Pig Rants: Sea of Thieves

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It's 5am and after a considerable amount of Polish Potato drink, I thought this video would be a good idea.
You may disagree.
I probably will regret it in the morning.

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@Irishcrossing Жыл бұрын
"There's a second part, the full quote is Jack of all trades, master of none, but still bettrr than master of one." Actually this is wrong itself. The original was absolute Johannes Factotum, which was a disparaging phrase against people like Shakespeare that ment jack of all trades. Master of none was eventually added when when people began to more identify with the jack of all trades. Master of none was the disparaging part, but also there to add some realism to the quote by stating that being good at everything means your not the best at anything. The better than a master of one was made entirely from modern couplet and there is no evidence this full quote was ever used prior to the 21st century.
@electricfenrir0239 Жыл бұрын
Huh. Well, today I learned.
@redvenge709 Жыл бұрын
@@blokeVB After an exciting career in the US Navy and experiencing a couple of, in my opinion. ugly divorces from blatant gold diggers, I have come to the opposite conclusion. I went BACK to video games (and I'm a couple years older than you). Do what makes you happy, random internet person.
@cookiecraze1310 Жыл бұрын
Generally, Jack of All Trades is worse than a Master of none (When it comes to humans or early technology). It's why we no longer have 'Scientists'. We have biologists, Microbiologists, Chemists, whoever the fuck studies physics, etc.
@SethAbercromby Жыл бұрын
@@cookiecraze1310 I don't subscribe to that, because it puts 'mastery' on a binary scale. Yes, a jack-of-all trades isn't the most proficient in any field, but there are actually roles where someone like that can become a specialist. In games, the game designer is often proficient in graphic design and programming, allowing them to bridge the gap between the two fields and relay their needs and problems in a way that is comprehensible to the other. There are many roles in modern life where it's valuable to not be specialized into a singular thing, and some roles where you are only expected to master one particular nice. Your role determines your desired skill-set and the relative mastery in each, just expecting everyone to become a master at something misses the forest for the trees.
@unclejoeoakland Жыл бұрын
@@cookiecraze1310 1 it's physicists and 2 as a jack of all trades, Im actually more proficient in a few core competencies than many specialists; I own a a cabinet shop. Consequently, I'm a very decent painter (that is, in a paint booth with high-grade spray equipment, not some bumpkin who insists brushes can make a cabinet door look like a custom painted Cadillac) a competent cnc machine repairman and programmer and so forth. The downside is, I'm the stopgap labor when employees are absent I can't perform to the level required until I give them extensive trraining.
@ListersHatsune Жыл бұрын
I'm an indie game dev and one time my head artist did a presentation to a classroom of children about game development. It was actually surprising to see how many of them disliked pvp or multiplayer as a whole and the emphasis modern games had on it. It was entirely because the learning curve was too high and the community was never there to teach them.
@happyjohn354 Жыл бұрын
Its because PVP is the cheap answer of how to maximize game playtime while putting in minimum development hours. This is because the game dev provides the setting the players themselves essentially produce the gameplay and content.
@chaotixthefox Жыл бұрын
@@stealth7545 For MMO PVP see EVE. The gameplay is niche but it's been hardcore pvp from the start(which is also a niche but it fill that niche well).
@h1tsc4n40 Жыл бұрын
@@chaotixthefox the thing is, EVE is very well tailored for that PvP. You have a lot of ways to not really lose too much when you get killed, and you're never really alone so you always have someone to teach you how to play the game properly. It's brilliant really
@acemarvel1564 Жыл бұрын
What people need nowadays are not games that make you play a certain way but a whole sand box adventure video game with a heavier emphasis on customizing on both play style and server’s with a big campaign filled to the brim with shiny rewards and a chance to unlock the full experience
@colonel__klink7548 Жыл бұрын
Its the strangest thing. I grew up on halflife multi-player mods. All the singleplayer ones seemed lacking. But I haven't had the urge to play multi-player anything other than a creative game (space engineers) in 3 or 4 years. I can just boot fallout 4 up again and still find things I've never seen before. I mean think about rdr2. It's got 500,000 lines of dialogue. I bet ive only heard 50,000 at most!
@Talonistrying Жыл бұрын
"Also starring: not enough alcohol" Never change, LazerPig
@SlappyTheElf Жыл бұрын
Lazerpig is just awesome just the way he is.
@JCDFlex Жыл бұрын
Perfection should never change!
@HO-bndk Жыл бұрын
The "drunkenness" jokes are not clever and not funny. I have non-alcoholic liver disease. It's not exactly a chuckle.
@Talonistrying Жыл бұрын
@@HO-bndk Guess we have different senses of humor, then. Sorry you're going through that.
@hlibushok Жыл бұрын
@@HO-bndk It isn't just a mere primitive "drunkenness" joke. The joke here is "a person being drunk but also an expert (historian in this case)" which is a much rarer archetype and is thus considered funny by wider public. A good example of such character in fiction is Captain Jack Sparrow, who commands a ship and fights with swords all while being under the effect of several rum bottles. A good example of such person in real life would be Milo Rossi also known as Miniminuteman, though he does that joke much less often than LazerPig.
@barrag3463 Жыл бұрын
The issue with the "tough love" excuse in my opinion is that most people who bloviate about it never actually practice tough love, or forget that the "tough" part is followed by the "love" part. Like you said if you're really practicing "tough love," then after griefing a newbie you'd then take the time to show them what they did wrong, instead of just doing it again and telling them to git gud.
@pane36 Жыл бұрын
I have 3k hours in Sea of Thieves, and at this point have run into just about every kind of character you'll meet out on the seas. The truth of the matter is that a great deal of inexperienced players get IMMEDIATELY hateful the second you go against their wishes. There's a faction in the game called the Reaper's Bones. Their most valuable loot is the flags dropped by other player ships when they're sunk. I was running Reaper's Bones with my friends once, and sank another ship of equal size. Their response to us saying "GG" after the fight was "I hope you get cancer and suck dick in hell, you piece of shit motherfucking reapers." These are not players anyone has an interest in teaching, and they represent an archetype that is all too common in the game's community. I happily answer any questions inquisitive players have if they actually ask, but the overwhelming majority instead go rabid when sunk. The inquisitive ones go on to become competent at pvp and see what the game really has to offer for seasoned pirates, which is a fantastic sandbox where you never really know what's going to happen.
@WildmanTrading 8 ай бұрын
Serious though! We live in extremely toxic society.
@cementskies3933 4 ай бұрын
We used to jump on newbie ships and kill them a bit then leave one with voice chat to explain stuff like watching ladders and strategies while we offloaded half their loot
@kinkinkijkin Ай бұрын
@@cementskies3933 that's the way you do it, money for nothin and your noobs learn free (depending whether you consider "having the loot stolen" as "having paid for the event")
@daniellarge9784 23 күн бұрын
Tough love is the refuge of impatient brainless alcoholics with a propensity for animal cruelty and domestic violence.
@jacksonlarson6099 Жыл бұрын
How did the Assassin's Creed folks manage to just casually drop one of the best pirate games ever as part of their yearly historical-event ninja franchise, and how has no one managed to recapture that magic to this day? I have had a swashbuckling itch for years and I just can't fully scratch it.
@pyerack Жыл бұрын
Honestly that's exactly why I tolerate SOT No other dev studio seems interested in making a pirate game that isn't hot garbage. Skull and Bones is dead before it even releases. If there was a better game I wouldn't touch this crap.
@NautilusSSN571 Жыл бұрын
​@@pyerack For real, there's a huge market for a pirate game that is not being catered to for reasons unknown to man.
@thejason755 Жыл бұрын
It’s a phantom pain i just can’t get over. I could go for some swashbuckling
@pyerack Жыл бұрын
@@thejason755 Yeah some sword fighting would be nice in the bloody pirate game but nooo we have to cater to the double gunners.
@tokul76 11 ай бұрын
Black flag was completionist hell with its super ships, its multi player was there only for checkbox and some missions were bloody timed desync tortures. You could experience the game story. You won't be replaying it and you won't finish the game.
@nathanieltraynor3326 Жыл бұрын
Ah, my favourite sitcom starring down on his luck, typical drunkard Lazerpig. “What’s the deal with the A-10?” *Seinfeld theme ensues*
@lukajolich7669 Жыл бұрын
I just imagine the gun version of the Seinfeld theme (look it up, it's great)
@MrDmitriRavenoff Жыл бұрын
Ba dong dong dong dong. Bum ba dum bum bum ba ba dum ba...
@alanfike Жыл бұрын
Lazerpig is funnier than Little Sheldon and a lot of other sitcoms made these days (mostly the Chuck Lorre ones, without exception), and I don't think this is even controversial to say. To be fair there are good ones coming up now, like Abbott Elementary. B Positive is pretty damn good I think, even though it's made by the guy who brought us Two Broke Girls and Three Dumb and a Half Men! That is, Chuck Lorre, as mentioned above. I think with B Positive he's put so much talent on screen that he doesn't really have to rely on writers. If anyone knows the show Alice, you'll know what I mean as Linda Lavin and her younger blonde clone seem to run the show. More the latter. Plenty of singing, but not like SNL where it isn't *in place* of writing a show that doesn't need musical accompaniment. I'm rambling. Lazerpig is dope. Funny and informational, if you're into cool things.
@owenlindkvist5355 Жыл бұрын
More accurate than an A-10.
@burtbacarach5034 Жыл бұрын
big gun go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
@PrncfPrsa Жыл бұрын
Lazerpig wasn’t as drunk as he usuallly is in this video. Is he okay? Does he need some help? We need to send him a basket of Shirazi wine and a copy of Death Traps by Belton Cooper. That’ll make him feel better.
@TheOfficalBiggestBird Жыл бұрын
@scout360pyroz Жыл бұрын
*starring not enough alcohol*
@browning2471 Жыл бұрын
Do not mention the accursed books name
@magisterrleth3129 Жыл бұрын
No, he's fine, I think his liver is just ascending to levels of alcohol processing efficiency as of yet unbeheld by man.
@stuartdollar9912 Жыл бұрын
Death Traps won't make him feel better. I'm quite certain he's already read it.
@lordtomlluckrahthegreat9014 Жыл бұрын
On my first day of playing Sea of Thieves, a couple weeks ago, with my veteran 20to25-year-old friends, we did two standard "get to an Island and recover the treasure" missions which were extremely boring and tedious. But, when we got to shore, another group of players were parked there, with a luxurious ship. While their leader did the preparations for the next mission, the crew of six boarded our anchored ship one by one, but, when all seemed lost, they brought out musical instruments and started singing "for he's a jolly good fellow". I discovered how to dance a couple hours later, so, to fit in, I started jumping with joy on the deck of our ship. When they left, they waved at us, and I, still, jumped all the way through since I didn't know how to wave back at them. I was moved by the strangers' kindness, and their song made me feel special. I was so glad I told my friends THAT was the highlight of my day, and that I was ready to play more of this game, if it meant getting to meet with more seafaring musicians. But my soul was crushed when they told me that these encounters are extremely, EXTREMELY rare, that some are even traps, and that most players will just kill you on sight, even if you are loot-less. I don't understand: if the combat mechanics are so shit and if there is an emote system, how does the game have a focus on PvP? I thought it was about pirate roleplaying and raiding AI comercial ships while teaming with other crews and sharing the booty afterwards. Are you telling me that the PvE is this bland and repetitive and that a I have to learn the META of a silly pirate game with shit controls and tedious combat if I want to play in PvP?
@KanuckStreams Жыл бұрын
My experiences with Sea of Thieves has been almost entirely bad. Even including players flat-out lying to me (thinking that they were fooling me, until I said straight to their face that I knew how the chest-cashing mechanics worked and if they were going to rob me then just rob me and not lie to my face about "helping get my chests ashore"). I took the fact that I was not allowed to get the game refunded from Steam as the "price for the lesson"
@jaypoop4874 Жыл бұрын
I had mostly good experiences with sea of thieves, I think part of it may have been that me and my friends never took it very seriously and just sailed around doing whatever. If we ever encountered a player with loot, if they were friendly we left them alone, and if they were hostile, we had a fun enough time just making ridiculous combat choices. We still escaped with loot quite often, so we didn’t always just fail. Once we encountered a player who was new and had been playing for 3 hours and didn’t want us to kill him, as he was a sloop and we were a brigantine. Long story short, we lit our own ship on fire and played music as we sailed past and soon after sank.
@michaelmerrell8540 Жыл бұрын
A PvP focus is now used as a way to avoid spending resources to produce good PvE content. Why go to the trouble of coding the AI and creating interesting content when you can let the players entertain each other? (I might still be bitter about Fallout 76)
@WhatIsSanity Жыл бұрын
Wait what? People paid for sea of thieves? I am so sorry, that's awful.
@lordtomlluckrahthegreat9014 Жыл бұрын
@@WhatIsSanity I hear some lucky guys got to try it through Xbox's game pass for a single USD. And maybe it was free on Epic Games for a week? I know they give off free games from time to time... But I only play Steam games, libre games and... pirate games... if you know what I mean ;). There's no easy and convenient way of pirating a game that's already about pirates, so I just bought it on a Steam sale. Still, I completely regret it. How did you acquire SoT for free? Or are you implying that you simply didn't bother buying it?
@seanoleary3662 Жыл бұрын
I used to be on team “it’s a pirate game” but I got bored and haven’t played in ages and came to the realization (with just a tiny bit of critical thinking) that it’s a stupid mindset, like, were real pirates only attacking other pirates? No. That’s the big problem here, there needs to be something like ai merchant and navy ships for the “it’s a piracy game” crowd to oh i don’t know,,, pirate? And then those who want to be adventurers can be left alone to adventure.
@TheDisgruntledImperial Жыл бұрын
AI merchants and convoys would be tight.
@dashiellgillingham4579 Жыл бұрын
Real pirates straight-up formed a democratic government with checks and balances to manage their activities as they relentlessly raided their ex-employers.
@kabob0077 Жыл бұрын
@@TheDisgruntledImperial That they would...
@Western-mc8dg Жыл бұрын
First, sot is not realistic, in any way. Comparing the casual kid playing a video game to actual pirates is not gonna go well. Second, I prefer the game being PvPvE due to the funniest moments you can experience while playing videogames. While I understand getting rekt by sweaty nerds genuinely does suck, having a PvE only type gameplay would be like water boarding the entire game.
@SSGTTailsJenkins Жыл бұрын
@@Western-mc8dg It's not PvPvE, however, because the PvE side is completely unrewarded and bastardized to feed the PvP. It's PvP with the illusion of PvE, and until that changes the vE will continue to vanish until all that's left is PvP, and they all turn on eachother. You have things mixed up - what's happening right now in SoT is it being waterboarded by its own community. The only way to save it from itself is to reintroduce and incentivize PvE.
@stuglife5514 Жыл бұрын
This is why I like Project Zomboid and 7DtD. Players are WAYYY more likely to exclaim out in joy and sprint full speed to you when they finally see another player because “ape together strong together”
@stuglife5514 Жыл бұрын
@@HelghastStalker I’ve seen more times then not truces end up getting called because death means a lot more in those games (especially PZ) Had a player break into my house in PZ, and after putting a bullet in his abdomen he apologized and asked for a truce while bleeding on my kitchen floor. Patched him up and sent him on his way since he didn’t wanna bleed out or die of infection and I could tell he was desperate as a more fresh player then me. Stuff like that happens a lot more. Hell, I’ve had guys hold me at gunpoint in an ally only to decide we should team up together because two alive people are better then one alive person
@awdturbopowah773 Жыл бұрын
@@stuglife5514 bruh such a good game. I haven't had time to play lately, but I am actually excited about that, since the devs are adding so much by the time I come back hopefully there will be NPCs etc. More than any other game though, PZ seems to be foster these types of experiences.
@vortexian2390 Жыл бұрын
@@stuglife5514 based
@stuglife5514 Жыл бұрын
@@vortexian2390 Ape together strong together!
@LTV746 Жыл бұрын
Every PZ person needs the following 2 mods: better sorting and manage containers. Eg once you assign the fridge for perishable food and counter for non perishable and another for cooking stuff, stand in the kitchen, highlight your inventory, right click assign to specific containers and then it’s done in a few secs. Do the same for other bookshelves etc best quality of life mods ever!
@bluetoothschizophrenic Жыл бұрын
As much as it pains me to say this, this is probably the 1 big thing fallout 76 got right on launch. A post apocalyptic game where everything can kill you, yet the PVP system and community are geared toward cooperation and helping new players, which did the game a service as it went on
@jmjedi923 Жыл бұрын
Honestly? Your not wrong. Now it's okay I've spent a decent amount of time in it myself, but it still has a reputation. And it isn't good enough to shed a reputation that bad
@SelbetG Жыл бұрын
Fallout 76 has the problem that now without the battle royale mode, it's almost impossible to do pvp. In all my playtime I've killed maybe 4 players in the regular mode.
@WalterTheWalrus Жыл бұрын
The system is good, the devs… I can’t remember where I heard this, but I heard a story about a guy who set up in front of the opening vault and started giving out free crafting recipes, materials, tips, etc. All was well until Bethesda said no, that isn’t how they wanted the game to be played and banned him. No clue if it’s true or not, but I kinda believe it.
@seanomatopoeia Жыл бұрын
Say what you will about Fallout 76, but the community is absolutely lovely.
@swagguy2171 Жыл бұрын
Yeah i don’t think laxer pig has ever played rust if he thinks it’s nice to new players. Definitely the most toxic game I’ve ever played. And it isn’t even fun in return
@colonel__klink7548 Жыл бұрын
I remember playing Dayz the mod. There were zombies like... everywhere, a gunshot could attract them from another town! Their terrible pathing actually was good for gameplay because it meant that players could conceivably actually... run away from them! I spent a lot of time there and made good friends not fighting each other, but facing the world and trying to build a car for our next "big job." Raiding a hospital or something.... Then Dayz went commercial. They decided there would be exactly three zombies in the entire game, upgraded the pathing so there's no escape. Removed 80% of the loot from the game.... so what they built in the end was a game where the 2-3 zombies in a playing field the size of Colorado will kill almost all players after about 20 minutes or so of boring random wandering. Those who find a hatchet and manage to survive this? They just get shot by some player on a hill top waiting in ambush because there's no point to doing anything else in the game (there are only three zombies in the entire game world. ) I miss the game where we practiced so much to learn how to sneak past zombies, work as a team to distract ect. Hell I miss being able to repair a car. But all of that isn't what they sold to the public.
@caesarspeaks Жыл бұрын
My first life playing Day Z Standalone, I found two guns and ammo for both before I found a second food item so I starved to death. Never again.
@CarryPotter007 Жыл бұрын
"nah bro teamwork don't bring in the kids thus no parent money will be spent! adults are often mature and won't blow a ton of money on a single game and will even play it and use our servers for more than 20 hours!? how disgusting!"
@nathansamuelson Жыл бұрын
I tried DayZ on Xbox to see how it played and it was... rough. Dumped in the middle of nowhere in the rain, checked a whole street and only found either a bandage or duct tape (I don't remember which), then got devoured by a group of zombies I couldn't escape from. The DayZ I remember hearing about ages ago sounded like what you played and seemed really fun. I didn't even last an hour in what it is now.
@FoxtrotStudi0s Жыл бұрын
I remember playing dayZ in a custom map made with lots of food and weaponry I'd load up, throw on a fully ghillie and sit in a bush for 4 hours laughing as players ran past me because I looked like a piece of the scenery
@Lefiath Жыл бұрын
Very early on, back in the original mod, you could have plenty of non-hostile encounters, but it quickly changed in following weeks and it became near impossible. Frankie's videos used to be really cool, but it has obvious that it was heavily cut together, and it's not like he was that secretive about it. Still, many super cool memories about the mod. Not so much about the standalone.
@warshrag9850 Жыл бұрын
"Target-practice for sweat lords who scream at you" War Thunder moment? I'd love a rant on that flaming cash cow
@NeSeeger Жыл бұрын
Not enough alcohol.
@hunglikeahorse120 Жыл бұрын
As much as it pains me to say I still play War Thunder a lot but I don’t spend money on it anymore. Not that I spent a whole lot to begin with.
@NeSeeger Жыл бұрын
@@hunglikeahorse120 Nothing wrong with playing something you still enjoy.
@heretichamburger3775 Жыл бұрын
Good game, shit management and cash hungry devs
@ZeSgtSchultz Жыл бұрын
My body is ready for that rant (I'm on day 325 of logging in, just got a 10% booster. Hooray
@MrTJPAS Жыл бұрын
Whenever I hear an open world or survival game advertise "play with your friends" in integrated multiplayer that you can't stay out of, what I really hear is "play with sadists and sweaty grinders who will undo all of your hours of work by killing you just for 30 seconds of their own satisfaction"
@kalvinchester4068 Жыл бұрын
I came here from a Naval Action server, and then I watched the whole video, and I 100% agree. One thing I want to add is that these developers don't want to Gere constructive criticism or ideas to boost the game. They want to hear their hard work to be praised, and to feel proud of their work. Making a video game, no matter how big or small, is tons of hours and tons of work, and we all can relate to wanting your hard work paying off and people enjoying it. BUT if there are problems with the game, something that can be fixed or added to better the game for everyone, then it's worth biting the bullet to give everyone an enjoyable experience. With Rare, they're listening to those who server hop with ships loaded by friends in multiple servers, to take out people who grinded for hours, because that produces content at the expense of others. No creativity, no fun engagements usually or bright set ups. Just sinking multiple crews and wasting dozens of hours for a few good clips. And in NA's case, it's worse. They ask the community "would this crappy thing be good for the game?" The community says no, and they add it anyways. And that was the case because they're making a new single player game with the same assets of Naval Action, "rebranding" as a new Game, and using the official servers as ALPHA TEST SERVERS FOR A NEW GAME, costing people and clans YEARS of investment in various areas, and then adding any sense of true progression based on LEADERBOARDS, where only those who waste their life away infront of a screen can succeed. And when people are saying "Hey, the game was good as is, please revert these changes that no one wanted" they BANNED those people and then tried using bots to counteract the new negative reviews spawned by THE DEVS GOING AGAINST THE PLAYERBASE THAT LOOKED UP TO THEM. But yeah, I abandoned Naval action and learned Pirates of the Burning Sea is still online somehow so I'm gonna see what that game has turned into.
@trathanstargazer6421 Жыл бұрын
So curious because I am also an old school PotBS player. Still remember using Ventrillo for the chat. How is it now? Any better? Worse?
@ViewerofContent Жыл бұрын
Dear God, thank you. I’ve attempted over and over again to enjoy this game, but simply can’t warrant spending 10 hours doing a single quest line with 0 real reward, if I’m not sunken halfway through in the first place.
@theengineerinabox2385 Жыл бұрын
How the fuck do you end up spending ten hours on one quest? Good god you really are bad at it
@arbalest327 Жыл бұрын
This is why I completely quit the game.
@oraclejohnson4759 Жыл бұрын
Also a great point why Minecraft became as big as it was. Uncapped creativity, mods, and lots of servers
@knmo2642 Жыл бұрын
Damn that's so true.. That's why World of Warcraft was so popular in my opinion. You could play the game so many different ways and and still be satisfied. On top of that you could go at your own schedule For all those different ways.
@davidsandin2426 Жыл бұрын
Also with Minecraft world effectively being infinitely large, players on pvp servers have the possibility to avoid if they just run far away to start with
@tix2260 Жыл бұрын
That’s why Stellaris and Hearts of Iron 4 are good games, the infinite ability to mod the game. I can make HOI4 go from World War 2 to GTA San Andreas, to World War 1, to alternate timelines, to Fallout, and to tunnel warfare.
@davidty2006 Жыл бұрын
Mhm. Minecraft when it came out was a good game even without mods. Then you got all the minecraft servers that are well.... EVERYTHING.
@Smugs33 Жыл бұрын
You know, that explains why it was always easy to do reaper chests. Everyone assumes you are a pvp legend when they see you on the map
@primrose5031 Жыл бұрын
The reapers chests (especially the doubloon ones) really aren’t worth that much money especially if they’re far away from Reaper’s hideout so most good players don’t really bother with them. I’d say 99% of the time I’ve encountered ships with them (unless it’s from FotD) they’re usually noobs
@TheMinidow Жыл бұрын
@@primrose5031 it's all about the reaper's rep, they are worth a decent lump of progress.
@psychopathic_kitten1029 Жыл бұрын
"Everyone assumes you are a pvp legend when they see you on the map" HAHAHAHAHA
@helloitsjay38 Жыл бұрын
@@psychopathic_kitten1029 new players will assume you're competent and hostile. I've chased a sloop all shores of plenty and the ancient isles to give them my reaper chest, supplies and loot because I was logging off and they freaked out. In retrospect it was kind of a fun was to end things. Definitely a more memorable gaming day.
@gfoog3911 Жыл бұрын
@@TheMinidow if you haven't even maxed out reapers...you ain't a pvp legend
@Confiteor10115 Жыл бұрын
I feel called out, and will now cry. Upon actually watching the video, i've gotta say I agree. Me and my friends love playing the game, but seeing so much as a single sloop on the horizon has us losing our shit. We don't like the PvP aspects of the game. Skeleton ships? Fun. Fortresses? Fun. But when a player shows up, it's awful. We've had days where we work for hours and hours, just trying to get something done. Then, we walk back to our ship and it's on fire. It's unbeliveably fucking irritating. Then, just like you said, "It's a pirate game, there's gonna be pvp". I seriously can't bring myself to play the game for more than a day every fucking month. It's so exhausting with so little reward.
@jacqirius Жыл бұрын
sKiLl iSsUe
@Mrdestiny17 9 ай бұрын
I played a lot at launch, there was a MASSIVE issue with boats respawning too close to where they were sunk. Which meant that if you managed to sink another ship you only really just moved them two islands away with enough supplies to be a threat. The worst case was me and my friends clearing a skeleton fort and then had to defend our ship and the island for longer than 3 hours as two gallons continued to spawn, beeline to us, get sunk, respawn again. While it was pretty fun cause it was kinda like the Alamo, fighting against all odds while supplies dwindled. We managed to limp back to port and sell the most valuable items after leaving everything else. I cant imagine someone who enjoyed SoT PvE just trying to complete a quest. Luckily they fixed the problem but IMO it highlighted a lot of the issues pretty early on
@HamletTwin Жыл бұрын
One time while solo slooping, I had amassed a ton of treasure, being careful to stay on the fringes of the map and away from any major ports or notable lanes of travel. After 3 hrs, I decided to call it for the evening and headed straight to the nearest port to turn everything in. First port I come to, a 4-man galleon crew spawns in and proceeds to absolutely obliterate me. That was my last day of playing Sea of Thieves. Admittedly Sea of Thieves does have its moments, but only if you're playing with mates or matchmade randos. Playing solo, especially solo pvp, is an extremely tough sell.
@pyerack Жыл бұрын
The whole game is designed against you playing solo. Naval combat? Your mast gets blown off, now you have to raise it up and repair it all while getting circled and bombarded, having to bucket water out of the hull, having to repel boarders, having to watch your own health bar, and if even so much as a single cannon ball hits you directly you're dead and now have to get teleported to the middle of the map where the ferry is located, then once you're respawning have to wait as your software reloads everything at the area you were in. In all that time your ship is either sunk, about to sink, or you're now getting spawn camped by sweat lords that abuse the crappy pvp mechanics to borderline one-tap you with guns. Yeah Solo is masochism.
@Mrdestiny17 9 ай бұрын
most of my hours on SoT were solo and I've got about 35/40 levels in each faction, I feel the pain lmao. The sloop is an awesome little ship and if I ever play with my brother we take the sloop. It's the fastest ship for sailing into the wind and you can pull off some amazing maneuvers if you have the skill. But that's the issue. I shouldn't have to be the best helmsman on the server just to be viable solo 😂. I dont know why it was never an option to just make solo players have an option to only play on servers with other sloops. Nothing brought me more joy as a solo than seeing only sloops my entire playthrough cause most left me alone and the few that did bother me were friendly or if not at least it was a fair fight
@admiraltiberius1989 Жыл бұрын
LazerPig is indeed one of the best channels on KZbin. I don't understand half the things the sexy porcine god on my screen says...but I do appreciate the effort.
@hoopchristine5202 Жыл бұрын
You know you’re goated if you’re in the same class of “probably shouldn’t be considered sexy but is”, shared by PS1 Hagrid, Danny Devito, and Shrek
@knmo2642 Жыл бұрын
Cannot unthink. Cannot disagree.
@geesehoward700 Жыл бұрын
you know theres subtitles. failing that get blind drunk and then watch it.
@Broken_Mesh Жыл бұрын
@@hoopchristine5202 this is a brand new sentences, never said before.
@richtravis9562 8 ай бұрын
what the heck is the falkor / chicken, though?
@sarahtoninz Жыл бұрын
Honestly I'm here for the singing at the end, I've been clipping them and using them as ringtones for people I don't want to pick up the phone for. That and the sheer entertainment value of a pig verbally tearing various things a new one.
@sarahtoninz Жыл бұрын
No singing 😢
@7isAnOddNumber Жыл бұрын
Top 10 anime betrayals
@alejochol9397 Жыл бұрын
we must stand against this injustice. This new video format may not stand the test of time without propper end scenes
@Valisk Жыл бұрын
I use the Cher one for the wife.
@stoutyyyy Жыл бұрын
I can’t stop laughing every time I hear the Goldeneye theme because of the aerogavin video
@Fizwalker Жыл бұрын
Gee... It's almost like letting people play games the way they want is the way to be successful.... Who'd'a thunk it?
@kvproductions2581 Жыл бұрын
I've never played Sea of Thieves and yet I can absolutely relate to all these points for so many other games I've played. Thanks for advocating for players' choice to play as they want, it's something we need more of these days
@sorrowmg278 Жыл бұрын
They've also gone to lengths to bone the teamwork oriented activities like the fort of the damned, which is both easier, and fun to do in a multi ship alliance, completely irrelevant by making other quests and activities significantly better for grinding gold, and reputation for the factions. My friends and I deadass had more fun playing our own games like hide and go seek in the pirate legend hideout than we ever did playing the game as intended.
@m4rmot462 Жыл бұрын
One time me and my friends tried to do fort of the damned we encountered another ship of noobs who were doing it too and we made an alliance, after we finally finished it we were raped by multi-server pros who just waited until we finish it to fuck us up. We didn't knew what was happening they outplayed us so hard and it was 5 v 2. focken server-hopping nolifes
@reclusiarchgrimaldus1269 Жыл бұрын
John 3:16 NIV For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 🙏
@problems3485 Жыл бұрын
@@m4rmot462 bit presumptuous to assume they were waiting for you to do it instead of doing it themselves, sea of thieves players don’t have that patients, in my experience
@mrsaussissonsec1054 Жыл бұрын
@@problems3485 Experienced players, or just some players prefer to wait you to finish the fort. Because that's how I do it whenever we want to steal anything, for multiple reasons; First, since you are not doing the fort, you can just sit AFK and do whatever you want, cuz grinding skeletons is boring, Second, if you wait til the fort is finished, you get extremely powerful kegs that can sink any ship in 30 seconds, used correctly Third, by sinking people when the fort is finished, you probably will have the time to take the loot and sell before they come back, Fourth, if they are doing an FotD, they could be stacking it multiple times and you should just wait to get *all* the loot, And finally, it's actually quite fun to go and hide in weird places on other ships, even if they end up seeing you and you don't have any loot. I'd say that people trying to kill you before the FotD is even finished aren't that experienced, because in itself, only one FotD is that much money/levels in anything.
@tmo_117 Жыл бұрын
I don’t have friends so those quests are stress when the players start rolling up
@manualcontrol5581 Жыл бұрын
"If you just scream at them for getting it wrong, They're just going to think you're a cock and ignore you." Literally how my first experience of Foxhole went after getting to the frontlines. Me and a buddy were playing and found ourselves at a broken bridge with a pretty large base on our side. We asked the people around what the deal was and were either ignored or told "I dunno". So we managed to rally like 6-8 other players, Decided "Fuck it, let's repair the bridge to attack" because there was only like 3 or 4 Colonials on the other side (which we found out after some guys managed to cross the river and scout it) taking pot-shots at us, Convinced some guys in armoured vehicles to help with the attack after they resupplied, and then got a supply chain going to repair it. Then halfway through the process of repairing the bridge, some raging cock-waffle who hasn't been there the entire time we were there charges up to us, calls everyone an idiot, stops us from doing the repairs, and tells us (Much later mind you) that his group blew it up to stop a Colonial Advance. An Advance that ended 3 hours ago as far as anyone could tell after the Colonials finally just fucked off to another part of the front. Keep in mind, In this game you can leave signs in areas that will automatically show a small pop-up over it that can have any message you add to it. They didn't leave one of these signs in front of the bridge, They didn't even have anyone in the area to let anyone else know what the deal was. But apparently everyone else was the idiot because we wanted to press an attack while the Collies were busy elsewhere.
@steveisthecommissar4013 Жыл бұрын
I love foxhole and ya there are exactly to ways asking for help Gose “How do I put a bayonet on” “equip it and press f with you rifle out” Or “How do I put a bayonet on” “HOW DONT YPU KNOW HOW TO PUT A BAYONET ON” Thats I hate doing logi I feel like judgeing me because I don’t know how to do it I will say the amount of times I have been called fucking stupid while fighting the enemy is low to the point where for awhile I didn’t know why everyone was saying the community is toxic
@chaotixthefox Жыл бұрын
Shard 1 moment. Earnest awaiting the day Shard 2 returns.
@bificommander7472 Жыл бұрын
I tried to get into Foxhole, watched some tutorials, ran with some groups for logi, got horribly killed in combat but I was willing to try and git gud. Then I took an unlocked truck from a spawnpoint to go and gather resources, and a whole bunch of people started a votekick on me for deliberate sabotage, because they planned to use that truck in a big operation, and everyone just voted yes. I was gone before the votekick concluded, and never reinstalled.
@charlesmayet6215 Жыл бұрын
@@bificommander7472 I play the game occasionally and am part a clan that organizes itself in the game I joined literally day one of me installing the game and the people I played with are really fun but also really crazy. Especially Caner, that dude is started the logi riot of war 89 I think.
@cacamilis8477 Жыл бұрын
Foxhole in my opinion is great. There's assholes yeah, but I learned the game thanks to a group of guys who functioned as an unofficial colonial tutorial level and taught me and 50 other noobs how to play the game for two hours. I was hooked then. I mostly just scrap for Port Sausage though.
@overtlybiased Жыл бұрын
I saw a streamer playing SoT once and was mystified by the freedom, the aura of adventure, the cute graphics... then horrified by how ruthless PvP is, and steered right away to never dare touch it. Sweatlords deserve their games but they are a very small (albeit loud) part of gaming community. If a developer will cater only for them, you can't expect your game to do big numbers, as what they want clashes drastically with what casuals at large do.
@ihaznothumbs Жыл бұрын
SoT don't really cater to PvP. If they did they wouldn't have scrapped their pvp focused Arena. Ruthless yes but that's more on the games mechanics than anything. Game is janky as heckin heck.
@sSteppingStones 9 ай бұрын
I really miss arena Was the only thing i really liked
@Anonymuskid 4 ай бұрын
@@ihaznothumbs they don't cater to PvP? how come if you wanna play PvE you dont get anywhere near the amount you get on the PvP servers? oh wait, you're just the next sweaty pvp griefing dumbass that doesn't understand shit about the economic side of games or why games attract palyers the way they do lmao
@DisgruntledArtist Жыл бұрын
My experience with SoT was violent and short, and unfortunately quite similar. It started with one out of our little friend group of four suggesting we play the game. I was worried about the PvP but they said it wasn't too bad you just sail away. Okay, sure, whatever. Let's give it a go. Starts off great: we're having fun unlocking new stuff, customizing our characters, singing pirate shanties and just generally being a bit silly. The PvE is kind of bland but it's fun navigating and doing some of the simple puzzles. We encounter some players every once and a while but we just sail away (often abandoning loot) and it's mostly okay. Then as we're preparing for another little excursion, this time without our veteran friend, we encounter a shockingly not-hostile player. He asks if he can join our ship. We're pretty content to just play on our own, so we say no thank you. He continues following us around making some goofy jokes and refusing to go away. Okay, it's annoying, but we don't want to fight and he's not attacking us so let's not escalate it; maybe he'll get bored and go away. Then his friend shows up on our ship. Still pretty annoying but they're harmless we can just sail around and wait for them to leave. Then his friend blew up our ship. He apologizes and says he doesn't know what's going on and we salvage the situation somewhat. Still really frustrating but we're newbies and don't really want to get into a duel to the death with griefers so we just ask him if he and his friend can go away. They refuse, obviously. Finally they've apparently gotten bored of simply putzing around on our ship and decide to murder us all and sink it. We tried to fight back but obviously we lose pretty hard. We respawn. Fine. Whatever. It happens. At least we're away from them. We start resupplying the ship to get it going. Then we run into them again, this time with them having our old loot and, well, this time we decide to be the ambushers on a whim. it still doesn't go well. They have a third friend now and they not only kill us, but continue to kill us on sight and destroy our ship. It's at this point we retreat to a distant edge of the island, say our goodbyes, and just leave. We haven't played the game since. Even if they added PvE servers tomorrow I'm not sure we'd play it again. The handful of okay memories we had with it are now forever tarnished by incredibly toxic experiences and there's simply no motivation to give it yet another chance. This wasn't the first griefing we encountered but it was certainly the last we'd tolerate. So, yeah. Three new players gone within about... a week or two at most? I'm not sure the "incentivized to grief" system is really working out, Rare.
@Anonymuskid 4 ай бұрын
this is the real sea of thieves experience anyone saying something else is part of the lucky 1% not experiencing this or a sweaty and toxic griefer themselves
@DisgruntledArtist 4 ай бұрын
@@Anonymuskid Yeah. I mean we were on an empty server, too, so they had to go well out of their way to harass us.
@whoopass_mcgue5538 Жыл бұрын
This video perfectly encapsulates my problem with games like SoT/Rust/EfT etc. The moments where players don't immediately jump into PvP upon meeting each other are always the most fun and most memorable for me. Even when it's something as simple as a "Let's just not shoot each other and go our seperate ways..." breaks up the cycle of PvP and adds an element of uncertainty and surprise to encounters. If I wanted a pure PvP experience I'd play Battlefield or something
@0lionheart Жыл бұрын
I distinctly remember two Sea of Thieves experiences playing with my ex-girlfriend; the first one was us fleeing from a ship that fired on us immediately without warning (we were a sloop and they were a galleon) and them whining at us over mic to "come back and fight" (lol). The second was bumping into another crew on an island, chest in hand, and instead of them killing us to take our stuff, they just challenged us to a dance-off and we laughed over mic. They were kinda polar opposite experiences, the former being just kinda sad and pathetic, and the latter being fun and memorable. Like Pig said though, I played like 30-40 hours of that game with her and I have one positive story, maybe a few more if I try and remember harder.
@jackhughes1741 Жыл бұрын
My first ever experience, launch night 2 AM BST, met a guy on an island and we just jumped up and down a bit and went our seperate ways. Another time I just spawned in and set up my sloop to be chased down by a brig and called a pussy because I didnt want to do a 1v3.
@xQuandaleDinglex Жыл бұрын
Thing is, even Battlefield encourages team play, so it still isn't quite the sweat fest.
@kabob0077 Жыл бұрын
@@xQuandaleDinglex Well, in my experience towards the end of rounds in BF1 and BFV it becomes a sweat fest, but that's because everyone seems to get more motivated the closer the match gets to the end. I swear Verdun, Fort de Vaux, Iwo Jima, and Pacific Storm is where people just start going all in all the time.
@xQuandaleDinglex Жыл бұрын
@@kabob0077 I can see that 👍🏾
@kronusavatus5012 Жыл бұрын
20:31 Oh god Naval Action, I haven't played that game since 2017 and I still wake up screeching its name in pure horror. I have never played a game that was so close to scratching that insatiable itch for 18th century naval warefare yet only to completely fuck it up by adding so much extra bullshit and needless grinding designed purely out of spite by the developers.
@PerfectDeath4 Жыл бұрын
Its a terrible feeling when you wake with a shock because of an itch.
@tomsonlarrson3318 Жыл бұрын
I played the shit out of Naval action and finally gave up after decking out my 1st rates. The amount of times I killed 2nd rate missions in a snow with cannonades was insane, because if you didn’t do that it took even longer to level up. Could also only play in a clan or you could have fun getting ganked by a clan of Trinc’s or snows. Have you tried Ultimate Admiral age of sail by chance? It’s not quite the same as directing the boat yourself but you can use similar tactics to Naval Action, only you are the fleet n not just a part of it
@TheReaper569 Жыл бұрын
İ know. İ think assassin's creed awekened that desire for ship action and it did it simple and effective.
@Slender_Man_186 Жыл бұрын
Seriously, Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag and shouldn’t have been the only and last game to get pirate gameplay right. I mean there is also AC Rogue, but that’s basically just a glorified expansion for Black Flag.
@jacksonlarson6099 Жыл бұрын
@@Slender_Man_186 Thank god we're getting Skull and Bones. World of (Sailing) Warships is exactly what everyone loved about Black Flag, *right?*
@torakazu2269 Жыл бұрын
Funnily enough, they made a change to the game that heavily benefits the sweaty galleons of the seas. Respawn timers were drastically shortened so solo/duo players (like myself) have very little chance of taking on larger ships with larger crews since killing a crew member now actually makes them respawn back on their ship faster than knocking them off and forcing them to find a mermaid to get back on their ship.
@simonnachreiner8380 3 ай бұрын
Iirc that same change made solo respawn times nearly nothing.
@carteranderson5907 Жыл бұрын
In addition to my previous comment. The PVE side has been screwed. When I first started I got wiped out by galleons in the "noob" area of the map. I eventually found an area of the map where no one went and I could peacefully sail around and do quests without being blown to bits and called a fig, the Devil's Roar. It went great for a while, the Rare had a great idea, volcanoes. Now they would randomly go off and it was difficult to not sink when playing solo. So had to go back to the main map where everyone wants to kill you no matter what you say or do.
@orion9997 Жыл бұрын
I did the same exact thing in my early solo days, the DR is a great way to get accustomed to the game. Best thing to do out there is get very used to the environment so quests go quick, and you're always prepared for an eruption.
@lucaswilliams2292 Жыл бұрын
Ironically, Devil’s Roar is still the safest place to be in the early game despite the volcanos. Almost no one goes there because of the risks, and the natural disasters teach you a lot of mechanics in a (somewhat) controlled environment. Boiling water, extinguishing fires, raising masts, repairing hardware, general awareness, navigation, chests and keys, etc. I spent my entire early game in the Devil’s Roar, and was better for it.
@carteranderson5907 Жыл бұрын
@@lucaswilliams2292 If I had teammates, yeah, but Solo is still too much to handle. Not much you can do when the ship has multiple holes and is on fire.
@Groobis Жыл бұрын
Didn't the Devil's roar always have volcanoes? I mean, correct me if I wrong, but doesn't the Forsaken shores trailer literally have a volcano erupting and sinking a ship in it?
@orion9997 Жыл бұрын
@@carteranderson5907 bail first, use water to douse fires, then raise mast if you need to, bail more, then repair mast, drop sails & leave, then work on repairs & bail until you're reset. Pretty much practice repairing under stress for pvp, totally soloable
@realbismarck Жыл бұрын
I just discovered your content and began watching like an hour ago, could not have been better timing
@bandit6272 Жыл бұрын
I love stumbling across a new channel I like, and knowing there are so many videos for me to consume *rubs hands together diabolically*
@Briggsby Жыл бұрын
Welcome. I'm so sorry for your sanity.
@bandit6272 Жыл бұрын
@@Briggsby Sanity is overrated
@zinthos0019 Жыл бұрын
Welcome brother, it is now time for the ceremonious mud bath
@atharva_kari Жыл бұрын
Does he have a discord?
@weathercaster Жыл бұрын
You forgot to add from Rare: "And while they are in a pvp situation sweating their asses off against a larger crew with more cannons, we will throw in megaladons, skelly ships with unlimited curse balls, the occasional kraken, and storms with waves that destroy the cannon mechanics to an unplayable level. Oh, and hit reg issues which we will ignore for years while adding even more quests that make them as vulnerable as ever!"
@cobbleturd6978 Жыл бұрын
See most of that I enjoy, but yeah fuck hit reg, hit reg is cancerous
@UltraVast Жыл бұрын
I wish to see the Sea of Friendship. Where the real treasure was the friends we made along the way.
@hamstermk4 Жыл бұрын
I started my software development career at an educational games company in the mid 2000's. The CEO was fascinated by the World of Warcraft Login screen without understanding that the draw was the main game underneath. The man was an old money idiot who felt he was entitled World of Warcraft to money and was confused that his 3 man development team couldn't compete with Blizzard.
@FilmGuy7000 Жыл бұрын
"Everything is PvP!" Yes! Thank fucking Christ someone else is as frustrated with this endless bullshit as I am.
@KerbalFacile Жыл бұрын
I played through years of WoW without PvP-ing, then years of Minecraft without PvP-ing, and now onto years of Crossout with bare minimum PvP-ing (and those rare events feel like a chore). If I want PvP I can get my fix in any online FPS.
@Dap1ssmonk Жыл бұрын
“Oh god, I was pirated in a pirate game!” Why don’t they knee cap the games main focus so that I don’t have to deal with people who are better than/ have more friends than me!” God I hate people who bitch about losing.
@thenoltzone498 Жыл бұрын
@@Dap1ssmonk Shut up LOL
@scatoletta6618 Жыл бұрын
@@Dap1ssmonk the game's main focus is not to be an immersive pirate sim, it's to be a fun game you can play with your friends. One of the main slogans they used to promote it was "make your own fun", well I would like to, but the sweaty neckbeard with 2000 hours of pvp experience starts shooting me everytime I try. The problem here isn't the pvp, but the fact that it's presented as a fun casual game despite hardcore pvp being the most prevalent aspect of gameplay
@Dap1ssmonk Жыл бұрын
@@scatoletta6618 there’s a pvp fight in the original trailer dog, I don’t know what you mean about them not marketing it.
@thechief11oo Жыл бұрын
I don’t understand the whole idea of pirate legend being this grandiose idea. I reached it mostly solo slooping and occasionally having a crew. I can say without a doubt it is whatever. Like it’s cool to have access to the ghost ship cosmetics but everything else is kind of ugly. Also pirate legend doesn’t mean you’re a god at the game. It usually means you had the patience to grind through ungodly boring quests.
@HorusGodEmperor Жыл бұрын
This, I gave up grinding the Merchant quests because they were so painfully boring
@coolkid-mq7gn Жыл бұрын
you should have played arena and gotten triumphant sea dog, much more fun and satisfying
@ilikeoranges3869 Жыл бұрын
@@coolkid-mq7gn better cosmetics aswell! But my dumbass missed them
@curom6593 Жыл бұрын
@@HorusGodEmperorHeh I always found doing merchant the most enjoyable, ended up being my first 50. To each their own I suppose.
@kluukje2808 Жыл бұрын
It used to be so much harder to get it, like close to 500 hours of gameplay, now with emmisairy flags and the massive loot from fortresses its too easy now to get it
@FluxNoise Жыл бұрын
I play Sea of Thieves for 3 years and i honestly love the game and i'll keep playing it for a long time. But i have to say you pretty much nailed it with everything you said. I don't really know if private/pve servers would really be the best answer tbh but the pvp focus the devs push with every update just hurts the experience imo. The game has to give new players more room to learn how the game works in peace without throwing them in the sharktank rightaway as the game does it now. And you're right that the community is not helpful, not at all. Tbh the core community is one of the worste i've ever seen. If it was just for them i would not play the game anymore but there are also alot of casual players out there who just don't engage so much in forum discussions and take the whole game more light hearded in general. I'm an experienced player and i made a habit of helping every new player i meet and give them advice, loot, protection, everything i can. And it's really heartbreaking to see how broken most of them are after just a week of sailing the seas. They have been robbed, trolled, insulted, humliated, just abused in general by so many players they encoutered. The hardest thing is to get them to trust me and believe me that i don't want to kill them at all. It's like resocializing an abused animal from the streets. Rare knows this and they should seriously do something about this because most of these players will leave again after their first week and will never buy something from the ingame shop to fund the project. But they have their heads in the clouds, talking about their "vision" and their imagination of how the game is and plays that has nothing to do with the reality most players experience. There are a few friendly players like me out there but not many. I have a clear codex, if i see a player is new i don't sink them, hell i'll even board them to help them repair if i shot them without knowing. New players are the most precious ressource of any game and of any games community and the way the core community abuses the "it's a pirate game" phrase to justify being assholes is astonishing. I hope some day Rare wakes up and sees that there is a problem they have to adress because i think there are alot of wonderful and unique great ideas in this game and i really wish more people could see, experience and enjoy what the game has to offer without being abused by the veterans. (btw. you forget to mention that Rare banned the topic of PvE server OR PvP vs- PvE in general from their official forums AND steam forums. So nobody is allowed to discuss these things on any official plattform now. I guess that says something...)
@h8GW Жыл бұрын
I highly doubt it. Rare is a hollow shell of of its N64 glory days, when they cared deeply about player experiences. With the reputation they have now, they're never gonna attract any good talent. The only way Rare can be saved is if the original founders decide to save their legacy and return and are given authority.
@sSteppingStones 9 ай бұрын
They need to bring back arena so us sweats have something to do Then we dont have to camp random people cuz their is no content
@FluxNoise 9 ай бұрын
@@sSteppingStones What's wrong with hourglass?
@sSteppingStones 9 ай бұрын
@@FluxNoise it's really boring, the players who play it are ass at the game and all you do is circle indefinitely cuz the game only gives you 4 chain shots that get used on the first fight cuz it is to easy to catch a mast in solo Also everyone ladder guards with blunder sword so you have to deckshot if u want to camp them
@FluxNoise 9 ай бұрын
@@sSteppingStones Yeah well... that's because the PvP systems in this game are BS and you feel it as soon as you have a balanced encounter :D
@jaws013 Жыл бұрын
It's sad to me that ive only recently discovered the criminally underrated drunkard known as LazerPig. I have thourghly enjoyed. every. single. video. Ive been blasting through the entire librrary of content here, and the day i am caught up, will be a sad day indeed. love you, you crazy bastard. keep up the amazing content man.
@speedstriker9616 Жыл бұрын
I completely agree with the notion that the gameplay design promotes a community that is toxic to any new player. For instance I joined a server and the first thing that happened was a bunch of people berating me on being a new player. That is just not fun.
@zoltanz288 Жыл бұрын
welcome to every mutliplayer game ever.
@rinkerchris2474 Жыл бұрын
when a game is around for so long thats gonna happen i dont care what game it is
@astrorialunaris Жыл бұрын
@@rinkerchris2474 yes, but in a game where being a new player doesn't pit you immediately against other players who can and will kick your teeth in there are generally more players who will want to help the newer players. Sea of Thieves needs to change to some extent; I don't know what exactly they need to change, but they really do need to change *something*.
@AtomicExtremophile Жыл бұрын
It's easier to mock than mentor...
@problems3485 Жыл бұрын
@@astrorialunaris lol theirs no functional way to allow a new player the room to breath unless the new players want to sit in a queue that will never fill up cuz the only people that play this game consistently are pretty experienced
@AceSea130 Жыл бұрын
that naval action quip was too good. i played it for a bit pretty early on and had a absolute blast. a year went by and i explained to my friend how cool it was and we reinstalled it to play only for me to discover how much it changed.. for the worse. shame too, not too many naval themed mmos. even fewer in age of sail days.
@McLoven-vm1ck Жыл бұрын
I really wanted Naval Action to succeed but they just had to ruin it, some times these studio's just cant get out of their own way.
@michaelwebster3124 Жыл бұрын
I havent played Naval Action in a while. What happened?
@McLoven-vm1ck Жыл бұрын
@@michaelwebster3124 I know they had implemented changes to the progression/construction that greatly increased the grind and investment to acquire ships, they were pretty harsh and that alone was a deal breaker for many.
@yummypiee6981 Жыл бұрын
@@michaelwebster3124 they removed ship durability, changed the port battle system, made mods for ships non removable, made ship blueprints harder to obtain and ships more expensive to build, changed pve missions to be rate limited, changed fleet pve to player with no ai vs just 3 ships (where it used to be 15 v 15 with ai both sides) rooted ai traders so pirating them is a pain and they always carry worthless junk, changed port item consumption to nothing so you can't make money trading, dlc ships that are free to get every day and are blatantly overpowered, added a ship icon showing where you are on the map, reduced fleet information seen in the spyglass when looking at ai or player fleets, changes to boarding mechanics and mods for the mechanic, added ship crew limits to prevent under crewing, added event cannons that are disgustingly broken and only given out once a year, the fu*cking ballons bullshit (dlc that lets you teleport), fishing nerfs, added quests that reauire you to do pvp, nerfed letter bottles by doubling the range at which they spawn from you and lowering the rewards, and just generally screwing over the economy.
@yummypiee6981 Жыл бұрын
Its a shame really, because the game mechanics underneath are good, combat is fun, trading goes pretty deep, and the ai are decently comptent. Plus running a 500 man 2nd rate through a fleet of frigates is just a good laugh. If private servers were a thing and some of that could be changed the game would be a blast, but the devs have their asses stuffed inside a turducken made of eachothers asses and spend the days going on about how great they are despite their burning dumpster of a community collapsing in front of them.
@dekoldrick Жыл бұрын
I played it only once with a couple of friends. First experience was having our ship stolen while we were treasure hunting on an island, fighting and regaining control of our ship while being harassed by theirs, getting pursued and shot at until eventually we were chased into the kraken which destroyed our ship and lost all our loot. We were demoralized and never picked the game up again. Thankfully we were only on temp keys which we never renewed.
@mrshar1000 Жыл бұрын
YES, that little naval action bit at the end got me, sunk so many hours into that game during early beta. Loved every second of it, and now it feels like dlc boat wonderland and a unfinished mess, great video keep up the amazing work!
@JohnDoe-yp3zv Жыл бұрын
This is especially interesting to me because I've seen this happen with open world single-player games. From what I can tell, it's that people see surface-level solutions to issues and just go with that. In this example, it's "how did WoW become so successful" and the surface level answer is its PvP. With open world single-player games, the question is "how do we get players to see all the things you can do with this game so all our effort to craft this world was worth it?" The surface level answer is what you see in most of these types of games: markers everywhere for every little thing, cluttering the screen so that the player always knows where to go at any given time. The real, deeper solution, however, is the exact opposite. Remove as much meta information as you can and make players have to engage with the world. A tower in a mediocre open world game will tell you everything about a given section of the map; a tower in Breath of the Wild will give you a map of the area and nothing else, except a warp point to go back to and a vantage point to manually look for locations of interest, of which shrines are great because they glow from a distance and also become warp points once you reach it.
@butcherybutcher8868 Жыл бұрын
Yes! Whenever I play open world games I find my eyes only looking at the markers and nothing else. I get severe tunnel vision and tend to fast travel a lot. Sure helps me see this world you crafted together. Yes this is a me problem, I should open my eyes more. But thats how I play. I would have fun with an open world game that doesn't have markers, but has hints to where you should go. "Your mother was taken to the Blue Baron Tower." I walk down the road from my house and ask npc's where it is and they tell me "oh it's in X town" Then I learn about that town. What's in it, why its special, oh I heard there was a marriage about to happen there. Etc. Then I want to go see everything in this town. Pipe dream though. Seems idiotic talking about it now.
@TheDisgruntledImperial Жыл бұрын
@@butcherybutcher8868 that's actually an awesome concept, but it needs to be used in a much smaller setting. A small city or large town, not very big but complex and densely packed.
@HungrigerHugo89 Жыл бұрын
You gentlemen have to Play Valheim then. Its exactly what you described and I Love it :)
@dajordanator Жыл бұрын
One of my biggest pet peeves with the survival pvp games was the lack of any safe space, to get away from pvp and properly store loot safely. 50/50 on how i feel a runescape style approach of a wilderness/pvp zone would work in a lot of these games, but the lack of being able to have even a certain portion of your base or something similar be safe to get away or keep your loot without fear of theft is what kept me from hopping on games like rust sooner
@LeavingGoose046 Жыл бұрын
At least minecraft has an ender chest
@acemarvel1564 Жыл бұрын
Yeah like, aren’t pirates supposed to have hideouts for that? Geez how much can these developer posers get wrong
@nathansamuelson Жыл бұрын
Summed SoT up pretty nicely. The amount of times my friends and I have been steamrolled at the very end of an hour long voyage or less than 20 min into playing is obscene. I like the game, it's fun and has a nice aesthetic, but the sludge pit of a pvp 'community' is the sole reason the game is bleeding out in a corner. I only see the game going 2 ways, private servers like you mentioned or the game boiling down to pvp sweats fighting over nothing because there's no one left to hunt for loot.
@Jan-rq8mo Жыл бұрын
Yeah no you kinda hit the nail on the head here. I remember my time in Sea of Thieves, sure you had the nice players that gave you a ride after you crashed your ship but those moments are far inbetween utter toxicness. The moment that finally broke me was when, after a day of playing, I was the last person on the ship and sailed it into port, still full of supplies. I saw a bunch of players loading their ship and offered them my supply boxes but instead they started screeching and attacked- everyone is on edge, most are toxic, it's just not fun.
@Dr_Martex Жыл бұрын
My dumbest Sea of theives encounter to date was this one time me and my buddies were 3-manning a brigantine, unloading our hard-earned loot, when out of nowhere, a band of salty, sweaty, most-likely unwashed and unshaven reaper emissaries appeared at the outpost, quickly sunk us, called us trash and ran off. Like the real men we were, we gave chase as soon as possible, and like the start of a new hope, the reapers just kept running. and running. and running. This chase went on for the better part of an hour, they were so afraid to lose the emissary flag they had gotten from sinking us the first time, they didn't have the balls to try again. Eventually, they did fuck up and we did get our revenge, sending them to Davey Jones' locker with fine cannonball-and-blunderbomb-how-do-you-do, but by that time they'd managed to sneak the flag off the ship and probably sold it for a whopping 10,000 gold. They wasted basically an hour for 10,000 gold. We made over 200,000 in the hour before alone.
@Beanmastr420 Жыл бұрын
I see this same shit to much, toxic reapers who kill you as soon as they see your unmanned ship, yet once you put up a fight they run across the map, they play reaper yet don’t fight, than what is the point?
@Ch4pp13 Жыл бұрын
@@Beanmastr420 The point is to LOOK like they're a badass and to experience the rush and adrenaline of having a dick that's longer than their pinky finger.
@DaveP1991 Жыл бұрын
Well those adverts were a terrifying nostalgia trip I wasn't expecting this Sunday afternoon
@Metal00m Жыл бұрын
I'm wracking my brain for what I think was a shoe advert...
@vonadi5285 Жыл бұрын
I think you nailed it on the head with this one Lazerpig, in particular on the matter of custom servers. I have said for years that some of the games with the longest lifespans are the ones with the most user-friendly customization, and especially those with the option to make custom maps, servers, mods, plugins, etc. Almost every single Source engine game with multiplayer has stayed alive years if not a decade past their release and it sure as shit wasn't the later-introduced microtransactions that kept them alive. If you open Counter Strike: Source, Team Fortress 2, Garry's Mod, or Half-Life 2: Deathmatch even, you will be greeted by a plethora of servers running custom maps and custom gamemodes and custom player counts on servers with custom plugins and in older Valve games, you could use your own custom (usually NSFW) sprays. The modern generation of PVP games are all like Overwatch, live service microtransaction filled e-sports pandering random-queue shitfests that people burn out and abandon quickly. Some get popular, sure, but the joy and community is so much harder to find in a game that forces its playerbase into an extremely narrow, specific way to play the game, and nothing else. Nothing is more joyless in a PVP game to me than a matchmaking queue a la Overwatch/Rainbow Six Siege/Modern TF2/etc. There are no servers, and there is no option for you to *choose* something custom. (exception being TF2 does still have custom servers but the casual matchmaker is prioritized and killed the official servers even before the bot plague) What would Monopoly be without the varying house rules? How long would Garry's Mod have lasted if it only ever had sandbox? What happened when Overwatch forced you to choose classes you didn't want to? Long-lasting multiplayer games give room for varying types of players to find their fun in varying ways. I'm well-versed in the realm of game design and something a lot of companies don't get is that the more narrow they try and force the player experience to be, the less people are likely to find fun.
@sturmuwus4962 Жыл бұрын
I love how I spent all this time listening to this man speak of a bad pirate game while looking at the different things the pig still has.
@gunnarsoderhielm3425 Жыл бұрын
Man I just bought Sea of Thieves like two days ago and then I see this video from my favourite, drunken and amateur armchair military analyst. I enjoyed hearing about all the ways the game I just purchased fundamentally sucks.
@swissarmyknight4306 Жыл бұрын
I started a few months ago and my crew already has a couple hundred hours in. We play it as a heist. We're there to rob the server of its treasure and get away with it. The other players are the cops, they'll try to stop us, we dodge them. We've gotten very, very good at evading pursuers. It certainly has its flaws, but I think my crew have found a way to make it fun. Maybe we don't play the game "right" but they said "make your own fun" and we did.
@gunnarsoderhielm3425 Жыл бұрын
@@swissarmyknight4306 Yea I definitely think it has a lot of potential to be fun, especially when played with friends. My main issue is that I don't have any close friends willing to get the game and the core community, while far from toxic in most cases, just doesn't seem to engage with the game like I want to. I want to do the kind of semi roleplay adventure where you go around, gather loot, meet other players and probably attack them for their loot and do whatever quests come about. But the majority of people I've met from open queing usually don't even use voice chat and those who do usually only talk to give direct orders on what we're doing next and I've so far never found someone willing to just engage in small talk. Like Lazerpig said, I'm sure this would be solved with private and themed servers allowing you to choose between sweaty grinding, non-stop pvp, light hearted roleplay and so on. One can only pray for a miracle.
@bellicose4653 Жыл бұрын
Well I trust you played the game and realize that the issue with the game isn't the PvP.
@gunnarsoderhielm3425 Жыл бұрын
@@bellicose4653 Well not the pvp in itself which, while often janky, is rather fun when done right. I suppose my main issue now is that I'm still having a hard time finding people who play for fun rather than just grinding. Sure it's fun in itself to rack up loot, but most people I've come across seem to almost solely dedicate themselves to finding more efficient ways to grind loot. And to be fair once you've tried out the world events and done the story missions, there isn't much else to do. But I don't know, I just want a crew who are willing to talk like pirates with me for a play session.
@sauceboss9443 Жыл бұрын
It's definitely not worth it. I'm wishing you find something worthwhile.
@taquojesus217 Жыл бұрын
Hey LazerPig, I just wanna say that people are really quick to point out your mistakes. They might even be right. But they're also not making videos while plastered and giving us well researched and straight up fun to watch videos. Your A-10 videos snapped me out of the A-10 fanboy phase and taught me something, and your content got me through some really dark times. Keep going and keep doing you man. Now if you'll excuse me I need a fucking beer.
@faux_grey Жыл бұрын
As someone who wants to enjoy sea of thieves but hasn't touched the game in years, you've summarized my thoughts exactly.
@Martin-ot6kw Жыл бұрын
I just want more true coop games nowadays. It's like with Tarkov, I'd play it the hell out of if I could play with just friends even if on the current maps.
@forexed8948 Жыл бұрын
As a pirate legend myself, I have basically stopped playing S.O.T, and you Lazer are spot on, the grind is what the game is built on, sure the tall tales are alright, but to get the big prizes at the end of them, i.e the curses, all of which I have it's a bunch of BS. I learned that paranoia was sometimes helpful to have in s.o.t, "just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isn't a pirate or another crew out to get you". That's just one of my complaints.
@forexed8948 Жыл бұрын
Amended. Mainly the biggest issue I ran into was the low number of players permitted per server, about 5 or 6 ships per server. So most days you wouldn't see a single player, and when you did, for the most part they were doing their own grind. Unless you're working on Reapers Bones, then you were stuck trying to figure out if that other ship had treasure items you needed for your own company. The companies, the gold hoarders, hunters call (F*** The Hunters call), or whatever, was all so boring with various levels of difficulty.
@tmm9464 Жыл бұрын
yeah, I started playing 2 months ago, and it isnt fun at all when all that happens is you grind hours of your day for items and a bunch of toxic guys who have been playing since day one come in and just destroy you in 5 min, and then you get people in the community all like ''this game is becoming too PVE'' or ''the players are just bad'' when like, no, it just sucks having wasted countless hours into doing something for it to be stolen in minutes by another crew who probably could have gotten even more by doing PVE than you can as a new player
@forexed8948 Жыл бұрын
@@tmm9464 I have completed all the tales, gotten three of the companies to max level, (75) and nearly gotten the other 2 to pirate legend levels (30, and 45 respectively). I did most of it without help, and while it is possible to get from level 1 to pirate legend quickly, it can take at minimum a whole fucking day. SoT is a covid 19 game, but it took me a solid 3 weeks to get to pirate legend. I had to dedicate whole days just to one company to grind it. apparently the pvp IS the pve. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm as big a fan of pvp as the next person, but this game did not know what it wanted to be, pve, or pvp. Yeah haters gonna hate, and I'm probably gonna get called out, but I don't play it anymore, so I don't care.
@tmm9464 Жыл бұрын
@@forexed8948 i get what you're saying, my point is this game isn't new player friendly at all and rewards people who only pvp
@Mantis-yt7sp Жыл бұрын
I’m a pirate legend too, and there are faults in the game, I enjoy the game still but only when I’m playing with people I know. And never have felt the urge to play it alone. All I’ll say is that it’s come very far from where it started. I believe I was there for the first event with the weird chairs and stuff on random islands. What I really feel like the game lacks though is an endgame. There’s no better weapons for me to grind for, only skins
@quynlanvuorensyrja5484 Жыл бұрын
I think the biggest overarching problem with AAA studios nowadays is that they all try to be their own unique thing even while shamelessly copying something else. Everybody wants to have the coolest new gimmick and waste time and effort on a half-assed idea instead of finding something from somewhere else that already works. It’s like how so many games are advertised for their “groundbreaking graphics” in a game where there’s barely if anything worth looking at.
@JCDavis314 6 ай бұрын
So I’m watching this for the first time since it came out…..how do I only now recognize my home state’s capital in the intro?
@Thunderchicken69 Жыл бұрын
The “shoot first” mentality is a real thing in these games, literally just got off DayZ right before watching this, I had encountered an injured player in a military base asking me not to kill him, but he had an AK on his back so I couldn’t trust him not to shoot me when I turn around, he got 2 rounds to the head from my M4 before I fled the base knowing he probably had friends nearby
@Thunderchicken69 Жыл бұрын
This was on a private server and I knew of the guy, I had run ins with one of his friends who was pretty much just a fucking Fallout raider for lack of a better comparison, and I figure he’s probably the same
@thomasfield3185 Жыл бұрын
God, I don't know why, but just that "...........Fishing!" completely broke me, just that entire thing of explaining why it's such a terrible idea then just...that. Never change, lazerpig
@h8GW Жыл бұрын
bUt ThEy HaD fIsHiNg iN tHe LeGeNd Of ZeLdA!!
@MartyGlaubitz Жыл бұрын
I think the biggest problem is that its designed from the ground up, to be played with friends. And thus its [only] fun when doing so
@hatman4818 Жыл бұрын
This. I have friends, but sometimes I dont wanna socialize online. Other times, we all have busy lives. ALL of us are busy. And, we've moved away from each other, overseas, to way different time zones. Maybe if we lived in f@#$ing boomerland where we could all grow up in the same town, expect to be able to stay and work there without falling into utter poverty, work a reasonable "9 to 5", an endangered species nowadays, then MAYBE we could hop on and play some games in the evenings a couple times a week... But that's not the world I live in, and trying to get 3 other people together I know and love all at once is like herding cats. The most popular and longest running games out there offer fun routes to end game goals for different kinds of players. Single players, PVE players, and PVP players. Destiny 1 in its early days was kinda like this. I quit playing Destiny 1 altogether when an update dropped where a new kind of quest had to be played to get a particular kind of end game loot. Now, this game had always been more PVE OR PVP focussed, but by min/maxxing a sniper build and playing my @$$ off, I was getting quests done by myself that were clearly meant to be played by squads. It was pretty rewarding. After this update however, I tried playing the new kind of quest... Only to hit a road block. A literal door where you had to stand on blocks, big pressure plates, to open it. There were 4 of these. I tried jumping from one to another to another, thinking it was some puzzle I had to figure out, like they had to be pressed in a given order. Then it hit me... There was no puzzle... All 4 just had to be pressed at the same time... Meaning the quest was literally not completable without a 4 person squad. ... I quit the game, and never picked it up again. They'd locked end game content behind a squad/PVE REQUIREMENT. And a dumb one at that. Personally, I prided myself on completing quests solo, even ones that had difficulty rachetted up for PVE. It made any loot that much more rewarding. Even if I had 3 other friends on the same system as me, I wouldnt want to play that quest, becase it feels manipulative that I'd be forced into that. I almost saw it as like a marketting and recruitment tactic. I'd basically have had to drag friends into Destiny 1 to get enough people to complete it. I have a small friends group and we have different tastes in games. At that point, f@#$ing NO bungie, I'm not forcing your game on my friend group just to get this stupid quest done. I have other games in my library to play, if you want my attention, give me options.
@hatman4818 Жыл бұрын
... Btw, to elaborate further, since I've thought about it a bit more... that quest ruined quite a lot. I remember now that one of the reasons I was playing it so hard was that, for once, I was actually doing ok, if not good, in a PVP shooter. The gunplay was actually more satisfying than Halo, Bungies old classic... Which is saying a lot. But, at the end of the day, how well you do in PVP is heavily dependent on your gear and light level. And while you can grind that gear in PVP, it's probably faster and more fun to hit PVE quests (solo in my case). The problem was, I was barely keeping up gear wise due to the whole "live service" updates. I was working a difficult flightline job in the military that took up most of my time, and I was having to spend what little free time I had on playing the game... Which was fun for a while, but doesnt last forever for me. I got to about 90% progression I think, and I was always trying to catch up with updates, hit 100%, and actually be top dog in PVP with the endest of end game loot... Literally, the updates that added more lightlevel cap, and new end game gear, was keeping pace, or outpacing me... And this was with me grinding a few hours per day, and maybe more on my few days off. So when this update hit, it was like glass shattering in my mind. Now not only had they ruined the single player experience by forcing me to play PVE with friends in order to achieve my goals... It ruined PVE by basically forcing me to drag my friends into the game instead of just occasionally playing in pairs like we had been because that was an optional experience before... But it also ruined the PVP experience, by locking the next necessary end game gear behind a quest in order to optimize my character for PVP content. Literally, that one stupid door had killed all 3 types of gameplay loops in that game for me, and destroyed my motivation to continue in any of them. Furthermore... The glass shattered further in that I realized these updates would never end. They would ALWAYS update it, as a live service game, in a way that raises the bar continuously, just to appeal to the sweaties. And by the time the updates end, it'll be because server numbers have dropped so much that its not even worth the dev time (or my time to play it dealing with a dead queue). And, update rates like that would be fine... If they were gradual enough that a guy working an IRL job like me could actually reach the end game of a given content update with a reasonable amount of play hours. Instead, the game had essentially turned into a second job, with updates coming often enough that I was barely keeping up throwing what little free time I had at it... Demonstrating to me that the few people who actually got to end game content and maxed their character before the next update had to have been LITERAL no lifers, or people who played the game as content creators... People who played the game as a job... And then the economics of the game hit me in the face, and that p!ssed me off. First, it was sold as a 60 dollar game... But then treated as a live service game. A lot of live service games are free to play and rely on microtransactions to keep the game going. I wouldnt mind paying for a premium live service if it meant I didnt have to deal with microtransactions... But Destiny had increasingly severe microtransactions for cosmetics (and its a slippery slope to pay to win). So why was I paying 60 dollars for this game? Then it gets worse. For a so called "live service" game that relies on updates to survive... You sure did have to pay for a lot of those "updates" in the form of DLC. And maybe all of that would have been fine... If, as a live service, the game ran for literal decades. But, that doesnt fleece players enough, so what do they do? Release Destiny 2... Are you f@#$ing kidding me? Not only did Destiny 2 effectively sequel a so called "live service" game WAY EARLY... It literally didnt seem to serve any purpose other than to charge more money. It was again, a premium game from the getgo. Had the exact same "live service" model, only with the crappier parts like cosmetic microtransactions ratchetted up compared to the last game... But... There wasnt really a whole lot new about it that meritted a sequel? As far as I can tell, not really a major improvement in game engine or graphics. Literally, any content in Destiny 2 could have been an update to Destiny 1... So both games violate the "live service" concept for the sake of selling more premium games. And they kept up with premium DLC I think. And worst still, unless destiny 2 did some character transfer thing (I dunno, I havent played it myself), years of your "live service" grinding in Destiny 1 is thrown in the trash, and you have to start over in Destiny 2. Meanwhile, WoW has characters people have grinded for literal decades. Literally, the only saving grace for Destiny 2 as far as I can tell is that it finally went free to play, cutting out just one of many revenue streams... Thats not a compliment, Destiny 1 probably shouldve been free to play from the getgo, let alone Destiny 2, if they were going to double down so hard on microtransactions and DLC anyway.... And thats before even getting into how Destiny was way overhyped and utterly failed to deliver on writing when it first came out, a huge departure from Bungie's past. I'm sure I'd love Destiny 2's gameplay... I probably wont ever play it though, because after playing Destiny 1... I already have a job, and I already have advertisers trying to sell me crap every moment of my life, god forbid I get a moment to myself, let alone a moment of fun I didnt have to continuously pay for. Why would I subject myself to more of that just for the priviledge of enjoying a video game? Rant over.
@Pau-hl1zg Жыл бұрын
i don't see how being a crew of 4 intead of 1 would fix any of the problems
@LazyBuddyBan Жыл бұрын
@@hatman4818 chill man its just a game
@Mzerron Жыл бұрын
Definitely like the Pig Rants theme. Keep up the good work, and I look forward to whatever comes out of your blessed mind next!
@wizardpig02_81 Жыл бұрын
I appreciate this video when I play with either my boys or solo I always take the approach of talk before shoot. I try and communicate through flags or through voice chat. Unfortunately this is rarely reciprocated which leads to me reinforcing my paranoia in SoT. When it does get reciprocated it is tons of fun I have run merchant convoys, doings events or just messing around dueling on ship decks 1v1. It is a shame that not many other people follow suit
@shoktan Жыл бұрын
I just had my mandatory Saturday Afternoon 6-pack and was about to start my 9PM tequila binge when this glorious video popped up on my feed. I haven't watched the video, but I already know this is going to be fucking amazing. Edit/rant time: Aight I just finished the video and as predicted, it was fucking amazing. I absolutely despise it when large companies drain the life out of their developers to make a decent game (on paper) just so some stuffy out-of-touch marketing/corporate fuckers ruin the whole experience by incorporating reactionary features for the sole purpose of squeezing as much money out of a community as possible. Elite: Dangerous comes to mind. Instead of focusing on the multiple bugs and repetitive gameplay, the community was force-fed a false dichotomy between a sterile experience devoid of other players (Solo Mode) or a brutal and unforgiving nightmare-fuckfest that was Open mode. There were private servers available, but most are/were invite only and murder-hobos were still able to weasel their way in somehow. For the longest time, much of the community (myself included) were adamant that Open mode could be made for all players (much like Eve Online) by simply adjusting risk/reward metrics and by making in-game murder cost more than a miniscule fucking fine. Seriously, an exploration player in Open could spend literally months in a virtual galaxy with literal billions of stars collecting exploration data while accruing hundreds of millions of credits worth of data to be cashed in once in colonized space, just to be blown up by some sweaty 13-year-old for a cheap laugh. Months of exploration and credit grinding all thrown away literally so some fuckbag can have a cheap laugh. All could have been fixed with proper game balance and a small handful of fucks to give by corporate entity that thought giving us the equivalent of a mid-life-crisis penile extension they called a "fleet carrier" would somehow add meaningful content to an unbalanced and dying game with wasted potential. And don't get me started with the abomination that is the "Odyssey" expansion. If you really want me to go completely go unhinged, just mention PVE piracy. As a quick teaser, who in the ever-living motherfucking cock-biscuits thought it was necessary to completely fuck a perfectly balanced gameplay loop that required skill AND experience AND patience to successfully complete while also reaping considerable rewards IF successful? FUCK. I briefly played TTRPG games in highschool and college and ran one or two myself, and one thing you learn very quickly is that when players in YOUR game start going murder-hobo, its not because there's something wrong with them, its something wrong with YOUR game. Sure, there's always going to be that one cockwaffle that makes it their mission to ruin everyone's fun, but if proper and fair deterrents and consequences are in place (like CONCORD in EVE online for high-sec players) then the game can actually be fun. So many games (including Elite) forget this lesson, and I cant help but think this is deliberate. Where money is to be made, the emphasis is NOT placed on fun, its placed on profit. Why make one game that players buy only once for $60 each when you can sell 3 games in the same amount of time for $30 each (or "free") and offer game passes and cosmetics? Were not being sold Fun. Were being sold "fun" at three times the price.
@thecactusman17 Жыл бұрын
The video was great too!
@lesthodson2802 Жыл бұрын
EVE is going the same direction. That game used to be so good. Now it's on the way out.
@donaldpaccerelli198 Жыл бұрын
the game scp: secret laboratory has a similar problem. for those who don't know, each round in the game splits the players in a server into one of three teams placed in on of the foundations research site's, site 02: the foundation (facility guards and later on nine tailed fox or ntf for short, the chaos insurgency and the scp's themselves (scp's 106, 079, 049, 173, 096 and two instances of scp's 939: 939-53 and 939-89) ) now one would think the objective then would be simple each team has to kill the other two in order to win right? sort of. (partially because chaos and the scp's aren't required to kill the other on most servers but there those that do largely make it a free for all) the reason for this is because the two human factions have an extra objective/part of the team to consider: these being the d-class personal for the insurgency and the site's scientists for the foundation. now both of these have a unique task vital for their teams victory: they have to navigate the facility from their spawn locations in light containment (the lowest area on the map) all the way to the surface without getting killed and escape in order to spawn in as their more pvp oriented counterparts, with each successful escape giving the corresponding team a point. which are tallied up at the end of a round, with the win going to the team who 1) is still alive, 2) had the most escapes for their faction (the scp's however just need to kill the foundation team plus the d-class to win otherwise if more d-class escape then there are living scp's and the scp's kill everyone else then it's a d-class victory.) however there is a twist; you can detain people. "now, why is that important? you ask, well the reason it is, is because if a scientist or d-class escapes while detained they escape as the opposite faction with their escape counting for said other team. now originally in order to detain someone you had to use a special device to do so, and if you want to say, as a d-class detain a scientist you had to grab one off the corpse of a guard or ntf but that's no longer the case. now all you need to press the key you have bound to interact with things (default being the e key) while having a gun out in detain or free someone who was. now if you go to hop onto one of the many and i mean many servers the game has both official (made by the developers northwood studios) and not (custom one's made by the community) you'll notice many of them have what are know as anti-kos rules for d-class and scientists (usually centered around light containment), now why is this? because without it the other human players (usually the guards but not always) will kill as many d-class as possible with only ones detained as result of if a guard who isn't a murder happy jackass found them first or if friendly fire is turned on the guard in question being given a swift dose of karma in the form of being team killed. if you were to ask said dick head why they just killed the last living d-class or scientist when there were no escapes ensuring that unless the scp's win there will be a stalemate? they might reply with something like "murder is fun" or if you were said class who got killed they might just repeat the term "skill issue" (which is to the 2020's what "git gud" was to the 2010's) at you until you shut up or leave or call you a slur (1/2)
@donaldpaccerelli198 Жыл бұрын
(2/2) in which you get the schadenfreude of getting them banned for breaking the server rules against using those terms. now on occasion some might point to the fact that the d-class had armed themselves as there's as in both light and heavy containment there are armories or weapons that require a keycard of matching rank to open (from guard to o5 the highest keycard rank) not to mention just looting guns off of dead bodies, but most of the time it's an unarmed (or detained and being escorted) d-class making a mad dash for the exit corridor screaming that he surrenders to the ntf spawn wave that just showed up (because someone had the bright idea of having the escape area be next to where people with guns spawn. same with if a scientist got to surface using the gate a elevator instead of the gate b one just as chaos spawned.) you'll have that one dude who thinks it funny to then kill that player much to the annoyance of his teammates.
@HairTrigger223 Жыл бұрын
GiantGrantGames made this point when discussing why the RTS genre is dying, outside of Starcraft- its less about the features, and more about the ability to tailor features for the players. Specifically, Starcraft pushed a bunch of game modes and features for their MP crowd, none of which really took off... but then they added a built-in 'mod' tool for custom maps and game modes, and those immediately became the most popular section of the game. Trying to force your 'ideal way to play' is the fastest way to kill a community, since all you're left with are the few people who agree and help chase out newcomers. It's why I like Battletech, where there are ideal ways to play, but all the files are open so you can add in mods or even tweak things yourself to fit your playstyle. Meanwhile I've been playing They Are Billions again, and I can't recommend it at all since the core game is fine, but the hostility to modding to even add minor QOL changes means I'm more frustrated than enjoying myself, among other issues with the game.
@enriquejocson8117 Жыл бұрын
TAB probably has the most toxic dev team. Although YanDev still takes the case for concentrated Chernobyl-level toxicology though Also, kudos. Another G3 enjoyer in the wild.
@CartmanTuttle Жыл бұрын
Ah, a fellow GGG enjoyer! But yeah, we have seen time and time again that that type of hostility towards your fanbase only leads to less long-term play. People to this day still play Warcraft 3 and Age of Empires 2!
@donkface8509 Жыл бұрын
@@enriquejocson8117 Dafuq? TAB as in the funny ragdoll game has a toxic dev team?
@enriquejocson8117 Жыл бұрын
@@donkface8509 Nah nah, They Are Billions, like the original commenter mentioned. *Very* hostile dev team.
@TheMadmanAndre Жыл бұрын
Bingo. Most of the games that are still going years or even DECADES after they released are only still around due to mods. Skyrim still has an active community more than a decade after it released, due almost solely to user-made mods. The same Same with Fallout 3/NV, and FO4.
@AIRBORN_EEvEE 8 ай бұрын
Lazerpig, you have just singlehandedly solved every mass-disputed multilayer game ever.
@Ben_not_10 Жыл бұрын
I thoroughly enjoyed this video and I like how you always bring in some historical context to explain current situations. Keep up the good work
@theengineerinabox2385 Жыл бұрын
I literally love this game so I can’t wait to hear what he has to say, I’m sure he loves it too! Edit: :/
@IMP_ROM Жыл бұрын
@piggyblitz4404 Жыл бұрын
@garethbgoogle9396 Жыл бұрын
@mijoges6288 Жыл бұрын
@CarxyTuvr Жыл бұрын
@inksuckeye1 Жыл бұрын
This actually is something that is bothering me about Star Citizen, sometimes you just want to be a space trucker without a sweaty just blowing up your ship and claiming to be a pirate. Hell you can’t even put a beacon for people to revive you without some random douche coming by and finish the job then steal your shit with no consequence to them.
@zoltanz288 Жыл бұрын
dont play multiplayer games.
@inksuckeye1 Жыл бұрын
@@zoltanz288 damn what a stupid comment and argument which is exactly called out in the video. Thanks
@CrispBaker Жыл бұрын
Elite Dangerous has you covered, if you want to spacetruck it's got more spacetruckin' than you can EVER handle The Lakon Type-9 is basically a warehouse with thrusters slapped on the back, it's glorious
@starsiegeRoks Жыл бұрын
@@zoltanz288 ah, what a smooth brain take that lazerpig talked about! It's almost like you didn't watch the video...
@THAK2215 Жыл бұрын
You’re my favourite channel! Please keep up the funnies, and great editing❤️
@lucaswilliams2292 Жыл бұрын
As a pirate legend with most of the dark adventure set, I completely agree that Rare’s gotta do something about PvP. I know for a fact that I’ve lost more treasure than I’ve sold. Granted, selling anything as an emissary is a HUGE payday, and I’ve made well over 20 million gold, but still. The only reason why I’ve gotten this far is because my friends and I are just BETTER than most reapers. It took a lot of time, and a lot of lost treasure, but we can dispatch most reapers pretty easily. The arena helped a ton with practicing. And the reapers that actually put up a fight tend to be pretty chill, and a lot of our fights even end in an alliance. But with the arena gone, players can’t practice PvP in a safe environment anymore.
@cardboardking577 Жыл бұрын
There's hourglass now, but it is less sandboxy
@HollowSp3ctr3 Жыл бұрын
Started this video sceptical since I loved playing the few hours of SoT that I have played. But then I thought to myself... did I? I hadn't given it proper thought until you pointed it out, but I remember being incredibly excited for the Pirates crossover, but whilst trying to enjoy the adventure, the general experience was being stopped halfway by some angry teenagers who thought it was hilarious to camp the mission location and kill everyone who tried to complete it. Yeah, the more I think about it, the less fun I realise I actually had on the game. Private servers, or servers without pvp at the very least, would be a fantastic addition to the game and I can say 100% that I would return to the game if they added them.
@Louis-- Жыл бұрын
Please rant forever! Articulation preferred, not required. ❤️💜💙
@Yildun28 Жыл бұрын
The ability to have private servers is something gaming has lost and I greatly miss it. Nearly all of the current genres we take for granted were at one point just private server mods. And the experience itself is totally different than the modern "zergfests." Some of my all-time favorite gaming memories was dicking around in private BF1942 servers with the guys in my dorm. Same story for Freelancer. We could fire up a server, and 6-12 people would join and play for an evening (BF1942) or a month (Freelancer.) Now, Battlefield is just a zergfest, sure your friends can join, but you aren't really playing "with" them, and nothing like Freelancer even exists.
@funnyhats1839 Жыл бұрын
I downloaded a browser extension to find these mysterious responses and finding them is like finding those faberge eggs you talked about. Worth the minute it took to figure it out.
@happymartin6778 Жыл бұрын
At first I was gonna just be worried like "Oh no, Laserpig is the PVE private server guy too". Then I watched the rest of the video BEFORE posting, and realized something. I've been defending the "fuck PVE" argument for a while and saying how SoT is so good and everything is fine...while BARELY touching the game since Ashen Skulls or the Pirate's Life update. I sail alone because my friends think the same thing, it's too grindy and a huge timesink. I complained about the grind and timesink too, but begrudenly accepted the risk of losing it all, because I learned tactics to run from enemy ships like Sailing dummy sails against the wind as Sloop. Laser I can tell you that my dread always playing is when I want to try to play with others it means two things, 1. the WORST fucking pub mode you can imagine (Oh boy I love random xbox dude with screaming crying kids in the background with the most DULLEST stoner voice that saps all my energy from my soul) or 2. Looking for a group in the official discord (which isn't bad itself since most people I met there were decent folks), because it's still randoms, yet I have a little more control in who I want on my crew. Also the bit about wandering the giant map looking for anyone to fight, too fucking true, god imagine wanting to play Reaper's Bones, THE PVP Trading Company, and having to use it to slowly grind rep on Server events because You either can't find any other ship to fight on the server and thus have to server hop, setting up over and over just to see ONE emissary on that server to murder, or they just fucking run away or d/c the moment you put up the Emmisary flag that let's everyone knows a Reaper is in the server, because naturally it's either keep doing your Emmisary stuff and risk sweaty discord groups in edgy Pajamas being toxic, or just throwing your hands 2 hours into your 6 hour voyage for the day, because in the end Gold is meaningless because it only buys ugly cosmetics and you already bought or aquired the stuff you liked super early into the game. Remember Arena mode? the BIG PVP MODE where everyone can have epic ship combat? Yeah it sucked and failed super hard, so hard that ti's play button was squished into the corner of the main menu before the Adventure mode and the "start the Disney stuff" mode. You would have two ships always. Ship A is the Pubbie ship full of randoms that will never coordinate to sail and fight, and will either d/c on first death, or first sink. And Ship B, the ship of discord friends that made all the other pubbie ships ragequit and now had to sit for 15 minutes twiddling thumbs doing nothing. Sloops were kinda better but not by much. Why have a Pirating game with PVP in it if the Swordplay is barely existence and just button mashing, and guns you need to either run back to the ship or find and lug around a AMMO BOX, because 5 bullets is never enough to deal with anyone, and it took them 4 years to make Skeletons drop bullets. I'm tired of being bored for 2 hours because I have to supply, customize my ship, and slowly sail around islands to do dull quests or whatever sporadic event of the month they're doing to earn more pointless gold, while alone on my Sloop. I barely touch this game anymore and I'm just lying to myself that SoT is anything but a eternal whinge fest between Sweaty PVPers wanting to record crying kids for their compilations, and PVEers that only now get some better stuff because bi-weekly story telling is all Rare has left to keep our interest that isn't more ugly cosmetics in the Pirate Emporium. I'd rather play Sid Meier's Pirates for something faster, or Ass Creed Black Flag for satisfying gameplay. SoT is very pretty, and I DO have fond memories, but I can't lie to myself and say "it's a pirate game of course there's PVP duh" because the PVP is G A R B A G E. ...Also Rare has NEVER fixed the fucking Hit Reg, and probably never will.
@palehorseman9923 Жыл бұрын
"Welcome to Pig Rants, a new format where I setup the mic and rant for a bit..." Wait, what? _New_ format?
@facelessgreen8997 Жыл бұрын
Sea of Thieves is literally more sweaty than Tarkov is right now and it says a lot.
@zachkup6161 9 ай бұрын
You have officially become my second favorite pig youtuber. ( I found your youtube yesterday and watched most of your catalogue of videos at this point)!
@dr.depressed._6547 Жыл бұрын
I have many hours in SOT, and I've had like... one "wholesome encounter". I was fucking around on a sloop when I saw a stock galleon in the distance. I sailed past, shot myself over with a cannon and boarded their ship. I soon learnt it was an open crew full of squeakers who had just got the game, so I decided I would teach them about the intricacies of the game. I sailed with them for about an hour, showing them how to use the sails, anchor and helm optimally. I helped them dig up their castaway chests on their tiny one-island voyages. I showed them how to escape the kraken. Eventually, however, someone new joined their crew and started shooting me. "No, don't shoot, he's with us!" shouted the 13 year old captain, but they eventually managed to hit me in the back with a blunderbuss. I sailed back to the island the ship was at, but they had already left. This one encounter was then overshadowed by several dozen times when I'd be fighting skeletons on an island and a brigantine would show up (idk why but brigs just seem the most toxic) and keg my ship, and then sniping me while I stood in shock with a bounty skull in my hand.
@simonnachreiner8380 Жыл бұрын
Brigantines are the best all rounder ships in terms of speed so they attract sweats like flies to sht
@teilzeitteemo6190 Жыл бұрын
I regularly have friendly encounters with players. Every couple of days I can get one or two ship in my alliance so that my duo sloop partner and I can do stuff like Fort of Fortune or Fort of the Damned with them. Generally me and my duo share the attitude of just having a chill time. I don't sweat over lost loot, all it does is give me gold to make me or my ship look better. (I only get pissed when I get sinked fishing because some fish are a bitch to catch)
@lordcharles9786 Жыл бұрын
My favourite encounter was when I met a turkish man and his girlfriend while drunk out of my mind. He didn’t speak very good English and I could barely communicate but we had a good 30 minute conversation. I wish thats what Sea of Thieves was more like
@DisgruntledArtist Жыл бұрын
The closest I've come to a "wholesome" encounter was a couple of people asking to join our crew. We said no, thank you, but they still hung around doing goofy stuff and making jokes. A bit annoying but that's not too bad. They also got onto our ship and refused to leave. We really didn't want to fight so, whatever, maybe if we left them alone they'd get bored and go away. Instead what they did was murder all of us and destroy our stuff over and over again every time we respawned. Even though we outnumbered them they had obviously been playing longer and just ganked us over and over. Eventually we simply left the game entirely. I then uninstalled Sea of Thieves and haven't touched it again. My other two friends who had just started playing didn't either. Congratulations, SoT players/Rare, you have successfully ensured a game that I was having a bit of fun with alongside my friends is now associated with such toxic experiences that even if the game was made PvE tomorrow I probably still wouldn't play just because of the lousy memories. Like... who the hell ever thought this was going to be fun?
@lordcharles9786 Жыл бұрын
@@DisgruntledArtist Damn thats fucking annoying, all the twats from other mmo’s sorta gravitated to sea
@WarbossGorwak Жыл бұрын
I had a nice experience on SoT where I was looting a random island (bored and looking for treasure) and a random sloop drives up and started attacking my ship, I ran up and begged them to stop, and they actually stopped, they ask me a few basic questions, like if I was new (which I was) and they told me to message them when I needed help (which I never did)
@rhoskii3308 Жыл бұрын
when i first started playing SoT i actually had a number of good experiences with friendly players, gave me free stuff or just rocked up to have a chat. Now-a-days i just get hurled multiple slurs and called trash and sunk even if i dont have anything to steal. guess all the nice people have left and its all tryhards now
@UnboltedList956 Жыл бұрын
On the topic of Custom servers, Space Engineers is an excellent example of this. You can just play offline or, login to the one of about 12 Keen servers, or the 1000s of custom servers.
@kas4219 Жыл бұрын
PvP sweatlord here, agree w everything u said lol. makes me reconsider whether spending 40ish hours grinding from athena 20-30 was worth it
@delilas2398 Жыл бұрын
This explains the phenomenon of games being more fun watched than played pretty well. I bet I have more hours in watching "Athena tucc compilation" than actually playing the game.
@wulfyiff9633 Жыл бұрын
Why I love deep rock galactic... the community was so kind to me when I was a noob. Helping me learn the roles and then having a dance party back at the base..
@joesomebody3365 Жыл бұрын
I played an all PVP game once, and while it was certainly an interesting experience, there were far too many players that would kill you just for the fun of it who didn't need any of the stuff on you or anything. Eventually I got tired of trying to skill up while people that were at an untouchable level of gear and character skill would kill you one-sidedly for nothing. I didn't mind losing fair fights, where their was a chance I could win occasionally; but the fights that were damn near impossible to win just made me not want to play.
@axelmilan4292 Жыл бұрын
So glad I found your channel. Your content never fails to put a smile on my face.
@thomasgray4188 Жыл бұрын
I'm glad that someone has finally confirmed that I wasn't just having a mental implosion whenever I was watching TV that wasn't CBBC in my Childhood. I will never understand why this was a thing.
@Motoboo_Marine Жыл бұрын
As much as I have problems with Elite: Dangerous, that is one of the things they did right imo. Having a solo/private mode for people who didn't care about PvP or multiplayer interaction in general was really nice. Sometimes I wanted that stuff, but other times I just wanted to run cargo and chill out after a stressful day without worrying about a situation I potentially couldn't handle. It's a video game at the end of the day, and games are meant to be enjoyed. Different people enjoy different things, why not let them?
@B83N Жыл бұрын
The game is called Sea of *Thieves*
@Darca1n Жыл бұрын
@@B83N And not Sea of Griefers
@heathercurry898 Жыл бұрын
Huh that does sound nice, thank you! Ill have to play it
@Nick-A1 Жыл бұрын
Bro ngl, when dude said "WOMEN" and nothing else I gut laughed. So much early 2000s energy in one word.
@cpt.pejelagarto6932 Жыл бұрын
This, omfg THIS. I absolutely love the exploring aspect, the graphics and general mood of SoT, but can't stand how stupidly toxic the community is, all I want are private servers so I can spend a nice and fun afternoon sailing around with my friends, with skeleton galleons and the kraken as the biggest threats. Oh daddy LazerPig, thanks for this rant, you have given me hope.
@Sajuek Жыл бұрын
Once every 20 hours you get attacked by another crew. Sometimes they win. 0/10 uninstall. lmao
@cpt.pejelagarto6932 Жыл бұрын
@@Sajuek Maybe it's just me, but I've never been more than 1 and a half hour without seeing another crew, and maybe 2 in 100 will be cool about it and maybe make an alliance, the rest just hunts you down for the sake of it, if they at least tried to sell the loot ok, but no.
@Dap1ssmonk Жыл бұрын
“I get pirated in a pirate game! Woe be upon me for this great injustice!” It’s a pirate game, there’s gunna be violent marauding pirate in it. Get good enough to defend yourself or find another game. You calling people toxic for wanting to play the game as it was intended just makes you sound like a baby.
@Sajuek Жыл бұрын
@@cpt.pejelagarto6932 Then you are a liar, frankly. I’ve played over 500 hours of sea of thieves and it is really uncommon for someone to come after you. I levelled Athena’s from 20 -> 30, took about 100 hours maybe? We were contested for the reward chest on just four occasions. I also solo slooped merchants from 25 -> 75 doing lost shipments, didn’t get interrupted a single time. In my experience the people complaining about “constant griefing” have only actually lost one or two ships, usually whilst doing something stupid and making themselves appear an easy target and are inventing problems that don’t exist to justify their whinging.
@cpt.pejelagarto6932 Жыл бұрын
@@Dap1ssmonk One thing is to get attacked and looted, I'm ok with it, not a problem there. My problem begins when you make a point in not wanting a fight (white sails and flag, cannons aiming at full elevation) and ships with rainbow flags or reaper flags, but mostly the trolls with the lgbt flag that keep killing you over and over and over and over again because what? To prove they are better against someone that's not putting up a fight? And yes I could get better at the game but: 1 I don't have time, I work 6 days a week and only really can sit down on Saturday and Sunday, and let's be honest I can be playing all day. 2 I like to relax while sailing with friends, even if I could get really good at pvp I don't like it, can't find the fun in it. I was decent in the few fps I played but it's not the pvp aspect that draws me in. And I could agree that this is not a game for me then, yes. But in the other hand Im not asking for the whole thing to transform into Farming simulator But, that it would be nice to have private servers, it literally does not harm anything, in fact I bet many people would come back to play, boosting revenue with the sale of cosmetics. Hell, even the arena serves are practically dead because not that many people like to pvp, that's about it.
@acemarvel1564 Жыл бұрын
At some point we all wanted a fully loaded boat Now it’s possible Next thing you know it gets taken by some stupid pr department with lower amounts of talent than the hulks temper
@leethax100 Жыл бұрын
Something my friend brings up every once in a while that really stuck with me is that no big companies make a game so you can "just play" it anymore. There has to be a 300 hour grind, and microtransactions. And if they really hate their players they'll make a 500 hour grind with microtransactions to help alleviate, but never bypass, the grind.
@nabollo Жыл бұрын
You don’t have to do a single mission. You aren’t at any disadvantage for simply letting the emergent system work for you. Why people complain about a grind which is completely unnecessary and 100% voluntary is beyond me. There are limitless things to do in SoT, the quests are literally just the surface layer. And the microtransactions also impart no advantage whatsoever; they just make you look cooler.
@leethax100 Жыл бұрын
@@nabollo I was thinking more about world of warships when I wrote this, never played sot
@shawnjohns1187 Жыл бұрын
One time me and my friends playing sea of thieves and we fought a small ship in a large boat, we hit them with every cannon ball, fire, and grenades and they still was after us. We ran out of ammo and planks so we took our most valuable loot and jumped in the sea.
@Vanilla-ll7sg Жыл бұрын
LazerPig can probably talk about anything and make it entertaining. Keep it up! 🔥
@StickTheGlue Жыл бұрын
The old British TV adverts certainly brought back memories of things I forgot existed 😍
@hayden6583 Жыл бұрын
The core lesson that development studios need to learn is twofold if you want to make your game stick around: 1. build in modding support 2. build in custom servers
@TheMaghorn Жыл бұрын
One of the most frustrating experiences I had in Sea of Thieves was when a friend and I were playing on a Brig trying to do some quests for the Gold Hoarders, not interested in PvP, and this fully manned Galleon sails up to us and starts shooting. We tried to run, and they chased us across half the map, taunting us the whole way and taking pot shots with their rifles because they had nothing better to do, and kept doing it for nearly a half hour until we shook them by going off the map. There was also another incident where a Twitch streamer happened across me when I was doing solo stuff and blew up my ship just to steal a fucking rowboat. I have only ever had one interaction in Sea of Thieves where somebody wanted to cooperate with me just off the cuff, everybody else that I didn't meet in a Discord server beforehand was hostile for the sake of being hostile. That said, when I'm left to my own devices to cruise around with my friends, it's a wonderful experience to explore, hunt treasures and fight the bosses.
@teilzeitteemo6190 Жыл бұрын
The legendary two man brig.
@kabob0077 Жыл бұрын
God, this comment just shows EXACTLY why I hate Sea of Thieves' community. I want to sail and do PVE with some old friends, then a Galleon comes out of nowhere guns blazing and I have to play Navigator and Gunner at the same damn time. Or I haver to play Navigator, Lookout, AND Gunner on a Sloop... Speaking of I am of the opinion that the SLOOP should have been the Three Player Ship, the Brig the Four Player and have the Galleon as a Six or Five man ship.
@SpookyJackaBoy Жыл бұрын
@@kabob0077 i solo sloop and sink people for fun. managing your ship well is the biggest part of the game so if your good at it you can be a formidable player even by yourself which means you can fight off people then they come to ruin your pve
@kabob0077 Жыл бұрын
@@SpookyJackaBoy Solo Slooping seems like it could be fun but I prefer to play with friends myself...
@carteranderson5907 Жыл бұрын
@@kabob0077 It is fun and can be relaxing sailing around the beautiful ocean, but if anyone comes upon you and you aren't already prepared to run you just die. The sloop does have the advantage of being faster sailing against the wind, so you can outrun all the PVP figs.
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