Wish I hadn't missed most of the stream G. At 9:51, regarding getting up Sugar Loaf Mtn by foot. I took up the challenge and it is possible, but it's so darn slow and completely wastes your time as you end up at the small clearing on the north side in any event (thus totally unsuited for streaming), where you can land a helo unseen. From that spot you can climb up the remaining rocks with just a little effort, to the back (north) side of the upper sniper tower, thus having the high ground. Of course a road would have been required IRL in order construct the site, but noooo ... 😛🤫
@GmoneyMozart4 күн бұрын
can you get up normally or through the cheating rolling up the mountain to bypass sticky spots?
@micoma494 күн бұрын
Didn't need the rolling move, but it's so much trial & error where you can actually "climb" (the prompt) versus the "stuck" animation of being unable to climb (where ur character attempts to climb w/o actually touching anything). It becomes somewhat quicker of course the more times you try it, but soooo boring; versus just get the helo to the flat spot and just climb the very last part to actually start the mission ....