Evil Morty is Still the King

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Johnny 2 Cellos

Johnny 2 Cellos

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@a_ninja2376 10 ай бұрын
I think something else that helps this episode is the writers not poking fun of the audience every 10 seconds to ask why they wanted this in the first place. They play a lot of it straight and let you really feel the emotions they’re going for without undercutting it with a joke
@AdderMoray 10 ай бұрын
The thing is, that's never been the *writers* doing that. It's been *Rick* because Rick has every reason to *hate* continuity. But in this episode, he had every reason to fully embrace it and take the opportunity for revenge. Because he was into his arc, there was no one around to criticize arcs.
@a_ninja2376 10 ай бұрын
@@AdderMoray I mean the writers blatantly use Rick as a self insert in many instances. Dan Harmon especially
@mroscar7474 10 ай бұрын
@@iggyzeta9755it isn’t half but definitely a small portion calling themselves Nazis. They’re just really loud and obnoxious so it seems like half
@matti.8465 10 ай бұрын
That's how you can tell they're adding new writers who are less resistant towards serialization. I love that they didn't make a single meta joke about it, thet just did.
@riparianlife97701 10 ай бұрын
Best line: That's not an alive amount of blood.
@Ardomew 10 ай бұрын
After years of murdering other Ricks in cold blood, Prime gets taken down by a Morty. How poetic!
@djpegao 10 ай бұрын
Because Rick Prime had every single countermeasure for anything any Rick could/would do, but he never accounted for a smart Morty, which was what ultimately brought him down.
@DaWhisper 10 ай бұрын
​@@djpegao I feel like Evil morty wouldn't have been able to take out Rick Prime by himself, but that doesn't really matter. Fact is that he's the one who took Rick Prime down. I know he's "Evil" Morty but I'll rather him be a reoccurring character rather than being a main villain moving forward.
@radofjc8242 10 ай бұрын
⁠@@DaWhisperI think him saying to our Rick “You’re different, I could use you in the future” spoils that he won’t be a villain in later episodes
@marioxzzz 10 ай бұрын
A Rick who saw other Ricks as less than him was killed by a clone of his grandson that those Ricks mass produced as a commodity. Is there a word for a mix between poetic, ironic and "take that you piece of shit" ?
@markhargreaves1069 10 ай бұрын
Actually Rick killed Rick Prime, Evil Morty provided the necessary assist
@integrantedavidanoturna 10 ай бұрын
To me, the best part was the credits. Showing mrs. Slowmo just moving on with her life just showed how much of a fucked up person our Rick truly is
@renx81 10 ай бұрын
I think you might have misinterpreted that part. She moved on with her life because she found someone who had gone through similar trauma, which Rick never did. The actual message this sequence is sending us, in my opinion, is that we are all fucked up, and how we deal with our fucked-up-ness is up to our specific circumstances.
@jordanloux3883 10 ай бұрын
And it shows that all of Rick's misery is his own fault. He could have moved on and lived his life to honor the loved ones he lost, but he just doubled down and became a monster with nothing to live for but that revenge.
@LavenderJack540 10 ай бұрын
Integrantedavidanoturna, I agree with you.
@triple3joe 10 ай бұрын
@@jordanloux3883 true, on the other side of this though, Should he have? Like, if he did would that have actually made his life better or not? I think the multiverse is better off without Rick Prime
@jordanloux3883 10 ай бұрын
@@triple3joe I feel like Rick Prime is a troll. He's just a sad loser who does loud, obnoxious stuff for attention. The guy literally kept himself in suspended animation for who knows how long because he had nothing better to do than wait for our Rick to look for him. He has no idea how to just sit in a room with himself and it drives him mad.
@blackdemonknight 10 ай бұрын
Honestly it just shows that every Rick never expects a Morty to be on par with him, Evil Morty fooled his own Rick, an entire Citadel of Ricks and now even Rick Prime.
@JohnPeacekeeper 10 ай бұрын
Ironically, the only Rick who has ever survived being in the same room as him is the Rick who recognizes that a Morty can outplay him. This is the same Rick that has been force-fed humble pie for at least three seasons, the one Rick who acknowledges that he's not always in control and could be better
@kurtpunchesthings2411 10 ай бұрын
exactly how he stayed alive he knew from the first moment he met Evil Morty not to underestimate him @@JohnPeacekeeper
@Jbluez1 10 ай бұрын
Since only two Ricks invented the portal gun, who’s the “prime Rick” now? ;)
@katlyndobransky2419 10 ай бұрын
@@JohnPeacekeeperreminds me of the one Mindblowers sequence where Rick says “taken for granite” and Morty corrects him. He didn’t want to acknowledge that Morty had potential, now he does
@zeo4481 9 ай бұрын
@@JohnPeacekeeper Tbf Evil Morty could wipe out all Ricks now that he has the weapon but he won't because he knows it won't get him the piece and quiet he wants.
@ethandeboer103 10 ай бұрын
I'm still really interested in exploring more of what is outside of the Central Finite Curve. From what little we have seen, it seems to complete chaos, with infinite people discovering portal tech and all converging on this single, monster filled dimension. I feel like there is a lot of potential in showing more of what life is like in this section of the multiverse
@irmuusanaa4227 10 ай бұрын
From what I can guess, the outside curve multiverse, has a area that acts as the magnetic north of the multiverse, or a dimensional whirlpool where all new portal travels get caught in. Like getting caught on a current, explaining why there are so many first timers who just get killed, being stuck in starving shark infested waters while bleeding. This is best seen with the jetson copies, who all end up on the same place.
@kroneexe 10 ай бұрын
@@irmuusanaa4227who’s to say infinite portals don’t open basically everywhere? It doesn’t have to be unique to that exact location
@innersight6070 10 ай бұрын
I've come to understand that the central finite curve was a term given to the series of universes where Rick was the most powerful being in the universe. While Rick is smart and powerful he's wise enough to know that in the infinite possibilities he can also just be the weakest thing in the universe. so he rigged the portals to only keep him in the infinite portions where he held a intellectual and technological advantage. Evil Morty breaking out of the central finite curve basically meant that he was jumping out of the Rick-inhabited section of the infinite universes.
@irmuusanaa4227 10 ай бұрын
@@kroneexe, true, yet there is an oddity about that region of infinity. The area it self, the entire place looks like multiple places or worlds Just collapsed in on it’s self, it’s chaos, even the area outside of the curve was more stable, So my theory is: that region where evil Morty go the crystals is where multiple universes collapsed into eachother, creating a massive curve in multiversial a premature finite curve.
@playbabethebookshelf6249 10 ай бұрын
@@irmuusanaa4227because it’s the infinity possibilities. such thing show to us is simply one of said possibilities. the real question would be why EM chooses to stay there instead of less chaotic portions of infinity possibilities
@wulfywulfynrir1296 10 ай бұрын
I love how they handled evil morty leaving with the schematics. Hes smart enough not to use it vindictively and make a lot of enemies (which shows how much more logcially driven he is than Rick Prime) but he's also very clearly willing to use it if he gets backed into a corner by the only remaining Rick who can pose a threat to him Definitely interested to see how this dynamic plays out
@jadenmurray1325 10 ай бұрын
Evil Morty is may favorite. He is the only one to stand up to the ricks and not just survive, but win. Whenever he's on screen he has control. People sees exactly what he wants people to see.
@jasonguarnieri4127 10 ай бұрын
I can't believe it took me so long to realize that Rick gave his ship his wife's voice. I was just at a convention with Kari Wahlgren, she mentioned that she does both voices, and it still needed to be pointed out to me.
@Epsicronics 10 ай бұрын
I don't think a lot of people pieced that together, it sounds different enough with the robot effects that everyone just chucked it up to be a classic case of a voice actor doing 2 voices, really good detail.
@FreakyLynx 10 ай бұрын
@justpotato8119 10 ай бұрын
I know Rick and Morty writers really dislike delving into the canon (or maybe too much) but dammnit, everytime they do it they do SUCH a good job, they make me so invested everytime they tackle something ongoing like this, awesome episode
@djdomain 10 ай бұрын
Going by the story train episode, I figure that they look at what fan theories spring up and what people are expecting to happen, only to go "Pfft, nope!" and make a canon episode that completely goes against these expectations.
@nicholassumoski8434 10 ай бұрын
@@djdomain The story train episode is what really turned me off Rick and Morty. The jabs at the audience weren't great and the meta was getting a little much but that train episode really hit home that the writers actively disliked the fans, fan theories and most of all our desire for cannon. Now that Justin Roiland is gone I'm holding out hope that this starts to change even ust a little bit.
@barebasics 10 ай бұрын
@@djdomainexcept this episode confirmed fan theories
@EWOODJ 10 ай бұрын
​@@nicholassumoski8434I loved it. The jabs were at people who think every episode should be plot driven and insulting the writers for thinking of doing anything episodic. Even though they established plot driven episodes are for occasional situations.
@CorwinTheOneAndOnly 10 ай бұрын
Dan harmon was the main one that disliked people *liking* the writing of the show. He did a little screen rant about it once. @@nicholassumoski8434
@evo2542 10 ай бұрын
I think Rick Prime was DUMPED by his Diane. He never left or killed her. He got dumped, threw himself into his work and invented portal travel, stopped caring about people. When he saw our Rick preferred to stay with Diane over 'become a God', THATS why he killed her accross infinity. He was jealous ultimately of other Ricks not dumped by their wives. I think there are a lot of hints to something like this. He was angry with our Rick over him having lived in 'his house' with 'his daughter'. He makes fun of our Rick for the ship sounding like Diane, but at the end his f'n robots LOOK LIKE DIANE. Terminator Diane, but still. Just, a lot of things you see, and things he says, hints at something like that.
@SnrubSource 10 ай бұрын
What I loved the most is that they were actually serious and emotional for once instead of going "hell yeah im going to kill Serialization Rick so everyone can shut up and we can go back to random stuff". I still think that the show doesn't work all that well when it's purely serialized (season 3 start) or purely episodic (seasons 4-5-6). The show is at its best when it does what Adventure Time did, and sprinkle lore and continuity stuff/hints across regular episodes, eventually calling back to that in specific lore-heavy episodes
@qrowing 10 ай бұрын
Very good point, actually. No "the citadel runs on canon" or "now everyone can shut up about it." Just a quality episode.
@thiefkingparsley576 10 ай бұрын
I agree, Adventure Time to me strikes the perfect balance. It’s everything Rick and Morty wants to be tbh.
@katlyndobransky2419 10 ай бұрын
@@qrowinghonestly I didn’t mind those quips but I agree it was so much better when there was none of it
@Japi506 10 ай бұрын
I didn't get into rick and Morty till season 6 which was the first season I watched. For me lore episodes are better than adventures.
@steve3154 10 ай бұрын
I also think it’s really worth noting how fuckin haunting primes death scene was. One of my new favorite scenes in the whole series. R&Ms always been violent but this one being so kind of realistic and not played for any type of comedy was genuinely disturbing. And as he is killed he just mocks everything that Rick already feared, that he’s just like him and how far he’s fallen. Stopped as low as he did. The delivery of “YOU LIVED IN MY HOUSE.” gave me chills ngl. Just great shit.
@Epsicronics 10 ай бұрын
Also the fact that there was nothing else in that scene, no guns, no scifi weapons, no weapons, nothing, just prime mocking and laughing maniacally while our rick slowly tears into him.
@dust.runner 9 ай бұрын
That's an interesting take. I didn't really think about it but yeah the gore is usually really just used very casually or comedically in this show and this was not like that at all. And yeah the line 'you lived in my house' is very raw
@beardedwizard4444 10 ай бұрын
Evil morty shows the potential that any morty could have. Also his comment about vengeful summers shows that morty isn't only person in the family that could be a danger to the multiverse
@GIRru11 10 ай бұрын
There's also Doofus Jerry in the comics who was a massive threat to the Citadel of Rick's
@dust.runner 9 ай бұрын
Yeah. I love how his backstory isn't that dissimilar from any other Morty's experience. It sends the message that even our Morty could become like him. If the pain inflicted and situations/available choices align in a particular way, are we really sure any other morty wouldn't make similar choices?
@a_ninja2376 10 ай бұрын
I genuinely have not have my expectations subverted this well from this show in so long. The start really made me think “I’ve seen this exact start to so many episodes guess it’s another one.” Then Morty puts the eyepatch on and I perked up so fast. Haven’t felt that way about Rick and morty in a while
@d.phantomfan1216 10 ай бұрын
Honestly the main thing I got from this episode is that Rick prim might be one of the most pathetic versions of Rick. He killed her because a bunch of Ricks didn't want to join his club so he could rule over them like a god.
@justinweber4977 10 ай бұрын
He took his narcissism so far it looped back around to just being... sad. And not "sad" in a sympathetic way, but Rick Prime was just some edgy tryhard Rick who was brought down because his whole schtick of caring about nothing meant he inevitably had no one in his corner when things went south.
@TheGreyShaman 10 ай бұрын
It's his multiverse man. What do you think happened to the demons that got cast out? They created their own mini kingdoms in the image of the real kingdom. Offered it to our reality via 2D media. And they all interact with our reality via consciousness by implanting thoughts into the 3D entities that perceive said pieces of 2D media if the human aligns. And that's not even going into the fact that a human had to accept the thoughts to begin with in order to bring it into a form others humans could comprehend like 2D media. Anything on a flat surface is 2D media from books, to movies, to shows, to video games.
@xItzRevenge 10 ай бұрын
I thought I heard that Diane left Rick prime or something
@iczer7788 10 ай бұрын
@@xItzRevenge Doesn't that make it even more pathetic? His marriage didn't work so no one's marriage can work out? Hell it's telling that he lost because Evil Morty and Rick and Morty worked together while he doesn't really have anyone who gives a damn about him. In a way he's living the philosophy Rick often pushes and showing how unsatisfying it is.
@xItzRevenge 10 ай бұрын
@@iczer7788 yes
@asscheeks3212 10 ай бұрын
I say this before and ill say it again, i dont think evil Morty is a big bad, i think he's just a apathetic victim of Rick's insanity. I cant help but to to feel sorry for him because he just want to be left alone. But Ricks LITERAL internal conflict is a nuisance to him and i FEEL evil mortys annoyance here and pain.
@TheGreyShaman 10 ай бұрын
If you were trapped within a multiverse a demon created to get away from the whole of creation, you'd be a victim too even if it's construct of time paints you out to be a villain.
@AY-qy4jn 10 ай бұрын
He tortured countless mortys your not being “cool” by emphatising with evil characters. Evil morty is my fav character but this doesnt change he is evil
@DanteYewToob 10 ай бұрын
He’s not really evil… if he’s evil then… Rick is a whole other level of satan. It just looks bad because we saw Morty do so much carnage in a short time, but Rick has done the same exact things, and many much worse things, just spread out… it’s like a guy who kills ten people in a weekend, vs a person who has killed ten or so people in his lifetime, but he also invented TNT, Sarin Gas, Nuclear technology and knew exactly what would happen and did it anyway. Rick has casually wiped out entire civilizations, and realities on a whim… genocide on levels we cannot even fathom! So no… “evil” Morty isn’t evil… he’s a kid who saw the devil, realized that he lives in hell and decided he wanted to get away. From the perspective of EM, he is much less evil than Rick, way more justified in his actions and arguably most of his victims deserved it… aside from the Mortys and a few innocents but most Ricks have it coming… I know we laugh but having “Morty insurance” with “Free replacement Morty coupons” is beyond fucked up in the worst way… that’s dehumanizing and detached in a way hitler can’t even imagine… lol fuck that’s dark when you really think about it! His own grandson! His blood… (kinda) and the Ricks just use them up and get a new one… Then they take it one step further and do the same thing with entire realities! Your universe is fucked? Just get a new one… try again… I’m team Morty for sure. Lol
@connoro9945 10 ай бұрын
​@@DanteYewToobboth are evil
@AY-qy4jn 10 ай бұрын
@@DanteYewToob your whole argument is evil morty isnt evil because Rick is more evil
@TheDahaka1 10 ай бұрын
I also really liked that outside the central finite curve there are a lot of people as smart or even smarter than Rick, creating their own portal devices, but a lot of them end up in the multiversal focal point or whatever that section of reality is, ultimately getting killed by their lack of wisdom and foresight. That's what really makes Rick Rick, his ability to predict what could go wrong at any given moment, and his determination in not letting whatever goes wrong stop him from looking for a way out.
@Epsicronics 10 ай бұрын
It also shows us that the creation and repair of the curve weren't solely a sectioned off Rick circlejerk cage, whatever is happening outside of it is incredibly wacky and unstable.
@TheDahaka1 10 ай бұрын
@@Epsicronics It could be the main reason why Rick is afraid of it, too much chaos is way too unpredictable XD
@samuelsoliday4381 10 ай бұрын
"Powerful villains don't just hide from you or fight you. They own you" Honestly, there's really not much else to add here. This is a perfect quote.
@alexnurse3498 10 ай бұрын
"DAMN, now THAT was a Rick and Morty episode!" Yeah, I sat in silence for about 10 more minutes after the credits rolled with that exact sentiment.
@freakyfrosty4277 10 ай бұрын
What makes Evil Morty so evil in this episode is that he helps get Rick what he wants, knowing that achieving his goal would only make Rick more miserable in the end. Rick got what he wanted and now he's going to suffer for it.
@2musicSoundtrackfandom579 10 ай бұрын
Yes evil Morty killed two birds with one stone he is definitely one of a kind. who's he is the potentially more smarter than any Rick any Universe where Rick was the smartest man in the universe in a infinite Loop where Rick was the only smartest thing in the entire Multiverse.
@ravindupadmanath2802 10 ай бұрын
i was legit speechless when i watched this episode. From evil Morty helping to take out Prime Rick to Rick beating Prime senselessly to death while Prime laughs about how from his view he made Rick who he was and laughs about how he lived in his house for the time while dying. and the ending with Rick just taking in everything he had to sacrifice and knowing that it's all over and he no longer has this need for vengeance. also, that post-credit was really heartwarming. it really shows that while Rick and Morty can have its moments that stumble a lot when it hits you with its grand episodes you end up remembering why you loved this show.
@notsosadbart6343 8 ай бұрын
I also really like that they chose to put it right in the middle of the season instead of making it a finale. It really drives home that feeling of "what now?" Knowing that something the series has been building to for literal years has been solved but there's still quite a few episodes left in the season is the perfect thing to leave the audience with
@mari2099. 10 ай бұрын
Well tbf this episode also showed Evil Morty is not purely "conventionally evil" because he could have just as easily not given Rick the choice to stop him from getting the ultimate weapon via killing Rick Prime himself, letting our Rick bleed out, and leaving. I think he saved our Rick even though he didn't have to because of his later line where he saw something different in him, sure that he could use but also because he respects our Rick to a degree.
@cezarcatalin1406 10 ай бұрын
@nicksmith7736 Because the weapon isn’t currently a problem in Morty’s hands. I bet he didn’t even bother to assemble the omega device because he has no use for it, as he said, “it’s just a deterrent”.
@mari2099. 10 ай бұрын
@nicksmith7736 I'm not, I don't think he cares about Evil Morty getting the weapon especially given that EM isn't planning on attacking him and wants to be left alone.
@mari2099. 10 ай бұрын
@nicksmith7736 I've seen this take but I kinda doubt it - I don't think he cares that much that EM "stole his kill" and didn't seem that hung up about it when EM brought rick back to kill prime rick
@kurtpunchesthings2411 10 ай бұрын
look Evil Morty told our Morty you know what makes me evil being sick of him " pointing at Rick " and if you've ever been sick of him your Evil to Morty then asks Rick if he got abandoned by the crows or if he wanted to be with Morty as a choice when rick does not answer Morty looks pissed Evil morty then says there you go Evil while our Morty is not even close to as Brillant as Evil Morty what Evil Morty does notice is our Morty has a much better understanding of things then an average morty
@asorlokirunarsson9864 10 ай бұрын
This 7th season is honestly awesome and makes me want even more than 10 seasons. There's still potential in this show
@sooperdoperwooper976 10 ай бұрын
Bin waiting for dis
@chickensandwich3398 10 ай бұрын
Yep. Next is Evil Morty.
@harukano9930 10 ай бұрын
Eh, 10 seasons are enough.
@asorlokirunarsson9864 10 ай бұрын
@@harukano9930 yeee 10 are a lot, and I don't mean 10 more season, but I can see it going up to 12-13 seasons
@clearminddarkthoughts5477 10 ай бұрын
Rick and morty, 100 seasons forever
@robinvik1 10 ай бұрын
Shocking episode. After so much set up I can't believe they when through with it and killed him off for good. Just to think we will never see another episode with uncle Slowmo
@zenmaster8826 10 ай бұрын
Uncle slowmo… :(
@TheSteveTheDragon 10 ай бұрын
There is no coming back after this. He will be a heavy non-presence in the future episodes.
@tastypotato9272 10 ай бұрын
These last two episode felt like the first ones to be fully confident in themselves since season 2. Never once did I groan or go "this again?" They handled things like they used to and find the fine line between serialized and episodic. More of this, please. More of this.
@CoryTheNorm 10 ай бұрын
It's been so long since they've done a lore-heavy episode without complaining about it the whole time lol. It's a breath of fresh air.
@hunimoonz 10 ай бұрын
@@CoryTheNorm yeah, it was giving teen titans go level of pettiness of making fun of the viewer for wanting the writers to take the show seriously
@EWOODJ 10 ай бұрын
​@@hunimoonzIn this regard, after that Szechuan sauce situation, I wouldn't blame them.
@randomguy6467 10 ай бұрын
feels like new writers are so good, they bring back old characters and make awesome plot points using them unlike the past seasons
@peperose 10 ай бұрын
?? The evaluación morty / rick prime has been ongoing for various seasons
@WinterPhoenix 10 ай бұрын
In the end, Rick Prime won. Yes, he died, but he ruined every other Rick's life. No more wife, no happy ending, no going back to the man he was. That's why he was laughing as he died. He won.
@forestflood5338 10 ай бұрын
Not necessarily, if Rick does what Slowmobious wife did when she began her revenge sequence and opens his heart to someone new that went through something similar, and commences to rebuild his life, he can find happiness again.
@jacobweatherford4696 10 ай бұрын
​@@forestflood5338rick could possibly build a machine that does the reverse of what rick primes machine does.
@marioxzzz 10 ай бұрын
I think he was just being petty. His goal was never to ruin every other Rick's life, he was just a narc who didn't like when people "less" than him act like they weren't. He was sadistic about it, and maybe he felt some kinship with our Rick because both of them invented interdimensional travel. Even at the end he acts cocky until Evil Morty destroys his back ups, is not until EM lets him alone with our Rick that he lets a final fck you, but thats not a win, maybe a draw for our Rick, but for everyone else? yeah, Prime lost hard.
@TheInfectous 10 ай бұрын
@@jacobweatherford4696 I mean if it does it probably has to end up with rick committing suicide or something equally dark. When it comes to coping with loss the human truth behind it isn't "just keep on focusing on your loss and never get over it" it's "move on." Yes people do the former but the human experience of doing the former is destroying your own mind and life, you can't have a story do the former and just have it work because that doesn't make any sense to us, it'd feel cheap because it is cheap, it's not how our world works.
@AngelSaintCloud 10 ай бұрын
​@@jacobweatherford4696no as what Rick prime said *When I fucking build something it fucking works*. That means permanent consequences, no ejection seat. This is a life lesson. You have to learn to let go because no matter what you do, you can't ever go back to the way things are. Otherwise you risk destroying yourself by obsessing over things you can't control. Everything ends eventually, and none of it you can take with you to the grave. Even memories fade away after long enough time.
@mrpagethe1 10 ай бұрын
Anyone think the line, "Rick and Morty, 100 years" hints that Evil Morty is the Morty from the pilot episode. After defusing the Neutrino Bomb dealing with Rick drunk antics decide to take control 🤔
@BryanLoko 10 ай бұрын
Faz sentido... Its make sense
@DaddyOfTheSugarVariety 10 ай бұрын
People are worried about the new voice actors, but I still love watching Rick & Morty.
@tribehasspoken4038 10 ай бұрын
You can barely tell nobody is complaining
@Luvs2spwge-xu6rd 10 ай бұрын
@@tribehasspoken4038I can but personally I prefer Mortys new voice more (and many are complaining)
@lamentslounge 10 ай бұрын
​@Luvs2spwge-xu6rd i dont get it , to me it rick sounds the same but a little sober and morty sounds like he started puberty again
@tomnorton4277 2 ай бұрын
Honestly, when I was watching the season I didn't even know that the voice actors had changed. Any difference between these performances and those of the original actors has actually made this season better. There's no way Justin Roiland could have delivered the raw emotion behind "I'll kill you!" and "You lived in my house!" And Rick Prime choking on his own blood as he tries to get his final licks in before petering out with a whimper when Rick finished him off was some of the greatest voice acting in the entire show, never mind just this one season.
@Mourtzouphlos240 10 ай бұрын
To really put things into perspective: Rick hunted Rick Prime for decades and found nothing but blind alleys, booby traps, backups, abandoned bases, and bullshit. Evil Morty looked for Rick Prime, found him, beat him, broke him, and then left him to die (which he did) in less than one day while using the most competent Rick and Morty in the Multiverse as metaphorical and literal puppets. He did however reveal a weakness: Overspecialization. He built *everything* around defeating Ricks. Period. Full Stop. He can destroy any Rick he wants to in any way he wants to. But our Morty is the only person to have ever foiled his plans and he does seem to take the threat of Super-scientist Summers following Rick's path seriously.
@fan4every1lol89 10 ай бұрын
True. That's actually very interesting how EM weakness is his strength. I wonder if future seasons will integrate that plot
@orrorsaness5942 10 ай бұрын
@@fan4every1lol89Que God and Dianne’s spirit possessing Evil Morty in a nutshell
@AngelSaintCloud 10 ай бұрын
Absolutely love the realistic depiction of regret and obsession. You don't always get a happy ending and sometimes you get exactly what you want but you don't feel better. The battle of the mind is the most profound. whether it's rick getting therapy or morty setting boundaries. It's amazing to see these characters actually face their problems instead of being apathetic. I think the real world could learn a lot but it would take a lot of intense introspection to come out the other side better.
@ryan.gugliotti 10 ай бұрын
I think a lot of people missed the point of the post credit scene. Vengeance, Rick sought it where slowmobius wife found acceptance and seemingly is happier than our Rick who feels empty because all he had ever searched for was vengeance and once he got it he feels empty.
@S0oo 10 ай бұрын
I laughed waaaayyyy too hard about the force field running gag😂
@radofjc8242 10 ай бұрын
This whole episode felt like a single action scene from start to finish, I swear it was so good that it felt like only 2mins had passed when I finished watching it #RIPslowmobius
@RetJim 10 ай бұрын
To be honest I've liked this season more than the last. The first episode made me doubtful but the Jerry and Rick brain scramble and the spaghetti episode were good too.
@kingofnonation5843 10 ай бұрын
It all felt so casual for E. Morty like 40% effort
@SecondBestArtMuseum 10 ай бұрын
I appreciate the detail about Rick being the only other Rick to invent portal technology, it explains that one scene in the Citadel where the Rick hanging out with the Morty gang is using bad portal fluid and ends up killing himself. At first I thought, "Oh, the materials for proper portal fluid might not be available in the Citadel," but now we know that's not the case. It's because no other Rick actually knows what the hell is in Portal Fluid.
@SecondBestArtMuseum 9 ай бұрын
@freerobux49 Maybe. But, expanding on the Citadel a bit, I think they said that the Citadel was for Ricks to hide from the Federation, implying that maybe the Federation completely took over in some realities, and if we go with the theory that there are only a limited number of Ricks who know how to make Portal Fluid, it could explain a lot of the Citadel's inner workings. Why are there news reporter Ricks, Ricks that work on assembly lines, and Ricks who seemingly live one the Citadel full time when they could portal to any reality? Well, it''s like Rick said, there are only so may times he and the family can hop from dimension to dimension. If the Federation has taken over in multiple dimensions, and there's only so many Ricks who understand how to make Portal fluid, then maybe the reason why assembly line Rick worked at the candy factory was to make enough money to either buy portal fluid, or be assigned to a new dimension that lost it's Rick and is free from the Federation's control.
@proudsmog2 10 ай бұрын
The choreographed fight was very surprising for me. It only adds to the awesomeness of this episode
@jibrijibri4548 10 ай бұрын
I am thoroughly impressed by the writing and voice acting this season. I love the character returns, the story, and the comedy.
@j.o.g.j 10 ай бұрын
rick voice actor is so talented he brings layers to the performance its easier to take him seriously when needed
@Melonguy1337 10 ай бұрын
I loved how even Rick prime felt little emotion when he killed slowmo
@bunn.33 8 ай бұрын
it’s truly poetic though how morty’s existential crisis was caused by rick, and now rick’s existential crisis is caused by a morty.
@FoxTantrum 10 ай бұрын
I noticed that Mrs. Slow actually use the picture of her own husband rather than her target enemy, but our rick uses Rick Prime's picture to actually get revenge. If only Mrs. Slow actually knew who killed her husband then there's a chance she herself would take rick's route too.
@zan31669 10 ай бұрын
The new voice actors are killing it
@heze2819 10 ай бұрын
Can’t believe you didn’t make a video on 7x4 personally it might be my favorite episode of the whole show
@graydanger 10 ай бұрын
It really was something.
@Renteng 10 ай бұрын
I thought it was one of the best in the series lol
@KirboYT 10 ай бұрын
I was shocked by this episode thoroughly, seeing Evil Morty show up again and seeing Rick Prime being taken out just like that was surprising, and if this is only the mid season episode I can't wait to see what the season finale does
@mepollack 10 ай бұрын
Yep, so glad you did a breakdown of this episode. One of the best in recent memory from this series.
@milesmohrien8964 10 ай бұрын
i think this show just got way more interesting. a major part of what matters in ricks life is now gone and he already thought life was meaningless.
@marissawandzel3826 10 ай бұрын
You're so right in that they built this subversion of rick prime being the Big Bad and then just cleanly disposing of it HALF WAY thru a season, its soooo good!! What I love most is how as an audience it does feel unsatisfying, he's been built up for the past season and a half and through promotional material, the last season spelling out that THIS is where the story is going, only to have him get bested in this one episode. But THAT'S why its so good!! It's not satisfying for Rick, why should it be for us? The end credits made me lose my mind and after I was done yelling I was like I can't wait to see what johnny thinks of this one lmao!
@AxelWedstar411 10 ай бұрын
This season's only half over, and I already love it. The new voices took a little getting used to, but the writing's the best it's been this side of season 2.
@eagtfxh7975 10 ай бұрын
OMG, I've been waiting for your video since they dropped this new episode! Your ram videos are the BEST ❤ I love this episode so much. I want to see how the writers would protrait rick's life going to change with the death of his nemesis. Life without an aim is painful and C-137 RIck has been on this path for so long. All that momentum has lost all of a sudden and I can't imagine how rick's mind and worldview would change.
@rex788 16 күн бұрын
I love the straight shot of Rick and Evil Morty throwing hands with Rick Prime. I still can't get used to the new voices, but this episode was A M A Z I N G !!!!!
@Broomer52 10 ай бұрын
I think the part that a lot of people ignore is what the Multiverse is like beyond the Curve. It’s chaos out there. An infinite amount of people figured out Portal Travel like Rick and that means entire universes are just in shambles with the infinite mistakes of travelers. Honestly the curve Rick built might have been a solid safety net because the only one that can do damage are Rick.
@landonletterman831 10 ай бұрын
It's crazy to think that one of the evilest things that Evil Morty did was to remove Rick's main drive in the show He all but gave Rick exactly what he wanted, on a silver platter, knowing it'll be a "Monkey's Paw"
@TheGeorgegenesis 10 ай бұрын
Never imagined that a Morty would be the Him of this show. Morty is the grandson son of Rick afterall.
@fork3810 10 ай бұрын
Honestly I’ve been loving this season so much, this episode isn’t even my favorite I’d love to hear you talk about the other episodes, they’ve all been utterly fantastic other than the average premier
@shmikex 10 ай бұрын
Our Rick's Diane couldn't have been killed with the Omega Device. Otherwise, all of the Beths wouldn't exist either. It would be interesting to see what caused Rick Prime to leave his family and to have a vendetta against all Dianes. Also see how that affects Beth, considering her mom must have died at some point and with her Rick gone too, she was essentially an orphan.
@PrismicFallingStar 10 ай бұрын
Slow Mobius still had children present. It doesn't erase you from time, it erases you from every dimension in every universe. Whether there is some kind of memory effect associated with being erased or whether her children were simply too young to remember their dad, I'm not certain of yet
@milesmohrien8964 10 ай бұрын
i was waiting on this type of episode but holy shit i was not expecting evil morty to be the one to beat rick prime. amazing writing, cant wait for the next episode.
@EliTheGleason 10 ай бұрын
I love how Rick Prime has no compassion or empathy except for uncle slowmo
@Hoopergames 10 ай бұрын
This whole season has felt like Rick and morty, old Rick and morty.
@slim3rs172 10 ай бұрын
Kinda surprised you didn’t mention Rick Prime’s dialogue while Rick brutally beats him up. It offers a whole new view to the character in the sense of how, yes, Rick Prime did take away Rick’s family in a literal sense but Rick also took away Rick Prime’s family by living in his place. This idea is also hinted by another of Rick Prime’s lines: “I just walked into your garage before you walked into mine! Oh! But eventually you did!” This line proves that Rick is no better than Rick Prime. Rick took away his family and Rick Prime literally took away his family. The delivery of the “You lived in my house!” Also shows the resentment Rick Prime has towards Rick for essentially living his life. Both Ricks are “Rick Prime” to eachother, and this realization dawns on Rick after he kills Rick Prime. Rick, in that moment, realized he was no better than what he sought to kill and it’s in the ending we see how hollow Rick has become, as he realizes that killing Rick Prime was never the goal, becoming Rick Prime was, and he sits in silence without an ounce of satisfaction for killing his greatest enemy.
@nagger8216 10 ай бұрын
Well said, but I feel like all this has significantly less impact than it should because that universe got Cronenberg'd. Instead of that universe still being the main setting, it's just one of several that Rick abandoned at this point.
@orrorsaness5942 10 ай бұрын
@@nagger8216Interesting cause for me it has more impact as it shows how much they are alike. C137 doesn’t really care that much about Prime’s world and vice versa.
@nagger8216 10 ай бұрын
@@orrorsaness5942 Yeah, but then all those characters aren't even from the Cronenberg universe besides Morty. When Prime says "You stole my family, my house" it means a lot less once you remember Rick abandoned it all a long time ago anyway. A fact that Prime doesn't even bring up either.
@orrorsaness5942 10 ай бұрын
@@nagger8216 I see
@danielsantiagourtado3430 10 ай бұрын
Amazing work as always man! And agreed! The use of the same song of Rick Potion #9 really brings back that existential dread. Cant wait to see what rick will do with himself now. Any ideas man?
@rajgohil8137 10 ай бұрын
he said it himself "cause using a weapon like this doesn't get you left alone, morty"
@pooplooser6497 10 ай бұрын
I love that this episode didnt have any filler, like it was non stop fucking action and development
@a.f.schmied1571 10 ай бұрын
When they first introduced Rick Prime as the new big bad, my only fear was that it would overshadow eyepatch Morty. SO glad it didn't go that way. Not only that didn't happen, but he actually cemented eyepatch Morty as a compelling antagonist. The way the writers went, I think Rick Prime ended up being a really great addition to the series. In terms of power level, he is a force to be reckoned with and made for a very entertaining confrontation, being just as competent as C-13t and possibly a shade more, it took both our Rick's and eyepatch Morty's combined efforts to finally put him down. From the character's point of view, he is all that evil Morty is not. Evil Morty is cold, pragmatic, efficient, focused on accomplishing his goals which he usually manages; Rick Prime is a great counterpoint to that, being so typically Rick but taken to the extreme: theatrical, devious, ego-driven, he does what he does just for the fun of it or to reinstate his own greatness. Seeing them interact was the perfect recipe for fun
@saberserpent1134 10 ай бұрын
The Mazzy Star song is conveying straight-up PTSD. The first use with Morty clearly showed "shock" or particularly, "shell shock", a euphemism for PTSD. Rick has nothing to do now but reflect..
@tanmanstudios 10 ай бұрын
I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the rest of the season! I’ve enjoyed it a lot so far and this episode blew me away!
@qjdianenfjaiwk 10 ай бұрын
I actually predicted the episode to a tee. I even imagined the fight between evil morty, rick prime and rick being in an almost identical looking space station. Probably the single best prediction i ever made
@fan4every1lol89 10 ай бұрын
Bruh. You should become a writer fr
@qjdianenfjaiwk 10 ай бұрын
@@fan4every1lol89 nah im horrible at writing. But I remember telling my friend the rick prime arc would end with rick, evil morty, and morty fighting rick prime at a space station, and after that evil morty would use rick in the future and rick wouldnt feel fulfilled. After that the show would move on like nothing happened. But there was one detail i got wrong. I thought the fight would be in season 10
@Rishabh149 10 ай бұрын
"Powerful villains don't just hide from you or fight you, they Own you, that's something a real God does"
@Galactic_fudge 10 ай бұрын
Okay I agree with most of everything here but idk i feel like without the help of Rick c137 and morty prime, evil morty probably would’ve lost. It looked like it took all of them to fight this guy.
@grant.5345 7 ай бұрын
Rick Prime says something about Evil Morty at the end of the episode, after Evil Morty took blueprints and diagrams from Rick Primes head, to the effect of "He is 14, what is gonna happen the next time he is mad at Grandpa?" is a very good foreshadowing of the future of Evil Morty.
@JiroAndroid 10 ай бұрын
Dude literally out-Ricked the Rickest Rick
@cicabeot1 10 ай бұрын
Yeah I had a feeling you’d talk about this one. I almost couldn’t believe they wrapped up the Rick Prime story mid season either.
@hamadullah9134 10 ай бұрын
They are setting up Evil Morty vs Rick C137
@willantoniuk 10 ай бұрын
Another excellent review! Great job Jonny! The last two episodes of R&M are the strongest so far. The last one could have easily been a feature. I loved when Rick asked about partnering up with Evil Morty - parallels when Gerry asked to partner up with Rick. Tbh not even sure Rick Prime truly is dead (unless it happens on screen I don't trust anything anymore lol)
@Hunni_Gummi 10 ай бұрын
I love how this season been giving us returning characters exciting stories I honestly love this season and watch evil morty and rick c137 fighting and throwing hands and being passive aggressive to each other it was perfect
@jzi4 10 ай бұрын
I can actually see Rick becoming like prime Rick now. His whole existence revolved around revenge and after all of the destruction all that's left is emptyness. No more need for alcohol, drugs, adventure, creating. Will this new Rick adjust to an average life or fill that void with new destructive goals?
@maxidge4 10 ай бұрын
I think its so clever that, to achieve his life's goal, Rick required the assistance of a Morty. Sure, it wasn't our usual Morty, but that isn't even our Rick's OG grandson anyway.
@TheKreznik 10 ай бұрын
To be honest, the last season had very few good episodes, but this season was a baller, every episode delivered its own narrative, an awesome storyline, and it had the old Rick and Morty charme, something completely new every time while also reintroducing old characters. The mindswap episode with a twist was truly the spirit of why i started watching this show. as well as the spaghetti episode
@mav_frk 10 ай бұрын
they shld release a dvd pack with just the lore... Rick & morty; the lore cut... shenanigan episodes are saturday morning vibes
@neomt2 10 ай бұрын
Evil Morty will being back his grandmother Diane. He will build an Anti-Omega device, he's got the scans for the Omega device from the now dead Rick Prime. I think this adventure showed Evil Morty is building a liking/sympathy for our Rick.
@keon3155 10 ай бұрын
Rick killing Rick prime is like Tom catching Jerry.. what does Tom do next?
@ShlomoRaz69 10 ай бұрын
I knew this was going to happen. but i think that it was going to be in the end or sometihng. The episode was suprsingly Very good and dark.
@Pwnagotchi-0 10 ай бұрын
This is by far my favorite episode not just of this season but of all time as it is clever and the banter between evil morty and Ricky is witty as well.
@lordkieta 10 ай бұрын
I haven't rewatched an episode so many times since the first two seasons. Absolutely incredible episode. Honestly one of their best ever.
@reactsdovitao 10 ай бұрын
Rick will eventualy kill Evil Morty in this surprise shootings attemps. And my guess is Prime Morty will deactivate the shield without even knowing how he did.
@Muvi_Nfl 10 ай бұрын
i realize evil morty not wanting to being chased by summer that seeks vengeance, meaning that evil summer variant might come if evil morty do something to rick, meaning that evil summer holds bigger potential than morty and morty realizes that my assumptions right now, that not just morty holds hidden potential of intellegence in him, and summer does too
@johnsullivan6843 10 ай бұрын
Good take here. Surely they will pay-off the Evil Summer reference at some point. 🤔
@mad0813 10 ай бұрын
I hate that they nerfed our morty for this episode because last 2 l season morty was kicking ass doing his own thing fixing mistakes that rick left and saving things. He even seemed like he was getting smarter and more confident.
@kurtpunchesthings2411 10 ай бұрын
i mean he is but bro look at the room he was in Evil Morty Rick Prime Our Rick so our Morty is still pretty smart but not compared to those 3 guys
@PrettyTigerlilly 10 ай бұрын
I was wondering when you'd make a new Rick and Morty video.
@GendoRokabundi 10 ай бұрын
Ironically, Evil Morty has his base just on the edge of the central finite curve. The greater universe outside is pure chaos and danger, so ‘ending the Rick experiment’ would not just lead to possibly having to deal with Summer coming after him. Evil Morty’s life would be much more difficult without Ricks providing a relatively safe and sane oasis in a chaotic multiverse.
@DRoyale1 10 ай бұрын
The way Rick C137 killed Rick Prime with his bare hands reminds me of how Kratos killed Zeus in GOW 3…and Evil Morty basically "ascending" to a higher plane like Athena…with his plans, unlike hers, working out in his favor (seemingly for the time being). It's crazy Rick knew the whole time, Diane was erased completely…I see now why he keeps a box of time travel stuff in the garage because he knows he can go back and stop Prime but as they've been telling us and we have seen, throughout the entire series…messing with time can completely fuck up the Curve and he doesnt want to go to time prison. I wonder why Prime didnt erase Beth too…
@gibster9624 7 ай бұрын
What's neat is as smart and dangerous as Evil Morty is, he's still a Morty who, even with a Rick, wasn't able to get the upper hand on Rick Prime until he got Primes guard down. He doesn't kill the crystal monster without a trap it's not expecting and he actually fears using the Omega device out of fear of being hunted by Summers. Showing his best weapon is being underestimated, but he is almost underestimating our Rick and I think that is ultimately where the writers will go when they eventually kill off Evil Morty or have Rick beat him some day.
@Koellenburg 8 ай бұрын
this was my by far favourite episode for now ... i watched it twice in a row, cus it hyped me so up :O
@xoxocjy 10 ай бұрын
i love your talks bro and especially the kind of people in this fandom you attract, keep it up💯
@alexh2947 10 ай бұрын
The episode opening is brilliant, it immediately throws the audience off, even rick being awful to morty is suspicious now thanks to his character development, despite the fact this sequence wouldnt have been out of place in season 2 or 3
@Mr_Porter 10 ай бұрын
Evil Morty making his return and helping Rick track him down and serve him on a silver platter sounds like a finale episode on paper. However, it seems like Evil Morty was and still is Rick's biggest villain. He has outsmarted Rick at every turn and now has his life in the palm of his hand. I'm sure Rick will try and figure out a way to kill him so I'm excited to see how things unfold throughout the season. I don't think they'll put a button on that storyline this season but maybe next season. Evil Morty is a serious threat and I don't see how Rick can beat him, especially at this point.
@thenobody7509 10 ай бұрын
Personally. I think the final will be rick going after evil morty getting the omega divider and then using it to erase himself and all other Rick's. Because, I think Rick realized Rick prime was right and every Rick is a bit like Rick prime. Countless versions of Rick have hurt versions of his family and our rick knows they can only be happy without him. So; why not just end every version of him. Wipe it all clean
@liquidrufus 10 ай бұрын
Succeed when he failed to erase all of the hims across the multiverse previously, during the Unity episode. Dan Harmon mentioned It in the commentary track.
@bigdaddyd-rk9pn 10 ай бұрын
i feel like the "rick experiment" is something thast deserves more attention
@woodlandleshy3876 10 ай бұрын
I really like how they had evil morty and our rick work together so well
@tylerpollock9783 10 ай бұрын
The series needed a shake-up, and they delivered 🙌
@krisztianunpronounceable 10 ай бұрын
That was the best episode in years.
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