Go check out TheLingOtter's video! kzbin.info/www/bejne/oqO9qoKErrh-f9E Music used (in order) West Province (Walking) - Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Rome Avanti - Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Madrid Drive - Mario Kart 8 Deluxe South Province (Walking) - Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Madrid Drive (Museum) - Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Cascaraffa - Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
@bedrock644325 күн бұрын
suprised to see he uses gaming music.
@Abeturk16 күн бұрын
Bal = Honey Bal >Mar > Mer > Mel > Mil =(yumuşak, melul, balsam, hoş kokulu, tatlı) Mel >Melo > Melit > Melis =( yummy, mellow, balmy, malleable, dessert, sweet) Mal= sweet-tempered, docile, obedient animal / ~inconsiderate, manipulable person, ~like nerdy Al-Bal (red-sweet) =Alpal >Apple >Afal = Almela>Almıla >Alma > Elma (the dessert) > Alba> halba > halvah > helva > salva > xalava > xlapa> crepe> xleb > salep ? Mel-ak (sweet-white)>(Mela >Mar >Milo >Melon >Melam) Melak>>>Milk >>>Lak ? (sweetie) > Balak > bala >>> bella ? >> well ? (Ma-hoş-mela)> Moş-mela > Muşmula = Medlar ( not so pleasant but yummy) Meltem= mellow wind = breeze Mel-melat > marmelat = marmellata, marmalade Melisa = balm / jam / rosin Melamine = a type of chemical resin (Mel-hem)> merhem=(almost-balm) > ointment (Mel-sumac) merşumak> mercimek = lentil Mel-audio = melody (Dağ = mountain)> height > sublimity (tow/toğ/tao/tai/tav/tag/day/doy/da)>> high/ 塔 / 高 /ضيقة /ضيق / to come up / to rise / to come closer/ coming out dev/deva/devasa/diva/dheu/theo/theus/zeus/大>> huge /great /too (dar /tar /dai /tay /tav /dae /too /toi) = narrow / nearest /stuck / compressed / solid / hard / durable Phone / Phoon/ Fun / Wajan / Wehen = (Esen/ Esinti / Rüzgar/ Ses ) - Wind / Breeze / Sound / Voice Dae-vane /tow-fun / tai-wen/ too-phone/ typhoon/ 大风 = (loud sound) >> hard-strong wind Dağ= litosferik tabakaların sıkışarak yükselmesi / compression and rise of lithospheric layers Dar-lık= to rise upwards by squeezed, feeling of height, feeling of being squeezed Dar = narrow / nearest /stuck / compressed / solid / hard / durable Dar = birbirine yaklaşmış / sıkışık / sıkışmış / sıkıştırılmış / sağlam / sert / dayanıklı Darlık= sıkışarak yükselmek, yükseklik hissi, sıkışma duygusu Dar = yakın olmak , alakalı olmak, ilgilenmek / to be close, to be involved, to be interested Hüküm-dar = Hükümle ilgilenen , hüküm veren = ~sovereign Mihman-dar = Misafire yakın olan , misafire alaka gösteren = ~hostess Darülaceze =(diyar-u-el-aceze) Acizerle ilgilenilen/igili yer = ~hospice Dai-u > nearest-he = Dayı = (materal) uncle Tai-tsu> nearest-that = Teyze = (materal) aunt Toy = meeting /ceremony/feast/ immature-game boy Kurula-toy > Kurultay = scheduled meeting / council (Dai-emek)> Dayamak =to base on /make it support/fasten down / get it closer well to (Dai-en-mak)> Dayanmak= to recline upon / stay strong /be close literally (Dai-et-mak)>Dayatmak = to impose / insist / keep it completely nearest to Yanardağ ile ilgili / pertaining to a volcano Dağ-et-mak >Dağıtmak = to distribute /to deal out / to deploy Dağ-al-mak >Dağılmak = to get dispersed / to go to pieces Dağ-la-mak = krater şekline çevirmek / cauterize (Doğ-umak) = Doğmak = to come up / rising up / come into the world > to born Doğ-ğur-mak= Doğurmak= to make this come up > bring this into the world > to give birth Doğu=the direction where the sun comes up > East / 东方 (Doy-umak) = Doymak = to rise to the top / to be full Doy-ğur-mak= Doyurmak=to satiate > to make it full > to feed Tok= has peaked, satiate, full (Tik) Dik= direct to endpoint / ~upright Dikey= vertical (Dik-uğru) =Doğru = right direction = true (Dik-uğur-al-mak) = doğrulmak= to stand up / straighten up Doğru = (which direction goes direct to the endpoint) Doğrusal= ~Linear Diken= thorn Dik-mek =to make directly them overlap each other at the endpoints > sew / sow Doğa= upper surface structure of the earth > nature Doku = surface structure, texture Doku-mak=to weave (on the surface) (Toku-en-mak) Dokunmak=to touch / to contact the surface of..
@Abeturk16 күн бұрын
Yağ = Oil >> sıvı yağ= liquid oil / katı yağ = solid fat Yağ =spilled on/ spread over /held onto/ remained over Yeğ / Yüğ = upper, superior Yeğ-mek > yemek: "to take it over and over, spend it on oneself, accept it on oneself" =To eat Yeğ-im >> yem: "Provender, fodder" = "Feed" >> yemiş: fruit Yüğ-le-mek > yeğlemek = to keep it above others, make it relatively superior = "To prefer" Yüğ-ka-yer-u > yukarı =(which side is the top) = Up Yüğ-ce > yüce : "Superior in level" = "Sublime, exalted" Yüğ-ce-al-mek > yücelmek: "To achieve superiority in level" = "To become elevated" Yüğ-sü-ek > yüksek = high Yüğ-sü-al-mek> yükselmek : "To rise to a high level" = "To ascend" Yüğ-sük > yüzük : "Jewelry worn on the finger top" = "Ring" Yüğ-sü-en-mek > yüksünmek: "To feel slighted, take offense" = "To be offended" Yüğ-ük > yük : "Carried on top, undertaken" = "Load, burden" Yüğ-ün > yün : "The feathers on sheep" = "Wool" Yüğ-üt > yeğ-üt =yiğit =(valiant)> superior in character Yüğ-kut > yeğ-kut = (highly holly)> yakut =ruby Yüğ-en > yeğ-en = "Nephew" "Which is kept superior, held in high esteem, valued, precious"(yüen > yen 元) Yüğ-en-cük > yüğençüğ > yinçi / inci =(precious little thing)> pearl , 珍珠 Yüğengi >yengi> yeni =(new)> what's coming on top of , what comes next Yüğenge > yenge =(brother's wife)> came over marriage, added to the family later (new bride) Yüğ-üne /Yeğ-ine > yine/ gene =again /over and over > yeniden = anew /once more Yüğ-en-mek> yenmek: "To overcome, to cope with, to subdue" = "To win" Yüğ-en-el-mek > yenilmek: "To be overcome, to be subdued, to show weakness" = "To be defeated" Yüğengil > yengil =remains on top of, light, weak Yüğençe > yinçe =ince = thin /slim Şan= Glory, splendor 單于 > Şan-Yüğ =Exalted glorious Yormak: "To arrive over someone (too much), to go onto it too much" = "To tire" (Yörmek)> Örmek: "To operate on something, to weave on top, wrap off" = "To weave" (Yör-et-mek)>örütmek> Örtmek= To cover (Yörümek)> Yürümek: "To go on, to reach over something, to get somewhere, to go ahead" = "To walk" Yüzmek: "To go by peeling off the surface of something" = "To swim" / ~skinning Yülümek: "To go by rubbing on the surface of something" = "~To glide" Yalamak: "To take it up by sliding from the surface" = "To lick" Yolmak: "To pluck, tear off, pull by snatching over" (~flatten the top) Yılmak: "To throw down from the one's own top (~get bored), to hit the ground from above (yıldırım=lightning…yıldız=star) Yurmak: to pull onto, cover over (yur-ut>yurt=tabernacle) (yur-gan>yorgan=quilt) Yırmak=to bring it on top of, to take it off (yırışmak>yarışmak= to race> to overcome each other) (Yır-et-mak)>Yırtmak= to tear, to take from inside-out or bottom to top (by pulling from both sides) (~tide over, ~get rid of it) Yarmak= to split in, to tear apart, to halve, separate by cutting off Yaratmak= to reveal it, bring it out, to create Yermek=to pull down ,pull to the ground (~to criticize) Germek=to tense> to pull it in all directions > Sermek= to spread it in 4 directions Yıkmak: "To overthrow, take down from top to bottom, turn upside down" = To demolish Yığmak: "To stack, put on top of each other, dump on top of each other" = To pile up (yığlamak=shed tears over and over, cry over) Yağmak: "To get rained on, to get spilled on" = To rain Yakmak: "To burn out, to purify matter by heating and removing mass, to reduce its volume = To burn Yoğmak: "get concentrate, tighten and purify, be compressed and narrowed, ( get rid of one's own mass > ~get dead) Yoğurmak: to tighten, thicken, reduce volume, give consistency = to knead (Yogurt=condensed milk product) Yuğmak=to purify squeezing and clean / Yuğamak>yıkamak= To wash Yiv = pointed, sharp, groove (yivlemek= to sharpen the tip) Yuvmak: "To squeeze thin out, narrow" = "To thin" (yuvka>yufka= thin dough) (yuvka>yuka=thin, shallow) (yuvuz>yavuz=thin, weak, delicate) Yuvarlamak=to round off, narrow by turning (yuva=nest (smallest shelter) (yavru= cub (smallest) Yummak: "To shut by squeezing, close tightly" = ~To close Yumurmak: "To make it close inward" = ~To clench (yumruk=fist) (yumurta= egg) Yumuşmak: "To be completely enclosed by oneself" =~To soften (yumuşak=soft )
@Abeturk16 күн бұрын
(ateş) Od >> ~hot Odun >> wooden >> wood (odak /ocak /otak /oda) Oğuz Kağan>> oğuzhan>> owodhan>> wuothan>> wõden>> Odin Wõdhen’s day >> Wednesday Buz >> (Mwudh)= dihydrogen monoxid CRYSTAL = Ice Tuz >> (Thwudh) = sodium chloride CRYSTAL = Salt (Lisp D) >> TH >DH > T / D (Lisp S) >> TH >TS > S / Ş / Z (Thwudh)>Tsuith >Thuits > Thuiss > Tuish / Diş = tooth (dental) (Thwudh)>Tsuıth > Thuıts > Thuess > Tuesh / Dış = out ( outer) (Thwudh) >Tsuıts >> - Suz = (- Less) >> without it / free from it / has got rid of it Tış-yer-i > Dışarı / Dış taraf = outside Dışsal = external Dışı = out of… / de- / dis- Suz > sız/siz & suz/süz = without / -less Kanat = Wing >> Kanat-sız = Wing-less Su= water >> Susuz = waterless / anhydrous Suç =crime >> Suçsuz=blameless (freed from blame) Şeker= Sugar >> Şekersiz= without sugar / sugar free Kitap= book >> Kitapsız = without books / free from books Ücret = fee >> ücretsiz =~free / exempt from fee >> ücret dışı =out of fee Gerek / lazım / hacet / ihtiyaç = necessary >> Gerekli = needful Gereksiz = needless >> İhtiyaç dışı / lüzumsuzca =unnecessary Kanunsuz / Hukuksuz = unlawful >> Kanun dışı = outside the law Hukuk / Yasa =law > Yasal =legal >> Yasadışı = illegal Görüş = sight >> Görüş dışı = out of sight Sadık / vefalı / vefakar= loyal >> Sadakatsiz / vefasız= disloyal Beğeni = like >> Beğeni dışı= dislike Bağlantı = connect >> Bağlantı dışı=disconnect De-monte=démonté= dis-assembled Evirmek= to make it to turn around itself or transform into another shape over time İç = inside > ÇE Çe-evir-mek =(içe evirmek) = çevirmek = (turn-into) / encircle / convert / slew round Dış =outside > DE De-evirmek =(dışa evirmek) = devirmek =(turn-outer) / overturn / overthrow (evirmek /çevirmek / devirmek) (aşmak / coşmak / taşmak) (ilemek / çilemek / dilemek) (almak / çalmak / dalmak) (Dış- Thuıss) Siz-Sız-Suz-Süz ekleri “Dışında olmak” ,“İçermemek” , "sahip olmamak" , “ondan azade olmak” veya "mahrumiyet" anlamına gelen bu ekler, bir şeyin dahilinde olmayışı ifade eder. (Have no)( ~without) (...less) (LIĞ-LUĞ) (aluğ=has got)>>-ly /-y Lı > Li > Lu > Lü ekleri sahiplik ve dahiliyet ekleridir... (Have)(~With) >> ~..-ful O benim sevgi-li-m = (~s/he has my love)= s/he is my lover İki çocuk-lu kadın= (which one) the woman has two children > woman with two children Çocuksuz adam = (which one) the man has no child > childless man Şekerli =(it has sugar) = with sugar Şekersiz= (it has no sugar) = without sugar = ~sugar free= şekerden azade Tuzlu =it has salt =salty Tuzsuz= it has no salt = without salt = saltless Gitmelisin (get-mek-liğ-sen)= you have to go Gitmen gerekli (get-meg-in gerek-liğ) = you have need to go Gitmen gerekir (get-meg-in gerek-e-er) = you (getta) need to go Toluk>> doluğ=fulled (has stuffed) Renk= color (Renk-dolu) > Renk-li = colorful > (has color) Keder=sorrow (Keder-dolu) > Kederli = sorrowful > (has sorrow) Zarar=harm (Zarar-dolu) > Zararlı = harmful > (has harm) Güç / Kuvvet= power Kuvvetli= powerful
@Abeturk16 күн бұрын
Hava = Air Es=blow / esi=blowing Heva-Esi =air blowing ( a feeling of air blowing in the mind / a sensation or breeze of thought in the mind) Heva >> Heves = whim / desire / wish Heveslemek / Heves etmek = to desire and like Heveslemek> Eslemek > İstemek = to want / to ask for / ~to desire / ~to wish Havası / Hevası / Hevesi > Esi = (sense) ~its feeling / ~a feeling Aydın Havası = (feeling) the cultural atmosphere of Aydin -Esi= feeling of desire for verbs Heves-u bar > hevesi var > -esi var -Esi Var = have eagerness / feel a desire / take up a passion -Esi Yok = have no eagerness / not feel a desire / not take up a passion (Git-e-esi var) Ali’nin eve gidesi var= Ali feels the urge to go home /~ Ali wants to go home (Bugün hiç çalış-a-esi-m yok) Bugün hiç çalışasım yok= I have no desire to work at all today Bunu yapasım var = I want to do this ( ’cause I like doing this)>> I feel like doing this (Su iç-e-esi-n bar ma-u?) Su içesin var mı? = Do you feel like drinking water (Su iç-e-esi-n bar ma-u er-di?) Su içesin var mıydı? = Would you like to drink water -Esi =(giving that feeling) /~ just like this for objects Bebek-Esi > Bebeksi =(conveys the feeling of) like a baby Bebeksi bir ten = (just) like a baby skin Çocuksu bir yüz = ( just) like a child's face Yanıksı bir koku= just like a feeling of burning smell Yakınsı= It feels like it's close Birazıcık yalansı= It feels a little bit like a lie for verbs Gör-el-Esi > görülesi = requiring sight / must-see / worth seeing Sev-el-Esi> sevilesi = requiring to love / worthy of love Bil-en-esi > bilinesi = requiring to be known Okunası kitaplar =~(recommended) books worth reading Olası= expected to be happened /~must be / > possible Bit-esi = ~expected to reach result Kör olası= ~is asked to be blind Kahrolasıca= ~as if it required to be destroyed / as if it were a damn thing Kab= what's keeping something inside Kab kacak= pots and pans (and similar kitchen utensils) Kapmak= to pick up quickly and keep in the palm (or in mouth or in mind..etc) Kapan= the trap / kaban= overcoat / kepenk= shutter >>kovan/kavun/kabuk/kabak kapamak = to keep it closed kapatmak= to close >> kapı= door / (kapı-tutan) kaptan=captain kaplamak=to cover kapsamak= comprise /contain > kapsam=scope > kapsatı= capacity Kap/Küp/Kafa/Kova/Kupa/Küfe/Kaba/Hava.. Cap/Cup/Cave/Keep/Have.. Kabar/Köpür/Geber/Kıvır/Kavur/Kavra… Kabir/Kibir/Kebir/Küfür/Kafir… Cabre/Coffer/Cover/Cable… Kop > Köp= very /too much /extremely Kopmak =(proliferation/mitotic division)>> to be parted / be apart from / be separated from each other Kop-der-mak = koparmak =to pluck / break off /tear off Kom =(com) entire, all ( unity, combine) Kom-u > kamu = all of.. Kamuya ait= (belong to all the people of the country)=state property (kamusal=publicly / kamuoyu=public opinion / kamu hizmeti=public service) Kamu >> Hamu >>Hæmi >Hemi-si >Hepi-si >Hepsi = all of them , entirety, the whole (Hæm-ma) = Amma > ama =(not exactly so)>>(I mean).. but (Hæm-an) = Hemen =(exactly-momently)= right away Hem =as a whole / ~ the lot / ~ mostly Hem-Esi (-imsi) = almost like for objects Yeşil= green / Yaşıl-hem-esi = Yeşilimsi = almost like green = greenish Al/ Kızıl/ Kırmızı= red / Kızıl-hem-esi= Kızılımsı = almost like red Limon-hem-esi = Limonumsu = tastes- almost like lemon Kek-hem-esi = Kekimsi ( Kekremsi) = it tastes- almost like cake Sarığ-hem-esi =sarı-emsi >>Sarımsı= yellowish Sarığ-hem-esi-ak=yellowish-white > sarımsak = garlic for verbs Beniñ-hem-esi-mek > Benimsemek =feeling like this is all mine Az-hem-esi-mak> Azımsamak=feeling/thinking that it's all too little = to undervalue Küçüğ-hem-esi-mek > Küçümsemek = to belittle /underestimate Yañıl-hem-esi-mak > Yanılsamak = feeling like it's exactly wrong
@tomastrujillob25 күн бұрын
Gracias por hacer un video de mi idioma
@Nedlesamu25 күн бұрын
What a collab
@cedriko166225 күн бұрын
Gracias, me ha gustado el vídeo. Muy mono. Tenéis mi like.
@faerieprincess123225 күн бұрын
I love this, thank you! Though much of your audience is probably familiar with English historical linguistics on some level, and such things already exist on this platform, I’d like to see such a video in the style you’ve just presented Spanish. Great work!
@asitwaghmare0125 күн бұрын
My favourite Ling-Animals collabed❤
@alguient129825 күн бұрын
The "e" and "o" in spanish aren't close-mid or open-mid, they're mid and their representation is: [e̞] and [o̞]. The "a" in spanish aren't front or back, it's central and its representation is: [ä].
@the_linguist_ll24 күн бұрын
Phonetic symbols aren’t hard coded, especially for vowels
@pawel19881224 күн бұрын
Vowel phonemes can have multiple positional allophones, depending on the dialect
@villalactea25 күн бұрын
Yo! 🌸✨️ What a collab! Watching LingOtter's side of the collab soon after this! As a fellow Spanish as a Heritage Language speaker, it would be pretty cool to see a video on Spanglish or Chicano English in the US, especially on it's sound system and on grammatical features (like how it's not just random, but there are particular rules on how Spanish is incorporated into an English sentence).
@pseudoCyan25 күн бұрын
now we just need zewei and wrenguistics to complete the quartet...
@getoutofZEWEI25 күн бұрын
Casually browsing my subscription box and getting jumpscared by top comment LOL
@SuperN5725 күн бұрын
zewei jumpscare
@pseudoCyan25 күн бұрын
it's ZeWei from Laghari Portals fame!!
@wrenisprobablyb0red24 күн бұрын
omg me referwrence?
@fariesz678623 күн бұрын
if there was a con of/by/about linguist youtubers, i would attend the shit out of it ( Ö)
@PolyglotMouse25 күн бұрын
Amazing video idea and production and what a great collab between two great youtubers!
@mite395924 күн бұрын
Double collab between some of my favorite creators!!!
@luca_history23 күн бұрын
I already assumed that Old Spanish sounded more like Italian than modern Spanish does but I was unaware of the extent being that great
@thelollykitty25 күн бұрын
oddly enough, youtube recommended both LingOtter and Lingolizard’s videos to me, both on the same page too
@artugert20 күн бұрын
I would love to see a video like this for other languages too!
@artugert20 күн бұрын
I watch most videos in double speed or more, but I had to watch this in half speed!
@seid336625 күн бұрын
1:46 Polymathy: So you have chosen death
@DanielQwerty12 күн бұрын
Sit iocularis sī commentum dē illō fecit ille.
@osz80423 күн бұрын
minor correction: in 8:52 you mention apical /s̠/ becoming /θ/ but it was actually non-apical /s/ that became /θ/, and only in certain dialects!Castilian Spanish still doesn't present any pure [s] sound like th one found in most languages
@baltulielkungsgunarsmiezis971425 күн бұрын
Sadly our lives are to short to see the interesting question. Will the different dialects of spanish diverge or converge and which dialect will become dominant if one does.
@impendio25 күн бұрын
They will keep deserving in more isolated areas but it probably remain mutually intelligible, but much more of a dialect continuum than now. Southern dialects are already fairly different than central or Caribbean ones, and more importantly, some countries/regions basically speak an English creole already. I think latin american diversity is already on the par of stuff like Galician and Portuguese or the Italian sub languages, especially on vocabulary and pronunciation, even if not on grammar.
@danijeljovic497124 күн бұрын
I think we'll have to wait one century or two to see how much the variants will diverge. I'm not familiar with Latin American pop culture but if they consume each other's media a lot we could see the variants coming closer again. European Portuguese and Australian English are slowly changing because people from Portugal and Australia consume a lot of online content from Brazil and the US respectively so I don't see why the same couldn't happen in Spanish speaking countries. We don't even know yet how much (if at all) mass literacy influences the speed at which languages evolve let alone how mass digitalisation does
@Dhi_Bee25 күн бұрын
8:07 This map is Equatorial Guinea erasure😡🇬🇶Nah, but FR you forgot to fill in the tiny nation in red😂 & didn’t the Western Sahara 🇪🇭 also have Spanish too?
@impendio25 күн бұрын
Technically yes, the Polisario Fromt still use Spanish as lingua franca, but most Sahrawi never learned it nor use it, instead the speak an Arabic variant called hassaniya, but probably most people in actual Morocco (Tanger and nearby) speak Spanish than in Western Sahara because tourism and to work in Ceuta and stuff, also older generations that got higher education in the north got it in spanish before the spaniards went away
@Joeyiki25 күн бұрын
@lauran719625 күн бұрын
@spoot-erman465125 күн бұрын
Lingotter my beloved
@wenbacik11 күн бұрын
Latin has seven cases, including the locative. Annī has a short a. E was ɛ, and O was ɔ in Classical Latin.
@DarkBlade3724 күн бұрын
The next should be Chinese or the Ryukyuan languages.
@artugert20 күн бұрын
I second Chinese! Would love to see that.
@MegoZ_19 күн бұрын
Watching the patch-notes cuz this concerns me and my Spanish quiz
@JHF56325 күн бұрын
ah yes, suscribirse
@domenicfieldhouse564420 күн бұрын
Can you do this for french too
@ElevenTwentyThreePostMeridiem16 күн бұрын
Buen video querio estudiar el ideoma latin pero tengo miedo de las conjugaciónes y casos
@konplayz25 күн бұрын
Ablative is the sixth case whilst vocative is the fifth one, no?
@lewisinho25 күн бұрын
can you do this with french please please please please cool video nice thanks
@aroma1325 күн бұрын
The youtuber NativLang has a very cool where it goes from latin to modern french
@lewisinho25 күн бұрын
@@aroma13 thank you :)
@cambiateaclaro16 күн бұрын
@fariesz678623 күн бұрын
1:16 sed.. quid sunt aves? vere ignoramus. ❔🐦
@grimm244723 күн бұрын
Damn I love having animals teach linguistics to me
@Ircrel25 күн бұрын
Here's a little tip bro, you can put the "Bandera de la Raza" or "Bandera de la Hispanidad" in the thumbnail to represent all the hispanic countries in one flag; it's a white flag with three purple crosses and sun behind the cross in the middle.
@Benito-lr8mz25 күн бұрын
Iam Spanish your comment may lead misunderstanding about stupidities in U.S named " race" a Hispanic culture the only case by the way
@franciscoflamenco25 күн бұрын
Aunque en lo personal me encantaría esta opción, tristemente ambas opciones son o poco conocidas o un tanto controversiales (sin motivo alguno) entre ciertas personas, así que la mayoría de comentarios se volverían acerca de las banderas y no sobre el idioma si hicieran tal cosa.
@impendio25 күн бұрын
I’m latin american and have never ever seen this flag, lmao. I’m fine staying away of anything with purple crosses, thanks. My flag is already pretty enough to worship Spanish colonial bullshit…
@vorteks855618 күн бұрын
@@franciscoflamenco Quizas controversial por ser similar a la bandera del imperio español, y aun haya gente culpando a españa por lo del oro
@franciscoflamenco18 күн бұрын
@@vorteks8556 Lo cual me parece ridículo. Primero que nada, fue muy poco el oro encontrado en América. La mayoría de minería se basó en plata, y esta plata fue en gran medida invertida en otras partes del Imperio español en América de todas formas. Pero sí estoy al tanto las razones por las que se le considera controversial a esa bandera.
@afilanus708420 күн бұрын
I think there's also a good case to make that the Spanish article "el" was at least partially adopted because of the influence of Arabic.
@DanielQwerty12 күн бұрын
That's unlikely. Developments of ille into a definite article (commonly il in other languages) were essentially universal across romance languages. It's more likely that it comes from ille because other forms have their gender/number ending (los, las, la, lo) from illos, illas, illa and illo.. Also, 3rd person spanish personal pronouns come from ille, and the masculine nominative singular is él (with a written accent to distinguish it).
@yasminmacia504510 күн бұрын
That’s fake,in French they use “le” so…
@afilanus708410 күн бұрын
@yasminmacia5045 ... so? I'm not saying that ille is completely off the table, I'm just saying that al had some influence
@DanielQwerty10 күн бұрын
@afilanus7084 Arabic influence in Spanish is mostly lexical and not grammatical. Not enough Spanish speakers learned Arabic to allow Arabic to influence Spanish in that way. However, Al- does show up as apart of borrowed nouns themselves. For example at-tunn (sun letters in arabic assimilate al- into the consonant) is atún (definite: el atún). If al- influenced the article, el atún would be redundant, but it's not, because the at- is apart of the noun. Furthermore, al- doesn't decline for number or gender, but el in Spanish does like ille did in Latin (though ille declined for case in Latin also). "Hasta" is a rare grammatical example, but prepositions are comparatively simple in both Arabic and Spanish.
@putalaweaweonoh18 күн бұрын
I challenge you by doing a Chilean Spanish video. Good luck😂
@shadowseek2724 күн бұрын
all these ling- creatures its too much ITS TOO MUCH (not enough)
@unquietthoughts25 күн бұрын
@LuminantLion20 күн бұрын
Wtf furguistics multiverse
@gaymoder25 күн бұрын
@Jorge-xf9gs25 күн бұрын
¿Cuántos anos tienes?
@impendio25 күн бұрын
@jvcmarc24 күн бұрын
now do brazilian!
@justj48525 күн бұрын
@ИерейГеоргийПолевщиков18 күн бұрын
Латинский не умер, он переродился!
@heironic854725 күн бұрын
Thanks for the minor Filipino spanish representation 😊 11:16
@Benito-lr8mz25 күн бұрын
Hablas Español ; se habla mucho hoy día Español en Filipinas ?
@heironic854724 күн бұрын
@ Sí, parece que hay un tipo de resurgimiento
@kaidanalenko52227 күн бұрын
@Benito-lr8mz no they don't speak spanish there, only english, she's not telling the truth
@heironic85477 күн бұрын
@@kaidanalenko5222 1. are you filipino 2. have you lived in the philippines 3. have you ever done research on spanish in the philippines? There are thousands of heritage spanish speakers in the philippines
@kaidanalenko52227 күн бұрын
@heironic8547 what is "spanish heritage speakers" exactly? 😂 is that a sad attempt to make you believe that philipina-land is latin? Next time cite a realible source if you want to present numbers or your claim remains a undry dream