Lies, Bribes, Corruption: The Complicated Truth Behind Games Journalism

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@Mugthief Ай бұрын
I love spending over 5 days working on a video to have a black background cut in the first minute. Remember, yeah, you should check again for the 37th time before exporting and believing it's fine. Hope you enjoyed the video, be careful out there, and keep enjoying games.
@heideknight7782 Ай бұрын
A recent video from Asmongold had this topic that content creators were invited by Ubisoft to a trip to Disneyland among other things in order to promote their new game Star Wars Outlaws as well. And his conclusion was much more radical than yours, namely that everone who is being offered a flight to another country, a visit to an amusement park, accomodation in a (first class?) hotel etc. in order to promote a video game should reject such an offer immediately. Because the only way to stop corruption is to kill its roots, so they do not even have a chance to emerge. The new ethical guideline that every content creator should be transparent with their sponsorships for a video (and that they really make it visible in the video itself) is only the second best solution to this problem. Because, like you said, it still leaves a sort of uncertainty whether or not the content creator is being honest about the product presented. If they reject they may still make a review for a video game when they get a key from the developer/publisher to play it at home for a limited time. Another point that also starts to have a significant impact on how I, as the consumer, form my opinion about a video game is related to the mechanisms of the platform I am using to inform myself. As an example, if watching a video that is a negative review about a recent game on KZbin the chances are high that the next time I open KZbin the algorithm found like 10 more videos which also present a negative review of this game. So I am unwittingly manipulated to believe that the game is really bad. Due to the fact that there is an amplifier effect that is arising just by how the KZbin platform functions. It knows which kinds of videos I am interested in and doesn't show me anything off topic or some content whith a different opinion. This is, of course, a whole different problem, but is entangled with how the consumers nowadays are manipulated in their opinions about things like video games.
@フフウェイ Ай бұрын
"I'm talking about your favorite content creators"... did you just accuse *yourself* of unethical journalism??? Have I been wrong?😱
@malcovich_games Ай бұрын
You aren’t wrong. Don’t (always) trust anyone. Especially your favorites. Not Mugthief, not whomever you or I can name.
@B.Love88 Ай бұрын
⁠@@malcovich_gamesDTA! Don’t trust anyone! And that’s the bottom line because malcovich_games said so!
@UnAssimilated1 Ай бұрын
I can hear resetera screaming "gamergate" from my uncels basemant(please help)
i am so glad to have come across your channel. your unique take on things, your effort in research and overall depth and perspective are delightful. all the best from germany!
@jugaChannel Ай бұрын
Great video, Mug! This is a very thoughtful analysis of our current scenario. keep the good work!
@ChroniclesofNoria Ай бұрын
Very valid point Mug. You definitely had me thinking and reconsidering things I often overlooked. Thank you
@Honeypie675 Ай бұрын
I agree with you, but man you are yelling to the wind. Should content creators be more transparent? Absolutely, we want to hear the truth so we can temper our expectations accordingly. But are they going to? Of course not. At least not until there are laws pertaining to it. I dont think advertisement disclosure rules encompass youtube reviewers. I'm glad you have been committed and are continuing to stay committed to telling us the truth and giving your honest opinions. That means a lot
@nathanfee9644 Ай бұрын
Mug, this is a great video and I love your content.... but this is incredibly idealistic. I would love for a day to come when content creators aren't incentivized to create as good a relationship with the gaming company(not their audience) so they can continue to get EA copies and make money off being the firsts to show off content. I just don't know if it'll happen outside of government regulation and on that point.... I just have no faith. I truly don't believe anyone in the government would understand what you were talking about if you showed them this video as unfortunate as that is. Hope you have a great day Mug! You make great videos man with very insightful points, and I very much respect you for trying to be as unbiased as possible when you approach topics!
@jockpackage1770 Ай бұрын
Yeah, that's an oxymoron, "it has to be unbiased for the consumers but I have to lick the boots of the game's publisher or I won't get early access again." At the end of the day, for this issue at least, it's mainly publisher greed and companies that aren't confident in their product so they won't let you be honest about it. Star Wars Outlaws is the best example of this corruption, influencers got a free vacation on top of playing the game to capture their own gameplay much earlier than others would get review copies. They gave them a free trip to a Disney Land with full privileged access, just to butter them up. These people will say they weren't payed but they were, not in money but in the money that trip would have cost and extra perks you normally can't even buy. It would have been scummy and funny if they gave them the right to show up but didn't pay for things like their flights, so some that had less money would be left out. That would have made them look terribly elitist but them going so far as to give these people unrelated perks, like this beyond premium access trip to the park is going too far. That's just a bribe on top of a threat. "You get all this if you're good, that means you lose it if you're not." Saying you don't have to make a video is also a non choice, like anyone would pass up taking advantage of this stuff to get a leg up on the competition... Unless they had the morality of a saint and said they won't review it because this tainted things for them so their perspective is not free of bias. If you go too far with appeasing the marketing teams of publishers then the customers simply won't trust you. If you are too honest and prioritize the people that listen to you, then you're likely never getting another review copy again. That's just the system, for the most part. Yeah, just pick the people you trust for certain kinds of games and others for other games and you have your sources to make informed decisions, to an extent. Divisions on the internet and the cult of personality thing are older than this, this was just reviews falling into that. It's just that some have more antithetical brains that can form their own opinions, with biases sure, then there are the social brains that don't ahve a single original thought so they just parrot what the mob is saying. These are extremes but they are based in reality of human psychology. People can be a mix of this, being experts in some things where they point out when something is wrong, and other things they don't know they just take someone else's word for it because they see them as an expert on that thing.
@Finch460 16 күн бұрын
Videos like this should have more views. Unfortunately, those who NEED to hear this message are too self-righteous to listen..
@lilyofdesire 25 күн бұрын
I think other people in the comments have talked about how well-spoken and insightful you are, but I just touch on the emotion the came through your voice towards the end. Everyone talks about intellectual honesty and such but I also appreciate your emotional honesty. I can always tell that you really mean what you say and that you WANT to communicate your thoughts with PEOPLE. It never feels like you're talking into a void or talking at "the audience", your videos always have a degree of personal intimacy to them. Most people (especially men) avoid that intimacy because of the vulnerability that comes with it. I appreciate that you aren't most people. (also sorry if this comes off as weird or parasocial-that's not the kind of intimacy I'm talking about 😅)
@manifestualdestiny2057 Ай бұрын
Very well said man. I love your work. I appreciate your perspectives and sharing them.
@NeroZeroScorpion 15 күн бұрын
For me was the whole cyberpunk 2077 fiasco of a launch, that for me was and is still is a sort of filter for some games media and influencers, the vibe check thing happened so much for CDPR since the trailer for cyberpunk until the launch, and a lot of people turned a 180 on their "opinions", some deleted videos, came out with excuses, meanwhile past videos literally unboxing chairs with yellow cyberpunk on it, and showing on video when talking about it, that was insane to me. Fast foward to last year, 2023, and once again games media and influencers did the same thing for the "comeback" of cyberpunk, and "it was always good", "it run well on my PC on launch", which i knew was gonna happen, what i didnt expect was games media in general, voting for cyberpunk for the game awards, in fucking on going, i even saw some journalists saying that the DLC was so good it should be nominated to GOTY. When i saw it got nominated it was over, it was going to win, because games media literally wanted to give an award to cyberpunk, they wanted to be marketing for CDPR, i lost all faith on that show and games media and some influencers, under no circumstances that company should be rewarded, still that narrative kept being pushed, and the people that dont know will fall for that, just like i didnt know that the launch of witcher 3 was the same thing. Great vid btw 👍
@yakdeculture9761 Ай бұрын
SkillUp is a big example of an industry shill, as well as the ActMan, Fighting Cowboy, and a lot of others. Yes, I think it's great that they get recognized by the game companies they're big fans of, but when they're getting the VIP treatment many gamers would give an arm and a leg to experieence, it makes me trust them less and less.
@albert2006xp Ай бұрын
Act Man definitely teeters on the edge of sensationalized hating on a game just for the views, taking the worst sponsorships ever and sometimes haaaard shilling for the wrong companies (Marvel Rivals, a NETEASE game lol) but SkillUp, I don't agree, I play A LOT of games and if I go back and look through SkillUp thoughts they're actually not usually unreasonable. And they're usually nuanced, not this fake either best game ever or worst game ever for clicks. I do disagree with him from time to time (Marvel Rivals, seriously nobody should've made a video on a NetEase game...) but I never feel like he's faking and exaggerating opinions for the views like with others.
@Roe777 Ай бұрын
@@albert2006xp Shillup shilled Cyberpunk on release, just like Yongyea... those 2 are not to be trusted
@flushnutch1605 Ай бұрын
Idk everything about the guy but I know Skillup refuses to let game companies pay for their expenses like plane tickets and game copies
@lystic9392 Ай бұрын
​​@@flushnutch1605 Didn't SkillUp turn against gamers during gg or something? I ditched them at some point for being oppressively unreasonable but I don't remember what it was about, it was so long ago. Or maybe that was GB.
@Dorrovian Ай бұрын
@@albert2006xp There is nothing wrong with covering game by NetEase if you correctly state from who it is and why this could be a problem, which both of them did.
@DebiDalio 12 күн бұрын
Well said, Mugthief. I no longer pay any attention to day one reviews because I believe there is too much shilling. I prefer to wait until reviewers I trust have had enough time with a game to give an honest opinion.
@RaiderSmitty 19 күн бұрын
Always enjoy your authentic take! Keep up the solid work
@Ninakoru 27 күн бұрын
Money leads to corruption, and we self-justify ourselves to stay corrupt and be able to sleep. Very hard problem to solve, try to stay authentic, consistent, and transparent. You're right on the money about it ^^
@eddieford9373 Ай бұрын
At this point if a publisher let's reviewers give a review before the game releases, I know it'll be a good game. I don't need to listen to the review if they aren't censoring the people they let play the game.
@theKonfusion Ай бұрын
My approach to know if a game/movie/tv show is good or mediocre/bad. If the youtuber just rant/scream/talkshit or on the other spectrum, is a total superfan praising everything. I NEVER take their opinion seriously. If the youtuber is mentioning all the points he dislikes and why they think it doesn't work, in a calm, structured fashion, and/or say the positives and why it brings them joy. I tend to trust their opinion more. (obviously, sponsored content has to be mentioned from the start)
@malcovich_games Ай бұрын
If Gmanlives was honest in his Outlaws video, well no one would believe him either because people knew about those Disneyland trips that were being given out. (As far as I know, he hasn’t confirmed nor denied being on the Ubisoft marketing campaign yet.)
@Mugthief Ай бұрын
It's in the video. He drove to Ubisoft Sydney Office in his own car for 45 minutes, paid for his own parking, and had no approval process no sponsorships. Makes sense, don't think he would take a 5 day trip just to play it four hours. It's the fact some people are public with the info and others aren't that makes it complicated.
@malcovich_games Ай бұрын
@@Mugthief Ubisoft has definitely poisoned the well for people who aren’t part of the trip. No one’s positive or even neutral opinion on that game can be taken seriously now. And okay I suppose that exonerates Gmanlives a bit. However, the mere fact he was given access at all even at his own expense will be questioned as well, once more due to the Disney trips.
@slimeloe Ай бұрын
we can only hope that this landscape changes or it might be people like mugthief who spark conversation of change either way in this current state it’s so hard to know who’s being genuine or just a personality
@CaptainWaffles Ай бұрын
I remember the Kane and Lynch fiasco myself. I was in high school at the time. I think that incident planted seeds in my mind that would lead me to become the Communist that I am today. 10 years later, in 2017, I read Manufacturing Consent by Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman, and Inventing Reality by Michael Parenti, and ever since then, I can't trust mainstream media or journalism at all. All I see is what Marx wrote in the 1800's: "The ruling ideas of society are the ideas of the ruling class." Or simply put, the media is controlled by moneyed interests and their views reflect the views of the Big Banks that run society in the Western World.
@CmoIsDaNam3i Ай бұрын
Hot take: Taking sponsorships is basically the same problem but for a specific product. If you really wanna stay neutral as possible, stop taking sponsors.
@albert2006xp Ай бұрын
Yep, entirely correct about trusting youtubers opinions on games. If a game is popular to hate on, you get free views by just sensationalizing how bad it is even if you don't actually believe everything you're saying. See: Every single long and unnecessary Starfield "review" that has a clear negative message in the thumbnail or title. It's just for views. Or anyone trying to say negative things about games like Elden Ring, it's not going to go well and it has historically not gone well for the person voicing these opinions. People are there to hear their own already pre-conceived or group thought opinions reflected on them and be agreed with so the incentive is to give them what they want to consume, not the actual truth. They want to enjoy the Ubisoft game being bad, being ranted against, they got the popcorn ready. Not that Ubisoft didn't earn a certain reputation for monetization but still, it goes beyond that, to not accepting any sort of good quality existing in any game related to them. They also want to hear about how the game they identify with is the greatest game that has ever been developed by mankind. It's either the worst game of all time or the best game of all time. That's what they want to watch. They don't want shades of grey. They don't want to hear a game is "just okay". They don't want nuance. They just want to be validated in opinions. The audience in a way "creates" the content like a process of natural evolution.
@zefem Ай бұрын
Consistently amazing vids my man
@marvcollins7842 Ай бұрын
Great video. It's refreshing to see an idealist perspective from time to time, even though I tend to agree with more cynical takes when it comes to certain topics. I hope your approach pays off, because we need more people like you in the gaming landscape.
@user-kz7dy1tg3r 28 күн бұрын
The problem with GMan is that he’s become far friendlier overtime to big companies.
@ericpittman4638 Ай бұрын
Thanks for saying this. Your takes always seem genuine, which is rare in today's climate.
@mezomoza7 23 күн бұрын
Watching your Videos is like Vitamins to my brain. Thanks a lot
@Fullsteelchef Күн бұрын
As a longtime fan of Totalbuscuit I respect the stance.
@sesimie 24 күн бұрын
I don't trust entertainment anymore. I make my own creations and I love my own editing. When I hit 50 I got a whole lot of backlog of things to do in my free time. And i no longer feel FOMO with new trends.
@stinkbanana2522 Ай бұрын
I honestly don't care to listen to the option of any reviewer that is granted early access to the game period.
@malcovich_games Ай бұрын
We’ve reached the point that even getting review copies raises an eyebrow. That said, I appreciate it if they say they received a review copy.
@stinkbanana2522 Ай бұрын
@@malcovich_games yeah, but if the reviewer shits on it they're not getting the next one. that's why 6/10 is like the minimum score for AAA games these days
@nickmurkel2469 Ай бұрын
I've suspected this for a long time. It doesn't help when people like MatPat sell out and get tons of people defending them.
@RamblePak64 Ай бұрын
Part of the issue with Star Wars Outlaws, specifically, is that it is subject to The Culture War(tm), and therefore you have a very binary division of viewers who are going to be biased either towards loving Outlaws for reasons that have little to do with the quality of the gameplay, or hating it for reasons that have little to do with the quality of the gameplay. Either way, people want their bias confirmed. They either want to believe it's going to be amazing Game of the Year material or that it's absolute garbage, with nothing in-between. At the same time, not having watch GManLives' video, I've no clue how fun he found it to be or not be. I don't align with his tastes that often myself, don't find him to have any particular insight, so I don't really watch him. The thing is, even if Outlaws is "bland" in regards to ambition or mechanics, it can still be fun. Does it mean the game is great? Game of the Year worthy? Not at all, and it could still have other issues that a content creator can outline. However, due to socio-political garbage that only sometimes has to do with a game's quality, it's a hot button topic game that draws extremism. Ironically, I can't help but wonder if it's a game that content creators need to review, given that all marketing has been met with a resounding silence all year. Unlike other games, this isn't exactly the kind of game you miss out on much by not covering, or at least that is my impression. Ah, crap. I just realized, though Assassin's Creed: Shadows is a game I would view as being big enough you'd want to cover it, The Culture War is in full force on that one, too. Humbug. We're going to have to go through this all again.
@alexanderhugestrand Ай бұрын
This video was like fresh air to me. Gave it a like. :)
@ismathem Ай бұрын
Great video.
@k.constantine Ай бұрын
I'm just going to say it, I don't believe Gman because I never believe anyone with an incentive to lie.
@B.Love88 Ай бұрын
If reviews can’t be trusted then piracy isn’t stealing! It’s a demo since these game publishers can’t provide one!
@stevenguitink5947 21 күн бұрын
Personally I think ultimately, there's very little individual consumers can do. Big companies are gonna big company things and content creators are gonna roll with the zeitgeist. So probably one of the better solutions is to promote better media literacy. Recognize ragebait for what it is, but don't engage with it, for example. Raging against the algorithm accomplishes nothing, but play into the hands of the algorithm.
@toas1 Ай бұрын
Very thought provoking - great job.
@Otazihs 21 күн бұрын
Ubisoft made a game that is actually decent?! Oh noes! Must boycott. People are incredible, I'm no fan of Ubisoft myself, I think a lot of their games are the same recycled garbage year after year. But if they put out a game that is actually good, why not try it? As far as the state of journalism, its not just gaming, its everything. Its very hard to figure out what the facts of the matter really are and its one of the main reasons why politics and world issues are so disjointed and chaotic. Journalism is about selling your audience to the highest bidder and its a sad state of affairs. Edit: Let me add something, it is also our own fault for these problems becoming so exacerbated. Why do we fall for these reviews, why do we seek someone that shares our own opinion, if we wanted someone to be honest then why do we need to agree with them? We should be convinced by facts, not opinions and hearsay or "alleged". Yes, some people just don't have the time and/or resources to thoroughly investigate and come up with their own opinion on different subjects. Bah, I'm just rambling now.
@EuphoriaDeep Ай бұрын
It feels like all games journalists are deep in the pockets of the corporations that have taken over the AAA space. To the point where I just don't trust any reviews anymore. I'd love if someone could point me to a site or channel where the reviewer has NO access, buys the games with their own money, plays them to completion, and then gives their honest opinion. I don't care if the review is out right at release, because I no longer buy games until they are patched and playable.
@albert2006xp Ай бұрын
Steam reviews and a bit of critical thinking applied to them? Also the high seas. You're your own best reviewer.
@Cold_Zero_The_Wise Ай бұрын
I've been watching Smaller channels for reviews as they have more leeway to say what they please and staying away from top reviews.
@RichardPhillips1066 Ай бұрын
Most will have review copies though i think the smaller KZbinrs are less integrated get less pressure from the publishers , worthabuy is honest imho , he frequently isn't given review copies
@malcovich_games Ай бұрын
@@albert2006xpas an “old man” sadly I do not even have time to sail the high seas
@bromanchoo9863 28 күн бұрын
To hell with the people that ridicule others simply because that person likes something other people band wagon on to dislike. #BandWagoningNeedsToStop
@stinkbanana2522 Ай бұрын
Kane and Lynch is really more of a 7/10 imo
@nicodemous52 Ай бұрын
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss...
@davidmiller9485 21 сағат бұрын
I'm Sorry but it's NEVER ok to harrass someone. I don't care the reason. You should neither act nor agree with someone else acting like a spoiled teenage brat to someone else for any reason. If someone does not disclose a paid opinion piece, then report it to the FTC. The FTC will look into it. If it's true then they will have to change it with possible monetary fines added. That is the adult way of dealing with these issues. If you want adults making balanced and non-biased works, then hold them to that standard. Acting like a spoiled ass does not do that. Many people need to grow up.
@parisolivarious Ай бұрын
Games journalism died when many of the popular games influencers (YongYea, SkillUp, AngryJoe, etc) praised the hell out of Cyberpunk 2077. Crowbcat has a video on Cyberpunk and there’s a compilation of those KZbinrs talking about how Cyberpunk is the next best thing in gaming.
@Dorrovian Ай бұрын
From what i understand, Cyberpunk 2077 was running OK on top machines reviewers have. The problems were mostly on older PC and previous generation consoles.
@UnAssimilated1 Ай бұрын
It died long time before that, from pubs blacklisting critical jurnos, to gaming news sites accepting money for adverts, to jurnos & devs having realtionships that go beyond proffesion etc
@albert2006xp Ай бұрын
I remember Angry Joes review of Cyberpunk and it was completely honest. And once the game saw a few updates it was one of the best games of all time. So what are you talking about? Are people supposed to trash a game forever because it came out in a buggy state particularly on old consoles that it shouldn't have released for in the first place?
@parisolivarious Ай бұрын
@@albert2006xpI wasn’t talking about the reviews. The First Impression videos and “I played X amount of hours of pre-release Cyberpunk!” videos all praised the game. And then the game comes out and, of course, it was a half asses buggy mess. So the general gamer populace revolted and the KZbinrs backpedaled in their reviews and went “oh yeah you guys are right, it’s totally buggy!”. Angry Joe’s First Impression was “it’s totally immersive and everything I wanted”. Hilarious.
@albert2006xp Ай бұрын
@@parisolivarious Have you considered that maybe the preview demo they played was bug tested and polished a lot more by the developers to not make it look like the game was that buggy? Have you considered that since the game was so good, if there weren't a ton of these issues in that demo, any honest reviewer would have said that? Do you just want to hear the same validated opinion "game so buggy, game so bad" that it's cool to get? Because that's kind of the problem. When Cyberpunk released everyone just wanted to hate on it, so it was cool to hate on it. Even though the situation was obviously more nuanced. The game had bugs, the game was clearly not fully baked and ready for smooth release, but you still had to mention that the game underneath that was still fantastic, beautiful and immersive. Yet the audiences demanding to hear about how it's the worst thing ever and I feel you still hold on to that today.
@ts7901 Ай бұрын
Nice video
@rubenthekid Ай бұрын
*cough* Solar Crown *cough* AlexVII
@CrunchyBrownie5 15 күн бұрын
10:48 me remembering totalbiscuit and checking out his channel and realizing he hasn’t posted anything googling it and finding out he died of cancer in 2015. Holy shit, unsubscribe
@aekallday8353 Ай бұрын
Great work calling out that Penguin fraud about his Shadow of the Erdtree video. Just watch him get wrecked by Gaius and Messmer, complain, then say there's nothing wrong with the bosses 🤣 complete scam artist
@corya3189 21 күн бұрын
Everyone who hates SF6 gets destroyed. It’s very bad in the FGC.
@kenmck7802 Ай бұрын
Welcome to the game show, "Play Ball". Where you can win an all expense paid trip to...somewhere, get an actual REAL...CANVAS bag annddd you can get INSTANT ACCESS to our...lies an deception. Allll this and more can be yours IF you juuusstt ...PLAY BALL.
@Anubiszz512zz Ай бұрын
Comment of any sort
@nflisrigged1395 25 күн бұрын
If u sub to ign go unsub and all them fakers
@abeetmameet Ай бұрын
Cyberpunk was WAYYY worse than just a buggy launch. The comments im seeing glazing that scam of a game is saddening.
@albert2006xp Ай бұрын
Cyberpunk ended up one of the greatest games ever. You're like a Starfield level hater that didn't get their brain Windows updated since 2020. It was an unfinished launch, which obviously is bad, but trying to make it worse or like it didn't end up one of the most beloved games is ridiculous. Recent steam reviews are at 90%.
@abeetmameet Ай бұрын
​@@albert2006xpplay more games
@abeetmameet Ай бұрын
​@@albert2006xpI never said it isn't beloved, I'm saying it is completely unacceptable how the game was marketed, the damage control post launch, and the industry nominating CP2077 for ongoing game awards (a category for live service games). I'm pointing out that it isn't healthy for the industry for people to give CDPR a pass just because "game ended up good". If you want the industry to improve, you would see my perspective
@albert2006xp Ай бұрын
​@@abeetmameet I do hear what you're saying about not giving it a pass, but I don't think we're doing that. Everyone still remembers how it launched and everyone will forever be wary of CDPR's games launching unfinished. I think everyone should in general wait for a game to release before forming any opinions on it. If you pre-order video games, that's your fault. But we also need to FAIRLY assess the quality of a game. We can't fall into "this is the worst thing ever". Both the quality at launch and current quality need to be considered fairly, with the good and the bad. I don't feel like legitimizing the game ads but I don't think "ongoing" has to mean live service? Any game receiving constant updates and/or expansions is ongoing. Why restrict it to multiplayer microtransaction scams? What's wrong with praising a developer for fixing their game and giving us a stellar video game? At the end of the day, the product as it is in our hands matters. Building upon a shaky launch with a good core should be a thing we should encourage. What we shouldn't encourage is pre-ordering. People launching unfinished games isn't going to affect you if you don't get suckered in and pre-order. But people fixing their games and eventually delivering a good game means after some time you'll get a game you can play and enjoy, And games like Cyberpunk and No Man Sky were still pretty good at launch. A great game concept incomplete is still more fun than a terrible boring game. I'd still rather play those versions than play Call of Duty 58.
@MeltonCrest Ай бұрын
"Journalism" isn't dying, "journalism" never existed to begin with. Also there is nothing complicated about it. It doesn't matter how often you repeat "we don't know", we are not a court of law we are consumers we don't need evidence. You take money, you get on boat trips even just taking a free copy of a game and i'm not trusting anything you say. At that moment, you're the same as the game 'journalists'.
@512TheWolf512 Ай бұрын
maaaaan, you covering gamergate is true poison on google. the unusually low amount of views here is testament.
@Mugthief Ай бұрын
What are you even talking about? How are you stuck in 2014? There is zero mention of anything related to it in a 37 minute video you didn't watch.
@travisgeorge1553 Ай бұрын
@Mugthief You do realize, GG was about ethics in gaming journalism, right? Whether it's "getting lucky" with someone, receiving a lavish trip, or simply getting future early access, you're gaining something you normally wouldn't, for simply saying what "they" want. This comment, isn't completely out of left field, even if you didn't mention it by name.
@Dorrovian Ай бұрын
@@travisgeorge1553 It wasn't. It tried to show itself to be about it, but from beginning it was one man crusade against his ex and 4chan doing trolling and harrasment campaign. All you need to know to prove it is that even Vivian James, the mascot of movement, was rape joke by 4chan (look up "Daily Dose").
@Mugthief Ай бұрын
@@travisgeorge1553 10 years ago people were complaining about how a little club controlled everything. Today, the people crying out for "gamergate 2" make more money off of yelling about it than the industries that were protested in 2014. It might not be from left field, but calling a video about the current state of access journalism "covering gamergate" is anything but logical.
@skbproject5589 Ай бұрын
Gmanlives being a shill hurts
@horizon92lee Ай бұрын
Cancel culture doesn’t exist, it’s one of the two things; holding someone accountable for their actions, trolls who look for reasons to get mad like opposing views. And the former doesn’t really care about the culture of it, they just want their voices heard above all else, bugs.
@ronthorn3 Ай бұрын
@rclaws3230 Ай бұрын
BG3 is a bad, vapid, substanceless game that craps on the legacy of the first two, and players mass-hallucinated enjoyment of it because of a generalized faddish disdain for objectively awful creative practices at AAA developers.
@minakatahizuru Ай бұрын
Solution is get KZbin channel blocker and block paid shills simple as that.
@minakatahizuru Ай бұрын
Anyone having previews before release is paid shill.
@discordapplications7606 Ай бұрын
You haven’t told us anything we didn’t already know during Gamergate.
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