LIVE! Black Swan Trial Day 2: Hostile Witnesses Take The Stand

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Lawyer You Know

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@jenalee76 Ай бұрын
My ex was married prior, and had a baby with another woman who had lived with him. He had NEVER hit them, but was 6’6 350 and would intimidate, and left them fearful he would hit them, but never did. Then with me, he never raised his voice to me, not once. Thought he was happy. I was. Then slowly started isolating, but never made me physically fear him. Then after a year of marriage he got drunk and beat me, and left me for dead. Didnt tell anyone cause Nobody would have believed me. I had moved to his state, so his friends Just because something hasnt happened to you or sounds possible, this shit does happens. “The nice guy” can be a monster behind closed doors.
@SacredForest347 Ай бұрын
Oh! Much agreed! I've experienced having a person I thought I knew turn into a monster. He was completely unrecognizable and it terrified me.
@jts3505 Ай бұрын
Absolutely AGREE
@evilqueenyiayia Ай бұрын
​@@SacredForest347 Me too 🤚
@Jackiedylan541 Ай бұрын
I agree, and when it happens it really is terrible because the person you thought you knew and trusted was suddenly a stranger and acted like you never met. A true psychopath! In retrospect sometimes I feel lucky I was not murdered, these things happen, look at Chris Watts
@lyndachele Ай бұрын
Took FL's required course to volunteer at a DV shelter. Abusers are going to abuse. Victims will tell you the mental/emotional abuse leaves a hole in your soul.
@stephaniegorski2177 Ай бұрын
Even in my conceal carry class, the instructor made it very clear, DO NOT SPEAK WITHOUT A LAWYER! Law enforcement can twist anything you say, and showing guilt in anyway by even saying "I'm sorry", can get you convicted
@kimdebruno Ай бұрын
@samanthahobbs8578 Ай бұрын
I completely agree. I would never ever ever speak with any police without a lawyer. And I also hate when the states tries to use a constitutional right against the defendant
@LyndaG-gx1xo Ай бұрын
I was just going to say the same thing- my CC instructor told us the same thing- don’t speak to the police without your lawyer & this instructor was a retired state police officer
@ellendickey4769 Ай бұрын
My dau is an ADA. When in law school she advised all of us to ALWAYS have an atty. if being questioned by LEOs.
@DontTrackMe6_6_6 Ай бұрын
If someone assaults you and you pull your gun and they recoil you can no longer shoot them he was shot in the side either he was fleeing or not engaging not self defense
@kellymoschonas5874 Ай бұрын
When my ex-husband physically abused me, I NEVER gave details to anyone, even when my Dad drove me to get a restraining order...
@NEprimo Ай бұрын
Yeah you were the one abused did you shoot your husband lol?
@kitspeirs9084 Ай бұрын
In that situation, you probably needed witnesses that could verify the abuse.
@MriahT-jt6uf Ай бұрын
@@kellymoschonas5874 u would’ve have to wrote in details to get a restraining order to prove the restraining order was needed
@D64nz Ай бұрын
​@@kitspeirs9084that point is, that's not how abuse works. You don't feel like you can tell everyone, let alone anyone about it.
@kitspeirs9084 Ай бұрын
@@D64nz oh I'm sorry that didn't come off right. I'm so sorry you went through that. Unfortunately, they kinda force people to have evidence to cooborate the things they are reporting but I do recognize how difficult that is.
@a_numbers_girl7025 Ай бұрын
I had something horrible happen to me. I only told the police what happened- then testified in court. I had counseling to help with my mental health and spoke with them. But I never talked about it with my mother, husband, or anyone else. Even after years, I still don’t talk about it to anyone. I know everyone is different, I just didn’t want my mother to stress about what happened to me. They obviously knew, but I didn’t want to talk about it.
@MayaGTK Ай бұрын
Might it be different if you were accused of murder, tho?
@Igotnothin_ Ай бұрын
The takeaway here is, I hope you’re healing x
@tracyhaverstick5672 Ай бұрын
That's different
@MayaGTK Ай бұрын
@@Igotnothin_ ofc agreed! Just saying in context of AB telling/not telling about murder or self defense
@Go_Ask_M0m Ай бұрын
That’s quite noble of you. Recognizing that your loved ones are likely aware of your experiences and still extending them the grace and comfort of even an iota of doubt is a remarkable act of love that not many people appreciate. Good on you, friend. It reflects a lot of elegance. In today’s climate and culture, where many are quick to play the victim over the smallest issues, this quality stands out even more.
@tracyspacey6071 Ай бұрын
As a DV survivor and a victim of post separation abuse as well as 10 years of family court I relate 100% to the defendant. I hope they have a DV expert on the stand. There is a lot of education that needs to be done about DV in this trial. The immediate inseparable honeymoon phase where he marries her immediately, her not wanting to leave the baby alone with him on that first visit, everyone seeing him as a “nice” guy, the covert abuse no one saw. 9.5 out of 10 women do not leave the father of their baby with the baby after being in love to go it alone. It’s extremely difficult to be a good mother to a toddler and pay all the bills. It’s not a first choice at all. In DV situations, men are given the benefit of the doubt, “he’s such a nice guy” “he was always cool calm and collected” (in public) and women are accused of manipulating and lying about DV and abuse to their children.
@aushiaalive Ай бұрын
Ditto. ❤❤😢😢
@BMG1995 Ай бұрын
YES them getting married so fast is immediate sign that it’s abusive. People don’t realize how big of a sign that is. She was so young and vulnerable too compared to him
@BlackStump172 Ай бұрын
@StellaKnights Ай бұрын
he probably love bombed her first then the control started , classic DV
@rhoadesequineveterinaryser1854 Ай бұрын
Everyone loved my abusive ex. Super charming, 'great' guy. He never physically assaulted me... but, he was violent and aggressive. He used fear as a tactic to control and manipulate me. You better believe I was terrified of him and his stalking for years after... Thank G-d he always did it from a distance, I don't know what would have happened if I had been cornered and couldn't escape - I remember how powerless it feels to try and get someone like that leave your own home, knowing help is too far away and they know it. Some of his other ex's weren't so lucky.
@fannygo6673 Ай бұрын
To me, all these people are proving that she was extremely afraid of him, and the more no one supported her, the more anxious she would get. When the daughter recognized the bullet and punch holes on the house, I was 1/2 convinced. The more these people talk, the more I move to her side.
@saraha7006 Ай бұрын
💯agree & feel the same.
@fynbosfairy Ай бұрын
100% She tried everything for help. This DV investigator is TOXIC!!!!
@jimmypruzzo7703 Ай бұрын
That’s me too the more the state tries to prove their case the more I moved to Defense
@Shangori Ай бұрын
I'm more than willing to say that she was scared of him and hated him. But that's not the question that needs to be answered. Was she in a position where shooting in self defense was justified? That's the question here. I'm sure as hell that he was an awful person. But does that deserve the death penalty?
@user-ki2yt6mc4p Ай бұрын
Absolutely agree with you
@janiehess8817 Ай бұрын
I think it's hard for people who aren't victims of physical or any other types of receiving threats, or even minor violence, to understand how the violence and anger builds and THE FEAR IS SO SCARY. ONCE YOU HAVE A CHILD IT IS EVEN SCARIER.
@MayaGTK Ай бұрын
V true.
@SheezaPI Ай бұрын
Exactly and you do not sit around talking about it, ever. You try your best to not ever think about it again. Been through horrendous stuff and at age 60 I was asked if I wanted therapy and I said no because I am too empathic and I’d just assimilate other people’s stories and pain. Just because you keep your mouth shut don’t mean the pain and heartache is not there.
@MriahT-jt6uf Ай бұрын
lol definitely been abused and I think it’s sad when people LIE about being abused
@Dr.Kyle-Campbell Ай бұрын
As a survivor of DV I totally understand not telling family or friends about the situation you’re in. For me the one time I spoke to anyone about it was to a friend who was a friend to both my H and I. I was made to feel like I was imagining the level of fear that I had. That he was a good person that really cared for me. Even when they knew for a fact that he had been living a duplicate life for over 19 years, they sided with him. So in this case I understand, and do not judge her for that. I watch objectively and try very hard not to form an opinion before all the evidence has been presented.
@janiehess8817 Ай бұрын
@MriahT-jt6uf I don't think she's lying but that's just me. I think it was building and building. Seeing animals abused is scary enough for me!
@LaLaLonna Ай бұрын
So far, I believe her. I am a DV survivor and almost didnt make it out @live, i only got out because of my grandmother. I think a lot of the people who dont believe her have never lived with a v*olent person - thank goodness and I hope they never do. Her being afraid to speak up in front of Doug to the therapist about his v*olence speaks volumes. She has a plan for custody and had her families help. I think she put her foot down and Doug exploded, becoming v*olent. IMO if you are a survivor you can prob see she is one as well. I see it. Thank goodness I didnt have a child with my @buser. I never called 911 or told anyone (my grandmother only found out because he acted out in front of her). ALL of his friends thought he was a WONDERFUL guy, so funny and nice. People loved him (and they still do despite knowing what he really is now). He was such a charmer in front of people. He was the "good time guy". I can only imagine if I had K*lled him the night he almost took my life that I wouldnt have been believed and its SCARY. a TON of people would have testified what a "great guy he was" and he wouldnt EVER lay a hand on me. I lived in fear for years (even a day is to long) behind close doors. Walking on egg shells and never knowing what side your are going to get from your partner is an AWFUL and a terrifying way to live. That was 15 years ago now and I still have nightmares and effects from what he did to me.
@effy_kujo Ай бұрын
@tracyhaverstick5672 Ай бұрын
Why do you believe her when the trial just began? Did you believe Amber Heard? Jodi Arias? Or the over 25 years of women that murdered the men in their lives and made false claims on "Snapped"?
@BMG1995 Ай бұрын
I agree. I went into this blind and skeptical honestly assuming she’s guilty. From day 1 of this trial, if you’ve been there you can see a lot of the clear signs.
@davinajanes6275 Ай бұрын
I have to say this, and will try without being offensive, Having been a victim does not, in any way whatsoever, give anybody any insight into other situations. Every situation is different. Just because others have NOT experienced any abuse from a partner, does not mean that their view and opinion matters any less. In a court, they look at only the facts. Anybody else's experiences doesn't lend credibility or insight to her guilt/innocence. Glad you are safe.
@BlackStump172 Ай бұрын
So far , not knowing much , the fact that she agreed with Doug in the interview is a massive red flag . She was terrified to tell the truth in front of him .
@user-to7cn9zz1j Ай бұрын
Re watch crew,, my lawyer told me don’t talk to anyone about it, bc they will depose everyone you talked to. I still have never talked about it so I can protect them.
@kimdebruno Ай бұрын
Every single person in this woman's life has been called to the stand. Guaranteed, they would have to testify about what she said. She was smart to say nothing to no one. Even her own mom.
@lhr8833 Ай бұрын
I found that horrible, but then remembered the Maya trial that they left her all those years without being able to take therapy and heal those horrible experiences.
@angiel186 Ай бұрын
LYK is my favorite channel. I like that he is not afraid to tell us his opinion even if is 'unpopular'. I like that he explains why is his opinion. Mostly I like that he really likes listening to people that think differently, we need to do more of that- Respectfully!
@nickiemccormick5392 Ай бұрын
Exactly anyone can disagree respectfully.. love this channel.
@CarolA-ww5rk Ай бұрын
Yep, my favorite too, 2nd is Lawyer Lee ​@@nickiemccormick5392
@BlackStump172 Ай бұрын
@@nickiemccormick5392Yes , no disrespect or abuse from other posters . Melanie does that too .
@mehealani1nonly Ай бұрын
Thank you Peter I rely on you to help us all!
@helensuzanne8785 Ай бұрын
I agree. The comments here are much more compassionate and thoughtful than some I’ve seen on other channels where there seems to be a massive rush to judgement- maybe partly because it’s been branded as the black swan trial?
@dazzlingextremes389 Ай бұрын
I don't think it says anything that she never said anything to anyone. I'm the type of person that shuts down completely when something traumatic happens and I don't want to talk about it. I don't want to relive it. I don't want to think about it. I don't want it brought up. I don't want to discuss it and it doesn't matter to me who it is. Closest person stranger doesn't matter changes Nothing for me. I don't want to talk about it..... So quite frankly, I think that's just a personal thing like depending on how you cope with whatever
@B_Bodziak Ай бұрын
Most victims don't tell anyone. There's a great deal of shame for the victim because you are still with your abuser. There's also the fear that whoever you tell will confront the abuser and later the abuser will take it out on the victim for talking to someone else and making them look bad.
@sngray11 Ай бұрын
As someone who experienced every type of trauma growing up by mother as well as being CSAed by her brother, being r word in college, and being in a seven year DV relationship starting when I was 23 y.o. I never talked about any of it while it was happening. It wasn’t until I was doing intensive therapy, EMDR, survivors’ workshops, etc. later on that I was able to have the strength and courage to share what I had endured and was able to begin to heal from what I had endured since I was a toddler.
@Nurturing2 Ай бұрын
I never told. I was the perfect victim. Taught at an early age to stay silent and always protect the aggressor. In fact, I didn’t (a) know I was being abused due to my family dynamic and (b) didn’t know it was unlawful for him to put his hands on me. Sad. 💔
@SendingFreedomTM Ай бұрын
@@B_BodziakIf you stay then that’s no excuse, deserved shame.
@dragonfishxx Ай бұрын
@@SendingFreedomTM That's an incredibly ignorant take. Sometimes you stay because it's the only way to protect yourself or your child from the threat getting much, much worse.
@larrye347 Ай бұрын
I was on a jury of a similar case, but instead of murdering the father, she took the child and ran. Child was less than 2 and was sure the father or grandfather was abusing the little girl, but no one believed her. She was apprehended 10 years later. We found her not guilty because we determined her intent was not to break the law, but to protect her child. Later we found out the family court in Marin County California was using corrupt practices.
@lhr8833 Ай бұрын
I would say that case is different. I’m happy the person got to escape until everything came out. More important, until the kid had enough age to talk, is frightening when they are infants and can’t tell the caretaker what the parent does.
@SheezaPI Ай бұрын
@@lhr8833 I never said bad things about my ex because I myself had those experiences about my bio dad.I hoped that my ex and his family would straighten up and they’d get to have them in their lives. It never happened. Now I look back and realize I shouldn’t have given them that false hope. They romanticized my ex and his family and my son got physically beaten and nearly killed by them as a grown man. You never know what to do.
@lhr8833 Ай бұрын
@@SheezaPI I’m sorry that happened to you. I hope this parent that was protecting their child, gave them enough confidence and value to be able to talk eventually in life. Even that is molded by our experiences. I didn’t even fully identified the abuse in my house and eventually in some relationships, but I was raised in that type of house that “we clean the dirty dishes at home”. I would guess that a parent breaking that cycle in such a bold way, hopefully prepares that child better for life. And what I meant with an age where they can talk is because even if you hope the child to tell you they are in danger, with a toddler is impossible and sometimes the court orders unsupervised visits, with a parent like that must be scary, that is what I meant, not that by default they will talk because they have the age. Hope makes sense.
@rdw2457 Ай бұрын
With all due respect, almost no one can just disappear any more… not with technologies like facial recognition, license plate readers, etc. It’s So Hard now for a single parent to protect their child from the other abusive parent. And no one has more stamina than an angry father hell bent on seeking revenge from the wife who has said, “Enough.” They’ll even kill their own child to that end. It’s a sad, sad world we live in.
@lhr8833 Ай бұрын
@@rdw2457 She is also an abuser. I think she was an abuser too, they were both toxic, but not all of her claims are convincing. A pregnant woman goes to the hospital to be induced because she is claiming her husband poisoned her with heavy metals. Are we supposed to believe the doctors didn’t test her and the baby? The doctors that are supposed to be obligatory reporters did call the police to report it? Allowed her to just go home with the baby like nothing happened? She claims he SAed the baby, are we supposed to believe she didn’t took that baby for a physical exam? When SA a child of that age can cause severe harm. And once again, the doctor didn’t reported. She created record with all the mental health providers, even went to live with one, that is unethical as heck, but nothing with medical doctors. At least hasn’t been presented or mentioned by far. Now, dad is not in the way now, that baby could be in a safe place healing. That baby is out there in the court protesting with a sign that says “keep my mommy free”. A 6 yrs old, that already has a loss and grief, being used for manipulation out of the court. The grandma today saying she couldn’t take the kid to the park earlier with the Florida heat, but out of the court in July is perfectly ok. This case is not to prove DV, is to prove she really was in danger that day, and they are all the way in the weeds, the prosecutor and the defense, both of them. There was definitely DV in that couple, from both sides.
@lorismith5369 Ай бұрын
LYK is THE channel to watch for unbiased viewing. He is a great educator about the law and a wonderful person!
@sherylrae Ай бұрын
I’m really surprised at the vitriol. She is innocent until proven. Trial isn’t over. Waiting for more evidence on both sides. Thanks Peter.
@ClaudiaGutierrez-um7ub Ай бұрын
After today state witnesses, she’s guilty!!! Need say not more
@lin-nayaloverofbeagles Ай бұрын
I feel similarly @sherylrae I do think people forget innocent until ~proven guilty~
@ordinaryhand Ай бұрын
often the things true crime people say about the defendants reveal way more about themselves than they realize.
@stephanied6451 Ай бұрын
​@@ClaudiaGutierrez-um7ubtoo soon
@BlackStump172 Ай бұрын
@@ClaudiaGutierrez-um7ubYep , too soon !
@JustMe-px9qy Ай бұрын
The fact that the cop thought she was having a massive meltdown when she didn’t get her way says a lot to me.
@apriljoy1094 Ай бұрын
Me too. It tells me they were unwilling to listen to someone claiming to be a victim
@dragonfishxx Ай бұрын
I've seen the cops behalf that way toward a victim. It's not uncommon. It tells me cops can be ignorant and or disgusting.
@sweetpea6179 Ай бұрын
Yes, she was terrified. Reminds me of Gabby Petito
@lawnerddownunder3461 Ай бұрын
​@dragonfishxx I've been on the receiving end of utter contempt and hatred from a police officer when trying to report DV. When the.cop turned nasty I requested to speak to someone else and he yelled at me that there wasnt anyone else and to go home to the abuser. I reported the cop. Then had 2 female cops turn up on my doorstep trying to badger me into leaving my poor ex alone with my complaint. I would NEVER go to the cops to report without a lawyer by my side in future.
@adamsmall5598 Ай бұрын
We've seen enough a**hole cops lately (Canton PD, anyone?) that his opinion means literally nothing to me.
@TheTrainWatch Ай бұрын
Where other people are seeing manipulation (55:23), I’m seeing appeasement. What do I say or do to limit the rage.
@lawnerddownunder3461 Ай бұрын
Itsmonemofmthe 4 reactions to danger: Fight, Flight, Freeze, or Fawn. In DV situations, fawning is the least likely to get you killed.
@itsjust_Lisa Ай бұрын
​@@lawnerddownunder3461excellent and completely accurate
@slanigrad Ай бұрын
it means you're insane. everyone sees one thing, you another.
@saterise Ай бұрын
@@slanigrad I've noticed you replying to a lot of domestic violence survivors and calling them "crazy chiks" and desperately trying to tell people things that are text book abuse arent abuse. I think you need to be looked into lol because THAT is insane behaviour.
@oc2538 Ай бұрын
Yes, and I'm not a DV victim my mom was and since I had to be around my dad I often had to appease him. Walk on eggshells and I do believe if he didn't get caught by an undercover detective hitting her in public she'd be dead. My mom never told me a thing about that incident until I was 18 and read it in a box of legal documents. Her own lawyers told her do not list the Assault and battery and threats in the divorce filing because it could make things worse. It was like a peace offering. All this to say, she reminds me of me when having to deal with toxic narcissist who won't stop until they get what they want. Also she probably was worried he'd get visitation and if I had a toddler I'd want to be there for the visitation. By playing nice she could get that as well.
@amandakayanderson5532 Ай бұрын
Speaking from someone that was in a DV situation before, you have to fake being nice and fake giving the person what they want until they are fully out of your life out of fear. So I fully believe that she wasnt manipulating anything. She just gave him what he wanted at the time because she was still scared. People dont realize that the trauma you have from your abuser doesnt just go away the minute you are away from them.
@deborahcollins5819 Ай бұрын
Absolutely. Been there. Especially with minor children. I went out of my way to be as agreeable as possible, out of fear. I stayed longer than I should have because of fear, but when I realized it became dangerous for my children, I finally found the courage to get out.
@slanigrad Ай бұрын
1000 of crazy chiks trauma dumping here,and nothing can be proved. interesting
@Nous520 Ай бұрын
I agree with this - but how can the fact that Ashley told officials she was willing to move on with Doug but to Doug was telling him she wasn’t willing to move on with him. That just doesn’t jive with me.
@Hotmamatlo Ай бұрын
After watching the defense attorney, it became clear to me that if I were to ever hire an attorney, I want to see them in action before I hire them. Your attorney represents you and definitely plays a part for the jury.
@sarahb2004 Ай бұрын
Do you know if she paid for him? Or was he court appointed? She might not have a choice
@mikeappleget482 Ай бұрын
Next to zero chance that this lawyer was court appointed. Pretty sure he’s her private attorney.
@BMG1995 Ай бұрын
YES!!! Watching a lot of these cases have made realize that.
@BMG1995 Ай бұрын
But day 2, he’s doing much better, he’s Deff not the worse I’ve seen watching these trials. I’ve seen some expensive but really bad ones.
@jenw7344 Ай бұрын
He seems so unprepared to me. Scattered.
@KL-ou9jj Ай бұрын
Thanks for the plug for paralegals! I’ve been one for 40 years! AI isn’t taking my job lol
@B_Bodziak Ай бұрын
From reading the live chat, I can see not many viewers have experience as a spouse in a household with DV. That is wonderful, but try not to believe that you know what you would or would not have done in her situation. I used to firmly believe that if someone ever laid a hand on me or even threatened to do so, that id be gone within the hour. That's not how it works in actuality. There's an entire dynamic that someone who has not experienced it as a spouse/partner firsthand can comprehend. You live on a bed of eggshells. You try to think two steps ahead at every turn trying not to do or say anything to upset your abuser because on some days just the tiniest thing can cause the abuser to go off, and something that didn't trigger the abuser yesterday does today. You are always on-guard. When you have a child to protect, your awareness is a hundred times more heightened. For those who have had a toddler it's very similar in the way you are constantly looking out for things that could harm your child. It's always a concern
@LaLaLonna Ай бұрын
I always told myself when I was younger/in my teens if a partner ever laid a hand on me I would leave immediately. Fast forward to when I was early 20s and I started getting hit by a partner I had been with for over a year. We had moved away from our families to another state. It started small...him yelling and destroying my stuff (that happened a few times before we moved), then pushing me up against a wall, squeezing me really hard, then it moved into hitting me in the face, beating my head into things, slapping me, then it moved to bitting and putting his hand over my mouth and nose so I couldn't breathe. Then he started putting his hands around my throat. He would break down crying and beg me to forgive him and help him try and work on himself. Tell me how much he loved me, how much i was his world. In the beginning, in public and about half the time in private he was such a "nice guy". Everyone thought how funny and carefree he was. How kind he was, he had a ton of friends and they loved him. I was the only one who experienced that side of him. I finally left because my grandmother came to visit. Things had gotten really bad and i begged him to be on his best behavior. Needless to say....he wasnt. She heard him hitting me. He had lost his job and had started using. He was disappearing for days at a time...letting dealers borrow his car/drive them around and racking up a huge debt on the credit card his mom had given us for emergencies. He had put her in debt $5000 so fast/before she realized. That week was the week she cut his $ off so he was really angry. He finally calmed down and said he wanted to move back home too to get away from the environment he was in. Stupid me believed him and let him pack his stuff and ride with me for the 7 hour journey back home. I also did it because I loved his mom and she begged me to bring him home so she could put him in treatment. So I did. What I didn't know was he has a plan to k*ll us both or at least himself on the drive home. When we got on the highway (with my grandmother following in her own car) he began to grab at the wheel to try and wreck us while I was going 70 mph. I was able to fend him off, I still don't know how and thats when he started be@ting my head into the driver's side window and ripping the stero out of my car and all of my dashboard off. We were going through a construction zone so I couldn't pull over right away. He then started opening his door to jump out so I'm trying to drive with injuries while holding his shirt as hard as I could. As I went to finally be able to pull over I was surrounded by state police. My grandmother and another person driving saw what was happening and called the police. He tried to run but didn't get far. My point is no one knew...I never called the cops, I never told friends of family and im SO SO lucky I made it out with my life.
@karenrose1336 Ай бұрын
People like Amber Heard & what she accused Johnny Depp of make people doubt if these accusations are really true. People have become more skeptical!
@crikeyscreates Ай бұрын
No-one knows what it's like until they suffer it. I'm 7 weeks out of an 18 year relationship. This is the 6th time I've attempted to leave. Hopefully this time works ❤
@missm108 Ай бұрын
Exactly it starts small - small things here and there I used to brush off but it all adds up in the end and it’s more the just physical- I used to have a bug out bag in my car in case I needed to leave with nothing and some nights I did need to used it for extra shoes or clothing
@BearSiren Ай бұрын
He didn’t isolate her. She accused him of things over and over which were unfounded. She married him after 13 days and had a baby because she thought he was rich. I’m trying to keep an open mind but I think a lot of people are bias towards her because of their own circumstances.
@Floridafanatic28 Ай бұрын
Most DV victims don't want to talk about it because that means they have to relive it through their words. It's exhausting to live through once, then relive it by explaining yourself (and that's what it feels like, an explanation, when you decide to tell someone) and then the fear of wondering if anyone truly believes you. Anyone who can't understand why she wouldn't tell her mother clearly has never been a victim of any type of DV, physical, mental or even just verbal.
@BlackStump172 Ай бұрын
Victims also feel shame .
@lollylolly8186 Ай бұрын
Plus they believe no one will believe them, as we see in this trial so far.
@LilTex0825 Ай бұрын
And what if it gets back to him? There will be hell to pay
@sarabrown7488 Ай бұрын
Yes also after being in it for so long and being made to believe you’re the problem. You kind of start to believe that as well. So you feel guilty and like it was all your fault. Being exhausted and so traumatized you block it out. And don’t remember every single thing that was said and done. Unless you write it down and that can be dangerous
@TheTrainWatch Ай бұрын
1:02:58 - not just that she was frustrated no one was believing her, but even a feeling of being alone which I think goes to the battered wife syndrome argument.
@paranrmlgrl Ай бұрын
Re: the psychological evaluation - of course she’s going to be different when he’s there as opposed to when she’s alone! I was abused for years and I did the same thing and got blasted for it. When my ex was around, I’d say things about working things out because it was safer. When he wasn’t, I would talk about wanting out. After I left with my kids, people said that I never said anything! Well when I did, it wasn’t around them because I didn’t feel safe. I didn’t want him to know I wanted to leave. If she was really being abused, then this makes perfect sense to me.
@heatherhapgood6235 Ай бұрын
It is extremely common for DV victims not to tell anyone, including their mother...believe me...
@LilMent-kt2mp Ай бұрын
Yes I believe you been there
@whitneyhall2443 Ай бұрын
Yes so often it's embarrassing to even think about let alone tell people you trust.
@effy_kujo Ай бұрын
@effy_kujo Ай бұрын
Not only is it embarrassing, but sometimes they also don't say anything you already don't know or understand how impossible it is for you to get out of your situation. I had to stop telling my sister anything about my situation & now I just say things are fine.
@dragonfishxx Ай бұрын
I talk about it a lot, online. With people I don't know. I've talked about it with a couple of people in real life, but not all the details. My mother doesn't know any of it. We dont have that kind of relationship. Even when I talked to her or saw her regularly & she only lived a few blocks away.
@louizianna80 Ай бұрын
I’ve worked in domestic abuse in the UK for a number of years. My job is to risk assess victims who are at the highest risk of serious harm or homicide, and work with police and other professionals to reduce that risk. I deal with male and female victims. The list of behaviours the defense read out, at opening, would immediately put Ashley in the category of being at high risk of serious harm or homicide from Doug. He used a lot of coercive control which is present in a very high number of domestic homicides. When they first got together he asserted control quickly by trapping her in the relationship, they got married quick and she got pregnant quick. That creates a tie between them both that is hard to escape from. Having a baby means that Doug would have a legitimate reason to be in Ashley’s life for the next 18 years. The courts made it even harder for Ashley to escape the abuse by ordering her to let Doug have child contact. Ashley probably wanted to be present during contact as she knew how dangerous Doug was, and she wanted to protect her child. Maintaining a relationship with Doug, whilst not living with him allowed her to placate him and also to feel like she was protecting her child. Domestic homicides can occur without a history of physical violence in the relationship. The majority of domestic homicides occur when the abuser feels they are losing control of their victim. They see their victim as their possession not their equal. Abusers often resort to violence when psychological and emotional abuse doesn’t work. Doug controlled Ashley by putting her in fear of violence. - He shot a firearm in the house - He threw a firearm at her - He punched holes into walls - He showed what he could do to her, without actually doing it. - He beat the dog unconscious. Doing this to an animal, that has obviously done nothing to deserve it, shows that he is more than capable of doing it to a human who he perceives may have done him an injustice. He displayed stalking behaviour - He put tracker on her car - Followed her - Loitered outside her house at night. This shows that he is obsessed with her, he is spending a lot of his time thinking about her. Stalking is a very high risk behaviour and is a commonly occurring factor in domestic homicides. Doug put Ashley in constant fear, she was likely experiencing constant feelings of hyper-vigilance which can make a person click into fight or flight response a lot quicker, and a lot more often, than someone who isn’t living in fear. Doug has a history of domestic abuse. Perpetrators of domestic abuse are abusive in all romantic relationships. If they’ve done it before they will continue to do it in future relationships unless they get help to change their behaviour. Many don’t believe they need help, they refuse to take accountability for their actions and therefore they don’t change.
@jackjon7763 Ай бұрын
In America courts tend to almost always give protective orders to women when they allege abuse. The fact the judge didn’t go with it makes me think there is more to this story than we currently know. The judge had to of had proof or something that made that judge believe Doug was not a threat at all to grant visitation
@Mel-pz2jh Ай бұрын
As a DV survivor, I am saddened by the amount of people, just these comments alone, who have experienced the same thing. I'm proud of you all for surviving. It takes a long time to get your life back. ❤
@janiehess8817 Ай бұрын
Please keep following. It's so important for victims of even minor abuse because it can turn to something more serious SO FAST
@sarahhyskell9473 Ай бұрын
A serious boyfriend of mine pulled a gun on me and it’s a fear that never leaves you. No matter what happens as the relationship you always know that person is capable of killing you.
@PattyD-rn19 Ай бұрын
She was clearly afraid of this guy…rightfully so
@googie1741 Ай бұрын
An apology from the Defense would have been the appropriate response to Judge.
@auntkaz815 Ай бұрын
Agreed. It was unprofessional and disrespectful. The professional and respectful thing to do when called out on it would have been to apologize.
@chaseskinner98 Ай бұрын
Man, it’s so wild reading these comments. For any woman to have ever experienced DV, my heart breaks for you. I have two daughters of my own, and reading/seeing how common it is for this to happen is shocking and scares the living hell out of me. No one is deserving of such vile treatment, and I hope every abuser experiences that ten fold.
@whitneyhall2443 Ай бұрын
I know the comments are breaking my heart. I'm thankful there's places like this where people can be heard and believed. The system is messed up I'm sending hugs ❤️
@brrk7710 Ай бұрын
I can’t imagine having a partner fire a gun at the ceiling to get me to stop talking - that is insane…. The most dangerous time for DV victim is when u are trying to leave relationship - was likely scared out of her mind. Also -rings true that Doug was using child just to stay on AB life
@lindsayder Ай бұрын
The cps, law enforcement or a judge not believing someone about abuse should be taken skeptically considering the numerous examples where people tried to get help and they were ignored and they just ended up abused or dead. Happens all the time.
@reasonable342 Ай бұрын
What also happens all the time is one parent kills the other parent due to custody issues (and/or child support). Anyone heard of the Adelsons??!!
@halfirish8056 Ай бұрын
@sueevans608 Ай бұрын
It is just that DB isn’t here to tell his side of the story…and I just don’t believe everything AB and her attorney have said.
@StellaKnights Ай бұрын
when something traumatic happens to you its often difficult if not impossible to speak about it to those close to you , also she may have been told by her lawyer not to talk to her family and friends as it could be used against her at trial.
@SacredForest347 Ай бұрын
What if she was so traumatized she couldn't deal with reliving the moment?? Some people can't even open up to their closest confidants!! Thanks for covering this LYK!!! ❤
@lillyshaw9439 Ай бұрын
@sngray11 Ай бұрын
💯%! 🎯
@MayaGTK Ай бұрын
Yes agreed except she’s on trial for murder, u know?
@brittabby Ай бұрын
Thank you! This trial isn't interesting enough for me to want to watch live; don't know what it is...BUT I WILL WATCH ALL OF YOUR RECAPS!!!
@shewolfdanielle32 Ай бұрын
I HATE that they are using "no one believed her" as proof that no abuse was occurring. It seems so frequent to me that abusers 100% behave differently in public than in private, and so "no one believes" abuse is happening because "he's such a nice guy." Abusers knowingly do this for this very reason. Also, how often have women been discounted and disbelieved when an abuse happens? This sounds so much like the "what was she wearing?" defense. In fact, if people were ignoring her pleas for help all along, this may be why she was at her wits end and how it got to the point of her having to shoot him to protect herself, because the law and law enforcement wouldn't believe her and wouldn't help. I've not heard the full case, so I'm not saying I'm sure she's innocent/a DV victim/had engaged in self-defense. I have not made up my mind about whether she's guilty or not. I'm just saying, I hate that they're using "no one believed her" as evidence. It's terrible evidence, and highly offensive to me.
@lidarandolph8322 Ай бұрын
Great analysis of today’s trial, Peter! Not relevant to the case, but why is Ashley referred to as a ballerina, when she never danced for a professional dance company? I hate how the media decides to call this murder case The Black Swan, just for more attention. Makes me sick!
@Georgia-i8k Ай бұрын
I think because her and her husband owned a dance company or a dance studio?
@sngray11 Ай бұрын
I noticed that as well. I think they call it the Black Swan trial because they were going to open a dance studio together, not because of her personal ballet skills or lack thereof.
@Sleepingsparklegirl Ай бұрын
Some people don’t want to talk about their recent trauma to anyone. So there’s that argument as well. I thought with the idea of the husband dropping her off at her mothers leaves me questioning if he was that possessive of her then why was he cool with her staying with her Mother?
@shkrjam84 Ай бұрын
Watching your daily recap after I stream each full day. Here are my thoughts so far: - for me, the “take matters in my own hands” was related to the plan to establish residency in Maryland and appeal to legal measures there for relief in the custody battle. Felt like a point for the defense, for me. - the state’s witnesses that testified to “one way alone and one way with Doug,” through their own words to clarify the differences only affirm the defense’s theory that she was appeasing Doug and trying to put off more serious discussions of reconciliation but wasn’t doing so very forcefully in front of Doug…which can go to either theory of 1) trying to manipulate Doug to get what she wanted, or 2) Doug was abusive and she was trying to get along and not rock the boat because by virtue of having a child together and the way the courts were going, she was going to have to have ties to him. And let’s be 100% clear - physical hitting, kicking, pushing, slapping, choking…none of that is necessary to be abusive and intimidate a partner. If the allegations of punching walls and shooting the ceiling, etc are accurate, those are prime examples of intimidation tactics and inability to effectively regulate anger. - to the above point, state’s witness confirming Ashley’s report of fear that the report coming out would disparage Doug and he would retaliate. Point for the defense. - I believe the prosecution opened the door to allowing in Doug’s admissions to above acts in deposition by letting her witness, Doug’s attorney, go so far into her opinion of truth of events (can’t remember words defense used, not narrative but something similar). I think they opened the door and defense should have been able to get into the deposition. Wonder if the defense can get it in another way. If Doug admitted to those behaviors of intimation and violence, the state is going to have a hard time proving motive.
@susanjanec Ай бұрын
The defense made it seem like Ashley was moving to Maryland and her husband was so obsessed with her that he was following her. Ashley’s mom said he was moving to Maryland because he got his dream job. I just found that odd.
@NiknNoodles Ай бұрын
Weird he was looking for his dream job in Maryland. She was trying to get away from him and once again he was following her.
@sunshinemitch Ай бұрын
@@susanjanec but they were all packing up together. She was out on her own with her mom. If her mom thought he was so bad she would not leave the house ever. If he was so bad and he didn’t live with her then do t talk to him or have him over to the house. You have to go by the findings of family court. They were in favor of Doug. I find the police and family counselors all credible and did their job. What she said does not hold the truth it’s one sided. He is 30 yrs older with a recorded?? He has lived life longer if guilty of something it would be documented somewhere. You have to go by the evidence m. She shit him dead. If reverse I believe a man would go to jail no matter what.
@slanigrad Ай бұрын
​@@NiknNoodles interesting how you cone to conclusions without any proof.. you are one of those who will shoot or jail a man after a night didnt go the same as you imagined 😂
@Nous520 Ай бұрын
@@sunshinemitchwhat I can’t get over is the fact that Ashley was telling officials that we was willing to work on the relationship but telling Doug that they were not getting back together in private. If she was “going along to get along” due to fear of Doug, as the defence claims- surely she would be telling Doug she was working on the relationship and privately telling the officials no, I don’t want to work on this relationship but I’m afraid to tell him. I don’t believe she was afraid of him. I think they were both as bad as each other and were a toxic match.
@sandytexiera7267 Ай бұрын
@@Nous520. I believe you reversed that. She was telling the truth when alone with the professionals and placating when he was present.
@C_Dutton920 Ай бұрын
ps I really like this Judge! He seems respectful, gives instructions to everyone and is very direct.
@missusfeugill Ай бұрын
Everything about this appears like someone who was intimidated and feared reaction by a partner. Idk enough of the evidence yet but I sure keep stopping every so often and wonder how something doesn’t scream abuse or intimidation to everyone, but especially the state.
@erynmorgan1717 Ай бұрын
Thank you Peter for your anaylsis, keeping it respectful and avoiding all the vitriol that is out there with this case. To me, so far, the Prosecution has not proved their case, if anything the more I hear the more I am shocked by what the narrative has been in not only the prosecutions case but in the media and socials too. Thank you for keeping it classy!!
@user-mn447 Ай бұрын
Love your insight and thoughts. I’m coming in unbiased, and I’m not convinced yet that she did it maliciously.
@apriljoy1094 Ай бұрын
Not talking is an entirely reasonable reaction. It can take time to process and victims can be embarrassed
@Hadacattoo2 Ай бұрын
Why is everything "heresay" when the witness is asked for what they themselves actually said, not what someone else said?
@darter81 Ай бұрын
Because the definition of hearsay is any out-of-court statement offered for the truth of the matter asserted (with various exceptions and exclusions). It's a very popular misconception that if the witness was the person who made or heard the out-of-court statement that it isn't hearsay (because that's how we use the term colloquially).
@Hadacattoo2 Ай бұрын
@@darter81 5 appreciate the info!thank you!
@bettyglow Ай бұрын
I do not find it surprising she did not talk to her mom or friend about what happened. In fact, not talking about it gives credibility to battered spouse. We don’t want to share trauma because we don’t want to relive it.
@mirandaajames Ай бұрын
That woman was her psychotherapist. Ashley told her everything about the alleged DV but nothing about the shooting. She also moved her into her house for 9 months. Pretty sure it’s unethical to be this involved in a client’s personal life but that’s just me.
@rebeccadobbs5277 Ай бұрын
Thus in a dv relationship there is so much shame.
@fernandaolivares7926 Ай бұрын
The doctor saying Doug was more interested in getting her back than on the child is huge. That's when children are in danger of being hurt or used just to hurt their mothers. She truly believed this was the case and that is why she tried to apease him.
@reasonable342 Ай бұрын
This is what Ashley told him… it was not his personal opinion….
@fernandaolivares7926 Ай бұрын
​​@@reasonable342And yet all of her actions and plans were consistent with that position. She was pretty consistent through the whole thing.
@jackjon7763 Ай бұрын
And wouldn’t getting back with the child’s mother mean getting the child back too? Like that doesn’t automatically mean Doug is willing to kill the kid to get back with his ex.
@harrisonhanson2998 Ай бұрын
I think she actually not only listens to her lawyers but does what they tell her to do by not talking about the night it happened she’s following her lawyers advice. It’s a valid excuse that she believes “loose lips sing ships”, bc it does.
@crikeyscreates Ай бұрын
She's a ballerina, they are very disciplined. If she's given advice she would follow it.
@LadyDragonborn Ай бұрын
I get 100% why kept quiet about the facts of the case to friends and family. I don’t hold that against her at all.
@sallycinnamon5370 Ай бұрын
@@harrisonhanson2998 plus she has been dealing with lawyers continually for years. She knows every word can be thrown in her face…it probably happened continually in family court. Those courts are vicious to litigants.
@SeluthinMomma Ай бұрын
​@crikeyscreates 100%.
@christygray5353 Ай бұрын
It’s so gross how people have dug their heals in about her being a manipulative and 20 something evil master mind. I listened to alll the hype before the trial and now listening to this I’m definitely leaning towards battered wife and the system failed her. Hello how often do we hear about CPS failures
@themonkeypuzzle Ай бұрын
Thanks, Peter! So glad you're invested in this. I am grateful for your take and will appreciate watching with you. This Doug guy ... If someone testifies that he punched a dog unconscious?? Well, let's just say my opinion about what happened to him is officially Politically Incorrect. Enough said. 🇨🇦🙏
@user-vv7ze9ii1t Ай бұрын
they should have a Battered Syndrome expert on the stand.... I think it would answer a lot of questions.
@tracyreed1857 Ай бұрын
I agree. And after watching the Marsha Thompson case I feel without a doubt, the Expert would have absolutely not found this woman to be identified as having battered spouse syndrome whatsoever.
@addatewcents715 Ай бұрын
Re-Watch Crew. I hate I missed the live. But thanks for all you do.
@patactually Ай бұрын
In the same boat as you. Just missed it
@josefinasoderholm6488 Ай бұрын
About not talking about what happened. It’s not uncommon to not wanting to/ being able to talk about a trauma. I work with kids/teens who have experienced trauma. It can take years before they talk about what happened.
@steelhurricane4041 Ай бұрын
She told her mom. She's not traumatized. I don't buy it.
@steelhurricane4041 Ай бұрын
She told her mom. She's not traumatized. I don't buy it.
@josefinasoderholm6488 Ай бұрын
@@steelhurricane4041 didn’t her mom just testify that she didn’t?! And, how do you know that she isn’t traumatized? Do you know her? Have you met her? Talked to her? What degree/experience do you have?
@lisolette1 Ай бұрын
I didn’t speak on any of the abuse I incurred until my fifties I’m still processing it …and I’m 62 now
@lollylolly8186 Ай бұрын
I worked with Rape Survivors, we’d have women come after 20 years to tell their story. Not for legal reasons but to understand how much the trauma affected them.
@julsvern7779 Ай бұрын
Im excited, I get to be like a juror who hasn't heard of this case. So tempted to Google it but want to see how I do with no bias or pre judgement.
@lawnerddownunder3461 Ай бұрын
It's a great opportunity to learn critical thinking skills, maintaining impartiality, looking at facts alone and recognising personal bias. These things are valuable life skills and should be taught in schools
@misskhalia Ай бұрын
I haven’t agreed with a lot of the judges rulings on objections (particularly the ones going against the defense) but I do think the judge is trying to be fair.
@rileyallen489 Ай бұрын
My first thought was that she wasn't talking because her lawyer told her not to. Tbh, if I had a friend on trial for self defense, I'd tell them not to tell me anything, too. My bigger issue is the prosecutor asking in the first place. I remember the Kyle Rittenhouse judge going ballistic when Binger started edging into Kyle's post arrest silence. What you didn't say shouldn't be held against you in court, and I have a big issue with that. I understand that only technically applies to the cops, but still. So many people have an instant bias against a defendant when they find out they got a lawyer and kept their mouth shut.
@MayaGTK Ай бұрын
But I don’t think she was arrested right away, right? She spoke w her mom before? Idk
@rileyallen489 Ай бұрын
@@MayaGTK From the sounds of it, she wasn't. But my personal opinion is that most courts take the spirit of constitutional protections very seriously because any chance of undue prejudice is a problem. I'm not a lawyer, so I could be wrong on the technicality of it, but it seems logical to me that it's improper for a prosecutor to insinuate that silence is evidence of guilt. The prejudice appears to far outweighs any possible probative value.
@snuzie421 Ай бұрын
I'm a DV surveror and it took me years to get away from him even after him almost killing me 4 times. The police wouldn't enforce my restraining order, because of his lies, it was so sad. Abuse men hyde their behavior and put on the nice, respectful husband, in front of others. I NEVER burse and he knew it, but after he broke my arm after finding out he cheated, I would have rather die than to live under him another day! I feel so sorry for this gal!!
@jd9199 Ай бұрын
I'm really leaning self defense after the 2nd day. Still waiting for the state to prove otherwise
@SendingFreedomTM Ай бұрын
When you shoot someone and there’s motive it’s murder. In this case the defendant actually has to show they acted in self defense. The state doesn’t need to prove there is no way they acted in self defence. It’s kind of a weird situation
@SendingFreedomTM Ай бұрын
Hey friend I searched it up to double check what I said was truthful. In the US if manslaughter is proven or accepted to be true, the burden of proof for self defence lies on the defendant to provide sufficient evidence that they acted in self defence. They must show reasonable evidence that they acted in self defence. Then, if there is reasonable evidence of self defence, it is up to the prosecution to prove they did not act in self defense beyond a reasonable doubt. So I think everyone here are missing the legal importance of these situations. Otherwise someone could claim they acted in self defense and many times it would be impossible to disprove that claim in any cold blooded murder. It’s a weird situation because manslaughter is manslaughter you broke the law either way. Self defense isn’t proof you didn’t commit the crime, it is a potential remediation for the crime. You still committed it and so the regular burden of proof applies to manslaughter. The exception for self defense has different burden requirements. Its also not well defined what needs to be shown to count as evidence of self defence but typically it needs to be pretty hard evidence that you could look at and say “yeah that would usually only happen in self defence”.
@rhondathompson5082 Ай бұрын
Abuse is often hidden! No one always knows what's going on in a marriage unless they're in the marriage!
@crikeyscreates Ай бұрын
I do wish you'd played the bit where the defence read out the document saying that the hearing on the 30th was categorically only dealing with the injunction, not the psych evaluation. I was late to the live and I felt people in chat just weren't understanding how much his solicitor lied.
@googleuser2226 Ай бұрын
That email means nothing. There could have been other emails indicating differently. It's going to be addressed later.
@crikeyscreates Ай бұрын
​@@googleuser2226sorry how do you know? I've watched the whole trial so far.
@googleuser2226 Ай бұрын
@@crikeyscreates how do I know what? That it is going to be addressed later? Because that's what played out in court today. Did you not see the judge order some documents unsealed? Did you not see the prosecution say they hadn't seen the emails and didn't know if defense had given to them in discovery because what the defense gave them was a huge unlabeled mess??? Just because one line in one email said that doesn't mean it was fact. The person could have been misinformed, or things could have changed after that email was sent.
@crikeyscreates Ай бұрын
@@googleuser2226 yes I saw that, like I said.
@reasonable342 Ай бұрын
She didn’t lie. She explained that the defense attorney had not seen all the emails which explained the change of focus for the Sept 30 hearing.
@daniellem905 Ай бұрын
The thing about the dog would make up my mind. Self defense. 🤬
@LilMent-kt2mp Ай бұрын
And 13yr old cat. If a person abuses animals they will abuse humans
@linh9768 Ай бұрын
Did this get heard by the jury?
@kimdebruno Ай бұрын
What thing about the dog and cat? I don't believe this has come out at trial.
@fernandaolivares7926 Ай бұрын
Anyone who punches a golden retriever like that, is a danger to society. I left a man who raised his hand at my dog, didn't even touch her, next words he heard were "go pack your shit and get out of my house".
@kategreen641 Ай бұрын
@JRoChi Ай бұрын
The cops thought Gabby Petito was just having a meltdown and a day later, she was murdered.
@steel5791 Ай бұрын
It's very encouraging that we have a defendant who is smart enough to follow her lawyer's advice. Of course the average juror might hold this to be suspicious, but I'm hopeful that the growing awareness of law enforcement likelihood of 'twisting' EVERYTHING will make the jury accept this as the proper course for her. ALWAYS get a lawyer if you're being questioned by the 'thin-blue-line', which is actually 'thick-as-thieves'.
@tracyspacey6071 Ай бұрын
That attorney Stephanie Murphy drove me nuts. She was so emotional about the deceased husband. Then rolled her eyes and smirked constantly. She also kept editorializing, ex. the “UNFOUNDED” allegations, the defendant “looked at me with a horrible expression,” the defendant wanted to go with the baby and I thought that was ridiculous. She was so haughty and disrespectful. She kept going on rants. The defense attorney said he had the same problem with her in deposition. She was WAY too over invested with her client. He manipulated that attorney most likely by flattering her and flirting with her. That’s what abusers do. Also, the defendant does not present as psychopathic or mentally unstable at all in her demeanor in court nor according to what witnesses said.
@sueevans608 Ай бұрын
Why isn’t she allowed to tell what she knows about the case. She has additional information about what happened and some of the defendant’s behavior. To me she shed some light on the defendant’s manipulative behavior.
@dragonfishxx Ай бұрын
Yes! I thought the same thing! 'oh, he was flattering her & showing her his most galant self until he died. Probably flirting with her & telling her everything she's ever wanted to hear about herself." I know that's pure speculation, but the way she was acting, the way she was defensive of him to that degree. I don't trust her take at all.
@tracyspacey6071 Ай бұрын
@@dragonfishxx controlling men are so good at lovebombing their female attorneys. You could tell she felt they had a special connection and he was the poor victim.
@BlackStump172 Ай бұрын
That lawyer is disgusting . She is combative and smirking . I am shocked . She is showing appalling bias .
@sueevans608 Ай бұрын
@@BlackStump172 or she’s just smarter than AB’s lawyer and knows exactly what was going on. She was actually involved in the custody/co parenting/divorce cases…not like him who wasn’t there and only has AB’s version of events. She tried to explain, more than once, about what happened with the Sept 30 hearing and he just didn’t understand!
@Chilisparkinglot Ай бұрын
Hold up, grandma, left the house knowing Doug was there, they were not scared of him
@dragonfishxx Ай бұрын
I assure you, that doesn't mean anything.
@slanigrad Ай бұрын
good catch!
@sarahbethxoxo Ай бұрын
while it’s not uncommon for people with a history of DV/SA to not talk to people about it, i don’t believe for one second that ashley has NEVER talked to her mom about the shooting. they’re extremely close and her mom is helping raise ashley & doug’s daughter. i definitely think her mom lied about that. 🤷🏼‍♀️
@BlackStump172 Ай бұрын
I believe her because her daughter was told not to do so by her lawyer . I will bet that she told the mother as well .
@76rstump Ай бұрын
Speaking only for myself. As a victim, I never told my mother everything that happened. I didn't want her to know the pain I went thru. I knew it would hurt her 😢
@hollyvickers2497 Ай бұрын
There are a lot of abuse victims who aren't believed because they aren't a "perfect victim" or the abuse is not enough yet. My friend went through it, none of the agencies believed her and they accused her of manipulating the court system. It wasn't until he almost klled her that they finally did something. Up until then he used the kids as a means to stalk and continue to abuse her. It's heartbreaking and I think it happens way more than ppl realize. It sounds like that could be the case here.
@shadoejones3288 Ай бұрын
My story: DV survivor and a child of an abusive alcoholic who witnessed my mother’s abuse. Everyone knew it was going on, and no one helped us. I didn’t tell my friends as a child out of embarrassment and continued that as an adult. For everyone who has never had a gun put to your head and threatened, or shown a gun, that is threatening and very frightening. No bruises, nothing visible but I can tell you the treat is real. Also the repercussion from telling is so much worse. Unfortunately the DV investigator is a HUGE reason many do not come forward. I have had many encounters with people like him. He should be fired. No compassion, no caring. The example I give someone who says this was extreme and she didn’t have to kill him. First THOUSANDS of women die at the hands of their abusive husbands,so you would rather she be dead? I dragged my sister from her home, with a bruised eye and swollen face, she was shaking so bad, her body shook mine. She said, he has a gun and he’s gonna shoot me if I try to leave. I kept walking and dragging her, and thought we were both going to be shot, but there comes a time when you just snap and have to say stop. I will no longer live in fear. Lastly, there is ample research that has a direct link between animal cruelty and violence against humans. To throw a cat against a wall, to punch a dog so hard to knock him out, these are intimidation tactics AND show violence towards humans. So far, iMO not guilty. The state has not proven guilt or motive.
@jenjacobs3894 Ай бұрын
I feel this in my soul, but I was not the child. I was the wife. For 15 years I never told a soul, I masked “happy go lucky family”. It wasn’t until a police officer just happened to drive by our house and stopped- he was off duty. I promised the officer we were just arguing and nothing physical, he didn’t believe me, but had no evidence to do anything legally about it. The officer did tell him he would be better off leaving, because I was now his best friend and he would be at my house everyday and would be over for dinner and coffee every night. If it weren’t for that officer, I honestly believe he would have killed me eventually. You can only have a gun held to your head before the trigger actually gets pulled. I finally spoke about it, during our custody fight. If for some reason, I would have been able to get to the firearm first, I would immediately ask for a lawyer and followed his advice to a T. It’s been over 20 years and when the very few random times I’ve seen him since then (life events for our adult children), I still have panic attacks and hide in other rooms. I’m still scared of him.
@Nurturing2 Ай бұрын
@@jenjacobs3894PTSD is real. My heart aches for you!!! 💔
@pauletteverrette4002 Ай бұрын
​@jenjacobs3894 that is horrible glad you got out
@pauletteverrette4002 Ай бұрын
Glad you were able to get out alive
@lhr8833 Ай бұрын
Mine wasn’t a firearm, was a hammer in my head while grabbing me by the hair, my mom. I had stayed with her even as an adult because felt so responsible for her emotions and for her, that night was the night I opened my eyes. Slept with my keys under my body terrified and the next morning packed my stuff and left. I do think he is abusive, however I’m mad with her too. IDK if this is your experience, but I had a physically absent dad and emotionally absent mom, my heart breaks when I see children in any type of danger. Ashley says she already had some experience, at least with abandonment, but she accepted to marry with this man that was obviously abandoning, at minimum, emotionally his daughter that was already grieving another parental loss. Ashley could not understand her trauma and made her life impossible too, she took part of that and wasn’t bothered when Eva was the minor in that house. Yesterday her lawyer used Eva in the cross to enter the abuse, to a point that Eva found out about the protection order right on the stand. I think she has to agree with the defense strategy, and once again showed she doesn’t care about that other victim. She is using her own 6 yrs old daughter, instead of sheltering her from this, has her protesting out of the court. For me Ashley is abusive too. She cares only about her trauma. As someone that got to fear for my life in a few events, I think she is abusive and manipulative. Of course, she could have been defending herself, this case is not a case to prove DV, is about what happened that night and she could have been defending herself that night, but showing she can be manipulative could hurt her.
@ladyheathee Ай бұрын
I think that all the professionals not believing has the possibility to go the other way where if she really was being abused and no one believed her who was there to help her?
@whitneyhall2443 Ай бұрын
Oh you guys, these comments are heart breaking. Im sending love and hugs to all tfhe women out there who have had to experience dv. Im glad theres spaces to share like. We aren't alone. Im sending so many virtual hugs. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
@slanigrad Ай бұрын
i send hugs to all innocent victims of Murder ...
@dionjohnson7643 Ай бұрын
I think before I learned about the laws I wouldn’t have understood her not listening to her attorneys advice to not talk about the case. But the last couple of years I’ve been fastened with the judicial system because my daughter has had a pretty rough time unnecessarily getting justice and I’ve been compelled to understand more about the law. Now, I understand my civil liberties and completely understand her not talking about the case with anybody by her attorneys advice.
@llee1533 Ай бұрын
Always get a lawyer innocent/guilty .
@michelletaylor4211 Ай бұрын
I have been watching trials for years. If there is anything I have learned, never ever speak to any law enforcement officer without an attorney, period... when they say anything you say can and will be used against you is not a lie. They can, and they will! Bluntly, shut up, and ask to call your attorney.
@BentleyBooBoo Ай бұрын
Why is she having her daugjter standing outside the courtroom holding a sign
@harrisonhanson2998 Ай бұрын
I actually DO like the defense attorney. He’s a pittbull & he needs to be to be an effective defender/advocate. Also I know it’s sped up but I don’t trust Doug’s former lawyers constant blinking.
@christineniering1233 Ай бұрын
Thanking you Peter for this. Am super absorbed in this case. Worked as a dance practitioner for survivors of D.A. and can see, from the evidence so far that Ashley was constantly placating and trying to protect herself and her child as best she could from that abusive man. Living in fear..walking on eggshells. Will be interesting to see who the State brings up today to support their misplaced theory.😊🙏
@janealveyharris2433 Ай бұрын
To those who are so quick to decide she was manipulative: I’m glad you’ve never lived in terror of your abuser.
@JustMe-px9qy Ай бұрын
I’ve never lived in terror of anyone. I can’t begin to imagine how frightening that would be. That being said…I don’t believe Ashley.
@janealveyharris2433 Ай бұрын
@@JustMe-px9qy that’s cool. I respect that. I’m just pointing out that people who have lived with that terror think and respond differently than people who have not, which may be why so many people have already decided she is guilty before all the evidence has been presented. You haven’t been in that situation so you can’t relate to or understand why she might have behaved the way she did. I’m not saying she’s innocent. I’m saying that you may think you know what’s reasonable or appropriate, but unless you’ve been there, you don’t know.
@SendingFreedomTM Ай бұрын
Well just as someone can live under the terror of an abuser, one can be killed by their abuser and then that abuser could claim the person they killed attacked them. PLENTY of women are hidden manipulators it’s an epidemic. My ex was a liar and she accused me of abuse, sexual assault, and rape. I have NO doubt that she could easily be a cold blooded killer. It’s bias and sexist to unfairly defend her. If you kill someone you killed them. We need evidence it was self defense or proof there was abuse at least. Murder is murder instead of being an evil witch you can walk (or run) away and fall the cops. This isn’t the ancient age, there are expectations to uphold. Just like she gets a fair trial he gets fair justice for his death. I hate seeing so many people talk about how they were abused and justifying her as if there is strong evidence for that. Sure, those things DO happen. But that is no more likely than her being a cold blooded manipulative killer. The absolute worst part is how bad or an epidemic this fake victim shit is. Don’t project your experience onto another woman, she must show she did so in self defence. It’s so sexist to believe a woman because she’s a woman and assume the guy was the bad guy. There are MORE female abusers than male abusers, it’s just skewed because female abusers lie and manipulate to ruin lives and torture. Just as what she did totally makes sense for self defence, what she did was equally if not more likely to have been a cold blooded murder. It could be somewhere in between. But all these sob stories are fucking pointless and they encourage and feed abusive women to lie. That’s why there’s such an epidemic of false rape claims. You are basically telling any woman she can shoot her husband take all his money for his life and then claim self defense.
@sandrad4099 Ай бұрын
I've been fortunate enough never tò have suffered DV, but I believe her. And, watching how 'professionals' treated her I am so thankful that I have never needed help.
@HailDanielle Ай бұрын
I’ve suffered DV and I don’t believe her. In fact, I was abused from a young age into my teens. And then had an abusive partner for 5 years. Depp V. Heard showed us that women can be abusive too. Neither of them were right in the head after getting married less than two weeks of knowing each other.
@horse_chick Ай бұрын
I’m so glad you do these videos. It’s so good to watch them and know the breakdowns without having to hear all of the cussing! So unprofessional and annoying. No need of the language, imo. Thanks again!
@user-pt2gy3gw2z Ай бұрын
I never thought of that about her mom as a witness but you’re RIGHT!! GREAT point!!! ❤
@mraereed Ай бұрын
I experienced a trauma as a teenager that I didn't even share with my own sister until my 30's . Some things are too painful to speak of.
@GabbiHilson Ай бұрын
IMO it’s very normal to want to be with your mom during a tough pregnancy.
@susanjanec Ай бұрын
Agree. I was 37 and still wanted my mom at times and I had a very supportive husband.
@lorismith2591 Ай бұрын
I have 25 years of working domestic violence offenders and in the last two years, victims of intimate partner violence. I am trained in standardized domestic violence risk assessment tools here in Canada. The CW's argument that she was saying something different to her psychologist/counsellor when she was alone versus when he was there is classic and supports that she is fearful of him. Hurting an animal, gun shot to ceiling?... again escalating intimidating behaviour demonstrating power and control. Women are at higher risk during pregnancy of domestic violence and the fact that she wasn't living with him also increases her risk of violence as he was aware she was trying to end their relationship and moving. It doesnt matter that he wasnt facing her - he could have been reaching for a weapon or she could have believed that he was. Emotional abuse is also crippling. He was controlling and dominating her. I knew nothing of this case but after day one of trial- this man shows major signs of violence and was to be feared. Very aggressive acts. She has my support.
@mindyrolston3915 Ай бұрын
If you abuse an animal you will abuse a human
@B_Bodziak Ай бұрын
Absolutely. Not everyone who abuses people will abuse their pets, but everyone who abuses their pets will abuse people
@crikeyscreates Ай бұрын
@missmerbella Ай бұрын
Not the point. You can’t kill someone in self defense unless they are a serious threat to your life in that moment.
@sallycinnamon5370 Ай бұрын
@@missmerbella I would say that I would feel mortal fear at anyone that had used a gun to threaten me into silence. And if that person trapped me bodily in my home…I would fight my way out and I would use a gun if I had to. If it hadn’t been for the fact that he impregnated her immediately she would have disappeared without a trace years before. I wonder if he had decided in his mind that this Maryland move would reunite them and he started acting physically aggressive because the move was upon them and Ashley still wasn’t giving in.
@LilMent-kt2mp Ай бұрын
​@@missmerbellaput yourself in that situation, trying to protect your child. I so wish someone would have protected me. Animal abuse is closely related to DV
@edmundwest5636 Ай бұрын
Prosecutions opening left me very underwhelmed yesterday. Today I have no difficulty understanding why DV victim doesn't talk. If I was a juror I am still firmly in the not guilty camp. So far I am just getting more annoyed with the prosecution for wasting my time and havent heard anything bad about the defendant. Argument about packages, letters etc doesn't impress me - waste of time - 2 lawyers pissing contest. Male DV investigator not believing woman not impressing me either. My elderly male vote is till a solid not guilty. BTW your channel is great. Cant wait for next.
@M5509x Ай бұрын
I believe that thats very possible. Maybe her mom did asked but the daughter didnt want to discuss it. It was too upsetting to her was my thought.
@debidriscoll8108 Ай бұрын
She accused him of choking his child leaving bruises and bruises in other areas, accused him of sexual abusing the child, where are the hospital records?
@josephinesturgess7312 Ай бұрын
The reports were made by 2 professionals not by the defendant.
@TheDianeBrewer Ай бұрын
Good for her getting a lawyer right away.
@mishmichelle9388 Ай бұрын
Knowing nothing about this case. Coming in fresh! Not making any decisions until I hear all the evidence. I’m surprised at many in the chat have already labeled her. How do you do that day one without hearing all evidence. That upsets me thinking people that may serve on a jury already have an opinion based off a half day in court and not hearing all evidence. LOVE your show! ❤
@tiffanyroberts3213 Ай бұрын
The way Chris gillum, a DV investigator, spoke about the defendant was horrendous. It reminded me of Michael proctor. I’d love to see Chris Gillums text messages.
@lollylolly8186 Ай бұрын
Same! Hysterical, manipulative, screeching, trying to “get one over on him”. He was scary, he shouldn’t be working with DV victims. I had KR trial flashbacks.
@etherealembers1984 Ай бұрын
When i was in an abusive relationship i didnt tell a soul until the day i knew the relationship was over which was after the incident his friend called the cops about it and he went to jail...... So maybe she didnt tell her mom anything but once she did this im sure she told her mom everything in the 2 months before she got arrested but if i was her mom id lie too. Why would i tell the state anything? Especially after i have been seeing these types of cases where prosecutors only care about winning the case, not the truth. Biggest cases i can think off hand ysl, Karen Reed, and Alec Baldwin.
@GirlfromtheNorthC Ай бұрын
I'm way behind, was in a remote area with no Internet. Thank you Peter for the great coverage, the explanations and for always being respectful to everyone, even when some may not have the same respectful different views. Just my opinion, I can see why she didn't tell anyone, I agree with previous comments, that she may be seen as trying to get her story straight or her mum, friend to back her & then put them in a position to be grilled on the stand or at depositions, they would potentially have had to hire their own LR. I know it's a different state, so potentially some of these jurors could have seen the KR case, the guy saying he didn't put things in reports and effectively him deciding she was just having a tantrum almost, may work against him with jurors exposed to what happened with LEO/MSP. I haven't watched the full trial, so I may be way off, just your great recaps.
@mariasliz8215 Ай бұрын
I only watch this channel for Peter & his father’s opinions because they firmly follow Constitution Right of every defendant.
@icedcelery9548 Ай бұрын
I was in a abusive relationship for many years and I told no one. I didn't tell my sisters or mom not anyone.
@scottrs Ай бұрын
I think the lawyer was remanded in the kindest most brutlle way possible good judge
@lawnerddownunder3461 Ай бұрын
I loved how the lawyer said he assumed he was about to get a good whooping. I.think he was just expressing his frustration which obviously the witness also felt, but realised real quick done fkd up. The judge giving himself time out was a good move. Nice to see this after Bevs dummy spits.
@Markelee729 Ай бұрын
Thank you for doing the play by play. After the Karen read case, I am all trialed out. I have tried to watch the first two days of this and just don’t have to mental ability to
@claireclaire0166 Ай бұрын
I think that she really loved him, at first. He promised her the world. She married him and then they pursued their life together. The Ballet Company was a big step. That’s when he tried to take control of everything because it was his money. Relationship went down hill. She’s already pregnant and can’t turn back. While trying to get away from him, only fuels his anger and determination. But now there’s a baby. He started to get abusive. The shoulder butting he did when alone without her is so aweful. This is to me a sign of abuse and a man with control issues. At this point, I feel she was fearful of him. I think she is innocent. She should be acquitted.
@StellaKnights Ай бұрын
according to his cousin he didnt have money , but he probably pretended he did so he could promise her her dream, typical love bombing
@SassyBear_ Ай бұрын
Thanks again for covering this. Yeah I'm torn over this one 💔. Have a great day. Love ❤️ and hugs 🫂
@Chris-Alia Ай бұрын
My favorite UNBIASED channel
@Julzableful Ай бұрын
Peter, you haven't connected the dots of her plan was to be in Maryland for 6 months to get custody but then HE decided to move there too so that plan was moot. She had to find another way so that theory isn't fully lost. Sounds more possible to say this was a development of desperation to get out of a situation than a masterminded plan.
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