Would be great to have this guy’s voice in my car GPS
@invinoveritas68592 жыл бұрын
Oh the tears of joy ! As a U.S Citizen,i have access to all fifty states to love,to enjoy and to defend.Oh how beautiful it is to be an American !! Such vast expansion of land,such freedom,such liberty !! Thank God Almighty and thank you Uncle Sam for having me !! To think just a few decades ago,i was a Khmer Rouge Survivor trying to crawl my way out of a communist hell hole !!!!!
@posskaterjasonx111 жыл бұрын
That's discipline...losing your service cap in the middle of the ceremony and not picking it up as to bring attention away from the ceremony
@davidcraft46365 жыл бұрын
I'm sure Corrective training and Remedial training came his way. They should just wear the chin strap down and it wouldn't happen. I remember 8 years ago at the Presidio during memorial day 15 Marines losing they're covers to a gust of wind. Happens.
@AsianAntman4 жыл бұрын
Was his cover blown off by the recoil
@Wolfgodmak3 жыл бұрын
@@AsianAntman either that or reloading the next blank
@seanswoboda6474 Жыл бұрын
@@davidcraft4636 Actually, no corrective or remedial training happened. I was complemented on my Ceremonial Composure by not picking it up. We don't wear the chin strap because the service caps we use are not designed to be worn that way.
@kurdstan9233 Жыл бұрын
A big salute for all the states
@lawrencecihla42995 жыл бұрын
thats my boy! so proud of you son!
@xgreenxmachinex053 жыл бұрын
Thanks for representing and doing a great job Old Guard.
@1165bomart4 жыл бұрын
Kudos to my man who lost his cover but kept his head.
@jasonhopkins15512 жыл бұрын
Thank you to the people who serve the country for the Army and Air Force Falcons thank you again for serving your country
デラウェア 1番目の州 ペンシルベニア 要石の州 ニュージャージー 庭園の州 ジョージア 桃の州 コネチカット 憲法の州 マサチューセッツ 入り江の州 メリーランド 伝統の州 サウスカロライナ パルメット(ヤシの木)の州 ニューハンプシャー 花崗岩の州 バージニア かつての自治領 ニューヨーク 帝国の州 ノースカロライナ タール付きのかかとの州 ロードアイランド 大洋の州 バーモント 緑の山の州 ケンタッキー イチゴツナギの州 テネシー 志願兵の州 オハイオ トチノキの州 ルイジアナ ペリカンの州 インディアナ 真面目な働き者の州 ミシシッピ モクレンの州 イリノイ 大平原の州 アラバマ キアオジの州 メイン 松の木の州 ミズーリ 疑い深い州 アーカンソー 自然の州 ミシガン 五大湖の州 フロリダ 日光の州 テキサス 一つ星の州 アイオワ 鷹の目の州 ウィスコンシン アナグマの州 カリフォルニア 黄金の州 ミネソタ 北極星の州 オレゴン ビーバーの州 カンザス 向日葵の州 ウェストバージニア 山の州 ネバダ 銀の州 ネブラスカ コーンの皮を剥く人の州 コロラド (独立)100周年の州 ノースダコタ 平和の庭の州(桃の庭の州?) サウスダコタ ラシュモア山の州 モンタナ 宝の州 ワシントン 常緑の州 アイダホ 宝石の州 ワイオミング 平等の州 ユタ 蜂の巣の州 オクラホマ 抜け駆け移住者の州 ニューメキシコ 魅惑の土地 アリゾナ グランドキャニオンの州 アラスカ 最後の開拓地 ハワイ アロハの州 Thanks for making such a great video. I love your patriotism, your free way of life, and the U.S. where everything is big and cool. Long live the friendship and alliance between Japan and the United States of America. Love from Japan to all of you in the U.S. 🇺🇸🇯🇵
@theamback Жыл бұрын
Thank you
@WDuaneCox6711 жыл бұрын
Nice work! -- But... OOOPS! Did he say "238th birthday"? Let's see... 2013 [minus] 1776 = 237. Yep! 237th Birthday. - As "strack" as these troops are how did that happen...? Oh, Snap. Sorry, "Old Guard!" Love you, nevertheless.
@Tyso8084 жыл бұрын
Correction,Hawaii the island that was taken over by the U.S
@alonsosevilla23012 жыл бұрын
The quaint layer astonishingly rock because waste conversantly cover toward a combative zoology. pathetic, poised chronometer
@USAIRFORCE6216 жыл бұрын
Unless the people attending this event have actually served I highly doubt that their able to fully appreciate the significance of this event!!
@Ladco776 жыл бұрын
Is it really necessary to divide us at a celebration that should serve to commemorate all that unites us?
@taranwilliamson19316 жыл бұрын
@flipper-b85885 жыл бұрын
I never served but I have family who did. I believe everybody should appreciate this as it bears great significance to both our nation and it's people.