所謂靈魂同意識、記憶相關。意識,係一種主體對外在環境,外來激刺激,反應後得出嘅經驗記憶。比如生物對冷熱,對有益有害,通過經驗後,得出趨利避害反應習慣。生物喺唔同生活環境下,亦演化出唔同反應機制。知性反應通過無數trial and error形成迴路,形成慣性,形成意識,形成記憶。由reflective action到長期記憶,由短到長,各類意識佔比,唔同物種生存策略,有唔同比例。越簡單嘅生物,reflective action 佔比越高。如果buy演化論,萬物同源,由單細胞到複合細胞到脊椎神經系統到原始腦幹、外源系統、大腦皮層。重重層疊下,構成今日人類大腦。作為分析意識、思考、甚至靈魂,就離唔開分析大腦。所有動物中,人腦係耗能最高,2% body mass消耗20%攝取能量。呢個係萬物分演中,其中一種生存策略。以增加智力,增加生存能力。而各類人種,包括尼安德特人、丹尼索亞人種,其實腦容量同體能都勝過智人,但智人有一種獨特基因,令佢能力大增,殺絕其他人種,殺絕其他大型生物,主宰世界。呢個就係Fox P2語言基因,令個體人,變成集體群。如果有靈魂,相信無論直立人定係尼安德特人,都一樣有。如果靈魂係意識、思想、智慧嘅載體,又如果認同產生意識、思想、甚至智慧,係通過大腦呢個工具,咁分析大腦運作,應該係了解靈魂重要嘅關鍵對象。意識、思想通過860億個腦神經元突觸,傳遞化學物質,傳遞通過感官系統接收返嚟嘅訊息,進行運算,形成回路,變成意識同記憶,再儲存喺唔同嘅腦區域。通過每一次外界接觸或刺激,感官系統接收返嚟嘅訊息,形成不同嘅回路,構成一個複雜嘅意識世界網絡。當然亦有maverick科學家企圖科學化靈魂。比如Penrose用量力理論解釋嘅Orchestrated Objective Reduction簡稱Orch OR,認為靈魂係藏喺神經細胞嘅cytoskeleton叫microtubules微管。Roger Penrose認為意識就係wave function collapse果一刻發生。
@yanko-h2t11 ай бұрын
@anthonylai327611 ай бұрын
@LindaChan-oe2hd11 ай бұрын
蕭生新年好,如果你看看near death experience 的很多video 你会有不同的看法,謝谢。
@scivanpoon11 ай бұрын
On going NDE and past life memory cases prove soul exist.
@蚩尤-t9q11 ай бұрын
@raywong234111 ай бұрын
@cyruswyli11 ай бұрын
如果 靈魂係一種能量 物理最基本定律 conservation of energy 能量不滅 能量係唔需要媒介 唔需要一個腦 相反 肉體 個腦 係靈魂嘅監獄 係攞嚟困住個靈魂
若果人就像computer, 人的一生就record你的喜怒哀樂, 然後存於hard-disk 中, 人死生, 他ㄧ生所感受的依然在harddisk 中。那人死就不是煙灰煙滅, the one who can access the harddisk is the creator of this universe 。
@TheWaikyleung11 ай бұрын
"我"=我們的腦(CPU) 想野的方法+memory. 它們是可以用電腦再模擬stimulate 出來 ie. "我"=AI (learnt my way)+my memory. It depends on how true the AI simulates"我". Of course, it is not me, but just let others think that it is me. Or it simulates my responses if I had not died.
@charling242911 ай бұрын
@kyle4058111 ай бұрын
多謝蕭生分享! For me, 靈魂 = virtual product indirectly resulted from our dna to promote greater mankind. It is a part of Darwin's evolution theory (for a group of people). Imagine a civilization without the concept of 靈魂。
@ywiphk11 ай бұрын
@khw753811 ай бұрын
@yilinghu587011 ай бұрын
@user-vf9oh9pi5f11 ай бұрын
心霯,靈魂藏在心和松果體之中,人如開了第三眼,即使閉了肉眼,仍可見剧靈魂及感到他們的活動,形象及音聲。 蕭生雖可以综合到一些宗教知識,但他明顯是未經歷過 鬼或靈魂,所以他無法相信 靈或神 這些形而上的東西。 建議 你去睇下英文youtube 片就知,至少已有幾百條片,不同的外國人種有男有女不同年纪的人,都述說有經歷 Near Death Experience ,他們濒死時,靈魂離開肉身的經歷.. 即使你自己未有經歷過,都會開多些智慧去講好這個 topic
"我"亦可以靠其他人的記憶而繼續存在,as Quantum Mechanics said that all things are energy, when we hit the wall, the energy form can go through the wall and pass to the other side. In that sense, I can be partially stay in the other side (called tunneling effect) because of my energy spread there. Similarity, "我"can still be a form of energy living in the memory of my friends and family. On the other hand, "我"=我們的腦(CPU) 想野的方法+memory. 它們是可以用電腦再模擬stimulate 出來 ie. "我"=AI (learnt my way)+my memory. It depends on how true the AI simulate"我". Of course, it is not me, but just let others think that it is me. Or the me that when I had not died.
Reincarnation does not necessarily have to be determined by your moral behavior while you were alive. It can happen an infinite number of times. Therefore, you will be reincarnated into every living creature that has ever lived, or not yet even born. Your soul is not governed by the constraints of space or time.
Imagine you’re playing a computer game where the non-player character (NPC) can die and be reborn, independent of the actual player. The NPC will never be able to comprehend the player controlling it. This interaction mechanism can be explained by quantum entanglement or perhaps something we have yet to discover. Consider giving Isaac Newton a modern phone. He would never be able to explain how it works with the internet, which is independent of the phone but interacts with it. No matter how many phones he dissects, even if they are “dead”, he would still not be able to understand it. However, the existence of the internet is a fact that cannot be simply deduced by examining a phone.