キレート🍋レモンなど聞きますね 米粉と杏仁豆腐ですかね うるち米の餅とか 本場京都の研ぎ抹茶です 入れ方を間違えたらまずい 入れ方を間違いない状態なら 物凄く美味しいく飲みます 風流ですよね 会長の茶の作法は完璧ですよ 京都のお茶の作法は完璧ですよ 研ぎ抹茶は上流作法ですね 飲むと和を感じる抹茶の風味や 味にです I've heard of chelate🍋 lemon, rice flour and almond tofu, non-glutinous rice mochi, and authentic Kyoto-style ground matcha. If you make it the wrong way, it tastes bad, but if you make it right, it's delicious to drink. It's elegant, isn't it? The chairman's tea ceremony etiquette is perfect. The Kyoto tea ceremony etiquette is perfect. Ground matcha is a high-class etiquette. When you drink it, you can feel the flavor and taste of the matcha, which makes you feel Japanese.