Kamala Harris Wants to Heavily Censor the Internet? Things Are Getting Scary

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Based Camp with Simone & Malcolm Collins

Based Camp with Simone & Malcolm Collins

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@SimoneandMalcolm 16 күн бұрын
If you wonder why we use to them fascist here. In this video we explain that the current democratic platform is definitionally fascist and not just generically totalitarian: kzbin.info/www/bejne/rGjciGyYipegh80 Oh, and if you like the comments on my videos, they are better discussion in the discord: discord.gg/EGFRjwwS92
@michaels4255 16 күн бұрын
Vietnam was that way too, the MSM always said "Vietnam CONFLICT," because by legal technicality it did not qualify as a "war." And the Korean "war" was legally a "police action" sponsored by the United Nations even though most of the fighting was being done by Americans. In the case of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, it is an SMO (Special Military Operation). The difference between an SMO and a "war" is that in a war, Russia tolerates a lot more civilian deaths (on the enemy side). The rules of an SMO require more restraint in terms of what tactics the Russian military is allowed to use. Let us hope that Mr. Putin continues to keep this armed conflict an SMO because if he agrees to upgrade it to war status (as many Russians want!), it stands to become a lot more bloody for civilians and not just soldiers. Russia has throughout these operations kept its eyes on winning the peace when the operation is over, so it does not want to alienate the rank and file Ukrainian population which many of the Russians still view as basically fellow Russians culturally and ethnically, even if many of the younger generation of Ukrainians who were indoctrinated with "social nationalist" propaganda no longer perceive themselves as Russians.
@AprezaRenaldy 16 күн бұрын
How about kingdom . Because in Thailand insulting the king can land you in jail .
@petermarinatos9475 16 күн бұрын
I think a key difference is that fascism was a series of nationalist movements, and this appears to be a global one. The same things are happening in multiple nations, with an apparently common purpose. What we are seeing might be a new form of totalitarianism; one without any real ideology.
@joeshmoe7899 16 күн бұрын
Commies gonna commie.
@recongraves 16 күн бұрын
😂😂 using this. I want shirts. On it now
@maidende8280 16 күн бұрын
European tax rate is effectively 70%, at least in Germany.
@Liam-iv7wk 15 күн бұрын
How can you even achieve any sort of upwards social mobility with a tax burden like that?
@classicallpvault8251 15 күн бұрын
@@Liam-iv7wk Upward social mobility is happening due to low fertility rates among the highly intelligent, who decrease in numbers each generation and their positions are increasingly being filled with people who are on the higher end of average intelligence, say around 110-115. In the Netherlands, where tax levels are similarly high, we have had an education minister, Marja van Bijsterveld, who didn't have an academic education and only had a bachelor's degree in nursing and she's not an exception. The current leader of the Dutch Green Party, Jesse Klaver, attended the lowest level of general secondary education (out of 3) in the Netherlands. Canada has a prime minister who's also of only slightly above average intelligence. There's plenty of videos on the topic of the so-called rise of the mid-wits to high positions of power and it's simply a logical outcome of dysgenic fertility patterns.
@tiagoalfreddo 10 күн бұрын
@@Liam-iv7wk They just don't move upwards.
@shaun1293 8 күн бұрын
In the U.K. I effectively get taxed 30% for two different taxes, VAT (sales tax) is 20%, except for petrol/diesel which is 40%. I earn a pretty average wage here. If I earned a few grand more, the additional cash would be taxed 40%. It’s ridiculous. I’m just glad I don’t live near London.
@edytatehrani3934 16 күн бұрын
I grew up in communist Poland. I have flash backs right now.
@dpcxx 16 күн бұрын
Same here. My "joke" is the "Bad Luck Brian" with "moved from post-Soviet country to a pre-Soviet one".
@lemoneyesalt5513 16 күн бұрын
It doesn't matter whether there are small platforms or not if you can't use them anyway because you'll get fined or go to jail. I can't believe how bad it's gotten so fast
@thenewbohemian5779 16 күн бұрын
im not at all surprised by the speed of decline. I have been shouting from the rooftops about totalitarianism coming to America for a long time. This is the most predictable slow moving train crash in history. To quote Hemingway: "How'd you go broke?" "At first gradually, then suddenly"
@Superabound2 16 күн бұрын
Its because you're still trying too hard to be a good person and not k-wording any of them
@iviewthetube 16 күн бұрын
During the debate, Kamala should be asked to recite the First Amendment of the United States.
@RobNeeth 16 күн бұрын
Before the masses entered the internet, censorship was never even considered. It was, infact, laughed at: considered proof of failure. The crazies were argued away, without the pathetic restrain of politeness. They were shown their idiocy and insanity, through argument. And then they left, because we showed them how ugly they are. They didn't want to see themselves. Just like they don't want to now. Only, now, they're in control, and so they censor the sane voices. When you see one, help them.
@ccordyceps 15 күн бұрын
I 100% agree with this. you know your stuff. also I really REALLY dislike this new "using politeness" garbo to restrain from the fact that you might hurt someone else's 'feelwings'. the Internet was soo much better in its early years.
@GIBI_360 16 күн бұрын
The only thing I would warn you against in your analysis is that trying to fit the actions of the Brazilian "government" into a coherent narrative and frame it in the context of what is happening in US politics will almost always fall flat, since Brazil is just an institutional mess from head to toe. I don't even think I'm equipped to explain exactly what I mean by institutional mess so you can start to make some sense of it but a common phrase you will hear around here: "Brazil is not for amateurs". Don't be too surprised if next week this decision is overturned with no further elaboration. And then what? How do you explain that? You don't, Brazil just doesn't make sense most of the time. Edit: In fact, the VPN part of the decision was already overturned. I won't be at all surprised if the rest of the decision is overturned, life goes on, no one speaks about it anymore and that's it.
@GiantRobotIdeon 16 күн бұрын
>Malcolm acha que o governo brasileiro tem um plano lol
@GIBI_360 16 күн бұрын
@@GiantRobotIdeon né? kkkkk
@rb98769 16 күн бұрын
Yeah, there's a good chance this is going to be overturned. The system is so messed up at this point that no one really expects Brazilian supreme court decisions to be lasting, since the justices constantly contradict themselves when politically convenient. They're pretty much treated by everyone like politicians now. Still, a lot of people are watching this with interest to see how it unfolds. There is no shortage of governments internationally wanting to see X banned. Brazil is still somehow taken seriously as a country intenationally, but that's mostly because people can't keep up with all the wacky stuff that has been going on in the last few years.
@rb98769 16 күн бұрын
For good or bad, Brazil is still taken seriously by everyone somehow. People still have the international PR of the mid 2000s ingrained in their minds.
@caiqueportolira 16 күн бұрын
@@rb98769 Brazil is taken seriously where? What country are you from? Genuinely curious, I'm from Brazil and I only see Brazil being mentioned when people are making fun of BRICS
@maidende8280 16 күн бұрын
As to Simone’s question about business bureaucracy in Europe - there’s far more red tape & far more fees here, & everything moves SO SLOWLY.
@TheRedBeanPodcast 16 күн бұрын
Unless you are the CEO of Telegram that’s when the Europeans move very quickly.
@maidende8280 16 күн бұрын
@@TheRedBeanPodcast precisely
@julian9898 16 күн бұрын
Serious question/ comment: At what point to we start looking towards secession or creating our own state? Or at least carving out "no-go zones" where we can offer some form of protection to political dissidents from a tyrannical central government? Because if we really are headed towards some kind of techno-fascism, then all of the new platforms / protests / voting / civil disobedience in the world wont be able to save us.
@nooneworthmentioning9675 16 күн бұрын
I believe the answer will be the development of private city-states. Simone and Malcolm have discussed this, as have other thinkers in this space. This has been attempted before, with the sea-steading project as an example. The problem is that to start a community like this, you need to have a core group of people with a number of traits. Those would include an extremely high degree of alignment, the skills necessary to actually build said community (a steeper price assuming you want electricity, modern telecom infrastructure and the like), the ability to provide for the majority of the community's needs in case imports are cut off, and an internal system of dispute resolution. Of all these things, I believe that the alignment issue would be the biggest hurdle. It seems that neo-religious practices like techno-puritianism could be the answer to the question of how to align people with a common narrative and set of values. The skillset issue should not pose to high a ceiling to a highly motivated group with the democratization of knowledge we have today. Using a combination of tech (hydroponics, genetic modification, lab grown meat) food would be easy to provide. Power could be provided by solar, hydro, wind and eventually nuclear. Building out some kind of legal system should not be that hard, assuming that most of the people involved are on the same page. And a final point I will raise, is that you could probably pull this off in the United States today. If you chose to build this community in a state without property taxes and where the state government is lenient, you would only really need to worry about the federal government. And we have seen that if you have the means to hold out for a while, and are not posing a risk to outsiders, the government will almost certainly back down, to avoid the backlash they faced in the 90's.
@AlecMuller 16 күн бұрын
Voting with your feet doesn't give you the same degree of freedom as secession, but it's very doable, and offers real benefits to the people who do it. We moved to NH 20 years ago for a better life, and we've got it, but now I don't think it's big (or based) enough to go it alone. If Harris does win, I think a lot more people will move to states like Texas that could be independent as a global-top~10 economy. Even if only 5% of 330 million people moved, 17 million would have a massive impact.
@michaels4255 16 күн бұрын
The last a serious attempt to secede from the United States was in 1861, and you may remember how that went: Washington sent in its army and more Americans were killed in the next four years than in all other US wars combined to this very day. And the secession still failed. And please, don't start babbling about slavery. The Southerners and Lincoln both recognized that slavery was on its way out any way, and the leaders on BOTH sides agreed that the war was not about slavery. The north was willing to (and almost did until they realized it would not work) to make slavery a new constitutional right if only the southern states would return to the union; and if the south had to give up slavery to obtain their independence, many of them, perhaps a majority depending on the details of a concrete plan, were willing to do that. The issue is letting go of territory: the people who control the US government were and are unwilling to do that! There may be countries were you can get away with secession, but since 1861, the US has not been one of them. That is why the Yankees inserted the word "indivisible" into the Pledge of Allegiance: to routinely remind their subjects of what is NOT allowed - secession.
@julian9898 16 күн бұрын
​@@michaels4255 The American Revolution was a successful secessionist movement, and there are many examples of guerrilla movements waging successful campaigns against conventionally superior forces. The question is what is our Plan B against an increasingly fascist opponent: Do we just wait around until they create a Holodomor or concentration camps?
@julian9898 16 күн бұрын
@@AlecMuller The big advantage of living in NOVA is that you're very close to the WV panhandle. My long term plans are to move there... at the very least I would have some level of protection at the State Gov from Federal Overreach.
@katarn848 16 күн бұрын
The Radios where confiscated in The Netherlands during WW2. First they made you register them ( , reduce them to one per household and taxed them I think ) . I still have tube radio in a wooded box of one my granddad's. After the war , we got pirate radio stations like Veronica in '60s like the UK. UK was first I think.
@jamesconnolly5164 15 күн бұрын
When talking about the ethnic hierarchy you always say that Jews and Asians are on the bottom, but when the CDC discriminated in its distribution of COVID medicine, don't ever forget that white people were put on the bottom.
@shmuelrosenthal6661 15 күн бұрын
In case nobody's mentioned it, that Kamala clip is from 2019 and she's talking about Trump. Doesn't change the main point (that she's likely very pro censorship), but accuracy is important, and she's not talking about the Brazil case. She hasn't even given anything unscripted to the media really, since she became the candidate!
@EntertheDragonChild 16 күн бұрын
The VPN fine has been withdrawn, I think tyrants are overplaying their hands and it's backfiring on them
@redpooljack777 10 күн бұрын
No, they are just playing the "2 steps forward, 1 step back" game. The biggest issue is there are always another 2 steps, making the step back moot; it is just there to make the accepting the other step easier.
@LogicalMayhem00 15 күн бұрын
Gas lighting only works if there are no dissenting voices. There's a fantastic study done at University where adding a single person who says the correct answer changes the adoption rate of the correct answer by like 70%.
@justachannel8600 10 күн бұрын
Unfortunately if you have dealt with abusive relationships you know that's not true. It may be true in some academic context, but as soon as emotions come into play things get wild.
@shaun1293 8 күн бұрын
@@justachannel8600people have relationships these days?
@justachannel8600 8 күн бұрын
@@shaun1293 Fair enough.
@wisdomandy9361 16 күн бұрын
Democracy demands necessarily that you fight for all voices, even the ones you dislike or morally questionable.
@michaels4255 16 күн бұрын
Yes, and partly this is because one day yours might be the voice that gets banned, but also partly because we must all have the humility to admit our own fallibility and that sometimes ideas or facts that we hate may turn out to be not only true but also beneficial. The left has lost its humility (it believes itself to be infallible), and it has also lost its fear that one day it may become the powerless outside voice; because it now controls every major institution in western society, it feels bullet proof. The only institutions the left does not control completely are the elected offices (which are not the ultimate sources of power anyway) and the more conservative religious bodies (which have almost no power).
@ctrlaltdebug 15 күн бұрын
Democracy means the majority gets to do what it wants. Woe to the minority.
@albionicamerican8806 16 күн бұрын
The diversitarians who are lined up as the next cohorts of misrulers don't want to de criticized for their incompetence & corruption.
@drummersagainstitk 16 күн бұрын
Thank you for all your work.
@chomnansaedan4788 16 күн бұрын
That Madagascar scene can only go one way. The left doesn't let people in who were on the other side. Not that any sane person would want to go to the left from the right.
@TorBarstad 16 күн бұрын
Regarding the claim about illegal immigrants voting, I tried to ask Grok, and this is an excerpt from what Grok said: "There's mention of Texas announcing that over 6,500 illegal aliens were caught registering to vote, with nearly 2,000 allegedly voting. However, historical context suggests caution in interpreting these numbers. For instance, in 2019, when Texas flagged 95,000 individuals as potentially non-U.S. citizens, only 80 were actually determined to be ineligible to vote after review." Not sure if you have more info regarding this case or other ones?
@TorBarstad 16 күн бұрын
Anyway, whatever our differences in perspectives on left/right issues (I see both sides as problematic but lean more left overall), I really appreciate your work on "designer babies" 🙂
@tuckerbugeater 16 күн бұрын
@@TorBarstad i'm less concerned about their voting
@Gareth_Mayers 16 күн бұрын
That's holiday you guys have is a great idea I will implement it in my family. The basic crocks being that each member has to chose a topic and do deep research on it. It will help the kids to learn to do research and present it. Love it
@petermarinatos9475 16 күн бұрын
I don't think the dominance of the big social media platforms can be entirely attributed to natural monopolies. I think the main driver is the that the big players are in fact AI development platforms with a social media front end. The alt platforms were developed specifically to remove any algorithmic social control and censorship. The AI/algorithms of the major players are designed to garner attention, steal privacy, and sway public opinion. When they are using algorithms to addict people, and the alts are not, the big players win. People worry about what will happen when AI takes over- I worry about what happens when their creators take over, because it will be what is happening now, only better.
@justachannel8600 10 күн бұрын
It's an interesting discussion. I remember when facebook came out I was working myself on a small social networking site. Not that I ever had an idea how big that would get, but there were some real competitors. Eventually everyone moved to facebook because that was the biggest one and why would you need two? That I think was really natural monopoly. Still, I still believe that the companies behind Big Tech were massively boosted by the American spy agencies. It probably had nothing to do with AI and all with getting your data back then. Well, that's my conspiracy theory anyway. On a side note: There was a time when conspiracy theories were fun. Like ghost stories. Hard to believe nowadays.
@Planeet-Long 14 күн бұрын
08:25 We have always been at war with Eastasia, kindly stop engaging in wrongthink.
@diamondback2085 16 күн бұрын
So at least we get to see it the founding fathers set a ststem up robust enough to avert this ...alteration..of our natuon. I have my doubts but am hopeful.
@deflamrek 16 күн бұрын
You guys dive deep.
@michaels4255 16 күн бұрын
X is becoming "the only free platform left" - What about Gab? And Telegram isn't finished yet. Odyssey also appears to be a free platform. Some English speakers who use VK also say they have observed no problems there (maybe different if you are posting in Russian, I don't know).
@AprezaRenaldy 16 күн бұрын
LoL. 😂Even in third world democracies. The government does not hesitate to cut internet cables if uncontrolled demonstrations occur.
@Dr3Mc3Ninja 12 күн бұрын
37:02 Ireland had a news story this week. "Parliament bike shed costing £300k is inexcusable, says Irish PM Leader ‘angered and annoyed’ at cost of cycle canopy outside historic Dublin building" You could buy a small house for that price. (Well, perhaps not in ROI because of housing crisis.)
@Rayko74 16 күн бұрын
Managed Democracy coming to a country near you.
@maidende8280 16 күн бұрын
Rumble is a terrible platform.
@michaels4255 16 күн бұрын
Also, if they ever hit the big time like YT, they too will pull the rug out from under their users. Even Bitchute has compromised. Of the larger youtube competitors, only Odyssey appears to be committed to free speech.
@jkbrown5496 16 күн бұрын
Kamala Harris when asked about her embracing the man she had aggressively declared a racist from Jim Crow times in a primary debate, "It was a debate. It was a debate"
@xaviernogueira 16 күн бұрын
And Trump used to have no problem with trans people (which personally I agree with) he ran for president. In fact, he fought back against criticism and allowed trans women in the beauty pageants that he used to run. All politicians flip flop. It's about the policy.
@Gareth_Mayers 16 күн бұрын
I like that f u from the Sims, reviews really have become like that. It's ether 5 or 1 no in-between please.
@INVAZOR33 16 күн бұрын
They are so knee después in partisanship that they believe their side is not as authoritarian. Lame.
@mickparkinson207 16 күн бұрын
Some time ago I took the MIT molecular biology course. Lectures are online I believe.
@agentqshmickelfritz8714 16 күн бұрын
I liked and described! 😁
@MissionSilo 16 күн бұрын
Use internet for skilling up and leveling up. Stay silent on everything else
@corystarkiller 16 күн бұрын
Zuck isn't on right now. He sees the tide shifting. He just wants Meta to be kingmade.
@bushikciwa 15 күн бұрын
Bro locked in on meta
@AshAndCream 14 күн бұрын
21:00 it's easier to control the ignorant
@markanderson7236 16 күн бұрын
12:58 It's been over a decade, maybe even 15 years, since I last watched this film, so I don't really recall this scene.
@caedrewan 16 күн бұрын
Thanks for linking a video explaining how the democrat platform is definitionally fascist - it's useful!
@feruspriest 15 күн бұрын
The episodes where y'all talk about federal politics has some of the same beats and tropes of lefty podcasts talking about federal politics. Same hyperbole, same conviction in a conspiracy by the party they demonize, the same argument that the old guard of your chosen party need to join the other party.
@feruspriest 15 күн бұрын
Simone is right about communication networks. Malcolm wants the apocalyptic narrative.
@AlecMuller 16 күн бұрын
I think we should focus on protocols, not platforms. The BTC blockchain is a great example of a protocol that no one has figured out how to effectively suppress. Mastodon *does* have the ability to share posts across servers already, it just hasn't reached critical mass yet (and might not ever, but *some* protocol will). Different frogs jump out of the pot at different temperatures, and some won't jump until it's too late. The ones that live all jumped when they realized they had to.
@bren42069 8 күн бұрын
Mastodon suffers badly from censorship. The network is highly fractured due to the fact that a large number of popular instances are run by leftists who fled Twitter after Elon purchased it. Bitcoin is fully captured now as well. That's a longer story.
@bullethead1953 6 күн бұрын
This was a good video. Either the title didn’t wasn’t so good or it got shadowbanned
@matthewbentley7033 16 күн бұрын
I watch you guys on KZbin, but I’ll go over and give you guys a 5 star rating on apple now.
@bushikciwa 15 күн бұрын
Zuck looking like an Albanian from suburban Bronx
@billlowery1658 16 күн бұрын
Everyone wants to save the world... they just, disagree on how
@michaels4255 16 күн бұрын
Some people don't want to save the world, but to rule it or control it.
@ctrlaltdebug 15 күн бұрын
That's naive. Plenty of liars out there.
@billlowery1658 13 күн бұрын
@@ctrlaltdebug It's a quote...
@RoyalProtectorate 16 күн бұрын
don't worry, if we were going to a fascists state your LGB coalition that you guys seem to support wouldn't last long at all
@Teawisher 16 күн бұрын
The claims and predictions keep ramping up! Would you be interested in betting with Destiny about some fascistic outcomes if Kamala wins? I'm sure you could come up with reasonable terms and he is so confident about Dems being the less fascistic side that he might give you good odds too. I like some of the "skin in the game" -stuff and TBH this episode felt kinda cynical fearmongering for politics. I hope to be wrong thou and just be confusing differences in simulation to bad faith. You have certainly felt honest in surprising ways before by for example so adamantly going against some of the fertility claims on your side and I always appreciate correcting one's own side. I'd love people to work more in the world of percentages and sense of scale in our public discussions so I hugely appreciate if you bet some money with Destiny. You are both so rich that throwing in 1k or smt is nothing but still a somewhat powerful symbolic gesture of honesty. I'd be surprised if he declines and if he does I'm happy to see you dishonor him for cowardice as he publicly begs people who make dramatic right wing claims to bet with him. Aren't you like fearless frontiefolk, THROW IN THE GLOVE! Surely it's nice to at least drink some bittersweet libtear margaritas if things go to shit there. Destiny would be SEEETHING if he lost a bet like that and got humiliated with how wrong he is ;)
@JimastaJ 16 күн бұрын
It’s already here. Y’all delete half of my comments.
@ryan.1990 16 күн бұрын
Surely we are all high IQ enough to not use meaningless placeholder labels like "fascism" for describing any and all tyranny?
@SimoneandMalcolm 16 күн бұрын
The democratic parties current ideology is definitionally fascist and not generically totalitarian. We go over it in detail in this video: kzbin.info/www/bejne/rGjciGyYipegh80
@KRGruner 16 күн бұрын
What are you talking about? Fascism has a definite meaning, and it applies here, no questions. There are other kinds of tyranny, yes, but the Dems are working towards a fascist regime. Now, granted, that may be only the first step towards a totalitarian communist regime, but that's another story.
@recongraves 16 күн бұрын
​@@SimoneandMalcolmthank you for your work. Hr wage worker here.. y'all input helpsv
@jsbrads1 16 күн бұрын
Which labels would you prefer?
@jsbrads1 16 күн бұрын
@@SimoneandMalcolm they are also fascist, regulating a company is fascism, but shutting down free speech itself isn’t defined as fascism. Fascism is the Leftist totalitarian government system where vast powers are granted to corporations decreasing the amount Central Planning that the government can’t manage anyways, and it provides the government with independent organizations they can punish for their failings.
@PepitoSbezzeguti 16 күн бұрын
27:42 source?
@TomLoveday-y7y 16 күн бұрын
The propaganda picture of Camola and functional reality is kind of the opposite
@S.L.T.P.E. 16 күн бұрын
@recongraves 16 күн бұрын
@estarr86 15 күн бұрын
why do nerds always have the glasses?
@TK-en2hq 16 күн бұрын
Get yarvin on to talk about urbit, it would be amazing.
@caiqueportolira 16 күн бұрын
@baskey3723 16 күн бұрын
That clip is rlly long you guys might have to cut that to avoid copyright
@recongraves 16 күн бұрын
Buck da system
@FreedomAintFree-ol6fy 16 күн бұрын
​@@recongraveskeep Madagascar, rage against the machine!
@recongraves 16 күн бұрын
@@FreedomAintFree-ol6fy 🤣
@recongraves 16 күн бұрын
1st comment 🎉
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