Lost in Translation--Lovers of the King James Version Take Note!

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James Tabor

James Tabor

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The King James Version of the Bible, published in 1611, is the ALL: TIME best selling book in English for the past several hundred years. Millions read it today and rely upon it as their ONLY Bible--in fact one often hears of fundamentalist and evangelical Churches that label themselves as "King James Only."
In this short video I cover one of the most often overlooked factors for folks who read and love the King James.
Check out this whole series at the Playlist, "Lost in Translation":
• Lost in Translation Se...
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@thumbstruck Ай бұрын
Thus the usefulness of using multiple translations.
@xifangyangren9997 Ай бұрын
Dr. Tabor is counted as righteous!
@michaelhezzlewood4917 Ай бұрын
Very nicely explained, and I love your love and enthusiasm for the original KJV. Languages change continually and the fact that the Bible was penned in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, proved that Almighty God is happy to have his word written in the languages of the nation's. Jesus himself said that the Good News of God's Kingdom will be preached in all the earth. That is quite a prophecy that has been virtually fulfilled in our day. And Daniel chapter 12 and verse 4 gives us confidence that despite the potential translation issues, "the true knowledge will be abundant." Thankyou for your clear explanations. ☺
@miketomlin2518 Ай бұрын
Thank you for all the time and effort you put into these videos sir! 😃
@wiskadjak Ай бұрын
I'm interested in Elizabethan rapier fencing and have had to relearn the meaning of words like "stir", "foyne", "remove", "against", "thwarte" and so on. For example: T'is not meet to command (grab) youre enemies rapier yet you may give Him an downright or croffe blowe, thrust, foyne or ouerthwart pricke.
@robintropper660 Ай бұрын
This was very encouraging, thank you!
@edwardschneider6396 Ай бұрын
Saw a documentary on the writing of the King James bible. Was composed by a council of scholars and written in a manner so that it was more easily preached from the pulpit by the minister.
@LorenzoSleestak Ай бұрын
That’s true. Though a conservative revision of the Bishop's Bible, which traces back to Tyndale, the KJV also drew on various translations, like the Geneva Bible, to capture memorable phrasing for public reading. Unfortunately, this reliance on earlier versions made the language archaic even for its time.
@DrWolves Ай бұрын
I love your work.
@davidkeller6156 Ай бұрын
Great information.
@wadecurry938 6 күн бұрын
One word I wish would get an updated translation is "perfect". It used to mean "complete". Most people I know assume the modern meaning of perfect is what is meant. It's not obviously archaic, so it doesn't usually get the reader's attention to double check it.
@coldhandjacinth9069 Ай бұрын
I wonder if the KJV had been titled the 'king Jareb of Assyria version' if people would still hug to a claim of perfection? Hosea 5:13 and 10:6 was brought to my attention today.
@ronchappel4812 Ай бұрын
Solid stuff! Thanks for doing this
@Michael-jj6so Ай бұрын
I have never believed the KJV is (THE)Word of God. No English translation is without its mistakes. I always go back to the original language, Hebrew and Greek.
@Karatop420 Ай бұрын
You can't THINK in either of those. So, you're stuck between a translation by a classic philologist, one by a Bible scholar, or a translation of your own.
@Michael-jj6so Ай бұрын
@@Karatop420 ??
@Karatop420 Ай бұрын
@Michael-jj6so have you ever seen a rabbi go bo kets om one of those "it says maiden, not virgin. You changed my bible" rants? Yeah, that. Or, Mr. Tabor's video about the word "leistes" being mis-translated as thief. That word is so specific to THAT culture and language that you have understand the entire thing, in classic Greek, to get what that word means. Cuz not only is it NOT thief, but, according to the lexicon, it IS.... -a pirate -a centaur -a pederast -a titan -an orros -a teacher of the mystery -one who does the lesvian thi g while doing the phoenician thing -a savage race dwelling between 2 places I can't recall rn .....so...uhm....you got an English word for that? Cuz they just a single greek word to describe a pervy dude that kidnaps, castrates, and initiates children into the mystery, or SOMETHING crazy af that lets all those synonyms mean the same thing. And, synonyms that you prolly thought meant something else, too. Cuz we don't know the context. However, we DO know the difference between a butt dial and a booty call, because we THINK in English.
@Karatop420 Ай бұрын
@Michael-jj6so ...and, if you are a believer, a whole lot of that stuff is EXACTLY what Jesus was doing. You are NOT going to translate it to say Jesus was performing drug and sex rituals on teenage boys. You'll keep the 3rd heaven opening up, and the being reborn into the kingdom, and youll change the aionic life into a eternal life, but you NOT gonna keep those culturally specific, and gross, details about what that meant back then. You're gonna make SURE getting born again isn't the same as getting drugged by a christ and raped by a scythian centaur. Even if contemporary writers described the Christians doing just that, you're gonna wanna translate it yourself, jeez!!!🫣
@Michael-jj6so Ай бұрын
@@Karatop420 I think in Hebrew and Greek. The context is there. Understanding is what is missing among many people who read. True, we are far removed from the culture but that in no way changes the fact that the Hebrew/Greek to English is in some places mistranslated. Diving into the original languages is what I love to do so much more than English. English is a language created by man, not an original. But the Bible was also translated by bias men (maybe women too), that is why I prefer going to the original language.
@Ammeeeeeeer Ай бұрын
What did the potatoes do to deserve hell? 🤔🤨😇
@pursuingtruth13 Ай бұрын
Algorithm support
@byrondickens Ай бұрын
Fat lot of good it does when you have to translate the translation in your head as you go along.
@user-wj9hx8ww3z Ай бұрын
Very good, ty👍
@miketype1each Ай бұрын
As for myself, I'm having a blast reading the Tyndale and Coverdale versions.
@anthonypanneton923 Ай бұрын
Great stuff! Thanks for posting all this stuff to YT for us freeloaders!
@user-xu3wo1sf8b Ай бұрын
Christians who do not know how to defend Christianity has always caused me extreme anxiety. No doubt many saved Christians are safe in their salvation w/Jesus Christ. Problems come when some Christian do exactly what Jesus complained of the Pharisees, they follow the traditions of men. I am guilty of "following traditions" knowingly, hopefully G*D Almighty will forgive me. Knowing that what is celebrated is not a religious ritual, but just a "secular holiday festival" like "May 1st" or the "4th of July." Called properly "Independence Day." Knowing they are not religious "holidays" but secular festivals w/fireworks, flag waving and parades. Christians who only have a "Sunday School" belief in Christianity can seems silly to an atheist, agnostic or philosopher who knows how to debate their beliefs. As they have had practice (probably most of their life) defend their ungodly beliefs. While the helpless Christian is almost defenseless w/limited understanding (unless inspired by the "Holy Spirit.") Noway do I doubt the power of G*D's Spirit to give wisdom to a believer in time of need. Just, how much better to be prepared to defend Christianity w/ text and citation by memory rather that fluster and falter, but be ready "w/the sword of G*D"s word." Ready to attack the unbeliever. See Book of Hebrew Chapter 4, verse 12. "For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edge sword, piercing to the division of the soul and of the spirit, of joints and of marrow and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart, And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are neked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account."
@rebmedina2835 27 күн бұрын
When I was in the pentecostal church we had to use the King James bible
@MrFlint51 26 күн бұрын
John 3:16 is a fine example of how grammar, rather than language, has changed. It is usually misquoted as "God loved the world so much that he sent his only son..." In the KJV this appears as " For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that ..". Versions after the KJV omit the comma and this completely changes the meaning. The construction " so,... that" is actually, in the original Greek en touteis, which means "in this way". In modern English John3:16 should be "God loved the world in this way; He sent His only son..."
@NuisanceMan Ай бұрын
Sinful potatoes are confined to eternal torment.
@mikev4621 Ай бұрын
only for "a season"
@Ammeeeeeeer Ай бұрын
Mmmmm roasted potatoes 😇
@Miroslaw-rs8ip Ай бұрын
The KJV has always been difficult to understand to unless you studied Elizabethan English in University, but I use the NKJV and love it 👍
@marty950 Ай бұрын
If the King James version is good enough for James, then it's good enough for me 🤔🙂 welcome back btw my NEB from 1970s says 'partner' in Gen 2:18 thanks for your videos and thoughts
@Charleneslife-23 4 күн бұрын
As an ex Jehovah’s Witness, I wonder what Dr Tabor think of their New World Translation Bible?
@Bazroshan Ай бұрын
As for 'meet', in Hindi and Nepali, and probably other languages of that region, the verb 'to meet' is used loosely to mean 'suitable, fitting'.
@blain20_ 12 күн бұрын
Because "meet" refers to agreement, standard.
@TheColonelKlink Ай бұрын
I just happen to be perusing a Murphy Douay Rheims Bible (1899) I stumbled on at a local thrift store recently where Genius 2:18 says "It is not good for man to be alone: let us make him a help like unto himself." 🤔
@cygnustsp Ай бұрын
I grew up Jehovahs Witness and I remember an elder showing me that Bible with the imprimatur, those were the good old days
@nne81601 Ай бұрын
.....hmmm yes...why are there so many NDe from people who make us believe they have been to hell and back?? An eternal torment from a loving Abba...I cannot imagine...what did Yeshua mean about hell when he mentioned it to his followers or the crowd following him ? Many christians believe he saved us from the hell ....far from it...! Could you explain this in a video, James Tabor? Thank you so much for the work you are doing.
@lotusisme21 Ай бұрын
Some people do deserve hell without hell there is no justic your loving abba is also a just God what made you think he would overlook the lives destroyed by the evil others did to them?
@tammysmith1141 Ай бұрын
@@lotusisme21 Judge much?
@neclark08 Ай бұрын
"...I shall make man a helper fit[ted] to him..." could easily refer to male-->female coupling -- since the OT is obsessed with 'fruitfully multiplying" -- and creating 'Begat-By' lists...😊
@ChristianCarrizales Ай бұрын
It’s funny you mention that because the root word for “male” is זכר, which in other ANE languages can mean “poke through” or “be sharp”. The root word for “female” is נקב, which as a verb can mean “bore/pierce” and as a noun can mean “hole”. So yeah, the anatomical references are certainly there 😂
@GenXstacker 27 күн бұрын
Back when I was a Christian (Jehovah's Witnesses) I used to go round and round talking to people from other denominations about sheol meaning the grave rather than hell. Trying to get people to look at any other translation than the KJV was like pulling teeth. The funny thing is that when you finally dig into the Hebrew and Greek you understand how impossible it is to come up with a single translation of any passage. There are idioms and usages that do not really translate at all. Sometimes you have to use a whole phrase to capture the sense of the original text.
@greyowl9295 26 күн бұрын
first off Jehovah witness are not Christian, Christian means we believe Jesus is God, not a God, so being confused I can see why ur arguments went nowhere, but I'm not putting u down just stating facts
@GenXstacker 24 күн бұрын
@@greyowl9295 Well, Dr. Tabor has convincingly shown that none of the early Christians believed Jesus was god. Neither the group led by James the brother of Jesus, nor the Pauline school believed Jesus was god. If he is correct then your definition of "Christian" is invalid. There were no followers of Jesus who believed he was god until long after every New Testament author was dead and gone. So to whom should we give more weight regarding the definition of Christian--Jesus' own brother and the Apostle Paul, or people who lived centuries later?
@greyowl9295 24 күн бұрын
​@@GenXstackerwell 1st off i don't follow tabor n I'm not gonna argue/debate wif u, so have a good one
@GenXstacker 24 күн бұрын
@@greyowl9295That's fine, but I'm curious why are you here then? Do you assume that you already know everything or do you think maybe you could learn something from Dr. Tabor and others if you were little more humble and open minded?
@greyowl9295 24 күн бұрын
@mr.hamilton5393 Ай бұрын
Ty God bless
@jonathanwilner6174 Ай бұрын
Some rabbinic commentaries translate helpmate (kenegdo כנגדו) as against him referring to the tension that naturally occurs between spouses. Eve was taken from Adam's side or rib to oppose him or to present him a challenge.
@mikev4621 Ай бұрын
Rib was also as being "close to his heart, and under his arm"
@user-em8zx6pb9p Ай бұрын
Rev 22:12-14 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. --KJV "do his commandments" would seem to be the "harder reading" because it is "works of the Law" based. But do you think "wash their robes" is the correct reading? RSV, (Vulgate adds "in the blood of the Lamb"). In fact, I recall now that Dr. Tabor did write that "do his commandments" may be the original reading.
@FDroid01 Ай бұрын
Only Paul preached faith alone. Jesus and the prophets before him (he is the Messiah and the prophet of Deuteronomy 18, read it) taught salvation by obeying the one true God. For concerns about "believe," see actually Greek dictionaries for the word "pisteuo," from which is it translated. It means to trust and obey. For concerns about the fallibity or infallibility of "scripture," see Deuteronomy 13. For concerns about whether Paul was a true prophet of the true Jesus, see Matthew 24. For concerns about whether everything a prophet says, see Jeremiah in the two chapters concerning the Rechabites, where God rewarded them for disobeying one of His true prophets. (I think it's in Jer 35 and 36.) Remember Deuteronomy 18, though, that God put His words in His son, Jesus, and will expect us to heed him. Notice how God didn't say "every prophet," but specifically said to obey the one about whom He was speaking. For concerns about whether it's good to cut out a false prophet, see Jesus' words to the churches in Revelation, particularly to the churches at Ephesus and Laodicea. Jesus, not Paul, is the way, the truth, and the life. May his God and his Father bless you sincerely. 🎉❤
@user-em8zx6pb9p Ай бұрын
Thanks. No offense intended. But the Jesus of Mark's Gospel is a parable for Paul - the sower who went out to sow. Paul was teaching another Jesus than the Jerusalem church. And for this cause the scribes, Pharisees, chief priests, and Judas Sicarii (Sicariots) of the Zealot Jerusalem church (Acts 21:20-22) try to destroy Paul and Paul's Gospel even as they try to destroy Mark's Jesus. The Jerusalem church chose the teaching of their own Jesus Barabbas and rejected Paul's teaching about Jesus Christ. Mark and the other Gospels (which build on Mark) are mainly a parable to provide a backstory to Paul's Gospel and Paul's Jesus. "Mark 4:13 And he said unto them, Know ye not this parable? and how then will ye know all parables?" The Jesus of Revelation, however, is probably very much like Barabbas (Son of the Father), and wants to burn Rome with fire (cf. Luke 9:54-56). That is why I asked the question about Revelation emphasizing Jewish works of the Law and the Commandments in opposition to Paul's doctrine of faith. But I had forgotten that Dr. Tabor on his blog had already mentioned "doing His Commandments" is probably the original unedited Jewish reading.
@infiniti28160 Ай бұрын
Isaiah 57:9 Proverbs 24:20 Revelation 18:23
@josephde-zordi7324 Ай бұрын
This is very superficial, the KJ translation problems extend far beyond changes in english
@mikev4621 Ай бұрын
He didn't advertise that he was going to address everything😉
@johntiggleman4686 Ай бұрын
If hell is just "the pit" the grave, etc., then how does on translate scripture that references "the lake of fire?"
@ridethelapras 25 күн бұрын
In Revelation 20 v. 14, Hell ITSELF is cast into the lake of fire. It says, “This is the second death.”
@johntiggleman4686 25 күн бұрын
@@ridethelapras But since the bible is chock full of metaphors and allegory, I suspect there is no such thing as a "Lake Of Fire." As with much of the claims therein.
@jdaze1 Ай бұрын
The Tyndale NT bible actually translated John 1 correctly referring to the logos as an IT not a HIM until it became flesh thru the miracle NEW BIRTH.
@markrossow6303 Ай бұрын
@E23Dav Ай бұрын
@Sonya1967 Ай бұрын
It's an excercise in contradiction, a really, really long excercise in contradiction.
@tales-from-this-crypt Ай бұрын
Expert wastes entire life studying anteaters
@popgabriel5327 Ай бұрын
Does anybody know the name of the software mr. Tabor is using to showcase the text?
@popgabriel5327 Ай бұрын
He just named it around 10:30, nevermind
@pierre-louisblanchard2724 Ай бұрын
Around 10:26 he says that he uses Accordance Bible Software.
@williamdennehy9653 Ай бұрын
@@pierre-louisblanchard2724 It is Concordance Bible software.
@mclaarson 28 күн бұрын
Hell in german is hölle, hole as a pit.
@mongoharry7765 26 күн бұрын
Maybe the New Testament says I'll burn in hell and for all I know, maybe it doesn't. But it's all freaking mythology.
@simonskinner1450 Ай бұрын
Misreading of a word is even worse, "works" to Paul are transgressions not good works. My Ytube video 'Ephesians 2:9 "Not of works" #32 Myths in so-called Christianity'.
@user-em8zx6pb9p Ай бұрын
Correct. Paul saw those who tried to be justified by "works of the Law" as trying to make the cross of Christ of none effect. Of course it was the zealots of the Law of the Jerusalem church (Acts 21:20-22) who believed in works of the Law. There was a difference between Paul's "good works" and the Jerusalem church's "works of the Law". I think Paul saw "good works" as a basic subset of the mostly ritual and Jewish works of the Law.
@simonskinner1450 Ай бұрын
@@user-em8zx6pb9p As much as I hate passing over your calling me "correct", I mist make my case clear, then you may disagree. I say Paul refers to "works" of the law as transgressions, but Christianity determines that Paul says the opposite, as their misconception is that by working for salvation there was no need of Jesus. But the truth is both are needed, good works after baptism to deserve the grace of Jesus, and the promise of forgiveness of past sins at baptism to allow the grace of the Father reconciled into the church. I shan't go on, but either my Ytube video #1 or #31 explains the meaning of 'works' according to Paul.
@edwardkmicheal218 Ай бұрын
Read & not just comprehending but living the understanding of the word, so not just heard but eaten so its part of you. Incidently there is just one other thing, Pray in sincerity for Christ direction. Thats about a sentence but you better mean it otherwise your bleep .. {James, thankyou) kdagPlymouthUK 2024Aug8th 2057hr.bst
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