Should've stayed. 應該要留下來陪你的 Were there signs I ignored? 我是不是曾經無視了你的呼求? Can I help you not to hurt anymore? 我還能幫助你不再受到傷害嗎? We saw brilliance when the world was asleep. 某些絢麗的事物 唯有在萬物沉睡時才得以窺見 There are things that we can have but can't keep. 就像某些東西我們只能短暫擁有 無法長存 If they say, 若他們說起 Who cares if one more light goes out 在這綴滿繁星的夜空中 In the sky of a million stars? 誰會在乎又一道微小光芒的消逝? It flickers, flickers. 就這樣忽明忽暗掙扎著 Who cares when someone's time runs out 如果我們的生命都只存在於片刻的瞬間 If a moment is all we are? 誰又會在乎某人的時間瀕臨耗盡? Or quicker, quicker. 也許即將在眨眼之間殞落 Who cares if one more light goes out? 誰會在乎又一道微小光芒的消逝? Well, I do. 事實是 我在乎 The reminders pull the floor from your feet. 那些往事無情的奪去你的支柱 In the kitchen one more chair than you need. 廚房中 又多出了一張空蕩蕩的椅子 And you're angry, and you should be 你感到憤恨不平 這很合理 It's not fair. 因為這世界本來就不公平 Just 'cause you can't see it 但很多東西並不是你看不見 Doesn't mean it isn't there. 就不存在的 If they say, 若他們說起 Who cares if one more light goes out 在這綴滿繁星的夜空中 In the sky of a million stars? 誰會在乎又一道微小光芒的消逝? It flickers, flickers. 就這樣忽明忽暗掙扎著 Who cares when someone's time runs out 如果我們的生命都只存在於片刻的瞬間 If a moment is all we are? 誰又會在乎某人的時間瀕臨耗盡? Or quicker, quicker. 也許即將在眨眼之間殞落 Who cares if one more light goes out? 誰會在乎又一道微小光芒的消逝? Well, I do. 事實是 我在乎 Who cares if one more light goes out 在這綴滿繁星的夜空中 In the sky of a million stars? 誰會在乎又一道微小光芒的消逝? It flickers, flickers. 就這樣忽明忽暗掙扎著 Who cares when someone's time runs out 如果我們的生命都只存在於片刻的瞬間 If a moment is all we are? 誰又會在乎某人的時間瀕臨耗盡? Or quicker, quicker. 也許即將在眨眼之間殞落 Who cares if one more light goes out? 誰會在乎又一道微小光芒的消逝? Well, I do. 事實是 我在乎 Well, I do. 事實是 我在乎
聯合公園 Linkin Park - One More Light 又一道光芒 Should've stayed. 應該要留下來陪你的 Were there signs I ignored? 我是不是曾經無視了你的呼求? Can I help you not to hurt anymore? 我還能幫助你不再受到傷害嗎? We saw brilliance when the world was asleep. 某些絢麗的事物 唯有在萬物沉睡時才得以窺見 There are things that we can have but can't keep. 就像某些東西我們只能短暫擁有 無法長存 If they say, 若他們說起 Who cares if one more light goes out 在這綴滿繁星的夜空中 In the sky of a million stars? 誰會在乎又一道微小光芒的消逝? It flickers, flickers. 就這樣忽明忽暗掙扎著 Who cares when someone's time runs out 如果我們的生命都只存在於片刻的瞬間 If a moment is all we are? 誰又會在乎某人的時間瀕臨耗盡? Or quicker, quicker. 也許即將在眨眼之間殞落 Who cares if one more light goes out? 誰會在乎又一道微小光芒的消逝? Well, I do. 事實是 我在乎 The reminders pull the floor from your feet. 那些往事無情的奪去你的支柱 In the kitchen one more chair than you need. 廚房中 又多出了一張空蕩蕩的椅子 And you're angry, and you should be 你感到憤恨不平 這很合理 It's not fair. 因為這世界本來就不公平 Just 'cause you can't see it 但很多東西並不是你看不見 Doesn't mean it isn't there. 就不存在的 If they say, 若他們說起 Who cares if one more light goes out 在這綴滿繁星的夜空中 In the sky of a million stars? 誰會在乎又一道微小光芒的消逝? It flickers, flickers. 就這樣忽明忽暗掙扎著 Who cares when someone's time runs out 如果我們的生命都只存在於片刻的瞬間 If a moment is all we are? 誰又會在乎某人的時間瀕臨耗盡? Or quicker, quicker. 也許即將在眨眼之間殞落 Who cares if one more light goes out? 誰會在乎又一道微小光芒的消逝? Well, I do. 事實是 我在乎 Who cares if one more light goes out 在這綴滿繁星的夜空中 In the sky of a million stars? 誰會在乎又一道微小光芒的消逝? It flickers, flickers. 就這樣忽明忽暗掙扎著 Who cares when someone's time runs out 如果我們的生命都只存在於片刻的瞬間 If a moment is all we are? 誰又會在乎某人的時間瀕臨耗盡? Or quicker, quicker. 也許即將在眨眼之間殞落 Who cares if one more light goes out? 誰會在乎又一道微小光芒的消逝? Well, I do. 事實是 我在乎 Well, I do. 事實是 我在乎
每次聽了都會鼻酸,身體裡有一種很想大哭大叫的衝動。 雖然知道這是Mike寫的,也知道是為了他那位已故的好友,可是這詞裡面,我總是覺得藏著小查的遺言,覺得他的自殺有機可循。之前知道他的死訊時,我當時只覺得我此生已無支柱了,英文版MV一出來時我看了才真正第一次流下淚,光是旋律跟他柔軟卻深的歌聲我就招架不住,後來又看了幾次,看見最後他謝幕的動作,他的人生也真的謝幕了。 我說不出那些他永遠活在我心裡的話,因為他的逝世,我也沒了撐下去的動力,前陣子又開始墮落的扎進針頭,有一些原因在於這讓我起碼跟他還有一些連結,當然也不是有錢到每天都能如此,這中間經歷的痛苦如breaking the habit般,身體的癮可以用藥物制止,心裡的癮才是最可怕的,一旦墮落一次,就需要很長的時間讓心控制下來恢復正常,我知道我是不好的示範,錯的無可救藥,但是目前我只能靠如此墮落放縱來抒發自己近期的各種痛苦了... Chester, I really miss you...