🔴 Leica Lovers and Haters: My Honest Take on the Brand

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Justin Mott

Justin Mott

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@simonbnyc Ай бұрын
I saw a great quote once. "A Leica camera works the way I think". Exactly. When I returned to photography after a gap of many, many years I was freaked out by the crazy complexity of most digital cameras. I didn't need menu after menu or a multitude of programmable buttons. I just needed something like a simple film camera where the film was replaced with a digital sensor. And autofocus would be nice for the aging eyes, right? So after some research it looked like the Q2 would fit the bill. That was over 2 years ago and I never looked back. I love my Q2. And that Leica look definitely exists. There's a painterly quality to images made with a Summilux lens. Just examine how colors blend or how lines are reproduced. It doesn't matter if the image is from film or digital but that painterly quality is undeniable.
@AskMOTT Ай бұрын
Extremely well said Simon, and as I can see by all the LIKES here many agree with you :). Me personally, I reached a tipping point when I started using Sony for commercial work and the menu layout drove me nuts, still drives me nuts although slightly improved.
@DM-rq1jk Ай бұрын
I have an M6 and when the M11 came out I bought a second hand M10. I think I used the menu 1-2 times in the beginning, but not since. I use the M10 with a 35mm Summicron ASPH, I don't own any other lens. It took me a while to learn how a digital M “thinks”... the automatic modes are not very good. I now use the M10 completely manually like my M6. My preferred genre is documentary and reportage. I use ISO between 400 - 1600, leave the white balance exclusively on daylight, use aperture 2 - 8 and mostly shutter speeds between 1/30 and 1/2000. I measure the inside of my hand with the built-in light meter, so the exposure of the skin tones is usually correct. When in doubt, I underexpose a little. I usually set the scene where a moment is going to happen, use zone focus and put the frame of the 35mm lens around it. This approach gives me consistency in my images and “my” look. There doesn't always have to be absolute sharpness. Subtle blurring, a vignette at F/2 and a yellow cast, for example, tell the viewer that it is evening/night. So the impression is “dreamy”. I say to every photography enthusiast who is thinking of buying an M: Go for it! Try it out at least once. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
@bryanlovephotography Ай бұрын
I'm a doctor, and I've tried every camera brand (literally) and I kept coming back to Leica, especially the M series. Thank you for acknowledging that doctors and dentists aren't just wealthy and buy Leica for the branding; how you spend your money is one thing, but how you spend your time is the real testament to your dedication. I love Leica because of the optics, the history, and the Leica look (yes, it's real). Don't forget the versatility of the lenses you can get with Leica. The M and R glass catalogues are insane and offer such a vast array of artistic looks. The SL lenses are Peter Karbe's masterpiece series with the most insane resolving power I've seen in any lens system. I still use my Sony for wildlife because you're never going to beat the functionality. But for everything else: Leica. I started my photography journey with an APS-C Sony camera and kit lens and didn't upgrade for over 1 year. Photography is more dependent on the photographer than the camera and lens. It's just equipment. If you love photography, you'll work with whatever your budget will allow. As your artistic capabilities grow, you'll find yourself yearning for more capable equipment to match your artistic objectives. When that happens, you'll realize that in the modern era, you're spoiled for choice as you really can't make a wrong decision. Enjoy the art form, master your equipment, and be grateful to live in such an amazing time in history. Great video, Justin!
@AskMOTT Ай бұрын
Thank you Bryan, I had to give some love to all the doctors and dentists out there as they’ve been my best students and I grew tired of those stupid comments about Leica users . Agree about the versatility of the lenses , I got myself a 100mm R macro and I love it.
@kdb8039 Ай бұрын
Having owned 9 Leica cameras so far, I can say it is the LESS RELIABLE brand and the absolute WORSE CUSTOMER SERVICE EVER!! - Leica M9-P and MM1: cracked sensor. - Leica S2: corroded sensor. - Leica S007: video card failure on the first shoot. It took 6 months to Leica to fix it and it is only after a long ranting post on GetDPI and LFI that they fixed it. Leica doesn’t like to be trash talked… All bought new, of course. The Q1 and M246 have been quite reliable though and I still love my M6 Titanium and my M5 with modified lugs. I have never had ANY problems with my Nikon D3X, Canon 5DmkIV, Nikon Zfc or Zf (FANTASTIC CAMERA!!!) My personal experience here.
@williamsingman1489 Ай бұрын
While I have had, and still have, virtually every main camera brand over the years I always enjoy using my Leica digital cameras (M11, Q2, SL2) more than the others. I just love the fit, feel and finish of a Leica camera body and lens in my hand. My father was a tool and dye maker and growing up I learned to appreciate the craftsmanship that goes into making a fine product. However when it comes to film I always shoot medium format and large format. I have three absolutely lovely film cameras. A Rolleiflex Hy6 Mod2, Fuji GF670 and an Ebony SV45. None of my cameras make me a better photographer, but the pleasure I get when using them inspires me to try just a little harder.
@AskMOTT Ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing William, quite the collection you have there. What's your favorite? My M10D is definitely my favorite camera I've ever owned.
@williamsingman1489 Ай бұрын
It’s hard to say what my favorite camera ever was at this point since I’ve been around for a while. I will say my favorite b/w film back in the day was Polaroid Type 55 which produced a print and/or a negative depending on exposure and processing time. However I currently seem to gravitate toward my M10 Monochrome and M11 for color since I enjoy the feeling and mood of light and shadow, especially night photography. Deserted streets, dimly lit storefronts and stuff like that. So for the record I’ll make those two my favorites at this point. My favorite artist is Edward Hopper if that tells you anything.
@lizlana4200 Ай бұрын
One thing that is not a Myth is the Leica look. When I shoot often I get immersed in the character of the look that I forget about that look. I am though able to spot right away when a photo is shot with a Leica from another photographer. Hard to explain but I’m pretty sure Leica users in this comment section know what I’m talking about
@I-SelfLordAndMaster Ай бұрын
@@lizlana4200 yeah right.
@lizlana4200 Ай бұрын
@@I-SelfLordAndMaster I said Leica 🔴 users not kit lens users hahahah capish 🤌
@jens-olebrockhoff6523 Ай бұрын
Justin, that's exactly how I see it! I shoot sports (basketball) with a Sony a9ii and fast GM lenses, and I appreciate the speed, autofocus and reliability. But, I love traveling or documenting my daily life with my M10 and a 35 or 50mm lens. Why not enjoy the best of both worlds and keep the fun in photography. Thank you so much for your video, I really appreciate your openness and honesty!
@dukeofurl999 Ай бұрын
This is excellent for potential buyers. Over the last week I have watched 3 other professionals tell of their choices, 3 other camera brands. These are helpful in both choosing a new system and swapping to a different one. The gear does not take the photos. We do, But that extra bit of caring about the gear, well, we all know what that can mean on a bad day, and a good day too.
@CrueLoaf Ай бұрын
I’ve gone through Canon. I’ve gone through Nikon. Touched Sony and Fuji. I love the simplicity of Leica. It makes shooting more of an experience. My favourites are the M9-P and my M10-D. Oh and the Q2 when it rains.
@dutchjerry1234 Ай бұрын
Great and honest video Justin ...THX! As a professional photographer for more than 30 years I have used many camera systems like Nikon 35mm, Pentax 67, Mamiya 645 Hasselblad and Mamiya 7. Since 8 years I am only using a digital Leica M. Though shooting fashion, as I did before, requires other kit than shooting photographs for my art projects, as I do now. I mainly shoot people in city environments (reportage) and when shooting with the Leica M people just don't notice me. Especially when using the EVF in the upright position and looking down into the camera from above. It's maybe a small thing but I get stronger images compared when using other kit. I also agree with you about Leica glass. I have a selection of M and R lenses. Prefer using lenses wide open and in my opinion Leica has the best glass when used wide open. Telephoto lens tip for Leica M users; try the apo-elmarit-R 180mm f/2.8 (wide open), with an M-adapter and the EVF for focusing. And have fun shooting! Keep up the good work!
@lindakuo88 Ай бұрын
Conundrum for me. I was Nikon for years and years and still love Nikon. However, I don’t want to carry a brick around anymore and their focus is more prosumer. I love my Hasselblad x1D2 and though it has focusing issues, I can’t give up the color science which I actually love more even than Leica. I have a Q2, and I “connect” to this camera and Leica in general tangibly, how it feels, and also the menu interface (also Hasselblad) is so intuitive. It can’t replace my Nikon for field work, so that’s my conundrum at the moment. I agree completely with your thoughts and evaluations.
@markyork5839 Ай бұрын
Great content as always Justin, thank you. There is a certain build quality associated with Leica cameras. Much like a finely crafted Swiss watch. Add top notch optics and you have the reason why so many great photographers choose to shoot with the brand.
@NickDelDuca 16 күн бұрын
Oh man this is such an interesting one.... I have the original SL. I bought it looking for some kind of magic and I think it has it to some extent because I'm always super pleased with the raw files and how they take an edit but I'm too cheap to buy Leica glass so I'm probably just missing the point. I mess around with a host of cheap vintage glass on it with mixed results but I've got a few gems I'm fond of. I'm really tempted to buy some Leica R glass because it's the cheapest but I don't know if I'm actually going to find what I'm looking for if I do that. I also have some issues with the SL in bright sunlight. I just don't think the viewfinder is bright enough in direct sunlight and it's tough to manually focus lenses if I can't see. I would seriously consider buying an M camera but I'm left eye dominant and that kind of defeats the whole purpose of a rangefinder. I ended up buying the Nikon ZF which has some cool manual focus features and I think I'm happier with it than the SL but I think about selling it every day and getting an SL2S or SL3. Once you shoot with a Leica it's hard to go back to anything else.
@dangilmore9724 Ай бұрын
I love Leica cameras, film or digital. A pure joy, exceot for the price.
@AskMOTT Ай бұрын
I should say " I tolerate the price" :).
@dangilmore9724 Ай бұрын
@@AskMOTT A good Leica is worth the price, especially the early film models. Like I've said elsewhere, they have a certain "feel" to them. Very logically designed.
@albertmeyer8983 Ай бұрын
The price of handmade quality made by workers who are paid reasonable salaries. The price is reasonable. Just make priorities and save up!
@dangilmore9724 Ай бұрын
@@albertmeyer8983 I have some seriously acient Leica film cameras that the only service I ever did to them was lubing and adjusting the shutter mechanism as needed. I've seen a good number of Leica II and Leica IIIa cameras still being used. That's 90+ years of use, some without any maintenance at all. They can take all manner of abuse and keep going.
@KirstenBayes Ай бұрын
The older I get, the more I realise: when it comes to cameras, ergonomics are everything. There's no such thing as a bad camera brand these days: if I have a problem with image quality it's never the camera. But some are just way better ergonomically than others for the jobs I do.
@sampope6426 Ай бұрын
I enjoyed this video, and tend to agree with pretty much everything you said, I picked up (traded most of my gear for) a M11 a few years back and it was kind of a buggy mess, but now it's reasonably stable. If I have super important images and video to make I'll probably bring my Z8 but for travel and just general fun and the occasional crazy good image the M11 is the ticket. I'll be honest I have thought about trading it in for an A1 or something like that a few times but then I will pick it up and mess with the manual focus lens and remember how much I enjoy shooting with it. Keep up the videos I always find them interesting.
@587583922 Ай бұрын
I get why people love Leica...I really do. My "needs" led me to fuji instead. Part of it was price. Mostly...I prefer the options from a modern EVF to framelines and a true rangefinder. My choice ultimately would have been similar even if the prices were the same. Different strokes. The reason some people shoot Leica is that they just like it. I...kinda don't. The draw for me is just their place in history.
@johnkasianowicz6536 Ай бұрын
The best camera is the one you use!
@AskMOTT Ай бұрын
Love your honest opinion, I like when people offer counter opinions in a fair and polite way, it's rare :).
@587583922 Ай бұрын
@@AskMOTT i don't think it's as rare as you fear except online. But, literally every gear-related hobby/profession is so flooded with good options these days... it's just silly to berate someone for valuing details differently. Your whole "argument" seemed to boil down to "i like them", and I just can't see what's wrong with that.
@lelandfitz1762 Ай бұрын
Does Fuji have true rangefinders? I always hear they have faux rangefinders and mostly go with the rangefinder "look" for example on the X100s
@587583922 Ай бұрын
@@lelandfitz1762 no. No optical rangefinder that I'm aware of. They do have an optical window with electronic features. But, I use an xt5, which is all evf/screen. Yes, i get why people don't like them too. I just do.
@AskMOTT Ай бұрын
Let me hear your thoughts on Leica.
@leirumf5476 24 күн бұрын
However I'd love to have a Leica some day, I feel like its pricetag won't let me enjoy using it for street photography which is what I enjoy. The camera I own, with the kit I own, is something I feel comfortable throwing in my bag and carrying it anywhere, if someone mugs me or steals it, I won't mind giving it all away. With a thousands of dollars camera and lens... I don't think I'd be able to have the peace of mind to shoot the way I enjoy.
@SourPlanet Ай бұрын
Every brand makes great cameras. It's awesome that we can get super particular about our needs. Then indulge in a bit of "faulty math" to justify our path. In my entire time shooting- since the late 90s- I've had brand bickering come up *once* in person. It's an armchair photographer pursuit. Real photographers only get heated over unpaid invoices.
@peetje28021970 Ай бұрын
For me it’s the heritage, the experience and I just love the way they look, simplistic.
@AskMOTT Ай бұрын
Same with me my friend.
@hoagyguitarmichael Ай бұрын
I love my Leica SL but have recently come up against the Leica repair issue. Dropped the camera and the SD card door wouldn't open. No one will work on Leicas. Had to bring the camera from Nimes to Montpellier to have them ship it to Leica, who are charging me 1600 euros to fix it. After shipping, it is going to cost me almost as much as I paid for it used.
@blakerooney291 Ай бұрын
I’ve had an M11-P and 35mm Summicron in the shopping cart off and on for a week. Every time I get close to pushing the button I go back to the constant chatter about lost photos and lock ups. I own an SL3 and Q3 and love them both. If not for that I would buy today. I also own an A7R V.
@thomasstapel6824 Ай бұрын
Watch the MathPhotographer's explanation of the lost images. He says it happens to some people only under the following circumstances: taking the battery out when the SL3 camera is in sleep mode and the battery is removed and replaced with another battery. He never experienced this.
@blakerooney291 Ай бұрын
@@thomasstapel6824 Thank you. I’m referring issues with the m11 family. Leica forum and Reddit both have a lot of chatter about it. I’ve never experienced a photo loss with the SL3.
@syrcular Ай бұрын
Do you still have an SL3? I recall you mentioning wanting to use that for commercial work. Did that not work out?
@koobs4549 13 күн бұрын
The biggest problem with Leica was learning they were owned by Blackstone
@thomasstapel6824 Ай бұрын
I have had numerous cameras from Nikon F5 to the D850 and Z9 and Z8. So far the Z9 is the most capable but most daunting in the level of buttons and focusing modes and menu depth. I sold the Z9 along with a fuji and lens and purchased an M11-P. And I love the simplicity and weight. The manual lens might be a pain for some but the advantage of the zone focusing and hyperfocal focusing are great. The bottom line for me is simplicity, less clutter and smaller form factor - weight - translate into I a camera I can take everywhere and add a few other lens without breaking my back. I also ver much appreciate the menu similarity between the different models-SL3 my next purchase.
@izzyleicanut9190 Ай бұрын
I've been using the M system since the early 90s (film) till now (digital). And although I have the Sony, GR and GFX systems, I always returned to my M240 and M10. Around 90% of my time on landscape, portrait or street, has been on the M. Reason? Simplicity.
@martinsmyth5580 Ай бұрын
I love the idea of Leica. But the only thing that gets to me is the manual focus. I don't think it would gel with me.Maybe I am wrong. It would cost a lot to find out. Has anyone an opinion on this. That could educate me
@johnkasianowicz6536 Ай бұрын
The digital CL, TL, Q series (Q, Q2, Q3), digital SL series (SL, SL2, SL3), and the S model work with AF lenses.
@AskMOTT Ай бұрын
It takes a little time to get used to Martin but I don't find it that challenging. One option could be an SL with an M lens + adapter and then worse case you buy an autofocus SL lens :). Wait, I sound like a salesman, do what works for you my friend.
@AdamHouston Ай бұрын
You mentioned community engagement - I really like visiting Leica Stores to see what they are showing in the Gallery. I’m visiting SG this week, so I saw your exhibition at the Raffles store.
@johnkosterimages Ай бұрын
I fucking loved my M10-R but I'm an old dude now and struggling to do rangefinder manual focus in low light was too frustrating. I love my Q2, still waiting on a Q3 but wish it were 35 mm lens, other than that the colors and the ergonomics make me excited to shoot every time I pick it . There is a reason why there are dedicated fans. I wish I could get an M11, so many stunning lenses, old and new, but that little rectangle in the viewfinder made me grind my teeth. Also have a Nikon Zf and now I get to still work with some fast glass on the street when I need a change.
@GamachePhoto Ай бұрын
Have you taken a look at the SL2 or SL3?
@587583922 Ай бұрын
@@johnkosterimages i also seriously considered a Zf. It came down to size and weight that pushed me to fuji instead.
@AskMOTT Ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing John, I always love your passion. I second what @gamachphoto said, have you ever considered an SL2 or SL3?
@johnkosterimages Ай бұрын
@@AskMOTT I didn't! I wish there was a place around here that had some I could get my hands on to try, I may go down to Chicago to the Leica store there and handle those and see what I think.
@mottvisuals Ай бұрын
I don't know a ton about Leica but I love this guy's personality, rugged handsome looks, and overall vibe.
@FLMUSACanada 21 күн бұрын
I knew you'd say that!
@sithbk0075 Ай бұрын
After years of dreaming of a Leica camera I took the plunge and got SL2s combo w 24-70 2.8 Leica lens. Most money I ever spent on a camera system. The images that came out from the camera were amazing. Plus their menus were simple and so easy to use. Not sure why other manufacturers keeps putting tons on the mine. Sadly I sold it due to weights, it’s heavy like a tank and I got tired using it.
@Deetroiter Ай бұрын
I’m far from a doctor or a lawyer, but I love my Leica TL2. It’s doesn’t always get the love it deserves among the Leica crowd, but make no mistake about it…capable of world class photos. Just because it doesn’t have a built in VF isn’t any reason to write it off (not directed at Justin, or anyone else), it just needs to be looked at from a different point of view, no pun intended. The big screen on the rear is just a big viewfinder in itself. One of the things I’ve noticed, especially in recent times, is that people complain about Leica prices…yet they don’t talk about the trends that many, many folks blow thousands of dollars on the newest sonycanikons, then a year later they spend it all over again to buy the newest release. Leica owners typically keep their gear for a very long time. So, in the long run, which one is actually more expensive than the other? Great video and great points, thanks for being real and honest about it all.
@ianforber Ай бұрын
I like the M and Q cameras Leica produce because they all have analogue style controls so you can just pick them up and go and take pictures with a satisfying experience without being overwhelmed with buttons on camera from other brands, even if you rarely use those buttons. I’ve never used the SL cameras so I don’t know if that comment applies also to them. Consequentially, I like the Leica brand. I don’t take better pictures with a Leica but it is more fun to use.
@robmitchell7355 Ай бұрын
As a doctor with a Leica (and a Nikon) it always stings when I hear the "Doctors and Dentists" comment (4:00). I agree with you that if you look at that demographic you are selecting for a detail-oriented group of people with some disposable income. There are many OTHER people who fit this, and there are people who are passionate Leica shooters who save hard for their kit - but people like to hate on doctors and dentists.
@johnkasianowicz6536 Ай бұрын
I enjoy using Leica cameras (M6 TTL film, digital CL, M11, M11 Monochrom, and SL2). The menu systems on the digital cameras are simple, which is a big plus for me. I also really like Leica lenses (vintage and newer versions). I can see using other cameras (e.g., Nikon) if I get into wildlife photography (more choices for telephoto lenses). Thus far, Leica has stood behind their products, even something that I broke. Nikon left me in the cold when I needed a lens CLAd.
@donwhite332 Ай бұрын
I have come to feel that the Leica is about the experience and not necessarily the results.
@larryboothby3687 Ай бұрын
Well, I'm certainly not a doctor. Fireman by trade, so I had to work for many years and still sell a kidney to afford my Leica. Why go to that length. Ever since I saw one I loved them. Even now, when I pull my M out, it is just a beautiful piece of machinery. I've shot Fuji, and Sony, and I got sick of humping around a huge bag of stuff. The Leica is small but mighty. I had the Q2M, which was the gateway drug, and after realizing how often the Q went out and the big bag of Sony stayed home, the calculus was simple. I only have one actual Leica lens. A pre-loved 50 summilux. That lens really is special on so many levels. My other glass is non-Leica but still produces lovely results and I'm perfectly happy with those. I feel that with Leica, what you are paying for is the intangibles. There is a soul to the brand that, for me, just isn't there with other exposure boxes. I know, probably silly. So when are we going to see some more photography? I always dig your work when you shoot for these videos. AND MORE OF YOUR Q!!!
@AskMOTT Ай бұрын
Leica should have a "kidney trade-in program" :). Larry, I'd love to see you shoot a project based around your profession, it's such a rare and noble job and I bet you could get an amazing project out of it, just a thought.
@larryboothby3687 Ай бұрын
@@AskMOTT I would love to, but my employer frowns on it pretty hard. Plus for me, it is a way to get away from emergency services and train my brain to operate in a different way. I have a very clinical mind. I solve problems very well, but artistry has always eluded me. Photography is hard. I don't want to just copy what someone else has done a million times, but learn to see and then make something interesting. And have fun!
@CRAusmus Ай бұрын
I love my M4, but my shutter broke on it last month. I shoot Fuji X-Pro for digital, but I was reaching for the M4 because I just love to use it. Since it broke I’ve been thinking more about a digital Leica. But not even a quarter of the way there with my savings though.
@AskMOTT Ай бұрын
Which digital Leica are you looking at? Have you considered an M10R, I feel like this a nice option for many, still expensive but doesn't crush you like an M11, just an idea.
@CRAusmus Ай бұрын
@@AskMOTT My friend has an M10R and loves it. I’m definitely considering it for sure.
@paulholland8132 Ай бұрын
Try the M9, the files are incredible, its a little slow in the menus but the operation is super quick.
@husshardan3511 29 күн бұрын
What you need to know right now is Leica is quoting 6 months to 1 year for a warranty repair! Imagine that, something is wrong with your camera and it will take a year before you get it back. FYI Nikon takes 1-2 weeks, as does everyone else.
@AskMOTT 28 күн бұрын
Fair point to bring up, they definitely can’t compete there.
@r.wilson8095 Ай бұрын
I have never seen a Leica camera, and the only thing that prevents me from getting one is the price. Correct me if I'm wrong, but most, if not all, Liecas are assembled by hand, not by some super-fast automation process. Obtaining a high-quality and committed photographic style takes time and costs to manufacture. I have a Canon 5D, but I still have not mastered the ability to take an above-average photograph, so until I do, I don't think a Leica would help me. 😊
@AlexKroke Ай бұрын
maybe you would like to get your audio to -23 LUFS😉
@donjagoe Ай бұрын
Just love it. But to be honest, I loved my Canon 5D too.
@MrSimonj1970 Ай бұрын
It's mainly people trying to fill the hole in their lives by buying stuff. The Madness of More. It's not just Leicas, people spend crazy amounts of money on all kinds of things, without ever questioning why? Materialism is a huge trap; it will never make you happy for long, no matter what society tells you. This doesn't apply to you Justin, your level of work totally justifies the best tools, but most people who buy Leicas are just ego tripping.
@AskMOTT Ай бұрын
A lot do truth to what you’re saying Simon, I agree :).
@washingtonradio Ай бұрын
I have never used Leica, I have seen them in the wild. My impression is they are solid camera but that can be said about many brands. Personally, I subscribe to the view that it's the person behind the camera that is important not the camera itself. Though the photographer should be very familiar and comfortable with their gear to get the most out of it.
@soulopticc Ай бұрын
I always thought leica was nothing but a way of showing off, but i found myself shooting my cameras more and more manually and simply so i thought id try a cheap Leica (M9 M-E) all i can say is that now I'm planning to sell everything and get the M11. You just cant put these things down!
@IDaumI Ай бұрын
I think Leica is perfect for a hobbyist like me. There are no pressures from outside forces like clients and deadlines. I'm able to take my Leica M out for a walk and enjoy the process even if I end up not taking any photos at all. As for the SL, Sure you can use it for client work but the ecosystem and is not as streamlined and robust as Sony so unless you really love the Leica brand I don't see the point of the SL for commercial work when there are better options like Sony.
@mr_cramberry Ай бұрын
I enjoy the digital rangefinder experience as its closest to analogue film photography, which i grew from learning the craft. The worst thing about Leica, intentional or otherwise, is its snobbish stigma. Unfortunately there is only Leica and Pixii, and the latter is yet to release its FF max version
@AdamHouston Ай бұрын
I shoot Sony and Leica. For me it’s horse for courses. For some subjects, I need what the Sony can do that my Leica can’t. For others, I want what the Leica does for my photography.
@ronaldmoravec2692 Ай бұрын
Colors are much more natural the Nikon Z. I like Kodak pro film and Agfa when these were available.
@carlosmcse Ай бұрын
I have no thoughts on Leica as a brand. I do have thoughts about my own M and can compare it to my previous cameras, but I never thought about it as a brand.
@RS-Amsterdam Ай бұрын
Solid story but with some glitches: True that Leicas don't make you a better photographer if you are not yet good but ..... if you know your Leica and lenses in-particular your images will be better at the end but you have to know where and what to look for, and if you see the difference you are spoiled for life . (that been said it is totally useless to buy a 50 or 75 mm Noctilux to shoot at F 5.6 or F8, total waist of good money) And yes, they are not your sport action cameras or macro cameras by standard so don't use them for that ( you don't go off road with a Ferrari too, by choice hehehe) And Hasselblad is not as reliable as you think and besides that you are forgetting Phase One when it comes to e.g. product photography . Manual lenses do not break more often cause they have no AF motor and AF parts, so less parts, less problems. And I know a lot of people who shoot and they are regular guys , wearing regular clothes, without tattoos, most of them better educated therefor have better paid jobs to afford more Leica stuff, but not by standard, so in short, Leica shooters come in all sizes and types just like any other brand. And you are talking about vintage lenses but I see people putting them on 60 MP M11 cameras on 60MP selection and that will decrease the quality of the image cause those lenses are not made for high MP cameras, all the flaws will be 10x better to see, so 24MP is about the highest you want to go with those vintage lenses. (and therefor Leica develops next generation M lenses for the higher MP cameras) People who shoot Leica per definition don't know more about photography and optics cause I read a lot of BS about Leica and Leica lenses on YT by people who call themselves Leica "specialist", test lenses with a lot of debatable images showing girls with a lot of skin to hide all the problems of the images/lenses and even worse, they show edited images so all the flaws of a lens are hidden. And then the YT compression makes it even worse hehehe. Add some RAW (jpg) images in the description of the video so people can see it RAW on a big screen. Well that was my two cents, but, by far, your story is legit, kuddos for that Be safe and thanks for sharing.
@robiulahmed Ай бұрын
Here’s my take: They’re luxury cameras, beautifully built, great lenses. As a professional system, they’re not close to the versatility of a system like Sony’s, but that’s ok because they feel nice to use. Interestingly, the Leica M2 is not even close to being as good as the Nikon F2, but there are no DSLRs built to those standards. The Nikon Df got closest, but it has too much plastic. So, if you want a premium photographic experience with a digital camera, Leica is the one to go with.
@Bollywoodhollywood2023 Ай бұрын
Leica is a brand with history and philosophy and huge experience in photography. It’s not an electronic company which manufactures everything. Nikon and Canon are beautiful but uninspiring. Leica has a soul which Sony doesn’t have . Every digital camera these days is capable of producing stunning results if an eye behind it knows what they are doing. Leica , Hasselblad, Olympus a, Fuji and Nikon ZF have a character which every other brand lacks . A working photographer cares less about the gear as he is seasoned photographer and knows how to get there .
@AskMOTT Ай бұрын
Well said, uninspired is a perfect way to put it.
@robmcd Ай бұрын
I like Leica. They’ve just not made the camera for me yet.
@AskMOTT Ай бұрын
Fair enough Rob, what do you shoot with?
@GTAYLOR1972 Ай бұрын
Hey Justin not sure what you will be using the SL for? It sounds like you are doing all mix of video and still. I have heard from multiple sources including videos on here that the battery life on the SL when shooting video just doesn’t cut it. My guess is for commercial work (esp if it’s going to have a video component) you might be better off with Sony.
@AskMOTT Ай бұрын
I se the SL when I need a screen and auto focus so mainly for my editorial work to compliment my M10D. I haven’t full used it as a video camera for a documentary but I am considering trying it that way.
@jeffscott2246 Ай бұрын
Justin, do you own any Voigtlander lenses, or other third party?
@jiggyb21 Ай бұрын
To me Leica and Fuji are like a Nintendo whereby comparison the others are like PlayStation or Xbox. We can all agree everything else is technically better but the enjoyment of a refined, simple experience is hard to beat. The price of entry is high but the niche nature of the brand makes the total cost of ownership very comparable. I do believe that some Leica owners hold the brand over the heads of others, creating elitism, but for the vast majority of Leica users I think it’s the experience and basic brand philosophy that make it worth the price of entry. For me personally, I simply couldn’t creatively get out of my own way with other cameras, because I’m just not smart enough to figure them out.
@mohdfarizolabdulghani7208 Ай бұрын
Always like leica
@Gravitys-NOT-a-force Ай бұрын
I see photographers at Congressional hearings and at Olympic events and most of them are using lenses that appear to be at least a foot long. I have a 75mm f/1.2 Leica lens which is only 7" or 8" long, and it weighs a ton. And it cost a small fortune. A fast Leica lens 16" long would undoubtedly weigh 2 tons. Why would Leica use glass, not plastic, for no reason? There must be a reason.
@Gwiizzz Ай бұрын
Leica is dope, but I love hassy!
@Malick333 15 күн бұрын
Myth … Leica’s have high resale value. The used camera market says otherwise, especially when a newer model comes out. Yes maybe lenses though. Many Fuji’s not only good Value but increase in value (the XE4 is nuts). Myth … Leicas are the most expensive. Nope, the high end Canons and Sonys are expensive too, sometimes more. Myth … Leicas make you slow down 🤣🤣🤣 this one is hilarious … maybe if you’re just learning a rangefinder and manual focusing, but you can shoot full manual and manual focus with most cameras if you want to “slow down”.
@ronwolfept Ай бұрын
very hard to hear with all volume maxed
@ulyssesnathanialowen3831 Ай бұрын
lololo those who don't understand Photography and its history will hate Leica , you need to understand photographer history to understand Leica's importance , and what it has done for photography and Photographers .. the first 35mm cameras , the first mirrorless cameras are 2 of its notable achievements , but Leica is a pure brand and has had a consistent philosophy throughout its history , to designed and build the best possible timeless cameras it can which are small light weight and very portable .. why people have a problem with this who knows? ... if you don't want to buy Leica then buy what you want ... but to hate the best made cameras its just ridiculous. So do these same people hate Rolls Royce and Rolex .. or Spirit Yachts. The fact that Leica still make film cameras and will repair them and support the film camera community , its testimony to their principles and values ... People without these things will never really understand and need to be ignored to fight with themselves inside a paperbag..
@ChrisBrogan Ай бұрын
I really love your style and point of view. I loved this video. And like a lot of people have a Leica boner, and once I rob a bank, I'll surely get one. But I love how you ended it: "I love Leica, but I love photography more." That and the poking fun at yourself make this a great video.
@TheArtisticFlavor Ай бұрын
Leica makes some great cameras, but the elitism of some of their shooters just makes me laugh. I keep seeing comments online that are like, "Compared to a Leica, every other camera is a toy." Lol, ok, get over yourself.
@AskMOTT Ай бұрын
They might not be the majority but maybe they are the loudest, I hoping to try to change that with my channel. I definitely don't feel that way, other brands make some excellent tools, while Leica makes extensions of our eye, ha ha, kidding.
@WhoIsSerafin Ай бұрын
I like their old and current film cameras. But their digital, every model since the M8 have had serious issues including the M11. That’s my problem for the price they have constant issues and don’t understand how a pro could possibly trust them. But I love how they keep video away from the M cameras. Wish other manufacturers kept some of their bodies strictly photography.
@carlosmcse Ай бұрын
The M240 had video. I have an M10R. Never had 1 issue with it. I bought brand new. Usually people buy used. Can’t talk about used. It’s a gamble. Fuji I had issues. Sony had issues. Leica not 1.
@WhoIsSerafin Ай бұрын
@@carlosmcseI wasn’t talking about the M240. I look at it as kind of an odd ball one off camera. M8 had sensor corrosion problems. M9 had sensor corrosion problems. M10 and many of the variants had firmware issues and still to this day have not been resolved. M11 firmware issues and much worse than the M10. Yes we have problems with other cameras but I can’t think of any of the top of the line cameras from other manufacturers that had a specific issue for all the cameras and then continued to have issues with 4 generations of cameras in a row. For any other camera manufacturer that would be the end of them. Just to be clear I’m not a hater of leica, I want them to succeed, I want all camera companies to succeed. But I do wish leica customers were tougher on them for their clear issues they been having with each generation of m cameras.
@carlosmcse Ай бұрын
@WhoIsSerafin You sound like someone who has never touched a Leica M. You said "every model since the M8". So no, again that's not true. The M240 had video. As far as these unresolved firmware issues, again I'm not sure what you're talking about. I have the M10R, probably the last batch they made before the M11. Guys I know who are leica shooters have everything from the M8 to the M10P and none of them have any "unresolved firmware issues". All they talk to me about are lenses. I had 1 friend, who also happens to have a KZbin channel, who has an M8, that is now going on 20 years old, that recently had to have the shutter replaced. I don't of know anyone who shoots any other brand that is shooting with a 20 year old camera. 😅 and he loves it with voigtlander lenses. Unlike you I speak from experience. I also briefly owned an M10P. None of these firmware issues. I can't speak of the M11 because I have never owned it and I'm not interested in it. I also don't know anyone who owns one. CCD sensor issues are far in the past. All those cameras now have new versions of those sensors (the people who own them) and M9 cameras are still selling and retain their value. Some are selling for more than M10 because of that CCD sensor ironically.
@paulholland8132 Ай бұрын
@@WhoIsSerafin You mention the problems as if every camera had the issue. My M9, M10P, M10R and now M11 have not had any of the above issues. It definitely feels like the bad news gets more air than the successful
@lelandfitz1762 Ай бұрын
Leica is the only brand that does constant Exhibitions all over the world. One could wonder why Sony or Canon, who are filthy rich, don't do that. Leica seems to be the only brand that cares about the photograph and puts it in the center of photography.
@gerhardbotha7336 Ай бұрын
They have to in order to get sales from pretentious buyers. Canon and Sony also do this but on a much lower level compared to their size. Because their camera systems are better. They dont have to try so hard to sell them
@lelandfitz1762 Ай бұрын
@@gerhardbotha7336 There is nothing hard to sell behind it. Those are exhibitions that are free to attend without anything that puts any camera model in the forefront. Only pictures and the photographers who shot them. It's also not some kind of trade fair as often pictures from decades ago are shown, thus without any incentive to get people engaged thinking they could do the same with the camera as those are not sold anymore anyways.
@albertmeyer8983 Ай бұрын
Most digital camera’s have just awful menu’s and look ugly
@gerhardbotha7336 Ай бұрын
Leica pisses me off. When you have a fixed lens and then pretend cropping represents some fantastic feature replacing zooming or changing lenses… or your stupid ergonomics “forces you to slow down “ as if that is a good thing… Nah. Give me my Canon thank you.
@AskMOTT Ай бұрын
Always open to another opinion on here Gerhard, thanks for sharing.
@stevenanthony578 Ай бұрын
Leica cameras are beautiful, but the cost is insane (for me).
@MIZRAIM1906 Ай бұрын
Leica is the Truth…. No myth
@zoltankaparthy9095 Ай бұрын
Leica is a cult. But, it is a camera which has a great likelihood of working when you pick it up. Its color and image resolution are good. I have three old M bodies: M8.2, M9 and M240. The X2D is the best I have for images. But Leicas are a pain in the ass and have earned the right to be. They are good cameras. So for nimble and reliable Leica works. Look what you have done with M bodies. Yeah. I do have an A7M III. That works, too.
@carlosmcse Ай бұрын
How is Leica a cult?
@AskMOTT Ай бұрын
Cult :(, but in a good way right :).
@carlosmcse Ай бұрын
@@AskMOTT you wanna see a camera cult? Start making fuji videos.
@zoltankaparthy9095 Ай бұрын
@@AskMOTT It has legend status. So many famous photographers used them that the rest of us can feel like those folks when we use the old M bodies. I like the color. It's a pretty good camera with bling factor.
@zoltankaparthy9095 Ай бұрын
@@carlosmcse It's rep is larger than reality. People get insulted when you do not praise it or you dislike it. There is a blind acceptance of the high price and poor repair support. OTOH Sony has great repair support, no hassle, good prices and fast turnaround. I have never heard anyone say that about Leica. They are arrogant as a company.
@richarddenise3886 Ай бұрын
What do you really think? 🤣
@AskMOTT Ай бұрын
Was I too honest, will Leica hate me after this? I feel I was fair and still love Leica :).
@richarddenise3886 Ай бұрын
You nailed it! I love Leica too, just not exclusively.
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