short break at maintenance cals really makes a difference in mental and physiological health.
@lynncrooks64 Ай бұрын
I wonder if she was talking about the cheat day while getting ready for the film? So while training she may not be able to maintain it and 1 day a week has the binge? Not sure just wondered if maybe the segment shown wasn't the entire conversation. I like this video series alot as you focus on eating for balance and not extremes.
@youtubeKathy Ай бұрын
This is the clip I needed to see. I *have* been holding myself to an impossible standard. there is no way I could eat chicken breast and veggies 24-7-365.
@mjs28s Ай бұрын
never understood the crazy / boring dieting to look good. I get around 80% calories from whole plants and my macros are around 55% carbs 22.5% protein 22.5% fats. I lift 5 to 6 days per week, half six-pack abs and it is quite obvious that I workout but diet is never boring. Plus, my working out, since my diet is so healthy, is not some huge time sink working out for hours. I knock out (typically) 15 to 20 working sets per day and then I am done. I get through my whole body twice per week (or more for large muscles like chest, legs, back). Some of the exercises are just body weight (push-ups, some ab exercises) so no need to be in a gross gym for those type of moves either. Me, personally - I don't need a gym at all. Adjustable dumbbells and a bench is all you need. I used to do all the high protein, low carb stuff. Watching calories like a hawk. High-fat, low fat. Lots of lean mean like chicken breast and veggies. Nothing came even close to working as well as mostly whole plants, little processed foods and practically no animal products (maybe 1% of total calories). When you eat healthy, as in mostly whole plant foods, you can really pile it in if you want as the calorie density is lower than the traditional diet so it is hard to over calorie yourself as you get full too quickly. My stupid breakfast smoothie fills a Vitamix jar to the underside of the lid (probably 72 ounces as it is well above the 64 oz mark) and is still just under 1,000 calories...but contains 2lbs of whole plants.
@juliannadoesstuff Ай бұрын
I am so happy I am at a point in my life where I am not striving for a very low amount of body fat (which isn't even healthy for me), and can enjoy foods out without guilt. I still eat healthy, focus on protein intake, and am a very active person, but instead of trying to shrink myself and counting calories and worrying about that constantly, I am now lifting heavy and exercising because I love it, while eating more food.
@jackiebennett3762 Ай бұрын
What ate your thoughts on fasting and omad
@Esther-ri4qt Ай бұрын
Great video!!
@abovethewaves452 Ай бұрын
Thank you for saying that. I think bingeing has become very normalized in our society.
@melinawright5350 Ай бұрын
Great video.
@hannahw2697 Ай бұрын
I struggle with binging like this. My weight is just going back up again and I feel like I can’t get control. I also work at Crumbl cookies and I’m just having a hard time.
@wildcatblue1109 25 күн бұрын
Crumble cookies are gross no offense .. just eat meat ! No binging .. no cravings just real food
@laurieann2714 Ай бұрын
It takes a village and probably some chemical help to achieve these physiques. What bugs me is the celebrities that sell workout programs to achieve their bodies which is disingenuous. I was anorexic as a teenager and also had become a fitness instructor and personal trainer for 28 years. I am 58 now and luckily have a balance and am healthy and it is horrendous to deal with. I had a lot of therapy and it is a lifelong issue (albeit not as acute as when I was physically anorexic). I am so glad my children, who are 25, have a healthy relationship with food. Thank you for bringing this issue to the forefront.
@Forever_Ultra_Runner Ай бұрын
Yep! I have it
@mrxatwork Ай бұрын
Donuts fried in seed oils probably the worst choice. Seems she forgot the word steroids.
@leibatt2 26 күн бұрын
Eat enough food to feel satisfied! I used to binge a lot but over time I noticed the urges came from restricting way too much. If you need food, eat. Use fruit to curb sweet cravings, nuts to curb fat cravings, and baked potatoes to feel full/satiated. If you want treats, find a healthy cadence you can live with. But avoid creating the mental and physical need to binge!
@jakebenigni 27 күн бұрын
its actually not that hard and i would say that she is lying. most people want to hear good things about their bad habits, so when someone is hot and eats just like you they are more acceptable and people like them more. this is coached and this question was scripted. to analyze the answer is a waste of time.
@0therM0ther.01 26 күн бұрын
Not likely. I think she's describing munchies. I think she left out the part where they passed a J. It sounds exactly like munchies.
@tinamerlot4403 Ай бұрын
👍 Agree
@SardinesandTomatoes Ай бұрын
You just fast as long as possible.
@kalirally Ай бұрын
I sorta wonder if her story was made up so that she could appear more relatable.. PR
@1nilu1 Ай бұрын
many people sustain very lean physiques all year round, its all in the genes
@wildcatblue1109 25 күн бұрын
it’s all in the food choice for most people , she most likely used something to stay lean on such crap food ..
@1nilu1 25 күн бұрын
@@wildcatblue1109 its all about the genes people
@danielleschilk9845 24 күн бұрын
I’m sure that Jessica felt like crap the next day 🤢
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