Jesus Scholar John Dominic Crossan

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Wrestling with God

Wrestling with God

13 жыл бұрын

Received a Doctorate of Divinity from Maynooth College, Ireland, in 1959, and did post-doctoral research at the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome from 1959 to 1961 and at the École Biblique in Jerusalem from 1965 to 1967. He was a member of a thirteenth-century Roman Catholic religious order, the Servites (Ordo Servorum Mariae), from 1950 to 1969 and an ordained priest from 1957 to 1969. He joined DePaul University, Chicago, in 1969 and remained there until 1995. He is now a Professor Emeritus in its Department of Religious Studies.
He was Co-Chair of the Jesus Seminar from 1985 to 1996 as it met in twice-annual meetings to debate the historicity of the life of Jesus in the gospels. He was Chair of the Parables Seminar in 1972-76, Editor of Semeia. An Experimental Journal for Biblical Criticism in 1980-86, and Chair of the Historical Jesus Section in 1993-1998, within the Society of Biblical Literature, an international scholarly association for biblical study based in the United States.
He has received awards for scholarly excellence from the American Academy of Religion in 1989, DePaul University in 1991 and 1995, and an honorary doctorate from Stetson University, DeLand, FL, in 2003.
In the last forty years he has written twenty-five books on the historical Jesus, earliest Christianity, and the historical Paul. Five of them have been national religious bestsellers for a combined total of twenty-four months. The scholarly core of his work is the trilogy from The Historical Jesus: The Life of a Mediterranean Jewish Peasant (1991) through The Birth of Christianity: Discovering What Happened in the Years Immediately After the Execution of Jesus (1998), to In Search of Paul: How Jesus's Apostle Opposed Rome's Empire with God's Kingdom, co-authored with the archaeologist Jonathan L. Reed (2004). His work has also been translated into twelve foreign languages, including Korean, Chinese, Japanese and Russian.
He has lectured to lay and scholarly audiences across the United States as well as in Ireland and England, Scandinavia and Finland, Australia and New Zealand, Brazil, Japan, and South Africa. He has been interviewed on 200 radio stations, including four times on NPR's "Fresh Air" with Terry Gross. He has also been interviewed on television networks such as ABC's PrimeTime, Peter Jennings Reporting, and Nightline, CBS' Early Show and 48 Hours, NBC's Dateline, and Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor, and on cable programs such as A&E, History, Discovery, and the National Geographic Channel.

Пікірлер: 61
@larrywebb9916 5 жыл бұрын
Dom is an amazing, in-depth, and integrated scholar. He not only is an articulate speaker, interesting author, but lives congruently with the values he discovers and teaches. His books are a delight and inspiration to read.
@garretttedeman 4 жыл бұрын
Absolutely fascinating. Every talk from Crossan leaves us with a variety of really key insights.
@smroog 5 жыл бұрын
Finally a REAL SCHOLAR that can explain the bible to me in words that I can understand. A GIANT that stands above the rest of bible scholars is what Mr. Crossan is !!!!!
@webtvmaster 13 жыл бұрын
Wonderful interview. Pity it got cut off at the end. Thanks for posting this.
@sharonconstable8146 9 жыл бұрын
I wonder how much more there is to this interview... it was getting very interesting.
@tuxguys 11 жыл бұрын
With the possible exception of Bart D. Ehrmann, Crossan is my favorite living Theologian/Historian.
@reformedcatholic457 10 жыл бұрын
Yes, Paul did have a vision which could technically be meeting Jesus. I know Paul's letters predate the Gospels. the earliest letter was 1 Corinthians which was roughly penned 49-52 AD. Roughly 20 years after the crucifixion of Jesus.Paul did meet Jesus' disciples who obviously was with Jesus for 3 years. Paul met with Peter, James and John. the leaders of the Jerusalem in the early church which occurred in 33 AD.So this is solid historical information and it is within years of Jesus' death.
@PollisDrake Жыл бұрын
The majority of scholars consider 1 Thessalonians the earliest of Paul's letters.
@Naked4Jesus 12 жыл бұрын
Batman is his transcendent, divine name, we true followers call him as humankind came to know him: Bruce Wayne!
@reformedcatholic457 10 жыл бұрын
I am currently reading a book on the manuscripts, it is called "misquoting truth" and we have roughly over 5,700 manuscripts to compare with each other to see if anything have been altered, the thing is there is mistakes but those "mistakes" are just irrelevant like... grammar,spelling, changing of the sentence but still have the same meaning, but the words still the same. I know we do not have 1st century copies,but the most earliest we have is roughly 120 AD from the Gospel of John. continued.
@joshlynn3185 11 жыл бұрын
Faith w/o works is dead. Works help signify faith but they are only a supplement to the main objective of keeping faith. In faith, we can do all things through Him. If faith is true it bears fruit, if not- then wolves hide to devour sheep. So be wary. but faith is first then works.
@reformedcatholic457 10 жыл бұрын
continued... there was some manuscripts that were out in the public, but they were given to those who were literate and read and remembered orally for those who wanted to preach it. I was referring to the 3 years of the teachings of Jesus and events since that is what is mostly important. o be honest I am not sure why only two Gospels mention the virgin birth.
@ThomtheThumb 11 жыл бұрын
@CadaverSplatter 12 жыл бұрын
Great scholar. Check out John Meier as well.
@reformedcatholic457 10 жыл бұрын
Yes, I have played the game telephone, the thing is that is just a game you do not handle the message with care, but the Gospel writers did because it was sacred and important info.example I bet you remember the best memories of your life and the worst, why? because they stand out. certain things about the life of Jesus stand out that would be easily remembered. miracles, crucifixion etc.. the disciples kept the teaching of Christ in creeds that are written by Paul later on in his letters.
@Archmage9078 11 жыл бұрын
It is Catholic understanding that Purgatory is the judgement instituted by God. It has been said "When the Son of man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate them one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats." Is this not the Judgement?
@joshlynn3185 11 жыл бұрын
So you think ancient society viewed Jesus as theatrical device to mimic values of sacrifice, mercy, compassion for the poor widow and orphaned and finally take up causes of righteous by turning against powers of the world? How did they mimic values and concepts Jesus' followers introduce to the Gentile world. That animate gods were not protecting ppl but the relationship children of G-d had towards their fellow man to honor and in Spirit their "one god" was the best way to an unconditional love
@reformedcatholic457 11 жыл бұрын
continued... which means the early church fathers or even the early Christians named the whole body of churches as "universal" later on a church saw it and decided to name themselves the "Catholic church" so nothing solid to prove that Jesus found the Catholic church since the doctrines of the church were developed later on which is man made traditions. the papal infallibility when was that teaching introduced, do you know? and why does the church always add doctrines to the church?
@doaftheloaf 10 жыл бұрын
really? because we don't have any of the original writings. only copies of copies of translations of copies of copies... have you ever played the game "telephone"?
@garthportus9527 8 жыл бұрын
mark was the first gospel wrote by john mark from Rome who was a cousin of Barnabas in Colossians 4:12. understand that Barnabas travel round with Paul act 12:25 and Peter sent his greeting 1 Peter 5:13 john mark know Peter. and Peter was in Rome they must have been together before he die in Rome . the gospel had to be wright about Jesus resurrection.
@jacopman 10 жыл бұрын
There were non-canonical manuscripts found in the Dead Sea Scrolls that just as old and as authentic as the canonical books that are in such conflict with the bible that they would destroy most peoples faith if they were exposed beyond the scholars who study them.
@Archmage9078 11 жыл бұрын
Well, Nearly all of Catholic teaching is intact since the 1st Century, and if you look at History and early Church history you will see that all Christians called the Church the Catholic Church. As for Bible verses I shall give you them now my friend: Hebrews 9:27, 2 Corinthians 5:10, Isaiah 4:4 There are far more but if you truly look you will find them. Papal infallibility simply means that the pope is protected from error when he proclaims by a definitive act some doctrine of faith or morals
@reformedcatholic457 11 жыл бұрын
can you find purgatory in the Bible? if it isn't then it is obviously not used by God. yes,it is the judgment.although I could be mistaken.
@whatslifespurpose 11 жыл бұрын
@doaftheloaf 10 жыл бұрын
josephus said nothing about jesus. his works were edited later on by a christian to include references to jesus as the christ. the dead sea scrolls don't verify the old testament; the scrolls ARE books in the old testament, plus some books which were not included in the OT canon. it's like saying the KJV verifies the original greek version of the NT and hebrew version of the OT
@doaftheloaf 10 жыл бұрын
the quran says something else. why should i believe the bible over the quran, or either one of them at all?
@Archmage9078 11 жыл бұрын
I just did find Purgatory, the judgement as Catholic teaching accords, Please do not think that Protestant Ministers are infallible, I urge you to at least research Catholicism and it's true teachings. Catholic Answers is a great website and would answer any problems you have.
@doaftheloaf 10 жыл бұрын
how can you know for sure? especially for the thousand or so years when only the clergy had copies of the bible and hid them from the public eye? we don't HAVE any first century copies, or the originals, which would be better. you act as though just because it was the gospel that somehow that means it must have been preserved at least near perfectly. if certain things about jesus' life stand out, why is the virgin birth only mentioned in two of the gospels?
@doaftheloaf 10 жыл бұрын
paul never met jesus, all there is is a vision he says he had. his letters predate the gospels, btw.
@reformedcatholic457 10 жыл бұрын
1.scholars use this method obviously you are not familiar with historical methods and the conclusion was that the NT is historically accurate,secondly I forgot to say let's view the NT as historical documents.because they use this method on any other document. 2.The forgery in Josephus writing does not effect the importance of the text,scholars see this as valuable source of the historical Jesus.I can see you do not read on what non biased scholars say,I have.They offer important insight.
@reformedcatholic457 11 жыл бұрын
I would disagree nearly all teachings is intact since the 1st century, the doctrines or teachings that are not in the Bible developed later on centuries later. example virginity of Mary after the birth of Christ (not in the Bible) was developed in the 4th century. is this Bible verses proving purgatory? if so I fail to see how it supports it. matter of fact it supports my beliefs that there is only a heaven and hell and no for the Catholic church in Greek it is "Katholikos" cont...
@Archmage9078 11 жыл бұрын
You say faith plus works is a false teaching, has it not been said by our Lord "I am the vine and you are the branch, any branch that does not bear fruit will be cut off." Did not Martin Luther remove all of the books in the bible referencing purgatory, and any that did not suit his views? Catholics do not worship Mary, but we love her as she was the closest that anybody has been with Jesus, and was chosen to be his mother by God.
@doaftheloaf 10 жыл бұрын
in what way is the new testament historically accurate? what historical claims does it make that have been verified? even jesus' existence isn't verified. no non-christian source in the first century has anything to say about jesus of nazareth. you're way off on the dates...the gospels in your bible were still being edited, if not written for the first time, in the 2nd century. NOTHING in the NT is eyewitness testimony. your problem is you go in assuming the bible is true.
@reformedcatholic457 11 жыл бұрын
the Bible was the final revelation of God. because the Bible is God's Word, since the disciples were in contact with Christ and His disciples of how the Christian movement started and how it grew.I agree many were illiterate, but many knew the Bible orally. Sola Scriptura is Biblical.could you give me reasons why Sola Scriptura is false? because I can say as to why sacred tradition is false, false doctrines that are not in the Bible are added into the Catholic church and are accepted as truth.
@reformedcatholic457 10 жыл бұрын
Good question. because the New Testament is historically accurate, skeptical scholars accept the Gospels to be also reliable. Muslims don't let the Quran be tested. we know facts about Jesus' life .we KNOW He died by crucifixion (Quran denies that), we KNOW that Jesus started the Christian movement (Quran denies that) the NT was written between 52AD-95 AD the Quran roughly 630 AD. the Quran was written centuries later, the NT within a generation, even the eye witnesses were still alive.
@pmajudge 11 жыл бұрын
@reformedcatholic457 11 жыл бұрын
it is not about Martin Luther's views, it is about God's truth. notice how Christ preached on heaven and hell but NEVER on purgatory? if it did exist Jesus would of at least mentioned it. NOWHERE in the Bible is purgatory mentioned it is a man made idea.Catholics do worship Mary but do not know it. they bow down to her, pray to her. and that is exactly what we do to God and ONLY God.the doctrines of Mary were developed legends starting from late 2nd century and worsened as centuries went by.
@reformedcatholic457 11 жыл бұрын
you gave me no Bible verse. seems like you are twisting Scripture to suit your own beliefs. if purgatory is in the Bible it would be clear. I don't think Protestant Ministers are infallible they are sinners like all of us, it is you that think the popes are infallible, correct?I have gone to Catholic answers they give an interesting insight and try to defend heretical beliefs. I have looked at the Catholic teachings most of it is in sacred tradition developed centuries after Christ.
@reformedcatholic457 11 жыл бұрын
nope, he is not a Catholic anymore he is an agnostic, but he never was a Christian he was a Catholic which is two totally different faiths.
@reformedcatholic457 10 жыл бұрын
continued.enemy attestation because if an enemy affirms that something happens then you know it is most likely to be true.Jesus existence is verified,virtually all scholars believe Jesus existed,and they have good evidence to support it.Josephus mentions Jesus there is two sources that refer to Jesus.There is eye witness testimony the disciples here are some Scripture to support it.2 Peter 1:16, Luke 1:1-4.I don't go assuming,what I am telling you non biased scholars agree with me.They are facts
@Archmage9078 11 жыл бұрын
The Bible was not intended as a final revelation of God, as you can see from History and lives of the Saints God has revealed prophecies and miracles to many people. Was the Bible not made in the 4th century? Why is it that such emphasis is put on the Bible when many at the time could not read or write? 'Sola Scriptura' is a man-made tradition as well as many other false teachings.
@joshlynn3185 11 жыл бұрын
Counterfeit church? Con the masses into believing a false church is not Protestantism. Protestant oppose righteousness of clergy and human deities- and prostrate themselves for merciful grace of God alone w/o constructing intermediaries and demigods. Man was created for God and His love not for popes. Christ said men can know the Father thru Him not popes n Christ is in the least of us
@doaftheloaf 10 жыл бұрын
1. if scholars are using circular reasoning to come to their conclusions about history, they're not doing their job right. circular reasoning is a logical fallacy. the bible is the source of the claims about jesus and thus cannot be relied upon to prove its own claims, any more than a comic book can about superman. 2. even the church denounces the passage as a "rank and stupid forgery". no scholar worth his weight takes that passage seriously.
@reformedcatholic457 10 жыл бұрын
How is the NT historically accurate? because there is outside source that confirm the NT writings.Non Christian writing, and Christian writing.Another thing why the NT is accurate is there a principle that scholars use to determine that something is more likely to be accurate because it is embarrassing, this is called criterion of embarrassment. examples are crucifixion of Christ, women finding the empty tomb first,Jesus being baptized etc..and another one is enemy attestation. continued...
@doaftheloaf 10 жыл бұрын
1. you cannot use the bible to prove the bible. that's circular reasoning. 2. ahh, josephus. see, the paragraph so often cited in his works is a known forgery, and the forger is most likely the 4th century church leader eusebius, who is the first to reference it. it's completely out of context with the surrounding material. the other is a passing reference to a jesus who, if you read on, is the son of a man named damneus. josephus thought the emperor vespasian was the messiah.
@a.t.6322 7 жыл бұрын
doaftheloaf Completely wrong. The Jesus in the book 20 Josephan reference to the brother of James is "called Christ" to distinguish him from Jesus son of Damneus. Josephus is very clear they're 2 different people. The earlier reference to Jesus in book 18 is a known interpolation into a genuine reference. It is not a wholesale "forgery."
@Madmen604 10 жыл бұрын
Yes, who would or even could think up such a radical presence, with its apparent contradictions and the scandal of a crucified messiah? You would make up a more believable God/Man who is easier to believe, by more people!
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