淡水新市鎮...房子看著很新...最多只有30年壽命...東北風吹著海水..冬天濕冷到你哭悲...夏天熱到你不想出門....晚上朋友約酒....林森北路回來7.8百台幣TAXI費.....101 ATT FOR FUN星期五晚上....沒有TAXI想載你回淡水...因為回程沒人搭車.....淡水老人10個有7.8個有風濕病痛....之前淡水馬偕醫院沒營業時.....很多急症的人都往生了....就算現在...很多還是來不及送到就死掉了... 為什麼中正區的房子貴? 因為生活機能太好了...台北市中心送台大醫院死了都不帶冤枉的....因為臺大醫院是醫療總統的醫院..每半年更新全世界最新器材.
Ai, this is my hometown Jincheng Town. The current house price is indeed this price. At that time, the main economic source of this town was Jincheng Paper Mill. At that time, the business benefits were not bad. At the best time, they were listed on domestic A-share enterprises. Later, they failed. Everyone went to work outside.