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The Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (HERC) is a coalition of 700+ colleges, universities, hospitals, research labs, government agencies, and related organizations committed to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the higher education workforce. HERC members get access to resources, networks, and outreach programs to enhance their efforts to attract, hire, and retain diverse and qualified faculty, staff, and administrators. member.hercjob...
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Do you need help finding qualified and diverse faculty and staff for your institution?
Are you trying to figure out how to build an inclusive workplace?
HERC is a national, nonprofit coalition of colleges, universities, and related groups committed to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the higher education workforce.
HERC members are…
700+ colleges, universities, teaching hospitals, and research labs
4,000+ HR, Academic Affairs, & Diversity Leaders
70 minority-serving institutions
…in 19 regions across the United States…
supported by our lead institutions.
We will help your institution with…
Diversity outreach & inclusion in workplace
DIVERSITY OUTREACH - Reach and retain talented and diverse candidates through HERCJobs.org
We promote your jobs and institution's brand on HERCjobs.org.
We reach underrepresented groups through targeted ads...
...and at virtual and in-person conferences and job fairs.
We provide resources for diverse job seekers at all career stages.
INCLUSION IN THE WORKPLACE - Network, exchange ideas, and explore innovative practices in inclusive recruitment and retention
HERConnect is an online community for our members…
…where they can access faculty and staff toolkits and…
professional development webinars.
We help members build local networks at regional HERC meetings, virtual or in-person.
We partner with nonprofit and corporate organizations that give discounts to our members.
HERC supports your institution's efforts to be a place of belonging, where all faculty and staff can thrive.
Become a member - join HERC today!