John Piper’s Most Bizarre Moment in Preaching

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Desiring God

Desiring God

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Ask Pastor John
Episode: 1374

Пікірлер: 487
@kirjian 3 жыл бұрын
Piper: this audience are good at reading people so I better be genuine The audience: *completely misreads Piper*
@sanctusstreams101 2 жыл бұрын
LOLOLOLOL this is so true.
@ENCwwe 3 жыл бұрын
Imagine having one of these folks as your counselor... “I feel worthless and lonely” “Hahahahaha, that’s hilarious!”
@edwrdawg 3 жыл бұрын
@djentile7773 3 жыл бұрын
Also the fact that it is almost impossible to not laugh when it is a highly inappropriate time to.
@ENCwwe 3 жыл бұрын
Djentile 777 I do have that problem lol
@Yooperchic 3 жыл бұрын
@@djentile7773 they are counselors. I am sure they have the discipline and empathy to hold in laughter while someone is showing vulnerability. This is way beyond that.
@beulahgideon9779 2 жыл бұрын
I wierd that is...
@gari929 3 жыл бұрын
A great man of God.Humble enough to speak out on his weaknesses as a Christian. So humbling,so human. God bless him more for his honesty.
@rafaelmunoz7424 4 жыл бұрын
This is wierd, sounds like a 80's citcom audience
@jamieparler961 3 жыл бұрын
As a counselor myself it’s seems at first that they perceived the initial confession as an icebreaker or connection point to a specific audience. As it went, it seemed that the mood changed and then they (including the round of applause during your continued confession) began to express their compassion for you as a show of support. Many counselors have the spiritual gift of mercy And many of them do not speak publicly but one on one where they are able to encourage the other person that they are counseling with as they are sharing their hearts and struggles.
@somethinggood9267 4 жыл бұрын
I think they misunderstood what he was saying as being self deprecating humour. But when they kept laughing it was kinda weird....
@holubtsi 4 жыл бұрын
right? so slow on the uptake. most people are followers. I get joy from moments when God's grace sets me free from sin, fear, anxiety, despair. focusing on God and not the gifts
@David-_-_- 3 жыл бұрын
Agreed. I could understand why they laughed at the first couple it seemed like he could have been giving his issues in a light hearted way. Then I think it was just a snow ball effect. Laughing is contageous - and the energy of the room switched into thinking he was giving a light hearted opening.
@jeremyparker9873 2 жыл бұрын
The people organising the event mixed up his spot with a comedian so he got sent out in the comedians place so the people thought he was the comedian. It was just a mix up.
@DadDrummer75 3 жыл бұрын
Who’s here because of TikTok?
@choblgobblrr1074 3 жыл бұрын
@jared589 3 жыл бұрын
@MzansiTrueCrimeDiva 3 жыл бұрын
@princeedwarddukeofkent6903 3 жыл бұрын
I’m so confused... what tiktok is this from?
@jesusfollowerswomenministries 3 жыл бұрын
@@jared589 God designed our world so that everything would exist in perfect harmony. He made humankind in His image, so that we had the capacity to worship Him and walk with Him. Because God created you, He loves you. You exist to glorify Him in a real relationship.Mankind has rebelled against God, choosing to live for ourselves instead of for Him. This rebellion, called sin, has come between us and God. This sin brings about brokenness in our personal lives, our relationships, and also our world. Not only has it separated us from Him and His perfect design, it also brings judgment and death.Because God loves us, He sent His only son Jesus to rescue us from our sins. The Bible says that “God shows his love for us in that while we were sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). Jesus lived a perfect life, died on the cross as payment for our sins, was buried, and rose again from the dead. His resurrection proves that God has accepted Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins. Believe in Him and go to Jesus in faith and trust in Him and trust in Him for salvation and repent of your sins and He will hear from Heaven and forgive you of your sins and save you from all sin and from death and from the enemy and from the wrath of God that's against sin. (Romans 5,6,7,8, John 3:16, 1 John 1:9). I'll be praying for you to come to know the true God of all and experience His true love and Holy Spirit and salvation and i pray you'll go to Him and get saved Amen in Jesus name
@stefc1289 4 жыл бұрын
They could have laughed at first when he stated I"'m a sinner" because it is so obvious that everyone is a sinner, it seemed absurb that he would say it like it was a serious revelation. Many people have a self-deprecating type of humor, so when he said he doubted his own motives for speaking to this audience, the audience took it as him relating to his audience as counselors who perhaps doubt their own motives for being counselors. The audience could have perceived his statements as an attempt at humor, which many speakers use as an icebreaker/attention technique. I think if he wouldn't have started with the absurdly obvious "I'm a sinner" as a deep confession, the audience wouldn't have been expecting something else to be taken as unserious.
@gid1776 4 жыл бұрын
Honestly I laughed when listening to it now. While I only listened to the small clip provided It was just so dead pan the way he said it. I don't know how you could at all blame the audience, though to be fair I did not listen to it in context.
@Ellie_the_hoop3r 4 жыл бұрын
Absurd? Very strange that you would justify their laughter when it was evident that he was serious and anyone who has listened to him knows his talks are always serious and gospel oriented.
@stefc1289 4 жыл бұрын
@@Ellie_the_hoop3r Not seeking to justify, but to understand. I also do not know that the listeners in this audience were those who were familiar with his preaching style.
@AtamMardes 4 жыл бұрын
Evolution made man and we are all born sin-free. Religion is a guild scam that threatens you with an imaginary hell for not believing in an imaginary God, and rewards your gullibility with an imaginary heaven.
@bretlynn 4 жыл бұрын
@louislaw85 6 ай бұрын
Pastor piper.. As a person who's left Christianity for 2 decades, your humility and grace reminds me all things good about jesus🙇‍♂️
@nightsky5882 4 ай бұрын
Come back to the Father’s house 🙏
@EconomyofTruthHub 4 жыл бұрын
I study language for a living, so my take is a little different. There's actually a whole realm of linguistics and psychology that studies humor and why something is funny. I'm no expert in that field, but there are two themes that come up again and again in the literature: we laugh at something unexpected; we laugh when someone lives up to a stereotype. In this case, either the audience found it unexpected that a pastor would come out and say "I'm a sinner" (keep in mind not all denominations of Christianity use this way of talking) or they are laughing at the "actually quite sinful" pastor stereotype or a "male" stereotype (he says that he feels instinctively justified in blaming others when he's tired) or perhaps an everyman stereotype. Think about why you laugh at certain jokes: one of my favorite kinds of jokes are relatable jokes (where I think, "Oh my gosh, I always do that!"). It's quite possible that the audience was laughing because they found his confession so relatable AND people don't normally give confessions in large audiences so it was also unexpected. I think we tend to default in thinking that laughter is derision but it's quite possible that the laughter was coming from a different place: a sense of understanding and connection. As other commenters said, he gives a "dead pan" delivery, with no indication that the audience has misinterpreted his purpose. So the other audience members who hear the laughter might join in because they, too, are interpreting the talk as humorous. What I mean to say is, I don't think it's the fault of anyone, and I think there are much more nuanced (and compelling) explanations about why the audience interpreted his talk as humorous that go beyond "they are all bad people."
@jokelechi7589 3 жыл бұрын
My thoughts exactly Laughter ain't sinful.. I laughed because like you said.. I can relate with it. I don't believe it did in any way reduce the seriousness of his intro. This is just my thoughts though
@galaxiegoddess 3 жыл бұрын
They laughed because he got switched time slots with a comedian. They thought he was a comedian doing a bit
@D00dman Жыл бұрын
@@galaxiegoddess I laughed because, hearing the context, it *truly* was funny seeing the absolute death of communication between Piper and the audience. Plus, as someone with autism, this is extremely relatable considering this is something that I ALWAYS have to watch out for.
@thatswhatshesaid8365 Жыл бұрын
I understand what you mean,, and I agree with it.. In This context, it would Maybe make sense for like.. the first 2 sentences. But then he directly states "I was not expecting laughter. You're a strange audience, I'm still perplexed. This is very serious, in case you weren't aware." And the laughing & clapping continues. That is very clearly stated. That IS individual fault. There's no way you can justify this level of understanding throughout the entire thing. Especially when, another speaker had already spoken before John and it was serious. It's very scary when a room full of people are laughing at you while you're humiliated. A room full of Counselors, at that. Not to mention.. This underlying seeking for "relief" through "entertainment" from John is cold. It just is, it's Selfish. You don't kick a man when he is down. We don't have the opportunity to enter a stage to confess our sins to potentially a bunch of strangers. Can you imagine? People taking Your Struggles as entertainment relief. Real understanding & connection to what John is experiencing most certainly would have ended before, and especially When he said this is very serious. I can't imagine that gut punch. It's cruel. There's no other way to put it, it's not sympathy or empathy. That's for certain. My reason for responding 2yrs later, is because I think it's important to point out that people take matters of God and the Heart way too lightheartedly. Why is eternal hell funny? Why is repentance a joke? Why are men specifically, shamed for expressing public emotion as if it's weak? Why do people seek solace and refuge in another's pain? Especially in the matters of Salvation. I'm a lot like you in the ways of being able to take a birds eye view and see from all angles,as an observer,and I seek to understand no matter the circumstances. I can use your ideology,data,research to an extent, but it loses weight half-way thru the problem. Thank you for sharing, because this explanation is very helpful and useful for solving many uncomfortable happenstances this life beholds for us. Hope all is well, take care 🙏
@travelin.trucker 3 жыл бұрын
He was moved up in scheduling and landed at a time that was slotted for a christian comedian. The audience was scheduled to watch the comedian. That's why everyone is laughing.
@rooty 3 жыл бұрын
How is it that everyone knows this but in this interview he still has no idea and none of the people emailing them about it mention the reason either
@TheDigMe 3 жыл бұрын
People who were there have said that this is false.
@irrelevantideology9640 3 жыл бұрын
Is this legit?
@TheDigMe 3 жыл бұрын
@@irrelevantideology9640 The thing about being rescheduled into a comedian’s slot is not true according to many people. Piper has been interviewed recently about this talk and he didn’t mention anything about that either.
@neb999 3 жыл бұрын
Even better 🤣. He deserved it
@jdoorenb 4 жыл бұрын
Pastor John, I actually would submit that part of the issue there is that, in spite of not intending to tell a joke, you had accidental comedic timing. Like others have said, the opening statement, "Let me spare you the analysis: I am a sinner." Is an objectively funny line. I know hindsight is 20/20, but if you wanted the rest of that to be not funny to them, you should have stopped and said, "I know, I know, obvious! (or however John Piper says that), but I want to bear my soul a little for you, and this is absolutely serious." Take the laugh, acknowledge the laugh, and then reset the tone. I know, the gall of teaching Pastor John to preach, but this might be a good note for others who find themselves in a situation where their audience/congregation takes a serious statement as a joke. Take a moment to acknowledge that what you said might be funny, laugh a little with them, then reset the tone.
@jdoorenb 4 жыл бұрын
I've even stopped to say, "You know, I didn't intend that as a joke, but it was kind of funny to say, wasn't it?"
@BatMite19 4 жыл бұрын
I agree wholeheartedly. It sounded like a lighthearted opening, and then subsequent pauses coming out of Piper's confusion led to more laughs. I wonder how many of the listeners were thinking, "I wonder when he's going to get serious?"
@nguyenucan8432 3 жыл бұрын
I have watched the video a couple of times, still can't understand why people were laughing... I think I would never fathom it.
@bctad4562 3 жыл бұрын
exactly!!!! He accidentally inserted comments that encouraged laughing. He is a truly Godly and incredible righteous man yet his timing created a humorous narrative unintentionally. when the crowd starts laughing they get caught up in. None the less, it was a weird situation. I could cut his tension with a knife and his perceived offended sense...YET I often thought he was encouraging the laughing.
@brianb4390 3 жыл бұрын
Sounds scripted and like people pleasing to me. His response was MUCH greater. YOU PREACH what the Holy Spirit puts on your heart and don't react or question what God is doing according to people's reactions. I think the problem may have been was everyone was "hyped" emotionally and not so much spiritually. They were at the biggest hotel in the Nation and "John Piper" wow was the key speaker. People were seeking entertainment or a "big show" probably unknowingly as opposed to serious spiritual growth.
@abhishektirkey6985 4 жыл бұрын
The only explanation I can think of is that the crowd seriously thought he was a some sort of stand up comedian to begin with. I tried to put myself in those shoes and I found myself laughing as well.
@graywarden8340 3 жыл бұрын
I agree.
@DanielGrovePhoto 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah the modern church is so not use to that kind of talk it seemed like a comical bit of self degradation / transparency.
@zionward9816 3 жыл бұрын
I love his temperament to be able to speak on the event without condemning the congregation.
@thegospeloutpost322 4 жыл бұрын
Laughter can sometimes be the uncontrollable response to an awkward situation. For so many people that admire Dr. Piper as a man of God, hearing his open flaws would more than likely just not compute with their image. It’s difficult to understand that our heroes have flaws and aren’t perfect just like it’s difficult to learn our parents aren’t perfect either. Thank you, though, for your grace in this and continued reliance on the sovereignty of God who works beyond our ability to understand.
@latarashamcneil9101 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for making this (audio) video. It is refreshing to hear that a man who has been a Christian for decades also struggles with different sins, too. Pastor John is a very learned man of God and it was an interesting interview.
@pamsummers544 3 жыл бұрын
Dear John Piper, the message God laid on your heart about God’s Glory is life-changing to me. Recently. I have been reading God’s Word and listening to Bible teacher’s and Christian friends and the subject of God’s holiness keeps coming up. We are not hearing a lot about this on churches today as far as I can tell. The issue people are making of the “laughter” is only a distraction of your amazingly needed message in our day. I love my Heavenly Father and I praise Him in many different ways. I am thankful for pastor’s as yourself who put everything on the line to handle the Word of Truth rightly and faithfully. May God’s continued blessings and strength fill your heart with much joy! In The precious name of Jesus, I write to you!😉😊
@TabithaDavis 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for your transparency pastor John! I relate so much! I struggle with doing the right things and worry that I'm actually being selfish and patting myself on the back for it, etc.. I dont feel so crazy now.
@Jellyrole167 4 жыл бұрын
Tabitha Davis I struggle with this too
@believewithyourheart5627 3 жыл бұрын
A wonderful, humble analysis.... when I heard the clip it perplexed me too, but then it began to make some sense.... that you have fear of looking foolish, and they were laughing, brought what you were saying very present. Also, my sense is that they weren't laughing in a mocking way, perhaps they were very joyful, and couldn't hear the seriousness of what you were trying to convey. I loved the way you handled it! A true example. The laughter was loud, but I'm sure there were some who quietly, received the message and heard your heart. God bless you and thankyou, pastor John for staying humble and being an example, I learn so much from you, how to walk more closely with Christ.
@selderane 3 жыл бұрын
I heard the whole clip just a few minutes ago and I thought it was funny too. I understood he was opening up about his sins, but it felt like he was putting a thick layer of dry humor on it. It felt obvious. Clearly, the audience felt the same. It wasn't disrespectful, it was just a misjudgment of his delivery. His delivery here is much more forceful than a decade ago at the conference. And while he may say he's never told a joke in a sermon, most people aren't familiar with him and his delivery, despite his intentions otherwise, came across as very dry humor at that time.
@jared589 3 жыл бұрын
Or the times got switched and these people weren't counselors at all
@GradyHouger 4 жыл бұрын
I've heard it only takes a handful of audience reactions to turn a whole crowd. People follow leaders. These folks erroneously fell into the deeply engrained "standard comedy routine" reaction.
@carolewestbrook843 Жыл бұрын
The laughter surprised me,too! I was identifying with his confessions, being reminded that I must constantly be on guard against prideful motives.
@browserbookmarks5778 4 жыл бұрын
A wealth of wisdom is found in this episode. John Piper has never disappointed me.
@jamesviice4217 4 жыл бұрын
I guess its called irony, and the audience misunderstood the delivery
@aidanmccoy5964 4 жыл бұрын
I think their reaction is because they expected him to be doing what many preachers may do for a big event gathering like this. They expected him to come out with a interesting, sarcastic and comical story to kick off the sermon. And when he stated his weaknesses with such humility, they took as sarcasm, and of course, laughed at it. I know many preachers tell funny stories with the same straightforward delivery as he appears to give in his very serious and honest sermon. So they were either a confused or rude audience.
@shaineanderson8669 4 жыл бұрын
I love pastor John and his ministry has affected my life greatly. With that said, I understand the quagmire of a reality that is comical in the confession of his vulnerability. BECAUSE I feel similar in many ways.
@KennethSaul 4 жыл бұрын
I remember watching that video years ago, soooooo cringy and crazy, I immediately started praying for Dr. Piper when I watched it. It's totally like a surreal preacher's nightmare.
@Izthefaithful 4 жыл бұрын
That’s really weird wow I’m sorry Pastor Piper
@Nicole-gz3rz 3 жыл бұрын
They laughed because they thought he was the comedian who was supposed to be on stage at that time
@myanxietyispurple8142 3 жыл бұрын
Did you get that off of TikTok??
@TheDigMe 3 жыл бұрын
This is false.
@rogermeister777 3 жыл бұрын
The body language, inflection and facial expression gives me the impression that telling the truth but making it light hearted. I totally can relate to his issues and glad someone can express it verbally without being overly serious. The Joy of the Lord is my strength.
@latenightcereal2390 4 жыл бұрын
Legitimately creeped me out. Unno the goosebumps when you're terrified? Seriously creeped me out.
@shunclock1634 4 жыл бұрын
I love how the way he said that we could be a poor judge towards other’s reaction and how God can work through all of our experiences with Him like whether we get bored at a sermon or laugh our pants off since at the end of the day it’s all His anyway. Focus not on others but on you personal relation with the Lord. Praise God for using him as a sample at being humble before God in these kind of weird reactions ^_^
@taylorbarrett384 3 жыл бұрын
I thought the incident was absolutely hilarious. And Piper's authenticity in the moment was so perfect. *And I am continually perplexed.." 😂😂😂
@melissajordan159 Жыл бұрын
“ I guess get it out of your system”😂😂 Yikes
@kennethdoughty644 Жыл бұрын
People are Strange in awkward situations. If I were ' Confessing 'and laughter Broke out.... I'd tell a "Knock-Knock Joke!" or blame the dog 🐕 . ..
@philhoward490 4 жыл бұрын
Oh my... That is so weird it was almost creepy.
@jimmyjames1157 4 жыл бұрын
I know!!!! Right? It felt weird to hear it!!!
@Val-ge6lc 4 жыл бұрын
Agree! 😮
@xsertemina1391 4 жыл бұрын
Have you checked Matt Chandler on Orange Revival?
@yeahyeahyeah2935 4 жыл бұрын
It sounded scary for sure! Very creepy. It’s a mechanical laughter. Just weird!
@martialartsscience560 4 жыл бұрын
Creepy laughter like it was demonic
@Inharmonics77 3 жыл бұрын
Am I the only one who found the misunderstanding and absurdism of this laughter very funny? I love Jesus and John Piper.
@scotthorton7786 4 жыл бұрын
I had zero desire to laugh at what he was saying
@GoodlifeTruth 4 жыл бұрын
@VACatholic 4 жыл бұрын
I thought it was funny. What makes something funny? Absurdity. To me he's just describing being human. The struggles were incredibly relatable. So unless the presumption is he has transcended those foibles, which he by his words is admitting he hasn't, he's just saying I'm human and have imperfections. How he started it just made it absurd to think he was anything but that. And so it made me laugh. Not at him, but with him. To show a commonality of spirit.
@bankrollbilly 4 жыл бұрын
@bbeige54 4 жыл бұрын
Very strange?
@child_of_weakness7600 3 жыл бұрын
The only thing that made me wanna laugh was hearing other people laugh which changed the tone so I just tuned the volume off and read the captions and I understood better.
@pierrespoint 4 жыл бұрын
Thank the Lord our God for humility.
@CoogieFilmz 4 жыл бұрын
I'd be curious to hear a response from some of the christian counselors in attendance. What did they think experiencing it first hand & what they think about it now in retrospect.... would love to hear from them
@wandapate978 2 жыл бұрын
As a counselor,elder,teacher I laughed as well. From relief, like a light had been turned on in a dark, hidden room in my soul. The laughter was recognition.We all have a room like that. Recognition did not mean it was funny. It meant thank you Father ! Truth sets us free. Release.
@Geno_Whirl 2 жыл бұрын
I never thought that I could laugh this much from hearing APJ. This is why they say laughter is contagious.
@Music-tf1yn 4 жыл бұрын
It really isn't that weird I know he didn't mean for jokes but his timing and word play sounded like he could have been joking in a sort of more curmudgeonly way
@user-os3qs8fp6p 4 жыл бұрын
Perplexing, but not bizarre. People sometimes laugh as a relief mechanism. Given that people in the audience were counselors - these same matters are the very ones they try to help people sort out for themselves on a daily basis. Most certainly, on a daily basis, as you guide the 'lost' - these are questions you search within yourself daily as well. And find yourself wanting. They came to listen to a man they hold in high esteem, who sets a great example. Only to find out he isn't high, mighty and perfect - but has the same nagging questions and criticisms of himself, as you as a counselor do on a daily basis. What a relief!!! I am not the only one... Here is the great John Piper, feeling just like I do. Hence the laughter. Not because John Piper was funny, but because they found their own behaviour silly& ridiculous - for secretly thinking they just don't make the grade. They were laughing at themselves, not at John Piper
@DB786S 4 жыл бұрын
Pastor John, while giving the nine points, you could have just as well said, Jakes these are your shortcomings / sins, I could not believe how you named the exact things I struggle with, and as such I feel everything you were going through at that time. This message blessed me extremely.
@robjason9695 4 жыл бұрын
What?!? Almost sounds like the fake audience Clips and laughter that old game shows used to add.
@astheskylarksings 4 жыл бұрын
Piper ✊🏾 we need more like him
@wackzingo 3 жыл бұрын
I just listened to it and was laughing the whole time. I was surprised he was such a great comedian. It wasn't until I read the comments that I realized he was being serious and heard about this interview. I never would have guessed he was serious.
@noellealdi881 3 жыл бұрын
Me too! I thought it was all dry bar comedy
@riizentheovercomer5405 4 жыл бұрын
Levels of Godhead!!! Grace to you Brother in Christ Jesus! This is how close you are and are in the crowd. Black hole and white hole! Inner opposite as outer let's us draw nearer to one another and be THE ONE now bringing from the outer to us now to tell you.. GOD IS GOOD not some time but ALL TIMES! Peace and loving grace!
@jessethomas3979 4 жыл бұрын
I remember listening to that sermon... It was painful to listen to the laughter... Very uncomfortable
@mashtatoueful 3 жыл бұрын
Holy crap, 10 years and this guy still doesn't get it...
@michaelparker5478 3 жыл бұрын
Absolutely no sense of humor
@RiethAndal 3 жыл бұрын
I've never heard Tony respond so much to pastor John
@alphatoinfinity777 Жыл бұрын
This is easy to explain and the basic foundation of humor. It also explains why babies laugh so easily at peek-a-boo. Piper comes in and is known to be all serious and all his anointed wisdom. The audience is expecting some high level bible analysis and then gets "I'm a sinner". The unexpectedness of the confession from a preacher held in such high esteem is ... Funny. The confession isn't funny but the context, the people holding their breath for some amazing revelation from God Almighty and they get something that everyone knows and that is in comedic terms, the rug pull even though Piper didn't mean it. Love the humility and honesty of this man. That is honoring God. God bless!
@AC-zx4hd 3 жыл бұрын
The guy has a natural delivery of a pro comedian.
@jcortizrojas 4 жыл бұрын
I think they laughed because Piper began his speech by saying "I don't think I could think of any other audience that would be more likely to see straight through a speaker than you would." here's the video,, and Piper said that in the first 30 seconds. so that's his opening. he set the tone of the speech with those words and to counselors and psychologists that sounds like "you guys intimidate me a lot just by you being therapists... I'm here scared to death, I feel like you can read my mind, I don't even know if I want to be here" .... the people in the audience probably thought "oh jeez... is this dude for real right now? does he really think that we are always analyzing people compulsively?"
@SlipKnotRicky 3 жыл бұрын
They laughed because Pastor John's comments resonated with their own inner thoughts and feelings......
@murielshore4843 3 жыл бұрын
I have just discovered KZbin so have no clue who this man is. I listened to that message because of the heading and was shocked at the laughter. I am 72 and been sheltered from so much of the world because I was born in Zimbabwe and spent my life there. We are so out of touch with world because we struggle each day for the necessities and having to pay for TV that comes from outside the country is too expensive. I am now staying where my family have wifi so can watch a few things on KZbin.
@The-F.R.E.E.-J. 3 жыл бұрын
God bless you, brother. You might be better off without yt. 😉
@bcalhoun100 2 ай бұрын
I really think its possible that the transparency was a shock and was like hitting a funny bone for them, and laughing was just the only way to cope with it.
@friendlyman9032 3 жыл бұрын
.The reason the audience laughed..The spirit of laughter is what I heard..The reason He was not overstood...Is He cared what they thought of him..He said his motivation in your interview..We must never care what our audience thinks of us..when we do..we will Give our message rather than God's message...all is vanity....The sensitive man is vanity..the strong man is vanity..Oh Jesus..let the light shine BRIGHT on my path.
@ashleym8658 3 жыл бұрын
Sounds like projection tbh
@Bokay502 4 жыл бұрын
The audience was supposedly told that there would be a comedian that would be speaking, but because of a change of scheduling, John Piper went to speak during that time. They would have been primed to laugh, and if you think about the video and watch the whole thing, they laugh at times that people would laugh if it were comedy. So it was apparently a result of a mix-up that they were laughing at John.
@lbee8247 4 жыл бұрын
I believe the laughter was just the audience feeling like the things Pastor John was saying was obvious because they all related. It's like if I spoke at a woman's conference and I started off saying I am a woman. It's like duh, we are all women. She must be saying that as an icebreaker. And they laugh. For them to be quiet at the moment might have come across as if Pastor John was saying something unique to him. He is in a room full of counselors who most likely became counselors because they are all sinners and all felt awkward and are all still dealing with their issues and that was obvious to all of them. It's like what eles is new. But not meant to be disrespectful but relating. I think this post is truly the only post of Ask Pastor John that I think is so off. Unless there was more to that conference it wasn't that big of a deal. The audience probably didn't know it was a sober moment or that Pastor John was sharing something so personal and what felt unique to him though not unique to any of them or any of us. I hope what I'm saying makes sense. I'm glad I wasn't in that audience and listening to this now. I would feel deeply misunderstood for my reaction and hurt that that was Pastor Johns take away that day. My point is announcing the obvious seems funny sometimes.
@Spooky550 3 жыл бұрын
No dumbass they taught he was a comedian because their times got switched
@RealXFool 4 жыл бұрын
When you watch so many sitcoms and then someone tells you a genuine thing.
@crashboatfilms1 3 жыл бұрын
i just saw this on tiktok and had to research it - the video says his time slot was switched with a comedian but the programs handed out were not changed, so the audience thought he was a comedian
@mckyla7575 3 жыл бұрын
I saw it too! Haha everyone here has no idea they thought he was a comedian
@glodimvovi2345 3 жыл бұрын
I just saw it too
@crashboatfilms1 3 жыл бұрын
Mckyla Attaway he still doesn’t know 😅🥺
@mckyla7575 3 жыл бұрын
Amy Figueroa Mori he’s still so confused 🤣
@crashboatfilms1 3 жыл бұрын
Mckyla Attaway can you actually tag me in it on tiktok? i forgot to save it lol 😅 @thatsamorii
@tanyaratti 4 жыл бұрын
People just didn’t understand that John Piper was a ‘sinner’
@HearGodsWord 4 жыл бұрын
I remember hearing this and found it odd that they were laughing at things which weren't funny.
@heathersmith2201 3 жыл бұрын
I commented on that video about a week ago. I didn't not understand why they were laughing either. You were completely confessing and humbling yourself, and they laughed at you. But people tend to lean on sin, so they thought it to be funny. It was sad though, because you would think, they being your peers; they would understand. I believe they were not lead by the spirit, but led by demons to laugh. People don't understand people who can think bigger than themselves! So, they laugh instead. I have done this too, because people need to know where they come from, to know were to go. Some people tend to put pastors on a pedestal, and think they are above them. But we are human too! We have problems too! We should not make fun of God or the Word of God. You keep preaching how God commanded you to preach! We di what God wants, not what people want! Thank be to God! God bless you! Peace be with you!🙏🙏
@jirensentry7609 2 ай бұрын
I listened to a portion of this today and I think i finally understand why they kept laughing: I think for Pastor Piper, he had recognized a dynamic early on in the conference that if there is ever an audience a pastor such both be straight-forward with, it would be a room of nearly 8k Christian Counselors - Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Pastors, multi-issue life coaches and life counselors (all I assume...) and shed all forms of pretense, it would be that kind of audience. He being a pastor saying that, I can see from their view how and why that would be funny. I think from that first set of two observations about them set in their minds a truth that Pastor Piper was vulnerable not in the manner he was confessing, but one who was vulnerable in that he is uneasy... So every truth he spoke seemed to bolster their understanding of it. Not only this, but where he was truly sharing hardships and vulnerabilities he had, being honest and transparent, he said that he was unsure of his motives often - especially at that moment... What moment is that? That moment in which Piper is before an audience filled with Spiritual discernment and educational skills to deeply read people and he is standing there saying all these things that keep pointing to the audience's ability to detect whether he is lying, so he may as well tell them everything he can. Because he isn't trying to be read and seen thoroughly, yet hiding who he is. That's what I finally got from this. I heard it from the start and the audience laughs more than what we hear on this epislde. It was a build up and it was clearly throwing Pastor John off, but he continued.
@juliannazell1178 3 жыл бұрын
I didn’t think anything was funny either, but your remarks were a blessing.
@fishingforcandyBW Жыл бұрын
Pipers voice is very delicious. I'm thankful he activated my encounter with the holy spirit
@angiemcghee6848 3 жыл бұрын
It is bizarre if all you heard is the clip played here. If you listen to the whole introduction that you can find on another KZbin video, he actually sets the stage for laughter at the beginning by insinuating that they (the audience, being counselors) knows what God knows and therefore would see right through him if he attempted to "Schmooze"them or in any way be hypocritical. An obviously absurd insinuation which comes across as funny being so ludicrous of a statement.
@Lisa-qk1xj Жыл бұрын
I saw that sermon. I laughed as well. I think Pastor Piper and others are missing why the audience reacted the way they did. Obviously not everyone there was familiar with ALL of Pastor Pipers sermons and that he does not ever incorporate humor into his sermons, as was stated in this video. Most Pastors try to incorporate some kind of humor or levity that is befitting of the topic at hand, even if it's irony or self deprecating humor. Not always, but some of the time at least. So I believe that's what the audience thought was going on that day. Pastor Piper showed up to a conference filled with self-help guru's, The "Christian Counselor", and it seemed like, right out of the gate, he was facetiously presenting himself as a patient in the form of self deprecating humor. It came off as an ice breaker with levity. Like saying "Hey, I get what you do. I'm validating you through my self deprecating humor." He couldn't have done it better if he had planned it. I think that's how most of the room took it. Most of the audience literally had no idea he wasn't joking. Even when he called the audience a strange crowd, I think for some that just solidified the humor even further. For others (like myself) I think it was a head scratching moment where we said "Wait, is he really not understanding why everyone is laughing or is that just part of the shtick? Was he actually being serious?" I don't think most ever expected Pastor Piper to take himself so seriously in front of a group of counselors, so it genuinely came off as humor. Dead pan delivery and all. I also don't believe those who laughed meant to belittle a serious moment, because they didn't think it was a serious moment (I know I didn't). After I learned that Pastor Piper was indeed being serious and not joking around, I actually respected him for his honesty and willingness to be open & vulnerable. That took integrity and courage. However, I also felt bad for what was obviously a socially awkward moment. I feel Pastor Piper has grossly underestimated how desperately people feel the need for there to be some form of levity when it comes to dealing with emotional or weighty issues. The counselors deal with heavy issues every day. They hear everyone's problems and sins every day. They weren't expecting Pastor Piper to pull up a couch, lay down, and start a therapy session. This is literally why most people thought he had to be joking. I hope the lesson here is not lost on either Pastor Piper or Desiring God ministries. I hope the walk away here isn't "This was so strange." Because it wasn't. What is strange is not seeing why people found his remarks humorous. Why they actually needed for them to be humorous and how it was a little awkward when they realized they were not meant to be taken that way. I hope, instead, this moment might be seen as a divine appointment. A counseling session for the pastor so to say. Maybe God brought Pastor Piper to this event, because he needed to be counseled by what the counselors had to say (through their laughter). That it's okay not to take yourself so seriously all the time Pastor John. It's okay to be the one to lighten the load every once in awhile with a little levity and people are not strange or wrong for desiring that, for needing that. The world's a heavy place and shepherds are called to help alleviate part of that load, not necessarily add to it. You can educate, warn, and protect, but it's also okay to show humor every once in awhile too. It's okay to lighten the load. The sheep have many needs. Seriousness is just one of them and showing a little levity every now and then in the pulpit won't make them take you any less seriously. It will just let them know you understand, that you get it. That's what the counselors thought you were saying that day. That's why they laughed.
@nickpereira4047 8 ай бұрын
I have just read your comment. You are absolutely spot on. Everything you say seems to me to be the perfect interpretation of what happened. I got quite emotional reading what you wrote. Thank you and God bless you.
@dannyboyz7061 4 жыл бұрын
I've actually heard Piper tell many jokes in sermons before. I'm not sure if he means, *prepared* ahead of time, or not. I have certainly heard many off-the-cuff, in the moments, jokes.
@TheRev1011 4 жыл бұрын
Yes he has. I thought the same exact thing.
@jessethomas3979 4 жыл бұрын
He does... Listen to around 11:30
@cyrusstombaugh909 4 жыл бұрын
I think he just meant he doesnt prepare his message with jokes they might just come up while hes up there but he doesnt plan them.
@foxtanii9056 Жыл бұрын
Agreed about the clown stage act pastorhood pastor John. Respect and thanks and God's blessings on you from the UK (and Hungary)
@info-checkentertainmentltd5851 4 жыл бұрын
What I took from this. Is that the struggles you perceive you have, Are not real. or are not as much as a problem as you think it is. That's what The Lord Christ Jesus reaveled to me.
@FelineFamilyVlogs7 4 жыл бұрын
So before listening to this recording I read through the comments and saw people saying "oh the crowd thought he was a comedian coming on stage" Okay so I listened in. And according to John Piper this was a conference with thousands of Christian counselors.....did you get that? Christian counselors. Whether or not they thought the guy coming on stage was a comedian it takes quite a bit of gall to not only think to laugh at someone discussing Gods Word and being a sinner but roaring laughter? Not even that but the fact they even thought this could be something someone would make light of and joke about is really disturbing. I'm not quite sure what to make of this to be honest it was very creepy to listen to and does not come across as a bunch of Christian people coming together for the right reasons. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 2 Timothy 3:16 KJV
@cyrusstombaugh909 4 жыл бұрын
Yea, I never find jokes about scripture or doctrine funny. They disgust me if I'm honest because there is nothing more serious than Gods word, By it people learn of their depravity and the glory of God. It's a matter of eternal life or eternal death.
@FelineFamilyVlogs7 4 жыл бұрын
@@cyrusstombaugh909 exactly it is no laughing matter. Most people don't take it quite serious anyways but to actually laugh they way they did. And that this wasn't just a random group of people, but Christian counselors coming together for edification is just really bizarre. But many are called few are chosen. We can label ourselves all the religious terms we want but our words and our actions justify (and condemn) us.
@theresaplash2462 3 жыл бұрын
That was sooo strange!!! WOW!
@rhiannancaraway 3 жыл бұрын
It was due to the opening line "I'm a sinner". The way that was presented was funny because, of course you are. I have listened to that particular sermon multiple times and it was obvious to me each time. It truly was the timing of each confession after that opening line.
@definty 3 жыл бұрын
It's just the shear confusion of the situation brings tears to my eyes, it's such a silly situation to be in.
@littleboots9800 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly, it's the absurdity of the situation that's so funny. Poor John.
@17attewell 3 жыл бұрын
I think that the councillors in attendance thought is the speaker serious that these sins are worth detailing compared to what we deal with on a daily basis.
@leodwinak 3 жыл бұрын
His introduction sounds like the opening of an alcoholics anonymous meeting. It's easy for everyone in the room or listening later online to laugh. He is saying what we all know or should know about ourselves. He used his inner struggle as an example of the life we all face. Metaphorically He is flipping over a big pile of abandoned building supplies laying out in the back yard. We know what might be under such a nearly arrangement of scraps and supplies. Underneath is the brown grass, missing tools, slugs, worms, bugs maybe a mouse nest or a dead animal. Here is what all hide try and hide from each other and ourselves. This is our shared state of existence. So what can we going to do about it? It's a great introduction especially considering the audience. It's uncomfortable truth. Being spoken to people who deal with the worst of human nature, sin and suffering everyday. An audience can't be laughing and take seriously the things a speaker has to say? Does ever sermon have to result in people feeling like they need to crawl on their bellies to the altar in tears? Having listened to John Piper's for years I know he is a very serious intellect. It does seem odd anyone would have a problem with the audience's response because they didn't act as he expected them to act as if they weren't taking him seriously. This opening with honesty or acknowledgement of reality is where they work to bring their clients every day. Getting people to see their hearts truth condition is their life's work. I see this as more pastor Piper's problem not the audience. I don't see a problem with opening a sermon with making people laugh. Putting them at ease or pulling them in close you can deliver whatever message God has given you to deliver. I assume no one making these comments was at the conference or knows the seriousness of the other lectures presented. After possible lectures on ministry to survivors of domestic violence, divorce, sexual abuse, ptsd, and suicide here is a well regarded internationally famous minister of the Gospel who has his own load of personal issues. My mother used to say if doesn't make you laugh you'd have to cry. Is it a speakers job to take the temperature in the room and adjust or to set the temperature in the room? His response and many of these comment bring to mind the substitute teacher who doesn't have any history with and little understanding of the class he is taking over for the day. I understand it is being framed as a larger problem with Christian/church culture or lack comprehension of the seriousness of the Gospel but to me it's pretty easy to understand. His audience was connecting and hearing him. They were activitly engaged. The confusion is all his not theirs.
@MatheusAzevedoDrums 3 жыл бұрын
GloryGOD..." 🔥
@lizward2344 4 жыл бұрын
how strange!
@kjuergens1985 3 жыл бұрын
I agree with John Piper's assessment. It's so sad to see that shallow, sitcom mindset everywhere in the church.
@keithgoodridge3856 Жыл бұрын
This is the first talk I have heard from John Piper where he did not open in prayer …
@AllThingsMavs41 2 жыл бұрын
Apparently there was a mixup in the speaker lineup and the crowd was told that a comedian was coming on AND THEN John Piper… so they literally thought he was a comedian getting up there speaking, not an actual speaker 😂
@freshstart6 4 жыл бұрын
Maybe the spirit is at work with this mental state of the audience
@kennystjohn2893 3 жыл бұрын
I seriously doubt that if many who responded with laughter that day were to hear themselves now would see/feel the weirdness and impropriety of their response to John’s honesty.
@noellealdi881 3 жыл бұрын
I’m a Christian and was laughing along with the video too.... I’m a more humorous person and the way he would pause was just like a comedian would.
@xVancha 3 жыл бұрын
A lot of people seem to be trying to rationalise why preaching would be confused for comedy, but without trivialising either it seems reasonable for there to be blurred lines between preaching and stand-up. The best of both involve getting up in front of an audience and baring your soul to try and make a connection. Observational stand-up especially is often about making people laugh through shared experience than anything inherently funny. I guess he's of the mindset that humour is trivialising, but it seems so sad that ten years on he still seems to view it more as a malfunction than a successful (albeit unintended) result.
@rickmathews4101 4 жыл бұрын
How serious do we need to take this? There was no confusion. When I listen to what Pastor Piper was saying, and at the point of the audiences laughter it could sound as if it were a punchline of a comedian. For instance. “I thought I would spare you the analysis and just go ahead and tell you up front that I’m a sinner.” Laughter! “A man who is prone to freeze up emotionally when tired and feels instinctively justified to blame it on someone else .” Laughter! “A man who never feels sure of his motives, including the ones I feel right now, about why I’m doing this.” Laughter! Then it was like a series of punchlines directed towards the audience. Obviously Paster was expressing his own personal brokenness and weaknesses, and it’s good for us to hear a man of such prominence and integrity, otherwise he might become worshiped, or at minimum not taken seriously because he’s from another planet. But I don’t think the audience was mocking or belittling him. It was what and how he was communicating that created a moment of laughter. In a sense I think laughter could help us not get stuck in our shortcomings.
@CoreyRyanJensen 4 жыл бұрын
Rick Mathews amen I’m glad to see someone else who saw it that way .
@JohnSmith-hy1zo 4 жыл бұрын
On this podcast, they were both laughing about it! My guess is that whatever preceded Piper was sort of funny to the audience to sort of set that up.
@preston0808 4 жыл бұрын
Wasn't it because the scheduling said a comedian was up next? They thought Piper was the comedian, so they were primed to laugh. I forget where I read this explanation, but it's the only thing that makes sense. Perhaps someone can reach out to John with this probable explanation.
@edmontonlynx33 3 жыл бұрын Skip to 3:25. This is the same thing I’ve heard about it.
@3345646 3 жыл бұрын
The descriptions of our fallen human nature were so familiar to them. They are in every counseling session. They are also well known to themselves. When something points out our fallen nature the first reaction is hide it or to laugh it off. Laughter is the amen of the flesh. Weeping is the amen of the spirit.
@jokelechi7589 3 жыл бұрын
I don't agree about laughter been fleshly. Laughter and weeping are not inherently good or bad. What matters is the heart that drives the intentions of both. Judas was sorrowful after his betrayal of the Lord.. but ended killing himself. Weeping can be driven by sinful motives in which case it doesn't glorify God. I know of preachers that're humorous in their messages yet does exceptional work with them. Preachers like Voddie Baucham and John MacArthur
@3345646 3 жыл бұрын
Voddie Baucham and John MacArthur are excellent. MacArtur: welcome to grace community’s peaceful protest. 😆😆😆 How laughter can be sinful.... I notice people who brag about how they got away with stealing or escaping being caught can get a laugh of approval for their assumed bravery.
@Benjamin_Watching 2 жыл бұрын
To me it sounds like the laughter is a response to the statement 'I am a sinner' being so obvious that it becomes ludicrous to say in that kind of company. In a way that could be a great thing i.e. everyone has accepted that all have sinned, which is biblical. It could also though mask quite a worrying notion in the church that we are so accustomed to sin that it can actually be a punchline. The lesson I would personally pull from this is that there is a delicate balance between understanding that sin is inevitable in a fallen world and making sure not to take it lightly.
@somethinggood9267 4 жыл бұрын
We love you John Piper!!!
@a5dr3 3 жыл бұрын
It’s so strange because it’s incredibly difficult for stand ups to get laughs, but for ten minutes he just can’t stop it. It’s like someone trying to not put the ball in the hoop but can’t miss. That conceptual fact itself actually makes it even funnier on top of what the audience already perceived as funny.
@AlinaTowers 3 жыл бұрын
Interestingly true, and I think it highlights the fact that the funniest comedians act like they're not even trying to be funny.
@lynettesmp 3 жыл бұрын
It was simply a timing thing. Maybe start with God and preach it - and then when we know what a sinner looks like, then say, "..but I am a sinner too, saved by Grace...." etc etc. We love John Piper, he is a man of God and a brilliant preacher...but we are all human.
@Gablesman888 3 жыл бұрын
John Piper is in good company having a crowd laughing at him when he is attempting to speak on a very serious spiritual subject: "Now when they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some mocked." Acts 17:32.
@bigsnacks2350 3 жыл бұрын
In the pamphlet that was handed to the audience he was labeled as a comedian, so they thought what he was saying was supposed to be funny, and in that context I totally understand why they laughed.
@The-F.R.E.E.-J. 3 жыл бұрын
Kind of sad though, isn't it, that we tend to behave according to the _claim_ of the "program" rather than the actual content?
@bigsnacks2350 3 жыл бұрын
@@The-F.R.E.E.-J. Well the claim of the program gave it a different context, content can change meaning based on it's context, I think it looks weird but idk if it's sad, it's more just interesting how that kind of a mix up can influence perspective and behaviour dramatically
@painteroflove Жыл бұрын
With you. Laughing "with you" got started because of the opening "I am a sinner." A few folks (who were already obviously in a jovial mood) laughed because of the "Of course, We ALL are!" factor. It sounded to them like a warm "ice-breaker" about the foibles common to man. Perhaps the mood (expectations) of the audience was primed by a previous speaker? I didn't laugh when you said you were a sinner... but I'm familiar with your teaching/preaching style. I didn't have "wrong expectations" at the beginning. Please excuse me for finding the SITUATION "adorably funny" when it became a runaway train. Eventually they were laughing at their own mistake, at themselves, at the situation, at their continuing recognition of your faults also being THEIR faults, their clients faults... The stuff they deal with at home, at work, in the mirror... But really it IS serious, and that's why they're laughing? Because they know it oh-too-well? Once the laughter snowball started rolling, your wonderful personality combined with the situation, made a perfect unexpected/recognized combo. I'm familiar with your preaching, read your books, (and owe you more serious gratitude than I can put into words). And I was still smiling. You were so charmingly "human" as you said "I don't know why you are laughing" and assured them that your troublesome human condition was not intended to be funny. Perhaps they were thinking: "No kidding - we KNOW (from personal experience) these struggles are waaay NOT funny, oh yeah! Believe us, we're therapists and it's soooo NOT FUNNY, yep! Haha!" They were already on a roll with laughter. Sometimes shared "to be human" stuff comes in a particular surprise package that just strikes a note, and gets a laugh: My best friend (who was dying of cancer) called me with a story from the hospital. Eagerly she told the horror-story: "Get a load of THIS mega-humiliation, you're not gonna believe this...!!!" The WAY she said it intentionally invited my "OH NOOOOO!?!?!" We BOTH broke out in rib-hurting breathless laughter. Bless her for intending to be (and being) so funny from within a truly serious and tragic circumstance! Dr. Piper, I truly love you for the truths about the Lord that I have learned from you, and that I continue to learn (and share). This episode was fun. I loved it. Thank you. Being "laughed-with" is a good thing methinks. I think your audience adored you and listened to you. You are always completely engaging and relatable, and I treasure your sincerity, intelligence, and love for the Lord. I'm reading and re-reading and studying your book "Providence" right now - it's SOOOOOOOO GOOD !!! Thank you. THANK YOU !!!
@KelliHarrah 4 жыл бұрын
It's not just bizarre its creepy.
@patlangness7942 2 күн бұрын
Oh, my badness. People laugh to try to make others feel more comfortable. We all have human foibles and I'll bet the audience was hoping to show they could relate.
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