I recently found you on KZbin and you’ve quickly become my favorite person to watch. I’ve been binging all of your old videos. Since becoming a mom for the first time almost 9 months ago, I’ve been feel so alone, as life is different when you don’t have your freedom. But watching your videos makes me feel like I have a friend and not so lonely when at home all day with my baby. Thank you 💚
@nicoleiron3 жыл бұрын
I can relate. And I'm absolutely loving Kayla's videos as well for that reason.
@abbybellar27853 жыл бұрын
@@nicoleiron you’ve got this mama! 💚
@MommaIbrahim2 жыл бұрын
Sammmmmmme here
@rachaelagin30014 жыл бұрын
I always get so excited every time I see that you’ve uploaded a new video! 💜
@Jessica-ch1fo4 жыл бұрын
@itsemi71343 жыл бұрын
@@Jessica-ch1fo wut2tuwra3tw yet yew w yet tu wirt wy eury yew to were taauuua2e3ayueatrueu31uopueu3trta3eaueyuuetetaeuou1uaueruo3ettt1uyuut3eur1wuuterutteyattuuiroeeutuaue3u2tuteutututwta1rt1yuuturrrt3ueru ett we taou wit 1atu1utueateatu ty wotaeo we toawtawta were tayew ta wet wta1tta wet twwtawet wtaw1uuuatuuuutuyt1tetrttyea1teutte3tetuteeuuttututu1te3teuutaeywutt2ayaur13aytptuuareue2u3utauutereu1tuturueturu1t1tuauteuetteo3weru1tu1uaeruuutieu3tue31taurei1irueurruteuuuaeu1ututeuueeueteeututuete3u2eteuuau21rueoruturet1au1uttruuuteteutu1tyuut3u13uutaueuetu3twe3t1riutuua1utututtuutytutututuiu1rutureeeaeut1uatettttetettu2uota2tyuru3et2u31eeurteutueueu2ateututua1uuettuouteutaututuutrutetuea1eut3u1rututuaut1utatuuaeuuuatwuuteueututet3eetteuerteutue31eruauo2uqttatwttaa ur ta we toauwotteutwuuaeta yew tataataata yew tata1tuw2a and tawi2i1ut1trew3tuurtrututu3otpoauu3ua3tuu ty taawere twet wtawe 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@itsemi71343 жыл бұрын
@@Jessica-ch1fo wut2tuwra3tw yet yew w yet tu wirt wy eury yew to were taauuua2e3ayueatrueu31uopueu3trta3eaueyuuetetaeuou1uaueruo3ettt1uyuut3eur1wuuterutteyattuuiroeeutuaue3u2tuteutututwta1rt1yuuturrrt3ueru ett we taou wit 1atu1utueateatu ty wotaeo we toawtawta were tayew ta wet wta1tta wet twwtawet wtaw1uuuatuuuutuyt1tetrttyea1teutte3tetuteeuuttututu1te3teuutaeywutt2ayaur13aytptuuareue2u3utauutereu1tuturueturu1t1tuauteuetteo3weru1tu1uaeruuutieu3tue31taurei1irueurruteuuuaeu1ututeuueeueteeututuete3u2eteuuau21rueoruturet1au1uttruuuteteutu1tyuut3u13uutaueuetu3twe3t1riutuua1utututtuutytutututuiu1rutureeeaeut1uatettttetettu2uota2tyuru3et2u31eeurteutueueu2ateututua1uuettuouteutaututuutrutetuea1eut3u1rututuaut1utatuuaeuuuatwuuteueututet3eetteuerteutue31eruauo2uqttatwttaa ur ta we toauwotteutwuuaeta yew tataataata yew tata1tuw2a and tawi2i1ut1trew3tuurtrututu3otpoauu3ua3tuu ty taawere twet wtawe 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@rachaelkamugisha4 жыл бұрын
Your videos are always informative.....u make it so effortless, I have a 6month old baby and I really always leave your channel with something new and interesting to apply.
@01wonderful4 жыл бұрын
He's such a cutie, I can't wait for my little man to be able to play with his toys and stay in his playmat. Right now he's stuck to me haha, if he wakes up and doesn't see me where I always sleep plus facing him he would start screaming 😬. He's just 2 months but already started being so vocal , I absolutely love baby sounds ❤️❤️
@claudinegaballah14604 жыл бұрын
Can you please make a video about introducing food as i’m first time mom and I don’t know nothing about that?
@ashleynicole25464 жыл бұрын
You can always use a sleep sack if Jackson still needs something while sleeping. We use the Nested Bean sleep sack, but I have also heard good things about the Zippadee Zip!
@bonniem92554 жыл бұрын
Notification gang. I need that nail file 🤔
@michellechellexx4 жыл бұрын
Jackson is SO ADORABLE!!!
@sarahyuanyuan60044 жыл бұрын
Love all the detail you were mentioned. Thanks for sharing 👍👍👍
@hannahtindall81694 жыл бұрын
Those bandana bibs are the best! I put them on our registry after you recommended them, and they are so much more absorbent than other bibs. My baby is a big spitter and drooler, so they are super helpful!
@MommaIbrahim2 жыл бұрын
The best guide
@lesley86554 жыл бұрын
I would love for you to do a sit down video where you react to a past vlog! maybe when riley was jackson’s age!!
@sweetkristinaquino-gibela65482 жыл бұрын
this is on point! love it❤️
@genevieveevans73074 жыл бұрын
I bought the ollie octopus for my son after seeing how much Jackson loved playing with him! It's now my sons favourite toy! He kicks and screams so much when playing with the little octopus 😂 love watching your videos, as a first time mum it's been so refreshing to watch your videos as you are so honest 💙 makes me feel like I'm not alone going through motherhood with all this craziness in the world right now. Thank you. Jackson is such a cutie and a joy to watch!
@chantellemiska81584 жыл бұрын
I love these monthly updates!
@Evee1014 жыл бұрын
Saaammeee!! I love your videos. I don’t know how you do it. Your such a great mom
@shirosakura62124 жыл бұрын
Yay something to watch for my me time in the bath! My 3 month old keeps trying to crawl! 🤦🏼♀️
@shraddhagulekar22314 жыл бұрын
This video had so many thing to learn thanks kayla
@Rainy-kp3yw2 жыл бұрын
I got the Dreamland weighted sleep sack for my son and so far it has been amazing. He is sleeping so much better.But I found it's not safe enough.The nany was at risk of suffocation. So I got sense-u baby monitor to track his sleep position. It does work.
@TheNextTrainToHeaven4 жыл бұрын
Where did you get the little giraffe at the end? I didn't see a link. Thank you! ❤️
@ninapardon36394 жыл бұрын
With a three month old babygirl myself, I love watching what you use and do with Jackson. I’m wondering how the whole food situation with Riley is going? Does she eat new stuff and how did you introduce it? Your kids are so cute btw!
@aprilsummers99304 жыл бұрын
I recently got the Dreamland weighted sleep sack for my son and so far it has been amazing. He is sleeping so much better. They have one for 6-12 months. Safe to use when they can roll since their arms are free. I would definitely recommend it!
@aprilsummers99304 жыл бұрын
He is currently sleeping in his bassinet instead of in my arms. It’s what I thought I wanted but now I don’t know if I can sleep. 😩😂 I may have secretly wanted this to be another sleep sack that wouldn’t work. Lol
@brittanymiller88554 жыл бұрын
Love all the updates 🥰
@shinybang13414 жыл бұрын
I remembered my daughter was 6 months old n she was up crawling everywhere.. They grow so fast
@chasitylin11104 жыл бұрын
Could you do a update on Jackson’s acid reflux my baby is going through the same thing I’m and I was wondering if he grew out of it or still takes medication
@jackiewaite27274 жыл бұрын
Great information thanks
@philippapay43524 жыл бұрын
That water sippy cup looks like a good one to try. It's important they drink water with solid meals and have milk/formula bottles when they awaken in the morning and before they go down for naps or nighttime. You can put a pillow behind him in the bouncer for when you feed him to keep him upright and then remove it when he's just in there to keep you company in the kitchen or bathroom. It probably isn't possible to have another highchair for him at your mother's home. This is a baby who had intestinal/tummy issues with colic, so upright rules. It is important because our bodily functions work on gravity. He is so much happier now that he's eating solids and pooping a bit more frequently. Is he still struggling to empty his bowels? By the way, I think technically Jackson would be safe in the space cadet sleep suit, unless he cannot move his arms and legs in it. Their concern is basically that once a baby can roll over they can get their faces squished against something (or their heads stuck, which is a whole separate issue). So, if they are not able to use their arms and legs to get their mouths and noses free of whatever the obstruction is, then they are in immediate danger. Babies sleep in some pretty strange positions, not unlike adults, and they are able to breathe. He has slept up against you in your bed and he manages to breathe. It's just he must have room and flexibility in what he's wearing to move himself, if need be. Back in the day, they used to say to put a light weight handkerchief over your baby's face and when they are able to get it off, in any manner possible at their tender age, then they are not in danger of SIDS. Animals will fight to breathe and as soon as the baby can get it off its face, even by shaking its head back and forth until it falls off, there's less chance of SIDS, even though the baby could have other congenital problems that cause trouble. So the rolling over part is if they get pushed up against something during the night by rolling and they can get themselves out of what they got themselves into usually (unless their head is stuck in crib bars or something of that sort). A fair number of children sleep with their faces on the mattress up by the forehead, their forearms on the mattress and their lower legs touching the mattress with their little tushies up in the air. And I know a family where both kids sleep that way, even if they fall asleep on the floor in their rooms, having gotten out of bed for something. Their parents have them on monitor and leave them that way so as not to disturb their sleep cycles where they won't go back to sleep. They sleep that way even in crib and bed, so what's the difference. They are safe and observed and they got themselves comfortable in that position. It's almost like a fetal position, but not on their sides; they are face down in effect. I cannot resist being a smart aleck here but, unless you have filthy rich relatives who have filled every closet and drawer in your house with baby clothes from expensive stores, the answer to the question of how many will you need is usually MORE. You cannot have too many onesies or PJs or burping cloths or diapers. They can have too many other things because they grow out of stuff so quickly and sometimes have a growth spurt that causes them to skip a size. And depending on when they are infants if you use socks as infant mittens doing double duty or when they get a bit older you've discovered the mysteries of socks disappearing, you cannot have enough white socks. Even ladies who are a tad prissy about having to have color-coordinated socks for their kids' outfits, will give up on that once they've had enough kids or will want white ones on hand always for the time you've gotten 4 kids ready for an event of some sort and you cannot find the right socks for one outfit with no time to re-do that child's attire. White socks save the day. Footie PJs are a bit harder when they are learning to walk. Always with zippers whenever they are available. Kids are more comfortable with less clothes usually and they get hot, too. Most mothers get a grip on if their child is a hot or sweaty baby or just tends to have a sweaty head or feet. Now I feel better that I've heard all his little noises while playing in his saucer thingy. He must learn to sit up on his own for the sake of his back muscles, which are crucial to walking, but he learned a lot of his neck muscle head control because you had to wear him so much during the first infancy months. To look up at you when you were cleaning the kitchen or even if you were laying on the couch, he had to work his neck muscles, so he's pretty strong. The two of you did tummy-to-tummy time together. As soon as his belly pains stopped and he had a bit of strength in his neck and back he wanted to be on his belly so he could start to see where he wanted to get to when he could locomote. The playmat is worth the price because it is so many things in one and you can use it for all your kids or pass it along to someone else. I had to laugh, because toys that make continuous noise are just godawful for adults and even some other children. Oh, if his highchair has shoulder straps, and not just a waist/hip lock-in, he will likely keep chewing the shoulder straps as long as he's teething unless they are covered by a substantial bib. I've never understood how older kids get in the habit of chewing gum or adults in the habit of chewing tobacco, when it's babies who need all the gum relief. I was so worried about his whole input-output system there for awhile. He'd doing so well now.
@thedevegas4 жыл бұрын
cutest little baby!
@mommyjaslynn4 жыл бұрын
Keep doing these updates on the items you use 😃
@MommaIbrahim2 жыл бұрын
Your baby's sensory toys are the must must grabs
@fallofmanbrand4 жыл бұрын
Loved It!
@DearYesi4 жыл бұрын
Loved the video!! 🥰
@lisasingbeil89004 жыл бұрын
Is the Lovevery Playmat easy to put away? I live in an apartment and would rather not leave it out in my living room permanently, but I can't tell how easily the arch part folds up?? Thanks! Due with my first in January!
@Steph.leanne4 жыл бұрын
Not sure if you seen, target has 3 pack baby boy star wars onesies. ♥️
@mtangify4 жыл бұрын
You can try the mombella mushroom teether. My baby doesn't take pacifiers either (he even rejects bottles), but he likes this teether. It has two nipples to chew/suck on and it's easy for their tiny hands to hold!
@stylezbyrobin53344 жыл бұрын
@Keepinitreal554 жыл бұрын
What kind of pack n play and high chair do you use?
@megar0ni4 жыл бұрын
Can you link the giraffe lovy or something similar?
@KaylaBuell4 жыл бұрын
Here you go! Amazon has it! www.amazon.com/dp/B072QBDMFX/?tag=geygi0c-20
@23flowerpower4 жыл бұрын
Liked the video and I barely started watching lol 🥰
@rochitarudra20803 жыл бұрын
If u are willing to sell that play mat I would love to buy it
@immortan-valkyrie903 жыл бұрын
Is Kayla a Miami or South Fl native?
@chanesmith33444 жыл бұрын
I really want an owlet, but I live in South Africa and can't get them to ship it to me. I think it's an awesome product.
@metuber334 жыл бұрын
how cpme you feed him his cereal in his bouncer and not in the high chair?
@GoPrissyGo4 жыл бұрын
Buy all the pajamas lol when they are that little my girls lived in pajamas
@mrsqaisar68544 жыл бұрын
Hey,i want to ask why do u use probiotics drops on daily basis? Is it useful for baby gut? No harm? Do reply?
@averagebloke44744 жыл бұрын
Do you have an Amazon wishlist or baby registry? I'd love to buy stuff for you.
@averagebloke44744 жыл бұрын
Can I talk to you on IG?
@NO-21214 жыл бұрын
My daughter is 5 month and a half and she’s in size 3 on diapers😳 and Walmart has every size except 3 so I also struggle to get her size.
@karenwaite40714 жыл бұрын
@olivia_ismyname4 жыл бұрын
My baby must be huge, my almost 4 month old is in size 4 diapers 😂
@ekayd14 жыл бұрын
What size clothes is he wearing?
@susannehartenberg6114 жыл бұрын
@rubichavarria52524 жыл бұрын
@adelejonker5814 жыл бұрын
I really dont get it
@mrsumar53583 жыл бұрын
She is so simple and no makup and really look concerned about his baby.plus no makup real mother look.
@FA-mb2kx4 жыл бұрын
I think diapers are common sense and essential product..😉 I stop watching after she went around the house just grab random baby products. This should video should have 5-8 products..nothing from newborns should be repeated like the Nail file is literally in every "essential must have video" most of the products were redundant.