Doctor Who 14x8 Empire of Death Reaction

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Lauren McGinty

Lauren McGinty

16 күн бұрын

DOCTOR WHO Series 14 Episode 8 EMPIRE OF DEATH REACTION. Doctor Who Series 1 Episode 8 Empire of Death Reaction #doctorwho #drwho #empireofdeath #doctorwhoreaction
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@LaurenMcGinty12 14 күн бұрын
So, that happened...
@steve8510 14 күн бұрын
Doctor and Ruby took Sutekh for walkies
@mikebasil4832 14 күн бұрын
Doctor Who has always had a most special gift for making the seemingly ordinary things and people turn out to be extraordinary in their own rights. Quite profoundly when it involves family. That’s how Sutekh’s greatest fear, as once stated by the 4th Doctor, that others would grow to rival him in power has ultimately done him in. I really liked Ruby and I look forward to her possible return someday. Thank you, Lauren. 💙&☮️
@CaptainCookNo6 14 күн бұрын
I think the “Penzance” sticker on Mrs. Flood’s suitcase may be a significant clue to her identity. Penzance is a town in Cornwall, but in the ancient Cornish language “Penzance” translates to “Holy Headland”. The area also has odd folklore, including an Arthurian legend about a place near Penzance called Lyonesse- a land that sank into the sea in a single night. She’s definitely a deity of some sort, but who knows what big plans she has in store? Only time will tell! ALSO! An anagram of “Mrs. Flood” is “Old Forms” 🤔
@marcoschoenteich7957 14 күн бұрын
What If, Mrs. Flood is the goddess of Nature / Gaia / Mother earth. Or a goddess of Myths and legends or of stories.
@DandVgames 14 күн бұрын
Oh, i think what if Jack who jumped to the Tardis in Utopia of 3 season died in the moment not because of time-vortex but because of Sutekh's power.
@DanielRDrew 14 күн бұрын
I get why many people are underwhelmed, but I do think that modern audiences have been too used to everything needing to be some huge revelation. And this was an answer to that feeling. We all gave meaning to the mystery, as The Doctor said. We all wanted something huge and crazy, but in the end it didn't need to be that, it was alright that it was simple. The street sign thing was a bit hokey though, but eh, it's Doctor Who. And we already knew that this fixed point was somewhat malleable, since The Doctor said they couldn't land there again. So, that's probably why the memory was able to change, when her mother perceived The Doctor, she pointed at the sign. Though I do think this episode should have been two episodes to sit in the loss for a longer period of time and then have the win in the third part. The pacing was a bit quick. But also it's been said somewhere that there may be an actual explanation for the snowing yet to be revealed. I just assume it's the fixed point memory being so strong and yet malleable, that it bleeds through, I think that's what the Doctor essentially said at some point before.
@Georgie_R 14 күн бұрын
No-I think people are 'underwhelmed' after basically being shilled and left with a series that has wanted to seem epic-but has instead felt extremely badly plotted and paced-with elements added for spectacle alone to which there were no answers... and all of it under the guise of this being Doctor Who embracing a new 'fantasy' genre (and completely failing to comprehend that many fans enjoy that genre.... and like every other work of fiction relies on 'in universe' rules being established.... not just making stuff up to suit a moment or (seemingly in this particular shows case) a visual effect. Personally speaking... Ruby's mother being the most normal woman alive could have and should have been a real highlight of this series... with Ruby alone being the person who had created this extra-ordinary myth out of it. But instead we had The Doctor adding his own belief of this being a significant mystery (as well as pretty much every other tangential character), and at every opportunity we had moments of portentedness added. And while I (and most others) know that it was this whole 'development of the significance' made sense in the fiction of tricking Sutekh... it was narratively redundant. And I can totally understand why people see it as such-particulary people who invested in it as a mystery as they were tricked into.... trick the characters but not your audience. This wasn't an innocent bi-product of an over zealous fan base.. this was a calculated move to create an audience investment to a mystery that was resoved in an extremely poorly written resolution. To be totally honest... given how fan w@nk ancient/niche continuity heavy this entire series has been (odd for a brand new reboot for a new distibution partner) I bet the original idea would have been to try to get Sheridan Smith on board and make the mystery mother Lucie Miller rather than Louise Which brings me onto my real bugbear... the inclusion of Sutekh at all. Part of the origin of this character was that he and his race were supremely powerful aliens who set themselves up as gods and as a result of that changed human history. The accusation of 'cultural appropriation' felt completely unjustifiable in the context of those alread established tenets of the character-and smacked more of RTD wanting to add 2024 sensibilities to something that had already been explained... we can only imagine that exactly the same sentiment will be felt about Count Scarlioni's many, repeated, 'cultural appropriations' throughout European history The thing is.... this entire story took what had been an extremely effective and genuinely menacing villain and turned him into an absolute joke. He was a super powered alien, who's rather innocuous appearance and seductive voice helped to emphasise the power he had. The glimpses we had of him showing a fraction of that power (reanimating corpses, mind control etc etc... meant that the threat he *could* pose felt genuinely terrifying to both the characters and the audience. He was a supremely powerful alien with the head of a jackal.... who believed every form of life was beneath him. He was not a God.... nor was he a giant CGI giraffe necked dog. Even getting the original actor to return to do the voice felt redundant due to how prevalent the other elements (the snarling, music etc) were in the mix. And this is what I mean about the fantasy genre... are we meant to now believe that either being in the time vortex makes you into a god-or was it Sutekh stealing energy from the Tardis? you can't just throw stuff in and say "This is us embracing fantasy"... because it is trite, badly written, lazy and most of all *extremely* offensive to your viewers and/or fans of that genre. Then it really just goes and completely pisses over the fans of the show-and the work of the genuinely talented people who were forced to make a show in really difficult circumstances. Those people who had to work extremely hard on narrative comprehension-because they couldn't just throw a huge amount of money on effects or (self) promotion. So Sutekh-who was only originally imprisoned after 740 of his own super powered race teamed up to do so-and who was only originally beaten after his own time *corridor* (not even remotely the same thing as the time *vortex* ) between his prison and the priory was stretched to the extent that he aged to death.... Oh but no... according to RTD in the commentary-Little him though Sutekh escaped, so Big Him decides that his misunderstanding of the resolution is actually right after all. And rather than make Sutekh do something that could be chilling (bringing out an army of the dead, making the universe worship him and/or killing off 10% of the universe to just further the whole 'Thanos' rip off they did) the nuclear option is yet again instantly taken.... and at which point the audience just stop caring because they know the reset button will be pushed. And what a reset button! Either it can be viewed innocently as a dog walk gone wrong.... or you could view it as the heroes take part in a lynching (Ok he's a bad guy.... but isn't that the excuse people historically used... but it's good to know that inaccurate accusations of 'cultural appropriation' are obviously more reprehensible than actual visual recreations of historical crimes... which are OK here as the perpetrators include someone who could have had that fate himself in some places at some times) And not just that....but the actually exceptionally trite way that somehow bringing 'death to death' doesn't just stop further people dying... but it actually brings them all back to life.... really really poorly conceived and completely unnecessary if that 'nuclear option' hadn't been used (and another example of the 'embracing fantasy genre' insult of following no established rules) .... not to mention that a supposed 'God' would have absolutely no ability to control his powers (If that is the case-why didn't everyone everywhere simply die the second Sutekh manifested himself) Apologies for my lengthy rant.... I just wanted to point out that the 'mum revelation' is only a very small prt as to why so many people have not only actively disliked this story-but also this series as a whole. And while you may well think that this is just the ramblings of an overly earnest fan (which they probably are) the one thing you have to remember is that it was RTD himself who wanted the entirety of Classic Who available free to any interested UK person. So anyone watching could easily check out the original. Even if Pyramids of Mars is actually the *only* Tales of the Tardis to be edited down-and have new effects composited onto it to support the RTD 'escape' scenario by making the *corridor* the *vortex*
@isaacc7 14 күн бұрын
I feel like the characters are types instead of being fully fleshed out. Mrs. Flood breaking the 4th wall as a set up for the land of fiction? It would help explain the meta context. Like the Doctor watching Doctor Who? The musical sequences? I’m hoping the story telling weirdness pays off somehow.
@bobhughes2290 14 күн бұрын
Mrs. Flood has the snow at the end! what's up with that?
@lowkeyz99 12 күн бұрын
So Ruby's mom is the friends we made along the way
@thomasnieswandt8805 14 күн бұрын
I dont know why, but after that episode, i have the feeling, that Mrs Flood is the "meddling Monk"... I dont know exactly why. But the way he behaves in the could be
@LuckDragonLair 14 күн бұрын
The more I think about it, I think that Sutekh bringing the Tardis back right after the doctor left that they saw in the time window... and it almost becoming one with the Tardis, When they started really discussing her birth and the mystery of her mother, Sutekh/Tardis's fascination and obsession pulled a bit of that time into the area.... But that's just one possible explanation. :)
@torchwood00 5 күн бұрын
2 Spinoff Of Doctor Who Are On The Way First MARTHA RETURNS & UNIT
@josefschiltz2192 13 күн бұрын
Capt. Jack: "Now . . . Just wait! H . h . hold on a minute! When I was hanging on to the TARDIS in the time vortex, screaming your name, I thought I felt something licking my face! There was a fetid-smelling hot breath on the back of my neck! THAT WAS SUTEKH??? . . . I wondered why my coat smelled of dog piss!"
@kant12 14 күн бұрын
yep. it was alright and the dumb parts are hard to ignore. otherwise great season tho.
@suzettehorst4065 14 күн бұрын
I think the snow is connected to Ruby’s mother and that it only happens when Ruby’s in danger. Who do you instinctively want when you’re scared? You want your mom. (If your relationship with her is healthy.) The only way she could connect with her mom was through snow. Although I consider Carla Ruby’s mom because she raised her. But on a primal gut level, when we’re in danger or hurt, we want our mother and it always snows when Ruby is in danger.
@Georgie_R 14 күн бұрын
This is a great theory.... now if only any of that was actually planned, explained or realised... the whole 'it's snowing' thing wouldn't have felt like the absolutely redundant aesthetic CGI just for the sake of it spectacle it was. Two lines.... that's all it would have taken
@torchwood00 14 күн бұрын
show me the loving
@user-zh8zn6ef5r 14 күн бұрын
I don't like the ratings for the new season. Do you think the series needs a temporary break?
@Mr_RB75 11 күн бұрын
errm The 15th Doctor doubled the TARDIS due to the Toymaker, so does the 14th Doctor's TARDIS have SUTEKH haunting it?
@kc0itf 12 күн бұрын
Think Mrs. Flood is the new Missy...
@tenmark7055 14 күн бұрын
And the White Guardian as Mary Poppins.
@Georgie_R 14 күн бұрын
Excuse me..... it is not appropriate to specify Guardians by their colour... probably!!!! But yeah.... either them or the Mara are the most obviously next for the dragging through the dirt! And the Guardians are the ones that came to my mind with La Dobson!
@DoctorWhoManiaProductions23 14 күн бұрын
⁠@@Georgie_R you can say white guardian lol
@Georgie_R 13 күн бұрын
@@DoctorWhoManiaProductions23 Actually I can't! And I resent your suggestion than I can!! I have a crippling speech impediment!!! 🤣
@tenmark7055 13 күн бұрын
@@Georgie_R Quite right! How about "Guardian of no color"?
@Maxippo 14 күн бұрын
I thought this episode was solid, didnt hate it, didnt absolutely love it. I understand they were pressed for time on this season, and next one should be better
@JamesCummings-e5l 14 күн бұрын
Mrs flood has too be old Clara, she said u clever boy and the clothes, RTD is planning something it's big, I got a feeling..
@modboyhenry1 14 күн бұрын
She wore a Rory like outfit earlier in the season and the white outfit at the end is similar to a romana 1 outfit so who knows what she is up to
@dupersuper1938 14 күн бұрын
There is no old Clara. She's between heartbeats until she returns to the fixed point of her death.
@kerouac.jackson 14 күн бұрын
I don't think Mrs. Flood is Clara, but it seems odd that she dresses like Clara Oswald and said "clever boy" twice in this episode. I'm not sure what this means, but I'm guessing that Mrs. Flood will turn out to be someone who knew Clara. Maybe we'll finally find out in the next Christmas special?
@DanielMassey690 13 күн бұрын
Missy would have done something like this, and she certainly knew Clara. Mrs Flood is another incarnation of the Master, is definitely what I'm going for. The Rani is another possibility, but it simply means more to the audience if she's the Master. They went back and placed themselves living alongside the Doctor's next companion, Ruby, and influenced her life (in more ways than we yet know).
@kerouac.jackson 13 күн бұрын
@@DanielMassey690 I've been keeping an eye out for a gold tooth, but haven't been able to spot one yet. The Master has taken over other people's bodies before so I could see Mrs. Flood as some innocent who somehow had dental work done with the wrong gold tooth by a nefarious dentist. Maybe? We'll have to wait and see.
@NicholasCrenson 14 күн бұрын
I'm thinking Mrs Flood might be The Master or The Valeyard
@phillipayriss3608 14 күн бұрын
For the third time: Who. Is. Mrs. Flood!? She seems to be mortal. No actual cosmic powers (That we have seen.) But ... The episodes of this serial have varied from good though excellant to amazing. I am so pleased. The two part finale falls into the just plain good category, so not fantastic, but I am quite happy enough thank you. We need more more more!!!
@steve8510 14 күн бұрын
Night night.
@dupersuper1938 14 күн бұрын
Lacks heart? Really? These two practically exude heart. I do hate how short the season was.
@Cally.Summer 14 күн бұрын
It had some good moments. Bonnie Langford was by far the outstanding performer. But there were holes in the plot that you could fit a galaxy through. For example, if death has spread everywhere on Earth in the present time (to say nothing of all of the other times), then how can the DNA database from the 2040s exist? And if Sutekh has been on the Tardis since Pyramids of Mars, then when there were three Tardises in the museum at the end of Day of the Doctor; were there also three Sutekhs? Is there one on David Tennant's Tardis? (and did the 14th Doctor just sit around and disintegrate while doing nothing about it?) Did Sutekh suffer any ill-effects from being stuck in the throat of a Tyrannosaurus Rex (Deep Breath)? Or when the Tardis was being continually destroyed? (The Big Bang). I do apologise. Doctor Who is such a big part of my life that I feel pretty strongly about it - probably to far too great an extent! I hadn't intended to rant, and even if I did, this is not the place for it.
@Quirderph 14 күн бұрын
I think it’s implied that it ”takes time” for the future to be affected. There probably were three Sutekhs in Day of the Doctor, though it doesn’t really matter since they were all dedicated to hiding. (I wonder if there are three Susan Twists in that barn or if Sutekh figured one was enough.) Is Fifteen’s TARDIS a copy or just a future version of the same vehicle? If it’s the former I assume Sutekh would have to keep his grip on one of them, but not be directly affected himself. I have no clue about the rest.
@Cally.Summer 13 күн бұрын
@@Quirderph It can't possibly take time for the future to be affected. If everyone is dead in 2024, there's no-one left in 2046 to create the DNA database.
@DanielMassey690 13 күн бұрын
This is why I think Russell should have made it that Sutekh only latched on to the Tardis during Wild Blue Yonder, thanks to the Doctor letting evil, supernatural things into the universe. It's pure insanity to suggest Sutekh was there even when Rose Tyler first entered the Tardis. I'm not entirely sure of Russell's train of thought there!
@joshuajoshua2732 14 күн бұрын
Worst season finale since "Hell Bent" what the hell was that ending? Is it a soap opera or science fiction.
@modboyhenry1 14 күн бұрын
I personally enjoyed this and hell bent don’t get the hate for them but to each their own I guess
@ftumschk 14 күн бұрын
Worst finale since Hell Bent? Battle of Ranskoor av Kolos, The Timeless Children and The Vanquishers: "Hold our beers"
@martinmorles1 14 күн бұрын
Yeah , this was so underwhelming like Sutekh was defeated too deus ex machina and I get what rtd was going for but why the snow & music then if she was ordinary?
@pandaphil 14 күн бұрын
We don't know about her father yet.
@Mr_RB75 14 күн бұрын
8 episodes are not enough. But the writing has been amazing
@benjamindavis4974 14 күн бұрын
It's the only way we can get yearly Doctor Who
@Face2East 14 күн бұрын
The guy needs better writers with new ideas. Descent legitimate sci-fi heritage writers who can provide the actors with real material. This series felt like it was DW by numbers an bland and never felt engaging or believable enough in the lore. Gatwa could be a good doctor, but the material he's been given is somewhere between dull and just dumb.
@lanceuppercut3498 14 күн бұрын
Yes, this has been overall a series of poorly written inconsistent series. And it culminated in a underwhelming disappointing finale riddled with plot holes concerning Sutekh motives and ended too quickly with an easily defeated enemy done in laughably bad way. Then a last 10/15 min it turned into a boring soap opera. After the diminishing weekly ratings, I think after this poor series ending I really think many won't come back next year.
@Richard-se1de 14 күн бұрын
That was worst so far RTDas killed Doctor who
@CaptainGhoulKid 14 күн бұрын
Cry about it
@Richard-se1de 14 күн бұрын
@CaptainGhoulKid I won't but it is only the sad and the lonely that like the it and the freaks
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