Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith Comic Adaptation, Part 1 - Atop the Fourth Wall

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@Mobysimo 4 жыл бұрын
The reason that the "Protect me Chancellor" line didn't make it into the movie because Christopher Lee thought it didn't fit the character. And when Christopher Lee says something like you went along with it!
@benreilly9513 4 жыл бұрын
The novelization had that, too, though the dialogue itself was more developed (he was straight-up begging the Chancellor to help him, claiming they "had a deal"). Christopher Lee basically flat-out said that Dooku would face death with dignity, not begging for his life, and I'll be damned if that wasn't exactly what he did.
@benmccarthy1799 4 жыл бұрын
I think the same thing could be said for linkaras "cyberdooku" idea
@crimsonking440 4 жыл бұрын
See but I also think he'd be like "oh fuck this then" and just tell Anakin that palpatine was evil. Once he's literally sentenced you to death I can't imagine youd have very much loyalty to the guy. It's not like he didn't try to tell obi wan on geonosis in the first place.
@EricGraham94 4 жыл бұрын
Christopher Lee always seems to be getting the short end of the stick in the 3rd installment of trilogies (except for Hobbit). First in LOTR:ROTK, he wanted ROTK boycotted after his role as Saruman got cut and was left with a throwaway line that he will remain under Treebeard’s watch. Then in Revenge of the Sith, Lee tells Lucas Dooku doesn’t deserve a bitch death.
@brandonlyon730 4 жыл бұрын
To bad they didn’t listen to him when he asked for no more hammer Dracula sequels
@benreilly9513 4 жыл бұрын
Y'know, as someone who loves the Star Wars prequels, I generally agree with most of your criticisms- and it's nice to see someone who can do ACTUAL CRITICISM take a swing at the Prequels, as opposed to, like... literally every other take I've ever seen just being vitriol wall to wall, to the point where watching these videos (which, admittedly, I've been dreading for months) I've actually seen a few elements of these films in a new light... but I think if there's one thing I don't agree on, it's the analysis of where Anakin should be "as a villain". Because Anakin Skywalker is the living embodiment of the phrase, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions". Like, if Vader had the chance to write a memoir before he died, that would be the title. Because the thing about Anakin is... he cares. He cares a LOT. He's got a LOT of feelings, and he doesn't know how to manage them, and the Jedi's "control your emotions" doctrine is exactly zero help, so of course he's put in a position to be groomed by a Sith Lord. Maybe this is coming from having A. read the novelization of this book, which is excellent, and B. watched Star Wars: The Clone Wars, but the thing about Anakin is... he wants to save everyone. But he can't. That's his tragic flaw. That's why he tries to help the clone pilots. That's why he latches on to his desire to stop people from dying, and why Palpatine's bait of "saving others from death" draws him in. Anakin Skywalker was never taught how to manage grief and loss, and he hasn't got the foggiest idea how to deal with it when someone he loves is violently ripped from his life, and the Jedi haven't got the foggiest idea how to teach a hyperemotional child growing into a hyperemotional adult how to cope with it, because their entire lives are spent downplaying and avoiding those aspects of life, in ways that work for them, but not Anakin. Anakin does not know how to cope with death or loss, and in the end, that's what consumes him. Not just his anger, not just his selfishness, but the fact that his good heart and his good intentions were used to twist him up and make him into the very thing he swore to destroy. And I don't think that takes away from the menace of Vader; if anything, it paints Vader as a more tragic, but no less threatening figure, because he has absolutely nothing left to lose at the start of A New Hope, and that makes him an instrument, a terrifying force of nature that doesn't give a shit about anyone or anything around him, so trying to appeal to any humanity is pretty useless. And I think Anakin needed to be a good person so that when Vader is redeemed and becomes Anakin again, it doesn't feel like an ass-pull. Because I think if Anakin wasn't that kind of person, trying to save everyone he could right up to the end, before his fall, if he'd become Vader in Episode II as you'd said... I don't know if I'd have bought his redemption in Return of the Jedi. I'unno. That's how I read it.
@LegendPurpleDragon152 4 жыл бұрын
Ben Reilly Exactly what I was saying. Not sure why Linkara prefers he be just completely evil without any sense of tragedy to him. I just don’t understand it
@genth3575 4 жыл бұрын
@@LegendPurpleDragon152 I think Linkara has very strong personal conceptions and ideas about how story arcs should be told. We've known this tho since his critique of Superboy Prime seems to be mostly that Evil Superman should be dark and brooding.
@bluespaceman7937 4 жыл бұрын
@@LegendPurpleDragon152 I think he believes it would make more sense to simply have him showing a bit more darkness near the start of this film and the end of the last one.
@dannyh13100 4 жыл бұрын
Very well said. The RotS novelization adds so much depth, especially when it came to Anakin's existential dread manifested in The Dragon, "Even stars die, Anakin".
@JayStrang1 4 жыл бұрын
We are certainly *told* that Anakin cares about things a great deal. The character presented on screen only cares about himself and things pertaining to him. He destroys a galactic civilization because someone hinted to him that he might get more power to save Padme from some theoretical doom. His darkest moment before that was revenge for his mother. Maybe if Anakin had ever displayed "good intentions" beyond himself and the bare handful of people he considers to matter, this intended arc would actually play on screen, rather than just being something were told about. Talking briefly about freeing slaves when he was 9 years old is doing a lot of heavy lifting, character wise. Maybe they could have tied that idea back into something later, like having him express doubts about the morality of a clone army since they're literally slaves, I dunno. Just a thought.
@grandadmiralzaarin4962 4 жыл бұрын
Fun fact, Dooku was supposed to beg for his life in the RotS film, but Sir Christopher Lee outright told Lucas that he felt that would be out of character for Dooku to do that and in an extremely rare moment Lucas actually LISTENS to his actor's suggestion and changed it allowing Lee to emote the surprise, shock and betrayal through facial expression rather than do the begging lines. Lee was also doing work on LotR during this time and rightfully prioritized his role as Saruman which also led for some other lines of dialogue being cut in RotS("Just because there are two of you do not presume you have the advantage" being one of these) Sadly Lucas would NOT do something similar for Grievous and we instead got meme Grievous from RotS, not unstoppable death bringer like the 2003 masterpiece and EU lore gave us.
@greatsayain 4 жыл бұрын
Every story about Lee not listening to a director and doing things his way is a good story.
@pete_lind 4 жыл бұрын
Fun fact US space force steals its logo from Star Trek , when Star Wars has no logos .
@EmpressRayvyn 4 жыл бұрын
To be fair Lucas would listen to any of the actors if they weighed their opinion on what the characters would/wouldnt do. The problem was Lucas was built up as such an immaculate genius for making Star Wars by the time of the Prequels everyone just followed what he said without ever questioning his logic. But Lucas 100% would work with the actors when they requested stuff, hence Mace and his lore-breaking purple saber (since Lucas just wanted blue/green lightsabers).
@greatsayain 4 жыл бұрын
@@pete_lind the empire, the rebel alliance and the Jedi all definitely have logos. I don't know for sure but the new republic and the old republic (clone wars era, whatever Disney calls that now) probably have logos too. Mandalore has one too.
@grandadmiralzaarin4962 4 жыл бұрын
@@greatsayain yes, the somewhat sad thing here though is that Lee wanted to prioritize his last scene as Saruman(where he dies in RotK) so Lucas agreed to cut back on the scenes and dialogue Dooku was supposed to have, which was supposed to show more of Dooku and Palpatine initially interacting before the duel, which was kept for the novel. The sad part is that Lee's death scene(which is one of his best performances) in RotK was cut from the theatrical version without Lee's knowledge after it was filmed. This caused some understandable resentment from Lee who had had to travel between sets of the two projects during filming, so scenes of both Dooku and Saruman dialogue got cut from final film versions.
@kryptonavenger2024 4 жыл бұрын
Linkara: What new powers? "There's a simple explan-" OH SHUT YOUR INANIMATE FACE! I swear, anytime Linkara mentions anything about "new powers" regardless of context, that immediately pops into my head.
@wstine79 4 жыл бұрын
Such power would be deamed.... unnatural.
@jameshowlett5106 4 жыл бұрын
... please say that ends up on the next Missed Opportunities list.
@Nightmarechs75 4 жыл бұрын
According to the novelization, Dooku believed the plan was that he would be taken alive and be able to blame the actions of the Separatists on General Grevious and the Separatist council. After they were captured he would sign a treaty with the new Empire to end the clone wars and use his position to gain influence, likely as a Moff.
@angrybrony 4 жыл бұрын
guess he got a bit ahead of himself.
@guilhermehank4938 3 жыл бұрын
@@angrybrony or head at all
@kasam0308 3 жыл бұрын
It’s not in the movie!
@cheezemonkeyeater 3 жыл бұрын
But first he would have had to become a Pufa.
@meapickle 2 жыл бұрын
@@kasam0308 agreed so it doesn't count (no pun intended) but it's still interesting
@benwasserman8223 4 жыл бұрын
Meanwhile as all this is going on, Ahsoka and Rex were fighting Maul on Mandalore.... that’s where the real heartbreak lies.
@repulser93 4 жыл бұрын
“You’re all going to burn! We’re all going to die!”
@toqkaizogou1636 4 жыл бұрын
God Siege was fucking amazing.
Adam Sherman THE END IS NEAR!
@skibot9974 2 жыл бұрын
Also when Order 66 is issued Caleb Dume aka Kanan Jarrus was forced to abandon his beloved master and Cal saw his master murdered
@theragingsparten1107 4 жыл бұрын
9:57 "His fate will be the same as ours" All of them die on a Death star, i always thought that was a nice touch.
@MultiBoxingKid 4 жыл бұрын
Oh wow, I didn’t notice that. That is actual funny.
@Deathlygunn 4 жыл бұрын
At least, they all did until Rise.
@kimifw58 4 жыл бұрын
his* It's right there in front of you. Why do people keep using "he's" as an adjective?
@theragingsparten1107 4 жыл бұрын
@@kimifw58 fixed
@PolarPhantom 4 жыл бұрын
god i hate TROS so much.
@aros0018 4 жыл бұрын
My interpretation of Palpatine waiting so long to dissolve the senate even after the empire was officially formed is because he was waiting for the Death Star to be completed and thus his power becoming absolute. While he's the ultimate authority over matters that come up in the senate, giving the leaders of planets the illusion of at least some control makes it easier to keep them in line and any problems they might cause to a minimum. Once the Death Star is complete, a seemingly invincible super-weapon that than blow up any planet whose leadership disagrees with him, Palpatine no longer has any reason to keep up the illusion. He can keep everyone in line through fear, as no one would dare make moves against him when he has something that devastatingly powerful at his command. Especially when, in the case of Alderaan, the empire shows it is more than willing to use it.
@JeffreyPiatt 4 жыл бұрын
That was explained in VI by the room full of Moffs on the Death Star. Once the battle station was fully operational he dissolved the Imperial Senate as his new command structure was ready along with his ball of doom.
@DAsrada 4 жыл бұрын
There is also the memes. "DEWIT!" "HEHEHE! Time to abandon ship!" "Have you heard the tale of Darth Plagueis the Wise?" "KILLED...YOUNGLINGS!" "POWER! UNLIMITED POWER!!!"
@BoldAndBrash5683 4 жыл бұрын
“Hello there! You seem to have forgotten me!”
@Deathlygunn 4 жыл бұрын
@@BoldAndBrash5683 This meme will make another fine addition to my collection.
@helmethead7406 4 жыл бұрын
@@Deathlygunn ah the negotiator
@Dynaman21 4 жыл бұрын
I am The Senate!
@gratuitouslurking8610 4 жыл бұрын
We're running out of memes!***NYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH***
@TF2Fan101 4 жыл бұрын
Honestly, one of the reasons the 2008 Clone Wars worked (Apart from many other great things about it) was it made the political talk interesting. Also, the show did a great job establishing that neither side was perfect, and that were also respectable and good people on the side of the Separatists.
@grantmoore8228 4 жыл бұрын
Who can forget the classic episode where a bunch of high school students that have no real impact on the main characters start an investigation on why they're being served shoddy tea at school? Truely what George Lucas intended the franchise to become in the future. Oh but I kid Clone Wars, great show outside that episode.
@tcrpgfan 4 жыл бұрын
@@grantmoore8228 And it just gave one hell of a finale a few weeks ago. Where they explain where Ashoka and Maul were during ROTS. And explained just how close Maul was to upending EVERYTHING in the same film.
@CrimsonFox36 4 жыл бұрын
On the "Anakin not being a Master" bit: There was a video essay i watched that dealt with this issue and how the video author would have fixed it. Essentially, the idea was that Anakin had been a slave his entire life, and his joining of the Jedi was his first exposure to true freedom. He excelled in his studies, and is shown approval from his peers for his abilities. But being denied the rank of "Master" put a ceiling on that freedom, and it hits him that nothing has really changed about his life; he's just serving different master.
@SnakeRoadComicsOfficial3677 4 жыл бұрын
I just love that Anakin flat out says "I'm more powerful than any of you" 😂
@karlrudd4818 4 жыл бұрын
A real people person our Anakin
@jdpragmatic8644 4 жыл бұрын
That was an actual line in the novelization
@Gadget-Walkmen 3 жыл бұрын
@@jdpragmatic8644 that was in the offical script in the artbook but some of the lines got taken out and put into the nozelization.
@RabblesTheBinx 2 жыл бұрын
@Palantiri it means he can do stuff with the Force on a larger scale than everyone else. The movies don't show it very well, but strength in the Force varies, some people can only barely use it to move relatively small objects, even with training, while Anakin can do incredible things that make Starkiller nearly ripping a Star Destroyer out of the sky look like child's play. And that was considered impressive by normal Jedi standards and he struggled to do it. Most Jedi top out at tossing around ships around the size of the Millennium Falcon, but Anakin's abilities topped out at much larger objects and over much greater distances. I mean, he literally held back the ocean. Twice. Hell, in the attack on the Jedi Temple, he killed at least 3 Jedi Masters (along with all the younglings and padawan he killed).
@charleshockenbury353 4 жыл бұрын
Wanted to argue that I actually like Anakin desire to protect the Clone Troopers, because I like to see it as Anakin didn’t change, but his normally heroic desire to protect everyone and prevent deaths at all cost drive him to seek greater power. And then when he loses everything, that causes him to snap and become a soulless weapon for the Emperor. It’s not until he realizes he has a son that he has any real motivation again and his protective instincts take over. But of course that’s just MHO.
@DefaultGray 4 жыл бұрын
"That microwave? Full of evil!" [Insert Time Bandits "It's Evil! Don't Touch it!" clip]
@brandonlyon730 4 жыл бұрын
Be happy the ship scene wasn’t longer. Apparently in the original draft Lucas had it going on for nearly an hour. Thank god he toned that down. Also from the red letter media review. One criticism I thought was dumb (whether it was a joke or not) that General Grevious is an over the top evil name. In the same franchise with people like names Darth Vader, Darth Tyranus, Darth Maul, and Darth Sideous.
@SorowFame 4 жыл бұрын
I think all of those names, including Grievous', aren't their real names, they're either Darth titles or just a name they've given themselves, so yeah, why wouldn't they choose something evil and intimidating? And if Grievous is his actual name then, well, this is a galaxy where people are called things like Skywalker so that's hardly an unlikely name here.
@gentlemanlygeeky4088 4 жыл бұрын
Don't forget Savage Opress.
@TheSkully343 4 жыл бұрын
Just so long as there's an Admiral BoneToPick and Dr Nefarious in the Star Wars universe all will be well.
@brandonlyon730 4 жыл бұрын
@@TheSkully343 Wasn’t there a Dr. Nefarious in one of the ratchet and clank games?
@SorowFame 4 жыл бұрын
Solidus-Skully those names are a bit over the top but I still wouldn't be surprised if they showed up.
@LegendPurpleDragon152 4 жыл бұрын
About your thoughts on Anakin being concerned for the Clones at the beginning to being a child murderer at the end. Personally I don’t see why that’s necessary. Even discounting the Clone Wars series and the named characters there, these are soldiers Anakin had been fighting alongside for 3 straight years, and Anakin forming attachments while the rest of the Order keeps telling him not to has always been an issue with Anakin. So it makes sense that he’d be concerned with a comrade in arms vs, and I’m sorry if I sound psychopathic here, people he’s never even talked to, regardless of their age. you’d be surprised by some of the lines villains can draw for themselves, especially when they’re as unstable and confused as Anakin is in these early years of his life. And even then, that happened because Palpatine was directing all of Anakin’s rage at the entirety of the Jedi Order, not the clones. We do see that he values his underlings much less in the OT, but many many more years had passed by that point, and those aren’t the Clones in the movies by that point. We can infer that he became much colder and more ruthless over the years. Thoughts?
@the-aspiring-creator4249 4 жыл бұрын
Here's the issue though. We don't see Anakin fighting alongside any specific clones nor do we know if he built any sort of camaraderie with them. By comparison, we see from just a small interaction between Kenobi and Cody that those two have become buddies and we get the idea that they have fought side-by-side for a long while. Now to be fair, either way I say it kind of works because indeed what you've mentioned about Anakin but in terms of Linkara's point? It still kind of stands since one of ROTS's BIGGEST problems is how sudden Anakin's fall is when something that small would be a good way to subtly show Anakin's transition to getting closer to being like Vader which is the whole point of this movie since it, y'know, shows the actual transformation.
@OmegaX9 4 жыл бұрын
Not sure if this was original trilogy EU or prequel EU, but I do remember reading that Vader’s 501st stormtrooper legion were exclusively clones because he only trusted clone troopers.
@alexiaNBC 4 жыл бұрын
Yes, and Anakin as Vader rarely attacks the stormtroopers than he does the officers and admirals that command them (mostly because they make one too many mistakes or are so arrogant that they piss him off). He actually respects the troopers more because they at least obey his orders knowing what will happen if they don't and are willing to fight hard in battle (although they don't possess the expert training of the clones)
@chrisossu2070 4 жыл бұрын
The issue is that it's really on the Clone Wars series that firmly establishes that Anakin's true weakness is his constant need to protect those he cares about. We only see his relationship with Padme, and their chemistry is so bad in Attack of the Clones that a lot of people don't make the connection. If it was established in the previous movie that forming bonds with other people is a consistent thing with Anakin, it would give greater context to the concern he shows the clones.
@the-aspiring-creator4249 4 жыл бұрын
@@chrisossu2070 It really just brings everything back to what Linkara said in his review of AOTC. He's willing to meet the film halfway on some choices but what matters most is what the movie has to stand on its own. Hell it's not even like he gives comics special treatment since in his Final Crisis review he went off on how stupid it was to include major plot details in a separate Superman book when they should've been in the story proper.
@carloszapata847 4 жыл бұрын
They did explain, or at least Obi Wan implied, that to gain the rank of master you have to successfully train a padawan. I know this is supplementary material, but in Star Wars: the Clone Wars Anakin had a padawan, Asoka Tano. She completed her training over the course of the series but got wrongfully expelled for a crime she did not commit. After she cleared her name she still did not return, so the Jedi council (the ones who expelled her without doing a proper investigation) decided that Anakin failed as a master for not convincing her to return and become a Jedi Knight.
@quote3000 4 жыл бұрын
"cough" white savior "cough"
@Mister-Thirteen 4 жыл бұрын
"There are Heroes on Both Sides!" See now that would be an interesting spin off. Show us the people that supported the separatists due to the corruption in the senate, show us why Dooku was able to gain so much traction so quickly. But instead we get.....
@thatonea-hole 4 жыл бұрын
Two words: EU- Extended Universe. Showing the separatist/trade-federation only sell weapons to system of planets who just want to be independent from the republic. Those planets fearing that the republic would become a tyrannical empire which ironically it does.
@GaoDaHoi 4 жыл бұрын
This works in Legends of the Galactic Heroes.. ..... Not Star Wars
@JayJayM57 4 жыл бұрын
the clone wars cartoon did that.
@brianbrush5107 4 жыл бұрын
@@JayJayM57 eh...a nitpick I have is for the most part the separatists are standard bad guys
@alexiaNBC 4 жыл бұрын
@@brianbrush5107 I agree. They did try and portray some Separatists as rational in the episode "Heroes on Both Sides" but then there are other episodes showing them killing these moderates, hiring bounty hunters, using bio weapons on groups that are pacifists, engaging in acts of terrorism, and selling populations into slavery. So... yeah, Separatists are the bad guys. No other way to rationalize that
@DGenHero 4 жыл бұрын
"The fights with him (Grevious) are ultimately meaningless." He was the commander of the droid army and the final military obstacle in reuniting the Republic after it had been slit by the Separatists. He hadn't been stopped he would have been a far larger thorn in Palpatine's side. He's also the excuse for why Obi Wan cannot be there for Anakin within the plot, taking away a source of guidance and pillar of discipline. For Anakin to fall to the Dark Side, you need to distance him from any sense of security.
@the-aspiring-creator4249 2 жыл бұрын
Plot-wise? They have a purpose definitely but with how Grievous is here? He really is kind of meaningless in the grand scheme of things. Really nothing more than an excuse for a lightsaber duel involving a guy with four arms, especially when you consider everything that does happen afterward. Honestly it's what makes Linkara's suggestion to kind of combine Dooku and Grievous make a whole lot more sense because visually Grievous is supposed to be foreshadowing for Anakin's fate which is _dripping_ with potential for how it can be integrated into the story but as it is? Grievous is just some asshole who you need a micro-series and comics to flesh out details that should've been in the movie proper.
@DGenHero 2 жыл бұрын
@@the-aspiring-creator4249 I can see where you're coming from in that context. Though I don't agree 100%.
@the-aspiring-creator4249 2 жыл бұрын
@@DGenHero That's pretty fair. I mean really at the end of the day it's whatever works for the individual.
@phoenixshadow6633 4 жыл бұрын
Stover's novelization honestly goes into more depth with the whole Master thing. Anakin would have gotten access to tons of advanced knowledge on the Force from holocrons and other data which would have possibly allowed him to save Padme.
@amazonstorm 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah if there's a star wars book I highly recommend, it's that one. It makes the movie make a ton of more sense
@judeskater93 4 жыл бұрын
amazonstorm sadly. . . Linkara just wants to stick to the movies and movies alone. Which honestly sounds like both a good thing and a bad thing, good because we can see how weak or strong a movie series can actually be. It’s a bad thing though cause even before the prequel movies, there is AAAAALLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTT of legends content and while they’re not all winners there are some that are awesome and worth looking into.
@the-aspiring-creator4249 4 жыл бұрын
@@judeskater93 Oh hell yeah, there's a lot of Legends material that is really good, especially the stuff revolving around the prequel era... though honestly I think it's best because while there is good stuff there, the average viewer is not gonna have a clue and really shouldn't have to rely on books and comics to get the major details the films should've already had.
@judeskater93 4 жыл бұрын
Aspiring Creator in some ways yes, the downside is though that much like anything that gets blown up as much as Star Wars does, it’s going to expand much further out into other sources of media outside of movies and those other sources tend to start getting more focus than the movies that started it, though I’ve had both the weird and lucky experience to meet others that actually do stick with a healthy balance of enjoying and appreciating both, something that I tend to stick with too. Not to mention I can think of worst ways to confuse an average viewer, anyone here familiar with the fate series by any chance???
@the-aspiring-creator4249 4 жыл бұрын
​@@judeskater93 Oh of course. It's inevitable when you have a franchise like Star Wars being as massive as it is. That being said, I do feel that sometimes people can get too wrapped up in the EU to the point where they lose sight of the fact that not everyone has indulged in it and that this is not a talk about the EU or Star Wars as a larger whole but rather on just one specific section. For instance, I think if Linkara was reviewing the prequel era in general and not just the movies, it would make sense to cover some expanded material but of course, he isn't. He's covering the movies by way of the comics.
@BartmanBegins 4 жыл бұрын
Linkara: Here is my review of the Revenge of the Sith comic adaptation! Me: Hello there.
@Future_Vantas 4 жыл бұрын
General Kenobi!
@dnmstarsi 4 жыл бұрын
Me: "This is where the fun begins."
@robertpatience5141 4 жыл бұрын
@@dnmstarsi Game time started.
@davincent98 4 жыл бұрын
Aren't you a bold one.
@dannyh13100 4 жыл бұрын
The MagnaGuards were using electrostaffs, not vibroblades. Anyway, Dooku thought the plan was that he would be arrested by Anakin. General Grievous would get the blame for all of the war crimes committed by the CIS, so Dooku wouldn't be tossed away forever. Ultimately, he thought that he would have a prominent role in the new empire, with a sith army that would take Force sensitive children from their families by force, with Anakin adding legitimacy to the governmental transition as he was a war hero. There's a little more to it, but that's the main gist of it (all of the from this novelization of Revenge of the Sith). Edit: Spelling
@OmegaX9 4 жыл бұрын
Clearly Dooku didn’t understand the Rule of Two. Of course, given how many Sith apprentices Sidious had I don’t think he actually taught that rule...
@dannyh13100 4 жыл бұрын
@@OmegaX9 Palpatine basically thought that the Rule of Two no longer applied to him, and had zero intentions of having an apprentice that would succeed him.
@BullseyeRey 4 жыл бұрын
@@OmegaX9 Though in The Clone Wars it did seem like he did plan on betraying Palpatine eventually, going by the Nightsisters episodes.
@basedeltazero714 4 жыл бұрын
​@@OmegaX9 I don't think Dooku particularly cared about it either. He was a Sith inasmuch as he believed in the great (force users, especially him) using their power to enact (their own particular version of) justice, but not really a true believer in the ways of the Ancient Sith.
@sirjedisentinel 4 жыл бұрын
I do like the addition of the "use your aggressive feelings" line to this scene. The Chancellor, sitting in a throne, witnessing a duel between his current apprentice and future prospect. It's extremely obvious this fight is supposed to invoke/ mirror the throne room duel from Return of the Jedi. ...And the movie NEVER addresses or comments on this! Hell, even the video game adaptation touched on the similarities (with a really cool shot in a cutscene)
@fermintenava5911 4 жыл бұрын
I don't think so. The line is just so reminiscent of Dark side-teachings that even Anakin would have noticed. Even Palpatine's push for execution is a little too much.
@SuperScarface83 4 жыл бұрын
I'm glad I'm not the only one who still appreciates that awesome cutscene in the RotS video game. The game really makes it easy to relate to Dooku's fear as he watches Anakin slowly and silently march up the stairs to finish their fight. And of course, I love how that final saber lock perfectly mirrors the moment where the Emperor watches Luke and Vader begin their duel in Return of the Jedi.
@kendromeda42 4 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad someone else knows about the video game adaptation, that game was so awesome. Except the leadup to general grievous with all those turrets, but oh well.
@GoodVolition 4 жыл бұрын
Interestingly there are actually 2 deleted scenes where Shaak Ti dies. The first where General Grievous kills her and another only animated of Anakin killing her around the kiling of the younglings. That's not all! She dies again in the legends continuity since originally neither of the above were considered canon. This was depicted in the Star Wars: Force Unleashed. As of the current canon Anakin kills her after the younglings while she was meditating.
@mattwo7 4 жыл бұрын
5:36 I don't think he exactly ever stopped caring about the clones considering he kept the 501st as his own personal Stormtrooper legion. He didn't know about the inhibitor chips after all.
@anthonyrodriguez8788 4 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't say Vader cared about the clones so much as he recognized their skill as soliders. in legends, he keeps the clones but in canon, most of the clones were discharged and Vader is just looking for excuses to discharge the few clones who remain, heck when he first got his suit he started hunting clones for sport just so he could test his suits limits.
@BATCHARRO 4 жыл бұрын
28:08 "In short, we're winning the war." "Wonderful news, Anakin. That's why we've decided not to make you a Master." "What ?"
@shadowlinkbds 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah Grevious was waaaaaaaayyyyyy better in the clone wars series. Both of them. Combat, backstory and all.
@SorowFame 4 жыл бұрын
2-d Grievous is awesome, you can see exactly why he's known as a Jedi killer. 3-d Grievous? From what I remember not so much, I've not watched it in a long time but I'm fairly certain he was the villain they used when they didn't want to undermine the threat of Dooku but still wanted the villain to be defeated by the end.
@JayJayM57 4 жыл бұрын
@@SorowFame Grievous had his lungs crush by mace Windu. after that, he stops charging in solo and because more cautious.
@chrisossu2070 4 жыл бұрын
It's unfortunately a result of the Genndy's team and George Lucas having differing ideas when they saw his design. When Genndy's team saw his concept, they immediately thought "unstoppable horrifying Terminator". When George Lucas saw his design, he thought "mustache-twirling pulp serial villain".
@nine_tails137 3 жыл бұрын
@@SorowFame IKR? Would have been great if they animated film Grievous, the same way as 2D Grievous. I don't need to explain why, since Linkara already explains it perfectly.
@gratuitouslurking8610 3 жыл бұрын
@@JayJayM57 By my understanding of Clone Wars, it does kinda suck that 3D Grevious is always the joke from the get go, even before any scenes related to the Battle of Couresant. Bad missed opportunity to bring up that continuity nod, but I guess paying for two voice actors for one chracter would have been too much a bother for a 'kid's show' at the time.
@KomodoMagic 4 жыл бұрын
We can all agree that the best part of the prequels are the memes
@TehPesky 4 жыл бұрын
@nathanaelreyes5854 4 жыл бұрын
Indeed...and they’re UNLIMITED POWAAAH
@Carlos-iw7os 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah despite its flaws they help us remember them fondly
@toqkaizogou1636 4 жыл бұрын
Yep. It's funny how now r/PrequelMemes is set to overtake r/StarWars as the biggest Star Wars subreddit, and how they managed to beat freaking Endgame in the RT poll (and only lost to Dark Knight Rises because someone managed to rig that round against them (there's an actual confession)).
@dylankersten7873 4 жыл бұрын
Very true
@DanBrizuela 4 жыл бұрын
It makes sense that he would go from happy about the pregnancy to fearing about others finding out since he had the nightmare of Padme dying. Maybe Palpatine used the Force to do so and that made him a little paranoid. It also relates to the Clones he wanted to help in the beginning, as he's always been one to want to help. But Obi Wan's attitude towards them as it was happening and his nightmares made him realize how callous the Jedi have become. It's weird that in the comic they changed it to just one of Dooku's hands being sliced instead of both. Could have used force lightning with the other. I for one like Grivious. Yes the original Clone Wars series showed how intimidating he was, but the end had Mace crush his chest and nearly destroyed his real organs. This gave us two things. One is that while it showed how terrifying he is, underneath is a coward who runs when he knows he's going to loose. The other is that he's basically a prototype for what Anakin will become: His four robotic limbs with one lightsaber, but strong mastery of the Force and with barely any emotions left over to distract him.
@jdpragmatic8644 4 жыл бұрын
9:01 Actually, Yes Sidious told Dooku the plan was for him to kill Obi-wan and tip Anakin over the edge resulting in Dooku being defeated and captured by Anakin. Then Anakin would become the Supreme Commander of a Sith Inquisitor army with Dooku still as the main apprentice. But the true plan was always for Anakin to release his inner darkness and *murder* Dooku. It’s a very tragic scene in the novelization and you actually feel sorry for Dooku.
@nagaking07 3 жыл бұрын
One problem I've always had with "Clone Wars" was from the line "There are heroes on both sides. Evil is everywhere." It implies that the war is bringing out the worst in both factions, and plays into what I think was intended to be of the theme of the prequels, about what people are willing to sacrifice for the causes and people they care about. But "Clone Wars" just turned the Separatists into just another version of the Empire in its roles and actions, with the Republic generally being unambiguously good, with a few occasional exceptions.
@dragonborn7955 4 жыл бұрын
Anakin's character is he cares about his soldiers lifes too MUCH. He can't accept loss or let go of things. So this ISN'T out of character for him.
@brianbrush5107 4 жыл бұрын
That's pretty hilarious given what we know of how good of a boss he is to his soldiers in the future
@daltonwilliams1723 4 жыл бұрын
It's why the clone wars even happened. Being an unstable Jedi in training is one thing, but to do that and become involved in a huge war where you have to watch so many people die, sometimes on your own orders? It's a big factor that pulls on Anakin's instability and empathy
@SorowFame 4 жыл бұрын
Dalton Williams I don't think that Anakin was responsible for the Clone Wars, I'm fairly certain he just fought in it.
@Vvonter 4 жыл бұрын
I mean, his turn was because he felt betrayed by the Jedi and their teachings. Him going against Obi Wan's orders feels in character.
@daltonwilliams1723 4 жыл бұрын
@@SorowFame no, I mean the narrative purpose of putting Jedi into positions as generals in a large war. Should have worded that better
@ReaverLordTonus 4 жыл бұрын
You hit it right on the head on Revenge of the Sith it suffered from something in prequels I have coined as "Full Circle Fuck up" They basically wrote themselves into a corner and had to rush to fulfill everything we know is coming in A New Hope.
@katherinealvarez9216 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah, RoS is okay, and yet this one that had Padme die because she "lost the will to live." That still bugs me.
@repulser93 4 жыл бұрын
I mean given what happened to Debbie Reynolds after Carrie Fisher died...
@katherinealvarez9216 4 жыл бұрын
@@repulser93 I know, but that was a different circumstance (also really sad). Reynolds was 84, was shocked by her daughter's death and had a stroke. I remember a congregation member who died in his nineties after his wife died. Now take Padme- she was still young and healthy. They could've said that the birth of her twins was too much for her body. Heck, she was choked and unconscious on a lava planet. That pretty much triggered her labor. Also, wasn't there an official explanation later on about Palpatine using the force to kill her? All good explanations. Like I know it's kind of a nitpick, but it's this Star Wars, I think my nitpick isn't the oddest or most pedantic.
@cartooncritic7045 4 жыл бұрын
@@katherinealvarez9216 I think the "Palpatine uses the Force to kill Padme" thing is just a popular fan theory made by people trying to rationalize her otherwise completely inexplicable death.
@JayJayM57 4 жыл бұрын
it was supposed to be birth complications caused by Anakin used of the force. a husband beating his pregnant wife was deemed too much and replace with " she lost the will to live."
@alexiaNBC 4 жыл бұрын
Just like the Robot Chicken sketch: Doctor Ball: She lost the will to live!?! What, was your degree in poetry, you sorry bunch of hippies? Oh never mind the billions of dollars of medical equipment around us! Why don't we get on our knees and pray?! WE DON'T HAVE KNEES, YOU MOTHER F*CKERS!!
@DCMarvel2009 4 жыл бұрын
"Are the younglings taken from the Jedi and put in cages and tortured, forced to accept Sith doctrine?" Well, there was that one episode of The Clone Wars where Cad Bane was kidnapping Force-sensitive children for Sidious...and some younglings later turned into the Inquisitors from Rebels and Jedi Fallen Order.
@kingofthegundam7974 4 жыл бұрын
Not in the movies though.
@shadowlinkbds 4 жыл бұрын
Gez that Jedi in the thumbnail definitely has the high ground!
@dnmstarsi 4 жыл бұрын
He underestimates Linkara's power.
@thatonea-hole 4 жыл бұрын
@@dnmstarsi Linkara shouldn't try it!
@Zice033 4 жыл бұрын
@shadowlinkbds 4 жыл бұрын
I still stand by and say this is the best of the prequel movies for the most part. They're still flaws but it was mostly good.
@baliyae 4 жыл бұрын
I agree. It may not be perfect, but it’s still my favorite movie.
@cinemagraphic6324 4 жыл бұрын
You ain't never lied about that.
@MJFERMEZLA 2 жыл бұрын
About the 2003 clone wars show, funny anecdote in the commentary for volume 2. Genndy Tartakovsky talked about what the show was suppose to do for preparing Episode III, as George Lucas demand it, stuff like the Coruscant attack, the Grievous character and all, and Anakin becoming a Jedi Knight. So Genndy asked George if he had details about how a padawan become a knight that he can use... he said "no"... The Star Wars universe as always been inconsistant in the movies, and the extended Universe always bring sens and logic. That's why I argue that Lucas is not the real genius of Star Wars, it's a little bit of everyone, Lucas, Irvin Keshner, Lawrence Kassdan, Gary Kurtz, Timothy Zahn, Genndy Tartakovsky, Dave Filloni, JJ Abrams, Kathleen Kennedy, Ryan Johnson, Jon Favreau, and plenty others. It's always have been a commun effort that make Star Wars great, it's even part of his charm, so acting like George Lucas in the only visionary in this is really disrespectfull for all the others.
@autobotproductions1244 21 күн бұрын
Well put
@redtutel 4 жыл бұрын
The DBZ joke made me think about how the prequel's obsession with Anakin's power levels kind of led to the fanbase's obsession with it, which in turn made discussion on how powerful the sequel characters should or shouldn't be REALLY obnoxious Your idea for Dooku remids me of what they did with Darth Maul in Clone Wars.
@Mecha82 4 жыл бұрын
Well said.
@zerakielvmark 4 жыл бұрын
Any media that has observable powerlevels ends with fans going stupid about it. Sometimes someone can just trip and break their neck on a rock.
@zerakielvmark 4 жыл бұрын
AlucardNoir look where you're at man and then think if your comment fits here
@daltonwilliams1723 4 жыл бұрын
AlucardNoir Luke force projects himself from another planet thousands of miles away. How the fuck is that not showing the power of the force?
@the-aspiring-creator4249 4 жыл бұрын
@@daltonwilliams1723 Remember the reference is to spin-off media so it's not necessarily mattering that Luke does the most Jedi thing ever but rather he didn't just fire a wormhole from his hand or descend from the sky like a Jedi Superman.
@jeremy1860 4 жыл бұрын
I still remember seeing the 2D cartoon Grievous for the first time. A cold, merciless and silent killer who just breezed through a whole group of Jedi. Definitely something that stays with you 😨
@starwarsnerd100 4 жыл бұрын
BTW the magnaguards have "electrostaffs" not vibroblades
@wcapewell3089 4 жыл бұрын
Beat me to it.
@RabblesTheBinx 4 жыл бұрын
Oh, good, someone else noticed
@ToHoldNothing 4 жыл бұрын
Vibroblades strike me, from their presence in KOTOR, as pretty antiquated by the time of the prequels, since KOTOR is easily 200+ years in the past from there, iirc
@jordanreed3675 3 жыл бұрын
@@ToHoldNothing 3000 years before the events of the prequels
@Ellthom 4 жыл бұрын
All of Revenge of the Siths issues are why I like it. Its so hammy and silly at times and very quotable that I cannot hate it. Its' not good but its very entertaining. :P
@dylankersten7873 4 жыл бұрын
My opinion on the prequels as a whole
@Gadget-Walkmen 3 жыл бұрын
Fuck that, it still has great positives to.
@tonywalters930 4 жыл бұрын
This is actually the first Star Wars movie I saw in the theater, so it'll always have that at least.
@swordkingx4874 4 жыл бұрын
I couldn't agree more on the Grievous. He was so cool and scary in the short clone wars series, the later one while it showed more of him, he wasn't scary there, it was more like "Oh great that mini boss is here again." Ye he was ruthless in battle but he wasn't that scary unlike in his first incarnation where he took on multiple masters at once.
@calsh14 3 жыл бұрын
After watching S7 of Clone Wars, this beginning part with Anakin being happy and chipper has a WHOLE new meaning
@maddiewettach4954 4 жыл бұрын
Linkara: I’m going to stay on schedule. Star Wars Prequel Month: I’m about to end this man’s whole career.
@maddiewettach4954 4 жыл бұрын
For the record, I don’t mind waiting for reviews this good.
@aaronbood1999 4 жыл бұрын
I've waiting for this for a long time, in other words this week
@Alknix 4 жыл бұрын
28:00 I like Decker Shado's commenet on this scene - the Jedi are really tone deaf and tactless here. They should've presented it the other way round - that, regretfully, his appointment as a Master will take some more time, like they have to deliberate some more, or receive an approval from the Force or whatever, BUT, in view of his achievements, raw power level and high standing with the chancellor, they're granting him a position on the council right now! A great honor and an unprecedented one for someone of his rank! Congratulations, Ani!
@tjjordan4207 4 жыл бұрын
I agree about General Grevious, he wasn’t done justice in this movie or the new Clone Wars (though I do like the later seasons of it) like he was in the original Samari Ja- I mean Clone Wars series. However, I disagree about Anakin not caring about anyone. Anakin’s problem has always been that he cares way too much and that he can’t let go. Fear was his reason for turning to the dark, not caring. Nothing is wrong about him caring, he just didn’t control his fears. Though I do agree that him killing children makes no sense. Seriously, why does he need to kill children to show how evil he is? We should be seeing him killing Jedi Knights, not children.
@brianbrush5107 4 жыл бұрын
The point seemed to be something the sequels would pick up. Being Darth Vader is not cool, at all. Having him fight Jedi knights would be in a Badass fight scene. Having him kill a bunch of kids helps fit that.
@thereallocke8065 4 жыл бұрын
I just got around to watching the new Clone Wars show. He's a cackling Saturday morning villain who can't even consistently beat a padawan. That's not intimidating. I prefer the scarry Grevious that just shows up and mercs three jedi and wounds three more before being chased off by elite clone troopers with heavy weapons and air support. The new show kinda didn't do well with its villains. It kept introducing them as laughing stocks and showing them constantly failing.
@MurderousEagle 4 жыл бұрын
Ghost Claw arc of Clone Wars shows Anakin falling to the dark side better than all of Attack of the Clones
@michelefish3378 4 жыл бұрын
Ghost Hand or Holt Kazed.
@MegamanNG 4 жыл бұрын
I've been waiting for this and yeah, I love Revenge of the Sith. The movie is awesome because of the lightsaber combat and Ian McDiarmid. And yes, the movie is also huge on memes. There are tons of them.
@tedgruver7618 4 жыл бұрын
Hey dude, good to see you.
@bizarroguy6570 4 жыл бұрын
I remember being excited to see Grievous because of the Tartakovsky, that didn’t last.
@bizarroguy6570 4 жыл бұрын
Derek Night True, but even that was done cause Lucas told them to add that in since he NEVER gave the creative team an idea of what he was supposed to be like so Genndy just had to make it up. It was clear that fans like this version of the character, but Lucas had to go “Nope, you need to do my version despite never knowing what it was supposed to be like.” As for whether series isn’t canon, I’m still not sure why it had to be removed. Since the other Clone Wars series never did a reintroduction of his character and the final season never recreated the false kidnapping.
@thatonea-hole 4 жыл бұрын
@@dereknight861 The 2003 series is cannon! It was literally referenced in clone wars season 7 via obi-wan: "Corusant is under attack by the separatists!" Anakin asks about Chancellor Palpatine & if he's safe; Obi wan tells him that he is under shaak-ti's protection but we lost contact with her like what happened in the 2003 series! With grievous jamming her contact signals as he kidnapped the chancellor. Heck, Dave Fiolini confirms that in an interview with this quote: "The reason why we didn't show the battle of corusant was because it was already in star wars with tartakovsky's clone wars."
@zexalbrony4799 4 жыл бұрын
@@thatonea-hole I agree that most of the 2003 series is cannon, at least the major events like Ventress and Grevious's introductions, and the Battle of Courasant. While I do like the 2008 series more, I do see a lot of good and greatness in 2003 and feel we should keep most of that around.
@D.G.M. 4 жыл бұрын
"His fate will be the same as ours" is a line that for some reason sounded awkward when I heard it in that scene. For some reason it feels out of place.
@toqkaizogou1636 4 жыл бұрын
Yet he was right. They all died on death stars.
@HORRIOR1 4 жыл бұрын
First time I got into Star Wars was through the original Lego Star Wars game on PS2. Playing as Grievous was my favorite part about it, so I can safely say I got into Star Wars mainly because of him. His appearance in Revenge of the Sith felt lackluster to me and it took many years until I found out why.
@LegendPurpleDragon152 4 жыл бұрын
I understand your reservations with the Lightsaber fights, but as a guy who loves swords and all their forms, from a technical standpoint, I love the duels in the Prequels. Especially Obi-wan vs Anakin’s in their final fight. Not to say the ones in the OT are bad, but the PT makes heavy use of actual sword techniques, keeping guard during your attacks, repostes, even the spinning includes actual sword flourishes that for the most part cover their backs, resulting in genuinely plausible effective spins (though to someone without Force Powers it’s still not the best move you could do in those situations). It’s still a breath of fresh air considering how many movies and show’s Swordplay tend to wave their swords around like madmen with no rhyme or reason, even Star Wars itself when the Sequel trilogy’s “Sword fights” generally boil down to waving their sabers like baseball bats at their enemies. But that’s just me. What about you?
@cartooncritic7045 4 жыл бұрын
I dunno, I like it when fight scenes have any kind of weight to them and emotional stakes, which the PT fights often lack in favor of the visual spectacle. Say what you will about the fight choreography in the ST's duels, I'll take TFA's forest battle over the gong show from AotC any day of the week.
@benreilly9513 4 жыл бұрын
See, I always figured that there was some Force nonsense at work in the Prequels' lightsaber fights, and that's why they're so showy. Because if you get really caught up in the flow of the Force as you're fighting, if you're sensing and feeling the Force around you as you fight, trying to anticipate your opponent's moves before they make them, then I have no idea how one expects it to look like a real-life swordfight (to say nothing of Flynning), where you're watching someone's moves and reacting to them on the fly.
@the-aspiring-creator4249 4 жыл бұрын
My deal with the prequel fights and really any fight scene in a movie always comes down to answering one question. Can I enjoy it for both the story and the spectacle? In my honest opinion, the prequels of course come back with a resounding "No" because the thing is indeed as fights go, they are impressive. The amount of training and practice it took to pull all this off is admirable... but that's all they have going for them. If you're someone who's watching the movies for the story and characters, you're not really gonna find anything all that important and if you particularly aren't someone with that kind of interest in choreography, it won't matter. People forget that fights in films are often telling a story as much as any other scene. This is where we usually get a moment of climax for certain plots, where ideologies clash and conflict but in the prequels? Honestly I think the best example is the Anakin and Obi-Wan duel in the movie and how it compares to the comic and oddly enough the video game tie-in. From a visual standpoint, the fight's beautiful. If you're looking at it for the technical aspect and with the music, it's insane how cool it actually is but from a story perspective? In context of the story, this is a duel between two former friends, one of whom has had their mind corrupted to where they became this fascistic dictator who ended the Jedi Order, an order that has lasted and kept the peace for thousands of years. This should be one of the most emotional duels of the entire saga and certainly the music seems to get it... but we don't see much in the way of emotion. No conversation, no real switch-up of technique to show the emotion that's being put into everything, it's all so perfect and practiced to the point where it feels like a dance. Meanwhile in this comic and the game? There's dialogue, we see ideologies clash as the duel rages, an effort was seemingly put into really hone in on the emotions that are running rampant. Hell TCW in particular shows up the prequels in friggin' SPADES with most of its duels. Now it doesn't mean the duels aren't great from a technical aspect because... I mean, they are. The fight in TPM is friggin' orgasmic with how kinetic it is. But the thing is, they're at their best enjoyed separately because when you try to take story into account otherwise? They fall flat without those emotional stakes.
@jacobberg373 3 жыл бұрын
I should probably say this now and here, I think I prefer the Sequel Trilogy over the previous trilogies not simply for I watched them in theatre. I simply connect more to them personally be it through their characters, villainous faction (both First And Final Orders), and etc. Now, I don't consider any of these films perfect, far from it, but even though I acknowledge criticism (particularly in relation to Episode 9) and I don't allow it to hurt my experience. I say this because I feel like I'm in a minority amongst a larger fandom majority who will mock and criticize ever bit of these films for any reason. But I can't allow the opinions of others to weigh down so heavily upon my heart and must simply like what I like instead of feeling. So, I'll continue to enjoy all three of these films equally and fairly as they deserve.
@OnDavidsBrain 4 жыл бұрын
Tartakovsky Grievous: Outright beast! ROTS Grievous: More of a cartoon than the actual cartoon version of him.
@Jag-gr7oq 4 жыл бұрын
All rots grievous is missing is a thin long mustache and woman tied to a railroad track
@lonewolf6884 4 жыл бұрын
CGI cartoon: Lets him more of cartoony bad guy and have taken down by gungans. Yeah that happened
@daltonwilliams1723 4 жыл бұрын
Apparently Lucas didn't know what he wanted grevious to do and just described him as a badass jedi killer - which is what tarkovsky ran with. THIS is what he should of been instead of someone in a command position. An enforcer like maul was.
@the-aspiring-creator4249 4 жыл бұрын
@@duncananderson2113 It's less embarrassing than it actually sounds. They actually put up one hell of a fight and developed a good strategy to take him on but indeed, the idea is humiliating.
@Starwarsdude8221991 4 жыл бұрын
Even as I sit here and grumble about how much I like these movies. The gendy version of grievously so much better.
@GeneralKenobi75 4 жыл бұрын
Things I liked about Revenge of the Sith: Ian McDiarmid as Sidious, Obi-wan and Anakin/Yoda and Sidious's lightsaber duels, the opening scene with the space battle, Order 66, the scene in the Senate with the declaration of the Empire, the ending on Tatioone. Things I didn't like: Dooku being killed off right at the beginning, Grievous(he should have just been killed off in the cartoon series to preserve his dignity), Padme being reduced to such a bit part, her ridiculous death, Anakin's whinyness, the lack of show don't tell, pointless Chewbacca cameo, Darth Vader "NNNNOOOOOO"(the actual transformation though was well done).
@freakyzed8467 Жыл бұрын
One of the best AT4W intro clipped together bits. Every song beat perfectly matches the screen action! Be proud Linkara!
@michaelmorante268 4 жыл бұрын
A minor mistake in the review I should point out here. Grievous's bodyguards weren't using vibroblades. they were using electrostaffs, as seen clearly with the purple electricity on each end of the staff. maybe something to point out in your next top 15 screwups
@ZealotZeke 4 жыл бұрын
7:05 While I do agree, Shaak Ti being there makes no sense due to the ending of Tartakovsky's Clone Wars... I kinda wish they kept Shaak Ti's death by the hands of Grievous in the movie, too. In the cartoon, she witnessed Grievous' wrath firsthand and practically had a rivalry with him in the show (though minor), so him finishing her off kinda gives a conclusion to that arc... Sadly, the movie screws up how badass Grievous was to begin with, sooooo yeah, it also makes no sense. XD
@rogersstinson4019 3 жыл бұрын
She was killed by ankakin at the the Jedi temple dumbass
@Blokewood3 4 жыл бұрын
Obi-Wan was actually right to sense a trap, though he didn't guess who was truly behind it. The fight with Count Dooku was a trap to push Anakin on his way to the dark side by getting him to give in to his anger.
@BrandonCroker 4 жыл бұрын
It’s over KZbin, Lewis has the high ground!
@thegreatstoneddragon9432 4 жыл бұрын
You underestimate the power of the algorithm!
@daelen.cclark 4 жыл бұрын
My personal favourite part of this movie is the opera house scene, I await your take on that scene.
@eamonndeane587 4 жыл бұрын
The Scene where George Lucas Cameos....
@daelen.cclark 8 ай бұрын
@@eamonndeane587 In one of the corners?
@djcochrane 4 жыл бұрын
The RotS novelization is genuinely a good book. The opening pages setup RotS superbly and better then the prior movies. You feel the emotion. It paints the trap that is the Clone Wars.
@Valdagast 4 жыл бұрын
Thank goodness. I was getting worried that there was something wrong with you. You are usually one of the best YT creators at keeping a consistent schedule.
@reaperproductions7058 4 жыл бұрын
Will you eventually review Luke Cage: Hero for Hire volume 1 number 9. This is the issue where Luke Cage tried to beat up the Fantastic Four to steal their jet so he can go to Latveria with him joining a Doom Bot revolution against Dr Doom...with the reason Luke came there and doing all of this being to get 200 Dollars from Dr Doom
@Thutil 4 жыл бұрын
The main problem with your Dooku change is that the original way is the single best thing about Anakin's fall. Executing unarmed prisoners is against the Jedi code, but pressed with the rationale that Dooku is too dangerous to be left alive from Palpatine, Anakin breaks the code and feels guilty about it. Later, Mace Windu uses that exact same rationale to attempt to execute Sidious; at this point Anakin knows Palpatine is a Sith Lord and has skin in the game (Padme), so hearing one of the greatest living Jedi use Sith logic to break the Jedi code when it's convenient for him sends him over the edge and he defends Palpatine's life, which leads to Windu's death. At this point, Anakin can't turn back and has no other choice but to continue learning the secrets of the Sith to save Padme, and to do that he has to obey Palpatine.
@wstine79 4 жыл бұрын
Emperor Palpatine going hammy and spooky is the best part of the movie. I recommend seeing Ian McDiarmid read a passage from the Return of the Jedi in Shakespearean verse book.
@AussieDragoon 4 жыл бұрын
16:32 So that's where Kylo Inherited it from
@josealigueri1570 4 жыл бұрын
I agree with everything, except with the part about anakin always been on the oposite side of the conversation, he is loyal to padme, palpatine and the jedi, so when one doubts the other he tríes to fund out why and explains why he doesnt think it Will work, and is better shown when he is talking with palpatine, the jedi wont take nicely that you are selecting me, that shows that he is loyal to them, but he still has a friend in palpatine, wich is more trágic once the council tríes to arest palpatine
@randomusername3445 4 жыл бұрын
That opening scene is perfect for Anakin's character. He's not some Saturday morning cartoon villain who is one dimensionally evil and does bad things for the sake of it and doesn't care about other people. He's a tragic hero who's tragic flaw was that he cares so much about the people he cared about that he would do anything for them and justify it to himself by telling himself that it was to protect them and for their benefit because he feared losing the people he cared about like his mother. Caring about people connected to him is why he fell to the dark side in the first place. Say what you want about execution but the one things that the movies made clear and is consistent with his character in the originals is that he would break the rules and even betray anyone if it meant saving the people he cared about. Most of the time we see Darth Vader in the original trilogy us after he lost everything and has no one left that he cares about until he meets Luke, his son, a person who was willing to withstand torture and almost certain death for him that caused this to kick back in.
@Dynaman21 4 жыл бұрын
8:00 - “I’m pretty sure we last fought two weeks ago, Skywalker.”
@tuvyamaeir4684 4 жыл бұрын
It's here! I've been really anticipating this since the comic is a humongous nostalgic memory for me, way more than the movie ever could be. So I'm curious to finally see it again, in addition to your take.
@starmaker75 4 жыл бұрын
General grevious in 2003 clone wars: a scary Jedi killer that was badass General grevious in revenge of the sith: a wimp with breathing problems. Also I owne this comic.
@kevinmoran8077 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah, it didn't really explain the coughing part unless you watched clone wars where his torso was crushed by Sam Jackson.
@starmaker75 4 жыл бұрын
I know he weaken by Mace but the difference bewteen the show and the movie is quite something.
@judeskater93 4 жыл бұрын
Star maker 75 I don’t even think they gave a good reason for his cough even in tcw, so it makes it all the more confusing about the cough unless you included the clone wars micro series where mace does crush grievous torso with the force, but that don’t even work cause it’s not part of the movies.
@TevyaSmolka 3 жыл бұрын
Happy Star Wars day
@andrewmihovich4252 4 жыл бұрын
"Yeah, they kidnapped the most powerful head of state of their sworn enemies to lure two random Jedi into a trap!" ... ... Yes, or rather, one *exact* Jedi and a potential stabilizing influence who might mess it up but best they can do. The novelization does make a big, big deal out of Dooku seeing his dreams of an Empire as he'd understand it on the way to being realized, before he realizes with the blades crossing, and going against him, no, Sidious means for him to die here -- rather, specifically, however you could expect this to happen, for Anakin to have a saber to him, beaten and helpless, and then just go ahead and do it. ...No, the theatrical movie doesn't give us all that.
@PFiction24 4 жыл бұрын
"That Microwave? Full of Evil." Time Bandits Reference #1
@infamousempire8302 4 жыл бұрын
I was in the middle of binge watching the entire Star Wars Saga and had reached “Attack” when I got this notification. Coincidence? Probably, but still.
@ThePreciseClimber 4 жыл бұрын
Someone should request a review of the 2D Clone Wars cartoon.
@Materminds187 4 жыл бұрын
Either the Maul arc or the Siege of Mandalor arc
@tronmaster5704 4 жыл бұрын
@@Materminds187 Wrong show.
@AbraCadaveric 4 жыл бұрын
Padme reminding Anakin that Obi Wan is his best friend reminds me of the continuous stating of Mark being Johnny’s best friend in The Room
@dreamlandnightmare 4 жыл бұрын
I remember being hyped for Grievous only to be disappointed by what a weenie he turned out to be.
@rogersstinson4019 4 жыл бұрын
dreamlandnightmare that was the point of him, he was supposed to be the cowardly type
@turboDrowsy 6 ай бұрын
@@rogersstinson4019Well, I guess Lucas really shouldn’t have given Gennedy just a character design and a simple “Jedi Killer” description, because all it did was have the Clone Wars create a far more imposing and threatening character compared to the far lamer Grevious that never goes beyond “underwhelming”. In this case, Lucas’s idea for Grevious was and still is a lame and crap idea.
@greatsayain 4 жыл бұрын
Considering Palpatine isn't in any real danger from his own apprentice it kind of is a trap. To get Anakin to fight Dooku and further his grooming into the dark side. Dooku becoming Greivous is an amazing idea.
@greatsayain 4 жыл бұрын
Apparently Linkara agrees with this since he put the same idea in the credits of part 3.
@Holly-khore-levina 4 жыл бұрын
Honestly I think Grevious was best handled in the Clone Wars show, which hit a nice sweet-spot between genuine intimidation as seen in the shorts and the somewhat goofier version we saw in the film (as well as going into a bit more detail about his whole deal as someone who mechanically augmented his body to keep up with Jedi despite not being a Force user)
@TheHumbleFellow 4 жыл бұрын
So apparently, the reason for Grievous's change from badass to cheesy was due to Lucasfilm not giving Tartakovsky enough information about the character. They only had two bits of info provided to them; his concept art, and the fact that he killed Jedi and collected their lightsabers. His overall personality was something that wasn't provided. So Tartakovsky did what Tartakovsky does, and went the badass route.
@LtHavoc1983 4 жыл бұрын
I think that the whole "Why is the civilian side not shown?" thing has to do with the fact that Lucas and co. didnt want that, they did not want to ground it too much in reality and show how bad things have gotten for the Old Republic. For Lucas it was all fantastical and he wanted to focus on all the exciting things and not show the dark underbelly of it all. The Clone Wars TV series does sometimes to show civillian causalities and also how there are Clone Troopers on occupied worlds that keep the population in line, but again, you need spin off material to explain it all because lucas didnt think to put stuff like that in the movie.
@quote3000 4 жыл бұрын
I think you just explained that Star Wars is shallow. Not to mention that Linkara explained that by not show the civilian point of view, it reinforces the divine right of kings by focusing on the aristocrats and the warrior caste.
@LtHavoc1983 4 жыл бұрын
@@quote3000 I mean, it has always been a bit shallow, it has always been a good vs evil narrative about a chosen one thats going to fight the big bad to right the wrongs in the galaxy, it has become very formulaic, to the point where you try something different with it, people get mad, because they are so used to that theme.
@quote3000 4 жыл бұрын
@@LtHavoc1983 To be exact, SW borrows heavily from the misogynistic hero's journey. The biggest problem with it is, that it actually blames Anikan for his troubles since he fears death, in the same way that in Campbell's hero's journey, a hero who fears death is doomed to fall. This is quite antithetical to a yin-and-yang relationship that SW has been claimed to be based off of by Lucas, when it's really a Western narrative. SW really undermines itself badly come to think of it.
@c.w.simpsonproductions1230 4 жыл бұрын
The way that the new Clone Wars season interacts with this film is just amazing, it really changes your viewing experience.
@TheFlyingJew13 Жыл бұрын
If you haven't seen the supercut of Revenge of the Sith that includes the Siege of Mandalore edited into it, YOU NEED TO. It's 4 hours long, but it's the definitive way to watch Revenge of the Sith, in my opinion.
@charizardranger506 4 жыл бұрын
You know after this part one must wonder: Whats happening on Mandalore?
@Vristatos789 4 жыл бұрын
Oh I’m sure nothing heartbreaking or tear inducing. That would be silly.
@rogersstinson4019 3 жыл бұрын
@arturoreyes2119 4 жыл бұрын
Be wary Linkara, of your friend Palpatine. And your pal Friendpatine.
@GamingDreamer 4 жыл бұрын
24:30 I remember an interview with Go Nagai the creator of so many Giant Robots anime from the 70's and 80's, he said the most importent thing to show in a TV show about Giant Monsters attacing city is to show the normal people running and hurt , because otherwise it just big fists fight. I think Linkara have a point we need to see the normal people suffer if they want us to think the empier is bad
@GoodVolition 4 жыл бұрын
I recently watched it on Blu-ray. It looked pretty impressive, I was surprised. For the most part I think you could release it today and itxd hold up. I love Ian McDiarmid's performance. Hayden improves. I like this film.
@zexalbrony4799 4 жыл бұрын
First, I'm glad you addressed the 2003 Clone Wars series and how it was used as the build-up for Episode 3. I watched it before episode 3 and it helped my enjoyment. I also agree that Grevious was horribly shafted in the movie compared to the TV series. 8:56 to 9:08: To answer your question, since I had the same one at the time, Dooku thought the war would go like this, Anakin would beat him and he'd be captured. He'd plead to the Senate that he was trying to wage a just war with the Republic and that all the evil acts perpetrated by the Separatists we're all Grevious fault that he had no idea about. He would then gain their trust by offering them Separatist key locations, like Grevious and the Separatist Couicle being on Utapau, and even convincing some of the Separatists to surrender and join back up with the Republic. Then they would execute Order 66 kill most of the Jedi and turn whatever survivors there were to the Dark side and have a small Sith army at Sideous command led by Dooku and Anakin. 15:44 to 15:51: The Outer Rim Sieges lasted the last 6 months of the Clone Wars, so that means Anakin had to do it with Padme before he left for that, thus low balling it we can say she is 6 months pregnant, high balling it we can say they did it a decent chunk of time before that with Padmes's period happening before they did it, thus she wouldn't notice until about a month later when Anakin leaves, and thus she is 7 months pregnant. (Yeah, I'm a big nerd who thinks about this stuff). 23:37 to 23:42: Ironically, that is what happens to any surviving Younglings captured after Order 66, they are tortured until they either join the Dark side or die. 24:52 to 24:55: That's because, after the initial strike, they moved all the innocent people to shelters. Plus, Courasant is frikein huge with thousands of subterain or lower levels, with most of the fighting in the Battle of Courasant taking place on the first level where the Senate and Jedi Temple are.
@the-aspiring-creator4249 2 жыл бұрын
A year late but I feel like providing my two cents on at least the stuff about the Outer Rim sieges and how they moved people to shelters. In the case of the first bit? That makes a lot of sense I'd say and didn't need to be made explicitly clear though maybe the movie could've at least included a little more to suggest that large passage of time and as for the last bit? That's a good point... but here's where I feel it falters. In ROTS, we're seeing the end of the war and yet in terms of how they show everything off? It has very little in terms of differences from how we see Coruscant back then to how we see it now. We're told that there are issues and so on but we never see it which is kind of a big deal considering that would do a lot to help us to see how deadly and terrible the war has been which would in turn give us more to help sympathize with Padmé's story because as it is? You either take their word for it or you have to look up EU material which I stress time and time again that not everyone is gonna do nor should they. To be fair though, this is probably one of those things where if you are more invested in the story with our main characters you don't really need to know that info but still.
@zexalbrony4799 2 жыл бұрын
@@the-aspiring-creator4249 You know, it's ironic you reply now, as I just learned last week on a Star Wars video done by the great Geetsly, detailing the Battle of Coruscant in great detail, it turns out I was wrong in my assessment on what happened to the civilian populace. Geetsly detailed how Grevious had his Droids target a lot of civilian targets throughout the battle, blasting large sectors where civilians were, having Vulture Droids crash into peoples homes and buildings, and even deploying troops into most of the underground levels to kill people, so many in fact there were still a few of them that needed to be mopped up and a few fires from the battle still burning down there even days after the battle. With Grevious doing all this on orders of Palpatine, as Palpatine wanted to make the civilians so scared for their lives they would willingly give up all their freedoms when he recommended turning the Republic into an Empire if it meant they could be safe and protected, and it sadly worked. I always just assumed the people and city weren't that badly damaged because I remember a Generation Tech video explaining why it was impossible to take control of Coruscant because of how big it was, so I always just assumed most of the people got into shelters and hide in the lower levels while all the fighting took place on the top level, since the top is where all the important parts of Coruscant are, the Senate building, the Chancellor's office, the Jedi Temple and so on. So I figured they were just attacking that area, because why waste resources on less important parts like the lower levels when you're not even trying to concur the planet and it's all just an elaborate distraction. Also, Chapters 23 to 25 of the Clone Wars micro-series and Episode 3 itself, just focused on the actual battle with very little showing the civilians, except for that one bit where Padme told her captain to get people to shelters while C-3PO was yelling at the Droids outside through the hole in the wall created by a Hailfire Droids missle. Plus, after the Battle in the movie, everything looks okay and since the "good guys" won, I assumed that meant everything was alright, and that the Jedi and Clones did such a good job that very few civilians died. Kind of like how in Super Hero cartoons where the Heroes are so good at their job that nothing goes wrong and nobody dies, or at the very least very few things go wrong and only like two or three innocent civilians die. But I forgot to factor in Palpatine's desire to instill fear in everyone during the Clone Wars, and even if he didn't order Grievous to do all that at the Battle, given Grevious history and his love of committing war crimes throughout the Clone Wars, as Geetsly channel has explained before, I'm pretty sure he still would have done at least half that stuff to citizen's even if Palpatine didn't order it just for shits and giggles.
@the-aspiring-creator4249 2 жыл бұрын
@@zexalbrony4799 To be fair it's accepted I think in the micro-series because it is about visual storytelling and simplicity but in the movies? It would be nice to see visually just the war taking its toll on people. I mean just think about the idea of seeing Coruscant clean and beautiful in TPM, then you see it get scuffed a little with Cordé's death and then in ROTS we see it not necessarily in shambles of course but it's not the bright city we knew it as. Hell, something as simple as a few smoking buildings being repaired would've helped. It would help to sell the situation better and also would kind of help these environments to feel more lively. Otherwise, it's a whole lot of people saying the war has caused problems and then you look at Coruscant and everything looks still as pristine as ever.
@vanikestewart8578 4 жыл бұрын
I think this is the first comic I ever read I don't have any nostalgia for it and I consider Infinity Gauntlet and the MCU for the reason why I started to get into comics
@JoeChillton 4 жыл бұрын
Easily the best Prequel but that's a damn low bar.
@DevilPogoStick 4 жыл бұрын
The battle of Coruscant was...Yeah, it was kinda iffy knowing the film didn't exactly express the destruction and loss of life on the planet itself that would definitely explain why the majority of the Senate, now scared that nothing is safe, is willing to give Palpatine more power. ...The Novelization had to fill in those gaps. Again, the films don't exactly explain well unless you're willing to cough up cash to buy various other media (all by various other writers so expect some measure of contradictions) just to get these explanations. I mean...I do enjoy the films but they definitely got some holes that the film alone doesn't quite fill.
@thomasmartin4281 4 жыл бұрын
It would’ve been hilarious to show some civilians commenting on all this like it means nothing to them, having no idea what’s going on until until the very end. The republic did nothing for them, so they never noticed the war being fought by robots and clones. Then they’re told they’re being drafted for the imperial military “wait, what?”
@kadindarklord 4 жыл бұрын
Grievous wasn't just cooler in the EU. He was cooler than in the TCW series. Also, Grievous is meant to have first met BOTH Obi-Wan and Anakin in this movie, yet TCW paints their fight almost like old hat.
@kadindarklord 4 жыл бұрын
Grievous was made pathetic because George Lucas wanted him to be weaker than Vader.
@the-aspiring-creator4249 4 жыл бұрын
At least for Obi-Wan. When it comes to Anakin though, they made certain that Anakin and Grievous never physically met each other in the flesh until ROTS.
@kadindarklord 4 жыл бұрын
@@the-aspiring-creator4249 Except... that the scene implies that BOTH of them were supposed to have met him then. Hence his 'General Kenobi, the Negotiator' line.
@tylerfish2701 4 жыл бұрын
@@kadindarklord You could imply that at the time, Grievous knew Kenobi at some point, but not by a lot. Something that is retconned in TCW.
@Dante2056 4 жыл бұрын
As soon as you started talking about kickbacks from the Oligarchy I thought you were gonna say Olive Garden.
@eliburry-schnepp6012 4 жыл бұрын
The thing is, Grievous has an INCREDIBLE, extremely compelling and tragic backstory... that was printed in a magazine article and never used in ANYTHING
@bluespaceman7937 4 жыл бұрын
That's a real shame I would have wanted to know this.
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