Life is Strange: Double Exposure's Release Is a Huge Mistake

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@eurogamer 5 күн бұрын
What do you think of the decision to release chapters 1 and 2 early? Let me know - I am not fond of it, especially as it means you have to pay more. Zoe
@envoyofrot7046 5 күн бұрын
Disgusting, greedy and sadly very expected from modern Industry standards. They won't have my money
@easydiesel 5 күн бұрын
Leaves a sour taste given the wholesome vibes LiS games are steeped in. There's just no masking that corporate greed :/
@ownzuall 5 күн бұрын
How much time did it take you to finish the two chapters?
@jdbruiser 5 күн бұрын
I don't see why anybody should be angry about the tonal gaffes when they can just laugh instead. Life is Strange as lovely as the franchise can be, is full of over-acted lines, irritating buzzwords and inconsistent characterization. However, this is what we've decided that we want out of our videogames, for them to be upbeat instead of downtrodden even during grief because it's a videogame not a real-life situation.
@llenaaangel 4 күн бұрын
It was a cash grab, plain and simple. Square and D9 trying to milk properties they had no part in creating. They know the original LiS is so beloved (with a devoted fanbase) that a pretty large chunk of people would be willing to pay the extra fee, even if they know it's ridiculous. As far as the game itself goes, I watched playthroughs of the first two episodes today. I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I was going to. At first I thought the hardcore fans were overreacting about Chloe, but after seeing the game for myself, I gotta admit that they're right. There's just something majorly off about DE. I found the whole first section to be incredibly BORING, and I found myself wanting to skip through the video. It was hard to sit and endure. So far I'm not that interested in the side characters either. I wish we could've just started off at Max's house, be able to look around at her stuff and go through her journal, social media, and texts so I could catch up on just what the hell happened since the ending of the first game, and then I think I would've been able to absorb the new world a little bit better instead of sitting impatiently waiting for a chance to move onto plot points about Max and Chloe post-Arcadia Bay. (so basically, the Dontnod stuff) It's very reminiscent of TC, my least favourite LiS up until now. I also think Gabe, Safi, and the beginning sections of both games are very similarly handled. I don't like the Deck Nine world building, it fails to interest me. I know it's not just me not liking change, because I loved LiS2 so much that it's at the top of my list, dethroning even the original.
@dermade83 5 күн бұрын
The 2 weeks gap is stupid. Max' "terrible grieving scene" is utterly realistic, though? What the hell? "People grieve differently, sure. But not like that"? Why not?
@kaaaaaaterinaaaaa 4 күн бұрын
2 week gap ? timestamp?
@dermade83 4 күн бұрын
@@kaaaaaaterinaaaaa I meant the gap between early release and full release.
@joshrosario1269 4 күн бұрын
I agree I've also grieved exactly like this, what max said wasn't super weird to me
@JohnWilliams-cr2sz 5 күн бұрын
I think I have to disagree with you on the tonal comments. I think it well within Max's character to make jokes/be flippant about tragedy. I literally acted the same way when my brother passed away a few years ago. Better to laugh than to cry sometimes.
@CrystalEverlyns 4 күн бұрын
fr. plus max had to deal with death countless times due to her rewind powers so I'd imagine she would've become a little desensitized to it
@barbijudge 4 күн бұрын
@@CrystalEverlyns well, you could've save that girl... :') and save 1-2 ppl if you sacrifice Arcadia
@DennisAlexis 4 күн бұрын
I disagree about the tonal shift. Many of us make jokes even if we're depressed. Nothing strange about that. We're all different.
@johndoe-xc2yg 4 күн бұрын
the fact they gave you the option to officially ship them and then immediately breaks them up off-screen is outrageous for any fan of the first game
@Adritox_jd 4 күн бұрын
Reminder that Dontnod didn't wanted to continue the story of the first one because of the conclusive endings.
@Tristaene 4 күн бұрын
@@Adritox_jd Not that it was conclusive but the director himself said they wouldnt be able to think of a sequel that would do it justice.
@Xighor 4 күн бұрын
Wait so they chose to sacrifice a whole town? Killing every Human, Animal, Destroying People's Homes and Businesses for one stupid teen and they split up 💀 The only right ending is letting her die and saving the Town and Reality as we know it, she was supposed to die and she's hardly an angel and even if she was it's like the train scenario you should end a life to save at least 2 more
@opdoraemon1195 4 күн бұрын
They didn't have any other options. They can't make another game with both endings. Max and Chloe are still in good terms with each other. I accepted it. It's life. Shit happens.
@heavyartillery-qm5hu 4 күн бұрын
@@Xighor Chloe is less stupid than the town and it's fans
@jimmynicol7942 5 күн бұрын
I heard how they're handling the endings of the original, and it made me wish they either stuck with an ending, or just didn't bring Max back. I'll probably skip this one, unfortunately. Seems like the comics handle it better, so I'll stick with those.
@nightcatarts 5 күн бұрын
Leave it to a corporation to find a way to monetise a bad situation they created.
@pudupudu9837 4 күн бұрын
My mum died suddenly when I was a teenager and quips were the only way I survived. I used to answer marketing calls for her with the remark ‘I’m sorry, she’s a bit dead at the moment. Would you like me to take a message?’
@txgoldrush 5 күн бұрын
It is completely in Max's character to make comments like this about her grief. There is no real tonal clash here.
@michelle.pearl. 5 күн бұрын
Yeah, when my best friend died, I was definitely a little...flippant sometimes. It made me feel less crazy during the first few months of grieving, so be able to joke and do what felt "normal."
@farron4217 5 күн бұрын
bro, she already looked more depressed in the first game when no one had died yet
@B.B.Digital_Forest 2 күн бұрын
The flippant dialogue sounds like it was adapted from French writing. The humour seems the same. Hey, wait a minute. 😁
@ReachTea 5 күн бұрын
If you bought the "early access" you are part of the problem and it's why it'll never stop
@captiankirkgames4385 5 күн бұрын
I feel guilty
@tosina2946 4 күн бұрын
meh, i didn't think the "hell" line was super inaccurate. I've been through similar experiences and I've definitely referred to life enduring grief as "hell" flippantly amongst similarly berieved
@Jacobp4i 5 күн бұрын
I totally agree with the issues with paying to play early, but the comments about Max’s comments about grief being weird seemed unfair to me? You literally say ‘everyone grieves differently’ and then immediately say… but they don’t make jokes. What I’m even more confused by is this preview is written by someone different to who is voicing it.. but the written article version didn’t have this comment about grief in it? So is the person voicing the video adding in their own opinions but under the guise of this guy ‘Tom’?
@creamocropable 4 күн бұрын
They are encouraged to do this for the streamers. Corpo knows that the streamers NEED to have this game as early as possible and will pay for higher prices for early access. What they fail to account for is that once the videos of playthroughs are out - informed judgment will also roll out. Fans and casual gamers alike will know whether they want the game for themselves. If the game is bad, the decision of the casual gamers will hit them hard because these are the majority that won't pay for a crappy/mid game they can just watch others play.
@envoyofrot7046 5 күн бұрын
I love Life is Strange but this one will probably be picked up when all episodes are out for 20$
@balloonedraccoon2503 5 күн бұрын
Same. The first life is strange is the first game that made me wheep 😭😭.
@Ryna113 5 күн бұрын
If it makes you feel better they'll all be out in 2 weeks. Prob wont have to wait that long for $20 knowing Square.
@eliodergamer 5 күн бұрын
By the time the whole game will go down by 50 whole bucks I will already be an old grandpa bro😂😂😂
@devilgames2217 4 күн бұрын
Black Friday and boxing Day are coming soon.
@eliodergamer 4 күн бұрын
@@devilgames2217 There is no way there is going to be a black friday sale for a 2 month old game
@blackjohny117 3 күн бұрын
Early access was actually a good thing. They saved us from buying a 70$ pathetic excuse of a game. After all the emotional investment players put into Max and Chloe's bond in the first game, having them break up off-screen is not just lazy, it's downright disrespectful to the characters and the fans. We spent hours getting attached to their story, only for the writers to throw it all away like it never mattered. What a waste of everything the original game built up.
@bankusmotius3667 4 күн бұрын
Definitely missed the mark about dealing with grief. People grieve differently, should've just left it at that and moved on
@tosina2946 4 күн бұрын
on a second rewatch - yeah the comment about the grief being flippant is like strange because max has always had a gallows humour and also not everyone experiences grief, which you've said, but you then follow that up with saying "but nobody jokes about it like this". your experiences are not universal and discreditng the game for having a tone that you don't have (even though that tone is canon) is incredibly weird to me
@shade1451 5 күн бұрын
I should be ecstatic for this title. I love life is strange. And max is back! But I'm just not. The shenanigans with this, the terribleness surrounding deck nine and square enix regarding life is strange's queer representation, I'm cautious to the point of being checked out. I didn't even know it was releasing in a couple weeks. Wild. I would love it if it was good, id love to see max again and how her life has been going. It's just.. the vibes are so off for me right now. I hope when release rolls around and the community is talking about it, double exposure can wash that worry away.
@Life-is-2D 5 күн бұрын
(For anyone who does want to question my own fandom and utter disinterest in this, hi, I am the "developer" of Life is 2-D, a complete adaptation of all five episodes of the original complete Life is Strange for Gameboy, web and emulators. A port that has the support and respect of the original co-creator of LiS, Michel Koch, among others.)
@Macktube 4 күн бұрын
I still not have seen a single spoiler on this game and I haven't blocked anything yet😅. I plan on playing the game and judging for myself. I think that's what everyone should do
@Lucisev_ 4 күн бұрын
You really think everyone would grief the same way. This comment gave me pause about your supposedly angry review. And I'm not a big fan of LiS or anything.
@MandolinGuy530 3 күн бұрын
Yeah I've experienced a lot of grief for someone in their early 30's and I absolutely have made jokes. Hell, me and my family made jokes on the day my mum died.
@KazeShikamaru 5 күн бұрын
I'll just wait for the full game to come out.
@tyreekcruse2430 5 күн бұрын
Same here. Probably gonna be hard to avoid spoilers on KZbin, Twitter, etc.
@tyreekcruse2430 5 күн бұрын
Tbh, I think releasing two episodes of LIS: Double Exposure was a little too much. I think maybe at 20-40 minute demo from episode one would've been fine. Releasing two episodes seems like it reveals too much. Maybe they cut some stuff out that will be in the full release. With these two episodes, it'll cause a lot of spoilers to be revealed. I'm going to try to avoid them as much as possible until I have my copy of the full game.
@falconeshield 5 күн бұрын
Remind me that we haven't had a update on Deltarune for 3 years now. Having a chapter each year (and paying post Chapter 2) would've been better than this never ending wait. I think people lost interest.
@thewoodenshiv4719 5 күн бұрын
It's just depressing because I love this franchise but this was so stupid and I am so sick of the industry going in this direction and people eating it up and allowing it to just... be the norm.
@JWhite9723 3 күн бұрын
Also that’s literally how max deals with grief 🤦‍♂️
@littlefurnace 5 күн бұрын
Of course it's a mistake, the whole game is a mistake! It's one huge cash grab that banks on people being too blinded by nostalgia for Max and the first game to realize that there hasn't been a really good LiS game since the first one. Deck 9 has no interest in the franchise except in order to line their own pockets and distract from their bad press
@InfiniteNinja428 3 күн бұрын
Your expectations went too high. No wonder you like your own comment
@jlindsa 4 күн бұрын
The corporate perspective and the consumer perspective are often at odds. This is no different. The gaming industry has found a clever way to charge more "at release" or wait for a "sale" to kick in at the 2 week mark to pay something more reasonable. I'm sure the rest of the entertainment industry would love to do this as well (if they haven't already).
@GavinUK_86 5 күн бұрын
it's so ridiculously stupid. the internet is going to be full of spoilers by the end of today. I guess deck nine and square enix don't care about the games narrative. I guess it's not important. not sure what else the game has to offer in that case.
@memento81 5 күн бұрын
then dont read the spoilers and just stay clear of any reporting about the game until you play it. Your media intake is your own effing responsibility. Don't blame others for your poor impulse control
@nightcatarts 5 күн бұрын
@@memento81 Actually, the poor impulse control belongs to those who pay more to play half a broken (because they're always broken on release these days) game. There are also many trolls about who will just post spoilers all over the place because they think it's funny, so it's not that easy to avoid them.
@memento81 5 күн бұрын
@@nightcatarts all over WHAT place? Where are you all seeing those supposed spoilers that are so terribly hard to avoid? I am genuinely curios.
@nightcatarts 5 күн бұрын
@@memento81 They'll post them wherever they happen to be. In comments for all kinds of unrelated things, live chats, social media posts with deliberately wrong hashtags, etc. They do this because their intention is to troll. With any luck you won't see any here, but that's due to moderation.
@GavinUK_86 5 күн бұрын
@@memento81 lol
@queenoffabulous2156 5 күн бұрын
I don't like it because people have lost all sense of decorum online and people just don't bother to keep spoilers to themselves anymore
@memento81 5 күн бұрын
I haven't read any big spoilers for games in a long time. Maybe you are just connected to the wrong people/outlets
@falconeshield 5 күн бұрын
​@@memento81Oh this one is gonna be big like if Silent Hill 2 was brand new. Stay away from YT, X and Reddit.
@memento81 4 күн бұрын
@@falconeshield oh please, there is next to no buzz for this game after True Colors was such a bland disappointment
@fullsendabeerforme2988 3 күн бұрын
​​@@memento81you might personally feel that way but the fan base/people who loved the original games were freaking hyped about this due to the fact of max coming back alone. The trailer got millions apon millions of views in just a couple hours alone. (I'm including all the mainstream gaming KZbin accounts that rereleased the trailer after the devs of life is strange did.) Like IGN, Microsoft, PlayStation and ETC. You personally may not like it but life is strange is a very, very, very popular game... So much so, that. Um. it's kinda ironic... how you said there's no traction to have any real spoilers when you yourself are here in the comments. Its gotta be pretty popular when it gets people like you to come in here to talk smack about it huh. Swear someone could make the most 10 out of 10 game and people would still be negative about something with it. Tisk tisk tisk.
@opdoraemon1195 4 күн бұрын
Besides all that the game is fire so far. We already got so many suspects and the chapter 2 ending was something. Im so excited to see what happens next
@AlexSamaras 5 күн бұрын
Honestly regardless of their release plan nonsense which does indeed sound like a stupid choice, I've kind of not been sold on this Life is Strange game at all. And I say this as a HUGE fan of the Life is Strange series thus far. I didn't see any reason this story needed to be Max again rather than a different original character with the powers in this game. Maybe the game does a good job of making it be Max and maybe not, I probably won't know until well after the game comes out and goes on sale. And, mind you, again I love Life is Strange and have no problem with Max at all. I just didn't see any reason for another game with her rather than continuing the trend of the games having a different Player Character with a new power while still tangentially related to yet still directly connected to the rest of the series. . I hope I'm wrong, but I just didn't feel any enthusiasm for this game. 🤷
@KingMasey 4 күн бұрын
Wow you just stated my thoughts exactly.
@oomoulee6156 4 күн бұрын
Terrible review. Poor marketing and release schedule choices, and some players social media behaviour shouldn’t overshadow analysis of the actual game. And as for the dialogue about grief, it was fine, there’s often gallows humour at such times.
@KingMasey 4 күн бұрын
Life is Strange 2 was heavily criticised for its poor marketing and schedule choices too.
@fullsendabeerforme2988 3 күн бұрын
​@@KingMaseyunpopular opinion, life is strange 2 wasn't all that good or captivating. The story went all over with really no clear direction many times. To which I personally enjoy when it's done right, but it wasn't. It felt like some parts of the game was filler and some was canon. Like watching a TV show like .... Let's say Rick and Morty, there's like 1 episode of stuff that happens then the next 3 episodes it's back to the same ole same old of random bull crap mini episodes that's irrelevant with the story. I really believe the devs did this with the story because I remember people complained about how short before the storm and life is strange 1 was. Then folks complained about how long life is strange 2 was so they made true colors and it was incredibly short. Don't get me wrong, it's still above true colors but life is strange 2 isn't nearly as good as life is strange 1 or before the storm. In my opinion at least, please take this as my own personal constructive criticism and not objection. I'm not trying to belittle yours or argue with you. It's just my two cents on that game
@KingMasey 3 күн бұрын
@@fullsendabeerforme2988 I think the game was centred around the brother’s journey across the US so as it is a road trip themed plot it can feel a bit disjointed because every episode takes place in a new location, luckily if you want to know what happened between the episodes you can look through Sean’s Sketchbook. I think the game is basically all about the hardships that they face with their relationship first and everything else is second. I actually agree with you somewhat, the original Life is Strange IS better, but before the storm falls a bit flat between LiS 1 and 2. It’s a bit like the lightning in a bottle analogy. The problem with the life is strange community is that they are always comparing the games from one another where each game is different from one another (maybe exception for Before the storm and the original) as each have totally different cast, storylines and themes that you can’t really compare because they’re all so different. I’m glad they made LiS2 pretty long because I doubt we will see anything about Sean, Daniel or anything LiS2 related ever again, probably not even another male protagonist, or power like Daniel’s, or the consequences we saw to our choices.
@KingMasey 3 күн бұрын
@@fullsendabeerforme2988 my comment keeps getting deleted and I wrote a full on essay, I’m so annoyed I hope you understand I’m not able to write my full response again. but basically I agreed with you on the not as good as the original game because you cant catch lightning in a bottle twice, but I wrote something about the game being road trip plot so they needed to have different locations is probably why it felt disjointed, but to combat this they made Sean’s Sketchbook really in depth and covers all the stuff that happened between episodes.
@fullsendabeerforme2988 3 күн бұрын
@@KingMasey man that happens to me so much, it's honestly annoying!! You know what, I never thought of it that way so you did add a new perspective for me. Thank you.
@cinnamon9032 4 күн бұрын
I... liked it, ngl
@B.B.Digital_Forest 4 күн бұрын
I won't be rebuilding my gaming PC until next year. I'm so busy with other stuff I can avoid spoilers until then. A bigger question for me is if the Fosi Audio K5 is worth it for my gaming experience. Or should I get the Q4 and enhance it with the V3 stereo amplifier?
@scottsutton140 4 күн бұрын
So glad youtube offer a playback speed option had to put it to 1.5.
@brookeboyd7095 5 күн бұрын
Unfortunately this is happening a lot more often. Ubisoft and Blizzard have done the same thing and people keep paying for it.
@DMGamanda 8 сағат бұрын
I never pre-order (inc early access) anymore. I want to be sure that any game is in a state that is worth my money. And if enough people generally don’t pay early eventually these companies will have to release finished games to get paid. I don’t blame devs, its almost certainly the business heads but why would they worry about whether its finished when they already have profit before its even released??!
@jaidenoliver7165 3 күн бұрын
Personally I wish the game was released slowly, maybe even just one episode a week. That way people wouldn't feel as much need to binge it all at once to avoid it being completely spoiled for them
@lightworthy 2 күн бұрын
they did this with the first game & i wanna say the other two as well, so it’s odd that they didn’t take the blueprint from the original studio when it worked so well. it created hype & most everyone played it the same day. i think it was longer than once a week tho, more like once every 2/3 months maybe?
@freeMHan11 4 күн бұрын
Its because Lis is underperforming in sales in general so they want to sucker the fans into getting the ultimate edition because of fomo.
@Prismalpink 3 күн бұрын
Pre releases and DLCs are supporting the bureaucracy
@zidannemaulana1537 5 күн бұрын
I swear friends,Playing pre releaae version is absolute nonsense and also try to play Resident Evil thought make mods of Max Caulfield as Claire Redfield even make Chloe Price as Jill Valentine
@issy785 5 күн бұрын
i’ve been meaning to preorder but never got around to it
@maddys3823 5 күн бұрын
Performance is horrible on PC
@nightcatarts 5 күн бұрын
Optimisation comes last in the development process.
@maddys3823 5 күн бұрын
@@nightcatarts Maybe not release the game if its not optimised? An episodic story game shouldn’t struggle this hard. I have a 4060 and i7 13650. I can’t even get stable 30 fps at 4K unless I put the settings on low to medium.
@nightcatarts 5 күн бұрын
​@@maddys3823 Didn't you hear? Preordering anything for early access means being a QA tester, a job that companies used to have to pay people to do for them. Now they get those people to pay them.
@HappyP1ayer4444 4 күн бұрын
me too, i have 4060ti 16g and 12600kfcpu, but i only can get 50fps in 1080p and max graphics settings
@maddys3823 4 күн бұрын
@@HappyP1ayer4444 I don’t think the game is that demanding. Maybe I am just blind but the graphics in true colors looked way better than this game on PC. I blame denuvo for this. I cant think of a single game that implemented Denuvo DRM and didn’t have performance issue at launch
@Ekami-chan 4 күн бұрын
....Remember when companies had the same release date worldwide so people wouldn't spoil eachother? Yeah...
@cjlister8508 4 күн бұрын
Im even older that I remember when some countries would get a game several years before others.
@redcronojm 4 күн бұрын
I knew it was odd idea, But they need that money from Content Creators who will buy it early for making videos on them. You probably can make Theories until full game release but still
@Wingedspace22 4 күн бұрын
Naw… people need to start avoiding spoilers and looking for it
@JonathanGinn 4 күн бұрын
Square Enix and releasing games in a baffling way, name a better combo.
@Sairento-kun 5 күн бұрын
Welp thats why it will be my first LiS I skip and I will watch only playthrough. No support for scummy things
@solanumtuberosa 5 күн бұрын
No one exposing themselves- 7/10 IGN
@tzunnynib Күн бұрын
WAIT WHAT, you pay an 30$ ExxxTRAAA to pay weeks earlier, but only a DEMO ?!? WTF is wrong with you dudes....
@cjlister8508 4 күн бұрын
How can there be a sequel when the first one had two very very different endings?
@lightworthy 2 күн бұрын
they found a way around it by not focusing on that relationship for the plot really. if you want to be spoiled i can tell you exactly how, but it really just is simplified as max is in a place & experiences what happens, which doesn’t include chloe being involved in those events. which is realistically the only way they could’ve had a sequel to not swing too far into death or surviving really
@cjlister8508 2 күн бұрын
@@lightworthy Interesting. I'll buy it and play it when it comes out.
@westonpierce952 3 күн бұрын
I loved it! I recommend it to everyone
@GitGudWiFi 5 күн бұрын
I'm a huge life is strange fan, but I honestly despise this game. I'm completely skipping it Lost Records is gonna be so much better
@SabiJD 5 күн бұрын
Why would you despise this game if you're an LiS fan?
@abydosianchulac2 5 күн бұрын
How would you despise the game itself if you haven't played it?
@GavinUK_86 5 күн бұрын
not really a huge life is strange fan then are you.
@dark-link6266 5 күн бұрын
Lmao. If you guys only knew.
@balloonedraccoon2503 5 күн бұрын
Yeah if you're a real life is strange fan you wouldn't support this game.
@TheSuperPsychoKiller 5 күн бұрын
Cost of Greed Crisis / Greed Inflation
@michaeldoingstuff7846 4 күн бұрын
I want dontnod back rn💥
@zanite8650 5 күн бұрын
Just how long is it? £50 is a LOT for any game.
@blairebaker7211 3 күн бұрын
Took me about 4 hours to finish both episodes though I was moving through pretty quickly and missed some stuff.
@zanite8650 22 сағат бұрын
@@blairebaker7211 Hmm, interesting, thank you for that.
@TomNook. 5 күн бұрын
Max is back!!!
@falconeshield 5 күн бұрын
It's like seeing an old friend again. But like the fear of not living up to expectations, is it worth updating that photo?
@Apjooz 5 күн бұрын
And almost looks like Max.
@Jalex0021 4 күн бұрын
Yet she looks more like an amalgamation of her original character model and her (in most people's playthroughs) dead best friend, Chloe. It's like the developers thought, 'Well, we can't bring back Chloe, so let's just make Max look more like her so the fans won't miss her so much.' Weird!
@LukasShyuda 18 сағат бұрын
Wow, this video is pointless. "2 weeks early = bad strategy" - yeah, I agree. But it takes around 5 seconds to say and acknowledge that. The rest is just hollow talking.
@somalysis1827 5 күн бұрын
This and the cat content are the reason Im just waiting on a sale for the ultimate edition.
@jorge9207 Күн бұрын
ok so you cry about the spoilers for the people that cant affort or are just not willing to pay the extra money, and in the same video you put in spoilers. i mean it cant get better than this.
@Merlin76420 5 күн бұрын
I’m literally staying away from life is strange content until I actually buy the game
@JWhite9723 3 күн бұрын
It’s literally fine. Did no one who played these games realize these games used to be released one episode at a time every couple of months….. 2 weeks is literally not bad 🤣 just buy the game if you want it that early that badly… but until then stop being so damn egotistical that you don’t want anyone else to play it until you do 🤦‍♂️ literally the first game that’s so famous was buy first and you get the episode even if no one else has it until the next one and no one complained so quit doing it 🤦‍♂️
@thomaside1945 3 күн бұрын
Yo it’s buggy as hell
@captiankirkgames4385 5 күн бұрын
I feel guilty now uploading clips if I spoiled for anyone my apologies I will own to my mistakes and learn to do better
@fullsendabeerforme2988 3 күн бұрын
Idgaf, i love the series and wish to support it. so you dang right i got it :)
@Ekami-chan 4 күн бұрын
As someone who never liked Life is strange for it's writing, I can't wait for hearing why it made you angry video :D
@masesero2150 4 күн бұрын
It seems like a play of its own with some trans remarks here and there, the flag, the bathroom statement "gender neutral bathroom, we love that," and the statement by hunter about "transphobe" and being told that they are " brainwashing kids.'" Idk doesn't feel anything like the original, zero similarities.
@billynomates7714 5 күн бұрын
You know you don't have to read or watch spoilers, right?
@_Petrichor 5 күн бұрын
I understand what you're trying to say but unless someone isn't on the internet at all, it's literally impossible to avoid spoilers once they're out there. Pretty much every social media platform's algorithm is going to push stuff you like forward and uploaded are always going to post the most shocking spoilers in thumbnails and headlines to wring in views. Regardless I'm very excited for the game and don't agree with a lot of the comments made in this video, which is disappointing because I usually like EuroGamer
@captiankirkgames4385 5 күн бұрын
I feel guilty
@blairebaker7211 3 күн бұрын
@@_Petrichoryeah and what makes it worse apparently there was audio leaks of stuff from episodes 3 to 5. Like the ending, the killer, everything so just be even more carful now.
@1kbmahan 5 күн бұрын
It’s called a company making money. Early release has been a thing since this year. People pay early to get the game early.
@dantepierce1299 4 күн бұрын
First of All You Sound Like a Hater. Second Your Either Gonna Play It or Not TBH It's Worth Buying Now If Fans Get Spoilers Wells That's Just Hard Cheese Pay The Money or Keep It Pushing
@memento81 5 күн бұрын
With the nosedive in quality the series took from its amazing start to the barely interactive, completely predictable boredom incarnate that was True Colors, I doubt many people will feel the need to post a lot of spoilers. And even then you can just not read them and quickly scroll past anything related to this game. It always annoys me when people with poor impulse control whine about spoilers they didn't need to read in the first place.
@jackstrife3821 5 күн бұрын
Awwww...eurogamer "staff" can't afford to pay a little extra to play early so they are mad & made a rant video. Pathetic.
@nightcatarts 5 күн бұрын
Dude, you're literally paying the company to test their product for them. That's an actual job; they should be paying YOU.
@Jalex0021 4 күн бұрын
They can seemingly afford it but that's not the issue. Whether the early access and much steeper price tag that comes with it is even justified should be the question, surely.
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