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I have very few experiences of me speaking Cantonese to people in real life, but the few experiences that I have often make good stories! So today, I wanted to share the story of how I mustered up the courage to speak Cantonese with my teachers at school but got those weird reactions. What do you guys think of their reactions? Let me know in the comments below.
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@yorkraywong3802 3 жыл бұрын
As a Hongkonger, I'm very happy to see foreigners speak Cantonese language. Thank you for promoting Cantones
@ほしのみやこ中國香港人應該 3 жыл бұрын
香港人抄襲廣州話。香這個字圍頭話(香港話)讀Hong,廣州話讀heong。 地豆係圍頭話,花生係廣州話。Hack飯係圍頭話,食飯係廣州話。去先處係圍頭話,去邊度係廣州話。可憐,香港喱抄襲偷竊盜取廣州話來講,而且一句圍頭話(香港話)都不敢講。 圍頭話是深圳人發明的廣府話分支。圍頭話怎會不算廣東話。廣東話由廣府話、潮汕話同客家話組成。圍頭人是起源深圳的廣東人,圍頭話也屬於粵語廣府話的分支,同理廣州話也是廣東話中廣府話的分支。圍頭話也是廣東話。所以香港人為何不說粵語圍頭話,而要抄襲偷竊盜取粵語廣州話。 香港喱最鍾意偷來講的 撚 這個粗口都是廣州話粗口,圍頭話係冇架。香港人講圍頭話啦,我地澳門人一個字都唔識聽 香港人講返圍頭話啦 自卑唔講圍頭話真可憐 香港人崇拜廣州話,所以抄襲了廣州話。香港本土語言係圍頭話,但係你叫香港人講圍頭話,香港人會唔肯講。因為香港人崇拜廣州話覺得廣州話高雅,厭棄香港話(圍頭話)難聽老土唔入流。 茶樓、點心、腸粉、冰室係香港人抄襲偷盜廣州嘅嘢 我澳門人真係睇唔慣。冰室,又叫冰廳,廣州話用以稱呼冷飲店。其是南粵地方一種主要售賣冷飲、雪糕及沙冰等冷凍食品的飲食場所,起源發跡於廣州。在香港流行於1950至1960年代,被認為是茶餐廳的前身[1][2]。過往廣州的冰室會經營雪糕、凍奶、冰水,兼營咖啡、奶茶等熱飲和西餅麵包 茶樓雲吞早茶腸粉炒粉全部都係香港人抄襲廣州 澳門人香港人說的廣東話學術上最準確定義 叫作廣州話(澳門官方政府文書也寫作廣州話)廣州話英文叫Cantonese Canton就是廣州英文舊稱 當然現在你也可以看到許多痕跡 譬如廣州機場代號是CAN 廣州塔英文叫Canton Tower 我係澳門人 澳門一直係廣府話/廣州話地區 但香港唔係 香港一百年前還在講圍頭話(香港話) 一百年前澳門和廣州影響力遠遠高過香港 香港人放棄圍頭話學我地講廣州話 香港人講廣東話口音非常難聽好多懶音(畢竟係抄返黎) 廣東話本身係錯誤名稱 魯迅講過:一直如此 便是對嗎 潮州都係廣東 梅州又係廣東 唔通潮州話梅州話都係廣府話? 呢個語言係名副其實嘅廣州話 我作為澳門高質大學生鍾意講求學術 希望啲ON9⃣️唔好介意 澳門開埠500年,廣州開埠2200年。香港人抄襲廣州話。 Wiki:埠,係畀船停泊嘅地方,又叫碼頭。所以話廣州開埠2200年係冇錯架。
@soongryan1940 3 жыл бұрын
@@ほしのみやこ中國香港人應該 WTF are u talking about?
@ほしのみやこ中國香港人應該 3 жыл бұрын
@@soongryan1940 圍頭話亦係廣東話,請香港人講廣東圍頭話。廣東圍頭話源自深圳,屬於粵語莞寶片,而廣州話屬於粵語粵海片。 圍頭話係深圳人用嘅廣東廣府話分支。圍頭話點會唔算廣東話,你都on99。 冇話唔俾香港人講廣東話,圍頭話都係廣東話,圍頭話也是廣東話,明唔明? 所以香港人為何不說廣東圍頭話,而要抄襲偷竊盜取廣東廣州話。 地豆係圍頭話,花生係廣州話。Hack飯係圍頭話,食飯係廣州話。去先處係圍頭話,去邊度係廣州話。
@ianlui9669 3 жыл бұрын
@@soongryan1940 唔洗理佢架佢成日喺啲廣東話video9up
@soongryan1940 3 жыл бұрын
@@ianlui9669 明白👍🏼
@mscc2255 3 жыл бұрын
@ardienskenstersg832 3 жыл бұрын
@cassadeemaywong 3 жыл бұрын
我係香港人,我地聽到外國人講廣東話其實好開心,有人肯欣賞自己母語一定會好開心。一開始會覺得驚訝不過唔會覺得好古怪(my own opinion) 你啲廣東話講得好好呀,繼續努力💪
@ほしのみやこ中國香港人應該 3 жыл бұрын
香港人抄襲廣州話。香這個字圍頭話(香港話)讀Hong,廣州話讀heong。 地豆係圍頭話,花生係廣州話。Hack飯係圍頭話,食飯係廣州話。去先處係圍頭話,去邊度係廣州話。可憐,香港喱抄襲偷竊盜取廣州話來講,而且一句圍頭話(香港話)都不敢講。 圍頭話是深圳人發明的廣府話分支。圍頭話怎會不算廣東話。廣東話由廣府話、潮汕話同客家話組成。圍頭人是起源深圳的廣東人,圍頭話也屬於粵語廣府話的分支,同理廣州話也是廣東話中廣府話的分支。圍頭話也是廣東話。所以香港人為何不說粵語圍頭話,而要抄襲偷竊盜取粵語廣州話。 香港喱最鍾意偷來講的 撚 這個粗口都是廣州話粗口,圍頭話係冇架。香港人講圍頭話啦,我地澳門人一個字都唔識聽 香港人講返圍頭話啦 自卑唔講圍頭話真可憐 香港人崇拜廣州話,所以抄襲了廣州話。香港本土語言係圍頭話,但係你叫香港人講圍頭話,香港人會唔肯講。因為香港人崇拜廣州話覺得廣州話高雅,厭棄香港話(圍頭話)難聽老土唔入流。 茶樓、點心、腸粉、冰室係香港人抄襲偷盜廣州嘅嘢 我澳門人真係睇唔慣。冰室,又叫冰廳,廣州話用以稱呼冷飲店。其是南粵地方一種主要售賣冷飲、雪糕及沙冰等冷凍食品的飲食場所,起源發跡於廣州。在香港流行於1950至1960年代,被認為是茶餐廳的前身[1][2]。過往廣州的冰室會經營雪糕、凍奶、冰水,兼營咖啡、奶茶等熱飲和西餅麵包 茶樓雲吞早茶腸粉炒粉全部都係香港人抄襲廣州 澳門人香港人說的廣東話學術上最準確定義 叫作廣州話(澳門官方政府文書也寫作廣州話)廣州話英文叫Cantonese Canton就是廣州英文舊稱 當然現在你也可以看到許多痕跡 譬如廣州機場代號是CAN 廣州塔英文叫Canton Tower 我係澳門人 澳門一直係廣府話/廣州話地區 但香港唔係 香港一百年前還在講圍頭話(香港話) 一百年前澳門和廣州影響力遠遠高過香港 香港人放棄圍頭話學我地講廣州話 香港人講廣東話口音非常難聽好多懶音(畢竟係抄返黎) 廣東話本身係錯誤名稱 魯迅講過:一直如此 便是對嗎 潮州都係廣東 梅州又係廣東 唔通潮州話梅州話都係廣府話? 呢個語言係名副其實嘅廣州話 我作為澳門高質大學生鍾意講求學術 希望啲ON9⃣️唔好介意 澳門開埠500年,廣州開埠2200年。香港人抄襲廣州話。 Wiki:埠,係畀船停泊嘅地方,又叫碼頭。所以話廣州開埠2200年係冇錯架。
@mohdfa6969 3 жыл бұрын
@@ほしのみやこ中國香港人應該 用外來語、講外語唔算係抄襲。同埋我唔係好明抄襲呢個行為可以點喺語言發生,我諗你都證明唔到大家有集體意識去剽竊你所捍衛嘅廣州話。語言會隨時間地域文化變化,粵語地區的交流頻密,兩地粵語詞彙被借鑒自然不過。依加世界各地文化交流咁頻繁,唔通你寫嘢講嘢可以完全唔夾雜外來語咩…照你咁講,咁你上面講嘅「on99」抄襲英文,應該寫番正字「戇㞗」啦。 「廣東話」係香港人嘅慣稱,你可以提倡為其正名,但係踏低其他人嚟抬高自己就未必係「鐘意學術嘅澳門高質大學生」應有嘅做人態度。 建議你可以睇下港式粵語嘅相關資料,已經係粵語其中一個方支。
@chriswong9385 3 жыл бұрын
@@ほしのみやこ中國香港人應該 點解每次都copy同一段野。。。
@jackychau8054 3 жыл бұрын
@@chriswong9385 可能BOT黎 -= =-
@minaribbs2398 3 жыл бұрын
P.s 唔係個個澳門人都係咁㗎佢特別戇鳩大家唔好誤會
@hkcrime 3 жыл бұрын
您好 多謝
@o.k..... 3 жыл бұрын
@02zh23 3 жыл бұрын
@@o.k..... LOL
@Chelseasjourney 3 жыл бұрын
@VivianLeesy 3 жыл бұрын
I am orgrinally from Hong Kong and I think your Cantonese is very good. I understand you perfectly without needing to read the English subtitles. So proud of you 👏
@ほしのみやこ中國香港人應該 3 жыл бұрын
香港人抄襲廣州話。香這個字圍頭話(香港話)讀Hong,廣州話讀heong。 地豆係圍頭話,花生係廣州話。Hack飯係圍頭話,食飯係廣州話。去先處係圍頭話,去邊度係廣州話。可憐,香港喱抄襲偷竊盜取廣州話來講,而且一句圍頭話(香港話)都不敢講。 圍頭話是深圳人發明的廣府話分支。圍頭話怎會不算廣東話。廣東話由廣府話、潮汕話同客家話組成。圍頭人是起源深圳的廣東人,圍頭話也屬於粵語廣府話的分支,同理廣州話也是廣東話中廣府話的分支。圍頭話也是廣東話。所以香港人為何不說粵語圍頭話,而要抄襲偷竊盜取粵語廣州話。 香港喱最鍾意偷來講的 撚 這個粗口都是廣州話粗口,圍頭話係冇架。香港人講圍頭話啦,我地澳門人一個字都唔識聽 香港人講返圍頭話啦 自卑唔講圍頭話真可憐 香港人崇拜廣州話,所以抄襲了廣州話。香港本土語言係圍頭話,但係你叫香港人講圍頭話,香港人會唔肯講。因為香港人崇拜廣州話覺得廣州話高雅,厭棄香港話(圍頭話)難聽老土唔入流。 茶樓、點心、腸粉、冰室係香港人抄襲偷盜廣州嘅嘢 我澳門人真係睇唔慣。冰室,又叫冰廳,廣州話用以稱呼冷飲店。其是南粵地方一種主要售賣冷飲、雪糕及沙冰等冷凍食品的飲食場所,起源發跡於廣州。在香港流行於1950至1960年代,被認為是茶餐廳的前身[1][2]。過往廣州的冰室會經營雪糕、凍奶、冰水,兼營咖啡、奶茶等熱飲和西餅麵包 茶樓雲吞早茶腸粉炒粉全部都係香港人抄襲廣州 澳門人香港人說的廣東話學術上最準確定義 叫作廣州話(澳門官方政府文書也寫作廣州話)廣州話英文叫Cantonese Canton就是廣州英文舊稱 當然現在你也可以看到許多痕跡 譬如廣州機場代號是CAN 廣州塔英文叫Canton Tower 我係澳門人 澳門一直係廣府話/廣州話地區 但香港唔係 香港一百年前還在講圍頭話(香港話) 一百年前澳門和廣州影響力遠遠高過香港 香港人放棄圍頭話學我地講廣州話 香港人講廣東話口音非常難聽好多懶音(畢竟係抄返黎) 廣東話本身係錯誤名稱 魯迅講過:一直如此 便是對嗎 潮州都係廣東 梅州又係廣東 唔通潮州話梅州話都係廣府話? 呢個語言係名副其實嘅廣州話 我作為澳門高質大學生鍾意講求學術 希望啲ON9⃣️唔好介意 澳門開埠500年,廣州開埠2200年。香港人抄襲廣州話。 Wiki:埠,係畀船停泊嘅地方,又叫碼頭。所以話廣州開埠2200年係冇錯架。
@isisislate 3 жыл бұрын
@@ほしのみやこ中國香港人應該 廣義的廣州話也叫「廣府話」、「白話」,屬粵方言廣付片,是粵語的代表方言。通行於以廣州為中心的珠江三角洲、粵中及粵北部分地區,香港、澳門通行的粵語亦屬這一片。狹義的「廣州話」則專指廣州市區通行的粵語,它與香港粵語有些微差別,外來藉詞較少,話語中夾雜英語的現象少於香港話,語速較慢。香港粵語即「香港話」,是粵語的一種地點方言。從交際功能來看,香港話與廣州話並無質的不同,兩地居民可用各自的方言通暢無阻地相互交流。但就方言的社會地位而言,香港話與廣州話卻有很大不同。粵語在香港的地位舉足輕重,儘管英語作為官方語言之一(另一種為中文),有頗大影響,在普通市民階層及傳媒方面,粵語卻佔有壓倒優勢。香港粵語有相對獨立的書寫體系(方言用字)和眾多的方言傳播媒介,更擴大了香港文化的影響。這些特點,是中國內地廣州話所欠缺的。香港粵語通俗文化通過電視在華南地區流播,大大提升了粵語的影響力。所以語音沒區別,區別在於詞語的使用。現在廣州粵語的用詞由於受普通話和內方言的影響,已失去了原粵語詞語的使用了。 廣州叫坐車,香港叫搭車 橡皮擦,廣州叫膠擦,香港叫擦膠 油條,廣州還是更喜歡叫油條,香港喜歡叫油炸鬼 廣州更多叫旅遊,香港更多叫旅行 一輛車,廣州更喜歡叫「一台車」,香港更喜歡叫「一部車」 廣州更多還是叫食碗面,香港更多叫食個面 廣州更多還是叫開車,香港叫揸車 如果是正宗的粵語,基本就是叫法不通而已。. Copied from websites
@ほしのみやこ中國香港人應該 3 жыл бұрын
@@isisislate 東網:香港人崇拜廣州話,不說圍頭話,令到香港話(圍頭話)消失kzbin.info/www/bejne/g32lgINqnZKdm8U 入去聽下真正香港話啦。澳門開埠500年,廣州開埠2200年。香港人抄襲廣州話。地豆係圍頭話,花生係廣州話。Hack飯係圍頭話,食飯係廣州話。去先處係圍頭話,去邊度係廣州話。圍頭話是深圳原居民及香港新界原居民的語言,屬粵語莞寶片,與東莞話、廣州話同屬於粵語,較接近東莞話,與廣州話亦能大致相通。圍頭人即「本地人」,是由深圳最早來到香港的「主人」。人數約占香港本地人口8成。 圍頭話是早期新界居民方言。北宋年間,原籍江西的鄧符協於元朗錦田定居,及後子孫繁衍成為新界主要宗族,圍頭話為族內主要溝通語言。圍頭話同時通行於新界彭氏、文氏等宗族內,成為十九世紀中葉前香港陸上居民的主流語言。1940年代後,香港學校教育日漸普及,廣州話為主要教學語言,加上大眾媒體多以廣州話為廣播語言,令圍頭話逐漸式微。
@ほしのみやこ中國香港人應該 3 жыл бұрын
@@isisislate 圍頭話亦係廣東話,請香港人講廣東圍頭話。廣東圍頭話源自深圳,屬於粵語莞寶片,而廣州話屬於粵語粵海片。 圍頭話係深圳人用嘅廣東廣府話分支。圍頭話點會唔算廣東話,你都on99。 冇話唔俾香港人講廣東話,圍頭話都係廣東話,圍頭話也是廣東話,明唔明? 所以香港人為何不說廣東圍頭話,而要抄襲偷竊盜取廣東廣州話。 地豆係圍頭話,花生係廣州話。Hack飯係圍頭話,食飯係廣州話。去先處係圍頭話,去邊度係廣州話。
@isisislate 3 жыл бұрын
@@ほしのみやこ中國香港人應該 剛剛看了你Send出的KZbin link,它指香港會開始流行廣東話,是因為廣東人自己在香港建立事業才會將廣東話這個語言散播出去,客家話及你所說的圍頭話等等語言才慢慢地消失。即是,不是香港人抄襲,只是純粹地改變了廣東話,加入了一些香港特色而已。
@quenpp 3 жыл бұрын
i'm actually so jealous like she knows way more cantonese words comparing to me (i'm cantonese myself lol)
@CHAK-FY 3 жыл бұрын
我自己都係香港人,所以我知道其實普遍香港人都唔太習慣係表情上反映出佢地嘅情緒,或者你兩個老師果時心裡面諗,嘩!你廣東話講得咁好嘅。所以你唔洗太擔心,多d同佢地傾計,應該係話香港人唔太會同唔熟嘅人講太多野,我覺得個原因係咁囉,熟左會ok d囉
@ほしのみやこ中國香港人應該 3 жыл бұрын
香港人抄襲廣州話。香這個字圍頭話(香港話)讀Hong,廣州話讀heong。 地豆係圍頭話,花生係廣州話。Hack飯係圍頭話,食飯係廣州話。去先處係圍頭話,去邊度係廣州話。可憐,香港喱抄襲偷竊盜取廣州話來講,而且一句圍頭話(香港話)都不敢講。 圍頭話是深圳人發明的廣府話分支。圍頭話怎會不算廣東話。廣東話由廣府話、潮汕話同客家話組成。圍頭人是起源深圳的廣東人,圍頭話也屬於粵語廣府話的分支,同理廣州話也是廣東話中廣府話的分支。圍頭話也是廣東話。所以香港人為何不說粵語圍頭話,而要抄襲偷竊盜取粵語廣州話。 香港喱最鍾意偷來講的 撚 這個粗口都是廣州話粗口,圍頭話係冇架。香港人講圍頭話啦,我地澳門人一個字都唔識聽 香港人講返圍頭話啦 自卑唔講圍頭話真可憐 香港人崇拜廣州話,所以抄襲了廣州話。香港本土語言係圍頭話,但係你叫香港人講圍頭話,香港人會唔肯講。因為香港人崇拜廣州話覺得廣州話高雅,厭棄香港話(圍頭話)難聽老土唔入流。 茶樓、點心、腸粉、冰室係香港人抄襲偷盜廣州嘅嘢 我澳門人真係睇唔慣。冰室,又叫冰廳,廣州話用以稱呼冷飲店。其是南粵地方一種主要售賣冷飲、雪糕及沙冰等冷凍食品的飲食場所,起源發跡於廣州。在香港流行於1950至1960年代,被認為是茶餐廳的前身[1][2]。過往廣州的冰室會經營雪糕、凍奶、冰水,兼營咖啡、奶茶等熱飲和西餅麵包 茶樓雲吞早茶腸粉炒粉全部都係香港人抄襲廣州 澳門人香港人說的廣東話學術上最準確定義 叫作廣州話(澳門官方政府文書也寫作廣州話)廣州話英文叫Cantonese Canton就是廣州英文舊稱 當然現在你也可以看到許多痕跡 譬如廣州機場代號是CAN 廣州塔英文叫Canton Tower 我係澳門人 澳門一直係廣府話/廣州話地區 但香港唔係 香港一百年前還在講圍頭話(香港話) 一百年前澳門和廣州影響力遠遠高過香港 香港人放棄圍頭話學我地講廣州話 香港人講廣東話口音非常難聽好多懶音(畢竟係抄返黎) 廣東話本身係錯誤名稱 魯迅講過:一直如此 便是對嗎 潮州都係廣東 梅州又係廣東 唔通潮州話梅州話都係廣府話? 呢個語言係名副其實嘅廣州話 我作為澳門高質大學生鍾意講求學術 希望啲ON9⃣️唔好介意 澳門開埠500年,廣州開埠2200年。香港人抄襲廣州話。 Wiki:埠,係畀船停泊嘅地方,又叫碼頭。所以話廣州開埠2200年係冇錯架。
@bluelulu_9 3 жыл бұрын
@@ほしのみやこ中國香港人應該 其實你有乜問題?咁世界上咪好多國家抄襲英文?就算我地開埠遲 咁又點呢 咁廣東話都係我地母語啊 何來抄唔抄襲 香港本就係廣東一帶 講廣東話都係理所當然 你作為一個澳門L睇唔慣 咪叫你地澳門改左佢囉 cls
@ほしのみやこ中國香港人應該 3 жыл бұрын
@@bluelulu_9 圍頭話亦係廣東話,請香港人講廣東圍頭話。廣東圍頭話源自深圳,屬於粵語莞寶片,而廣州話屬於粵語粵海片。 圍頭話係深圳人用嘅廣東廣府話分支。圍頭話點會唔算廣東話,你都on99。 冇話唔俾香港人講廣東話,圍頭話都係廣東話,圍頭話也是廣東話,明唔明? 所以香港人為何不說廣東圍頭話,而要抄襲偷竊盜取廣東廣州話。 地豆係圍頭話,花生係廣州話。Hack飯係圍頭話,食飯係廣州話。去先處係圍頭話,去邊度係廣州話。
@marcoleung8130 3 жыл бұрын
@@ほしのみやこ中國香港人應該 點解你唔講古漢語?
@Lenny7674 3 жыл бұрын
@@ほしのみやこ中國香港人應該 你長篇大論 但係齋睇你第一句就知你根本唔熟悉香港廣東話 『香』字粵拼一直都喺'Hoeng' Hong喺威妥瑪拼音嚟 唔該你做下功課先
@amydaisy1208 3 жыл бұрын
@jose888-ss4ip 2 ай бұрын
@ZenWalker 3 жыл бұрын
@kuitoshek8169 3 жыл бұрын
@mabelonline 3 жыл бұрын
@jose888-ss4ip 2 ай бұрын
@JKJK-id2lz 3 жыл бұрын
I’m astounded by how good your Cantonese is. 99% of expats in HK can hardly speak a word of Cantonese, and it’s incredible how fluent you are, even though you don’t live in a Cantonese speaking environment. Cantonese is one of the most difficult languages to learn. Keep up the good work!
@selina2752 3 жыл бұрын
I think hongkong people will be very proud of you!!!!!!!keep it! We are so happy!
@ほしのみやこ中國香港人應該 3 жыл бұрын
香港人抄襲廣州話。香這個字圍頭話(香港話)讀Hong,廣州話讀heong。 地豆係圍頭話,花生係廣州話。Hack飯係圍頭話,食飯係廣州話。去先處係圍頭話,去邊度係廣州話。可憐,香港喱抄襲偷竊盜取廣州話來講,而且一句圍頭話(香港話)都不敢講。 圍頭話是深圳人發明的廣府話分支。圍頭話怎會不算廣東話。廣東話由廣府話、潮汕話同客家話組成。圍頭人是起源深圳的廣東人,圍頭話也屬於粵語廣府話的分支,同理廣州話也是廣東話中廣府話的分支。圍頭話也是廣東話。所以香港人為何不說粵語圍頭話,而要抄襲偷竊盜取粵語廣州話。 香港喱最鍾意偷來講的 撚 這個粗口都是廣州話粗口,圍頭話係冇架。香港人講圍頭話啦,我地澳門人一個字都唔識聽 香港人講返圍頭話啦 自卑唔講圍頭話真可憐 香港人崇拜廣州話,所以抄襲了廣州話。香港本土語言係圍頭話,但係你叫香港人講圍頭話,香港人會唔肯講。因為香港人崇拜廣州話覺得廣州話高雅,厭棄香港話(圍頭話)難聽老土唔入流。 茶樓、點心、腸粉、冰室係香港人抄襲偷盜廣州嘅嘢 我澳門人真係睇唔慣。冰室,又叫冰廳,廣州話用以稱呼冷飲店。其是南粵地方一種主要售賣冷飲、雪糕及沙冰等冷凍食品的飲食場所,起源發跡於廣州。在香港流行於1950至1960年代,被認為是茶餐廳的前身[1][2]。過往廣州的冰室會經營雪糕、凍奶、冰水,兼營咖啡、奶茶等熱飲和西餅麵包 茶樓雲吞早茶腸粉炒粉全部都係香港人抄襲廣州 澳門人香港人說的廣東話學術上最準確定義 叫作廣州話(澳門官方政府文書也寫作廣州話)廣州話英文叫Cantonese Canton就是廣州英文舊稱 當然現在你也可以看到許多痕跡 譬如廣州機場代號是CAN 廣州塔英文叫Canton Tower 我係澳門人 澳門一直係廣府話/廣州話地區 但香港唔係 香港一百年前還在講圍頭話(香港話) 一百年前澳門和廣州影響力遠遠高過香港 香港人放棄圍頭話學我地講廣州話 香港人講廣東話口音非常難聽好多懶音(畢竟係抄返黎) 廣東話本身係錯誤名稱 魯迅講過:一直如此 便是對嗎 潮州都係廣東 梅州又係廣東 唔通潮州話梅州話都係廣府話? 呢個語言係名副其實嘅廣州話 我作為澳門高質大學生鍾意講求學術 希望啲ON9⃣️唔好介意 澳門開埠500年,廣州開埠2200年。香港人抄襲廣州話。 Wiki:埠,係畀船停泊嘅地方,又叫碼頭。所以話廣州開埠2200年係冇錯架。
@bluelukas5828 3 жыл бұрын
@@ほしのみやこ中國香港人應該 語言呢啲嘢 邊有講抄襲架笑死 你咁樣講法英文有咁多字係借鑒拉丁文等 佢哋都係抄? 廣東話的確係源自於廣州 所以正確嚟講香港人講嘅係港式廣東話 特色係入面混合好多英文、外語等 由於香港過往係英殖民地 故有多數用語都係有英文成份 最常見例子:的士(taxi) 升呢(upgrade level) 而某啲港式廣東話有回流返廣州、內地多地嘅現象互相影響。 何來抄襲😂
@ほしのみやこ中國香港人應該 3 жыл бұрын
@@bluelukas5828 圍頭話亦係廣東話,請香港人講廣東圍頭話。廣東圍頭話源自深圳,屬於粵語莞寶片,而廣州話屬於粵語粵海片。 圍頭話係深圳人用嘅廣東廣府話分支。圍頭話點會唔算廣東話,你都on99。 冇話唔俾香港人講廣東話,圍頭話都係廣東話,圍頭話也是廣東話,明唔明? 所以香港人為何不說廣東圍頭話,而要抄襲偷竊盜取廣東廣州話。 地豆係圍頭話,花生係廣州話。Hack飯係圍頭話,食飯係廣州話。去先處係圍頭話,去邊度係廣州話。
@bluelukas5828 3 жыл бұрын
@@ほしのみやこ中國香港人應該 唔知你識唔識睇廣東話 但我咁大篇文冇講過圍頭話非廣東話🙃 再者 點解要講香港人偷左人哋語言?點解要香港人講廣東圍頭話?香港人講嘅係港式廣東話有咩問題?文化呢啲嘢一向都係互相交流、回流再在地化架啦 香港文化本身就多元化 我見你咁執著 連個acc名都係呢個名 又不厭其煩地去好多人嘅comment到copy and paste 我講到呢到就算 怕同你鬥長氣
@squide0901 3 жыл бұрын
@@bluelukas5828 exactly lmao
@SW_1388 3 жыл бұрын
Mr cheung and mr chan thought Oh no we can’t talk in Cantonese in front of Grace. She knows what are we talking 🤭
@alngsi 3 жыл бұрын
😂😂😂 You destroyed their little secret. LoL! Great for you, you are so brave! Something similar happens when i speak Spanish to latinamerican or spanish people here in Hong Kong. (It is too unexpected for others)
@chofans 3 жыл бұрын
HAHAHA they're probably like "Now Grace's gonna understand when we gossip!"
@kennytang5252 3 жыл бұрын
As a Hongkonger, I am very happy and excited every time I meet a foreigner who speak Cantonese. This is very rare and is a surprise to me every time. I think most of the Hongkongers love to speak Cantonese with you. But some of them will be too surprised and react weirdly, like your teachers lol.
@rebeccatang1595 3 жыл бұрын
I wish Hong Kongers like Mr. Cheung and Mr. Chan when hearing what Grace speak Cantonese to them, give her a hug, be proud of her for learning online and speaking the language well 👍❤️
@6shinkirou9 3 жыл бұрын
I think the shock factor is because your pronunciation is so good. Usually hongkongers have a hoot when foreigners try to speak Cantonese and their tones are all over the place. But you sound almost native so that’s why their jaws are dropping haha
@firewoodloki 3 жыл бұрын
Tbh, I could not distinguish her pronunciation with someone from Hong Kong if I am not paying much attention.
@lilytsui3015 3 жыл бұрын
@@firewoodloki well she does have some accent (no truly Hong Kong tone) but for a foreigner that learned Cantonese by herself, her Cantonese is pretty good. I would’ve say it’s better than beginners! Actually it’s even better than ABCs and Mainland speakers (they mostly speak Mandarin)!!
@sincecilove 3 жыл бұрын
Cheung = 張 which sounds like 將來(future)的將。They were probably gossiping and didn’t expect that anyone could understand 😏
@ambersc311 3 жыл бұрын
@carako3167 3 жыл бұрын
I think all HK people would be very happy that you speak Cantonese so well, even if they are too surprised to show it. Please be more confident to speak Cantonese to Hong Kong people! We love you Grace 🌈
@yipsiuhay 3 жыл бұрын
@MrPoifull823 3 жыл бұрын
@harrietst6114 3 жыл бұрын
你兩位老師嘅反應真係好好笑,如果係我應該都會好似佢哋咁樣O晒嘴😂😂 可能佢哋估唔到身處外國竟然會有外國人主動講廣東話~ 香港人應該都會幾開心更多人主動學廣東話,唔好停呀,加油!唔知多啲撩老師傾計嘅話,佢哋之後會有咩反應🤭
@a24677685 3 жыл бұрын
I am from Hong Kong. I am so so so so so surprised you can speak Cantonese perfectly. 95% of words you pronounced perfectly. I always want to make friends with foreign people. It's very happy to see foreign people learning my language.
@socarken 3 жыл бұрын
@pg_on_99 3 жыл бұрын
I am Taiwanese, i also study (in a lazy way) Cantonese and sing Cantonese songs by myself, i can understand what people are talking (without subtitles), but it's really hard to chat with native speaker, especially when you're already used to speaking Chinese/Mandarin with them. Anyway, thanks for your hardwork and sharing, you definitely inspired me for learning more Cantonese. Let's fight for Cantonese together
@churchillwong7873 3 жыл бұрын
Halo Grace! 聽到你咁比人機學廣東話,香港人表示好感動🥲😭,因為地球上講廣東話既地方唔多,香港人亦係世界上既一點,都能夠引起Grace你關註,所以好感動,係香港呢加既社會氣氛同恐懼,睇左妳既video令人感到興奮同驕傲。
@jose888-ss4ip 2 ай бұрын
@kittychu280 3 жыл бұрын
I am a Hongkonger and I am so impressed by your Cantonese! For me, I am happy whenever foreigners speak Cantonese to me. Keep it up Grace!!!!
@christinec3242 3 жыл бұрын
Your accent is much better and more "local" than the immigrants from China. Cantonese is not easy to learn but you did it, even without having chances to talk with Hongkongers. Really proud of you.
@Orz1Rex 3 жыл бұрын
I'm from Hong Kong and my jaw was on the floor watching your videos. Honestly as a foreigner, the way you speak Cantonese is already beyond impressive.
@mrtsiqsin2290 3 жыл бұрын
The surname "Cheung" in Cantonese is 張, which is pronounced like "zoeng1".
@Guresu 3 жыл бұрын
Oh, I never knew this. Thank you!
@ccherr 3 жыл бұрын
@@Guresu Cheung張 pronounced the same as the first word of “Future 將”
@winniecantonese 3 жыл бұрын
Cheung1 張 :)
@eded2777 3 жыл бұрын
And yes, you can guess the origin of the person by looking at their surname - despite having the same character ("same" surname), people from different part of East Asia typically adopted different spelling for their surname. Take Mr. Chan's surname as an example, Chan is very common in Hong Kong and other Cantonese speaking area. However in China (including Canton/Guangdong), as they adopted their own pinyin system (for Mandarin), Chan are spelled "Chen" there. And in Taiwan, Chan is spelled as "Chin", while in Thai, it is spelled as Tang. Different spelling for the same Sinitic surname, is a result of the difference in pronunciation in different Sinitic Languages, and a result of romanization in different era/area/colonies.
@lilphoenixjay 3 жыл бұрын
Just like Cheung hok yau. The Chinese singer
@rayminggg 3 жыл бұрын
Me as a HongKongers, we will just be shock and happy that foreign people know and admire our mother language. We don’t want cantonese to be disappeared. Thank you for promoting cantonese and keep it up!
@ericleung1578 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Grace, Your teachers were so shocked that they were speechless. There is no need to be shy. Just continue talking to them in Cantonese. You don’t have to wait for them to ask you questions. You can explain how you started learning Cantonese and how much you like the language and would hope to have a chance to practice.
@jandylam 3 жыл бұрын
多謝你鐘意廣東話,作為香港人很想和你傾計❤️。 你講得好好,很利害。無乜點錯。只有 長先生應該是張先生。 加油! 等你的新片。
@Cdcdsin 3 жыл бұрын
@yipmandy3611 3 жыл бұрын
@sereneauyeung7067 3 жыл бұрын
As a Hongkonger i know y they hv such reaction! To me I think canto is the least language that foreign ppl tend to learn, I always assume no one will understand wt I'm talking abt in places away from Hong Kong, so i'll be like absolutely unrestrained to talk abt anything with frds in public lol, if suddenly there's someone secretly knows canto n listening wt stupid things I'm talking abt that will be quite funny n shocking haha. But i think most Hongkonger r like happily surprise to see you speaking Canto, for me I'm proud that my unpopular language attracts ppl from all over the world to learn
@kimmieip9710 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I think so too. They thought they feel secure 'coz they never expect other people rather than themselves understand what they are talking about, especially in that environment. In some schools in HK, teachers are required to speak English to students all the time, no matter inside or outside the classroom. So by the time you suddenly talked with them in Cantonese, it's like they were caught red-handed!! Hopefully they were not talking about something unrevealable there 🤣
@kititykt 3 жыл бұрын
As a Hong Konger, I am happy that you are speaking Cantonese. Keep going!
@joechiu 3 жыл бұрын
@pg_on_99 3 жыл бұрын
這是真的!!雖然我從沒去過香港 澳門或廣東 但我的exchange student朋友是香港人 我說我會唱廣東歌 她就跟我變特別好
@joechiu 3 жыл бұрын
@@pg_on_99 所以當IU來香港開演唱會時候,她唱廣東話歌時,很多歌迷都好驚喜,因為發音真的很好,她有用心去練習過然後為觀眾來驚喜,之後再來香港時她將自己那首"夜信"填了中文歌詞唱廣東話版,我們聽得更陶醉更親切,所以我很欣賞IU,她真是一位很尊重當地(香港)文化很用心很出色的歌手!
@pg_on_99 3 жыл бұрын
@@joechiu 我知道這件事 我也愛IU 她真的很用心
@mengmeng0207 3 жыл бұрын
As a Hong Konger, I am really happy that so many people know cantonese, and cantinese culture!👍🏻👍🏻
@jasperwan3939 3 жыл бұрын
POG!!! Your Cantonese is so fluent and you barely have any accent, it’s hard to believe that you learn Cantonese all by yourself! Don’t be afraid to speak Cantonese to Hong Kongers, you are doing so good everyone is gonna praise you!!!
@tam8867 3 жыл бұрын
我係香港人🇭🇰好多謝你學廣東話!好少人會肯學咁 同埋其實你講得好好呀 畀多啲信心自己啦!
@dessicaqing8573 3 жыл бұрын
哈羅,你好。。。 我同你一樣,我而家亦學緊廣東話 你嘅廣東話講得好好啊👍
@Jason0203 3 жыл бұрын
need any help?
@rudolfsidhu 3 жыл бұрын
Good luck with learning the language :D
@dessicaqing8573 3 жыл бұрын
@@rudolfsidhu :thx
@pollenayeung5815 3 жыл бұрын
@@dessicaqing8573 俾心機!加油!
@leechingfung8129 3 жыл бұрын
I, as a HKer, feel so glad that a foreigner is cherishing our language. Thank you so much for promoting Cantonese so well.
@ronnas8881 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Grace! Compared with people in other countries, most Hong Kong people are rather reserved. They are just not prepared to express their actual feeling in their faces in front of people whom they are not well known. This is just the HK culture. As a Hong Konger, I feel very touched that You learn and speak very good Cantonese! Support and thank you!
@rockylam4026 3 жыл бұрын
I am Hongkonger and feeling amazingly to hear what you say in Cantonese. Carry on to learn via Ancient poem 唐詩 which are our treasures to keep the civilisation
@hfiling 3 жыл бұрын
I am a Hongkonger, your Cantonese pronunciation is prefect! don’t feel shy to speak with anyone. Your Cantonese is way better than normal Hongkonger speaking foreign languages.
@gladysrabi123 3 жыл бұрын
You speak like a native, it really surprise me. Don't be shy, be confident, your cantonese very very good, i can understand very word you said, also your gammar is correct, you sound like living in Hong Kong many years. You Rock, girl!
@aabyho 3 жыл бұрын
As a native Hongkongers who lived Overseas more than 20 years, your Cantonese is much better than most of the kids I know grow up /born in Overseas whose family mainly speak Cantonese at home. Good job 🙂
@elel1036 3 жыл бұрын
I’m sure they were just so impressed that they were so shocked and speechless lmao. Thanks for learning Cantonese and you speak the language really well! And I like your character lol you’re really funny LOL
@davidpanmail 3 жыл бұрын
Your Cantonese is very impressive. As a Hong Kong born Canadian, I am always happy with foreigners willing to learn Cantonese. The dialect will die out if the Chinese government has it's ways. As a visible minority in Canada, I understand your teacher's reactions to you. Language is just a form of communication. Your teachers may also know multiple languages and know what it takes to learn another language. In your teacher's eyes, knowing more than one language is not an achievement, a novelty or a parlor trick used to to show off, but a necessary means for understanding and and communication with others. In addition, your teacher really don't want to speak Cantonese at school to a student because your teachers are also trying to fit into an English speaking society. Speaking Cantonese to their students would open themselves up to those who will discriminate against them. If you are looking for praise and confirmation of your Cantonese skills, you may want to go to Hong Kong or Guangzhou. They might be more impressed. Even so, you will need to engage in the art of conversations. It's not just how you say but what you say. The conversation has to be meaningful to both parties. Otherwise, it will be a very short conversation.
@lamwingsum9532 3 жыл бұрын
you speak very well! and it's important to remember: everyone speaks with an accent and this video makes me so happy as a linguistics student??? i hope you are having a good day x
@summychan2997 3 жыл бұрын
你好, 我係香港人, 你講得好好呀, Cheung 張 不是長 加油
@cantobritt 3 жыл бұрын
Wow I remember seeing one of your videos a while ago. You're making great progress, keep it up!
@kileung6516 3 жыл бұрын
I know what your HK teachers feel when you speak cantonese. We all feel stunned and surprised. We call it "O 咀" - which means just open the mouth wide but said nothing. Thankyou for introducing Cantonese in youtube. HKers including me are very happy to hear cantonese from you. Pls keep it up and we are your followers forever.
@hma2129 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you ! Love to hear that the foreigner learn our language, especially by yourself cos it is quite difficult to pronounce and understand the difference meaning in the same word. I am shy for learning English such long time but still no good. proud of you !
@hma2129 3 жыл бұрын
I think your teachers are wondering and surprising why you could talk in Cantonese. HongKongers are shying to express their feelings.They love to hide and they will ask you when they know you well.
@DeborahLau 3 жыл бұрын
You are doing SO WELL! Never stop! I am a native speaker and always wish more people were interested in learning Cantonese. Your pronunciation and vocabulary are both very good, you would totally be on level footing in a conversation!
@IKNFLY666 3 жыл бұрын
I’m from Shenzhen China, whenever I heard someone speaking Canto I feel a sense of home and familiarity. But sad thing is younger generations just almost completely forget their mother-tongue. So seeing foreign people taking interest and passion learning this unpopular yet complex language really made me happy! Keep up the great work Grace! Hope you can come visit HK or Shenzhen someday!
@DIYProjectsByDave 3 жыл бұрын
Not only you are so fluent in speaking in Cantonese, the pronunciation is so good. Keep up the good work! You are so amazing! I truly enjoyed your sharing! I think I would be speechless too! You caught them by total surprise! LOL
@funpolice96 3 жыл бұрын
As a Hong Konger , I am proud of you !! Thank you for learning our language.
@cecillee4861 3 жыл бұрын
Grace, I'm glad that you can speak Cantonese with the right tone. Your accent is really nearly authentic. You can even pronounce 'nei', 'ngo', 'nam', 'noey', etc. correctly. I agree with you that there are 6 tones in Cantonese. Tones 7, 8 and 9 are equal to 1, 3 and 6. Their difference is that they have the final consonant 'p', 't' and 'k'. Hope you can start learning the traditional Chinese characters (faan4 tai2 dzung1 man2) from now on. Keep it up! 👍😄💪
@lokchisiu 3 жыл бұрын
Beside being shocked, your teachers were trying to recall immediately what they've just said and whether you heard anything inappropriate or even any chance they would lose their jobs because of it. I feel pity for them although this was so funny 🤣
@kszeto0209 3 жыл бұрын
Speaking as good as you do in just 3 years is an amazing accomplishment. I am a native Cantonese speaker and I'd say your Cantonese level is as good as a Hongkonger. I'm sure any Hongkonger who hears you speak would be very proud of you. So keep up the good work!
@elCHImaster 3 жыл бұрын
I’m a heritage speaker of Cantonese (2nd generation American), and I am so impressed with your language abilities! I was able to understand all of what you said, and I’m sure your teachers were just shocked by you knowing a minority (and more difficult/impressive to learn) dialect! And also, they probably weren’t sure how to gauge how much or how little you could speak, so they might have been trying to save mutual face. I think if you speak with them more, they’ll feel more and more comfortable speaking Cantonese with you!
@basilpyc 3 жыл бұрын
wait your cantonese is so good omg; it’s a really hard language to understand if you’re not speaking it rly well bc it’s a tonal language but i can understand you perfectly
@saiholaw5113 3 жыл бұрын
really support u !! 希望有多d 香港人睇到 一齊幫佢推高d views🔥🔥
@afriend9428 3 жыл бұрын
*Well done Grace your Can is more than adequate and you should visit HK some day girl you will fit right in!!*
@lly1010 3 жыл бұрын
Haha Grace you’re so cute. I had to laugh out loud watching your video. I’m a Hong Konger and love it when I hear foreigners learning the language especially one that speaks so well. Hope you find more people to practice with! 💪🏼
@bentehelenjakobsen1650 3 жыл бұрын
I like your story. I'm currently studing cantoneese too. And I'm actualy learning from you too! You go girl!
@ho2792ken 3 жыл бұрын
Hi, I am from Hong Kong, a native Hong Konger. You speak very very well! Keep it up! I think most of the Hong Kongers would be very happy though they may not express their emotions.
@SY-hs6eo 2 ай бұрын
@wilsonchan2589 3 жыл бұрын
As a Hongkonger. Thanks for you supporting Cantonese. Your Cantonese is very good.
@mokcarmen6167 3 жыл бұрын
Grace, don't be scared / embarrass / upset! For the longes time we Hong Kongers don't know how precious and unique Cantonese is, until it faces endangers lately. I personally really inspired of you actually speak Cantonese, and how you care to learn this language that not much people other than ourselves would appreciate! I reside in Vancouver. One day I overheard a group of Indian kids speak fluent Cantonese on public transit, and I was flabbergasted! I thought I was dreaming! So maybe Mr. Cheung and Mr. Chan were just found themselves too surprised lol Good job!!
@nudibranch1379 3 жыл бұрын
You are great, keep at it, Learning Cantonese from scratch is extremely challenging. I really admire your dedication :) fluency in a language isn’t so much about the accent or pronounciation as it is about how you use it. Not only is your accent very good, which means I can understand you easily, your vocabulary and the way you string your sentences together is excellent. My dear Dad who was an Englishman was considered to be fluent in Cantonese despite the way he pronounced biscuit and apple; they sounded very similar🤣 once people got used to his awful accent it wasn’t a problem and none of his colleagues had a problem understanding him because of the way he used the language. So please don’t doubt yourself and continue speaking it because your Cantonese is FLUENT , bravo.
@Guresu 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much!
@Fionyan9 3 жыл бұрын
Your Cantonese is fluent is hardly have any accent. I’m proud of you! Don’t be shy speaking Cantonese with Hong Kongers. We will be very glad speaking to you and proud of you.
@stefanie0818 3 жыл бұрын
As a HongKonger, I’m so touched that you love Cantonese. It’s is indeed a super difficult yet beautiful language. Please come visit Hong Kong one day!
@emmi2870 3 жыл бұрын
He's just overwhelmed by your Cantonese that his mind froze. lol
@longyaucheuk5708 3 жыл бұрын
As a Hongkonger, I think your cantonese is very good!!!! ( I don't even need to read the subtitle when watching ur video) I think Cantonese is so difficult to learn especially if you learn it when u grown up... cant believe you can speak it that fluently omg
@deniselee8146 3 жыл бұрын
wow, so surprise to hear a foreigner specking in Cantonese!!!!! so proud of you!!!!!
@katieip388 3 жыл бұрын
你的廣東話講得好好呀!作為一個香港人,外國人講廣東話係會驚訝,但絕對開心呀 我都係住London,可以你教我英文,我教你廣東話 😂
@wmf4603 3 жыл бұрын
I can imagine the jaw-dropping situation of yr teachers when u spoke to them in Cantonese - cos my jaw also dropped when I first viewed yr video.😄 Grace, U re amazing! Not only yr pronunciation is mostly accurate, but also the grammar & vocabularies u used! Don’t need to feel embarrassed speaking to yr teachers in Cantonese - as most Hongkongers are friendly & will feel great to hear someone speaking to them in their mother tongue in overseas. Yr teachers were prob too shocked to hear such excellent Cantonese spoken by u. Tks so much for loving Cantonese. U re the guardian angel of Cantonese. 💝 Ga1 yau2! heung1 gong2 yan4 yat1 ding6 ji1 chi4 nei5!💪🏻💪🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
@timetodestination9538 3 жыл бұрын
Grace, I wanna thank you from bottom of my heart for loving our language and our Cantonese culture.
@fitlo1972 3 жыл бұрын
Your Cantonese is great! I am super proud of you and others who try to speak Cantonese. Whether you speak it well or so-so, whether you are Chinese-decent or not, it doesn't matter. Thank you so much for treasuring Cantonese language. Keep it up! Next time when others look at you oddly, you can simply ask them, "is my Cantonese good? Are you proud of me? Do you want to know why I learn Cantonese?" No need to wait for them to encourage. Many people may not remember to speak encouragingwords /carry a conversation with you at that moment; it may be part of the Cantonese culture. Don't feel weird/take it personally.
@dorma7348 3 жыл бұрын
I would boldly tell you most 'Hong Kongers ' will be more than happy to hear you speaking Cantonese ! Your tone and pronunciation is excellent , I am so thankful to you to support and learn my mother language. Very impressed indeed !
@FaithEducation 3 жыл бұрын
Your Cantonese is very good. Very proud of you. Hong Kongers will never think that you are weird. I am teaching in a HK secondary school and there are a lot of Non-Chinese Speaking students, who are Indian, Pakistani, Filipinos. Some of them are second and third generation in Hong Kong. Some of them have just come to HK. I have to share your inspirational experience with them.
@tsecheukheii4145 3 жыл бұрын
As a Hongkonger i am very proud and appreciate that you learn Cantonese !! You speak very well and fluent !!
@AndyJugglesLanguages 2 жыл бұрын
You look so happy speaking Cantonese. I loved it when you said you stunned those guys by walking in and surprising them by speaking some Cantonese. :-)
@ettachan 3 жыл бұрын
@harryabcd 3 жыл бұрын
加油! :D Your Cantonese is nearly perfect! So happy to hear foreigners speak Cantonese!
@8CSKN8 3 жыл бұрын
I'm Aussie born Chinese. Your canto is better than mine lol. What's good is that you don't have much of an accent. Your tones are very good for a non-native speaker
@qiqi1953 3 жыл бұрын
Grace, yr facial expression of how yr hongkonger maths & Physic Teachers stared at u, made me laugh to death 🤣😂 such a big surprise 💕 you made your teachers chin falling down u know😂. my chin keep falling down & feel so glad when listen foreigners speak in Cantonese 😁
@mlee5710 3 жыл бұрын
As a HongKonger I would be happy if a foreigner can speak Cantonese. Also I would be happy to speak to you in Cantonese if I bump into you in London 😉 Keep it up Grace! 💖
@dancesbyk251 3 жыл бұрын
SIS YOUR CANTO IS AMAZING! ur pronunciation is fire 🔥 genuinely makes me so happy to see others learning canto!!
@keithng2517 3 жыл бұрын
I currently live in HK. Do not be discouraged to speak Cantonese to Hk'er. Quite frankly, you should be speaking Cantonese there, you get better service in Cantonese compared to English in HK. At first locals will be spooked out at a foreigner speaking Cantonese because they aren't familiar with you. If locals know you they would be speaking Cantonese to you. If you call someone on the phone, and you talk to them they would think you are a local HK because they cannot see u.
@keisteven1107 3 жыл бұрын
i am a hong Konger. i am so proud of you. Keep up the good effort! You speak Cantonese very well!
@yelhsa2575 3 жыл бұрын
As a Hong Konger I’m so touching and familiar when I hear you speak Cantonese. Great!
@jellymanfansy4544 3 жыл бұрын
You can say "O嘴"or "O曬嘴" for describing shocking XD
@vincentsiu8793 3 жыл бұрын
Grace you are brilliant! Thank you very much for supporting such a beautiful language. Cantonese never dies! Hong Kong never dies!
@sansnom9688 3 жыл бұрын
You're so brilliant! How can you learn Cantonese by yourself yet speak so perfectly?! Don't be shy, keep speaking with Hongkongers in Cantonese!
@miyakepo 3 жыл бұрын
HKger don't like to speak other language , we also feel shy and embarrass. Don't be shy, we always make mistake and we are appreciated you are working hard on leaning cantonese .
@mcgibs 3 жыл бұрын
Your pronunciation is AMAZING. Even better than mine! Mad respect.
@wayne5354 3 жыл бұрын
Crazy! I’m native hker and your Cantonese pronunciation better than me! Crazy! I would be happy if I met someone oversea speaks Cantonese to me. I couldn’t stop laughing watching your video. It’s so fun and cute. Thank you for share your story with us.
@cf2758 3 жыл бұрын
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