So excited for this series! I play the Jobava often with white
@David96-m3t Жыл бұрын
Jobava London with Black is one of my weaknesses therefore I am very grateful that you now cover this!
@robdubent Жыл бұрын
I wouldn’t say ‘easily’ as a lot of these variations you’re showing aren’t played this way as white- and this is a lot of deep lines!
@raylopez99 Жыл бұрын
But many are...obviously if you know all the sidelines that white plays then you don't need this video, by definition. No opening will give you a huge advantage, even the King's Gambit is playable at the GM level and at the club level the Cochran Gambit can be played.
@wheelhouse15 Жыл бұрын
Anyone who claims you have a defense as B that "easily" defeats a solid white opening is just creating a title for clickbait. There is obviously no such thing, if a line has a poor W outcome then that line will be dropped or improved until it can at least maintains W's natural edge going into the middle game. Obviously, allowing B to expand on the QS like this, i.e. quickly and without compensation as at 9:05, is not a line that W will play.
@andersonarmstrong26503 ай бұрын
@@wheelhouse15Context is everything. The presenter is addressing the player confronting White who plays to create traps, hence the words 'destroy the opponent with brutal tactics..' Many online players roll out a bunch of moves in order to win a piece, with niceties planned should Black elude the obvious. These players often do not expect Black to simultaneously go for the jugular. The bully doesn't expect to be bullied! This is the thrust of the presentation. No chess presentation is a 'one-size-fits-all, so my take is to learn the main lines, prepare a few surprises and address the theory beneath such systems as Jobava London. If the theory is unsound, which Jobava London is currently in the 'uncertain' category, the risks fo White are increased through sound play anyway.
@fandastruhal5231 Жыл бұрын
Perfect vidio , perfect comment!!I want to beat this system! OK...😎
@kugelblitzingularity304 Жыл бұрын
Ah this is the line where a lichess cheater won against a GM, with GM playing black missing Qc7 in the tactical line
@jimhawksley52363 ай бұрын
After 4...b5 White plays 5.a3 with the idea of an early b2-b4 stopping ...c5 according to Bortnyk / Naroditsky
@pensiveape6184 Жыл бұрын
Joza you are trickier than Naroditsky. You should charge your Jobava London system as he is. Also, when will you get your well deserved GM title?
@orendrewcc56 Жыл бұрын
start on 2:00 ...
@Chilhva2 ай бұрын
@torstencuber9114 Жыл бұрын
Dear Josip, I would like to give an important remark to the Stockfish 16 game against Seer. "Stockfish 16 finds an incredible theoretical novelty in the Naidorf Sicilian." After 18.exd5 this was the position (in fen): 1rbq1rk1/3nbp2/p1p3p1/3Pp1PB/5P1P/PPN1B3/2P5/R2QK2R b KQ - 0 18 Now Seer played 18.-cxd5,? , a clear mistake which you omitted. Much better was 18.- exf4 19.Bxf4 gxh5, and there is no winning line for white, e.g if 20.d6 Re8 21.dxe7 Qxe7+ 22.Kd2 Nc5 23.Kc1, Black has the brilliant Konter 23.-Rxb3!! 24.cxb3 Rd8!, and there is no win for white anymore! I analyzed that game with Crystal 5, which is tactical stronger than Stockfish!