Koinophobia: The Fear that You've Lived an Ordinary Life

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Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows

Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows

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@TroubleInArcadia 9 жыл бұрын
This reminds me of my favorite quotes: "It's the greatest burden I can think of, wanting to be extraordinary but being mind-numbingly, sickeningly, painfully, ordinary."
@obscuresorrows 9 жыл бұрын
TroubleInArcadia -attributed to Sylvia Plath, but I'm not sure
@TroubleInArcadia 9 жыл бұрын
The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows Neither am I. I stumbled across the quote on Pinterest, with no author cited, unfortunately. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if it is Plath.
@xcitive 4 жыл бұрын
Or waiting to be
@byleemalox2265 4 жыл бұрын
So your quote may or not have made me cry🤧.
@robertportnoy9729 3 жыл бұрын
That’s so tough. Society conditions us in the West to strive for an expect greatness. Everything is about shooting for the moon and personal success.
@FiveFire555 9 жыл бұрын
Yeah... I definitely have this fear. Harrowingly accurate.
@elephantjunkie00 9 жыл бұрын
Not a fear for me anymore. A reality.
@rynoid1318 3 жыл бұрын
Seek discomfort
@YUVRAJSINGH-cc2bm 8 ай бұрын
What did you do ?
@jackofallspades98 9 жыл бұрын
I LOVE the tilt-shift effects in this video. They go along perfectly with the theme that everything you thought was large and played a huge part in your life is actually small and insignificant now that you look at it from a different angle. Perfect use of the tilt-shift effect.
@sirjamesfancy 3 жыл бұрын
@maxono1465 3 жыл бұрын
It really looks like a miniature
@masonsherer7223 8 жыл бұрын
Love the use of depth of field to make everything look miniature.
@AKNeal81 7 жыл бұрын
Tilt-shift photography
@l337z0r 9 жыл бұрын
The fear of being ordinary (FOBO) goes hand-in-hand with the fear of missing out (FOMO). Everything seems extraordinary in the age of social media, making the fear of being ordinary even worse.
@yusurkassem4174 4 жыл бұрын
So true. It's the reason I deleted social media. Everyone seems to be living such an amazing and fulfilling life, yet here I am sitting in my bedroom all day. Even though I KNOW these people have boring lives and make it look exciting on social media, it doesn't change the fact that everytime I get off social media I feel even more empty than when I went on it; i feel more hopeless and clueless in life..
@Danko_Sekulic Жыл бұрын
It has nothing to with " social media"!! That's just a standard answer to everything these days!! In the Victorian era they would have blamed books and newspaper articles! I have read true accounts of extraordinary lives - and no, I am not even talking about great leaders or business moguls- and I personally know people whose "epic lives" do not merely inspire but compel me to live like that.
@inkblotz1218 9 жыл бұрын
"Maybe when you first started building the life you wanted, you left plenty of room for what might happen, and somehow lost track of what was happening." This. This is a thought that has never occurred to me before. How we can get so wrapped up in what something could potentially be -- so wrapped up in our own dreams -- that we fail to recognize what reality truly is. As always, a beautiful, beautiful piece. Excellent work.
@husseinabughosh9184 9 жыл бұрын
It hurts how much I relate to your writings...
@ichbinein123 9 жыл бұрын
I want to leave my mark on this world. I want to create a name for myself. I want to invent something useful, and get my name on patents. I want a Wikipedia article. I'm studying all i can to achieve this, but everything seems so futile and inconsistent.
@VeteranVandal 9 жыл бұрын
+IchBinEin For instance?
@hootiehoo3000 9 жыл бұрын
I can feel you completely, I want to be able to help people achieve their dreams, I want to help everyone have a better life, whether it be through making smaller ripples and letting them overlap into waves from others shouts into the void, or whether it just be me helping others with what they need...
@jmoa5758 9 жыл бұрын
Start by not being a weeaboo. How can anyone take you serious when your profile has this as its description: "Part time panties inspector"
@Destroyer120296 9 жыл бұрын
+IchBinEin Well i think you can make a wikipedia article of yourself if it meets the standards.
@ichbinein123 9 жыл бұрын
***** - I've always had a very romantic view on the whole "contributing to society" thing. My biggest wish in this world, is to develop technologies that can contribute to society. If at all possible, i want to work for ESA or NASA, and develop systems for space travel and colonization. Getting an influential position in said agencies, and directing the progress in those fields is my biggest dream.
@obscuresorrows 9 жыл бұрын
What? You want to live your life over again? "Well, I suppose, yes...That time in Grand Rapids... My life-as I have lived it-was a series of shynesses." Being bolder-what good would that do? "I'd open my door again. I've felt abashed, you see. Now I'd go out and say, 'All right, I'll go with you to Alaska.' Just opening the door from inside would have altered me-a little. I'm too shy..." And so, a bolder life, is that what you want? "We could begin now. Just walk with me-down to the river. I'll pretend this boat is my life...I'll climb in." -Robert Bly, "He Wanted To Live His Life Over"
@austiethomas 9 жыл бұрын
The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows Good glory, this channel is phenomenal... Everything about these videos are flawless. There is notable creativity in every shot taken; and not only are they perfect in length, they always leave me pondering. Keep up the great work, seriously.
@obscuresorrows 9 жыл бұрын
Youzaafoo Comments like these keep me going.
@amanda_middle 9 жыл бұрын
Are you just one guy??
@keshavsharma710 9 жыл бұрын
The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows Was this inspired by my comment on YU YI ?
@michaellowing8029 9 жыл бұрын
Mark Arce dido
@obscuresorrows 9 жыл бұрын
TRANSCRIPT While you're in it, life seems epic. Fiery, tenuous, and unpredictable. But once you have some distance from it, everything seems to shrink, until it's almost out of focus. Koinophobia. [Key-no-phobia] When you look back over your life, or try to put it down on paper, You can see more of it now than ever before. And yet it seems somehow diminished. Humble. Almost quaint. So you begin scanning your life, looking for something interesting or beautiful. You see an ordinary house, with an ordinary yard, on an ordinary street. It looks smaller than you remember. You once had wild dreams and obstacles and risks looming all around you, but now they look smaller too. You remember giants and goddesses and villains, but all you see is ordinary people assembled in their tiny classrooms and workspaces, each of us moving around in little steps, like tokens on a game board. No matter how many times you rolled the dice, it was always these little moves, here and there. Do a little work, Take a little rest. Make a little friend, Throw a little party. Feel a little boredom, Have a little rebellion. There are so many of these token moments, that were supposed to represent some other thing. You keep adding them all up, as if there was something you forgot to count, some stash of glory that fell off the back of a truck. You may adore the life you have, for everything it is. You know it isn't groundbreaking; you wouldn't change a thing. Maybe when you first started building the life you wanted, you left plenty of room for what might happen, and somehow lost track of what was happening. Or maybe you were never 'in it' to begin with. Maybe you knew even then that this wasn't the world you expected. A world so low and common you tried to keep your distance, floating somewhere above it, where nobody else could look down on this life you built. Nobody else but you.
@flummox3d 9 жыл бұрын
The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows Hey, if I want to contribute by translating this, what should I do? I really want to make it available in my language (Hungarian) too :)
@randomnumbers84269 9 жыл бұрын
Cool! I definitely experience some Koinophobia myself.
@Abdullah-we9qg 9 жыл бұрын
The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows "I'm just an ordinary guy with nothing to lose."Lester Burnham - American Beauty I don't know why , but this reminded me somehow of "American Beauty" , I loved it so much . Arabic subtitle : . بينما أنت فيها , تبدو الحياة ملحمية . نارية , هشة , ولا يمكن التنبؤ بها , لكن إذا إبتعدت عنها بعض الشيء , كل شيء بدأ ينكمش حتى أصبح ضبابياً تقريباً. Koinophobia. [Key-no-phobia] , حين تنظر إلى ماضي حياتك , أو تحاول أن تضعها على الورق . تستطيع أن ترى منها الآن مالم ترى من قبل . مع ذلك بدت متضاءلة . متواضعة . طريفةً تقريبا .اذا ستبدأ بفحص دقيق لحياتك , باحثاً عن شيء مثير أو جميل .تنظر لبيتٍ عادي , في شارعٍ عادي .بدا أصغر مما تتذكر . حظيت ذات مرة بأحلام جامحة وعقبات وأخطار حامت حولك , لكنها تبدو أصغر الآن تتذكر العمالقة والآلهة والأشرار , لكن جل ما تراه هو أناسٌ عاديون محتشدين في فصولهم الضيقة ومكاتبهم, كل واحد منها يمضي بخطوات صغيرة , كالقِطَعِ في لعبةٍ لوحية . لايهم كم مرة دحرجت النرد , ستظل دوماً خطوات صغيرة , هنا وهناك . عملت قليلاً , أرتحت قليلاً. صنعت قليلاً من الصداقات, أقمت حفلة بسيطة . مللت قليلاً , ثُرت قليلاً . يوجد الكثير من لحظات قِطًعِ الالعاب اللوحية تلك , التي كان من المفترض أن تمثل أشياء أخرى . تظل تجمعها سوياً, وكأنك أغفلت ذكراً شيئاً ما , مجدٌ مدخر سقط من ظهر عربة نقل. قد تهيم عشقا بحياتك , بكل ماهي عليه. تدرك أنها ليست رائدة ; لن تغير فيها شيء. ربما حين بدأت ببناء الحياة التي أردت, تركت مساحة كبيرة لما قد يحصل , بطريقة ما أغفلت ما كان يحدث. أو ربما لكن تكن "فيها" في الاصل . ربما علمت في ذلك الوقت أنه لم يكن العالم الذي تتوقعه . عالمٌ جدُ محبط و معتاد حاولت عنه أن تبتعد , محلقاً في مكان ما فوقه , حيث لا أحد يستطيع أن ينظر للحياة التي بنيت. .لا أحد سواك
@voiarnn 9 жыл бұрын
The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows This is incredibly well written and narrated. Awesome job!
@kx881 9 жыл бұрын
عبدالله الغامدي جميل جدا. .. يعطيك العافية ..
@miaxari 9 жыл бұрын
The way that last sentence, especially the word "you" is spoken is almost heart-breaking. Your voice over is amazing, you managed to capture that perfect sense of realisation that only you can see. I can feel that word more, I think, than I can hear it, if that makes any sense at all...
@Tunago1121 9 жыл бұрын
Watching this just makes me want to do more. More with my life, more with the world, just so much more. Our days our numbered, and that variable differs. We are all born with the potential to seek what the world has to offer. We're not born shy or timid, we develop that trait as we grow older and understand the implications of whatever situation we face. I'm shy, but only because my mind tells me so. My heart yearns so much more. It desires the freedom. When I die, I don't want to say I never truly lived.
@hosseinmehdi1110 9 жыл бұрын
Why doesn't this channel have the popularity and the fan base that it deserves?
@ShakuRrhymes 9 жыл бұрын
I just find it amazing how you were make videos with words to describe these strange feelings I've had all my life that I myself couldn't find the right words to put together. My perspective on most things in life have greatly changed and I thank you for that.
@BRamz_121 9 жыл бұрын
What a great application of Tilt-Shift. Making everything look like a miniature really fits the message of the video. Keep up the good work.
@LordSwordbreak 9 жыл бұрын
Ben Ramsey Thanks for enlightening me about tilt-shifting!
@tucotuti 9 жыл бұрын
Ben Ramsey Have you seen the full videos? They are amazing.
@BRamz_121 9 жыл бұрын
tucotuti what do you mean? "Full videos"?
@tucotuti 9 жыл бұрын
Ben Ramsey Sorry, I was very vague! *In the description* of this video there are links to the "full videos" that John used to make this one.
@dogept4176 9 жыл бұрын
This is what i fear the most, having an ordinary life. Not just because i want to be different, but because i would die in vain, i would be just part of a number, i would be just one, not The One, but just one. If i had an ordinary life, i would feel that if i hadn't born, everything would be the same. And this shit really depresses me up.
@dhammmaraja 3 жыл бұрын
thats why this video is so pointless and stupid
@Katie.smith704 5 ай бұрын
I feel the exact same way.
@MrEpitome22 9 жыл бұрын
Hand on heart, this gave me chills. You're a master of both creating these videos and expressing these feelings in word. I always feel a moment of perspective at the end of these.
@maddiea7758 9 жыл бұрын
Seriously your work is phenomenal. I mean your videos have such an elegance of creativity. But mostly your ability to pinpoint these sorrows that we all know well. Personally being able to realize these sorrows through your work just help open up life and make the world feel so much... better
@stickybandit327 9 жыл бұрын
Right in the feels.
@jellevm 9 жыл бұрын
Wow, this was the most depressing video yet.
@obscuresorrows 9 жыл бұрын
Lazhward Kirmist Thanks! Stay tuned.
@jellevm 9 жыл бұрын
The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows Have been and will continue to do so =)
@c130fan 9 жыл бұрын
The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows You know you're on the weird side of youtube when calling a video depressing is taken as a compliment
@Nordkiinach 6 жыл бұрын
+Jelle van M. It's an eye opener for those who have too much of an Ego. Not so shocking when your not from the flock - or the ugly duckling in it. Since your taught your ordinary and your aware of it your whole life. *That's* where *humbleness* stems from. Knowing your ordinary and being fine with it. Not boasting what good you've done since it's already been done. Not caring about your bad since there's always been worse done. Ordinary - everythings ordinary, nothing and no one is special. Yet, there are people who have ego, how can this be you ask? Well it's simple. You tell yourself a lie - that: "I am special - just looks at what I have and have done!", then you make yourself believe that *lie.* You become a charismatic politician, you *make others believe* your lie. *That's fame.* A Great Delusion. That you made yourself. That you made others believe so badly that they're delusional too - and prepared to fight any truth that shines on the delusion to expose it. ( Countries that go to War 'for the greater good'. ) Just as all "Great" politicians do. Delusional Celebrities. Delusional Humans.
@Inzpectre 4 жыл бұрын
@@Nordkiinach Wow. Just wow. I'm impressed by your words, because they are so true, yet so sad. You should continue writing because you are really talented at it. I mean it! Consider writing for a job or something if it's possible!
@gabyalvarez-malo3951 9 жыл бұрын
I think of this feeling everyday, and there is finally a word for it
@vishalt142 9 жыл бұрын
But even amongst the feelings of mundane-ness of ordinary life I have this glimmer of hope that we are all meant to experience the extraordinary. I hope you share the same hope.
@obscuresorrows 9 жыл бұрын
Vishal Thakur I do. There's another definition I've written called Silience, which is the awareness of how much unnoticed talent and brilliance is happening all around you, so much so that it's hard to pick out. Like when a violin virtuoso plays in the subway as an experiment, only that's happening everywhere at once. I believe that more broadly, too, about how unique people actually are. Everyone you know has some crazy story they've never told you.
@NikkiHaney 9 жыл бұрын
You are seriously brilliant my friend! These videos know how to speak to me things I didn't even know how to say. please never stop. P.s. I love how you upload more frequently! I look forward to these
@wopwopkross 9 жыл бұрын
Thnx for saying how i feel too i didnt know how to describe it :)
@racheln8563 2 жыл бұрын
Not only do I fear being ordinary, I have the gut-wrenching feeling I’m probably even less than that.
@matiaslipovec 2 жыл бұрын
@0palheart 9 жыл бұрын
Loved the use of tilt shift in this.
@Elfos64 9 жыл бұрын
It's not so much that I fear my life is/will be ordinary as it is I'm afraid that my life won't matter. My ultimate goal in life is simply to be relevant, to cease the perpetuous mistakes to some degree. I'm afraid that life will pass me by and I will not only have hardly made any difference, but that I will have missed most of it by my inadvertently self-imposed restriction. I'm afraid that I will just fade into the background, another face in the crowd- ultimately not mattering whether or not it was ever there- just like all the other faces, but unlike those others faces can't be content with that.
@BinaryPLUR 9 жыл бұрын
I love all of these, and seem to find myself relating to all of them in meaningful ways, thanks for doing these, they are extravagant and unforgettable, now I have a word to hold on to further the representation of how I felt :)
@cablefellow5315 2 жыл бұрын
I miss these. I only wish he comes back to this project. Such an amazing video
@matiaslipovec 2 жыл бұрын
Same, would love that
@AtemiRaven 9 жыл бұрын
We all live a normal life. No one really lives a unique path as even the most rare of them were first treaded by the one creating it. Following a general path imagined long ago by at least one other person. But to you? Everything is grand. You are a pilot of the most powerful and complex machine ever designed that only you can create another of, hopefully out of love. To us the biggest, most grand once in a life time explosion of events, even if world changing, inspire within us less feeling than the first time we kissed the person who would eventually become our second half. I want to live an ordanary life, because no matter how bland something is: To you, it's always brand new the first time. The second I started living in the moment, and appreciating what I had without getting too caught up in the details, was when this fear suddenly went away.
@Thrilledcontrol 9 жыл бұрын
You take the thoughts out of my head and give them words. The best channel on KZbin by miles!
@Heating56 5 жыл бұрын
“And you may adore the life you have for everything it is. You know it isn’t groundbreaking, you wouldn’t change a thing” For the first time I’m finally happy in my life, and this line puts it into words perfectly
@FortyOunceFool 9 жыл бұрын
I really appreciate these videos, they really open my mind to what's happening around me
@proudscorpio46 6 жыл бұрын
This is why I wanted to graduate with four years perfect attendance for no reason even though I was so sick my bones felt like they could break. This is why I wanted a superlative , this is why when I go to college I want to to be on the cheer team even though I have no skills. This is why I want to write a book to be remembered somehow in a little spectacle when I die. I want to have done something meaningful to at least me , because my life is so small and I am a little dot on an infinite scale and I somehow FEEL it so intensely and can’t just sit down and be ordinary because I feel like I’ll fade out of focus like I never existed anyways.
@Tectonix26 9 жыл бұрын
I must say that this, and Yu Yi are by far the most beautiful and depressing videos I've seen, its strange how often the two coincide.
@GabrielJCasaus 9 жыл бұрын
This is just beautiful. The whole series is. I like how thought provoking it is and how it gives words for the feelings we cannot name. Amazing work as always!
@djonpow 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks again DOS...Living outside ourselves by serving others is the best cure for..Koinophobia...each helpful, loving interaction is it's own reward.... to be stored away as priceless treasure.
@clairechocolate12 9 жыл бұрын
Your videos are the epitome of my thoughts and art. I have never been that grateful for discovering a channel. Undoubtedly, I could have phrased my statement with more adjectives and verbosity in general, but for a comment, the essence counts. Thank you.
@MartinBleazard 9 жыл бұрын
My daily thoughts: categorized, verbalized and made into short video form. Thanks, as always, John.
@maxstiller6089 9 жыл бұрын
I love your videos. So relatable and poetic. If you have any use for it, here a transcription in german: Während man Teil davon ist, erscheint das Leben gewaltig. Hitzig, zerbrechlich, und unberechenbar. Aber betrachtet man es einmal aus der Ferne, scheint alles zu schrumpfen, bis es beinahe vollkommen verschwimmt. Koinophobie. Wenn Du auf Dein Leben zurückblickst, oder versuchst, es auf Papier festzuhalten, kannst Du mehr darin erkennen als jemals zuvor. Und doch scheint es nur wie ein Abglanz. Bescheiden. Beinahe niedlich. Du durchstöberst dann Dein Leben auf der Suche nach etwas Interessantem oder Schönem. Du siehst ein gewöhnliches Haus, an einer gewöhnlichen Straße. Es sieht kleiner aus, als in Deiner Erinnerung. Einst taten sich wilde Träume und Hindernisse und Gefahren rings um Dich auf, aber jetzt sehen auch sie kleiner aus. Du erinnerst Dich an Giganten, an Götter und Schurken, doch jetzt Du findest nur durchschnittliche Typen zusammengepfercht in ihren kleinen Klassenzimmern und Bürokabinen, in denen wir alle unsere kleinen Schritte tun wie Figuren in einem Brettspiel. Egal, wie oft Du auch gewürfelt hast, es waren doch immer die selben kleinen Schritte, mal hierhin, mal dorthin. Arbeite ein bisschen, mach ein bisschen Pause. Mach ein bisschen Smalltalk, mach eine kleine Party. Langweile Dich ein bisschen, rebelliere ein bisschen. Es gibt so viele von diesen Spielfigur Momenten, die etwas anderes darstellen sollten. Du rechnest sie alle auf, als hättest Du etwas vergessen mitzuzählen, irgendeine Ladung Ruhm, die von der Ladefläche gefallen ist. Und vielleicht bewunderst Du dieses Leben, das Du hast, genau so wie es ist. Das es nichts Bahnbrechendes ist, weißt Du; kein Stück würdest Du es verändern. Als Du damals anfingst, das Leben zu schaffen, das Du wolltest, hast Du vielleicht so viel Platz gelassen für das, was sein könnte, dass Du allmählich blind wurdest für das, was war. Oder Du bist vielleicht noch nie wirklich Teil davon gewesen. Als ahntest Du schon damals, dass dies nicht die Welt war, die Du erwartet hattest. Eine Welt so belanglos und alltäglich, dass Du versuchtest, auf Abstand zu bleiben, irgendwo über ihr schwebend, wo niemand sonst hinabblicken konnte auf Dein Leben. Niemand außer Dir.
@obscuresorrows 9 жыл бұрын
+Max Stiller Perfect, danke schoen. German subs now live! If you translated other Dictionary videos to German, I would appreciate it greatly, and add the subs immediately.
@maxstiller6089 9 жыл бұрын
You're welcome :) will do!
@patriciasalvatore2394 7 жыл бұрын
I love the way the video appears to show a tiny world filled with tiny, busy inhabitants doing things like we do and as the narrator explains this tiny world so perfectly we begin to see that it is indeed ourselves in that intriguing little world.
@BethanyGraceMusic 9 жыл бұрын
this whole channel is me i cry everytim
@Turbopotato3000 4 жыл бұрын
yeah, 4 year old comment i know. but i fucking feel every godamn video. nihilism sure is a bitch
@harimondo 9 жыл бұрын
I didn't want for this video to end so fast so I let it play until the middle and then watched it from the beginning. I did this a number of times and every time it played to the middle I felt happy that I don't know how it ends..and then back to the beginning..just one more time
@independiente18 9 жыл бұрын
Oh my god the cinematography of this video and the editing was absolutely amazing!!! Favorite video yet, keep up the amazing work!!!!
@noreensalem7620 9 жыл бұрын
This channel is just amazing! Makes you think about the world differently and puts your feelings into words when you always felt like you couldn't! I wish this channel can just keep on going on forever or at least till I die... You are an amazing person that I want to kill with each and every video I watch from its beauty. Thank you for sharing those thoughts with the world which actually forgot the real meaning of beauty and feelings.
@TrucosconCartasOfficial 9 жыл бұрын
@fearloathinginlasvegas 9 жыл бұрын
This is beautiful. You are amazing. Thank you for putting our thoughts into words.
@ezrajed6999 9 жыл бұрын
everyone in these comment sections get so deep, its awesome. it's almost like it isn't KZbin
@ARQJCMEZA 9 жыл бұрын
I have no words to describe how much i like this video and how much it speaks to me (as most of the other videos, like kenopsia and opia)
@AndrewWires 9 жыл бұрын
Amazing. So simple and yet so moving, leaving you with so many things to consider. This is art people
@majdalayek9535 9 жыл бұрын
The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows I swear to God I never bother to comment on KZbin videos, no matter how much they constitute a good part of my daily life, but I couldn't get past yours without acknowledging the effect of such beautiful pieces of art, as I would like to call them, on my life, and the lives of many others, for sure. I'm new to the channel, and I carefully watch one video each night because I don't want to run out of inspiration. Please continue producing such magic, some of us go through the day with the help of your artistic work, to which we strongly relate. Thank you once again, whoever you are :)
@kumargaurav6260 2 жыл бұрын
If I ever sat to make a video based on some philosophy this right here is my aspiration level.Your channel is the epitome of what one can achieve and express through visual storytelling.This is surreal.I have been sharing your videos for god knows how long now with friends and acquaintances..I feel short of words everytime❤️❤️
@dustinmartin9 9 жыл бұрын
These videos continue to amaze me in the way that others can understand my inner deep thoughts and convey them in a magnificent and beautiful way. Keep doing what you are doing because it is amazing
@obscuresorrows 9 жыл бұрын
Dustin Martin Thank you. I'm glad it strikes a chord.
@danielzou7341 9 жыл бұрын
It's absolutely mesmerising, how you encapsulate these ideas in simple words. Definitely one of the best channels, keep up it.
@samirdavis2729 9 жыл бұрын
That camera effect is awesome really does make us look small and insignificant
@Xoid97 9 жыл бұрын
I love/hate these vids because they are SO on spot, but they make me sad... Well made as always.
@FarewellRocketShip1 9 жыл бұрын
How did you compose those shots they're freaking amazing
@obscuresorrows 9 жыл бұрын
FarewellRocketShip1 I appreciate that. Those first 15 seconds took up the bulk of my editing time. Notice she faces to the right exclusively, until she thinks back on her life and turns around to the left. Cut to black. Meanwhile the aspect ratio shifts, and now it's filling the frame. I wonder how many people noticed that one.
@StaticV 9 жыл бұрын
The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows I didn't notice that but I did notice the intentional low fps sequences to make real life look like stop motion miniatures, very interesting technique
@7DragonTech7 9 жыл бұрын
FarewellRocketShip1 Also, color manipulation and spot focus really make the shots look like they're of playthings on a miniature set.
@FarewellRocketShip1 9 жыл бұрын
DragonTech i knew something was strange and this makes so much sense! im gonna use this technique haha, ive only taken 2 semesters of film class (never touched a camera before then) so this'll impress my instructor
@Lumpef 9 жыл бұрын
FarewellRocketShip1 Try looking into what's called a Tilt-shift lens, people often use them to get this exact look, to make things feel like they're little miniatures or play sets. It's really cool.
@ADirtyScrub 9 жыл бұрын
The cinematography here is amazing. The way you got the scene's to truly look like miniature models is just astounding.
@TheReviewSpace 9 жыл бұрын
My 28 years have been incredibly mediocre thus far. Nothing special, nothing too amazing, nothing too tragic, nothing outstanding. We all have ups & downs but honestly, I could use a lot more excitement and experiences in my life.
@Fuerwahrhalunke 5 жыл бұрын
Without noticing it, this video brought tears into my eyes. Hit so close to home.
@Hajnikovmuz 9 жыл бұрын
SLOVAK SUBTITLES Keď ho žiješ, život má epiku. Je ohnivý, krehký a nepredvídateľný. Len čo od neho získaš odstup, všetko sa akoby scvrkne, až kým sa to takmer nerozostrí. Koinofóbia Keď sa obhliadneš za životom alebo keď ho chceš dať na papier, vidíš väčšiu časť než kedykoľvek predtým. Pripadá ti však nejako zmenšená. Skromná. Takmer čudná. Prechádzaš teda životom a hľadáš niečo zaujímavé či krásne. Vidíš obyčajný dom s obyčajným dvorom na obyčajnej ulici. Vyzerá menší než ten v tvojej pamäti. Voľakedy si mal odvážne sny, ohrozovali ťa prekážky a riziko, ale teraz sa tiež zdajú menšie. V pamäti máš velikánov, bohyne a zloduchov, ale vidíš iba obyčajných ľudí zhromaždených v maličkých triedach a dielňach. Každý z nás sa malými krokmi pohybuje dookola ako figúrka na hracom poli. Nech si hádzal kockou koľkokrát si chcel, vždy to boli malé kroky, tu a tam. Trochu popracuj. Odpočiň si. Zoznám sa s niekým. Usporiadaj malý večierok. Trochu sa ponuď. Trochu zaprotestuj. Je nespočetne veľa týchto charakteristických okamihov, ktoré mali znamenať niečo iné. Stále ich spočítavaš, akoby si niečo zabudol započítať, nejaký kontraband slávy, ktorý vypadol z nákladného auta. Možno svoj život zbožňuješ taký, aký je. Je ti jasné, že nič prevratné sa v ňom neudialo; nič by si na ňom nemenil. Keď si začal budovať svoj vysnívaný život, možno si nechal dosť miesta na to, čo sa môže stať a nejako si stratil prehľad o dianí. Alebo možno si ho nikdy neprežil. Možno si už vtedy vedel, že takýto svet si nečakal. Svet, ktorý je taký nízky a obyčajný, že si chcel mať odstup a vznášal si sa niekde hore, odkiaľ sa nikto iný nemôže pozrieť na tvoj život. Nikto, len ty sám.
@obscuresorrows 9 жыл бұрын
Hajnikovmuz Thank you. Slovak subs now added.
@Hajnikovmuz 9 жыл бұрын
+Rgroose teší ma to
@tjsmind 2 жыл бұрын
The beauty of these videos... Thanks John! Really
@notthatmiked 9 жыл бұрын
Definitely my favorite so far. Thanks!
@omnomnom1391 9 жыл бұрын
This has become my favorite channel)
@Rex25059 9 жыл бұрын
I am the son of a teacher and I've told him about your amazing channel and he said he will inform all of the English teachers at his school:) btw I love the idea and mission of your channel -Rex25059
@p1nball3 9 жыл бұрын
I love every video. This is amazing. Breathtakingly profound
@raina1887 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this word. Now I finally have a name for what I feel most of the time
@evagelos321 9 жыл бұрын
Love it! Here are the greek subs: Όσο είσαι μέσα της, η ζωή μοιάζει επική. Φλογερή, λεπτή και απρόβλεπτη. Αλλά μόλις αποκτήσεις μια απόσταση από αυτή, τα πάντα μοιάζουν να συρρικνώνονται, μέχρι να είναι σχεδόν εκτός εστίασης. Κοινοφοβία Όταν κοιτάς πίσω στη ζωή σου, ή προσπαθείς να τη βάλεις στο χαρτί, μπορείς να δεις μεγαλύτερο μέρος της από ποτέ. Kαι όμως μοιάζει κάπως μειωμένη. Ταπεινή. Σχεδόν αλλόκοτη. Έτσι αρχίζεις να σαρώνεις τη ζωή σου, ψάχνοντας για κάτι ενδιαφέρον ή όμορφο. Βλέπεις ένα συνηθισμένο σπίτι, σε ένα συνηθισμένο δρόμο. Δείχνει μικρότερο απ'ότι θυμάσαι. Κάποτε είχες τρελά όνειρα και εμπόδια και ρίσκα να αχνοφαίνονται παντού γύρω σου, αλλά τώρα και αυτά μοιάζουν μικρότερα. Θυμάσαι γίγαντες και θεές και κακούς, αλλά τώρα το μόνο που βλέπεις είναι συνηθισμένους ανθρώπους συγκεντρωμένους στις μικρές τους τάξεις και εργασιακούς χώρους, τον καθένα από εμάς να κινείται με μικρά βήματα, σαν πιόνια σε ένα επιτραπέζιο. Όσες φορές και να ρίξεις τα ζάρια, υπάρχουν πάντα αυτές οι μικρές κινήσεις εδώ και εκεί. Κάνε λίγη δουλειά. Ξεκουράσου λίγο. Βρες ένα μικρό φίλο, κάνε ένα μικρό πάρτι. Νιώσε λίγη βαρεμάρα, κάνε μια μικρή επανάσταση. Υπάρχουν τόσες πολλές από αυτές τις στιγμές-ενδείξεις, που θα αντιπροσώπευαν κάτι άλλο. Συνεχίζεις να τις προσθέτεις, σαν να υπάρχει κάτι που ξέχασες να μετρήσεις, ένα ματσάκι δόξας που έπεσε πίσω από το φορτηγό. Και μπορεί να λατρεύεις τη ζωή σου, για ό'τι είναι. Ξέρεις ότι δεν είναι πρωτοποριακή. Δε θα άλλαζες ούτε πράγμα. Ίσως όταν πρωτοάρχισες να χτίζεις τη ζωή που ήθελες, άφησες τόσο χώρο για το τι μπορεί να συμβεί, που άρχισες να χάνεις την αίσθηση αυτών που συνέβαιναν. Ή ίσως δεν ήσουν ποτέ μέσα της εξ αρχής. Σαν να ήξερες ακόμη και τότε ότι αυτός δεν ήταν ο κόσμος που περίμενες. Ένας κόσμος τόσο χαμηλός και συνηθισμένος που προσπάθησες να αποστασιοποιηθείς, επιπλέοντας κάπου από πάνω του, όπου κανείς άλλος δε μπορούσε να κοιτάξει κάτω στη ζωή που έχτισες. Κανείς άλλος, παρά εσύ.
@obscuresorrows 9 жыл бұрын
evagelos321 Thanks so much! Greek subs now added.
@FreekHymn 9 жыл бұрын
These video's hit hard, like a brick. Fav youtube channel by far
@pipois 9 жыл бұрын
I m so jealous about your talent. I am loving so much your Channel...I want to keep it to myself, I don't want other people to discover you...BUT with the blatant mediocrity that surrounding us, you really deserve a lot more views and likes! THE ONLY CHANNEL I AM WAITING FOR UPDATES!
@yellowduckx 9 жыл бұрын
i love the way all these clips were combined so beautifully
@natural3362 6 ай бұрын
In contrary i love to be ordinary. To live extraordinary life is too much pressure. I love doing things according to my body I will grow old die and forgotten. The only one who will remember me is me. That's why I'll do my best to love me in this lifetime. I'll love me my whole life. I spend a lifetime loving me. I want to be with me. Heaven forbid that he takes me too early for i want to love me a long time
@JacobJGiffin 9 жыл бұрын
Excellent use of tilt-shift. Thanks for another incredible video.
@zeath_zolaries3508 7 жыл бұрын
Yes..i want to live differently than others...it fears me that everything i do is being done by someone else...somewhere. i want to do something that nobody can. Something that only i can think . Something different. THE WORD DIFFERENT ITSELF IS SO COMMON.
@wopwopkross 9 жыл бұрын
Beautiful as always!
@catlawyerwilldefendfortrea6038 9 жыл бұрын
Like always, loved it. Beautiful.
@Populon993 8 жыл бұрын
Is there also a word for the opposite site? The fear of not living an ordinary life like everyone else around me. The desire to just live a quite, modest, almost unexciting life. What even is an "ordinary" life? For me it's having a "boring", but stable job, that sometimes seems easy and at other times gets a bit stressful. It's living in a small house or flat, with enough space to feel comfy and enough money to not always having to count every single cent I spend. It's having one or two people in my life, who share some interests with me. Who I can sometimes at a weekend meet up with to have some fun together. Just those one or two people, I can call my "friends". It's having a more or less cute and kind girl at my side, who I can talk to about more intimate stuff. Who at least tries to understand me. Who I can turn to after a long day at work to spend a quite night with, just sitting on a couch together, listening to some calm music while talking about our day. Who helps me getting through life, while I help her getting through hers. It's maybe at some point deciding to make a baby or two, just doing what every living being is supposed to do: surviving as long as possible and passing down my genes and my knowledge to the next generation. I honestly don't see, what's so wrong about leading an uneventful, but stable life. Today I (like pretty much every day) felt like I don't fit in with the people around me, felt like I'm in a completely wrong place, embarressed myself once more in front of the girl I might have a crush on, archived nothing in regards of finding a job, a hobby or any occupation that might interest me. Now I'm (like pretty much every night) sitting here, alone with my thoughts in my small room, being angry at my pathetic self, thinking about how could do better tomorrow (of course without coming up with a solution) and killing some time with pointless games or by watching random videos and writing some erratic bullshit under said videos. At this point, my only real wish is to just live a quite and stable life, that I can be content with and without getting terrorized by my own thoughts all the time.
@dreamcx1288 5 жыл бұрын
I realize now who the cadence of your voice reminds me. A man of great stature and poetic grandeur -- Carl Sagan. Every word, carefully measured and spoken as a treasure. Because the things he spoke of were themselves a great treasure. On a personal note, though my life has dramatically deviated from its original intention and trajectory, and though I am grateful to say I have realized many visions I have had, I recognize that in the end we are all forgotten and all we do is meaningless. In a thousand years we are all dust, every action of import erased from the record.
@Cold_Ham_on_Rye 9 жыл бұрын
This seems appropriate. As I am now one year away from ending my college career I think about this a lot. I have this overwhelming desire to do something interesting and not just be another ordinary person, but I am also overwhelmed by the idea that interesting people are very few in a world of Billions. It's like the dictionary man (because I don't know his name) lives in my head.
@joshuafraser2138 9 жыл бұрын
Amazing as always!
@TheGullimonster 9 жыл бұрын
It seems you got more time to produce videos now. The output got quite high comparing to the old schedule (one video every second sunday). That's awesome John :)
@kiotw1243 8 жыл бұрын
the cause of my very depression. but when this happens, use it for the best, do as much to get out of the ordinary.
@dejahodge8203 9 жыл бұрын
Beautiful as always :)
@SlimeLord437 9 жыл бұрын
Crying...? Me? No, I'm just allergic to this video is all. This video really got to me, because of how true it all is. Keep up the good work, I love your definitions.
@nitishgupta169 2 жыл бұрын
You just gave words to those thoughts in such a spectacular way. Amazing work🔥. Please keep on
@kujmous 9 жыл бұрын
I hadn't felt a punch in the gut in too long... Thank you.
@jupiterbeings 9 жыл бұрын
Great channel I just recently discovered. The language of words and the thoughts on them, are wonderfully described here and your voice is the perfect narrator. Images are incredibly well edited as well. Will be watching and learning more here.
@joshuagreene4343 9 жыл бұрын
thank you for making these, being able to now put a word to how i feel somehow makes it more bearable and worldly.
@PossiblyWhy-c5e Жыл бұрын
Did you did something out of ordinary in last 7 years
@jmd489 9 жыл бұрын
Gave me goosebumps. Beautifully presented. Keep it up!
@memethanYT 9 жыл бұрын
Very clever that they used that effect (I forget the name) to make the scenes seem like miniatures. Fits the theme very well.
@memethanYT 9 жыл бұрын
Tilt shift*
@carolineblueskies 9 жыл бұрын
Love the use of the tilt shift!
@Halophage 6 жыл бұрын
Ah, I know this feeling. This is the feeling that defines everything I do. By the way, this is some really fantastic camera work.
@9nathan3 9 жыл бұрын
thank you +The Dictionary of Obsure Sorrow for the amezing content your philosophy.
@charliebonney3731 9 жыл бұрын
Loving the Tilt Shift photography here!
@quartziteheronquine 9 жыл бұрын
Your videos are great man!
@Summerwolff 9 жыл бұрын
Flowing water never grows stale. I use to have that fear, Koinophobia. I know try to use my time as much as I can to fill it with memories :)
@JordanBeagle 6 жыл бұрын
The tilt shift filmography really adds to it!
@Yacov2938 9 жыл бұрын
While your actions may never be seen and your name may never be uttered by someone you don't know, that doesn't make you unknown. You are a distant figure to some, but in the forefront to others. Someday, if not already, each one of us will be the world to someone. Someone who will cheer us up when we cry because they can't stand to see us so sad. Someone who will applaud us for our achievements, even if no one else notices. Love is what makes the ordinary extraordinary. So when you have it, never let it go. Revel in it. Appreciate it. Live with it. And live for it.
@loch157 9 жыл бұрын
Yacov2938 Do you have a source on this, or is it yours?
@Yacov2938 9 жыл бұрын
loch It is original work - my first thoughts after watching the video.
@loch157 9 жыл бұрын
Yacov2938 That was really good, man. I'm saving it. I'll be attributing it to Anonymous unless you have some name you want me to put it under.
@Yacov2938 9 жыл бұрын
loch I appreciate that. I will hopefully gain some footing in the world of philosophical writing with my novel. For now, Anonymous is good.
@doa_form 9 жыл бұрын
I have no idea how come I didn't find this channel before, but I'm so glad I've found it now. It is really surprising you keep making good video after good video, and regularly!!!! Although I sometimes fear it could eventually end, because there are only a limited amount of sorrows... Right? When does a particular sorrow become so personal that it cannot be shared by multiple people? Or maybe they don't, maybe obscure sorrows are one of those little never-ending perks in life...
@zhinningenge1754 Жыл бұрын
Somemetimes when I'm caught in the evening traffic, I look at all the cars belonging to people I don't know. It makes me realize how small my seemingly big world of family, friends, and acquaintances is. I imagine each car belonging to a person whose life is just as complex as mine. Infinite possibilities in a sea of working/middle class commuter. Then I feel so very small, ordinary, and insignificant. To me, it's beautiful and humbling. Not depressing at all.
@makennawilcox 9 жыл бұрын
This video inspires me for some reason. Although it's got a depressing feel to it, it just inspires me to be different and creative and not fall into the trap of a living a normal boring life.
Alazia: The Fear That You’re No Longer Able to Change
Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows
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Dès Vu: The Awareness That This Will Become A Memory
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