2:05 I was like 〜みたいな感じ My ex came to my house, and I was like “why are you here?” 4:17 ish 〜くらい (曖昧さ出せる) Let’s meet at 8ish. It was like yellowish. My nails? Bluish, greenish color. She’s probably 30ish. 5:53 pretty much だいたいそんな感じ、基本的に 文中 Bathing Suits is pretty much all you need to go swimming. 単体 So we don’t have to work today? -Pretty much. 7:24 sounds like a plan (誰かの提案に対して)いいね!いいアイデアだね! 8:36 bye またね!フォーマルでもカジュアルでも使える Good byeは永久的にさよならみたいな感じ 10:15 got it わかった 少しフランクな感じはする オーストラリアではno worries (どういたしまして)結構使う 12:07 単語を2回繰り返す話し方 What do you think about John? -I like him. But I don’t like like him. 単語の意味を強調してる 13:34 I mean だってさ、あっ(言い直し) Can I have two coffee? I mean, three coffee? I don’t think he likes me. I mean, he doesn’t even look at me.. 14:33 I knew it. やっぱりね 15:55 just because だからといって、なんとなく(返答) 文頭 Just because I think he is handsome doesn’t mean I like him. 単体 Why did you pick white today? -Just because.