步出山林 (雙語詩Bilingual Poems (shi) - Bilingual Chinese Poetry www.poetry-chinese.com/4.html) 山鳥輕啼萬木蔥。穿林兩里見藍空。 岩邊靜坐觀雲鶴,石上虛眠沫岭風。 明目清心天道近,凡音雜念世途朦。 人間樂土知何處,左有澄湖右有峰。 Walking out of the Mountain Woods Birds in the mountain cheerfully sing. A myriad of trees look vibrant and green. Having walked across the woods for two miles, I can see in front of me the blue sky. Sitting quietly on the edge of a rock, I watch cranes soaring to the clouds alone or in flock. I lie on a flat stone feeling at ease, and enjoy the relaxation in mountain breeze. When my eyes and mind are clear, I feel as though the universal truth is near. Too many human noises and mundane views keep the ways of the world blurred and unreal. Where on earth can I find the place that will please my eyes and mind? Ah, it is here: a limpid lake on my left and a peak on my right!