@EricLee-rz2vo 我个人认为"唯心"和"唯物"都不对。可能"心物兩元"才對。"心"是已知物理世界以外的,却需要通过"脑"去产生功能。"心物两元"可以从不同方向去推导,其中一个比较流行的是通过西方哲学里的Personal Identity Problem (Diachronic Identity)。简单地比如说,人脑由左右两半球组成。"我"可以由右脑转到左脑,也可以由左脑转回到右脑,这里头可以没有任何"信息"和"物质"的传递,但是这"我"却依然延续是"我"!所以"我"(意识)的本质是"非信息"和"非物质"的!你觉得有道理吗?欢迎反驳!哲学就是辨论!这我"(意识)本质是"非信息"和"非物质"的论点在西方哲学里叫Simple View of Personal Identity(在佛学里也许这叫"无常我"(non-self)的意识流(mindstream))? 不大清楚。 既然"我"(意识)是"非信息"和"非物质"的,那就可以沒有故定的(記憶和性格等),却靠某些"未知的因素"去连续。这"未知的因素"有可能是已知物理世界以外的。另外Perception Problem 和 Binding Problem也可以推导"心物两元",不过推导过程比较复杂。
@yatsinsun647011 ай бұрын
@KenChan-d2k11 ай бұрын
@@yatsinsun6470 我不大喜歡用"靈魂"這詞,太過"擬人化"。故且叫這為已知物理世界以外的"X因素"吧。沒有"X因素"的話,會有三種邏輯錯誤,分別是Diachronic Personal Identity Problem,Binding Problem,Perception Problem。你想先聽哪一種?(抱歉沒有中文翻譯,因為概念和爭論都來自西方的"精神哲學")。
Regarding the argument of where the soul exists in our brain ... What about the interaction or communication mechanism exists in a 'distributed' way similar to the way the block chain exists. By simply destroying part of the brain cannot destroy our distributed soul
Family means nothing if it's abusive.The most damaging and false teachings that many of us were taught are "always respect elders" and "elders know best" and "obey all elders."
Religious belief is beyond RATIONAL discussion. 英國的 Richard Dawkins 和美國的 Daniel Dennett曾極力用進化論的觀念來否定God 或宗教的真實性,但似乎英美人多未為所動,信者自信。西人有soul,中國人有魂魄,日本人有祖靈(日本的神道(Shinto)的兩個基礎,是祖先信仰和稻米收成),. . .
From a single cell to the entire body, there are no chemical differences during the transition between live and dead. Yet the two states are completely different and opposite from each other. This is a mystery and unexplainable. The concept of the soul or spirit is that when it is present, it gives life to biological entities. When it is not present, then all biological activities come to an end.